'A'nthleioi (Atlanteans), 130. Aaron, 73. ABET
INDEX ’A’Nthleioi (Atlanteans), 130. Catholic, see Roman Catholic Dinosaurs, 84. Haussman-2, 5. Aaron, 73. Church. Dirigibles, 38, 127. Hell worlds, 94-96, 128-130. ABET, 217; ABET Centrum, 8, 20, 36, 46-56, 87, Disadvantages, 178-181. Hidden Lore skill, 182. transmitter, 218. 179; Centrum Beta, 120; Disaster worlds, 85, 134. High-inertia parallels, 94. Absolute now, 170, 217-218, Centrum characters, 191- Divergence Effect, 225. Historian template, 197. 219. 193; Centrum Dark and Dixie-1, 120-121. Historical characters, 199. Addiction disadvantage, 178. Light, 56; see also Interworld Service. Doubletalk, see Quantum Historical Familiarity Advantages, 172-178. Mechanics. technique, 184. Challenge worlds, 94. Aeolus, 18. Dragons, 142. Historical modeling, 236. Chaotic time, 154. Agamemnon, 124. Duncorne Foundation, 40, Historical references, 236. Characters, 171-200, 204. Alchemy, 112-113. 135. History skill, 183. China, 43. Alternate Identity Duplication advantage, 173. History! skill, 183. Chronal storms, 163. advantage, 172. Duty disadvantage, 180. History, hollow, 215. Chronic Argo, 162. Alternate Outcomes, Inc., 31- EAER (“Ear”), 224. Homeline, 20, tech level, 23; 34; Mercenary template, 189. Chronobahn, 79, 139. Echoes, 53, 85. see also Secundus. Alternate selves, 184. Civil War, 120-121. Ecology, 103. Honesty disadvantage, 180. Alternate worlds, 82-151; Civilization types, 90- Economics, 101. Horatio Club, 229-231. 94; as biology, 102; creating, 96; fiction, 232; Empty worlds, 83. Hourglass, Order of the, non-fiction, 236. mysterious and weird, 95. Enemies disadvantage, 212-216. Amerika, 60. 180. Huy Breasil, 80. Amnesty Unlimited, 44. Claim to Hospitality advantage, 172. Enigma, 140. I-Cops, 10, 15, 39; character Anachronistic Training Eraser, 25.
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