(Lotus Pedunculatus (Cav.)) Seed Production· 2

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(Lotus Pedunculatus (Cav.)) Seed Production· 2 'Grasslands Maku' Lotus (Lotus pedunculatus (Cav.)) Seed Production· 2. Effect of Row Spacings and Population Density on Seed Yields1 M.D. Hare2 ABSTRACT MATERIALS AND METHODS 'Grasslands Maku' (Lotus pedunculatus (Cav.), syn. L. Inoculated Maku lotus seed was planted into 150 mm 2 uliginosus (Schkuhr.)) seed yields of over 85 g m· , in the first long by 25 mm wide paper tubes on 16 December 1981 and year after transplanting, were produced in small plots estab­ established in a glass-house for two months. In February lished in 0.30 to 0.45 m spaced rows at population densities of 1982 the 'tubelings' were taken outside to 'harden up' 22 and 33 plants m·2• Seed yields were significantly reduced in 0.15 m spaced rows at population densities of 66 and 133 plants before planting in the field in March on a Wakanui soil m·2• Wide row spacings and low population densities had complex (Hare & Lucas, 1984). significantly more seeds per stem by producing more umbels In February 1982 the area was plowed, grubbed and per stem. Pods per umbel, seeds per pod, and 1,000 seed weight harrowed, and trifluralin at I. 0 kg a.i. ha- 1 incorporated into were not affected by row spacing and population density. the soil to control annual grasses and broadleaf weeds. No fertilizer was applied. The Maku lotus tubelings were Additional index words: plant population; row spacing. planted in the second week of March 1982 in a randomized block design with five replications and six treatments. The treatments consisted of three inter-row spacings of 0.15, INTRODUCTION 0.30 and 0.45 m and two intra-row spacings of 0.05 and 'Grasslands Maku' (Lotus pedunculatus (Cav.), syn. L. 0.10 m. Each plot consisted of five rows with variable plot uliginosus ( Schkuhr.)) is an expensive seed crop to grow, size (Table 1). with some growers having to wait up to 30 months before getting a return on their investment (Neal, 1983). High Table 1. Row spacings, plant populations and plot sizes for sowing rates are recommended and commonly used by Maku lotus plant population trial. Maku lotus seed growers to establish seed crops (Neal, Treatment Inter-tow Intra-row Plant Plot 1983; Lancashire et al. , 1980). These high sowing rates of spacing spacing population size up to 4 kg ha- 1 of seed are expensive. 2 Wide rows and low population densities have resulted in (m) (m) (No. m· ) (m) high seed yields in other herbage legumes (Red clover, 1 0.15 0.05 133 1.5 X 0.9 Clifford, 1974; Lucerne, Kowithayakorn and Hill, 1982). 2 0.15 0.10 66 1.5 X 0.9 Given the small seed size of both lucerne and red clover, 3 0.30 0.05 66 1.5 X 1.8 seeding rates of less than one kilogram per hectare could 4 0.30 0.10 33 1.5 X 1.8 produce enough plants for maximum seed yields. 5 0.45 0.05 44 1.5 X 2.7 Seed yield per unit area is a function of seed yield per 6 0.45 0.10 22 1.5 X 2.7 plant and population density. It is proposed that population density may be one of the most important components Water was applied to the plots by spray irrigation on 15 governing Maku lotus seed production. The objective of March 1982 to assist tubeling establishment. Plots were this experiment was to investigate the possibility of hand-weeded in May and July 1982. Ioxynil at 1.6 kg a.i. achieving maximum seed yields from reduced population ha- 1 was applied twice in August, two weeks apart, and densities. It is hypothesized that Maku lotus plants at low carbetamide at 1.5 kg a.i. ha- 1 was applied twice in population densities will compensate by producing more Spetember, two weeks apart. Two hives of honey bees were umbels to give higher seed yields per unit area than at high placed alongside the trial in November 1982. Bromophos at population densities. 0.4 kg a.i. ha- 1 was applied on 16 December to control potato mirids (Calocoris norvegicus Gmel). At weekly intervals from 3 December 1982, when first flowers appeared, a small frame, 0.30 X 0.45 m in size, was placed on a marked position in the center row of each plot. Umbels with newly opened yellow flowers were 1A contribution of the Plant Science Department, Lincoln College, counted in order to establish the flowering pattern in Maku Canterbury, New Zealand. Received 29, October 1984. lotus. The same 0.30 X 0.45 m sample area was harvested 2Present address: Grasslands Division, DSIR, Private Bag, Palm­ for seed yield. The sample was cut and the harvested erston North, New Zealand. material dried outside in cloth bags before threshing and 65 66 Y=90.036 -0.2383x SE(slope) == 0.858 7 2 0 r =0.21s• 8 "'e -...... m7 'C Q) ·;. 1 0 Inter-/Intra-row spacing (m) -g6 G) 0.15/0.05. (/) 0.30/0.051111 0.45/0.05 ... IsE(mean) 0.15/0.10 0 0.30/0.10 0 0.45/0.10 !; 3 22 33 44 66 133 Plants I m 2 1 Inter-row Linear•• Intra-row Non-significant Inter-row x Intra-row Non-significant 2 Figure 1. Flowering emergence (umbels m· ) in Maku lotus during summer 1982/83. cleaning. Cut stems within the harvested area were counted. The plots regrew again after harvest and flowers formed Harvesting took place during the last week of January 1982 in April. Some flowers did form small pods, but frosts in and the first week of February 1982. Pods in low population May prevented these pods from developing. density plots ripened first and so were harvested one week before the high population density plots. Ten stems were Seed yield randomly taken from immediately outside the edge of the frame plot at the time of seed harvest and the components of There was a significant linear decrease in seed yield from 2 seed yield measured. Statistical interpretation was done by the low population densities (22, 33 and 44 plants m ) to the 2 regression analysis. high population densities (66 and 133 plants m· ) (Figure 2). The 2 2 highest seed yield of 88 g m was from 33 plants m , but this was not significantly different to 86 g m 2 from 22 RESULTS 2 plants m • There was also a linear decrease in seed yield from the wide row spacings, 0.30 and 0.45 m, to the narrow Flower emergence row spacing, 0.15 m. There was no significant difference in Flowers first appeared at the beginning of December and seed yield between the two intra-row spacings except at the peak flowering occurred ten days later (Figure 1). Flowering 0.30 m inter-row spacings where seed yield was signifi­ 2 then decreased until the end of January, when no more cantly greater at the 0.10 m intra-row spacing (88 g m ) 2 flowers were formed before seed harvest. Population than the 0.05 m intra-row spacing (75 g m ). densities had no significant effect on flowering pattern. Plants at population densities of 22 plants m 2 had Pods from late flowering umbels were still green and very significantly higher seed yields of 3. 9 g plant1 than other immature at harvest. As these pods were approximately two population densities. Narrow inter-row spacings, 0.15 m, to three weeks younger than the brown and purple pods and narrow intra-row spacings, 0.05 m, significantly from peak flowering, it was not possible to delay harvest reduced seed yields per plant. until they were mature, otherwise the brown and purple pods would have shattered. The seed harvest, therefore, Components of seed yield took place when 36% of the pods were brown, 19% were purple, and 45% were green. Maku lotus at wide row spacings and low population 67 35 Table 2. Effect of plant population and row spacing upon seed I I I I I ISE(mea~) yield per plant. 300 Plant population Row spacing Seed yield per inter/intra plant Inter-/Intra- row spacing (m) (No. m-2) (m) (g) 25 0.15/0.05 • N 22 0.45/0.10 3.9 E 0.30/0.05 • 33 0.30/0.10 2.8 " 0.45/0.05 • ~20 44 0.45/0.05 1.8 .Q 0.15/0.10 0 E 66 0.30/0.05 1.1 ::;) 0.30/0.10 0 66 0.15/0.10 0.9 "' 0.45/0.10 " ~" 15 133 0.15/0.05 0.5 ~ 0 u:: Significance IQ** 10 SE (mean) 0.23 Inter-row 0.45 2.8 0.30 1.9 0.15 0.7 Significance 2L** 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 SE (mean) 0.16 Decenlber 1982 January 1983 Intra-row 0.10 2.5 Figure 2. Relationship between Maku lotus seed yield and plant 0.05 1.1 population density. Significance ** SE (mean) 0.13 densities produced significantly more seeds per stem as a Interaction result of the increased number of umbels per stem (Table 3). Inter-row X Intra-row L** Pods per umbel, seeds per pod, and 1,000 seed weight were 1Quadmtic not affected by row spacing and plant population. 2Linear Stems m 2 and stems plant -I were affected by row spacing and by plant population. The 0.15 minter-row spacings had significantly fewer stems plant1 than the 0.30 and 0.45 m There are approximately 1,200,000 seeds in one kilogram inter-row spacings.
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    View metadata, citation and similar papers at core.ac.uk brought to you by CORE provided by Open Research Online Open Research Online The Open University’s repository of research publications and other research outputs A fundamental, eco-hydrological basis for niche segregation in plant communities Journal Item How to cite: Araya, Yoseph N.; Silvertown, Jonathan; Gowing, David J.; McConway, Kevin J.; Linder, H. Peter and Midgley, Guy (2011). A fundamental, eco-hydrological basis for niche segregation in plant communities. New Phytologist, 189(1) pp. 253–258. For guidance on citations see FAQs. c 2010 The Authors Version: Accepted Manuscript Link(s) to article on publisher’s website: http://dx.doi.org/doi:10.1111/j.1469-8137.2010.03475.x Copyright and Moral Rights for the articles on this site are retained by the individual authors and/or other copyright owners. For more information on Open Research Online’s data policy on reuse of materials please consult the policies page. oro.open.ac.uk A fundamental, eco-hydrological basis for niche segregation in plant communities Yoseph N. Araya1*, Jonathan Silvertown 1, David J. Gowing1, Kevin J. McConway2, H. Peter Linder3, Guy Midgley4 1 Department of Life Sciences, Open University, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA, UK 2 Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Open University, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA, UK 3 Institute of Systematic Botany, University of Zurich, Switzerland 4 Kirstenbosch Research Centre, South African National Biodiversity Institute, Republic of South Africa Corresponding author: Tel. +44(0)1908655582 Fax. +44(0)1908654167 Y.N.Araya@open.ac.uk Word count: 4,528 1 1 SUMMARY 2 • Ecologists still puzzle about how plant species manage to coexist with one another 3 while competing for the same essential resources.
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