Read Ebook {PDF EPUB} The Cryptoterrerstrials A Meditation on Indigenous Humanoids and the Aliens Among Us by The Cryptoterrerstrials: A Meditation on Indigenous Humanoids and the Aliens Among Us by Mac Tonnies. The Cryptoterrestrials A Meditation on Indigenous Humanoids and the Aliens Among Us. Trade Paperback, 128 Pages, 11 Illustrations. $12.00, ISBN: 1933665467. A meditation on indigenous humanoids and the aliens among us. “If evidence for the Extraterrestrial Hypothesis has failed to surface—despite decades of hard work and diligent investigations—then maybe we should consider the notion that we are looking for the answers in all the wrong places. Instead of looking up, maybe we should be looking around us. And, perhaps, even below us, too," writes in the foreword to THE CRYPTOTERRESTRIALS. And that is exactly what Mac Tonnies does in this power-packed book. About the Author: Mac Tonnies (1975-2009) was an author and blogger whose work focused on futurology, transhumanism, and the paranormal. Tonnies grew up in Independence, Missouri. He was the author of two other books, a collection of science ? ction short stories entitled Illumined Black , and After the Martian Apocalypse , an examination of the anomalies on the surface of Mars. His popular blog was called Posthuman Blues. Tonnies died at the age of 34 in Kansas City, Missouri. Be sure to visit Macbots , the Mac Tonnies celebration/memorial art/writing/general creativity site. Illustrations by Mike Clelland. FLASH NEWS: A laminated hardback edition of this book will be availalbe for a limited time. Get it from Amazon or Barnes & Noble. CONTENTS. Foreword by Nick Redfern. Chapter 1: Looking for Aliens. Chapter 2: Misdirection. Chapter 3: UFOs and Extraterrestrials. Chapter 4: The Abduction Epidemic. Chapter 5: Encounter with a Flower. Chapter 6: Curious Bystanders. Chapter 7: The Superspectrum. Chapter 8: Water World. Chapter 9: Underground. Chapter 10: Among Us. Chapter 11: Final Thoughts. Afterword by Greg Bishop. Order the print book from: In the US, get the eBook instantly from: This ebook is also available for Kobo eReaders, for the Nook in the UK, and for the Kindle, iPad, and iPhone in many countries around the world. What they're saying: “ The Cryptoterrestrials is the most refreshing speculation on the paranormal I've seen in ages. The ideas in this book will be harvested by science- fiction writers and TV shows like Fringe for decades. Even skeptics will have a great time reading this well written book of wild conjecture. Mac Tonnies' final Fortean landmark is the Book of the Damned for the 21st century. Fans of the paranormal: be there or be square.” — John Shirley, author of Bleak History. “This book is an honest pursuit of ideas that might lead to some greater understanding of the paranormal and the existence of an apparent non- human intelligence…Mac Tonnies cuts through much of the self-satisfied, bloated fundamentalist fat of the last 50 years with the deft touch of a surgeon and the encyclopedic knowledge of a veteran.” — From the Afterword by Greg Bishop, author of Project Beta. “ The Cryptoterrestrials is written in a succinct and engaging style condensing an immense amount of research… It is also beautifully illustrated and nicely presented…[The] UFO phenomenon smacks of and manipulation but not of a paranoid theory type but of something of a totally different order. The question that needs to be asked is whether these beings could actually be another race sharing the planet with us and for some reason need us to perceive them as extra-terrestrial. Tonnies thesis is impressive and challenging…” — Living Traditions Magazine. The Cryptoterrestrials : A Meditation on Indigenous Humanoids and the Aliens among Us by Mac Tonnies (2013, Hardcover) The lowest-priced brand-new, unused, unopened, undamaged item in its original packaging (where packaging is applicable). Packaging should be the same as what is found in a retail store, unless the item is handmade or was packaged by the manufacturer in non-retail packaging, such as an unprinted box or plastic bag. See details for additional description. What does this price mean? This is the price (excluding shipping and handling fees) a seller has provided at which the same item, or one that is nearly identical to it, is being offered for sale or has been offered for sale in the recent past. The price may be the seller's own price elsewhere or another seller's price. The "off" amount and percentage simply signifies the calculated difference between the seller-provided price for the item elsewhere and the seller's price on eBay. If you have any questions related to the pricing and/or discount offered in a particular listing, please contact the seller for that listing. The Cryptoterrestrials. A Meditation on Indigenous Humanoids and the Aliens Among Us. 4.6 • 9 Ratings $9.99. $9.99. Publisher Description. What if the “aliens” are not from other planets? “If evidence for the Extraterrestrial Hypothesis has failed to surface—despite decades of hard work and diligent investigations—then maybe we should consider the notion that we are looking for the answers in all the wrong places. Instead of looking up, maybe we should be looking around us. And, perhaps, even below us, too.” – From the Foreword by Nick Redfern. “This book is an honest pursuit of ideas that might lead to some greater understanding of the paranormal and the existence of an apparent non- human intelligence…Mac Tonnies cuts through much of the self-satisfied, bloated fundamentalist fat of the last 50 years with the deft touch of a surgeon and the encyclopedic knowledge of a veteran.” – From the Afterword by Greg Bishop. “The Cryptoterrestrials is the most refreshing speculation on the paranormal I've seen in ages. The ideas in this book will be harvested by science- fiction writers and TV shows like Fringe for decades. Even skeptics will have a great time reading this well written book of wild conjecture. Mac Tonnies' final Fortean landmark is the Book of the Damned for the 21st century. Fans of the paranormal: be there or be square.” – John Shirley, author of Bleak History. Curious Cryptohominids: A Link Between Aliens and Bigfoot? In Mac Tonnies’ seminal and, sadly, final masterpiece, The Cryptoterrestrials: A Meditation of Indigenous Humanoids and Aliens Among Us, at one point we find the late futurist contrasting the perceived ability of aliens to hide themselves with that of Bigfoot. “It bears mention,” Tonnies writes, “that eminent primatologist Jane Goodall had defended the scientific search for “Bigfoot,” a cryptohominid commonly described as enormous. Assuming a gigantic and purportedly foul-smelling primate can successfully lay low, it may be substantially easier for an intelligent technical society, with a tested capacity for stealth and a full repertoire of disinformation tricks, to dodge our radar.” But what if we were to assume that a creature like “Bigfoot,” if it exists, were actually an alien itself? Researchers such as and Stan Gordon have noted the apparent parallels between sightings of anthropomorphic ape-like creatures and UFO encounters. In a few smaller Fortean circles, this sort of research has even occasionally led to the belief that Bigfoot creatures might represent some form of an alien being themselves. Various websites online have even gone so far as to denote Bigfoot-type creatures under the extraterrestrial classification of “Sasquans” and similar names, likening the beasts to being an extraterrestrial race exiled (whether or not it’s a self- imposed exile) here on Earth. Other bizarre speculation along similar lines suggests that Bigfoot creatures are actually pets which, similar to an irresponsible dog or cat owner taking an animal off to a remote location and release it, have been turned loose on this planet by their extraterrestrial owners. But all the more bizarre speculation put aside, there have actually been studies performed in the past that sought to try and explain why there are, in fact, trends between Bigfoot and UFO sightings. Peter Leeson, a BB&T Professor for the Study of Capitalism at George Mason University, undertook a similar task in 2008. Leeson, who admitted having an interest in UFOs into an economics blog, began plotting UFO sightings on a chart that similarly placed states where Bigfoot sightings occurred graphically. Even in the early stages, Leeson described “an intriguing pattern,” in which he found that states that had more U.F.O. sightings also appeared to be having more Bigfoot sightings. Guest blogging for the New York Times , Leeson wrote that “six of the top ten U.F.O. and Bigfoot states are the same: Washington, Oregon, New Mexico, Alaska, Wyoming, and Colorado. Two states, Washington and Oregon, are among both categories’ top five.” Although such information is strange, can we conclude from this that there is indeed a connection between hairy hominids and UFO sightings? Are Bigfoot creatures, in spite of being purported to look a lot like us, really hailing from someplace further out than we realize? Or, does this information suggest that, in reality, there is a deeper meaning here? What if prevalence of geomagnetic activity were taken into question? Would we be startled to find a propensity for thrust faults and other Earthbound activity conducive to magnetic or electrical phenomena in these states, and if so, could these be factors involved, either in the appearance of these creatures, or at very least, the perception thereof? Perhaps so. But for now, whether we believe in creatures like Bigfoot or not, we’ll have to agree that there are just some aspects to this mystery which are, for lack of a better term, out of this world. The UFO Phenomenon: Is it Really From Here and Not From Another World? In a new article at his UFO Conjectures blog titled “Something almost odd…” Rich Reynolds touches upon Mac Tonnies’ 2010 book, The Cryptoterrestrials . Its subtitle: A Meditation on Indigenous Humanoids and the Aliens Among Us . Tonnies’ third book happened to be his last one. He died in 2009. Given that the book, and its theories, are now being discussed again, I thought I would give you my thoughts on Tonnies’ particularly controversial theory on UFOs and aliens. Namely, that our presumed visitors are really the vestiges of an ancient race of beings that have always lived right here on planet Earth. In other words, the ETs – that so many people believe in – are really from here and nowhere else. But, to protect themselves from being exposed, they present themselves as aliens from faraway worlds. It’s certainly not a new theory, but Tonnies gave the whole thing a good spin. He also presented some thoughts and ideas that, admittedly, made a lot of sense. On the other hand, though, the scenario has its flaws, too. With that said, let’s have a look at the scenario of the “aliens that actually aren’t” and try and figure out what the truth might really be. Certainly, one of the things that really got Tonnies thinking was the undeniable “staged” nature of some UFO events. The of the 1950s caught Tonnies’ attention. He wondered why the so-called “Space Brothers” and “Space Sisters” of that long gone era warned so many people that we needed to lay down our atomic weapons. If not, the end of our civilization would soon be looming on the horizon, said the long-haired wise ones. Tonnies thought it was very strange that beings from a faraway world would take so much interest in – and have so much concern for – our world. If the aliens really were from a faraway galaxy, a good, solid case could be made that they wouldn’t care for us. Why should they? But, suggested Tonnies, if the very human-looking Space Brothers really secretly live on our world (and always have) then that just might explain their deep concerns. In other words, if we destroy our world, then the Space Brothers will be obliterated, too. Tonnies also had his suspicions about the Betty and Barney Hill “” of September 1961. Tonnies noted that the technology “the aliens” used seemed to be barely ahead of ours. Maybe a few decades or so, but that was pretty much it. He also brought into the story the matter of the so-called “star map” the alleged aliens showed to Betty and Barney while on-board the “spaceship.” The idea that aliens from light-years away would need to navigate the universe with maps is fucking ridiculous. Totally crazy. We can navigate just about anywhere with our phones. And yet, the aliens, back in the Sixties, had to resort to maps? Come on! Also on the alien abduction issue, Tonnies mused on the possibility that being from Earth all along – but now on a dangerous, evolutionary decline – the Cryptoterrestrials might take eggs, sperm, DNA and so on from us to try and “beef up” their society, and particularly so if they weren’t in great condition. Using us, because we are the closest thing to them, makes a great deal of sense. But, for our visitors to come from countless light-years away, and for them to be near-perfect compatible when it comes to splicing us and them, so to speak. is just not feasible. Betty Hill, Barney Hill and Delsey their dog. Now, we come to the creepiest part of the story. Namely, the numerous accounts Tonnies came across of strange beings “infiltrating” our society. Tonnies had a lot of cases of people encountering what were assumed to have been aliens, but that seemed to be something else. And by wearing wraparound sunglasses, pulled-down hats, collars placed high, and mainly coming out at night, they were able to worm their way into our world and not be overly noticed. This reminds me of the reports of the strange-looking – pale, skinny, and with bulging eyes – that have been around for decades. So, it has to be said that Tonnies did present some interesting material – and equally interesting scenarios. There was, however, one big issue that he wasn’t able to tackle fully. It revolves around the matter of where the Cryptoterrestrials live. It’s all very well to address the nature and agendas of the Cryptoterrestrials, but where are they when they’re not abducting us or warning us of nuclear destruction? Tonnies touched on the matter of the likes of “underground bases” and so on. But, not to a degree that really worked on a worldwide scale. Is it feasible that an entire civilization of Cryptoterrestrials could live deep underground, and all across the planet? If so, why don’t we see them regularly soaring out of ancient caves and huge tunnels in their craft? Back to Rich Reynolds. He has been looking at the idea of an indigenous race living not on land, but in the oceans of our world. I can’t say that if we put all of the above together it gives us a perfect scenario; it doesn’t. However, it could be said that the Cryptoterrestrial angle has at least more than a few things going for it. Maybe, it’s time for someone to carry on with the work that Tonnies did up until 2009. There may be some incredible surprises to be found. And those same surprises just might come from right here.