Last Gasp The coal companies making Europe sick November 2018 Last Gasp: The coal companies making Europe sick 1 About this report This report is an initiative of the Europe Beyond Coal campaign, under the responsibility of Climate Action Network Europe. The individuals who contributed to it include: Sandbag: Charles Moore (lead analyst), Dave Jones (lead author), Will Richards (visualisation) Greenpeace Central and Eastern Europe: Rosa Gierens (atmospheric modelling), Lauri Myllyvirta (health impact analysis), Zala Primc (contributor) Europe Beyond Coal: Greg McNevin (producer), Kathrin Gutmann (project manager) European Environmental Bureau: Anton Lazarus, Christian Schaible (contributors) Climate Action Network (CAN) Europe: Joanna Flisowska (contributor) This report is endorsed by the following organisations: The health impact methodology used in this report is guided by recommendatons from the World Health Organizaton Europe’s ‘Health risks of air polluton in Europe’ (HRAPIE) project on health impact assessments for air polluton. It includes atmospheric modelling with the European Monitoring and Evaluaton Programme Meteorological Synthesizing Centre - West (EMEP MSC-W) computer model, which is also used by the European Environment Agency for European Commission assessments of health impacts from air polluton in Europe. They are based on publicly available, relevant data known of by the authors; this data may not be exhaustve and there may exist further or updated informaton they were not aware of at the tme of writng. This report does not atempt to quantfy actual health occurrences nor their actual costs. The methodology and calculations have been peer reviewed by Dr Mike Holland, Ecometrics Research and Consulting. Published 20 November 2018. For enquiries, please contact: Dave Jones
[email protected] or Kathrin Gutmann
[email protected] Graphic design by Photography by Greg McNevin and Cezary Kowalski The EEB gratefully acknowledges the financial assistance of the European Commission for this publication.