Trojan Horse of Terrorism Or Just Criminals
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CHARLES UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES Institute of Political Studies Department of International Relations Radical Islamists: Trojan horse of terrorism or just criminals Master’s Thesis Author: Frederik Gergely Study programme: International Relations Supervisor: PhDr. Radana Makariusová, Ph.D. Year of the defence: 2019 Declaration 1. I hereby declare that I have compiled this thesis using listed literature and resources only. 2. I hereby declare that my thesis has not been used to gain any other academic title. 3. I fully agree to my work being used for study and scientific purposes. In Prague on Frederik Gergely References GERGELY, Frederik. Radical Islamists: Trojan horse of terrorism or just criminals. Praha, 2019. 94 s. Diploma thesis (Mgr.) Charles University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Institute of Political Studies. Department of International Relations. Supervisor PhDr. Radana Makariusová, Ph.D. Length of the thesis: 188 914 characters Abstract This work focuses on analysis of radical Islamist (jihadist) terrorism in EU with specific focus on refugees. The basic aim of this work is to determine, whether refugees are more prone to radicalization, criminal activity or terrorism. Special attention will be given to refugees that has come to EU since 2015 and the special aim is to determine, whether they can be considered as trojan horse of terrorism, criminals or they pose no threat in topic of either terrorism or criminality. This work is divided into three main chapters and numerous subchapters. In the first part of the work, the phenomenon of terrorism is closely analysed. This chapter concentrates on difficulties of achieving a common definition of terrorism, provides various definitions and their critique, looks on definitional elements and roots of terrorism, discusses theories of terrorism and presents various types of terrorism. The second chapter lists out the occurrence of jihadist terrorism in EU since 2015 and reviews it. A special view is offered by listing out successful jihadist attacks committed by refugees since 2015. The third chapter focuses on the analysis of three things – radicalization among refugees, criminal activity among refugees and the possibility of the occurrence of migratory terrorism. The main research question of the work is: Do refugees that came to EU in refugee crisis pose an increased risk of terrorism? Abstrakt Táto práca sa zameriava na analýzu radikálne Islamistického (džihádistického) terorizmu v EÚ so špeciálnym zameraním na utečencov. Hlavným cieľom práce je určiť, či sú utečenci viac náchylní na radikalizáciu, kriminalitu alebo terorizmus. Špeciálna pozornosť je venovaná utečencom, ktorí prišli do EÚ po roku 2015 a jedným z našich cieľov bude zistiť, či je možné týchto utečencov považovať za trójske kone terorizmu, kriminality alebo či nepredstavujú žiadnu hrozbu či už v oblasti terorizmu alebo kriminality. Práca je rozdelená na tri hlavné kapitoly a viacero pod-kapitol. V prvej časti práce sa venujeme podrobnej analýze terorizmu. V tejto časti sa zameriavame na ťažkosti s dosiahnutím všeobecne akceptovanej teórie terorizmu, poskytujeme rôzne definície terorizmu a ich kritiku, prezentujeme definičné elementy a motívy terorizmu, popisujeme rôzne teoretické koncepty terorizmu a poskytujeme pohľad na viaceré deľby terorizmu. V druhej kapitole prezentujeme informácie o radikálne Islamistickom terorizme v EÚ od roku 2015. Špeciálny pohľad je venovaný teroristickým útokom, ktoré boli vykonané utečencami od roku 2015. Tretia kapitola sa zameriava na analýzu troch vecí – radikalizácia medzi utečencami, kriminalita medzi utečencami a fenomén migračného terorizmu. Našou hlavnou výskumnou otázkou je: Predstavujú utečenci, ktorí prišli do EÚ počas utečeneckej krízy, zvýšené riziko terorizmu? Keywords terrorism, refugees, refugee crisis, radicalization, migration, migratory terrorism Klíčová slova Terorismus, uprchlíci, uprchlická krize, radikalizace, migrace, migrační terorismus Název práce Radikální Islamisti: Trojský kůň terorismu nebo jenom kriminálnici Acknowledgement I would like to express my acknowledgement to the supervisor of my work, PhDr. Radana Makariusová, Ph.D., for her valuable advices, commentaries and remarks, for the provision of professional sources and for the professional guidance in creation of my Master’s Thesis. Contents Introduction ..................................................................................................................8 1. What is terrorism? ...............................................................................................13 1.1. The complicated definition of terrorism ........................................................13 1.1.1. Difficulties creating a common interpretation ........................................13 1.1.2. Definitions and their critique ..................................................................15 1.1.3. Definitional elements .............................................................................20 1.2. Roots and determinants of terrorism ............................................................23 1.3. Theories of terrorism ....................................................................................30 1.3.1. Individual level .......................................................................................30 1.3.2. Institutional level ...................................................................................31 1.3.3. Systemic level.........................................................................................35 1.4. Types of terrorism .........................................................................................37 2. Jihadist and radical Islamist terrorism in EU .........................................................46 2.1. What is jihadism and radical Islamism? .........................................................46 2.2. Jihadist terrorist attacks in European Union since 2015 to 2018 ....................50 2.2.1. 2015 and jihadist terrorism in European Union ......................................50 2.2.2. 2016 and jihadist terrorism in European Union ......................................52 2.2.3. 2017 and jihadist terrorism in European Union ......................................53 2.2.4. 2018 and jihadist terrorism in European Union ......................................55 2.3. Refugees and jihadist terrorism in European Union .......................................55 3. Refugees, radicalization, criminality and terrorism – are they connected? ...........58 3.1. Radicalization ................................................................................................58 3.1.1. Radicalization of refugees ......................................................................63 3.2. Criminal activity and terrorism ......................................................................68 3.2.1. Criminal activity among refugees ...........................................................70 3.3. Migration and terrorism ................................................................................73 Conclusion ...................................................................................................................80 Publication bibliography ..............................................................................................85 Attachments ................................................................................................................93 Introduction Terrorism is a unique phenomenon of its own characteristics. It is not just a political violence, neither only a use of force. It is different than extremism and yet it is very close to it. Throughout the history, societies around the world have encountered various types of terrorism, motivated by different factors, aiming on different targets, using different modus operandi under the desire of achieving very diverse goals. Even when terrorism has begun as a local or regional phenomenon, throughout the years, it has rapidly become a global issue. Currently, terrorism can be considered as one of the main threats of modern societies. To combat terrorism properly, means to combat it in early roots and prevent terrorism from happening. Once the attack is committed, there is no way back. Thus, counter-terrorism measures must focus on fighting terrorism as early as possible. This, however, can be achieved only when there is a general consensus between everyone on the question of what exactly terrorism is. As it is a very complex phenomenon, it requires also a complex research. The research on phenomenon of terrorism lasts for decades, involving thousands of authors, scholars and academics who have written thousands of articles. Yet, there is still no general consensus of definition of terrorism. Throughout the history, EU has seen various types of terrorism, from anarchist, through separatist, to the current phenomenon of radical Islamist (jihadist) terrorism, currently being the most vicious type of terrorism from point of casualties. With EU also experiencing one of the largest refugees’ flows in its recent history, some politicians, such as Hungarian PM Viktor Orbán, claim that these refugees, coming from conflict zones such as Iraq or Syria, are terrorists or future terrorists. Moreover, he claims that the migration is the trojan horse of terrorism (Financial Times 2017). This statement is backed also by US president, Donald Trump, who repeatedly used connection between refugees and terrorism as a motivation to build the wall on southern border