Geographical Bases of Industry Distribution in Vojvodinian Part Of
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GEOGRAPHICA ANNONICA No8; p 38-42 primal objects-bearers of industrial develop- ment. Thus, on the one hand, we avoid exces- Geographical Bases of sive dispersion of industry in space, which as a consequence has low productivity, incom- plete use of capacities. On the other hand, Industry Distribution in concentration of industry around several poles of development creates one-sided ag- Vojvodinian Part of Banat glomerating, monocentric form of industri- al distribution, which represents the oppo- site to dispersive distribution, but also has certain shortcomings of its kind. When Vojvodinian part of Banat is con- Romelić, J.*, Tomić, P.** cerned, it is characteristics that the most important part of industry has polycen- Specific types of industry tric spatial distribution. The biggest poles Abstract Banat is one of the regions in Ser- of development, which formed appropriate bia that has relatively old industry whose distribution regions by encouraging influence of their location and distribution was influenced Orientation of one region, like Vojvodinian industries, are to be found in the southern, by a number of natural conditions and part of Banat, towards specific conception middle and northern part. socio-historical factors. Apart from the fact of spatial distribution of industry in whole The position of bigger towns as poles of that some widely known types of location or of its certain branches, is of great prac- development of certain regions is the prod- and distribution were established in middle tical importance. Adequately chosen distri- uct of both long economical development Europe, some types of object disposition, bution model gives us a possibility to avoid and their functioning as administrative that are characteristic for geographical an emergence of certain factors that may, centres of different rank and range. This specificities that Banat as a region pos- continually or periodically, impede the kind of complex of formed advantages inev- sesses and which may reflect upon the state process of industrial development. Thus, itably had a positive effect on the strength- of industry, were also established (so-called we can avoid an emergence of doubled ca- ening of the role of many-sided develop- specific types of industry distribution). pacities, follow the legality of the scope ment pole. Thus they gained a possibility Complex types of distribution of industry, economy, create the possibility of optimal to, almost continually, assimilate invest- that can be classified into several character- usage of industrial capacities, etc. ments that initiated from different levels, istic models, are stipulated by some types of Distribution and organization of in- to form and expand educational, profes- primal relevant locational factors that are dustry in forms of polycentric and disper- sional, scientific and other similar institu- characteristics for certain weather periods, sive models of macro spatial distribution tions that could contribute to the strength- changes in a state economic politics, need are characteristic for Banat. Orientation to- ening of external, urban economy. That for interregional spatial coordination, wards certain models depends on different kind of economy, from its side, stimulates politics of even development of all parts in branches, groups and subgroups of industry, the development of industry, especially of the region and other factors. time of emergence of certain objects etc. technologically intensive branches, groups On a further flow of industrial develop- Apart from the fact that some widely and subgroups. ment and distribution, orientation of known types of location and distribution In order to notice certain stimulat- Banat towards the further development of were established in middle Europe, some ing factors and characteristics of their ac- agriculture, chemical industry, industry types of object disposition, that are char- tivities and possibilities of the emergence of building materials as well as certain acteristic for geographical specificities that of poles of development we will give ex- branches of working intensive industries Banat as a region possesses and which may amples of several biggest towns in Banat will play an important role. reflect upon the state of industry, were also - Zrenjanin, Kikinda, Pančevo and Vršac. established (so-called specific types of in- These towns in certain sense were typical Key words industry distribution, industry dustry distribution). for the economic region in Vojvodina. Their location, polycentric distribution, dispers- Complex types of distribution of indus- role of poles of development contributed ible distribution try, that can be classified into several char- to the fact that since the middle of 1970s acteristic models, are stipulated by some they gained the position of centres of newly types of primal relevant locational factors formed integrative systems (agricultural that are characteristics for certain weath- industrial complexes). er periods, changes in a state economic pol- According to total capacity and versa- itics, need for interregional spatial coordi- tility of industry, Zrenjanin became, dur- nation, politics of even development of all ing 1970s and 1980s, the most developed parts in the region and other factors. agro-industrial center in Banat, but also in Serbia and Yugoslavia. Numerous favour- Polycentric industry distribution able conditions contributed to the fact: its Polycentric industrial distribution repre- position at the most important communi- sents construction of thus spatial solution cation line in West Banat; vicinity of the which allows attainment of maximum ef- Begej river mouth and alluvial plain of the fects out of specifically structured relevant Tisa river and the border of wattle plateau * Jovan Romelić, Pavle Tomić †, University of spatial elements. When applying this model and the Tisa river valley, which all were Novi Sad, Faculty of Science, Department of we usually start from the poles of develop- considered as the areas of different produc- Geography, Tourism and Hotel Management, Trg Dositeja Obradovića 3, 21000 Novi Sad, ment, i.e. from the optimal number, distri- tion predisposition. Of great importance Serbia and Montenegro bution and interrelations between large and was also its position at the communica- 38 GEOGRAPHICA ANNONICA Tomić, P. † P. Tomić, Romelić, J. tion lines junction which gave the site traf- Vršac had similar position and develop- tion of agricultural materials. If that is the fic refractive character. Finally, very im- ment to Kikinda. As a strong wine and vine- case, than dispersive industry distribution, portant was also the vicinity of the Begej yard center, it experiences stagnation and i.e. its position in smaller towns, is charac- river, which has all the advantages of one regression between the two wars, but also teristic for food industry and agro industry watercourse, which provides the locality of revitalization after the World War II. Apart in general, especially for those groups and the industry for whose functioning neces- from wine industry, many small and me- subgroups that are primarily dependant on sary are mouth of industrial and tap water, dium enterprises of metal processing in- materials; but also for those of higher lev- collector of liquid waste and navigable cur- dustry, food industry, knitwear and cloth- els of manufacture, considering the fact rent as a cheaper alternative of transport- ing industry, and chemical industry were that they can be based on the processing of ing raw materials and goods. in business. During the 1980s the invest- semi products that are provided by basic in- Until the end of the World War I Pančevo ments were strategically directed towards dustry. Accordingly, by using local agricul- was positioned on the border with Serbia and chemical (pharmaceutical) industry, which tural materials and by adding complemen- because of that it developed in specific con- gains the shape of an industrial complex. tary industries of higher phases onto the ditions that only town with curtailed sphere Wine industry, as well as confectionery and industries of lower phases, possibility of of gravity can have. However, considering pharmaceutical industry keep their primary forming regional economic system arises. the fact that Pančevo was positioned near role, whereas other industries, presented in Apart from industry, agriculture and also Danube and Tamiš and that, during certain forms of smaller and medium size objects, other, mainly tertiary enterprises belong period, it gained a function of mediator be- have secondary role and during the changes to this system. tween Banat on one side and Belgrade and of state economic politics came to crisis that Serbia on the other, it developed into impor- created depressive tendencies that still last. Industries that in a limited time period tant traffic and trading centre. Today it rep- had more specific dispersibility resents the part of a big city agglomeration Forms of dispersive industry This kind of dispersible distribution is char- with Belgrade as a nucleus and it becomes acteristic for electric-power industry, i.e. for the center of chemical industry. Petrochem- distribution and its problems thermo-electric power plant businesses, as ical industry initiated the emergence of an Forms of dispersive industry distribution well as for textile industry. Since the first industrial complex connected with certain developed mainly as a result of locating cer- thermo-electric power plant was