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Mysteries MysMtAeG rA ZieI NsE V O L . 2, #1, I SS U E #4

Magazine P U B L I S H E R , E D I T O R , A R T D I R E C T O R Kim Guarnaccia: [email protected]

in your A SS I S T A N T E D I T O R A N D E V E N T S E D I T O R store? Judith Kane: [email protected] A D V E R T I S I N G D I R E C T O R Will Willauer: [email protected] f

C O L U M N I S T S Charles Rammelkamp Ken Mondschein Marc Cramer Lise Hull

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K UD O S Thanks to Michael R. McClellan at the Society of Novus Spiritus for assistance and images regarding ; and Nigel Sadler, Director of the Turks Mysteries and Caicos National Museum, for information and images regarding the Trou- Magazine vadore slave ship. Published and printed in the United States of America. Mysteries Magazine, Volume 2 #1, Issue #4is a publication of Phantom Press Publications, ISSN #1537-2928, and published four times a (603) 352-1645 year in the U.S. and Canada. Copyright © 2004 Phantom Press Publications, Inc., 1144 Rte. 12A, Surry, NH 03431 USA. All rights reserved. No work may be copied or reproduced without the [email protected] express permission of the editor. Correspondence should be addressed to: Kim Guarnaccia, Editor, Mysteries Magazine, PO Box 490, Walpole, NH 03608 USA, email: [email protected], web: or call (603) 352-1645.

2 MY S T E R I E S M A G A Z I N E , I SS U E # 4 Contributors EARTH Judith Kane ENERGIES ENIGMAS Learn how to help yourself and others be healthy in body, mind and spirit.

American Institute of Holistic Theology offers Jeff Bellanger nonsectarian college degree programs through distance learning.You can earn these self-paced advanced degrees from home: • PARAPSYCHIC SCIENCE - the investigation A native of St. Louis, MO, Judith Kane is a Marine Corps veteran and a free- of phenomena.

Tim Swartz lance writer and researcher. After focusing her studies on medieval and renais- • METAPHYSICS - a branch of philosophy concerned with first causes. sance literature and history, Judith now contributes regularly to several histor- • NATUROLOGY - the study of natural healing ical publications, including Renaissance magazine and a series of educational and God’s laws as they apply to the health materials for children and high-school students. She also belongs to a renais- of humankind. sance poetry group, is a docent at a fine arts gallery, coordinates youth con- • DIVINITY - the study of health and healing as presented in the Old and New Testaments. certs at the philharmonic orchestra, and volunteers at a local theater company, • HOLISTIC CHILDCARE - education for the Literacy Volunteers, and Shakespeare-in-the-Park. “whole child.” • HOLISTIC MINISTRIES - learn to minister to Jeff Bellanger is a voracious fan of the unexplained and has been studying and the “whole person.” • HEALTHEOLOGY - a theological study writing about the since 1997. Owner of, Jeff is of health. currently writing his first book on haunted legends from around the world Learn how to build and (New Page Books, Fall, 2004). Jeff presently haunts Bellingham, MA, with his maintain a private health wife Megan and parakeet Mambo. practice teaching the universal laws of health and healing. Taste the of Tim Swartz is an Emmy award-winning television producer and the author of For a free catalog, call such books as The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla, Time Travel:AHow-To Insid- ACCREDITED MEMBER: 1-800-949-4325 The American Association Triple Eight Vodka. er’s Guide, and Teleportation: From Star Trek to Tesla.He is also the editor of or of Drugless Practitioners Certification & Journal, a popular email newsletter of conspiracies, UFOs, and the Accreditation Board . Produced and bottled by Triple Eight Distillery, LLC • Nantucket, MA 40% alcohol by volume (80 Proof), 750 ml

4 MY S T E R I E S M A G A Z I N E , I SS U E # 4 WWW. MY S T E R I E S M A G A Z I N E . C O M 5 “One can never quite account for the process through Vol. 2, #1, Issue #4 which a particular area in the vast extent of history suddenly lights up in the mind and arouses a passionate desire to explore it further.” —Dame Frances Yates, Mysteries Premio Internazionale Galileo Galilei Feature Articles Columns 39 DUDLEYTOWN: L E TT E R S T O TH E E DIT O R ...... 8 A NEW ENGLAND TOWN By Jeff Belanger N O T E W O RTHY ...... 10 In the town of Cornwall in northwestern Connecticut lie the remains of Dudleytown, a small hamlet that is the site of ghostly tales, unexplained events, and curses. Founded by Thomas Griffis L OS T T R E A SU R E ...... 20 in February of 1645, the town was actually settled by—and named after—three Dudley brothers, E ARTH E NG E RGI E S ...... 24 who moved there a few years later. It was these brothers who also purportedly brought over a for Earth’s Energy curse from England that has plagued the land ever since. M Y S T E RI E SO N E X HI B IT ...... 24 45 ON THE EDGE OFTIME: A RCHA E OLO GICA L F IND S ...... 26 THE MYSTERY OF TIME SLIPS Britain’s Chalk Men Not So Ancient After All By Tim Swartz A time slip is an event where it appears that some other era has briefly intruded on the present. U R B AN L E G E ND S ...... 28 When Urban Legends Turn Ugly A time slip seems to be spontaneous in nature and localization, but there are places which seem

to be more prone than others to time-slip events. Similarly, some people may be more inclined to M Y S T E RI E SO F S CI E NC E ...... 30 experience time slips than others. If time is the unmovable force that physicists say that it is, The Science Behind Repressed Memory Syndrome then why do some people have experiences that seem to flaunt this concept? H A U NT E D H E RITAG E ...... 32 Scotland’s Accursed Fyvie Castle 50 A CONVERSATION WITH P R O FI L E S IN E VI L ...... 34 PSYCHIC SYLVIA BROWNE Prince Vlad the Impaler: The Man Behind the Legend By Judith Kane

Renowned psychic, bestselling author, and paranormal T R E A SU R E S FR O MTH E D EE P ...... 36 researcher Sylvia Browne answers questions about the psychic world, offers predictions for the upcoming century, B OO K R E VI E W S ...... 56 and uncovers the truth about the end of the world. I NTH E T H E AT E R ...... 58

W EB R E VI E W S ...... 60

M US IC R E VI E W S ...... 62

Caveat: The opinions of the contributors to Mysteries Magazine are not necessarily those of the editors of Mysteries Magazine. How- 2004 E V E NT S C A L E NDAR ...... 64 ever, Mysteries Magazine welcomes helpful criticism or comments on any of the articles contained herein. Please note that we reserve the right to edit all submissions. H E L A SS I I L E S We also may occasionally use photos and illustrations that have been placed in the public domain. As it is not always possible to T C F ...... 75 indentify the copyright holder, if you claim credit for something we have published, please let us know so that we can acknowledge you in the following issue. A G L IMP S E I NT O TH E U NKN O WN ...... 76

6 MY S T E R I E S M A G A Z I N E , I SS U E # 4 WWW. MY S T E R I E S M A G A Z I N E . C O M 7 Letters to the Editor

Mysteries Magazine: Not Just About UFOs Dear Mysteries, ust wanted to say I’ve enjoyed thor- oughly the first three issues of Mys- Jteries Magazine, and am impressed with the content and production. I’m very pleased that material is covered from a level-headed, responsible approach, and that every other story isn’t about the latest UFO nonsense. Keep up the great work! —MILTON JOHN KLEIM, JR. MENDOCINO COUNTY, CA

Dear Kim, hen I received your subscrip- tion notice, the one thing Wthat intrigued me right from the start was that your publication was to Did the Church of Satan founder Anton LaVey make a cameo appearnace in the cult deal with a variety of anomalies, not just classic movie Rosemary’s Baby? A reader says yes! UFOs, and that you were located in the northeast. So I took the chance of sub- scribing and was not disappointed. I have personally been involved in LaVey Cameos True The Cleveland Ripper investigating and researching strange Dear Editor, Dear Mysteries, phenomena for about 12 years. I find s I knew Anton LaVey well and loved the article on Jack the Ripper anomalous activity exciting and stimulat- counted him among my good in issue #2.As you might know, ing, especially for the open-mindedness Afriends, this is a matter of setting ICleveland, OH, has its own Ripper that it generates. the record straight. LaVey did make a story, which was featured on the TV pro- Your magazine is the best I have seen brief cameo on the movie Rosemary’s gram Unsolved Mysteries, a mystery that in a long, long time and as long as you Baby, as well as in The Devil’s Rain (star- even crime-buster Elliot Ness couldn’t continue to publish, I will continue to be ring Ernest Borgnine), and many other figure out. Perhaps Patricia Cornwell one of your subscribers. devilish flicks from the 1960s and ‘70s. If might give it a try! —RAYMOND W. CECOT you look closely at the credits of both of —RONALDGILMORE ORGANIZATIONAL DIRECTOR, INDEP. RESEARCHERS’ these films, LaVey’s name appears in NEW YORK, NY ASSOC. FOR ANOMALOUS PHENOMENA small print towards the end of the cred- ALBANY, NY its. However, I do not believe that he Congrats in Order was ever involved with Charles Manson Dear Mysteries, or the Helter Skelter killings. llow me to congratulate you on —JACK GRIMES one of the best, if not the best ELKTON, MD Aparanormal magazine ever.The Email your editorial comments and critiques articles have a clarity and sophistication to [email protected], or write that other similar magazines lack. I wish to: Kim Guarnaccia, Editor, Mysteries Mag- you well and may you prosper! azine, 1144 Rte. 12A, Surry, NH 03431 —JUDY WOOD USA. We reserve the right to edit any letter SMYRNA, GA published.

8 MY S T E R I E S M A G A Z I N E , I SS U E # 4 Noteworthy

Recordings Evidence of Tests on Spear of Destiny Shows Champ Lake Monster? Medieval Origins n June, 2003, British metallurgist esearchers in the Button Bay area tics of the animal, and cautioned against Robert Feather used 21st-century sci- of Lake Champlain have record- concluding that the lake is home to a Ience and technology to investigate an Red biosonar readings that may be freshwater whale or dolphin, without ancient relic reputed to be the Holy evidence of the existence of Champ, the evidence.The researchers, who suspect Lance, or Spear of Destiny, famed “monster” of the lake. that the animal came within 30 feet of used by a Roman centurion Over a period of three days in June of their boat, expect analysis of the readings to pierce the side of Christ 2003, a research team led by bioacous- to help them determine its size and how during the crucifixion. The stor y of the Holy tics expert Elizabeth von Muggenthaler, fast it was moving. Von Muggenthaler Lance, which was first men- president of Fauna Communications also said that the irregular sequence of tioned in the gospel of John, sounds and ticks ruled out the possibility Research, a Hillsborough, NC firm that has been embellished upon studies how animals communicate, used that the readings were produced by a over the centuries. Said to highly sensitive sonar equipment to mechanical device or fish finder. have been wielded by Con- record the sounds emitted by the lake’s The recordings represent the biggest stantine the Great in his underwater creatures.According to von development in the debate about the quest to Christianize the Muggenthaler, some of the readings last- existence of Champ since the publication Roman Empire in the fourth ed as long as ten minutes and are ten of a photograph of a serpent-like object century, carried by Charle- times louder than any known fish species taken in 1977. Over the years, hundreds magne at the bir th of the in the lake is capable of producing. of Champ sightings have been reported, chivalric orders of Europe, and taken to Berlin in 1938 Although only a few known underwa- yet skeptics dismiss Champ as an extrava- by Hitler’s Nazis, the spear ter species, such as dolphins or Beluga gant piece of folklore perpetuated by is now in the Imperial Trea- imaginative fishermen and boaters. whales, are capable of producing sury of the Hofburg Palace biosonar readings of that strength, von in Vienna, Austria. One oft- —JUDITH KANE We Want Your Muggenthaler declined to speculate on quoted account of it says, “Whomsoever the size, nature, or physical characteris- SOURCE: THEBURLINGTON FREE PRESS, VT claims this spear and solves its secrets holds the destiny of the world in his hands, for good or evil.” After subjecting the relic to x-ray diffraction and fluorescence tests to Spooky Photos! reveal its structure and composition, swab checks for organic material (such Have you captured on film a UFO, ghost, light orb, or any other event as blood), and other noninvasive proce- that defies easy explanation? dures, Fisher concluded that the main body of the spear is medieval and dates If so, we want to publish it! Just mail us the photo, slide, or to the seventh century. However, Fisher negative with a brief explanation as to where and when it also concluded that an iron pin ham- was taken and what is unusual about it. If we publish mered into the blade and set off by tiny brass crosses, which has long been your photo, you will receive a FREE 1-year subscription claimed to be a nail from the true cross, (or if already a subscriber, a FREE 1-year renewal).

M was found to be consistent in length and O C . shape with a first-century Roman nail. E C I VO L

A —JUDITH KANE Mysteries Magazine M I

AN SOURCES: BBC NEWS, TIME MAGAZINE PO Box 490 • Walpole, NH 03608 USA • . (Note: All submitted photos become the property of Mysteries Magazine and will not be returned.) WWW

1 0 MY S T E R I E S M A G A Z I N E , I SS U E # 4 WWW. MY S T E R I E S M A G A Z I N E . C O M 1 1 Noteworthy

Origin of Cosmic Dust Discovered ritish scientists say that they have unlocked one of the universe’s Boldest secrets—the origin of cos- mic dust, tiny particles of solid material that float around between the stars. Astronomers have long thought that cosmic dust, which more closely resem- bles cigarette smoke than ordinar y house dust, was mostly made from the winds of cool, giant stars in the late stages of their lives. Up until now, they have treated it as a nuisance because it blocks out more than half of the light given off by distant stars and galaxies. However, astronomers and astrophysi- cists from Wales’ Cardiff University and the Royal Observatory in Edinburgh, Scotland may have found evidence that cosmic dust holds many of the answers tance from the Earth of approx. 11,000 to the most basic questions about the light years), the scientists discovered cold origin of the Earth and other planets. cosmic dust at the edges of the universe, Until recently, astronomers have been in the earliest stars and galaxies. able to detect only warm cosmic dust. Astronomers now theorize that huge Then, in July of 2003, while using the quantities of space dust are thrown out James Clerk Maxwell Telescope in when some stars explode and that it is Hawaii to hunt for dust in the remains of these particles which come together to a star called Cassiopeia A(which was form planets. seen to explode 320 years ago, 11 mil- —JUDITH KANE lennia after it actually did, due to its dis- SOURCES: NATURE, BBC NEWS New Species Found in Australia n May of 2003, paleontolo- ments, eating fairly hard salt- that are slightly smaller than gists from the Western Aus- bush or spiky bush, and that the modern emus, and the first com- Itralia Museum unear thed a ridges and bony horn-like lateral plete skeletons of thylacoleo cache of superbly preserved fos- protrusions might have served (giant marsupial lions). Experts sils that includes two complete to protect the kangaroos’ eyes. believe that at least three of the

M skulls and the partial skeletons The dig in caves in the Nullar- species found are new to sci- U

SE of strange, horned kangaroos bor Plain of the southwest coast ence. Dating suggests that the U M

A with bulbous snouts that are of Australia also uncovered the fossils are between 200,000 I L

A unlike any other previously fossilized remains of Pro- and 500,000 years old. R T

S known living or fossil kangaroos. coptodon goliah (the world’s U A Researchers theorize that the largest kangaroo), bandicoots, a —JUDITH KANE RN

E kangaroos lived in arid environ- wolf-sized Tasmanian tiger, birds SOURCE: NEW SCIENTIST T ES W

1 2 MY S T E R I E S M A G A Z I N E , I SS U E # 4 WWW. MY S T E R I E S M A G A Z I N E . C O M 1 3 Noteworthy

Narcotic Vapors May Be Inspiration For Delphic Oracle Prophesies

radition attributes the prophetic The Temple of inspiration of the powerful oracle Apollo at Delphi. Tof the Temple of Apollo at Del- phi, Greece, to sweet-smelling vapors that emerged via an underground spring from a chasm in the earth beneath the temple.According to ancient accounts, the Delphic oracle, or Pythia, would sit on a tripod above the cleft in the subter- ranean adyton, or core of the temple, inhale the vapors, and peer into a bowl of spring water. She would then pass into a trance and begin to prophesize. For more than a century, scholars have rejected this explanation because archae- ologists at the site of the temple were that intersect beneath the temple.They state of the Pythia. unable to locate a chasm or detect also detected the presence of hydrocar- Experts now believe that the fault lines gaseous emissions. More recent research, bon gases that can induce a narcotic state made the layers of limestone beneath the however, exposed two geologic faults similar to that recorded for the trance temple more permeable, creating fissures along which groundwater deposited cal- cite mineralization that had a high petro- Farmers Protect Sacred Sites chemical content. When heated to high n Februar y 2003, Great Britain’s Project aims to improve the natural beau- temperatures by the friction created by Department for Environmental, Food, ty of the countryside by paying farmers tectonic activity, some of the petrochemi- Iand Rural Affairs (DEFRA) announced and landowners near World Heritage sites cal constituents vaporized, producing that five farmers whose land abuts the from $13 to $348 per acre to turn their ethylene gases that rose with the spring Stonehenge/Avebury World Heritage site farmland into grassland and to establish water into the small, enclosed adyton. had signed a 10-year Countryside Stew- an extensive grazing regime. The land will Chemical analysis of the spring water ardship Agreement designed to protect then become a wildlife-rich buffer zone and travertine rock from the oracle site the site’s unique concentration of prehis- that will protect the site’s many lesser- showed the presence of methane and toric monuments from intensive farming, known historical monuments, landscape ethane, light hydrocarbon gases pro- and to establish a fitting landscape for features, and archaeological treasures. the mysterious stone circles. By the end of 2003, Cuckoo Field near duced by the decomposition of ethylene. The Countryside Stewardship Special Woodhenge, the Normanton Down Bar- Experiments on the effects of inhaling rows, the North Kite Enclosure, and the light hydrocarbon gases—and on the Durrington Down Barrows near Stone- anesthetic properties of ethylene, which henge had also been grassed over. The has a sweet odor—show that low con- West Kennet Long Barrow at Avebury will centrations produce a narcotic, trance- also be shielded by the creation of grass like state, including out-of-body feelings, margins around its edges. euphoria, and amnesia. —JUDITH KANE SOURCES: UK DEPT. OF ENVIRON., FOOD & RURAL —JUDITH KANE Stonehenge AFFAIRS, WESTERNDAILYPRESS SOURCE: SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN

1 4 MY S T E R I E S M A G A Z I N E , I SS U E # 4 WWW. MY S T E R I E S M A G A Z I N E . C O M 1 5 Noteworthy Noteworthy

Ancient Egyptians Descended Mystery of Mummy Lake Solved banks of the canals were lined with stones that were adjusted periodically to from Nomadic Cattle Herders ensure that gravity continued to pull water into the slowly rising reservoir and he first appearance of the ancient Kings, where this boat was associated to prevent erosion. Egyptians in the Nile valley with the king’s voyage in the afterlife. Experts believe that a flat sandstone T5,000 years ago was so abrupt Wilkinson believes that some of the scraper and a deer antler tool found in the that they seem not to have any ancestry motifs in the desert stone explain other area were used to dig out sediment car- or period of development.This has Egyptian puzzles as well.For instance, ried by storm runoff. However, the prompted a variety of unorthodox theo- the bull’s tail and crook, which were dredging failed to remove all of the sedi- AVAGE S often used as symbols of Egyptian kings, ries about mysterious civilizations, invad- Y ment and the elevation of the reservoir B O ing master races, survivors from Atlantis, T have long been considered curious sym- bottom gradually rose 21 feet over its and even alien landings. However, Cam- dence of the people who painstakingly bols of kingship.A link between the 350-year lifetime. Pottery shards found bridge Egyptologist Toby Wilkinson “pecked” hundreds of intricate carvings ancient Egyptians and the prehistoric during the excavations are nearly all from 1991

now believes that 6,000-year-old rock into the rock cliffs with stone styluses, cattle herders might explain this curiosi- E jar-shaped ceramic vessels, which indi- G D ty, since the symbols are also and have I art etched on cliff walls in the eastern more than 1,000 years before the found- R cates that the water from the reservoir T Sahara Desert provides a more probable ing of ancient Egypt.The carvings tell of long been symbols of animal husbandry. R was used domestically, rather than for PA —JUDITH KANE

solution to the mystery of their origins— seasonal nomads and include many RD agriculture. A

that ancient Egyptians are descended images that show links to the Nile valley, SOURCE: W

O The findings suggest that scholars from stone-age nomadic cattle herders including aquatic animals, such as hip- H have underestimated the capabilities of who left the Nile river valley every sum- popotami and crocodiles, and, most n ongoing research project scorched by drought from 1130 to 1180 the Anasazi, who have long been con- mer during flood season and took their importantly, a preponderance of boats began in 1995 suggests that and again between 1276 and 1299, sidered a simple people. Rather, it has herds to what was once a grassland carrying godlike figures, that have AMummy Lake, a rock-ringed which corresponds with the time that the become evident that they were well- savannah between the Red Sea and the upright prows and incurved, sickle- earthen depression in Colorado’s Mesa Anasazi abandoned Mesa Verde and sup- organized and cooperated between Nile. shaped sterns. Similar boat images appear Verde National Park that was once ports one of the most commonly accept- communities on large-scale public AVAGE S

According to Wilkinson, there are no on the monumental carvings of ancient Y thought to have been an ancient ceremo- ed theories—that drought and crop fail- works projects to an extent that was not B O written records and almost no other evi- Egypt, particularly in the Valley of the T nial dance pavilion, was actually a reser- ures forced the Anasazi to leave. previously appreciated. voir built by the Anasazi between 750 Excavations uncovered alternating lay- and 1180 AD. ers of clay and sand deposited by sedi- —JUDITH KANE Best known for their impressive sand- ment-rich water, as well as the banks of SOURCES: ROCKY MOUNTAINNEWS, Evidence of Sumatran Yeti Found stone-block cliff dwellings, the Anasazi canals that led into the reservoir.The SMITHSONIAN uring a September, 2001 expedition tralian hair exper t Dr. Hans Brunner (or Ancestral Puebloans) first settled in to Sumatra in search of the mythical announced in July, 2003, that the hair Mesa Verde around 550 AD.The popu- DOrang Pendek (or Yeti), a team of matches no known animal species. Accord- lation swelled to several thousand by the “The most beautiful thing one can experience part-time English explorers found hairs and ing to Dr. David Chivers, Cambridge Univer- 13th century, when most of the cliff a footprint that are evidence of an unknown sity primatologist and vice-chairman of the dwellings were built, but the settlement is the mysterious. He to whom primate. conservation group Flora and Fauna Inter- was mysteriously abandoned by the The Yeti is part of the folklore of Indone- national, the footprint “has something in this reaction is a stranger— sian tribespeople of Sumatra. Yet despite common with apes, gibbons, and humans, Anasazi before 1300. many reports of sightings in the rainforest but is unique… [and] the hairs are not like Attempts to explain the abandonment who no longer can pause to by both locals and western scientists, the anything we know.” have spurred many theories, including existence of the five-foot-tall creature that Adam Davies, one of the leaders of the overpopulation, climactic changes, soil wonder and stand rapt in walks upright, has incredible strength, and expedition, is now planning another trip to erosion, discredited political and reli- awe—is as good as dead.” speaks its own language, has never been search for the mythical creature. gious leadership, increasing violence and proven. —JUDITH KANE warfare, and even cannibalism. However, After analyzing the hairs, renowned Aus- SOURCE: MANCHESTER NEWS tree ring data shows that the area was —Albert Einstein

1 6 MY S T E R I E S M A G A Z I N E , I SS U E # 2 WWW. MY S T E R I E S M A G A Z I N E . C O M 1 7 Noteworthy Noteworthy Manuscript Solves Mystery of American Hero’s Death Research n September of Major Robert Rogers, York City until the end of the war in 2003, James a British hero and early 1783.) Hutson, head of master of reconnais- Historians have long wondered how Shows N

I O the manuscript divi- sance who had led a and where Hale was captured and exe- I T I sion of the U.S. group of highly trained cuted.The Tiffany manuscript clearly D Dragonflies Library of Congress, rangers during the states that Hale was captured at Rogers’ V EXPE

French and Indian quarters at a tavern on Long Island and O announced the dis- H

E Invisible

War. Rogers, who had hanged at an artillery park near what is R

covery of new infor- L E mation that may recently escaped Amer- now 66th Street and Third Avenue in T to Prey solve the mystery of ican captivity and was Manhattan. Scholars who suspected that cientists at the Australian Nation- the capture and exe- recruiting troops for Rogers was involved in Hale’s capture al University have found that drag- cution of legendary the British, had been concur that such naiveté is in keeping Historical Evidence Found Sonflies can make themselves observing Hale for sev- with Hale’s reputation, but expressed Revolutionary War invisible to airborne prey and territorial spy Nathan Hale. eral days and suspected surprise that he would be so gullible and for Existence of Biblical Kings rivals by using a system of motion cam- According to Hut- that he was a spy.After say that the new information should not fter nearly seven years of excava- have uncovered new evidence that ouflage that is even more sophisticated son, who discovered engaging Hale in con- affect Hale’s standing as an American than the radar-avoiding technology of tions at Tel Rehov, a Hebrew refutes claims that the Bible’s legendary the information versation and drinking hero as he was, nonetheless, an incredi- modern stealth aircraft. town in the Jordan valley of kings David and Solomon were merely while thumbing Consider Tiffany’s manuscript. a toast “to Congress,” bly brave man. A Using a stereo camera system, the Israel that was sacked almost 3,000 years tribal chieftains or mythical characters. through a 300-page Rogers duped Hale Despite Hale’s failure as a spy, a life- researchers recorded 15 encounters ago by an Egyptian Pharaoh, scientists Using radioactive carbon dating tech- manuscript written into offering up size statue of between rival male dragonflies, which from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem niques, Israeli and Dutch archaeologists soon after the war by Consider Tiffany, a the details of his mission by pre- him inscribed are known for their high maneuverability and physicists have dated the invasion of and propensity for aerial combat. After British loyalist and sympathizer, Hale tending to be a Colonial spy him- with his famous Jerusalem and nearby towns by Pharaoh reconstructing the three-dimensional tra- made some naïve mistakes, one of which self. last words—“I Shoshenq I to 925 BC, more than 80 jectories of the dragonflies digitally— Rogers then invited the unsus- only regret that was trusting a stranger with the details of years earlier than was previously thought and calculating the apparent motion pro- pecting Hale to dinner at his I have but one his mission. and only about five years after Solomon is duced by the predatory dragonfly on the quarters, where he and several life to lose for An enthusiastic patriot who rose said to have died. Experts say that the retina of its victim—the researchers friends led Hale to implicate him- my country”— quickly in the Continental Army, Hale new timetable for Shoshenq’s conquest, found six examples that the predatory self before witnesses. During their occupies a place volunteered for a reconnaissance mission which is recorded in the Old Testament dragonfly uses active motion camou- conversation, a company of sol- of honor at the flage to move rapidly towards its prey after General George Washington’s Book of Chronicles and on a monument diers surrounded the house and headquarters of while appearing to remain stationary. troops were driven out of Long Island by in the temple of Amun at Karnak, is sig- arrested Hale, who was searched the Central The predatory ploy is considered unique the British, and badly needed informa- nificant because it provides the first labo- tion about the enemy’s strength and and found to be carrying notes I n t e l l i g e n c e in the animal kingdom, but experts say ratory-based affirmation of the existence that it is likely that motion camouflage plans. By some accounts, the 21-year-old about the British forces and other Agency, which of the legendary united monarchies of will be found in other species that oper- captain was the only one to respond to incriminating papers. Hale was considers Hale David and Solomon and therefore pro- ate in three-dimensional environments. Washington’s request for a volunteer for then taken before the British to be the first vides an archaeological anchor for the so- The way that dragonflies achieve this N

commander Sir William Howe American to be O this dangerous mission. I

T camouflage effect is unknown, but the

I called Solomonic period. The manuscript, which was donated to and was hanged the next morn- executed for D —JUDITH KANE research has potential applications in the library in 2000 by a descendant of ing, September 22, 1776. spying for his SOURCES: HEBREWUNIVERSITY OF autonomous aircraft technology. V EXPE

Tiffany, alleges that soon after Hale Whether Hale’s information country. O —JUDITH KANE H JERUSALEM, SCIENCE MAGAZINE, SAN FRAN- E

arrived on Long Island and slipped could have helped Washington is The statue of Nathan Hale at —JUDITH KANE R SOURCE: AUSTRALIANNATIONAL UNIV. L CISCO CHRONICLE the CIA. E behind enemy lines, he was visited by not clear.(The British held New SOURCE: AP T

1 8 MY S T E R I E S M A G A Z I N E , I SS U E # 4 WWW. MY S T E R I E S M A G A Z I N E . C O M 1 9 Lost Treasure Legendary Lost Treasure Hoard of Gold Resurfaces HOW TO n August of 2003, Afghanistan’s Pres- Archaeologists Uncover REACH US “Worthless” Coin ident Hamid Karzai revealed that the Icountry’s legendary Tillya Tepe Bactri- an gold hoard had resurfaced after lying Clues to Lost Buddha Statue For Subscription Inquiries hidden in a sealed vault beneath the ollowing five weeks of excavations 1,000-foot-long statue of a reclining or Changes of Address main palace of Kabul throughout the Buddha on the site of an important Worth Millions in the famous valley of the Bud- Email [email protected], 1992-1996 civil war, during which much dhas in the Hindu Kush Moun- monastery near a royal residence to the call (603) 352-1645, or mail inquiries that the original coin had been lost of Afghanistan’s rich cultural heritage F 1913 Liberty Head nickel, one tains of central Afghanistan, a team of east of the smaller of the standing statues. to Mysteries Magazine, PO Box 490, was looted or destroyed. of only five in the world and val- when Walton’s collection was scattered French archaeologists believe that they In August of 2003, a team of French Walpole, NH 03608 USA. According to Afghani Finance Minister ued at nearly $3 million, across the road during the acci- have found clues that will lead to the dis- archaeologists led by Professor Zemaryali A Ashraf Ghani, the vault was thought to has been found after it disap- dent, or that he had sold the Tarzi of the Marc Bloch University of contain gold bullion hidden by the state covery of the legendary lost “third Bud- peared more than 40 years real coin. Coin experts have Strasbourg,France, began excavations at d and had not been opened for at least 14 dha” of Bamiyan. since debated whether ago. years, despite For much of the Bamiyan in search of Walton ever actually To Request a FREE Produced under myste- the Taliban’s first millennium, the missing statue, rious circumstances when owned the nickel. use of torture Bamiyan was a cul- which has been Advertising Press Kit the U.S. Mint was chang- In preparation for an to try to force tural, artistic, and dubbed the Sleeping Email [email protected], call Will Willauer, adver tising director, at ing from the Liberty Head exhibit of the other four staf f mem- religious center of Buddha because it (508) 228-7737, or write to Mysteries to the Buffalo design, the 1913 Liberty Head nickels bers to reveal the old kingdom of represents Buddha on Magazine, PO Box 490, Walpole, NH coins were first shown at the at its World’s Fair of Money the secret Kushan and a place his death bed, sleep- code that 03608 USA. 1920 American Numismatic in Baltimore, MD, in May of of pilgrimage. ing in the state of nir- would open it. Association (ANA) convention 2003, the ANA corresponded Thousands of grot- vana.According to Ghani said in Chicago, IL, and remained with Walton’s relatives, ask- Tarzi, who worked on s that no one tos and caves con- together as a set until the ing that they bring the the restoration of the expected the taining countless 1940s, when they were “altered-date nickel” to vault to con- statues, rich fres- two standing Buddhas To Distribute Mysteries Baltimore for inclusion separated and sold. One tain the price- coes, and at least ten in the late 1970s, the Magazine in Your Store of the five nickels is now in the exhibit. Experts less treasure, Buddhist monaster- team has identified Email [email protected], who examined the coin part of the Smithsonian which dates ies were built into the location of the call (603) 352-1645, or write to Myster- were astonished to dis- Institution’s collection; from Alexander the Great’s conquest in the valley’s immense royal town and found ies Magazine, PO Box 490, Walpole, NH one is a part of the ANA’s cover that the “worthless” 327 BC of the ancient kingdom of Bac- sandstone cliffs. traces of the 03608 USA. permanent collection; two coin was, in fact, authentic. tria, now in northern Afghanistan. Amid a furor of monastery, including remain in private hands; Walton’s relatives, who The 2,000 year old collection of gold international out- seven clay heads of and silver jewelr y and ornaments, z and one was acquired wish to remain anony- rage and condemna- Buddhist divinities including a collapsible gold crown, a by George O. Walton, a mous, expressed delight tion, two giant standing statues of Bud- that date from the fourth to eighth cen- solid gold pendant of Aphrodite, a dag- Roanoke, VA coin col- that the discovery would turies.Tarzi is now convinced that they To Send a Letter ger studded with scores of jewels, and dha at Bamiyan were blown up by the lector and dealer who restore Walton’s reputa- have located the resting place of the third to the Editor more than 20,000 gold coins, was Taliban in March of 2001 as part of a tion.The coin is now on Email Kim Guarnaccia, Editor, at edi- died in a 1962 automo- unearthed during excavations of ancient program to destroy idols.The statues, Buddha. loan to the ANA Money [email protected] or write to bile accident on his way burial mounds at Tillya Tepe, or the which dated to the third and sixth cen- Unfortunately, in September of 2003, Mysteries Magazine, PO Box 490, to a coin show. Museum in Colorado “Golden Hill,” by Greek-Russian archae- turies, were considered to be among the archaeologists were ordered by a local Walpole, NH 03608 USA. When Walton’s heirs Springs, CO, which is ologist Victor Sariyannidis, just prior to Asia’s greatest archaeological treasures military commander to leave the site, sold his vast coin collec- preparing a special exhib- the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in and the most remarkable representations pending a letter of authorization from tion at auction shortly it for its display.The 1978. Hailed as one of the most impor- of Buddha in the world. Afghanistan’s President Hamid Karzai. x after his death, they nickel will also be dis- tant archaeological discoveries of all According to the writings of seventh- The site has subsequently been filled in time, the collection is thought to be were told that the 1913 played at ANA conven- century Chinese pilgrim Xuan Zang, the and the area is now being guarded until Errata worth tens of millions of dollars and is Liberty Head nickel was tions and other select cliffs of Bamiyan also sheltered a third, the archaeologists are allowed back in • In issue #3 on the cover, title page of considered one of the most important one of many with an venues. July of 2004. the article, contents page, and at the collections of antiquities in the world. even larger statue of Buddha.The text, altered date and was, —JUDITH KANE —JUDITH KANE end of the ar ticle, Paul Devereux’s —JUDITH KANE which has been substantiated by other therefore, worthless. SOURCE: AMERICAN SOURCES: AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE, name was spelled incorrectly. Coin collector SOURCE: AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE, BBC sources, gives the exact dimensions of the Stories then flourished George Walton NUMISMATIC ASSOC. two destroyed Buddhas and describes a BBC, DAILY MIRROR

2 0 MY S T E R I E S M A G A Z I N E , I SS U E # 4 WWW. MY S T E R I E S M A G A Z I N E . C O M 2 1 Earth Energies Earth Energies

tures, and that link has to do with the How to Dowse with an L-Rod significance of the landscape to Bronze Age people themselves. Dowsing for Earth’s Energy resent-day dowsers often use L-rods to detect earth energies, water, and other Many cultures, including the ancient resources. The rods are easy to make and responsive to their users, and they can Also known as “water- by Lise Hull However, many scientists scoff at the Egyptians and the Celts, considered he art of dowsing has long been notion that water, mineral ores, or invis- Pbe used by anyone interested in testing their own dowsing skills. water a sacred, life-giving force, a physi- L-rods consist of a short side measuring about six to eight inches in length, situated at witching,” “divining,” and considered the provenance of ible electromagnetic energies can be a 90 degree angle to a longer, 10 to 18-inch section. When dowsing with L-rods (which cal connection between this world and doodlebugging,” the practice witches and mystics. In recent located with the aid of primitive, non- T can easily be made from coat hangers or other straight but pliable metallic rods), place the next. It seems reasonable, then, that times, though, there has been a resur- of dowsing was documented scientific devices, including L-shaped the shorter portion of the L in each hand. Grip it loosely in the middle of each palm, so sacred sites, particularly cemeteries and gence of interest in dowsing, not merely metal rods, Y-shaped twigs, and pendu- that each rod can move freely. Bend your arms at the elbow, pointing the longer part of places of worship, would be located near as early as 2,200 BC in to pinpoint water or mineral sources but lums. Even so, mainstream companies each rod outward and parallel to each other. Then walk slowly forward. water, even if that water were hidden ancient Egyptian and also as a means of connecting to the call upon dowsers for help when modern Always keep your upper arms straight beneath the Earth’s surface. unexplainable energies that seem to technology fails to identify the best and parallel with the ground and with each Chinese carvings. radiate from the Earth. places to sink a well, to search for oil, other—otherwise, the rods may pivot due to Dowsing and Electromagnetism Dowsing’s most commonly accepted buried cables, and drainage pipes, or to gravity rather than a reaction to an energy esides their apparent ability to source. You will know when the rods detect purpose is in locating water sources. find downed aircraft, land mines, and react to underground water (and something when they either swing apart and wrecked ships. other substances), dowsing make a V-shape or cross over each other. B Dowsers have also been called to areas Take note of the places where the rods devices may also be responding to elec- during prolonged droughts to find natu- move. Then continue walking, but head in tromagnetic charges that emanate from ral water resources hidden deep beneath the direction where they are pointed. Some- the giant stones used to construct sacred the Earth’s surface.Archaeologists have times, L-rods lead users in circular patterns, monuments. Certain types of rock con- also used dowsers to assess sites and which some dowsers claim are reminiscent tain minerals with percentages of silicon, determine where to dig for artifacts. of the spiral designs carved into prehistoric iron, heavy metals, and other elements. Dowsers use a variety of instruments stone monuments. If you find yourself mov- Depending on the weight of the stone to connect with these unseen forces. ing in a linear direction, you may be tracing and the interplay of the atomic particles Nonetheless, they claim that it is more a water source, such as an underground in the minerals, these rocks can emanate the perceptive capabilities of the indi- stream or drainage pipe. electromagnetic charges which may be —LISE HULL vidual that create a successful experi- detected by dowsing. ment, not the particular tool used. In the 1970s, the Dragon Project (see 1960s, dowser W.H. Lamb made similar earthen mound but now are often Mysteries, issue #1) used dowsers as well Churches and Underground Streams (yet reputedly separate) discoveries, exposed to the elements.Field noted as infrared photography, ultrasound s early as the 1930s, dowsing claiming that two or more streams that such sites were most often situated recorders, and geiger counters to study was used by archaeologists to crossed over one other directly under- near rivers, lakes, and springs. He the Rollright Stones in Oxfordshire, Aperform experiments at sacred neath the high altar of every church he believes that the presence of water and England.Although the results proved sites, including churches and ancient had studied.At about the same time, well-drained soils—plus the sanctity of inconclusive, researchers continue to stone monuments. One of the first to dowser Muriel Langdon used dowsing to the landscape as perceived by our prehis- examine the apparent relationship note the intriguing correlation between find what she characterized as “domes” toric ancestors—guided Bronze Age between the ancient stones and the pres- churches and underground water was of water (primary water sources that rise peoples on where to construct their ence of electromagnetic energies with archaeologist and dowser Guy Under- vertically from deep below the earth’s burial sites. the help of dowsing rods. wood. Labeling the water sources as surface) rising beneath altars, fonts, Noting that aerial photography has We can never truly know whether According to most dowsers, “water-lines,” he suggested that the chancel steps, and doorways. recently identified the location of many the ancients actually dowsed to locate anyone can successfully sacred monuments built over them In the April, 1999 issue of British previously unknown barrows on flatter water sources—or just coincidentally tap into the Earth’s served as markers pinpointing the loca- Archaeology, David Field, an archaeolo- land, he speculates that the main reason erected the structures near springs and invisible energies by tion of underground water. gist with English Heritage, England’s why burial mounds seem to dominate lakes. Nonetheless, dowsing continues using the proper tools While contemporary researchers dis- official caretaker of ancient monuments, hills and ridge-tops is that plowing has to inspire scientific speculation.And A

I and dowsing techniques. agreed with his interpretations, many also makes several fascinating observa- mowed down those located on flatter CC for the non-professional researcher, A have acknowledged the existence of RN tions about the positioning of Bronze land. Such evidence has led Field to con- dowsing is an entertaining way to expe- A U some sort of link between standing Age barrows—megalithic burial cham- clude that there is a link between the G rience sacred sites and natural places of M I stones and underground water. In the K bers that originally were covered with an placement of barrows and water fea- power. z

2 2 MY S T E R I E S M A G A Z I N E , I SS U E # 4 WWW. MY S T E R I E S M A G A Z I N E . C O M 2 3 Mysteries on Exhibit Mysteries on Exhibit

some of which have East Coast Museum of Science never been seen outside South Carolina State Museum Denver Museum of Nature & Science Glenbow Museum BOSTON, MA Egypt, including a life- COLUMBIA, SC DENVER, CO CALGARY, ALBERTA, CANADA (617) 723-2500 I WWW.MOS.ORG sized reconstruction of (803) 898-4921 I WWW.MUSEUM.STATE.SC.US (303) 322-7009 I WWW.DMNS.ORG (403) 268-4100 I WWW.GLENBOW.ORG American Museum of Natural History Mysteries of the Milky Way (ongoing) the burial chamber of the Titanic: The Machu Picchu: Unveiling the Mystery The Mysterious Bog NEW YORK, NY This exhibit features stunning images A r t i f a c t of the Incas (Feb. 14-May 19, 2004) People: Rituals and (212) 769-5400 I WWW.AMNH.ORG New Kingdom pharaoh taken by the Hubble Space Telescope to Exhibit (Jan. Explore the wonders of Machu Picchu, a Sacrifice in Europe Petra: Lost City of Stone (through Thutmose III. create a visual tour of the Milky Way— 31-May 2, 400-year-old Peruvian palace and one of (through May 24, July 6, 2004) The most comprehensive from the luminous bulge of ancient stars 2004) This the most spectacular archaeological sites 2004) The most com- exhibition ever presented on the lost civi- surrounding the galactic center to the exhibit fea- in the world.This exhibit explores the prehensive exhibition lization of the Nabataeans tells the story South dark halo encompassing the outer limits tures a origins of Machu Picchu, which was ever produced on the ritu- R

of the 19th-century rediscovery of Petra, E of the galaxy. T chronology of rediscovered in 1911 by Yale professor als of northwestern Europe

Key West Shipwreck EN

the ancient cross- C

E the life of the and archaeologist Hiram Bingham III. in prehistoric times, this roads of the inter- Historeum Museum C EN KEY WEST, FL | (305) 292-8990 I ill-fated vessel, See and experi- exhibit presents the latest

national silk and SC

Midwest WWW.SHIPWRECKHISTOREUM.COM A t h r o u g h ence some of the research on the mysterious bog spice trade routes. C T recreated first- finest surviving people.Features numerous The exhibit high- Wreck Ashore! (ongoing) Step back in PA Adler Planetarium & B and third-class examples of Incan artifacts discovered over the lights new scholar- time to 1856 Key West—the era of the Astronomy Museum cabins, a simulated iceberg, and more art, a replica of an last two centuries, including pottery, flint

NA wreckers.This exhibit combines actors,

, ship and recent d r CHICAGO, IL film, laser technology, and artifacts from than 200 artifacts recovered from the ancient Incan tools, axes, jewelry, coins, and the mum- oa archaeological dis- B (312) 322-0323 I WWW.ADLERPLANETARIUM.ORG the recently discovered wreck of the ves- wreckage. Learn about the technology, road, an interac- mified remains of people sacrificed in the

sm coveries featuring i S r Stranded in an Alien Lab (ongoing) sel Isaac Allerton, which sank in 1856 on artistry, and incredible effort needed to tive tour of an bogs to honor pagan gods. ou

T more than 200 EAN

Imagine yourself as a space explorer, the treacherous Florida Keys reef. find and reach the ship that now lies 2.5 Incan palace M L dan objects found at r O o Ontario Science Center

marooned on a miles under the sea. complex, and an R J the site, many on A strange, rocky interactive labora- C TORONTO, ONTARIO, CANADA view for the first time outside Jordan. Museum of Arts & Sciences planet. You are MACON, GA tory that shows how archaeologists (416) 696-1000 I WWW.ONTARIOSCIENCECENTRE.CA billions of miles West Coast interpret the 15th century. Cosmic Questions: Our Place in Space Liberty Science Center (478) 477-3232 I WWW.MASMACON.COM from home, and Time (Feb. 1-Sept. 15, 2004) JERSEY CITY, NJ Crime Lab Detective (Jan. 23-May 16, and your space- Lawrence Hall of Science Explore the latest on unsolved cosmic (201) 200-1000 I WWW.LSC.ORG 2004) This exhibition is designed to let ship has crash- BERKELEY, CA Outside the U.S. mysteries, such as black holes and Strange Matter (Jan. 31-May 2, 2004) visitors work independently or as a group landed near the (510) 642-5132 I WWW.LHS.BERKELEY.EDU , and discover what it From metals with memory to astonishing to solve a crime. Real-life crime concepts, laboratory of an ChemMystery (Feb. 7-August 12, Canadian Museum of Civilization is like to be a modern astronomer. High- micro-machinery, discover the amazing such as fingerprints, hair samples, hand- alien scientist.This interactive exhibit 2004) Use GATINEAU, QUEBEC, CANADA lights include an object theater, a cosmic world of materials science. Use a bowling writing analysis, and tread marks are used uses clues hidden throughout the lab to chromatogra- (800) 555-5621 I WWW.CIVILIZATION.CA ray cloud chamber, interactive murals, a ball to try to shatter a pane of heat-tem- to help aid in solving the mystery. solve the mystery about the scientist and phy to ana- Ancient Treasures and the Dead Sea video fly-through of the universe, and pered glass M

her work while putting a twist on the lyze inks; E Scrolls (through April 12, 2004) This interactive computer stations that take

Orlando Science Center L

or swish a A search for extraterrestrials—in this lab match DNA S exhibit pre- visitors behind the scenes of modern cos- ORLANDO, FL U

g l o v e d R E the aliens are looking for Earthlings! and finger- J sents rare arti- mological science. z

(888) 672-4386 I WWW.OSC.ORG ,

h a n d M

print samples; U facts that Dino Digs: Mysteries Unearthed E through a S Milwaukee Public Museum analyze liq- U reveal aspects (ongoing) This exhibit features a recon- M

vat of fluid L MILWAUKEE, WI

uids, pow- AE of life during t h a t structed paleonto- SR (414) 278-2702 I WWW.MPM.EDU ders, and I ancient times, m o r p h s logical excavation The Quest for Immortality: Treasures crystals; con- including details of daily life, religion, from fluid site and show- of Ancient Egypt (March 28-Aug. 8, duct smell music, the evolution of writing, dietary to solid and cases eight com- 2004) This exhibition of ancient art tests; perform handwriting analysis; and practices, trade, and the roles of women back again plete and 12 par- from the Egyptian national collection much more. and children. See archaeological discov- at the tial dinosaurs, illuminates the Pharaonic concepts of the eries made during the past 100 years at touch of a as well as afterlife journey, sustenance, and renew- major sites, such as those in Jerusalem, button. other prehis- al, and their relationship with the divine. toric land and sea animals and other fos- Massada,Arad, Beit Shemesh, and other Features approximately 115 artifacts, sils, in disparate land and aquatic settings. cities of the Biblical and Roman eras.

2 4 MY S T E R I E S M A G A Z I N E , I SS U E # 4 WWW. MY S T E R I E S M A G A Z I N E . C O M 2 5 Archaeological Finds Archaeological Finds

been the subject of speculation about erence to this chalk figure dates to the who built it, when it was first created, 17th century, which lends support to Britain’s Chalk Men and what purpose it served. Some schol- the notion that both the Cerne Abbas ars have suggested that the Long Man Giant and the Long Man of Wilmington represented the Norse god Odin; Con- are modern creations rather than stantine, the Holy Roman Emperor; or a ancient curiosities. Not So Ancient After All fertility symbol. Others have suggested Despite the new archaeological evi- that he depicted the Saxon leader dence to the contrary, debate continues by Lise Hull Excavations in West Sussex meter by hand. Embedded in the sedi- Beowulf, a Hindu or Roman god, the over the age of the Long Man. Whether n October, 2003, Dr. Martin Bell, ment were pieces of pottery, flint, and have sparked controversy prophet Mohammed, or the Christian or not the two chalk men of the South professor of environmental and brick, and the layer of soil was tentative- St. Paul. When overgrown, the figure has Downs date to the modern era or to about the exact age of Igeoarchaeology at England’s Read- ly dated to the mid-16th century AD. also been called the Green Man. In fact, more ancient times, their survival would England’s chalk figure, ing University, revealed that scientific The plain outline of the giant male fig- during World War II, the site was paint- not be possible without the laborious tests done on the chalk deposits and ure holding a staff in each hand has long ed over in green to prevent its use as a efforts of the locals, who periodically the 226-foot-tall Long fragments of brick recovered near Wilm- target for German bombs. scour the outline of the figures, remov- Man of Wilmington. ington, England, may actually date to Whatever the Long Man’s exact iden- ing bracken and litter to reveal the the 16th century rather than to prehis- tity, his existence has been documented gleaming white chalk underneath. z tory, as previously supposed. since 1710, when surveyor John Rowley The “Rude Man,” or the Cerne Abbas Archaeologists from the Mid-Sussex drew facial features on the giant. Other Giant, is also now considered to have Field Archaeology Team excavated the drawings and resistivity surveys conduct- been created in the 16th century. Visitors wishing to see the Long Man up base of the site on Windover Hill, look- ed in 1969 revealed that the outline itself close may do so by following one of the pub- ing at the hillwash deposits that had has changed over time. Before 1874, lic footpaths that leads to the base and accumulated below the figure in order when the Long Man’s outline was reset (also known as the “Rude Man”) is head of the figure. Parking is possible to date the Long Man.The group first in yellow brick, the original figure was some sort of fertility symbol, and scores near the remains of Wilmington Priory used heavy machinery to dig a trench more an indentation in the grass that was of visitors over the years have journeyed in the village of Wilmington, and trail into the debris heaped near the giant’s visible only in certain lighting situations, up the hillside in hopes of experiencing heads lead from the car park to the giant chalk-traced feet.They then widened rather than deliberately formed with the mysterious power that is said to chalk figure. the trench by digging an extra 1/2 stone or extensive clearance of the grassy exude from the figure. The Cerne Abbas Giant stands just surface. During the restoration work, While long believed to be of Roman north of the pretty village of the same fragments of Roman brick were appar- or Celtic origins (or created by some name. A parking lot is provided for travel- ently discovered which, at the time, wayward local boys in more recent ers to stop and have a look. A trek to the site seemed to imply that the hill-figure times), the first known documented ref- itself is also possible. dated to Britain’s Roman era.

Doubting Dates he new 16th-century date for the Long Man of Wilmington calls Tinto doubt the age of the only other human hill-figure carved in south- ern England—the Cerne Abbas Giant. Located about eight miles north of Dorchester near the village of Cerne Abbas, the mammoth, club-wielding fig- ure has some similarities to the Long Man of Wilmington, but is quite evi- dently male (thanks to the bold carving Bell believes the recent date of the Long Man may indicate that a significant slump of of his genitalia). Unlike the other chalk figures, archaeological research on the famous Uffington White soil took place about 500 years ago, a slump which coincided with the clearance of land His physical attributes have convinced Horse near Swindon, England, has determined that the stylized white horse dates to to begin construction on the chalk figure. many people that the Cerne Abbas Giant about 1,000 BC, which suggests it may well be Celtic in origin.

2 6 MY S T E R I E S M A G A Z I N E , I SS U E # 4 WWW. MY S T E R I E S M A G A Z I N E . C O M 2 7 Urban Legends Urban Legends

attributable to disease and starvation. Later, scores of books, such as David When Urban Legends Turn Ugly Hoggan’s The Myth of the Six Million Fear and hatred are often a by Charles Rammelkamp means that the food is free from any ani- (1969), claimed that the Holocaust was e often think of urban leg- mal by-products and thus, can be eaten invented by Zionists in order to discredit breeding ground for urban ends as essentially harmless with meat or dairy (in Jewish law, meat Germany’s attempts to maintain national legends. The results are often Wtales that have captured the and milk must not be mixed). The orga- identity and racial purity. The issue naturally arouses strong tragic and the cause of even popular imagination. However, some nizations which provide the certification urban legends veer into and do, indeed, charge a modest fee for their emotions on all sides, and several famous more fear and violence. prejudice when various attitudes, beliefs, services, but the cost of kosher certifica- court cases have been ajudicated on this and behaviors are attributed to a particu- tion that is passed onto the consumer is very matter.The most famous occurred lar group of people. One group that has negligible. in the 1990s, when British historian been subject to this sort of David Irving, author of various books on is the Jews, who have been vilified over The Protocols of the Elders of Zion Hitler, sued Penguin Books and Debo- the centuries for many imaginary crimes. he Protocols of the Elders of Zion, rah Lipstadt, professor of Modern Jewish purportedly the text of discus- and Holocaust Studies at Georgia’s The Jewish Kosher Tax sions among Jewish leaders that Emory University for libel, when she T Even today, many believe that the Holocaust, in which some six million Jews were killed in “outed” him as a Holocaust denier. Lip- here do urban legends end describe how Jews plan to take over the Nazi death camps, is just a falsehood perpetuated by Zionists in order to discredit Germany. and malicious lies begin? world by enslaving non-Jews, consti- stadt won the trial when Irving was WTake, for instance, the claim tutes another insidious urban legend found to have used pseudoscientific evi- that there is a secret tax on food either about Jews. Yet according to historian dence to misrepresent historical evidence labeled with a “K,” a lowercase “u” Benjamin Segel, the Protocols were fab- However, in 1921, Philip Graves, a referred to the Protocols when denounc- in his books. inside a circle, or by the word “pareve.” ricated in Paris at the end of the 19th reporter for the Times, discov- ing the Jews in the 1930s and ‘40s. How this tax works is unclear since taxes century under the supervision of the ered that the Protocols had been plagia- The Protocols are also believed to be Jesus Killed by Jews are collected by the government, but Russian Okhrana (the Czar’s secret rized from two sources—an 1864 satire used today as proof that Israel’s designs he New Testament Gospels have such details seem irrelevant to those who police) as a propaganda tool to stir up of the French ruler Napoleon III by on the Middle East go beyond the Pales- been a source of much misunder- believe that Jews are inherently greedy. anti-Semitic sentiment. Parisian lawyer Maurice Joly (entitled tinian territories. In fact, they have been Tstanding, with the medieval Rather, these symbols indicate that the The first known publication of the Dialogue between Machiavelli and Mon- published in Arabic, distributed to local Church portraying Jesus a a Christian contents of the package were prepared in Protocols was in the Russian newspaper tesquieu in Hell) and Biarritz, an 1868 populations by Islamic groups with gov- who was killed by Jews. Rather, Jesus was accordance with Jewish dietary laws.The Znamia in 1903. In 1917, they were novel by German anti-Semite Hermann ernment sponsorship, and even promot- a Jew whom the Romans killed in “K” means “kosher” while the lowercase published again, this time attributed to Goedsche. Graves debunked the Proto- ed as true on Egyptian television, as response to the political intrigues of the “u” in a circle refers to the Union of Theodor Herzl, the founder of modern cols in a long series of point-by-point recently as the spring of 2003. Sanhedrin. In fact, plays of the Orthodox Jewish Congregations, under Zionism, the Jewish nationalist move- refutations, after which a South African Middle Ages incited pogroms against whose auspices the food has been ment.This was a time of political turmoil court ruled them a forgery and a Swiss The Holocaust Was a Lie Jews by showing, onstage, the drama of court declared them a fraud. Subse- imilarly, denial of the Holocaust is Christ’s final days and his gleeful murder Occasionally, the claim about inspected and certified. in Russia, and a Jewish a Jewish secret tax has been Similarly, the Yiddish word scapegoat was welcomed quently, in 1927, Henry Ford publicly used to both demonize and trivial- by Jews, who were usually portrayed with printed on stickers and stuck p a r e v e under such circumstances, retracted his statement about the Proto- Size Jews, essentially calling them devil horns and tails.After the perfor- onto packages or shelves, to direct popular hostility cols, and apologized for his diatribes, liars who are only trying to gain sympa- mance of such plays, European peasants urging people to “Boycott away from those in claiming his assistants had fed him false thy for themselves as victims by spread- would go on violent rampages against the Kosher Tax!” power. information. ing falsehoods about WWII’s Nazi death Jews, destroying property, raping, and e But by then the damage had been camps. Holocaust deniers claim that the killing, all in an act of “revenge.” h Two years later, the Protocols were dis- done. In 1933, excerpts from the Proto- systematic slaughter of six million Euro- Though they can be benign and tt t tributed to members cols were used by Fascists in the Roma- pean Jews did not really happen, or cer- amusing, some urban legends have been o nian parliament as a reason to expel Jews tainly not on the scale that was reported. used to reinforce stereotypes, which has c of the US cabinet and y from the country.Adolf Hitler cited the These denials began in 1947 when often led to violence. We should always o ! in 1920, Henry Ford x Protocols in Mein Kampf, the influential Maurice Bardéche, a French fascist, sug- try to separate verifiable truth from B a printed them in his T anti-Semitic autobiography he wrote in gested that much of the evidence about unsubstantiated rumor when it comes r newspaper The Dearborn Indepen- e dent as “proof” that Jews and Commu- prison in the 1920s. General Francisco the extermination camps were fabricated to leveling serious accusations at groups h Franco, the Fascist dictator of Spain, also and that any deaths in the camps was z Kos nists were trying to take over the world. or individuals.

2 8 MY S T E R I E S M A G A Z I N E , I SS U E # 4 WWW. MY S T E R I E S M A G A Z I N E . C O M 2 9 Mysteries of Science Mysteries of Science

Deese/Roediger-McDermott test. Her hypothesis was once again supported, Wanting to Believe but as far as her idea of choosing a less controversial topic went, she was dead wrong. The Science Behind Repressed Memory Syndrome “The worldview that continues to be more or less dominant in Western soci- by Ken Mondschein Recent research shows that the things happened when, in reality, they ety.… radically separates the objective ou are sure it happened.After all, remembrances of those who did not. Such, she believes, is often the from the subjective domains,” writes you can remember it just as well case in “recovered memory syndrome,” John E. Mack, a Harvard psychologist, claim to have been kidnapped as you can remember walking Y in which patients, under , fervent believer of alien contacts with down the aisle for your high school by aliens may, in fact, be their “remember” incidents from their past. humans and one of Clancy’s foremost graduation or passing your driver’s test. The idea that we can forget and then minds playing tricks on them. detractors. He then goes on to say, You were sound asleep in bed when sud- spontaneously remember incidents Unless the presence of beings, or any denly you awoke, para- from our past was first popularized in other intelligence… can be proven to lyzed.Then there was the the 1920s by Sigmund Freud, who exist by this method, reports of such sensation of unworldly, believed that some memories were so In the early 1980s, the owners of the McMartin Preschool were charged with ritual sexual encounters can be dismissed out of shadowy forms surround- painful for the conscious mind to deal abuse of their students, a charge that was ultimately proved to be false. hand or relegated to the purgatory of ing you, and transporting with that they were relegated to the the subjective. you to a brightly lit room subconscious, where they emerged as In other words, just because some- where you were experi- neurotic behavior.The classical example improbable details of the case spread, believed had really happened to them thing cannot be proven true in a labora- mented upon. You have of this was the Oedipal/Elektra com- hundreds more people suddenly began was, in fact, described by therapists, tory does not mean it is not so.Those experienced alien abduc- plex, in which a child’s unacceptable reporting memories of almost identical peers, or the media, and then claimed who believe they have been contacted by tion first-hand—or have desire for the mother or father was sup- abuse. Yet despite the widespread testi- later as bona fide memories. Repressed aliens may be experiencing a different you? pressed. By recognizing and talking monies of infant murder, cannibalism, memories, in short, seem to be a sort of sort of truth, one that transcends our According to Susan through the memories, it was thought and sexual abuse, no concrete evidence mental optical illusion. modern, rational way of thinking.(The Clancy, a postdoctoral fel- that the neurotic behavior could be of an organized network of Satan-wor- Clancy’s work, however, brought her entire article, “Witnessing:Abductees as low at Harvard’s psychol- cured.Accordingly, legions of psychia- shipers ever emerged. to difficult ideological grounds. Not Sacred Truth-Tellers,” is available at ogy department, the vivid trists have made a career out of recover- only is recovering repressed memories a passport/wit- remembrances of some ing repressed memories. Succombing to Suggestion standard part of many psychiatrists’ tool- nessingsacredtruth.html.) people who claim to have It is interesting to note, however, hough repressed memories are a boxes, but many feminists were quick to Mack is not the only one who doubts been kidnapped by aliens that the forms that such memories take standard feature in much psychi- denounce her work as belittling the Clancy’s experiments. It is quite a as well as experienced var y with the times.For instance, atric literature, there is not much problem of actual child sexual abuse. stretch, after all, to extrapolate the results Satanic rituals or other beginning in the early 1980s, one clas- T empirical evidence to support it. Susan Some, in fact, even hold that most every of a word-association test to such com- abuses may, in fact, be sic form of these memories was sexual Clancy, on the other hand, does have woman in our society has been abused at plex phenomena as and their minds playing tricks abuse, often in the context of a sup- evidence. Using a Deese/Roediger- some point or another and that recov- ritual abuse. Nor is there any conclusive on them. posed vast, underground Satanic cult McDermott test, subjects were asked to ered-memory therapy validates their proof of causes and effects; perhaps those Clancy is a researcher that engaged in orgiastic ceremonies study lists of related words, such as beliefs. Moreover, many victims them- traumatized by such events are more specializing in memory, and ritual murder. One of the most “brownie,”“cookie,” and “cake,” and selves, who had constructed entire per- likely to score higher on Clancy’s tests. that process by which we infamous cases of false memory was the then were quizzed on their contents. sonal narratives around their recovered Certain phenomena, such as ritual order our lives into a McMartin Preschool incident in the Time and again, those who believed they memories, claim that her conclusions abuse, is not real but rather is created by coherent picture, con- early 1980s, in which the staff of a fami- had recovered memories were more like- belittle their experiences. a sort of mass delusion. But other expe- struct histories and narra- ly-run day-care center became the vic- ly to have recalled seeing words on the Faced by these controversies, Clancy riences are not so easily explained away. tives for ourselves, and tims of a witchhunt brought on by a list such as “sweet,” that were related to moved to what she thought would be a After all, thousands of people believe derive our sense of who mentally unbalanced parent. but were not, in fact, among the words less ideologically tainted subject: people that they have experienced extraordi- we are. In some cases, At the prompting of investigators, the on the list. who believe they have been abducted by nary, life-changing events. With such though, Clancy has found children at the school wove an elaborate The implication was that that these UFOs. Once again, she found that those emotional stakes, the mystery of false that our memories can lie, tale of secret tunnels, rites, and women were more susceptible to sug- who claimed to have experienced alien memory is not likely to be solved any leading us to believe ritualized abuse.As the fantastical and gestion, and that perhaps the abuse they visitations scored higher on the time soon. z

3 0 MY S T E R I E S M A G A Z I N E , I SS U E # 4 WWW. MY S T E R I E S M A G A Z I N E . C O M 3 1 Haunted Heritage Haunted Heritage

goes, they discovered the skillfully carved name “D. Lilias Drummond,” upside- Scotland’s Accursed Fyvie Castle down on the stone windowsill. One of Scotland’s most by Lise Hull Thomas encountered the Queen of the Another ghost, the so-called Grey yvie Castle’s lengthy past is filled Fairies and became her lover.After Lady, is also said to haunt Fyvie Castle. majestic castles,Fyvie with tumult, resulting not from spending seven years in Elfland, he part- While there are some similarities to the has withstood curses warfare but rather from the curse ed from the Fairy Queen at the leg- Green Lady, the Grey Lady is thought to F be the spirit of the wife of another lord. of prophet Thomas the Rhymer, and the endary Eildon Tree, but only after she and hauntings for activities of numerous which had bestowed magical powers upon him, In the 1920s, workmen renovating the well over 700 years. reportedly have been sighted at the castle including the power of prophesy. intermittantly to fill the bowl in which it At the start of the 19th century, Gen- castle tore down a moldy bedroom wall over the centuries. Accordingly, he became known as now rests inside the castle. eral Gordon forced his way into the only to discover a woman’s skeleton! Out During the 13th century,Thomas of Thomas the Rhymer. Indeed, since 1433, no eldest son has secret chamber.The general’s wife went of respect, they gave the skeleton a prop- Ercildoune roamed the countryside A temperamental man,Thomas the inherited Fyvie Castle from his father. blind, and he dropped dead soon after. er burial in the local cemetery and only around medieval Melrose Abbey, in the Rhymer made his living as a minstrel, While some heirs died untimely deaths, (The medical cause of the afflictions then did the Grey Lady appear at the cas- Scottish borders.There, the story goes, poet, and prophet. He is said to have some lairds, such as Alexander Seton, remains a mystery, but most people tle. Stories claim that the hauntings were prophesied many critical events in Scot- never had sons to inherit the property. believe they resulted from the curse.) so intense that the lord of Fyvie Castle re- land’s history, among them the Battle of Still others, such as James Seton, the Then in the 1880s, Sir Maurice Duff- interred the skeleton behind the bed- Bannockburn (1314) and the accession fourth Earl of Dunfermline, lost their Gordon (General Gordon’s descendant) room wall, trying to undo any damage of King James VI of Scotland to the inheritance for political reasons. failed to heed the warning and ordered that had been caused by her burial.After- English throne in 1603. In more recent times, the Leith and the chamber torn open.Almost immedi- wards, the hauntings ceased. On one occasion,Thomas announced Forbes-Leith family also fell afoul of the ately, he fell and broke his leg and his The ghost of Agnes Smith, daughter of Fyvie Castle’s Great his intention to visit Fyvie Castle.For Rhymer’s curse.Alexander, the first Lord wife developed an affliction of the eyes. a local miller, also wanders the castle, Wheel Staircase, at Leith, was an American who acquired He promptly stopped the work on the seeking her lost lover Andrew Lammie, the top of which Lady seven years, the castle’s owners kept the the castle in the late 19th century. Upon secret vault. Fyvie’s trumpeter. Stories vary on how Lilias Drummond was gates open in order to welcome the imprisoned. Her ghost prophet but as Thomas finally made his the death of Lord Leith’s eldest son in For decades, people also have report- the couple was separated. One account is said to now haunt way to the castle entrance, a fierce storm 1900 in the Boer War, the lord’s daugh- ed seeing ghosts roaming the castle’s claims that the girl was beaten to death these stairs. blew closed the heavy timber doors, bar- ter Ethel became his primary heir. Her corridors.The most notorious appari- by her own kinsmen to prevent her from ring his passage. In retaliation for this eldest son was killed in World War I, so, tion is the Green Lady, said to be the running off with Andrew while another insult, the Seer cursed the castle and its when Lord Leith died, the castle and ghost of Lady Lilias Drummond, the tale says that the trumpeter was banished owners, proclaiming that no eldest son estates passed to Ethel’s youngest son second wife of Sir Alexander Seton, first to Edinburgh so that he would no longer would ever inherit Fyvie Castle until three Ian. In 1949, Ian’s eldest son died in Earl of Dunfermline, who purchased have contact with his beloved. On a few “weeping” stones were found and placed Malaysia, so the castle was inherited by the castle from the Meldrum family in occasions,Agnes’ ghost has been sighted together. the second son, Sir Andrew Forbes- the late 16th century. at the castle along with that of Andrew, Leith, who sold it to the National Trust For a time, Sir Alexander reportedly who is seen blowing his horn whenever Fyvie’s Accursed Stones for Scotland in 1984. imprisoned his wife in a tiny chamber at the lord of the castle nears death. ccording to some tales, the three the top of the Great Wheel Staircase, evi- Both the weathered sandstone statue accursed stones were situated Mishaps and Castle Ghosts dently so he could carry on with a local of Agnes Smith’s lover perched on the each in the ladies’ bower homas the Rhymer’s curse may lass, who might provide the male heirs rooftop of Fyvie Castle and the Great A have manifested itself in a num- Lilias had failed to accomplish.After Lil- Wheel Staircase, where poor Lilias (boudoir), the water-yett (water gate), and another chamber in the castle. Tber of other ways as well, for the ias went mad from the isolation, he Drummond died, are physical reminders (Some claim the third stone had fallen history of Fyvie Castle is rife with myste- locked her in one of the bedrooms where of the curse left on the castle by Thomas into a nearby stream, never to be recov- rious mishaps.Another curse is said to she starved to death. the Rhymer so long ago. z have befallen any lord who entered the Shortly thereafter, Sir Alexander mar-

and ered.) Some say the three stones came l t o

c secret chamber beneath the Charter ried his lover Lady Grizel Leslie. During Located 27 miles northwest of Aberdeen,

S from the nearby church; others claim r

o Room in the Meldrum Tower, the the night, the couple heard noises that Fyvie Castle is one mile north of Fyvie vil-

t f they were boundary stones intended for s u r administrative office and strong room. sounded like loud sighs outside their lage, just off the A947 and eight miles T use in the castle’s construction. Unfortu- l Upon entering the room, so the tale bedroom window. Interpreting them as north of the A920.Fyvie Castle is open to ona

i nately for the lords of Fyvie Castle, only t a N one of the stones was ever recovered. It is goes, not only would the lord die, but gusts of wind, the couple ignored the the public for a fee and the gardens are he T said that enough water seeps through his wife would go blind. sounds.The next morning, so the story open daily throughout the year.

3 2 MY S T E R I E S M A G A Z I N E , I SS U E # 4 WWW. MY S T E R I E S M A G A Z I N E . C O M 3 3 Profiles in Evil A Legacy Profiles in Evil of Cruelty R I N C E L A D T H E M PA L E R racula’s reign was one of blood- P V I thirsty tyranny and sadism. After Dreclaiming the throne in 1456, he invited the country’s poor, sick, and The Man Behind the Legend elderly to a grand banquet, promising that he would free them of their trou- Count Dracula pales by Marc Cramer people, by plunging oiled, 12-foot bles. While the diners waited for the hanks to the pen of Bram Stoker stakes up his victims’ rectums until the meal, Dracula’s henchmen sealed the when compared to his and Hollywood’s machinations, tips protruded from their mouths or the doors and burned the building to the fictional namesake, one of Dracula has become a modern back of their necks. ground. “I did this,” said Vlad, “so that T no one would be poor in my realm.” legend, an archetype of evil. But the real- Like crucifixion, impalement was a the most evil men ever to On another occasion, 500 boyars ity behind the image is more chilling slow and agonizing death, and Dracula terrorize a nation—Prince were summoned to Dracula’s castle, than any fostered by fiction or film.For spared no one, regardless of rank. some were pressed into labor but the Vlad III of Wallachia. Hollywood’s depiction of the man pales Thieves, adulterous women, beggars, majority had their lands seized and suf- alongside the atrocities of the 15th-cen- enemies (real and imagined), even chil- fered impalement. tury tyrant who sat on the throne of Wal- dren suffered the horrors of impalement. No method of punishment was too lachia, one of the three former principali- Prince Vlad undoubtedly derived gratifi- severe for the mad ruler. He ordered Vlad’s headless corpse was buried in a ties that comprise modern Romania. cation from inflicting suffering, as he even his disloyal subjects to be skinned vault in the monastery on the small island Prince Vlad III “the Impaler,” known dined below a field where hundreds of alive, and captive Mongol raiders were of Snagov (left).Interestingly, in 1931, to history as Dracula (meaning “son of victims hung from 12-foot stakes, some boiled in huge vats of oil. Merchants Dracula’s tomb was opened. Except for the dragon,” as his father was a member dying, others already dead and rotting. who cheated customers, unfaithful a handful of whitish dust, the vault was empty. Even so, his grave is still a of the Order of the Drag- wives, and offensive children died on the stake. When two ambassadors pilgrimage site (above), for modern on), murdered any- Dracula’s Short-Lived Glory refused to remove their hats in defer- vampire fans. where between n ugly man with bulging eyes, ence to the draconic tyrant, Dracula 40,000 and ungainly features, and a thick ordered their hats to be nailed to their 100,000 Aupper lip partly covered by a heads, saying “Very well,” he said, “if by the prospect of restoring his lost thick moustache, Vlad was born in you value your hats so much you need power, invaded Wallachia and routed its December of 1431. Both he and his not take them off ever again.” new ruler, Prince Basarab the Old. But brother Radu were educated by his Vlad’s explosiveness and brutality Dracula’s glory was short-lived.The mother. eh may have been a Transylvani- proved unbearable for his long-suffer- Turks invaded Bucharest in 1476 and an noble. Young Dracula began his train- ing wife, who eventually jumped to her er, in 1462, the Turkish forces of Sultan Vlad, disguised as a Turk to confuse the death from a castle tower. ing as a warrior under a boyar, or land Mehmed II defeated Vlad.As an infuri- enemy, led his men into battle, where he —MARC CRAMER baron, a hardened veteran of the ongoing ated Dracula returned to his capital, he was killed, some say at the hands of his war against the Muslim Turks. systematically poisoned wells and own men. A year after Dracula’s father ascended Wallachia, regained his throne, and burned villages to the ground to deny After his death, his head was brought the Wallachian throne, 13-year-old Vlad established his capital at Tirgoviste. the pursuing Turks food or water. back to the sultan and proudly displayed and his brother Radu were sent to Turkey When the Turks learned that Dracula When he sought help from Matthias on a pike. His headless corpse was then as hostages.After four years, Vlad’s father would not live up to his promise of alle- Corvinus, Hungary’s new king, Dracula buried in a vault in the monastery on the was murdered, and Vladislav II, a puppet giance to the sultan, they sent an was immediately imprisoned in a tower. small island of Snagov. who answered to the Hungarians, Ottoman army to overthrow him. But as But after four years of internment, he was Although all that remains of the his- ascended the throne, to the displeasure of they approached Tirgoviste they gazed allowed to live in a house under the torical Dracula is a legacy of cruelty, to the Turks. upon 20,000 impaled bodies, a veritable king’s watchful eye.There, he amused modern Romanians, he is venerated as a Believing that young Vlad would forest of the dead and dying. “We can do himself by impaling rodents and birds national hero who fought to liberate his remain loyal to the Turks, Dracula was nothing against a man like this,” the while his brother Radu, who had spent country from the infidel Turk. However, released and given an army to drive out Turkish commander is said to have pro- most of his life in Turkey, sat on the Wal- the truth about the real Dracula is far the Hungarians.The campaign succeed- claimed before retreating. lachian throne. more disturbing, for not even the Victo- ed and Vlad ruled for two months before Prince Vlad III Next, Dracula led his army, which was However, after Radu was overthrown rian author’s pen could conjure up a Hungarian forces routed him. outnumbered three to one, to drive the in 1473 and died, possibly of syphilis, monster more evil than Prince Vlad III, In 1456, Dracula once again invaded Turks from the Danube Valley. Howev- two years later, Dracula, now intoxicated the real Dracula. z

3 4 MY S T E R I E S M A G A Z I N E , I SS U E # 4 WWW. MY S T E R I E S M A G A Z I N E . C O M 3 5 Treasures from the Deep Treasures from the Deep

Nazi Warships clad warship that is commonly identified Shipwreck May be be the Tonquin, a fur-trading vessel that M Resurface on the Danube U as the Merrimack, which fought its Blackbeard’s Last Victim established the first American settle- SE

ersistent drought and a prolonged U Union counterpart, the USS Monitor, to M rchaeologists are investigating ment on the West Coast before meeting L

heat wave in Europe during the A a draw in a March, 1862 battle.

N whether a burned shipwreck a bloody end off Vancouver Island in O I

summer of 2002 caused the T The Virginia, which was built on part found in July of 2003 in Ocra- 1811. A P N A Danube River, one of Europe’s main S of a salvaged Union sailing ship, the USS coke Inlet, along the barrier islands of The wreck is believed to be the O C waterways, to fall to its lowest levels in I Merrimack, met the Monitor near North Carolina’s coast, may be the

A remains of the 94-foot vessel launched more than a century.As it did, it exposed Hampton Roads, VA in the first clash of remains of the last ship captured by the by John Jacob Astor as part of a grand ND C a mass of Nazi hardware that retreating wooden ships armored with iron plates pirate Blackbeard. commercial scheme to loosen the grip of German forces deliberately sank in the KS A to repel canon balls, a four-hour-long

UR Historical documents show that the British and Russians on the Pacific river to impede the progress of advanc- T battle that was erroneously recorded in This image shows Africans raking salt, the Blackbeard captured two ships off the ments of the bow section as far as the fur trade.The expedition, which estab- ing Soviet forces. work they performed during their first year history books as “The Battle of the Mer- coast of main mast. lished the town of Astoria at the mouth At Prahovo, Serbia, near the Romani- of freedom. The old prison is in the back- rimack and the Monitor.” Bermuda in Scholars, who believe that the ship of the Columbia River only six years after an border, the main channel of the river ground. Two months after the battle, the Vir- August of may have been sunk during the Battle Lewis and Clark first reached the Pacific, was temporarily blocked by an old bat- ginia ran aground in the Elizabeth River 1718. One of Frigate Bay in 1782, know that it was was famously documented in Washing- tleship with a rotating canon platform near Portsmouth, VA. After the crew was carried sugar built before 1760 because it was con- ton Irving’s 1836 book Astoria.

and metal shell holders.The vessel is one evacuated, 16,000 pounds of gunpowder M U and the other structed using wooden trunnels and According to Irving, while trading for

of 130 ships that the Germans loaded West Indies reef in 1841 while bound for in the ship’s magazine was detonated to SE U was nearly had iron keel bolts, but no copper furs on the coast of Vancouver Island, Cuba, is providing the British colony of M with explosives and blew up in rows as prevent its capture. Salvagers later E empty. Black- sheeting, bolts, or nails.The military the ill-tempered captain of the Tonquin M I T they fled, covering the Danube’s width Turks and Caicos with a rare link to its I beard allowed slapped a local Indian chief with a sea-

R nature of the vessel was confirmed after African roots. A to slow down the Soviet fleet, which M the ships’ buttons from 11 different regiments, otter pelt. Outraged Indians attacked the

pounded the retreating Nazi forces with Historical accounts show that all but NC crews to keep five iron cannon, and musketballs were ship the next day, massacring most of the artillery. Some of the ships were pulled one of 193 African men and women the empty vessel, but took the full one to recovered. It is thought that several crew and setting fire to several tons of from the river 30 years ago when Roma- aboard the Trouvadore survived. Slavery Ocracoke Island, where he stripped the cannon were looted from the site before gunpowder in the ship’s hold. nia and Serbia began construction of the had been abolished in British colonies by ship of its valuables and then set it on archaeologists began work. The Tonquin Foundation has been

nearby Djerdap Dam, but dozens remain 1841, so the Africans went free after a ESS R fire. Virginia Governor Alexander More than 300 artifacts have been formed to examine and preserve the G

under water and sections of the upper year of “apprenticeship” in the islands’ N

O Spottswood sent British troops after recovered and will be conserved and dis- wreck, which was discovered in April of C

decks of some, including a German hos- salt industry.Archivists and archaeolo- F Blackbeard soon afterwards and the played in the St. Kitts National Museum, 2003, after a crab-fishing trap fouled on O

pital ship, are now visible. gists say that many of the 20,000 resi- Y R pirate died in a battle off the island on along with drawings and photographs of an exposed arm of the large wrought- A

Farther down the shrinking river near dents of the Turks and Caicos are their R B November 22, 1718. I the wreckage. iron anchor . Batina, Croatia, the scene of a pivotal direct descendants and, although many L Officials are also investigating the pos- 1944 battle between the Soviet army residents of the Caribbean trace their stripped the vessel, removing two boilers sibility that the wreckage is a Civil War- Anchor May Be Key Swedish Divers Find and the retreating Germans, local resi- ancestry to Africa, few populations are so and parts of the wooden hull.Although era lightship, used in the 19th century to to Historic Shipwreck Lost Russian Sub dents pulled a German military jeep and closely tied to a single accident of history. several parts, including the wheel, were light the way in and out of inlets and n anchor and blue trading beads n August of 2003, Swedish divers other vehicles from the murky bottom of Now that scholars know the place of carried off to museums, sections of the burned along with Fort Ocracoke as raised by divers from the waters discovered the wreckage of a WWI the river, which was only three feet deep origin and final destination of the Virginia survived underwater. Union forces approached. of Clayoquot Sound, British Russian submarine near the remote wrecked ship, they hope to find other I in some places.They also recovered The Monitor sank 16 miles off the A Columbia, in July of 2003, have led island of Gotska Sandoen, off the smaller artifacts, such as rifles, ammuni- ties between the people of Turks and coast of Cape Hatteras, NC at the end of 18th-Century British Troop archaeologists to a shipwreck that may southeast coast of Sweden in the Baltic tion, and gas cans painted with swastikas. Caicos and West Africa. 1862, resting upside-down in 240 feet Ship Found in the Caribbean Sea.The vessel and its 30 Authorities warned boaters of the Experts say that the lack of anything of water. Its turret and other parts were n July 2003, divers conducting an crewmembers disappeared in July obvious danger and even suspended of commercial value aboard the Trou- raised in August of 2002. archaeological survey in St. Kitts of 1917.The vessel was assumed some service because of the threat of vadore may have helped protect the The survey was performed in prepara- Iidentified the remains of a 1740s to have collided with a mine near unexploded ammunition. wreck—and the lost roots of the tion for the construction of a proposed English troop ship that experts say is an the German-occupied port of colony—from treasure hunters. marine terminal in the river.Federal and important example of pre-1760s ship Libau. Real “Roots” Story Found state laws require that any remains of the construction. The submarine, which is less on Wreck of Slaveship CSS Virginia vs. USS Monitor Virginia be removed before any dredg- During five weeks of surveying and than 100 feet long, was one of he discovery of the remains of a n May of 2003, a remote-sensing ing or construction can begin. excavating the site, divers uncovered three lost by the Russian Navy in Spanish slave ship the Trou- survey located the wreckage of the more than 60 feet of massive timbers unexplained circumstances during Tvadore, which was wrecked on a ICSS Virginia, a Confederate iron- from part of the lower hull arrange- the summer of 1917. z

3 6 MY S T E R I E S M A G A Z I N E , I SS U E # 4 WWW. MY S T E R I E S M A G A Z I N E . C O M 3 7 Today, Dudleytown looks much like it did when Thomas Griffis first walked onto the land some 260 years ago. Because its dense growth, the forest was given the ominous name of “Dark Entry Forest.” DDuuddlleeyyttoowwnn AA NNeeww EEnnggllaanndd GGhhoosstt T Toowwnn

N T H E T O W NO F C ORN WA LL I N northwestern Connecticut lie the Iremains of Dudleytown, a small hamlet that is the site of ghostly tales, unexplained events, and curses. Founded by Thomas Griffis in February of 1645, the town was actually settled by—and named after—three Dudley brothers, who moved there a few years later. It was these brothers who also purportedly brought over a curse from Eng- land that has plagued the land ever since. A I UARNACC G M I K by Jeff Belanger

3 8 MY S T E R I E S M A G A Z I N E , I SS U E # 4 WWW. MY S T E R I E S M A G A Z I N E . C O M 3 9 Today, only cellar holes and a The curse of Dudleytown allegedly few foundations remain of began in England in 1510, when Dudleytown. The roads have become forest trails that Edmund Dudley was beheaded for plot- hikers and ghost hunters still ting to overthrow England’s King Henry traverse, despite warnings VIII.At the time of the beheading, a of trespassing fines. curse, the specific root of which was never documented, was placed on the Dudleys for their treason, which stated that all Dudleys from Edmund Dudley’s lineage would find themselves surround- ed by horrors. In the beginning, the curse seemed to hold true. Edmund Dudley’s son, John Dudley, Duke of Northumberland, was president of the powerful Privy Council. When King Edward VI was diagnosed with consumption in January of 1553, Dudley saw an opportunity to seize the crown and control the empire.As Edward’s illness progressed over the R E

coming months, Dudley pressured the G N A 15-year-old king to declare Lady Jane L Grey, one of Edward’s closest friends, as BE FF E his successor, rather than Edward’s sis- J ters, Mary and Elizabeth. and Nathaniel Carter was tomahawked War under George Washington. General to Dudleytown on occasional weekends The Duke of Northumberland quickly upon returning home from a hunting Swift and his wife lived at the end of Bald for the quiet of the woods.Around arranged a marriage between his 19- excursion. Mountain Road, just beyond the land 1903, Dr. Clarke built a rustic cabin out year-old son Guilford and Lady Jane The Carter cabin was then burned, that was Dudleytown. In April of 1804, of the hemlock tress he cleared from his Grey.A month and a half later on July and the Indians took the rest of the chil- his wife Sarah Faye was struck by light- land on Dark Entry Road and he and his 10, Edward died and Lady Jane Grey dren—Sarah, Elizabeth, and Nathaniel, ning on their front porch and killed. wife Harriet began spending many was proclaimed Queen.The following Jr.—hostage.The children were brought Shortly after his wife’s death, General weekends there. day, the Duke of Northumberland to Canada, where the girls were ran- Swift reportedly went mad. Even though Harriet was diagnosed arrested Edward’s sister Mary, for trea- somed to the British army for food, The next tragedy linked to the town with a chronic illness in 1917, Dudley- son. Yet during John Dudley’s absence, supplies, and money. However, occurred in 1901. Shortly after Dudley- town folklore says that she was attacked the Privy Council began to question his General Assembly passed the Act for the newly formed village. Nathaniel, Jr. stayed among his captors. town resident John Patrick Brophy’s by a specter in the woods and went mad intentions.After holding a secret meet- Ordering and Directing the Sale and Set- Life and Death for the Carter Clan He eventually married a Cherokee wife died of consumption, his two chil- while her husband was in New York for ing, they declared Dudley a traitor and tlement of all the Townships in the Western esides the Dudleys, other families woman and had a son named Ta-Wah in dren mysteriously disappeared in the an emergency. In 1918, she took her Mary the rightful queen. Lands, which allowed for 50 private soon moved into the village and 1807.Ta-Wah attended the Indian Mis- woods.The children had been stealing own life in her New York City home. On July 19, Lady Jane Grey’s reign parcels of land from many western Con- Bthe area grew to a peak popula- sion School in Cornwall, CT in 1819 sleigh robes in the area, and they were After the tragedy, Dr. Clarke often ended, just nine days after it began. Both necticut towns to be divided and auc- tion of about 100 people. and was christened David C. Carter. on the run from the law. However, there brought his friends from New York to Guilford Dudley and Lady Jane Grey tioned off. In February of 1745,Thomas From the beginning, the lives of the David went on to become a Supreme is no record of them after they left Dud- visit his cabin, and during those visits, were arrested for treason and sentenced Griffis bought half a parcel of Cornwall citizens of Dudleytown ended in tragedy. Court judge, editor of the Cherokee leytown. Soon after, Brophy’s home several of his colleagues also became to death by beheading, which was car- land from Eleazer Whittlesey of Wethers- It started in 1759, when Nathaniel Advocate newspaper, and was a life-long burned to the ground, perhaps set by enchanted with the land. In December ried out on February 8, 1554. field, CT. Carter bought Abiel Dudley’s house supporter of Indian rights. John Brophy himself, who was dis- of 1924, Dr. Clarke and his friends John Dudley’s other son Robert, Earl In 1748, Gideon Dudley, believed by after old “Biel” had become a ward of In August of 1774, Nathaniel Carter’s traught over the loss of his wife and the formed the Dark Entry Forest Associa- of Leicester, was also implicated in the some to have been descended from the the town due to dementia.Then, in brother Adoniram, and his family who disgrace of his children.After the fire, tion with a charter that the land would plot and was sentenced to death for trea- noble family, bought some land from 1763—the final year of the French Indi- were still living in Dudleytown, were Brophy supposedly walked away from remain “forever wild.” son. Because of his close relationship Griffis to start a small farm in what an War—Carter, his wife, and four of his struck by a cholera epidemic and the Dudleytown, never to be seen again. with Mary’s sister Elizabeth, he was par- would soon become known as Dudley- children decided to move near Bingham- entire family died. By 1901, the children who had grown Paranormal Accounts doned in October of 1554. Dudley sub- town. By 1753, Gideon’s two brothers ton, NY. Shortly after settling in their However, one of the more bizarre up in Dudleytown had all married and ertainly, many things went sequently left the country to avoid any Barzillai and Abiel also purchased land new home, the Carters were attacked by tragedies occurred to one of Cornwall’s moved away.The town became deserted wrong for the people of Dudley- backlash by Mary’s supporters. nearby.A few years later, a Martin Dud- Indians. Mrs. Carter’s head was crushed most famous residents, General Heman except for Dr. William Clarke, a cancer Ctown. But were all of the events In October of 1737, the Connecticut ley from Massachusetts also joined the by a tomahawk, their infant was killed, Swift, who served in the Revolutionary specialist from New York City, who came unexplainable?

4 0 MY S T E R I E S M A G A Z I N E , I SS U E # 4 WWW. MY S T E R I E S M A G A Z I N E . C O M 4 1 It is known that the rocks in and mate and died too young to marry.The around Dudleytown contain a high level other sons moved to Italy, where they of iron and other heavy metals, so it is remained.Thus, there is no genetic link possible that there was some lead in the between Robert and the Dudleys who MYSTERIES MAGAZINE drinking water on the hillside.This theo- eventually settled in Cornwall. ry could explain some of the dementia Rather, Rev. Dudley believes Dudley- that area residents experienced. But town’s ghosts may have been inspired by since continued lead poisoning is fatal, if the work of Iveagh Sterry and William the water was indeed tainted, more resi- Garrigus, authors of the 1938 book They dents should have died of poisoning over Found a Way, a book that chronicled, the town’s 150-year occupation. glorified, and possibly even exaggerated Will Make Your It is also true that there were many stories of some of Connecticut’s famous Native American tribes who lived in the people and places. They Found a Way was general vicinity of Dudleytown, includ- written to demonstrate “Yankee Ingenu- ing those of the Mohawk nation.There ity” and the hard resolve of people from was fallout from the Native Americans the Nutmeg State.The ghost stories, for several years after the French-Indian Devil worshipers and black witches still which were started in the late 1940s, war (1754-63), and it is true that some perform rituals in and around Dudleytown. may have also been spread by young Blood Flow! Dudleytown residents met their fate at men who wanted to drive up Dark Entry the hands of angered Mohawks. Howev- Road with their girlfriends and tell them er, this still does not explain all of the a scary story. peculiar misfortunes and tragedies that “NEVERRETURN... SATAN.” However, Nancy Zeigler, a paranor- Another spooky occurrence happened befell Dudleytown residents. mal investigator from Watervliet, NY issue #1 Whether or not Dudleytown was in the 1970s to Steve Firth, an off-road and a Dudleytown regular, disagrees. cursed, many people believe that the area motorcycle enthusiast, when riding with “The people living in the Dark Entry is indeed haunted. Over the years, a friend through Dudleytown. In a foun- Forest have a vested interest in saying covens of witches, cultists, and Devil dation he found the rotting carcass of a there is nothing up there. Well, if worshippers have performed rituals in dead horse.They then began to have there’s nothing up there, then why do Yes,I wish to subscribe! Dudleytown because they feel that the trouble with the trail.There were many we get strange things on our pho- land holds powers—that trees on both sides of the trail that had tographs [orbs and ectoplasmic mists]?” fallen down in criss-cross patterns, even issue #2 the town’s “curse” is actually spirit ener- she explains. Zeigler said of one of her Name gy that can be tapped into. In fact, many though blow-downs from storms gener- visits to Dudleytown, “I’ve been modern-day visitors to Dudleytown ally fall in the same direction. His riding slapped across the face and scratched Street claim to have witnessed something partner commented to Firth that it with no one standing there.” supernatural in the deserted hollow. seemed as if something did not want Regardless of whether or not there City/State/Zip For instance in July of 1998, Sarah them there. was ever a curse on the town, Devil wor- from Torrington, CT, went with some shippers and black witches still perform I Back issue #1: $8 ...... friends to check out the so-called curse. rituals in the area. Robin “Boston” Bar- I Back issue #2: $8 ...... They drove up Bald Mountain Road Theories Behind the Curse ron, a ghost hunter and Dudleytown his- I Back issue #3: $8 ...... around 11:30 p.m. and parked their car r. John F. Leich, a resident of torian, said that he once encountered the I 1-Year Sub. (4 issues): $19 (save $4.80)...... I 2-Year Sub. (8 issues): $37 (save $10.60)...... next to the entrance to one of the trails the area since 1952, however, bloody spine of a cow lying in one of the I I 3-Year Sub. (12 issues):$55 (save $16.40)...... leading into Dudleytown.They proceed- claims that he has never experi- cellar holes in Dudleytown, and which D Canadian/Overseas Shipping Fee: ...... ed to get out of the car, grabbed their enced anything paranormal about the appeared to have been sacrificed as part Total Enclosed: ...... flashlights and cameras, and started place, nor have the approximately 50 of some ritual. Some rocks lying along issue #3 walking down the trail, when they real- shareholders of the Dark Entry Forest the trails have been painted or carved ized that they heard nothing. Dead Association. with symbols, and several people have Payment silence—no wind and no animal sounds. Local resident Reverend Gary Dudley been arrested for lighting fires or tres- I Check or money order enclosed Mail order form They then heard a noise that sounded not only believes that there is no curse, passing in the area. Bill my: I Visa I MasterCard I Discover I AmEx but that there is also no family connec- and make check payable like a metal dumpster being dragged Since 2000, the DEF no longer allows to Mysteries Magazine, against asphalt. tion between Joseph Dudley of Say- hikers onto their land, and Dudleytown PO Box 490 Card # After walking just a few yards, they brook, CT, and the cursed Edmund is quiet once again. Still, the stories Walpole, NH 03608 USA. Dudley.According to Gary, Edmund turned around and shined the flashlight remain, beckoning ghost-hunters and Expiration Date at the ground. Where they had just Dudley’s son Robert, Earl of Leicester, thrill-seekers to see for themselves what Canadian and overseas orders, add $9 per year for walked were the words in huge letters, had three sons, one of whom was illegiti- spirits may lie in the shadow of the Con- Signature extra shipping costs.

4 2 MY S T E R I E S M A G A Z I N E , I SS U E # 4 WWW. MY S T E R I E S M A G A Z I N E . C O M 4 3     NAS U NN Y S AT U R D A Y that maybe he was still partly in 1996. afternoon in July of 1996, Relieved, he followed the girl into Frank and his wife Carol Cripps. were visiting Liverpool, As the pair went inside, Frank England, for some shop- watched in amazement as the interior of ping. At Central Station, the building changed in a flash to that of the pair split up; Carol Dillons Bookshop. When the girl turned went to Dillons Bookshop and Frank to leave, Frank lightly grasped the girl’s went to look for a CD store. As he arm and said, “Did you see that?” walked up the incline She replied, “Yeah! I toward Bold Street, Frank thought it was a clothes suddenly noticed he had  shop but it’s actually a entered a strange “oasis of bookshop.” quietness.” It was later determined Suddenly, a small 1950s  that Cripps and Caplan’s van with “Caplan’s” writ- were businesses based in ten on its side, sped across Liverpool during the 1950s. his path, honking its horn  Frank’s experience is not as it narrowly missed him. that unusual in the realm of When he looked down, he strange phenomena. There saw that he was unexpect-  is even a name given to such edly standing in the road. events—“time slips”—an He then crossed the road and saw that event where it appears that some other Dillons Bookshop now had “Cripps” era has briefly intruded on the present. written over its entrance. More con- A time slip seems to be spontaneous in fused, he looked in to see not books but nature and localization, but there are women’s handbags and shoes. places which seem to be more prone Looking around, Frank realized that than others to time-slip events. Similarly, people were dressed in clothes which some people may be more inclined to appeared to be from the 1940s. Sudden- experience time slips than others. If time ly, he spotted a young woman dressed in is the unmovable force that physicists a lime-colored sleeveless top. The hand- say that it is, then why do some people bag she was carrying had a popular have experiences that seem to flaunt this brand name on it, which reassured him concept?        

4 4 MY S T E R I E S M A G A Z I N E , I SS U E # 4 WWW. MY S T E R I E S M A G A Z I N E . C O M 4 5 such as black holes could distort world- “Time machines to the past are pro- Nevertheless, Ronald Mallett, a physicist lines. Now if an object or person’s jects only a super-civilization could at the University of Connecticut, worldline were to be distorted so much attempt,” says Richard Gott, professor of believes he can build a time machine in as to form a loop that connected with a astrophysics at Princeton University. “It which circulating laser beams are slowed point on itself that represented an earlier would require a civilization that has the down and then shot through anything place and time, it could create a corridor resources of the galaxy at its command.” from fiberoptic cable to crystals. Since to the past.

What Physicists Say ccording to Einstein, if one Wormholes are essentially two connecting black holes whose could ride on a spacecraft that mouths make up a tear in the Atraveled at about 450 million fabric of space-time. By stretching miles per hour, a passenger would expe- a wormhole so that one mouth rience significantly slowed time. The extended light-years away from slowed time would not be noticeable to the other, it could provide a the traveler, but once he returned to passageway to the past or future. Earth, he would find that those who remained on Earth had aged at a faster rate. So the traveler’s return is, in effect, a one-way trip to the future. Similarly, Einstein said that while a spaceship approaching the speed of light would theoretically slow time, traveling at the speed of light would make it stand still, and traveling faster than the speed of light would reverse time. However, there are significant obsta- cles to this method of time travel. Ein- stein showed that traveling at or faster than the speed of light was impossible Much of ancient Greek philosophy However, Newton’s most important four-dimensional fabric known as because mass at these speeds becomes was concerned with understanding the contribution to science was his mathe- “space-time.” Gravity was reinterpreted infinite. Some scientists, such as theoreti- concept of eternity, and certainly the matical definition of how motion from a “force” to the movement of mat- cal physicist Stephen Hawking, have subject of time is central to the world’s changes with time. He showed that the ter along the shortest space in a curved even said that traveling back in time is religions and cultures. But can the flow force of gravity is the same force that space-time. Einstein postulated that impossible. But others think there may of time be stopped or slowed? Angelus drives planetary motions and produces both space and time warp, as mass or be a way to find “shortcuts” to the past. Silesius, a sixth-century philosopher and tides. Although Newton was puzzled by speed is increased. So if one traveled fast, In the late 1980s, Kip Thorne of the UConn physicist Ronald Mallett believes that poet, thought that the flow of time the fact that gravity seemed to operate time would move more slowly and if one University of California at Berkeley sug- he may hold the key could be suspended by mental powers: instantaneously at a distance, he admit- increased the mass to near collapsible gested that objects known as wormholes to time travel. Time is of your own making; ted that he did not understand how it levels, one would get the same effect. So existed in space. These objects were its clock ticks in your head. worked. even in the relativistic realm, the rate of essentially two connecting black holes The moment you stop thought, In fact, for Newton, space was a fixed, time is not the same everywhere in the whose mouths made up a tear in the fab- time, too, stops dead. infinite, unmoving metric against which universe or under all circumstances. ric of space-time. By finding a wormhole In his famous Principia, Sir Isaac New- absolute motions could be measured. Einstein also postulated that space- and stretching it so that one mouth ton recognized the need for a universal Newton also believed that the universe time consisted of points or events that extended light-years away from the flow of time. He believed that time, was pervaded by a single absolute time represent a particular place at a particular other, the wormhole could provide a which brought the future into the pre- that could be symbolized by an imagi- time. Thus, a person’s entire life formed passageway to a past or future point on sent and pushed the present into the past, nary clock off somewhere in space. a sort of twisting, turning worm in the undulating river of time. flowed at the same rate for all things. It is However, Albert Einstein changed all space-time, where the tip of the worm’s Although solving the complex prob- TT the uniformity of this rate which gives this with his relativity theories. tail was a person’s birth and its head, lems associated with this kind of exotic E LL A

“equations of motion” that describe how Part of what Einstein explained in his death. Einstein called this line the science is currently beyond our scientific M


the positions of objects change as a func- theory of relativity was that time and “worldline.” and technological know-how, is it totally A R tion of values given to time. space were joined in our universe as a Einstein predicted that massive bodies out of the realm of possibility? O EB D

4 6 MY S T E R I E S M A G A Z I N E , I SS U E # 4 WWW. MY S T E R I E S M A G A Z I N E . C O M 4 7 The coastal village of to circumnavigate than expected. the footpath opposite them, wearing Straithes, England, is one A classic example of a time slip is handmade black clothes with big, hand- place where time slips have described by Lyn in Australia. Lyn lived sewn buttons. The light had also been known to occur. in a small outback town that was built in dimmed and it immediately was colder 1947 and had changed little since that out. In the time it took Derek to turn to time. In 1997, she was driving toward his wife and say, “Did you see that?” the the main intersection of the town, when old woman had disappeared and the sun suddenly she felt a change in the air. “It and all the people had returned. wasn’t the classic colder feeling, but a Derek’s wife had also seen the same old change, like a shift in atmosphere,” she woman and felt the same chill. explains. Derek’s experience seems strikingly As she slowed down at the intersec- similar to traditional ghost stories tion, she was suddenly transported back where an individual appears out of his in time to the 1950s. The road was dirt, normal location or time, accompanied the trees were gone, and coming toward by a change in the surroundings of the Ronald Mallett believes that a rotating her to cross the intersection was an black witness. laser beam could warp space-time in such car, something like a Vanguard or old FJ a way as to make time-travel possible. Holden. As the car passed through the Time-Slip Trigger Factors intersection, the driver looked back at artin Jeffrey, co-editor of the Lyn in astonishment. From what she paranormal e-zine www.mys- anything with mass or energy distorts could see, he was dressed in similar, speculates that the space and the passage of time around 1950s fashion, complete with hat. time slips can be recreated or induced it, Mallett believes that this ring of light This whole episode lasted perhaps 20 using a “trigger factor,” that occurs will create a similar distortion that could seconds and was repeated at least five when one is interested in his surround- theoretically transport someone through times during her time there, always at ings but is not concentrating on them. different times. the exact spot. She tried to make out the He cites the account of parapsychologist The professor and his UConn col- registration plate number, but the plate and author Joan Forman, whose interest leagues plan to build a device to test numbers were covered in dust. in time slips took her to Haddon Hall in whether it is possible to transport a sub- Derek E. tells another interesting Derbyshire, England. atomic particle, probably a neutron, story. When he was a child, his father was Joan entered the courtyard of Had- A through time. The energy from a rotat- I a taxi driver in Glasgow, Scotland. One don Hall, pausing to admire the archi- CC ing laser beam, Mallett hopes, will warp A day in the late 1960s, Derek’s father was tecture. Without warning, she saw a RN A the space inside the ring of light so that U

driving in the north of the city along group of four children playing at the top G

M gravity will force the neutron to rotate I Maryhill Road near Queen’s Cross, one of the stairs. A girl of about nine years K sideways. With even more energy, he of the older parts of London. old caught her attention. She had shoul- believes that a second neutron would “One minute it was now,” Derek der-length blonde hair, and wore a white ing where, like an old movie, they saw a convinced that all objects carry their ufacturers, who said that such envelopes appear, which would essentially be the writes, “cars, buses, modern clothes, and Dutch hat and a long green-gray silk scene that had somehow been implanted “history” in them. had ceased to be manufactured 15 years first one visiting itself from the future. tarmac roads, and the next thing my dad dress with a white collar. Joan watched in a location and allowed to “play back” However, if time slips are a form of previously. Mallett says that sending a person was in some earlier time. It was pre-Vic- the children playing in the yard, fully for those sensitive enough to pick up the haunting, then it could not explain the How can a haunting produce such through time may require more energy torian, given the clothes he described aware that she was not seeing with the lingering impressions? experience of a Mr. Squirrel, who, in physical evidence? than physicists today know how to har- people wearing, horses, rough road, and physical eye, yet conscious of watching It could be that the witnesses trigger 1973, went into a stationer’s shop in Perhaps there is a natural phe- ness. Yet he sees this obstacle as an engi- lower buildings. It lasted as long as it real action. time slips, whether they blank their Great Yarmouth, England, to buy some nomenon that, under the right condi- neering problem. For if it is possible to took him to be aware of it and then it After the episode, Joan decided to find minds at a precise moment and the slip envelopes. He was served by a woman in tions and location can briefly produce a use light to send a neutron through vanished and he was back in ‘now.’” the identity of the oldest child and occurs, or they touch something that Edwardian dress and bought three doorway to another time and place. time, he believes it would not be long Derek also reports that in the 1980s, entered the Hall to look at the family holds the memory of a previous time. dozen envelopes for a shilling. He Even though this may sound outra- before engineers figure out how to send he and his wife were on vacation at the portraits. In the middle of the ancestral The simplest explanation is probably noticed that the building was extremely geous, this natural “time machine” may a person. coastal village of Staithes. They had paintings hung a picture of the girl she the psychometric hypothesis. In the silent—there was no traffic noise. demonstrate that our modern concepts parked at the top of the village and were had seen—Lady Grace Manners, who mid-19th century, Dr. Joseph Rodes On visiting the shop three weeks later, of time need to be reconsidered. With Two Sides of the Same Coin making their way down on foot. It was a died in the 1640s. Buchanan of the Covington Medical he found it completely modernized. The the right frame of mind and the right ime travel, according to modern sunny day with lots of other people What can be concluded, then, from Institute performed experiments that assistant, an elderly lady, denied that natural conditions, the barriers of time scientific theory, may still be around, but as they made their way these anecdotal tales? Did these people convinced him that certain of his stu- there had been any other assistant in the and space that have traditionally kept beyond our grasp. Yet for a num- down, it suddenly seemed as if no one actually travel, albeit briefly, into the past dents could hold letters in their hands shop the previous week. Even though mankind locked into place may finally be T and accurately describe the character of the envelopes disintegrated quickly, Mr. broken, allowing the mysteries of the ber of people who have had unusual else was there but Derek and his wife. to glimpse scenes that once were? Or z time-slip experiences, time may be easier Suddenly, an old woman appeared on were they caught up in a form of haunt- the writer. He subsequently became Squirrel was able to track down the man- universe finally to be revealed.

4 8 MY S T E R I E S M A G A Z I N E , I SS U E # 4 WWW. MY S T E R I E S M A G A Z I N E . C O M 4 9 A CONVERSATION WITH Psychic Sylvia Browne Renowned psychic, bestselling author, and paranormal researcher Sylvia Browne answers questions posed by Judith Kane about the psychic world, offers predictions for the upcoming century, and uncovers the truth about the end of the world.

5 0 MY S T E R I E S M A G A Z I N E , I SS U E # 3 WWW. MY S T E R I E S M A G A Z I N E . C O M 5 1 Does everyone have psychic abilities? they’re not making things up and they’re really just that they don’t understand the bsolutely. We all came into this told that they’re wrong. Children just answers that they get. As I’ve often said Predictions world with psychic abilities, don’t have the rational buffers yet to in my lectures, God answers your Awhich have been societized out handle such comments. prayers, but a lot of times, God says for 2004 of us, but are always with us, nonethe- “no” or you just don’t like the answer. less. I have actually never talked to any- Does everyone have spirit guides? one, even a skeptic, who hasn’t had some ’ve never seen one around Osama You believe that the course of one’s kind of psychic experience. bin Laden, Saddam Hussein, or life is already charted according to the ICharles Manson, so I believe that soul’s need and the lessons one needs How can one know that an experience dark entities don’t have spirit guides. to learn. Is there any “wiggle room” in is a psychic experience, rather than the chart for free will? just one’s imagination? How do you do what you do? e each have a chart; other- just go with my feelings and assume sn’t it funny? I don’t know, as it wise, life would be a random I Pope John Paul II wll not live beyond that they’re valid. It’s a matter of comes so fast. When I was five or six, Wturkey-shoot. But there’s 2005. In his place, a black pope will learning to trust it. Ask the ques- my abilities came to me as pictures room for some modification. For be elected either this time or the fol- I I lowing. After that, a triumvirate of tions, “How’s her health?” or “How’s in my mind, but now it just comes so instance, if a person had written into her social life?” and then just take the rapid-fire that it’s like I open my mouth their chart that they would be in a car Popes will be elected, each assigned to a different geographic area. first answer that comes to you. You’d be and it comes out. So it’s impossible for accident at the age of 25, she could Sylvia Browne on the Live with Regis Show. surprised at how more valid you are than me to describe the process because I just experience anything from a fender-ben- I The economy will improve from real invalid. Ask and you shall receive. don’t know. Sometimes I just feel like der to a big cruncher. Either way, she estate and loan refinancing, as inter- I’m just a big reception tube. would have fulfilled her chart. est rates will remain fairly stable. But How can people develop their own psy- There are five exit points in each chart, table.” In fact, when I was 26, I had the stronger,” and “We are the sum of our the stock market will not totally recov- chic abilities? Why don’t you use Tarot cards or crys- when a person can choose to leave this choice to leave this earth plane and I parts.” er. There will be some medical stocks tell people who have unwanted psy- tals in your readings? incarnation early. (Why five? I don’t chose not to because I didn’t want to We all have been through many life- that will perform well but overall, the chic experiences to just decide they don’t use them because I find them know.) Things like near-misses on the leave my son. Everything changed in a times and by just choosing to return to market will roller-coaster. don’t want it anymore. In other unnecessary. They’re fine if a person highway and near-death experiences are split second—I was back in my body and this lousy place, we have learned some- I I As Governor of Cali- words, if it doesn’t come from God and I wants to focus, but I think people really just exit points, opportunities to that was the end of that. thing important. I don’t say that with I fornia, actor Arnold can’t handle it, I don’t want it. just don’t have enough “I am-ness” to leave this life, but one’s soul has chosen negativity because I love life, but each But then people call me back years just say, “I’m going to go with my first instead to stay. If we have things we need to accom- time that we reincarnate into this insane Schwar zenegger will show he knows later and say, “I had it when I was impression.” If I used cards and I was Some people just get too tired of life plish in this lifetime so we can advance asylum, we learn something important so what he is doing by younger. It scared me and I told it to go wrong, then I could just blame the cards. and choose an earlier exit point. I don’t on the spiritual plane, it follows that that our souls can advance. cutting corners and we have a purpose in life. What holds away and now I want it back, but I can’t When people don’t understand the mean suicide—that’s a whole different Although each person has charted his helping to get the get it back.” Well, you can get it back. If messages they receive or get the answers ballgame. Exit points are when people us back from fulfilling our purpose and life’s themes, most will never figure out state close to being you want it, it’s there for the taking. If that they want from their prayers, they say, “God, that was a near miss,” or why can’t we see what it is? what their purpose is during their life- in the black, finan- you don’t, just refuse to accept it. think they’re doing it wrong. But it’s “God, I could’ve died on the operating et’s look at it this way—a student time. But even if you never realize one’s cially. goes to his freshman college life’s theme, you will fulfill it anyway. Are children more open to the psychic Sylvia at one of her many Lcounselor and says, “What cours- I The war in will continue, but realms than adults? speaking engagements. es do I need to take to become a sopho- How do you reconcile your religious Americans will grow tired of spending h, yeah, because no one has more?” The counselor then tells him and beliefs with the psychic world? so much money on it. told them not to be. It’s as nat- he can either take those courses and here are many examples of psy- I The SARS virus will erupt again, but it ural for children to be tuned advance to the next level, or not; it is his chic abilities in the Bible, such as O will be controlled quickly. into the spirit world as it is for them to choice. It’s the same thing with life—you Tin the books of Kings and either follow the chart you have mapped Samuel, when Saul was brought up from breathe because they have just come I A breakthrough drug for from the spirit world and are still making out for yourself or you don’t. the grave by the witch of En-Dor, or Lyme disease will become the transition from that dimension to What makes people crazy is not under- when they say not to consort with seers available, as well as a vaccine this one. So it doesn’t occur to them as standing why they wrote themselves such and sorcerers but then they ask Joseph for the West Nile Virus. odd or unnatural to see spirits, imaginary a rotten chart, or have given themselves to interpret their dreams. playmates, and spirit guides, unless they such a lousy life. My said to Also, you don’t think Christ was psy- I A diet pill made are made to feel self-conscious about it me once, “If you had not gone through chic? How in the world did He know from the body’s and are told, “Don’t be crazy. That’s the horrible things that you have during that He was going to be crucified when own endorphins your imagination.” your life, you have would not have been he went to Gethsemane? God must’ve will make people I can’t urge people strongly enough able to understand what others are going said, “Look, you’ve got your chart and feel full but with- out the side not to do that to a child. It’s confusing through.” It’s like the expressions, you’re going to do it,” and He said, effects. and discouraging when they know that “What doesn’t kill you makes you “Thy will be done.” In other words,

5 2 MY S T E R I E S M A G A Z I N E , I SS U E # 4 WWW. MY S T E R I E S M A G A Z I N E . C O M 5 3 2010: Aliens will 2023: Atlantis 2026: West Coast will be 2050: Peace 2055: Most 2080: The veil 2100: The end begin to show will begin to subsumed under the ocean will be found people will separating our world of the world as themselves. They show itself from a huge earthquake and in the Middle live in domed from The Other Side we know it. 2004 2025 2050 2100 will not harm us; and be fully parts of the East Coast will East. People cities due 2075 will thin, so much so rather, they will visible within be inundated by a huge tidal will turn to poor that most people will teach us how to a few years. wave. Tsunamis will also toward spiritu- atmospheric be able to see their develop and wipe out a large portion of ality, and conditions. deceased loved ones use anti-gravity Japan. The Hawaiian Islands world peace and be able literally to devices. will also become the site of will reign. speak with their a large new landmass. Spirit Guides.

Isis; in Rome as Juno; there were also the goddesses Theodora and Sophie. Further Christians even worship have the Virgin Predictions for the 21st Century Mary. Technology Medicine/Science Predictions In my book, I also give practitioners of I Electric cars will be devel- I Cancer wil be eradicated using sound-waves, photo-sensitive Wicca, one of the oldest religions besides oped that can float on drug therapy, and “self-addicting” cells. for 2004 the Essenes and the Gnostics, a big cheer water, so they can because they believe in Mother Earth and bypass freeways. Cars I Separate body parts will be cloned for organ transplants. February: Seattle, the Mother Goddess, and in the panthe- will also be run by atomic WA will have a 5.4 istic idea that everything in the world is batteries. I A new form of painless tooth extraction will earthquake, but it God-like. That’s a marvelous thing. be developed, using a type of suction, with will not cause I also have a book on my predictions I Houses will be made from pressed paper with plastic coatings immediate replacement of a new one. much damage. and interchangeable walls and will have a third-floor rollback for the upcoming century, due out in roof, to allow Hovercrafts to come and go. I Diagnostic chambers which map the body’s July of 2004, titled Prophesy: What the July: Unemployment will hit an all-time electrical balance will be able to predict Future Holds for You. high before improving with the advent of I A moon base will be created for people to visit and health problems in advance. Sylvia has made fast friends with Montel new technology from Texas and Nevada. as a stopping place for trips to other planetary bod- Williams, from her regular appearances Do you believe, like many New Agers, on his show. ies. I There will be no more surgery with knives. Instead, some type that we’re approaching a time of great of molecular ionization upheaval? I A vir tual reality headset will stimulate device will be used, hen hasn’t there been unrest brain waves so people can learn whole that eradicates the Christ was psychic in the sense that he and upheaval on this planet? libraries of information within hours. afflicted cells then knew his purpose coming into his life But yes, I think that we’re seals the wound with- W out a single scar. and what he had to accomplish. coming to the end of times in the next hundred years. I Proteins will be developed without animal meat to build up What do you do for fun? immune systems. I New exercise equip- ment will be developed needlepoint, write, spend a lot of What words of wisdom would you offer I Addictions will be a thing of the past because of a brain stimu- in which you sit or time with my grandchildren, whom those who are fearful of the future or July/August: The employees from two lation that will be developed to eradicate all addictions with no stand. They will electrically stimulate one’s muscles to achieve major airlines will go on strike and cruise- II love with my heart and soul, and are having trouble finding their way in side effects. the same effect as physical exercise. line travel will increase to an all-time high, my sons, who are my best friends. We the world? as people will feel safer with this form of live about three minutes apart and see his life is just a learning period. Government I Medicine will be air-injected through the skin. travel. There will also be drier, warmer each other four or five times a week to Sometimes it’s a very hard I One planetary government will form. weather throughout the US that will cause go out to eat together, or when they school, but then the day comes I Treatment for depression and mood disorders will come from a numerous forest fires. T bring the grandkids over to play. when you pass over and are reunited I There will no longer be a US Presidency; rather, the US govern- chamber that stimulates the brain, such as by emitting certain with God. But in the meantime, the road ment will go back to a Greek Senate struc- aromas to elevate one’s mood. August/September: Hurricanes will hit Tell us about your next book. is hard. We’ve made it so complex, but ture. the Florida Keys and Mexico. I Giant fruits and vegetables will lmost every religion before it’s really so simple. It isn’t so much the I There will be no world war or nucle- be grown in hothouse environ- Christianity believed in the big things that we do in life that are November: President Bush will not be re- ar holocaust, but there will be lots ments, and their nutrients syn- Mother God, which is what my important, just that we love God, do elected, and 6.0 earth- A of civil disorder and small skir- thesized into a highly condensed quakes will hit both next book is about. Most societies were good, and then have the decency to shut mishes, and germ warfare will be form that can be injected. Alaska and Japan. matriarchal; even the early Christian up and go home. That’s all there is. z used before the world finds peace. masses were held by women. The Moth- I Four more comets will pass by December: Saddam er God could be found everywhere—as For more info on Sylvia Browne’s upcom- I Death penalty executions will be per- the earth before the end of time. Hussein will die. the goddess Kybele in Anatolia in ing books and appearances, visit formed by vaporizing the body. Turkey; in ancient Egypt as the goddess

5 4 MY S T E R I E S M A G A Z I N E , I SS U E # 4 WWW. MY S T E R I E S M A G A Z I N E . C O M 5 5 Book Reviews Book Reviews

drochronology to mythology, he cretism between religious and Although much of her While filled with The Complete Guide Voyages of the also argues that mass migra- scientific sources, particularly in Portrait of a Killer argument relies on her historical inaccu- Tomorrow Now Jack the Ripper Case Closed to Mysterious Beings Pyramid Builders tions due to cosmological catas- matters commonly deemed theor y about Sicker t’s racies, trite phras- BY BRUCE STERLING BY The True Origins of the trophes may have provided the “supernatural,” is sensitively BY PATRICIA CORNWELL genital abnormalities, es, and stock ISBN: 0679463224 ISBN: 0399149325 $24.95, RANDOM HOUSE, 2002 ISBN: 0765345862 Pyramids, from Lost Egypt impetus in bringing the Old and addressed by the authors as Cornwell presents no evi- characters, the $27.95, PUTNAM, 2002 ruce Sterling’s science $19.99, TOR BOOKS, 2002 to Ancient America New Worlds together far earlier they discuss seemingly impossi- dence to suppor t her book is compulsively readable. he Complete Guide to Mys- est-selling crime novelist fiction is characterized by BY ROBERT M. SCHOCH than previously thought. ble feats of athletic prowess, speculations, which his several The stor y begins with the terious Beings is an enter- Patricia Cornwell applies a keen appreciation for ISBN: 1-58542-203-7 By asking more questions healing through the power of marriages and many intimate intrepid hero Mordred Soulis, a B taining guide to extraordi- modern investigative, social forces and the increas- T $24.95, TARCHER/PUTNAM, 2003 than he answers, Schoch prayer, extrasensor y percep- B relationships with women—and mercenary during the Second nar y phenomena and bizarre psychological, and forensic ingly intimate relationship hallenging cherished admits that he hopes to pique tion, , and other the fact that his friends scolded Crusade, whose deser t entities, as viewed techniques to one of the most between things seen and archaeological beliefs is the reader’s curiosity. On all concepts that seem to lie him for fathering illegitimate encounter with a vampire trans- by one of the most infamous unsolved crime mys- unseen. In Tomorrow Now, his a difficult task for any sci- counts, he has succeeded. between faith and reason. children—would seem to con- forms him into one of the c o n t r o v e r s i a l C teries—the identity of Jack the first non-fiction novel since The entist. So to claim, as author —CHARLES MATZA Drawing from a variety of spir- tradict. It is ironic, then, that undead. He then finds himself researchers in the Ripper. With the help of an Hacker Crackdown, Sterling Robert Schoch, that the Great itual traditions from around the someone so mired in the scien- the unwitting savior of humani- field. Keel sets impressive team of archivists, envisions the trends, technolo- Sphinx of Giza predates the God and the world, as well as heavily docu- tific examination of physical evi- ty against an evil of their own out to separate historians, writing analysts, gies, and ideologies that he pyramids by more than three Evolving Universe mented scientific experiments, dence should so easily dismiss creation, the ver y evil that the wheat from forensic scientists, and other believes will define the first half millennia will no doubt set a fair The Next Step in they assess the validity of these its impor tance when it is transformed him and now the chaf f, exper ts, Cornwell of the 21st century. number of heads spinning all Personal Evolution ideas and find that not only are absent, and dismiss threatens to consume him revealing gen- concludes that the This novel is Sterling at his uine cryptozoo- across academia. BY JAMES REDFIELD, MICHAEL they valid, but they are also other evidence that completely. Ripper, who terror- chatty, global-headed best. logical and That pyramid-like structures MURPHY, AND SYLVIA TIMBERS accessible to all of us. might disprove her While some historical details ized the streets of Readers expecting biotech holo- paranormal mysteries can be found on almost every ISBN: 1-58542-202-9 The authors then discuss how theory, such as letters are well researched, others are the Whitechapel caust or marauding robots will and describing some great continent is well-documented, $25.95, TARCHER/PUTNAM, 2002 to incorporate their ideas into that indicate that Sick- pure fantasy, and the juxtaposi- area of London’s probably be disappointed in his hoaxes along the way. Topics but were they the result of diffu- he contention James Red- one’s own life. By including ert was in France when tion is disconcerting. For exam- East End in late- close-to-home approach. But for include sea serpents, unidenti- sionism or independent inven- field, best-selling author of thought experiments and easy four of the murders ple, the treatment of the 1888, was the readers who are concerned fied hairy bipeds, the Mothman, tionism? Schoch gives both the- TThe Celestine Prophecy meditation exercises, they occurred. Knights Templar, who have post-Impressionist about the political ramifications menacing roadside figures, ories their due. He then and The Tenth Insight, and emphasize their commitment to Cornwell’s character major roles in the book, plays painter Walter of computer networks, ubiqui- diminutive flying saucer pilots, proposes that an Michael Murphy, bringing our awareness to these study of Sickert is inter- into ever y conspiracy theor y Sicker t (1860- tous computing, and post-indus- and blood-sucking phantoms. earlier, lost civi- cofounder of the latent abilities and by develop- esting and her descrip- imaginable. Spelling and gram- 1942). trial design philosophy, Tomor- Convinced that UFOs and lization brought Esalen Institute, is ing them, thus helping us to a tions and analysis of his matical errors abound, includ- Given unprecedented access row Now delivers in spades. monster sightings are two sides their pyramid- that the patterns of new and better understanding art, which reflect his fascination ing the use of possessive of the same coin, Keel believes to original materials, Cornwell This book is both laugh-out- building knowl- history, biology, and of humanity and our role in the with the macabre—especially forms instead of plurals (i.e. that an other-dimensional intelli- spent more than a year sifting loud funny edge to areas even time itself are cosmos. with grisly crimes—are sugges- “many pharaoh’s” rather than gence is manipulating human through thousands of pages of (read his com- as diverse as leading toward This remarkable volume is far tive. Although the book is com- “many pharaohs”), making one belief systems to unknown but documents, fingerprints, crime- mentary on the the Middle East greater physical, more than the typical self-help pelling reading, in the end, wonder whether the book was potentially insidious ends. For scene photographs, original techno-ecology and Mesoameri- mental, and spiritual book. By providing a scientific there are just too many loose proofread before it went to instance, the “monster mania” etchings and paintings, items of of pseudo- ca. health for all of as well as philosophical ground- ends for Cornwell to have press. that often accompanies highly clothing, artists' paraphernalia, organic “blob- Quick to dis- humanity, and that work for their views, Redfield stamped the myster y (or the Despite these flaws, there publicized sightings of Bigfoot- and traces of DNA. jects”) and tinguish between the present time is and Murphy address complex book jacket) “Case Closed.” are a few surprises scattered like creatures, posits Keel, Cornwell’s conclusion essen- grimly cau- scholarship and a prime one for the ideas without alienating the —JUDITH KANE throughout the book that might be deliberate attempts to tially relies on three things: tionary. Ster- speculation— next big step in the reader with esoteric language or encourage one to keep reading. attract attention away from forensic investigation of the ling unveils a deeper mysteries. and fact from evolution of the extremism. God and the Evolv- The Soulless Likewise, the author’s concep- taunting “Ripper letters” world that Keel scoffs at mainstream New-Age mysticism—Schoch human race. They pre- ing Universe LESLIE BURBANK tion that there are multiple received by police and newspa- thrives on , with its quaint “nuts extends the boundaries of these sent intriguing argu- should be on the ISBN: 1-59080-241-1 species of vampires, each with pers at the time of the murders; f u t u r e and bolts” view of unexplained global interconnections without ments from both sci- must-read list of $10, ECHELON PRESS, 2003 its own distinct traits, is remi- interpretation of Sickert’s “vio- shock, held together by neobio- phenomena. Rather, he is con- establishing an inflexible dogma entific and spiritual anyone curious lthough vampire novels niscent of vampire roleplaying lent” art; and speculation about logical systems and threatened vinced that we are dealing with of his own, pointing out that sources that we are about science, are a dime a dozen, every games’ “vampire clans” and is a series of operations that Sick- by greenhouse catastrophe. something vastly stranger. what we perceive as mere coin- not only capable of spirituality, and Aso often a book comes compellingly rendered. By the ert had as a young child, which Tomorrow Now is eminently Whether you agree with his the- cidence may, in fact, be “a layer this fur ther evolu- how both can help along that seems to soar on end, the stor y has enough Cornwell supposes were intend- readable, thoughtful, and sis or not, you cannot help com- of distinction wrapped around a tion but also that it humanity reach its batlike wings above its blood- momentum that one really is ed to correct a genital deformity soundly structured, and should ing away from The Complete core of unity.” is essential for the full potential. sucking literary brethren. While hooked. If further volumes are but may have left him perma- be required reading for both Guide to Mysterious Beings He is not alone in his opin- survival of both our —RICHARD not that book, The Soulless has forthcoming, they may well be without viewing Fortean anoma- nently disfigured and/or impo- committed cyberpunks and curi- ions. Drawing upon research in species and our MACKENZIE certain intimations that future worth reading, albeit with some lies in an unsettling new light. tent, and harboring a murder- ous bystanders alike. fields from language and den- planet. books in the series may rise to alterations. —MAC TONNIES The lack of syn- ous rage against women. that level. —RICHARD MACKENZIE —MAC TONNIES

5 6 MY S T E R I E S M A G A Z I N E , I SS U E # 4 WWW. MY S T E R I E S M A G A Z I N E . C O M 5 7 In the Theater In the Theater

aspects of the story are never ellen as the moribund Nicholas The Order (2003) questioned, and mark it as a by- The League of II, Rasputin traces the convolut- t is no wonder that many product of the recent turmoil Extraordinary ed life of the Siberian “Mad books and films featuring the within the Church and the disil- Gentlemen (2003) Monk,” a clairvoyant child who, supernatural also contain reli- I lusionment felt by many. any of us have fond as an adult, goes on to see a gious over tones. Angels, In The Order, a young, disillu- memories of long vision of the Virgin Mary while demons, and spirits of all kinds sioned priest named Alex Mnights spent thrilling to making his way to St. Peters- have always been attributed to (Heath Ledger), goes to Rome the exploits chronicled in the burg. one spiritual realm or another to explore the mysterious death classic sci-fi novels of Jules As his reputation spreads, a and it is usually the trappings of of his mentor and track down Verne, H. Rider Haggard, H.G. desperate Czarina summons religion that are used to cope and destroy a shadowy figure Wells, and others. Alan Moore’s Rasputin to court to treat her with these otherwise unexplain- known as the “Sin Eater,” a graphic novel series The League son Alexei, who is afflicted with able phenomena; vampires are man who provides salvation to of Extraordinar y Gentlemen hemophilia. After Rasputin’s repelled by crosses and holy those who cannot find redemp- breathes new life into these fan- ble) to the bizarre (the laughable revamped characters in a Victo- self-styled blessings stop the water, demons are exorcised tion within the Church’s guide- tasies as famous figures from portrayal of Mr. Hyde is reminis- rian setting, they would have boy’s bleeding, the unordained with prayers, etc. lines by literally absorbing their 19th-century fiction unite in a cent of the Incredible Hulk erupt- created a more successful film. “holy man” becomes an essen- In the west, however, it is the sins, for a price. Understand- “steampunk” fusion of Victorian ing out of his poorly fitting Victo- Sadly, they did not, and what we tial part of court life—until St. trappings of Catholicism that ably, the Church resents this Petersburg is awash with scan- their traditional fangs and claws style and modern technology rian finery). are left with is an overblown dis- are most commonly associated threat to their apparent dal by his womanizing, public Underworld (2003) for high-powered weaponry and that uses a tongue-in-cheek imi- While the under water aster of a movie that satisfies with the supernatural, and The monopoly on salvation and drunkenness, and lewd behav- nyone who has played advanced ammunition, including tation of 19th-century journal- sequences with the Nautilus no one. Order falls, at least superficially, wants it removed, a command ior. An indignant Nicholas finally Vampire: The Masquer- ultraviolet-irradiated and liquid ism to pay homage to both new are beautifully rendered, the —RICHARD MACKENZIE into that tradition. The sharp at first followed blindly by Alex. banishes Rasputin from court, Aade or Werewolf: The silver bullets, to attack the tradi- and old. The film based upon it, cityscapes that the League criticism of Catholic teachings As events unfold, however, though he is soon reinstated Apocalypse, the wildly popular tional weaknesses of their however, is a bombastic mess moves through not only lack in Rasputin (1996) and the eventual acceptance of Alex begins to question his own when the Czarevich is struck live-action role-playing games respective species. Guns are that ignores the subtle charm of the dark atmosphere one asso- ilmed in Hungar y and St. a moral compass beyond the relationship to the Sin Eater and with another attack. published by White Wolf still guns, though, and they look the comic in favor of superhero- ciates with 19th-centur y Petersburg under the direc- Church, however, set this film the strange ties that seem to But as Russia is led into a Games, will be familiar with the the same, no matter who uses style antics. Europe, but sometimes even tion of Uli Edel, HBO’s apart from those like The Exor- F bind them together. He also humiliating defeat by Germany, premise of Underworld. While them, so why even bother call- At first glance, a collaboration lack in dimensionality. The com- Rasputin is a film of extraordi- cist, where the religious begins to question the morality the Romanof fs, horrified by humans go about their ever y- ing it a vampire or werewolf between such esteemed literary puter-generated buildings in the nary power and impact, distin- of the Church’s teachings Rasputin’s excesses, plot to day lives, an unseen war movie if the elements tradition- characters as 20,000 Leagues city of Venice look so flat that guished by flawless acting, that he is supposed to kill him. Poisoned, shot, and between vampires and were- ally associated with them are Under the Sea’s Captain Nemo, the sense of urgency and dan- authentic locations, and evoca- uphold. finally thrown in the icy waters wolves has raged for hundreds barely included at all? Alan Quartermain from H. Rider ger intended in their imminent tive cinematography. Seldom This is by far the most of the River Neva, Rasputin of years. A stalemate has been Granted, the brief werewolf Haggard’s King Solomon’s collapse in one of the film’s has a film for television intriguing aspect of the film, dies. reached as the vampires have transformation sequences are Mines, H.G. Wells’ Invisible more climactic scenes is utterly deser ved and won as many and the theological and Rasputin explores the nebu- hunted the werewolves almost well done, owing more to An Man, Robert Louis Stevenson’s lost. The biggest of fender, awards and accolades, includ- philosophical implications lous boundary between divine to extinction. But a new battle American Werewolf in London Dr. Jekyll (and his infamous alter though, has to be the incredibly ing three Emmys, three Golden that it raises are rife with vision and derangement, raising is brewing, and a rogue vam- than anything else, but other ego Mr. Hyde), seems like every poor depiction of Hyde. The Globes, a Golden Satellite, and possibilities. Considering questions of what separates piress must solve the mystery than brief glimpses of fangs and book-lover’s dream. But most of character’s physical distortion a Screen Actor’s Guild award for the richness of the subject the miraculous from madness. of a human unwittingly drawn glowing eyes, we see virtually the bibliophiles in the audience is simply ridiculous and the ani- Rickman’s riveting portrayal of matter, the film could have Skillfully written, ably directed, into the conflict and how he none of the details that make will be dismayed by the card- mation is choppy. the Siberian mystic. had much more depth; poor and well-photographed, may hold the key to the salva- vampire and werewolf movies board characterization of our Throughout the film, one gets Born of Irish/Welsh parent- character development, Rasputin is a mighty story with tion of both sides. so enter taining in the first heroes and heroines. the feeling that the filmmakers age and trained on the British plot holes, and ridiculous a mighty theme. Graced by pow- The resemblance to White place. Add wooden dialog, life- Admittedly, it is refreshing to were torn between tr ying to stage, Rickman is subplots (concerning eccle- er ful per formances Wolf’s World of Darkness is only less sets, and characters who see some details utilized that remain true to the intentions of superb as Grigor y siastical corruption and a from a superb cast, superficial, however. Despite would be better off dead than are commonly left out, such as the characters’ creators and try- Rasputin, turning in a non-romantic love interest and par ticularly by its apparently supernatural trap- undead to this mismatch made the acknowledgment of Captain ing to create a hip action movie landmark per formance for the young priest) rob the Rickman’s breathtak- pings, Underworld is essentially in hell, and you have a recipe for Nemo’s Indian origins, especial- to which those with no prior to capture the complexi- film of any relevance. ing depiction of the a Matrix knock-of f, complete cinematic disaster. ly in the original depiction of his knowledge of comics or novels ty of a tormented, hyper- Despite a promising enigmatic but ulti- with swirling black coats, slow- A travesty for anyone who submarine Nautilus. The embel- could relate. This dichotomy is sexual genius. Support- premise, these elements mately tormented motion action sequences and likes either werewolves or vam- lishment of some of the charac- precisely where The League of ed by power ful only serve to create a film Siberian mystic Grigo- enough firepower to destroy a pires, Underworld will leave fans ters’ abilities varies from the Extraordinary Gentlemen fails. If per formances from as troubled and confused ry Rasputin, this film small planet. of both species howling in dis- intriguing (here, Dorian Gray, they had focused on either mak- Greta Scacchi as the as the Church it depicts. is well worth viewing. Apparently vampires and may. thanks to his famous portrait, is ing an art film for booklovers or guilt-ridden Czarina —RICHARD MACKENZIE —MARC CRAMER werewolves have abandoned —RICHARD MACKENZIE not only ageless, but invulnera- an action film with newly Alexandra and Ian McK-

5 8 MY S T E R I E S M A G A Z I N E , I SS U E # 4 WWW. MY S T E R I E S M A G A Z I N E . C O M 5 9 Web Reviews: Bigfoot Sites Web Reviews

appearances. and England. (GCBRO is er conditions, actual evidence site, however, are its articles, The BRFO web site is an out- presently soliciting reports of collected (which is noticeably which address theories on what standing resource and offers sightings from South American lacking in some of the reports), the Yowie is, describe early convincing evidence that this countries.) Each entry includes and a description of the crea- sightings, feature aboriginal leg- unusual, ape-like creature does the date, location, time, terrain, ture itself, including its appear- ends about “hair y men,” and indeed wander the earth. and what the reporter observed. ance, behavior, and sounds. provide other thought-provoking Whether or not the tales are The credibility of the sightings is subjects. Similarly, the “histori- Bigfoot Field Gulf Coast Bigfoot authentic is left to the visitor to difficult to determine but makes cal accounts” section features Researchers Org. Research Organization decide. They do make for inter- for fun reading. reportedly authentic sightings. WWW.BFRO.NET WWW.GCBRO.COM esting reading, as do the site’s Besides the Florida sightings With so much information, he Bigfoot Field ounded in 1997, the Gulf array of photos taken by mem- (which are accessible via a some of which is more enter- Researchers Org. (BFRO) Coast Bigfoot Research bers, featuring plaster casts of clickable map), encounters are taining than scientific, this site Tbrings together scientists, FOrganization (GCBRO) foot tracks, a hand print, places documented for other states, is worth a visit. specialists, and journalists, who focuses on bigfoot sightings in where Bigfoot allegedly roams, including North and South Car- pers from around the world. the Australian continent (and have collected physical and oral the southern United States. a cast of a yowie’s limb forma- olina, Texas, Washington, Also featured are stories of much of the rest of the world) is Cryptokeeper evidence about Bigfoot, in order Members actively search for the tion, and even images of the Maine, and Missouri. encounters submitted by home to all sorts of mysterious WWW.CRYPTOKEEPER.COM to resolve the mystery. The site creature using night-vision creature itself! The Skunk Ape web site pro- browsers. creatures. The central focus is hester Moore, journalist, features a wealth of fascinating equipment, infrared heat sen- Well worth a look, the GCBRO vides informative articles on the Of particular interest is the on the Yowie, the Bigfoot-like, lecturer, adventurer, and information, not only explaining sors, thermal imaging devices, provides much food for thought creature and its origins, and section called “Biology, Scientif- man-ape which has been the Ccryptozoologist, has writ- the mystery but also providing directional microphones with on the existence of Bigfoot and copies of recent reports in the ic Papers & Field Repor ts,” subject of over 10,000 sight- ten a book on Bigfoot creatures reputable documentation of parabolic boosters, and wire- its Australian counterpart, the news, in order to postulate which features over 60 actual ings in Australia since 1790. and is now preparing a docu- sightings. The acclaimed anthro- less microphones. GCBRO Yowie. whether or not the creature is scientific studies of Sasquatch, Also called Gigantopithecus, mentary on the subject. His site pologist Dr. Jane Goodall’s com- of fers general obser vations real or merely a giant hoax. the Yeti, the Orang Pendak, the the Yowie stands up to 10 feet features a variety of topics, not mentary on the reality of these about Bigfoot, including what it The Florida Skunk Ape Sadly, the anonymous site Yowie, and other hairy bipeds. tall, is covered with dark hair, only on Bigfoot creatures but beings is especially intriguing. is and where it has been sight- WWW.FLORIDASKUNKAPE.COM authors offer just a brief look at Readers will learn about the and smells much like a skunk. also mysterious cats and (BFRO also speculates that ed in the South, its behaviors, outed as the “Southern- the Skunk Ape and thus leave pungent smell of the creature, The clickable map of Australia what Moore character- there are as many as 6,000 Big- and the sounds it makes. most Bigfoot in the USA,” visitors wanting more. its anatomical structure, analy- allows readers to access quickly izes as “cryp- foot roaming Nor th America Reports of recent sightings are TFlorida’s Skunk Ape appar- ses of its feces and hair, and repor ts of sightings, and the to wolf alone!) also featured, some accompa- ently roams the countr yside Bigfoot Encounters theories about its relationship information includes the date of research.” Their “comprehensive sight- nied by photographs. around Florida. The primar y WWW.BIGFOOTENCOUNTERS.COM to Early Man, including the the sighting, date of the report, Along with ings database” includes credi- Among the highlights of the function of this creative site is hile Bigfoot Encoun- Neanderthal and Homo erectus. source, and stor y write-up. his com- ble sightings of Bigfoot by site is the huge database of to record encounters with the ters has an annoying In short, the astounding vol- Some repor ts include terrain rades at region, with emphasis on the sightings from around the US, creature. Repor ts (most of Wleft-side frame and ume of information on Bigfoot and location of the sighting, as Team Cr yp- USA and Canada. The large col- clickable by state and by county, which seem incomplete) docu- works better on Internet Explor- Encounters is thought-provok- well. The section on expeditions t o k e e p e r, lection of articles published by as well as Canada, Australia, ment the date, location, weath- er than on Netscape, the web ing. The web author also covers and special repor ts features M o o r e members of BFRO (and also by site itself is chock full of fasci- legends and hoaxes, presenting personal obser vations and e m p h a - the media around the world) is nating information on the enor- a well-rounded view of the sub- efforts to locate the creature, s i z e s impressive, and provides plenty mous variety of creatures that ject matter. and the pictures section pro- w i l d l i f e of convincing evidence that Big- have been documented to have vides tantalizing but dubious conser va- foot exists. human features and walk Australian Yowie images of the skunk ape. tion, par- One article (a translation from upright. Research Perhaps the most convincing ticularly that the original German text by Dr. Besides presenting a general WWW.YOWIEHUNTERS.COM areas on the Yowie Hunters web of so-called “hidden animals.” W. Henner Fahrenbach) specu- over view of the biology of the h i s Undertaking field research to lates that medieval epics Sasquatch, a sizeable database intrigu- locate and document the pres- recorded the presence of of sightings in California, and a Ti n g ence of these creatures, Crypto- Sasquatch in 12th-centur y clickable map with other sight- web site, keeper presents its findings Europe. The section on Pre- ings around the US and Cana- created by with vivid, albeit slow-loading Columbian and Early American da, the site features informative members of images and all-too-brief cap- legends of Bigfoot-like beings is ar ticles on our primate rela- the Aus- tions. equally interesting and empha- tives, fossil finds in Africa, Mexi- tralian Yowie One can only hope that as sizes just how long these sight- co, and Burma, and scores of R e s e a r c h more conclusions are reached, ings have occurred—and the other articles published in rep- Group, indi- they will be displayed in greater By Lise Hull wide geographical range of their utable magazines and newspa- cates that detail on this provocative site.

6 0 MY S T E R I E S M A G A Z I N E , I SS U E # 4 WWW. MY S T E R I E S M A G A Z I N E . C O M 6 1 Music Reviews Music Reviews

song that offers a rousing and Celestial Reiki II techno beats with medieval and ate to all kinds of yoga ses- Love Sensuality joyful vocal chant, to more intro- Middle Eastern influences. Suskera sions. These three selections JONATHAN GOLDMAN & LARAAJI Devotion spective pieces, such as “Gravi- Tia Knight’s works are odes Solo Bamboo Flute are what would be referred to as WITH SARAH BENSON ENIGMA ty of Love,” “Beyond the Invisi- to the imagination and the MANOSE “evening” raags, so they could ETHEREAN MUSIC (7146) VIRGIN RECORDS ble,” and “Silence Must Be power of creativity and fantasy. GARUDA RECORDS also be combined with other he tremendous variety of (ISBN: 7243-8-11119-2-5) Heard.” Their refreshing mixture of (4695-14901-2) types of music, as par t of a music featured on Celes- or the past decade, the Many ar tists, par ticularly sweet and caustic is a welcome hen one thinks of warm-up or cool-down yoga or tial Reiki II showcases T extraordinar y sound of musicians, incorpo- change from so much New Age raag—one of the tradi- meditation session. The first, Dame Sans Merci, the beautiful the talents of Jonathan Gold- Enigma has been changing F rate diverse influences and yet evil woman taken from music, and will appeal to a wide Wtional forms of South “Raag Yaman,” is the slowest in man, Laraaji, and Sarah Ben- the face of modern music, com- samples of various types of Keats’ poem, who bewitches variety of musical tastes. Asian and Indian music—one tempo of the three, a deeply son, with its use of harps, bining sampled Gregorian music into their work, but few those knights and nobles who usually thinks of the sitar. serene piece that guides the lis- bells, synthesizers, and beauti- chants, opera arias, and tradi- can per form such a task as are unlucky enough to cross her Deep Journeys Raags, however, may be per- tener into a relaxing sense of ful vocals to create a feeling of tional world music with rhythms seamlessly and consistently as path. These multifaceted com- METAMUSIC formed on any instrument; it is awareness. The second, “Raag peace and well-being. This CD drawn from areas as diverse as Enigma. Love Sensuality Devo- positions both entrance and ISBN: 1-56102-330-2 not so much the instruments Bhageshri,” is more rapid, car- can be used for meditation or rock and roll and New Age tion is a wonderful collection for unner ve, and Knight’s music sing a combination of that dictate the form as the rying one forward into a sense relaxation, yoga exercises of music. The result is an intrigu- those who are already familiar has the same quality, simulta- synthesized instruments scales and notes. On Suskera: of movement while still main- all kinds, healing, or simply as ing blend that evokes ancient with their work, but the album is neously attractive and spine- and high and low tones to Solo Bamboo Flute, the gifted taining peacefulness. “Raag calming background music or U and modern influences, both perhaps even more appropriate chilling. The CD’s title track is induce a meditative state, the Nepali flautist Manose provides Jog” is the most energetic “easy listening.” lyrical and fascinating. Love for those who just wish to actually the lightest piece on the Hemi-sync technology found on an alternative perspective on piece, filled with trills and flutter- Each of the three tracks on Sensuality Devotion is a collec- become acquainted with their album, a neo-medieval etude Deep Journeys features the use the raag that should delight ing notes that are reminiscent the CD has a different sound tion of the best tracks from their unique sound. that reflects the elation of com- of two different sound frequen- practitioners of yoga and medi- of singing nightingales in a and creates a different emo- four previous albums and a ter- ing home after a long quest, cies to produce a third electrical tation, as well as those who moonlit garden. tional response that could be rific sampler of their finest work. Homequest along with the trepidation one “sound” in the brain that is enjoy Indian music. Manose’s beautiful flute-play- beneficial for a wide variety of The pieces re-released on TIA KNIGHT might feel after such an intended to focus activity in both In many ways, raags resem- ing brings out the best in each activities. “Convergence,” the this CD provide a good BLACKWOOD MANOR MUSIC absence. hemispheres, creating states of ble the “modes” of medieval piece, coaxing out new and pre- first track, incorporates the overview of all of their albums, (7-33792-38542-9) “Illusions” features eerily relaxation or heightened mental music and Gregorian chant; viously undiscovered nuances in lovely flute-playing of Sarah unlike the retrospective CDs of n ethereal romance of a familiar yet unplaceable vocals awareness and agility, depend- both musical structures are every note. Benson, combined with the many per formers which pre- CD, Homequest is a dubbed over the synthesized ing on the frequencies used. built upon the belief that certain Every artist creates their own gentle sounds of falling rain dominantly feature tracks from Ahauntingly beautiful fantasia of a song; it weaves a While each track on the CD notes and scales can create version of a raag as they per- and other natural sound only one or two CDs or, even release from Tia Knight, a New fragmentar y stor y in one’s features the use of synthesized certain moods and emotions in form; although the scales of ef fects that are intended to worse, using “filler” material Age composer whose music mind, leaving it up to the listen- and sampled instruments to their listeners. The musician each raag determine some of bring the peacefulness of the from mediocre CDs to bolster fuses electronic sounds with a er to fill in the missing pieces. create a pleasing sound, each performs or improvises around its features, each is ultimately natural world into one’s life. their few popular tunes. wide variety of medieval and “Soldier’s Requiem,” on the is a stereotypical example of these scales, and the resultant an original work of art. For those “Dreamtime” is characterized Each piece showcases the fantasy elements. Tied into this other hand, is disturbingly at New Age music, filled with crys- music can be either soothing or interested in slower, gentler, but by harps and other stringed tremendous diversity of the sense of romance, however, is odds with its title. Less like a talline tones and fragile rousing, depending upon the still refreshing musical accom- instruments, giving it a peace- group, from “Principles of Lust” a darker edge, a sense of cyni- funeral hymn than a gavotte or melodies, but lacking in feeling scale it is based upon. paniment for a workout, medita- ful, almost heavenly sound and “Mea Culpa” from their cism that makes the intricacies pavane, its dance-like tempo and substance. All of the pieces Some raags are odes to the tion, or massage—or purely for without being soporific. MCMXC A.D. album, with its of her music all the more fasci- sways on as if the dancing and felt soulless, as if they had daytime, with more exuberant one’s own enjoyment—Suskera “Reverence” is the most exotic and beguiling mixture of nating and sets her apart from celebration continues, despite been composed by rote, and notes that reflect the activities provides supremely enjoyable energetic of the three pieces, spoken dialog, Gregorian chant, the dreamy wistfulness of so loss in an uncaring world. This none produced the heightened of the day while others are renditions of these classical carrying the listener along on a and intriguing instrumentation, many other New Age musicians. irony continues into other sense of relaxation promised in related to evening and less Indian melodies. sonic journey that leaves one to “Return to Innocence,” a It is no wonder that among her tracks, such as “Betrayal,” the liner notes. strenuous pursuits. By select- energized and refreshed, mak- credentials are a song used in where subtle strings creep The idea of using music and ing a raag appropriate to one’s ing it per fect for a yoga ses- a stage adaptation of Franken- along in a dance of specific sound frequencies to mood—or the mood one wish- sion. stein and several pieces to be that conjures up images of a concentrate mental power and es to create—these pieces All of Goldman’s recordings included in the upcoming film, Machiavellian dance par ty. In heighten one’s consciousness become the perfect accompani- feature a multicultural collec- Untold Vampire Tales. contrast, the piece “Sojourn” is an intriguing one, and the ment to yoga sessions or medi- tion of instruments and Homequest evokes the Pre- combines electronic sounds Hemi-sync technology is a fas- tation. sounds that are intended to Raphaelite artists who so often and synthesized vocals with cinating experiment. Sadly, the The raags on Suskera run the promote healing and physical, balanced images of medieval bells, zils, and flutes, in a pedestrian nature of the music gamut from lively and energetic spiritual, and emotional well- fantasy and chivalry with more Tolkein-esque escape into fanta- used on Deep Journeys under- to quiet and soulful, although all being, and Celestial Reiki II is sinister elements, such as the sy. The hypnotic “Fatima’s mines the validity of the experi- of them have slow enough tem- By Richard MacKenzie no exception. many paintings of La Belle Dream” and “Perfect Love” fuse ment. pos that they would be appropri-

6 2 MY S T E R I E S M A G A Z I N E , I SS U E # 1 WWW. MY S T E R I E S M A G A Z I N E . C O M 6 3 2004 Event Listings

2004 Event Listings forecasting tools. Speakers include Tim Bost, ORG. FOR PROFESSIONAL (OPA) ENGLAND'S MYSTERIOUS CROP CIRCLES Christopher Carolan, and others. ANNUAL CONFERENCE: AN ASTROLOGER'S AND STONEHENGE TOUR RETREAT July 29-August 5, 2004; Wiltshire, England ASTRO-RAMA XVIII CONF.: TRAVEL THE STARS April 22-25, 2004; Marco Island, FL Cost: $1,900 (airfare not incl.) | Contact: Dr. Chet BIBLICAL ARCHAEOLOGY SOCIETY ing | Learn about current preservation programs, April 30-May 2, 2004; Hudson, OH Cost: $325 until Aug. 1; $395 thereafter | Contact: Snow, PO Box 1738, Sedona, AZ 86339, (928) 204- ARCHAEOLOGY 3-DAY SEMINAR projects, trends, and technology through general Contact: Barry McCombs, Astro-Rama Conference, (239) 261-2840 | Email: [email protected] | 1962 | Email: [email protected] | Web: February 19-21, 2004; Tampa, FL sessions, educational sessions, workshops, and the PO Box 118, Mineral Ridge, OH 44440, (330) 652- Web: | The ARCHAEOLOGY OF WORLD MEGALITHIC CUL- March 11-13, 2004; Riverside, CA only regional trade show of preservation goods, ser- 4971 | Email: [email protected] | Web: Astrologer’s Retreat is available for any astrologers TURES INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE 6-DAY SEMINAR vices, and products. Speakers include Georgianna who are currently seeing clients and want to work FIELD RESEARCH TRAINING INTENSIVE October 28-31, 2004; Rhodes, Greece June 13-19, 2004; Winston-Salem, NC Contiguglia, Dana Crawford, John Fielder, Larr y with other astrologers to improve their counseling Various dates; Wiltshire and Hampshire, England Cost: $425 (incl. accomm. and some meals) | Con- July 25-31, 2004; Northfield, MN Green, Steve Martin, Thomas J. Noel Ph.D., Sharon BELTANE TAURUS CROSS-QUARTER skills and build a stronger business plan. Contact: Ron Russell, PO Box 460760, Aurora, CO tact: Archaeological Institute of America, 656 Bea- August 8-14, 2004; Portland, OR C. Park, John H. Robbins, Donovan Rypkerna, David SHAMANIC ASTROLOGY GATHERING 80046 | Email: [email protected] | Web: con Street, Boston, MA 02215, (617) 353-9351 | Contact: Biblical Archaeology Society, 4710 41st Owen Trylia, Robert L. Turner, and others. May 5-9, 2004; Faywood Hot Springs, NM SHAMANIC ASTROLOGY AUTUMNAL EQUINOX | Use electrostatic Email: [email protected] | Web: www.archae- Street NW, Washington, DC 20016, (800) 221-4644 Contact: Carolyn Brent, (520) 744-0506 | Email: NIGHT SKY WILDERNESS CAMP and magnetic meters to plot energy fluctuations, | Conference will focus on the megalithic or (202) 364-3300 | Email: [email protected] | SOCIETY FOR AMERICAN ARCHAEOLOGY [email protected] | Web: www.shamani- September 19-22, 2004; Fishlake Valley, NV construct a legal test-bed formation, and participate 69TH ANNUAL MEETING monuments found along the Mediterranean and Web: | Speakers | With Daniel Giamario, Car- Cost: $300 | Contact: Daniel Giamario, 11301 Vista in a skywatch on a sacred site using CSETI protocol. include Theodore Burgh, William Dever, and March 31-April 4, 2004; Montréal, expanding throughout central Europe culminating at olyn Brent, and John Dumas. Includes journey to Avenue, Grass Valley, CA 95945, (310) 281-7651 | Includes discussion and training in Theodore Lewis. Québec, Canada Stonehenge in Great Britain, with the goal of gather- Casas Grandes, Mexico, and Paquime, the only Email: [email protected] | Web: resonant/remote viewing. Guest research experts Contact: Society for American Archaeology, 900 Sec- ing the newest archaeological and archaeometric archaeological site of its kind in northern Mexico. | Celebra- include Rodney Ashbury, Paul Vigay, Busty Taylor, Dr. information on world megalithic monuments, BIBLICAL ARCHAEOLOGY SOCIETY ond Street NE #12, Washington, DC 2002-3557, tion at the ancient petroglyph mystery school with Simeon Hein, Lucy Pringle, Matthew Williams, and explaining their use, deciphering their isolation or INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR (202) 789-8200 | Email: [email protected] | CHART ANALYSIS INTENSIVES Daniel Giamario, Carolyn Brent, and John Dumas. others. contact, and placing them in a correct chronological August 8-20, 2004; Oxford, England Web: • SCRIPT AND ARCHETYPES TRACK: Includes classes in experiential Shamanic Astrology order in relation to their counterparts. Contact: Biblical Archaeology Society, 4710 41st Street NW, Washington, DC 20016, (800) 221-4644 OLOGY March 31-April 4, 2004 with emphasis on the Venus and Mars Synodic GLASTONBURY SYMPOSIUM: INVESTIGATING ARCHAEOLOGICAL SCIENCES OF THE AMERICAS or (202) 364-3300 | Email: [email protected] | Web: ASTROLOGY • SHAMANIC TIMELINE, INITIATION CYCLES Cycle, Venus emerging from the under world on CROP CIRCLES AND SIGNS OF OUR TIMES September 23-26, 2004; Tucson, AZ | Speakers include AND PLANETARY COMPLEXES TRACK: September 26th, Morning Star Mercury overtone July 23-25, 2004; Glastonbury, England Cost: $40 | Contact: Archaeological Sciences of the Susan Ackerman and William Dever. 8TH WORLD CONGRESS: Oct. 13-19, 2004 Virgo, Night Sky Fundamentals, sunrise and sunset Cost: £80; £30 Fri. or Sat. ; £30 Sun. lectures until Americas Conference, c/o Cathy Snider, Depart- EXPLORING THE FOURTH DIMENSION Sedona, AZ Equinox ceremonials with the petroglyphs, high 5 p.m. | Contact: Sheila Martin, 16 Chilkwell Street, ment of Anthropology, University of Arizona, 1009 CONFERENCE FOR BIBLICAL ARCHAEOLOGY: April 9-12, 2004; Basel, Switzerland Cost: $400 | Contact: Carolyn Brent, (520) 744- desert mountain hiking and Wilderness Hot Springs, Glastonbury, Somerset BA6 8DB, England, +44 (0) East South Campus Drive, Tucson, AZ 85721 | ACROSS THE AGES - ARCHAEOLOGICAL Contact: Claude Weiss, ASTRODATA AG, Chilenholzs- 0506 | Email: [email protected] | Web: and astrological vision quest. 139 267 7462 | Email: glastonburysymposium@ Email: [email protected] | Web: w3.ari- TRANSITIONS AND THE RECONSTRUCTION trasse 8, CH-8907 Wettswil | Email: | Web: www.glastonburysympo- | Conference intended to OF OLD TESTAMENT HISTORY [email protected] | Web: | The son2003 | The primary emphasis will be in-depth WAKE UP TO YOUR COSMIC ORIGINS encourage regular and sustained collaboration March 26-28, 2004; Schorndort, Germany purpose of this conference, which is par t of the chart analysis and counseling techniques, exploring AND DESTINY: REVIVING THE NATURAL between archaeologists, conservation scientists, Cost: 2,500 EU | Email: [email protected] | World Wide Trilogy to celebrate Uranus in Pisces, is the Script and Story Lines using the Whole House UNITY OF ASTROLOGY AND ASTRONOMY INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE and contract researchers engaged in the develop- Web: | Lectures will focus on to catalyze, inspire, and inform both astrologers and System, the Shamanic Timeline, including Outer March 26-28, 2004; Virginia Beach, VA ON CROP CIRCLES & STONEHENGE ment of archaeological science in the Americas. transitional phases in Levantine archaeology for the the general public. Speakers will cover individual, Planet Initiation Cycles and Synodic Planetar y Cost: $225 (member disc. avail.) | Contact: Associa- July 19-26, 2004; Salisbury, England Keynote speakers include Mark Pollard and Pamela reconstruction of the history of Ancient Israel and spiritual, business, media, mundane topics, and Returns, astrological complexes, and chart compari- tion for Research and Enlightenment, 215 67th Contact: Power Places, 2509 #A Andromeda, Col- Vandiver from the Smithsonian Institute. Canaan and the study of the proposed overlapping more. Conference languages: German and English. son (relationship or synastry). Street, Virginia Beach, VA 23451, (800) 333-4499 orado Springs, CO 80906, (800) 234-8687 or (719) periods in Palestinian archaeology. Speakers include or (757) 428-3588 Ext. 7323 | Email: confregis- 448-0514 | Email: [email protected] | Web: ARCHAEOLOGY SUMMER SCHOOL Peter van der Veen, Uwe Zerbst, Rupert Chapman, ADVANCED CHART ANALYSIS TRAINING ON THE EVOLUTIONARY ASTROLOGY CONFERENCE [email protected] | Web: | Aren Maeir, John Bimson, June 14-July 23, 2004; Malta MERCURY CYCLE AND SHAMANIC TIMELINE Feb. 20-22, 2004; Vancouver, BC, Canada ences/hq_va_beach | For both the professional and Experience the magical energy of Stonehenge, Ave- Cost: $1,070-$2,365 | Contact: Foundation for Inter- March 10-14, 2004; Tucson, AZ Contact: (877) 348-5111 or (605) 348-5111 | the novice, a new astrology and astronomy will be bury, and Glastonbury. Feel the mystical power and INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON THE ARCHAEOLO- national Studies, University of Malta, St. Paul Street, Cost: $400 | Contact: Carolyn Brent, (520) 744- Email: [email protected] | Web: www.astrolo- born to target your deeper concerns. Includes awe- energy of Stonehenge, including private access to Valetta VLT 07, Malta, (+356) 21.230793 or (+356) GY OF THE ANCIENT NEAR EAST 0506 | Email: [email protected] | Web: | Speakers include some stargazing. its inner circle. Walk through crop circles to experi- 21.234121/2 | Email: univfi[email protected] | Web: April 1-7, 2004; Berlin, Germany Hanne Albrechtsen (Denmark); Kitty Kennard (Eng- ence the thriling vortex of energy that created them. | No for- Cost: 150 EU | Contact: Congress Organization/Reg- dona | The primary emphasis is on chart analysis land); Hayo Bol (Holland); Maurice Fernandez With Barbara Hand Clow, Freddy Silva, John Michell, mal qualification is needed for participation in this istration, CTW, Congress Organisation Thomas and counseling techniques. Will explore the Mercury (Israel); Mark Batterbury, Rose Marcus (Canada); Robert Friedman, Lisette Larkins, and others. unique opportunity to discover, explore, and study Wiese GmbH Gosslerstr. 30, D-12161 Berlin, +49- CROP CIRCLES Kristin Fontana, Kim Marie, and Kim Maynard (US). the life of our prehistoric ancestors. Introduces gen- 30-85 99 62 20 | Email: [email protected] | cycle, and offer an in-depth look at the Shamanic eral theories and practices of archaeology and Web: | Themes will include Timeline and how to appy it in readings. Lecture topics include Chiron, All Three Liliths, Pluto ANCIENT SACRED PLACES, CROP CIRCLES, SQUARING THE CIRCLE: focuses on Mediterranean and Maltese archaeology, Reconstruction of Environment - Natural Resources Transits, Evolutionary States, Challenges of Uranus AND BEAUTIFUL SOUTHERN ENGLAND A PARADIGM SHIFT IN HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS including the extraordinary and unique megalithic and Human Inter-Relation Through Time; Art History - ASTROLOGY & STOCK MARKET & Black Moon Lilith, and more. June, July and August, 2004; Southern England January 15, 2004; London, England temples of the Stone Age and fascinating under- Visual Communication; The Archaeology of Transi- FORECASTING CONFERENCE Contact: Ron Russell, PO Box 460760, Aurora, CO Contact: The Centre for Studies, c/o ground tombs of the Neolithic, Punic, Roman, and tion Periods and Dark Ages; and Reports on Archae- May 14-17, 2004; New York, NY LONDON SCHOOL OF ASTROLOGY SEMINARS 80046, (303) 995-9966 | Email: ron@cropcircles. Busty Taylor, 52 Appletree Grove, Andover, Hamp- Early Christian ages. ological Field Work. Each section will feature Cost: $595 ($144 Fri. only) | Contact: The Various dates; London, England org | Web: tours.php | Tours shire, SP10 3RG, (+44) 0 1264 324496 | Email: posters, presentations, workshops, and social Astrologers Fund Inc., 370 Lexington Ave., Suite Cost: £40 | Contact: London School of Astrology, with a focus on research in Wiltshire, England. | Web: www.cccs- events. 416, New York, NY 10017, (212) 949-7211 | Email: BCM Planets, London WC1N 3XX, UK, +44 (0)700 Includes private access to Stonehenge, special | Presented by Allan Brown, who will [email protected] | Web: | 233 44 55 | Email: admin@londonschoolofastrolo- research training opportunities in the field, tours to, share insights about the sublime geometr y that SAVING PLACES CONFERENCE Discover how some of the world's best financial | Web: and remote viewing introduction training in sacred underpins enigmatic crop circles. February 5-7, 2004; Denver, CO astrologers think, advise, and manage money. Learn | Topics include Intro to the Tarot, Forecasting Day, sites and crop circles. Guests and speakers include Cost: $195 | Contact: Colorado Preservation, Inc., new approaches to markets and new techniques for The Marriage of Stars with Planets, and more. Ron Russell, Dr. Simeon Hein, Busty Taylor, Colin (303) 893-4260 | Email: info@coloradopreserva- analyzing them and a wealth of down-to-earth, practi- Andrews, Peter Sorensen, John Michell, Paul Vigay, | Web: cal, real world applications of astrological/financial Lucy Pringle, Freddy Silva, and others.

6 4 MY S T E R I E S M A G A Z I N E , I SS U E # 4 WWW. MY S T E R I E S M A G A Z I N E . C O M 6 5 2004 Event Listings 2004 Event Listings

ing5-21-04 | Learn to read energy fields and auras; Tuscan hillside and explore ancient grottos, country- Angeles Arrien, Hank Wesselman, Robert Rabbin, EMPOWER YOUR SELF: SYLVIA BROWNE PRESENTS: MEDITATION CLASS diagnose yourself and others; apply plants, flowers, side of northern Italy, and historic Florence. Isaac Shapiro, Pamela Wilson, John Sherman, Arju- EMBRACE THE DIVINE YOU! January 24, 2004; Los Angeles, CA sacred objects, and spirit medicine; heal with can- na Ardagh, Adyashanti, Tina de Souza, Onye Onye- Every Wednesday; Beverly Hills, MI May 22, 2004; Baltimore, MD 16TH ANNUAL BIGFOOT CONFERENCE/EXPO dles, pendulums, elements, tsentsak, and music; INTERNATIONAL HEALING SOUNDS INTENSIVE maechi, Robert Gass, Judith Gass, Gail Ackerman, Contact: Stellar-Gaia Alliances, 2619 Vinsetta Blvd., July 17, 2004; Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX April 3, 2004; Newcomerstown, OH integrate the Core Self into the healing process; July 17-25, 2004; Loveland, CO Joe Miguez, and Sita Jamison. Royal Oak, MI, (248) 646-3793 or (323) 791-4370 Cost: $150 | Contact: (408) 376-2123 | Email: Contact: Don Keating, (740) 498-4542 | Email: bring in the universal Light; use healing as a portal Cost: $1,395 | Contact: Jonathan Goldman, PO Box (cell) | Email: stellargaia@ear | Web: offi[email protected] | Web: [email protected] | Web: to higher vibrational levels; attain new plateaus of 2240, Boulder, CO 80306, (800) 246-9764 | Web: CELEBRATE BEING A WOMAN: | A dynamic prayermeditation.cfm | Learn practical techniques ohiobigfoot/abc consciousness; assimilate personal with community THE NEW ERA OF YA-YA SISTERHOOD exploration, discovery, and support group in which for relaxing and healing the mind, body and soul healing, balance, and restoration; and honor your desc.asp | Study with Chant Master Jonathan Gold- Every other Tuesday; Beverly Hills, MI you can be who you truly are and manifest your through meditation. This class explains and defines BIGFOOT DAZE sensual spirituality and ability to fully embody spirit. man and learn to use your own sounds for vibra- Contact: Stellar-Gaia Alliances, 2619 Vinsetta Blvd., desires, dreams and destiny. meditation. Learn the steps of meditation to visual- May 2004; Hillsboro, OR tional patterning and alignment, and to access Royal Oak, MI, (248) 646-3793 or (323) 791-4370 ize for success, synergism, and manifesting desired Contact: Ray Crowe, Director IBS, 225 NE 30th HEALING SOUNDS INTENSIVE deeper levels of consciousness and self-transforma- (cell) | Email: stellargaia@ear | Web: ENERGY WORKSHOPS abundance as well as receiving messages from Spir- Avenue, Hillsboro, OR 97124, (503) 640-6581 | July 17-25, 2004; Denver, CO tion. This program covers the latest scientific materi- | Empower Various Dates; Malvern, Worcestershire, England it Guides, Angels or deceased loved ones. Learn var- Email: [email protected] | Web: Cost: $1395 | Contact: Jonathan Goldman, (800) al on sonics as well as time-honored sacred sounds your femininity; balance all aspects of your self and Cost: £95-£180 | Web: ious meditations and the skills necessary to design 246-9764 or (303) 443-8181 | Email: sound- from different traditions. life; discover your hidden spirit; and be supported by courses.htm#anchor396284 | Topics include Earth meditations for yourself and others. Classes taught [email protected] | Web: other women to live in the freedom and fullness of Energies, Energy Balancing, Healing Your Ancestral by ministers of the Society of Novus Spiritus, found- NORTH CALIFORNIA BIGFOOT EXPEDITION training/intensive-desc.asp | Immerse yourself in MEDICINE FOR THE EARTH your true self! Patterns, and Spirit Release. ed by psychic Sylvia Browne. May 6-9, 2004; Northwest CA the energies of light and love as you travel the April 30-May 2, 2004; Worcester, VT Cost: $800 | Email: [email protected] | Web: sound current! Nine days of toning, teaching and Contact: Lyn Rober ts-Herrick or Sue Jamieson, COLLEGE OF PSYCHIC STUDIES INNER POTENTIAL CENTRE WORKSHOPS NEW LIVING EXPO transformation with Sound Healing Pioneer and (212) 674-0525 | Email: [email protected] | WEEKEND WORKSHOPS Various dates; London, England April 23-25, 2004; San Francisco, CA Chant Master Jonathan Goldman, in a step-by-step Web: Various dates; London, England Contact: The Inner Potential Centre, 36 Kelvedon Cost: $15 | Contact: New Living Expo, 422 Corte SOUTHERN COLORADO BIGFOOT EXPEDITION process of vibratory patterning and alignment com- arth | Learn how to use powerful techniques of con- Contact: The College of Psychic Studies, 16 Queens- Road, London SW6 5BW, England 020 7736 4187 | Escuela, Novato, CA 94949, (415) 382-8300 | Sept. 30-Oct. 3, 2004; New Mexico bining both the latest scientific material on sonics sciousness and awareness in transforming environ- berry Place, London, England SW7 2EB, +44 (0)20 Email: [email protected] | Web: www.innerpo- Email: [email protected] | Web: www.newage- border region, CO with time-honored sacred sounds from various tradi- mental and personal toxins, and practice creative 7589 3292 | Email: [email protected] | | Learn about discovering your intuitive | Includes exhibits, lectures, panel discus- Cost: $800 | Email: [email protected] | Web: tions. Learn in a special atmosphere of serenity and visualization, ceremony, rituals, and chants from Web: | More than 45 power and latent abilities, Mongolian overtoning and sions, and workshops. Speakers include Jack Can- love and discover how to use your own sacred ancient healing approaches. one- and two-day workshops are offered on a wide Tibetan singing bowls, divine messengers through field, Joan Bor ysenko, Dannion Brinkley, Margot sounds for self-transformation and healing and to range of subjects covering different aspects of psy- the ages, the road to enlightenment, the Tao of Anand, Jean Houston, Robert A.F. Thurman, Sean SOUTHERN CRYPTO CONFERENCE enrich your life and your work. TOUCHING SPIRIT TRAINING PROGRAM chic, spiritual, and healing development, including inspiration with mystical songs and poetry, yoga David Morton, Caroline Casey, Peter Levine, Lynn June 26, 2004; Conroe, TX March 6-7, 2004; Litchfield, CT topics such as connection with your guides, dows- breathing for energy and inspiration, the energy of Andrews, John Gray, and many others. Cost: $5 | Contact: Thirteen Promotions, 101 Broad HEALING WITH STAR ENERGIES: April 3-4, 2004; Litchfield, CT ing, Tarot, past lives, shamanic journeying, angels, color for self healing and personal growth, enriching Street, Orange, TX 77630 | Email: bigfoot@crypto- AWAKENING OUR ESSENCE May 1-2, 2004; Litchfield, CT meditation, and many more. your life with numerology, good karma, the science SYLVIA BROWNE PRESENTS: | Web: February 27-29, 2004; Worcester, VT June 5-6, 2004; Litchfield, CT of sacred sounds, the journey of the soul, stimulat- PSYCHIC DEVELOPMENT CLASS ence | Keynote speaker: Bob Gimlin. Contact: Sue Jamieson or Lyn Roberts-Herrick (212) Cost: $1,200 | Contact: Touching Spirit Center, 16 COMMUNITY EARTH SKY (SWEAT) ing psychic sensitivity with sounds, the magic of January 31, 2004; Seattle, WA 674-0525 | Email: [email protected] | Web: South Street, Litchfield, CT 06759, (860) 567-0600 LODGE CEREMONIES WITH RAVEN healing, pathways to meaning and purpose, dowsing February 7, 2004; New York, NY WASHINGTON STATE BIGFOOT EXPEDITION | Web: | Training in 3rd Saturday of each month; Nambe, NM for beginners, and more! Cost: $100-$175 | Contact: (408) 379-7070 x188 | August 5-8, 2004; Olympic Peninsula Region, WA the art of spiritual healing and the science of energy Contact: Spirit of Nature, PO Box 31275, Santa Fe, Email: offi[email protected] | Web: Cost: $800 | Email: [email protected] | Web: HEALING SOUNDS LECTURES AND WORKSHOPS medicine includes opening the flow of healing ener- NM 87594, (877) 438-9902 | Email: trailguide@spir- SYLVIA BROWNE PRESENTS: home/psychicdevelopment.cfm | Explore your poten- January 22, 2004; Boulder, CO gy through the hear t and hands, attuning the | Web: | VISITS FROM THE AFTERLIFE tial and learn to increase your psychic abilities using January 31-February 1, 2004; Boulder, CO chakras and subtle energy flows of the body and Work with the energies of Mother Earth and Father March 26, 2004; Detroit, MI proven techniques. Develop confidence in your own May 21, 2004; Mountain View, CA understanding how they affect health, opening the Sky to gain insight, experience the power of renewal March 28, 2004; Columbus, OH insights and learn to listen to your inner voice, HEALTH AND HEALING May 22, 2004; Mountain View, CA intuitive and spiritual energies and combining prayer and healing, purify yourself and the Earth, bring har- April 18, 2004; Oklahoma City, OK increase your creativity, and develop a more posi- Cost: $1,395 | Contact: Solstice Institute, (303) and meditation for healing, and creating meditations mony and balance into your life, and create a life of April 23, 2004; Pittsburgh, PA tive, life-enhancing attitude. This is a hands-on HEALING MEDITATION 443-8181 | Web: that can be used with individuals and groups. harmony, joy, love, and peace. April 25, 2004; Chicago, IL class, exploring many areas of psychic ability, taught Each Wednesday; Litchfield, CT ing/schedule.asp | Study with Chant Master April 30, 2004; Albuquerque, NM by ministers of the Society of Novus Spiritus, found- Cost: $10 | Contact: Touching Spirit Center, 16 Jonathan Goldman and learn to use your own WORLD SOUND HEALING DAY CONTACTING YOUR SPIRIT GUIDES AND ANGELS May 2, 2004; San Diego, CA ed by psychic Sylvia Browne. South Street, Litchfield, CT 06759, (860) 567-0600 sounds for vibrational patterning and alignment, and February 14, 2004; Boulder, CO February 21, 2004; Minneapolis, MN May 16, 2004; Seattle, WA | Web: to access deeper levels of consciousness and self- Contact: Solstice Institute, (303) 443-8181 | Web: March 13, 2004; Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX May 20, 2004; Kansas City, KA REVITALIZING EARTH WORKSHOPS transformation. Cost: $150 | Contact: (408) 376-2124 | Email: May 28, 2004; St. Louis, MO Various dates; Marlborough, England HEALING MEDITATION CIRCLE: offi[email protected] | Web: | Angels have Contact: The Learning Annex, Speakers on Tour Cost: £90-£195 (all four workshops); £35-£55 (sin- AWAKENING, HEALING & PEACE INTERNATIONAL HEALING CONFERENCE been in every religion and culture as messengers, Office, (888) 532-6639 of (415) 788-5500 | Email: gle workshop) | Contact: Revitalizing Earth Work- Second and Fourth Saturday; Tampa, FL March 21-28, 2004; Tuscany, Italy NEW AGE guardians, and God's protective army. It is simple to offi[email protected] | Web: | shops, High View, Elcot Lane, Marlborough, Wilshire, Contact: (727) 842-6788 | Email: Keth@Awakening- Contact: Power Places, 2509 #A Andromeda, Col- reach them; belief is the key. Learn their names and Psychic Sylvia Browne will answer questions and dis- England SN8 2BA, 01672 516419 | Web: | Web: orado Springs, CO 80906, (800) 234-8687 | Email: 2004 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE functions to help you to call upon the best helper for cuss how she contacts loved ones who have passed Events_WorkShops [email protected] | Web: www.powerplaces. ON ENLIGHTENMENT your specific goals. Learn how Spirit Guides can on, explain what life is like on the other side, Angels 3490 | Learn to ground the spirit, harness the com/TuscanyItaly04 | Learn deeper levels of healing January 16-20, 2004; Santa Fe, NM infuse knowledge and answer your personal ques- and Spirit Guides and teach about the powerful role breath of life, harmonize relationships, awaken light, HEALING: THE CONSCIOUS PRACTICE OF BRING- and rejuvenation from healing professionals, rejuve- Cost: $495 | Contact: The Message Company, 4 tions. Meet your Guides by using simple medita- your mind can play in your health and happiness, and relate to the changing Earth consciousness and ING BALANCE, RESTORATION AND HEALTH TO nation experts, a medical intuitive, and other trans- Camino Azul, Santa Fe, NM 87508, (505) 474-0998 tions. Learn to discern real messages from your own how to take an active part in healing and protecting energetic resonance that is shifting the perceptual SELF, OTHERS, AND COMMUNITY formational teachers, including Linda Adler, Monte or (505) 474-7604 | Email: [email protected] thoughts and rule out imagination. Protect yourself yourself, how to expand your mind to enhance all awareness of the elements as the influence of new May 21-23, 2004; Rowe, MA Farber, Amy Zerner, Nancy Lee, Rebecca Skeele, | Web: | from unwanted spirits with Tools of Protection. aspects of your well-being, and how to prevent nega- Sun energy is enabling Earth to move forward in the Contact: (413) 339-4954 | Email: retreat@rowecen- Caroline Sutherland, and others. Rejuvenate, relax Speakers include Peter Levine PhD, Gay Hendricks tive influences that can keep you from staying well. evolutionary process to a new level of freedom, and | Web: and be inspired at a 19th-century villa nestled in the PhD, Kathlyn Hendricks PhD, Richard Moss MD, the whole of humanity becomes solar energized.

6 6 MY S T E R I E S M A G A Z I N E , I SS U E # 4 WWW. MY S T E R I E S M A G A Z I N E . C O M 6 7 2004 Event Listings 2004 Event Listings

SPIRITUAL AWAKENING, NOW! | This INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SACRED THE SIXTH SENSE AND BEYOND: UNEXPLAINED MYSTERIES CONFERENCE CHICAGO SUPERNATURAL CRUISE March 20-21, 2004; Sedona, AZ program combines the latest archaeological discov- SEXUALITY: AWAKENING AWARENESS - AN ACADEMY OF RELIGION AND PSYCHICAL April 4, 2004; Dorchester, Dorset, England Each Saturday, July-Labor Day, 2004; and Cost: $150; one day pass $85 | Contact: Dr. Chet eries with concepts and perspectives of ancient cul- INVITATION TOWARDS ENGLIGHTENMENT RESEARCH 29TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE Cost: £18 adv., £25 door | Contact: Conference August 13, 2004 (Friday the 13th!); Chicago, IL Snow, PO Box 1738, Sedona, AZ 86339, (928) 204- tures, bringing beauty, truth, and spirituality into bet- January 16-20, 2004; Santa Fe, NM June 25-28, 2004; Rosemont, PA 2004, 1, Goldcombe Farm Cottage, Martinstown, Cost: $24 | Contact: Richard T. Crowe, PO Box 1962 | Email: [email protected] | Web: ter focus, with Graham Hancock, Maureen Contact: 4 Camino Azul, Santa Fe, NM 87508, (505) Cost: $200 (member disc. avail.) | Contact: Boyce Dorchester, Dorset, England, 01305 889108 | 557544, Chicago, IL 60655, (708) 499-0300 | Web: | Trance channel Clemmons PhD, Fate mag’s Phyllis Glade, John Van 474-0998 | Email: [email protected] | Web: Batey, The Academy of Religion and Psychical Email: [email protected] | Web: uni- | Cruise the Chicago Barbara Marciniak and the Pleiadians offer wit and Auken, Greg Little EdD, Lora Little EdD, Grace Yuk- | Investigate Research, PO Box 614, Bloomfield, CT 06002, (860) | waterways, river, and lakefront and hear tales of wisdom for freeing oneself and the planet from sek, and Elizabeth Waitekus. the space between ordinary and non-ordinary reality, 242-4593 | Email: | Web: Speakers include Stewar t Langdown, David myster y and wonder, such as the Lake Michigan ancient invisible bonds, the latest information on expand personal awareness, and participate in the | Features a Kingston, and Crighton Miller. ghost ships, lake monster, jinx ships, haunts of the astrological forecasts, accepting responsibility, DISCOVER DOWSING WITH THE exploration of consciousness. Speakers include wide range of subjects relating to religion and the skyline, the Eastland tragedy, the truth about cement understanding how the mind builds frequencies that POWER OF YOUR FOCUSED MIND Arjuna Ardagh, Peter Levine, Merilyn Tunneshende, paranormal, such as prophecy, , medi- YOUR INNER ORACLE: DREAMS, overshoes, a Lake Michigan "Triangle," and more! build reality, how to produce energy to change reali- March 6, 2004; Virginia Beach, VA Gay Hendricks PhD, and Kathlyn Hendricks PhD. umship, mystics, electronic voice phenomena, and SYMBOLISM, AND INTUITION ties, how understanding accelerates energy, how to Cost: $59 (member disc. avail.) | Contact: Associa- other methods of spirit communication, apparitions, January 17, 2004; Virginia Beach, VA CITY OF THE DEAD SEMINAR design your own world, what are alien agendas, how tion for Research and Enlightenment, 215 67th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE crop circles, alien visitations, near-death and out-of- Cost: $59 (member dis. avail.) | Contact: Association February 13-15, 2004; Albuquerque, NM to cope with the craziness of it all, and group toning Street, Virginia Beach, VA 23451, (800) 333-4499 ON SCIENCE AND CONSCIOUSNESS: body experiences, etc. for Research and Enlightenment, 215 67th Street, Contact: Rose Eckhoff, (407) 894-6619 | Email: exercises and limited physical exercises. or (757) 428-3588 Ext. 7323 | Email: confregis- CONSCIOUSNESS EXPLORING ITSELF Virginia Beach, VA 23451, (800) 333-4499 or (757) [email protected] | Web: [email protected] | Web: April 23-28, 2004; Albuquerque, NM SOCIETY FOR PSYCHICAL RESEARCH 428-3588 Ext. 7323 | Email: confregistrar@edgar- seminarschedule | Drs. Dave Oester and Sharon Gill TEA AT THE CRYSTAL BRIDGE WITH TAKARA, ences/hq_va_beach | Raymon Grace will teach prac- Cost: $595 | Contact: 4 Camino Azul, Santa Fe, NM LECTURE PROGRAMME | Web: of the International Ghost Hunters Society will host A WOMEN'S EMPOWERMENT GATHERING tical, empowering skills to enhance your intuition 87508, (505) 474-0998 | Email: message@bizspir- Various Dates; London, England hq_va_beach | Armed with fascinating accounts of the seminar and lead the investigation at the Salinas Second Friday of each month; Santa Fe, NM and heal. | Web: | Cost: £5 | Contact: Society for Psychical Research, symbolism and interpretation, Kevin J. Todeschi Pueblo Missions. Contact: Spirit of Nature, PO Box 31275, Santa Fe, Speakers include Peter Russell, Raymond Moody, 49 Marloes Road, London, W8 6LA, UK, +44 171 explains how the subconscious mind holds insights NM 87594, (505) 438-9046 | Web: www.spiritofna- THE EDGAR CAYCE LEGACY: Judith Orloff, Alan Wallace, Russell Targ, Christine 937 8984 | Web: | to nearly every question imaginable! Learn about DEAD OF WINTER EVENT | Join a group of women empow- TRAINING IN PSYCHIC DEVELOPMENT Page, Duane Elgin, Brian O'Leary, Carlos Warter, Upcoming topics include Redefining Secular Human- dreams from many perspectives, practice with real February 21, 2004; Alton, IL ering women for sharing, storytelling, meditation, February 29-March 5, 2004; Virginia Beach, VA Danah Zohar, Saniel Bonder, Howard Martin, Meir ism in the Light of Psychical Research; Dickens and samples, feel the ease of facilitating a waking Cost: $10 | Contact: History & Hauntings Book Co., and tea. Cost: $515 (member disc. avail.) | Contact: Associa- Schneider, Stephen Wolinsky, Onye Onyemaechi, ; The Actor, the Medium, and the dream, and obtain insights on virtually any question, 515 East Third Street, Alton, IL 62002 | Email: ttay- tion for Research and Enlightenment, 215 67th and Tina de Souza. Message; and Does the Emotional System Help ESP using imagination and symbolism. [email protected] | Web: WOMEN OF WISDOM CONFERENCE Street, Virginia Beach, VA 23451, (800) 333-4499 Affect Behavior? | Battle the wintertime blues with an afternoon of February 13-21, 2004; Seattle, WA or (757) 428-3588 Ext. 7323 | Email: confregis- LIFE, DEATH & BEYOND CONFERENCE ghosts, hauntings, the strange, the mysterious, and Contact: Women of Wisdom Foundation, PO Box [email protected] | Web: October 17-24, 2004; Crete, Greece SOCIETY FOR SCIENTIFIC EXPLORATION PARANORMAL the unexplained. Speakers include Jerry Coleman, 30043, Seattle, WA 98113, (206) 782-3363 | ences/hq_va_beach | Henry Reed PhD, and Carol Contact: Power Places, 2509 #A Andromeda, Col- 23RD ANNUAL MEETING Linda Godfrey, and hosts John Brill and Troy Taylor. Email: [email protected] | Web: Ann Liaros will use specific exercises to help you orado Springs, CO 80906, (800) 234-8687 | Email: May 20-22, 2004; Las Vegas, NV 2004 CALIFORNIA GHOST HUNTERS CONFERENCE develop your intuition. [email protected] | Web: www.powerplaces. Web: | May 14-15, 2004; San Francisco, CA EASTERN REGIONAL PARANORMAL CONFERENCE com | Journey to the magical, sacred island of Crete Intended to facilitate the investigation of all ques- Email: [email protected] | Web: www.ghost- July 22-24, 2004; Baltimore, MD FENG SHUI WORKSHOPS with , Linda Backman, Victoria Jen- tions that are amenable to scientific investigation Cost: $50 | Email: conference@paranormalweekly. OTHER January 11-12, 2004; Kent, England nings, Nancy Lee, Heather Roan Robbins, Kim Sheri- and provide a forum for the presentation and criti- com | Web: | Speakers February 22-23, 2004; Kent, England dan, Rebecca Skeele, Caroline Sutherland and oth- cism of relevant research. Features lectures, con- 2004 GHOST TRACKER RETREAT include Troy Taylor, Rosemar y Ellen Guiley, Kelly 2004 ASSOC. CONVENTION Cost: £154 | Contact: The Alan Stirling School of ers as they imbue a consciousness that is tributed talks, and poster sessions. April 16-17, 2004; New Orleans, LA Weaver, Rick Fisher, Ed Okonowicz, and Charles J. August 5-8, 2004; Vienna, Austria Feng Shui, 16 Ash Road, Strood, Kent, ME2 2JL, conducive for exploring past lives, future lives, and Cost: $300 (incl. accom.and meals) | Contact: Debo- Adams III. Email: [email protected] | Web: para- UK, +44 07092 051455 | Email: alan777@blueyon- in between, and sharing thoughts and experiences TRANSPERSONAL : rah Reynolds, Asst. Dir., North Florida Paranormal or [email protected] | on spiritual evolution, both personal and planetary. CONSCIOUSNESS AND INTERRELATIONSHIPS Research, Inc., (904) 276-2098 | Email: contac- 101 Web: Visit the Minoan ceremonial palaces and natural January 9-13, 2004; Burlingame, CA [email protected] | Web: March 12, 2004; Sacramento, CA AIRY FAIRY/PAGAN FED. LECTURE SERIES sanctuaries and experience the mystical energy that Contact: Institute of Transpersonal Psychology, 744 | Includes Ghost Hunting 101 workshop, ghost tour, Cost: $39 | Contact: Sacramento Learning Various dates; Sheffield, England INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PROSPERITY: provides a power ful catalyst for spiritual experi- San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, (650) 493- investigation, guest speakers, taping of Ghost Track- Exchange, 111 Howe Avenue, Suite 125, Sacramen- Cost: £1.50 | Contact: Francis Clarke-Rowland, +44 LIVE LONG & PROSPER ences, personal learning, and healing. 4430 | Email: [email protected] | Web: er Radio, and more. to, CA 95825 | Web: www.learningexchange (0)114 232 27 74 or +44 (0(776 021 53 85 | March 27-April 3, 2004; Malta .com/index.cfm | An intro to paranormal research Email: [email protected] or anwen@airy- Contact: Power Places, 2509 #A Andromeda, Col- MYTHIC JOURNEYS CONFERENCE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF ELECTRONIC VOICE with Mark Guilford, lead investigator for Sacramento | Web: | Top- orado Springs, CO 80906, (800) 234-8687 | Email: June 3-6, 2004; Atlanta, GA UNANSWERED QUESTIONS CRUISE PHENOMENA CONFERENCE: COMMUNICATING Paranormal Investigators, who will talk about some ics include Wand Making, a Pagan Guide to Greek [email protected] | Web: www.powerplaces. Email: [email protected] or mkarlin@mind- February 1-8, 2004; Western Caribbean WITH THE OTHER SIDE of the famous haunts in Sacramento and a number Mythology, the uses and magic of the forest, how to com/maltaicp | Join leading transformational speak- | Web: Cost: $660-$1,012 (double occ.) | Contact: SE June 3-6, 2004; Reno, NV of SPI's recent investigations. Learn about theories contact and use the power around you in your pets, ers and experts to learn techniques of spiritual pros- Unlimited, 616 North Nesmith Avenue, Sioux Falls, Cost: $175 | Contact: American Association of Elec- on the paranormal, the basics of its research, the Spirit Nets & Dreamcatchers: how to tell the differ- perity that empower you and assert your divinity. PSYCHIC QUESTING: USE INTUITION, DREAMS, SD 57103, (800) 552-9798 or (605) 366-0202 | tronic Voice Phenomena, PO Box 13111, Reno, NV equipment and protocol used in investigations, and ence and make them, and more. Learn how to align with metaphysical prosperity laws AND PSYCHIC WORK TO LOCATE LOST TREASURE Email: [email protected] | Web: 89507 | Email: aaevpsuppor [email protected] | Web: how to establish yourself as a paranormal to heal karma and help erase debt, unleash your July 9-11, 2004; Virginia Beach, VA | | Confer- researcher and start a research team in your area. ANNUAL ANCIENT MYSTERIES: MU, ATLANTIS, creativity, and enhance intuitive abilities thus creat- Cost: $280 | Contact: Association for Research and The perfect vacation for those that listen for things ence in a haunted hotel features lectures, work- AND EGYPT—POLE STAR ALIGNS AND SOUL ing abundance in all aspects of your life and rela- Enlightenment, 215 67th Street, Virginia Beach, VA that go bump in the night, stand outside hoping to shops, exhibits, a ghost walk led by Janice Oberding, GHOSTLY SEMINAR @ SEA GROUPS RETURN tionships. Visit the temples, esoteric Knights of St. 23451, (800) 333-4499 or (757) 428-3588 Ext. catch a glimpse of a UFO, or are interested in Big- and speakers, including Tom and Lisa Butler, Mark April 25-May 1, 2004; Miami, FL October 7-10, 2004; Virginia Beach, VA John's Mystery School Cathedral, and megalithic 7323 | Email: [email protected] | Web: foot, the Yeti, Nessie, and ghosts. Sail with like-mind- Macy, Dennis Hauck, Sarah Estep, Rev. Robert Egby, to eastern Caribbean Islands Cost: $280 | Contact: Association for Research and monuments built to the mother goddess of fertility | An in- ed people to Key West, said to be the most haunted Dr. Anabela Cardosa, Rev. Barbara Thurman, Martha Cost: $828 (inc. port charges, gratuities, meals and Enlightenment, 215 67th Street, Virginia Beach, VA and the divine mysteries of Gaia and the Cosmos in depth practicum on this ancient, yet buried-in-recent- town in America; Cozumel, the Mayan site of ancient Copeland, Karen Mossey, Mike Sullivan, Erland Bab- entertainment) | Contact: Rose Eckhoff, (407) 894- 23451, (800) 333-4499 or (757) 428-3588 Ext. the "Land of the Goddess" in the hear t of the times art, with Andrew Collins and Henry Reed, PhD. sacrifices; Ocho Rios, where Voodoo as a religion is cock, and Susan Bové. 6619 | Email: [email protected] | Web: www.ghost- 7323 | Email: [email protected] | Web: Mediterranean. still practiced; and Grand Cayman. | Sail to St Thomas, St Martin, and

6 8 MY S T E R I E S M A G A Z I N E , I SS U E # 4 WWW. MY S T E R I E S M A G A Z I N E . C O M 6 9 2004 Event Listings 2004 Event Listings

the private island of Great Stirrup Cay, with investi- JOHNSTOWN GHOST CONFERENCE PENNSYLVANIA PARANORMAL CONFERENCE Speakers include Piero Ferrucci, Joan Evans, Roger MC2: MANIFESTATION AND CREATION SQUARED ENCHANTED IRELAND gations en route. Classes will include Electronic June 5-6, 2004; Johnstown, PA March 20, 2004; Gettysburg, PA Evans, Peter Hubbard, and Helen Palmer. March 8-14, 2004; Faber, VA May 12-24, 2004; Ireland Voice Phenomena and Photography. Contact: Rose Eckhoff, (407) 894-6619 | Email: Cost: $70 | Contact: Rick Fisher, 1033 Williamsburg Cost: $1,495 | Contact: The Monroe Institute, 62 Cost: £1895 | Contact: Gothic Image, 7 High Street, [email protected] | Web: www.ghostweb. Road, Lancaster, PA 17603, (717) 871-8610 | PSYCHOSYNTHESIS PROFESSIONAL Roberts Mountain Road, Faber, VA 22938, (866) Glastonbur y, Somerset BA6 9DP, England, GHOSTOUR: THE HAUNTED com/seminarschedule | Drs. Dave Oester and Email: rfi[email protected] | Web: www.paranormal- DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM 881-3440 or (434) 361-1252 | Email: TMIpro- +44(0)1458 831281 | Email: tours@gothicimage. VACATION TO ENGLAND Sharon Gill of the International Ghost Hunters Soci- | Roswell meets Kecksburg—the two most January 9-10, 2004; Palo Alto, CA [email protected] | Web: www.monroein- | Web: June 6-13, 2004; England ety will host the seminar and lead the investigation famouse cases of a UFO crash come together, plus February 6-7, 2004; Palo Alto, CA tour | Journey to the standing stones, holy wells, Contact: Tours of Terror, 315 Derby Avenue, Orange, of the most haunted main street in America. lectures on Bigfoot, Boards, mysterious stone March 12-13, 2004; Palo Alto, CA cromlechs, fair y forts, chambered cairns, Celtic CT 06477, (866) TERRORTOUR or (203) 795-4737 | chambers, and spontaneous human combustion. April 9-10, 2004; Palo Alto, CA REMOTE VIEWING PRACTICUM churches, ancient crosses, round towers, beehive Email: [email protected] | Web: www.ghos- JOSHUA P. WARREN PARANORMAL CONFERENCE Guest speakers include Rick Fisher, Stan Gordon, April 23-24, 2004; Palo Alto, CA February 22-28, 2004; Faber, VA huts, Ogham stones, windswept islands, and a mul- | Features haunted hotels and houses, January 9-11, 2004; Asheville, NC Mike Frizzell, Eric Altman, Larry Arnold, and others. June 4-5, 2004; Palo Alto, CA Cost: $1,495 | Contact: The Monroe Institute, 62 titude of ancient sacred shrines in Ireland, a country haunted castles, ghostly walks, creepy graveyards, Cost: $478 (inc. accomm., some meals) | Contact: Cost: $160 | Contact: Psychosynthesis Palo Alto, Roberts Mountain Road, Faber, VA 22938, (866) that is rich in folklore, fairytales, myth and legend. psychic investigations, supernatural sights and (800) 438-4800 | Email: jpw@LEMUR | SPRING PARANORMAL GET-TOGETHER (650) 321-6562 | Web: www.psychosynthesispaloal- 881-3440 or (434) 361-1252 | Email: TMIpro- tales, haunted pub crawl, ghost stories, haunted Web: | This confer- April 24-25, 2004; Pittsburgh, PA | Gain the understanding and skills neces- [email protected] | Web: www.monroein- FROM INCAS TO HEAD-SHRINKERS churches and theaters, and more. ence features a wide variety of content, including Cost: $65 | Contact: Get Togeth- sar y to apply psychosynthesis, with a par ticular EQUINOX JOURNEY ghosts, psychic phenomena, UFOs, cryptozoology, er, c/o Gloria Fritz, 1501 Crystal Drive, Box #532, emphasis on the application of psychosynthesis to March 18-27, 2004; Quito, Ecuardor GHOSTS AND THE GALLOWS weird technologies, convenient locations available Arlington, VA 22202 | Email: gettogether@ghostchat- counseling and psychotherapy. WESTERN INSTITUTE OF Cost: $2,775 (airfare not incl.) | Contact: Mary Ten- Friday and Saturday evenings for live ghost hunting, and more. Speakers and | Web: REMOTE VIEWING WORKSHOP dall, (530) 267-5737 | Email: marytendall@dream- through May 1, 2004; Ottawa, Canada guests include Maggie Blackman, Will Beckwith, January 10-11, 2004; Lynnwood, WA | Web: Cost: $12 | Contact: Haunted Walks, PO Box 1218, Tom Cameron, Loren Coleman, and Patrick Huyghe. STRANGE PHENOMENA INVESTIGATIONS REMOTE VIEWING Cost: $339 | Contact: The Western Institute of Station B, Ottawa, Ontario, K1P 5R3 Canada, (613) LECTURE SERIES Remote Viewing, 218 Main Street #634, Kirkland, IRELAND'S MYSTICAL SITES 232-0344 | Email: [email protected] | MICHIGAN GHOST CONFERENCE Various dates; London, England CONTROLLED REMOTE VIEWING WA 98033, (800) 824-3730 or (888) 540-6085 | July 13-20, 2004; Ireland Web: | Explore August 14, 2004; Westland, MI Cost: £6.50 | Contact: Malcolm Robinson, 07949 5-DAY APPLICATIONS AND TRAINING COURSES Email: [email protected] | Web: Contact: Power Places, 2509 #A Andromeda, Col- some of Ottawa's ghost stories and darker history Cost: $25 pre-paid; $35 door | Email: ghostwatch- 178 835 | Web: Various Dates; Boulder City, CO | Using a learn-by-doing orado Springs, CO 80906, (800) 234-8687 | Email: by lantern light. Features the supernatural encoun- [email protected] | Web: spi/page2 | Speakers include Guy Lyon Playfair, Cost: $500 | Contact: Dr. Angela Thompson Smith, technology to teach remote viewing much more [email protected] | Web: www.powerplaces. ters from the old Carleton County Jail and may be ence2004 | Speakers include ghost author Troy Tay- Ross Hemsworth, Eric Morris, and Colin Bennett. The Nevada Remote Viewing Group, 509 5th Street, rapidly and efficiently, beginner training will give you com/Ireland_TOUR | Explore the Emerald Isle, the frightening for young children. lor, President of the American Ghost Society. Boulder City, NV 89005, (702) 293-3696 | Email: the skills to be able to remote view targets and have repository of Christian mysticism, renowned for its TORONTO GHOSTS AND HAUNTINGS RESEARCH [email protected] | Web: reliable target contact. many holy, healing places, where Druids once taught GHOST WATCH AT CRAIG Y NOS CASTLE NEW ENGLAND GHOST CONFERENCE SOCIETY WINTER GET-TOGETHER members/catalyst/catalyst/id4 and Celtic culture thrived. Reconnect with the nature March 13-14, 2004; Wales, UK August 6-8, 2004 January 17, 2004; Toronto, Ontario, Canada in the lush landscape and learn about ancient Cost: £125 (double occupancy; includes banquet Contact: Bill Washell or Nancy Simpson, 1260 Lis- Email: [email protected] | Web: www.toron- FARSIGHT REMOTE VIEWING CONFERENCE SACRED SITES & PILGRIMAGES archaeology, Celtic mythology, and how the ancients and full English breakfast) | Contact: R Lines, 100 bon Street – 2nd front, Lewiston, ME 04240, (207) (Instructor) February 23-27, 2004; Dallas, TX of Ireland lived in harmony with the goddess earth Marl Close, Yeovil, Somerset, BA21 3NQ England, 782-2032 | Email: [email protected] | Web: (Advanced) February 29-March 3, 2004; Dallas, TX AMAZON INTENSIVE WITH THE SHUAR energies and faerie spirits. 01935427004 | Email: [email protected]. TORONTO GHOSTS ANNIVERSARY EVENING Contact: Lynda Cowen, Director, Farsight Remote January 8-18, 2004; Ecuador | Web: | Join the ghost October 30, 2004; Toronto, Ontario, Canada Viewers Assoc., 2140 East Southlake Blvd., Suit Cost: $2,775 (air fare not incl.) | Contact: Joyce LAND OF VOLCANOES, DOLPHINS & HEALING watch team for a serious but fun weekend, including NEW JERSEY GHOST HUNTERS Email: [email protected] | Web: www.toron- L605, Southlake, TX 76092, (817) 481-4262 | Kendall, (603) 524-7829 | Email: [email protected] | February 16-24, 2004; Hawaii, HI ghost hunting, a medieval banquet, demonstrations SOCIETY GHOST CONFERENCE Email: silentvisitor@char | Web: www.far- Web: | Experi- Cost: $1,125 | Contact: Earth Mysteries & Sacred of and psychic art, controlled circles, May 15, 2004; Florham Park, NJ ence an Arutam journey and traditional Shuar Vision Site Tours & Well Within, PO Box 1563, Nevada City, and an all-night vigil at a genuine haunted castle, Contact: Ghost Hunters, PO Box 574, Chatham, NJ UTAH GHOST HUNTERS SOCIETY: Quest in the heart of the Amazon rainforest. Partici- CA 95959, (530) 740-0561 | Email: sacredsite- where strange happenings have been experienced 07928 | Email: [email protected] | Web: MANRESA CASTLE CONVENTION FARSIGHT VOYAGER TRAINING pate in a community cleansing ceremony and a pil- [email protected] or [email protected] | Web: since it was first inhabited in 1841. March 12-13, 2004; Port Townsend, WA IN BASIC SCIENTIFIC REMOTE VIEWING grimage to the Sacred Waterfall Atun. Spend inti- | Features work- Cost: $100 March 8-12, 2004; London, England mate time with the Shuar in community and sacred shops about goddesses and gods of Hawaiian myth. INDEPENDENT GHOST HUNTERS CONFERENCE: NEW MEXICO GHOST CONFERENCE Contact: Utah Ghost Hunters Society, 1042 East Contact: Lynda Cowen, Director, Farsight Remote ceremonies and learn how to live within the unity of Meditate in an inactive volcano, swim with the dol- GHOSTS, GUARDIANS AND SPIRITS February 13-15, 2004; Albuquerque, NM Fort Union Blvd. #505, Midvale, Utah 84047 | Email: Viewers Assoc., 2140 East Southlake Blvd., Suit all things. Meet Nunkui, the Shuar goddess of the phins, and visit places of intense healing energies, April 16-17, 2004; Mechanicsburg, PA Cost: $447 (incl. accomm. and some meals) | Con- [email protected] | Web: L605, Southlake, TX 76092, (817) 481-4262 | forest and other spirit teachers in direct experiential incredible beaches, and the magnificent erupting Contact: Kelly Weaver, (717) 737-7623 | Email: tact: (866) 669-4946 or Rose Eckhoff, (407) 894- vention | Ghost hunts, classes, three forums, and Email: silentvisitor@char | Web: www.far- ceremonies and journeys. Kilauea Volcano. [email protected] | Web: 6619 | Email: [email protected] | Web: more at luxurious Manresa Castle Hotel, one of the ~rfisher/IGHC | Speakers include Troy Taylor, Rose- most haunted hotels in the U.S., which was once a AVALON TO CAMELOT: MAYAN SACRED SITES mary Ellen Guilley Ph.D., Riley Heagerty, and Kelly Join the International Ghost Hunter’s Society for monastery and is the site of a great deal of intrigue GATEWAY VOYAGE A JOURNEY THROUGH THE MYTHS OF TIME January 15-22, 2004; Yucatan, Mexico Weaver. three conference sessions, a ghostly field trip, and a and several suicides. March 1-7, 2004; Faber, VA April 14-23, 2004; Glastonbury, England Contact: Power Places, 2509 #A Andromeda, Col- special haunted investigation in the land where Cost: $1,495 | Contact: The Monroe Institute, 62 Cost: £1495 | Contact: Gothic Image, 7 High Street, orado Springs, CO 80906, (800) 234-8687 | Email: INTERNATIONAL GHOST HUNTERS SOCIETY Native Americans such as the Anasazi tribe made Roberts Mountain Road, Faber, VA 22938, (866) Glastonbur y, Somerset BA6 9DP, England, [email protected] | Web: www.powerplaces. SEMINAR @ SEA their home. PSYCHOSYNTHESIS 881-3440 or (434) 361-1252 | Email: TMIpro- +44(0)1458 831281 | Email: tours@gothicimage. com/YucatanRainbow | Journey to Mayan sacred March 28-April 4, 2004; Carribbean [email protected] | Web: www.monroein- | Web: sites, including ancient temples, pyramids, and Cost: $826 (double occupancy) | Contact: Rose Eck- NINE HOURS OF PARANORMAL EXPERIENCE AOTEAROA PSYCHOSYNTHESIS CONFERENCE | Learn to achieve the out-of-body state | Visit sacred shrines and meet and spend time with monasteries, with Dr. Rainbow Johnson. hoff, (407) 894-6619 | Email: [email protected] | February 1, 2004 February 6-8, 2004; Auckland, New Zealand and tools that will enable relaxation, recognition, some of Britain's most respected teachers, authors Web: | Drs. Dave Cost: £5 sugg. donation | Contact: Body and Soul Cost: $220 NZD; Residential $280 NZD | Contact: and control of personal energy, problem-solving, and ceremonialists, who share their knowledge and MOTHER MEERA SPIRITUAL TOUR Oester and Sharon Gill will host the seminar and Events, 0131 226 7601 | Email: office@bodyand- Mark Skelding, 07 868 2311; Julie O'Brien, 09 845 greater self-awareness, emotional cleansing, pro- insights into the history, myths and legends of the June 11-18, 2004; Rhineland, Germany lead the investigations of the haunts of Key West, | Web: www.deepindigoevents. 3333; or Trisha Stafford, 00 61 7 3821 3322 | gramming your future, willful control of one's aware- sacred landscape and the Pagan and Christian her- Cost: $1,300 (double occupancy, airfare not includ- Jamaica, Grand Cayman, and Cozumel. | Features merchandise, reader and Email: [email protected] | Web: ness, and communication with—and visits to—other itage of the British Isles. ed) | Contact: Dr. Chet Snow, Box 1738, Sedona, AZ healer areas, and top international speakers. | energy systems and realities. 86339, (928) 204-1962 | Email: chetsnow@

7 0 MY S T E R I E S M A G A Z I N E , I SS U E # 4 WWW. MY S T E R I E S M A G A Z I N E . C O M 7 1 2004 Event Listings 2004 Event Listings | Web: mother- culture of forbidden Tibet, the mystic land on the TEMPLES OF THE MOON & SUN MASTER CIRCLE OF REMEMBERING: combines Tibetan Bon and Buddhist, Quechua, and TEACHINGS FROM THE FAR NORTH meera | Visit Mother Meera, a Spiritual Master in "Roof of the World." July 10-23, 2004; Scotland LIFE EMPOWERMENT AND SHAMANIC REIKI Siberian teachings with hands-on Reiki, through cer- February 7-11, 2004; Palm Beach Gardens, FL human form, and experience darshan (transmission Cost: $2,749 (double occ.) | Contact: Sacred Sites MASTER-TEACHER CERTIFICATION emony and practice assisted by the four elements, Contact: (901) 383-8072 | Email: r ford@ bell- of life-changing light and energy). Visit nearby his- SACRED DANCE AND PILGRIMAGE Tours, 3420 Pillsbury Avenue South, Minneapolis, March 2004 - September 2005; Western MA plants, music, sacred stones, shamanic journeys, | Web: toric spiritual sites, including the Cologne and Lim- Various dates; Warwickshire, England MN 55408, (612) 823-2442 | Email: info@sacred- Contact: Dolores Mannix, (212) 674-0525 | Email: and Reiki spirit guides. omega3-26-04 burg Gothic cathedrals, ancient Teutonic sacred Contact: Suzy Straw (01295 788398) | Email: sec- | Web: | Ram- [email protected] or dolores@dream- mounts and healing springs, and the convent of [email protected] | Web: www.gatekeeper. ble on through the heather-strewn Highlands to the | Web: SHAPESHIFTING CONSCIOUSNESS: THE WAY OF THE SHAMAN WORKSHOPS Hildegaard von Bingen. | Themes beautiful Isle of Skye. Then, by ferry, to the remote jects/masterscircle.html | Eighteen-month intensive ALCHEMY FOR EVOLUTION Various dates and locations both in the US and focus on the appropriate sign of the zodiac and goddess sites of the Callanish Stones on the Isle of training program emphasizes personal development August 23-27, 2004; Rhinebeck, NY abroad MYSTERIOUS EGYPT: AN UPDATE include Encircling the Land with Sacred Dance, Lewis in the Western Hebrides to encounter the pre- and empowerment, the natural and compassionate Contact: Faith, (561) 622-6064 | Email: Contact: Foundation for Shamanic Studies, PO Box March 11, 2004; London, England Paneurythmy Days, Sacred Space-Sacred Dance, historic Old Soman of the Moors. Journey further brilliance that arises from a fine attunement to spir- [email protected] | Web: www.dreamchange. 1939, Mill Valley, CA 94942, (415) 380-8282 | Contact: The Centre for Crop Circle Studies, c/o and Dance in the Ancient Rollright Stone Circle of north to the Orkney Islands and Skara Brae, Maes it. The program focuses on cleansing on the soul org/projects/omega8-23-04 | Learn to facilitate ritu- Email: [email protected] | Web: Busty Taylor, 52 Appletree Grove, Andover, Hamp- Oxfordshire. How, and other places of ancient myster y. Visit level, aligning with the deeper intentions of the soul, als, perform retrievals, integrating the soul and past | Work- shire, SP10 3RG, (+44) 0 1264 324496 | Email: Camster, Clava Cairns, Inverness, and Loch Ness. and expanding awareness, and offers the experi- lives with "core" selves; diagnose and heal self and shop introduces shamanism for divination, problem- | Web: www.cccs- SACRED SCOTLAND: THE BLESSED ISLES ence needed to teach all levels of Reiki. others; peel off "onion layers" that block one's mis- solving, and healing. Initiation into classic shamanic | Marcus Allen and Margaret July 6-18, 2004; Scotland sions; confront the "Shadow"; levitate to higher con- journeying for awakening dormant spiritual abilities, Novakovic will offer intriguing aspects of their con- Cost: £1950 | Contact: Gothic Image, 7 High Street, SHAMANISM / SHAPESHIFTING MASTER SHAPESHIFTER: REALIZING THE sciousness; empower spiritual sensuality; connect including connections with nature, restoring spiritual tinued research into some of the unsolved myster- Glastonbur y, Somerset BA6 9DP, England, PROPHECIES FOR A NEW ERA: RAISING with the luminosity of the universe; soar to power and health, and applying shamanism to help ies of ancient Egypt. +44(0)1458 831281 | Email: tours@gothicimage. ADVANCED MASTER SHAPESHIFTER: PERSONAL AND GLOBAL CONSCIOUSNESS inner/outer worlds with Amazonian, Tibetan, and heal oneself, others, and the planet. | Web: EXPERIENCING AND LEARNING TO TEACH THE April 14-18, 2004; Singer Island, FL Incan spirit guides; balance male/female, MYTHOLOGY, ANCIENT SITES, & MYSTERIES tour | Visit the holy wells, stone circles, hermit cells, SEVEN PORTALS TO HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS Contact: Faith, (561) 622-6064 | Email: dark/light, birth/death, love/hate; and work with OF IRELAND: A CELTIC JOURNEY Druid groves, enchanted woods, dramatic dolmens, April 14-18, 2004; Singer Island, FL [email protected] | Web: theacher plants and the "breath of fire." UFOS AND ALIENS July 2-14, 2004; Ireland sacred rivers, majestic glens, and bonnie lochs of Cost: $850 until March 1st; $995 thereafter | Con- Cost: $2,095 | Contact: Earth Mysteries & Sacred the ancient sacred lands of Scotland, with a particu- tact: Faith, (561) 622-6064 | Email: faith@dream- SHAPESHIFTING: PERSONAL 2004 OZARK UFO CONFERENCE Site Tours & Well Within, PO Box 1563, Nevada City, lar focus on the enchanted islands of the West and | Web: SHAMANIC DREAM: TENDING CIRCLE AND GLOBAL TRANSFORMATION April 9-11, 2004; Eureka Springs, AR CA 95959, (530) 740-0561 | Email: sacredsite- North, their history, culture, myths, and folklore, intensive4-04 AND ANCIENT HUICHOL WISDOM February 27-29, 2004; Austin, TX Contact: Lou Farish, Ozark UFO Conference, 2 Caney [email protected] or [email protected] | Web: and be enlightened and entertained by authors, his- January 26-February 1, 2004; Yelapa, Mexico Contact: Omega Institute, (877) 944-3003 | Email: Valley Drive, Plumer ville, AR 72127, (501) 354- | Explore Celtic leg- torians, musicians, and storytellers along the way. FATHER SUN & MOTHER MOON Cost: $925 (transp. not incl.) | Contact: Faith, (561) [email protected] | Web: www.dream- 2558 | Email: [email protected] | Web: ends, folklore, and mythology, and the mountains SHAMANIC JOURNEY 622-6064 or Mary Tendall, (530) 265-5737 | Email: | In this experi- and lakes that are the homes of the gods. SACRED SITES AND SACRED SCIENCE IN EGYPT June 17-24, 2004; Ecuador [email protected] or mar ytendall@dream- ential workshop, learn about energy connections April 30-May 9, 2004; Egypt Cost: $2,775 (air fare not incl.) | Contact: Joyce | Web: www.dream with the natural world that empower you to ALTERNATE REALITIES CONFERENCE REALMS OF THE GODDESS Contact: Power Places, 2509 #A Andromeda, Col- Kendall, (603) 524-7829 | Email: [email protected] | jects/yelapa | Learn ancient and cutting-edge tech- shapeshift and delve into the three levels of September 24-26, 2004; Johnson City, TN May 22-29, 2004; England orado Springs, CO 80906, (800) 234-8687 or (719) Web: | Experience an intro- niques of dream-tending; experience advanced shapeshifting: cellular (transforming into animals, Contact: United States UFO Information and Cost: $2,449 (double occ.) | Contact: Sacred Sites 448-0514 | Email: [email protected] | Web: duction to ancient Quechua, Saranguro, and Amazo- dreamwork as you integrate sleep and awake time, healing cancer, shedding weight); personal (living in Research Center, PO Box 153, Unicoi, TN 37692, Tours, 3420 Pillsbury Avenue South, Minneapolis, | Join John Antho- nian healing traditions with the descendants of the the past and the future, all as One. Learn from a Hui- the now, dropping addictions); and institutional (423) 943-6477 | Email: usufocenter@usufocen- MN 55408, (612) 823-2442 | Email: info@sacred- ny West on a transforming journey to the sacred ancient Incans, through a journey to the high chol elder as he shares his wisdom passed on from (changing society). | Web: | UFOs, | Web: www.sacredtravel. sites of Egypt. Discover the work of an advanced sci- Andean mountains, the marketplace of Otavalo, the pre-Columbian times. ghosts, and haunted places, Bigfoot, and the mys- com/brochure | Visit many of the classic sites of ence of the spirit. Explore Abydos (once the holiest deep Amazon, Termas de Papallact, cloud forest hot SHAPESHIFTING: SUMMER teries of the paranormal. Speakers include Kriss prehistoric Britain and explore the English country- site in the world for ancient Egyptians), Luxor, the springs, and the village of Vilcabamba. Through SHAMANIC JOURNEY TECHNIQUES SOLSTICE SHAMANIC JOURNEY Stephens, Pat Fitzhugh, and many others. side, including the venerable sites of Stonehenge, Colossi of Memnon, and the great monuments and teachings, healings, and ceremonies, learn the tra- April 25, 2004; Manchester, NH June 7-24, 2004; Nepal and Tibet Avebury, and the ancient pilgrimage site of Glaston- temples of this ancient land and the "Land of the ditions and ceremonies of the lowland Quechua, Contact: North Eastern Institute of Whole Health, Cost: $3,850 | Contact: John Perkins, Re-connection ANCIENT OF DAYS: UFO AND bury, including the Chalice Well, the Roman ruins in Dead" and Valley of the Kings. Experience the pow- plant spirit medicine, the art of shapeshifting, and (603) 623-5018 or (603) 524-7829 | Email: Journeys, 77 Harbour Square, Suite 3902, Toronto, ABDUCTION CONFERENCE the Georgian town of Bath, and the prehistoric chalk erful temples of Medinet Habu; Karnak, the largest our deep connection with all living things. Energize [email protected] or [email protected] | Ontario, M5J 2S2 Canada, (416) 203-3595 | Email: July 2-5, 2004; Roswell, NM carving known as the Uffington White Horse. ancient temple complex in the world; Queen Hat- your healing powers and learn to use your connec- Web: [email protected] | Web: Cost: $75 early bird; $100 until May 1st; $125 shepsut, the only female Pharoah of Egypt; and tion to nature to change our communal dream to a icjourney | Learn the basics of Shamanic journeying | Intensive thereafter | Contact: Alien Resistance Headquarters, RECOVERING LOST WISDOM CONFERENCE Hathor, goddess of love, music and dance. more earth-honoring one, to bring about social and using drum, rattle, music, and guided meditation, experiential program begins in Nepal with prepara- 109 North Main Street, Roswell, NM 88203, (505) June 15-22, 2004; Cusco, Peru environmental balance, and to serve Mother Earth. which allows you to access alternate realms of reali- tion for the workshop at the sacred sites in Katman- 625-8496 | Email: [email protected] | Web: Contact: Power Places, 2609 #A Andromeda, Col- SACRED WELLS, SACRED SHRINES ty where you can gain insight into how to improve du and Lumbini, Buddha’s birth place, and contin- | Speakers include Bill Alnor, orado Springs, CO 80906, (800) 234-8687 or (719) September 4-13, 2004; Cornwall, England INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SHAMANISM: this reality. Learn how to use this ancient ar t to ues to the "Roof of the World," the mystic land of Stephen Bassett, Richard Dolan, Ann Druffel, David 448-0514 | Email: [email protected] | Web: Cost: $2,649 (double occ.) | Contact: Sacred Sites A JOURNEY THROUGH TRANSFORMATION meet spirit guides, obtain sacred items, and better Tibet, to visit exotic gompas (monasteries), medi- Flynn, John Greenewald, Mike Heiser, Jim Hickman, Tours, 3420 Pillsbury Avenue South, Minneapolis, January 16-20, 2004; Santa Fe, NM your spiritual intuition. Includes discussions on how tate at power vortexes surrounded by sacred moun- Joe Jordan, Eve Lorgen, Guy Malone, David Sereda, MN 55408, (612) 823-2442 | Email: info@sacred- Cost: $495 | Contact: 4 Camino Azul, Santa Fe, NM to set up your own drumming circle. tains, participate in powerful rituals, and learn local Chris Ward, and Jim Wilhelmsen. ROOF OF THE WORLD | Web: | 87508, (505) 474-0998 | Email: message@bizspir- Shamanic practices and indigenous healing tech- September 23-October 14, 2004; Tibet Explore the hidden sanctuaries and alluring sites of | Web: SHAMANIC REIKI MASTER niques. AN E.T. BASE: DOLPHINS AND Contact: Power Places, 2509 #A Andromeda, Col- ancient, enchanting Cornwall, including sacred sh_index | Speakers and presenters include Tina de March 5-7, 2004; Western MA WHALES OF THE AZORES ISLANDS orado Springs, CO 80906, (800) 234-8687 | Email: wells, stone circles, the enigmatic underground Souza, Onye Onyemaechi, Merilyn Tunneshende, Cost: £50 | Contact: Lyn Rober ts-Herrick, (212) SHAPESHIFTING THE ORGANIZATION: RAISING July 10-16, 2004; Azores Islands [email protected] | Web: www.powerplaces. fogous, the ruins of Tintagel, the sea, white sand Hank Wesselman, and Connie Grauds. 674-0525 | Email: [email protected] | Web: INDIVIDUAL AND COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS July 17-22, 2004; Azores Islands com/TIBETWINTZ | Explore the exotic lamaseries shoreline, and rolling expanses of moorlands. | March 26-28, 2004; Austin, TX Cost: $1,699 | Contact: Joan Ocean's Dolphin Con- and temples, the exiled Dalai Lama's one thousand Learn to use Reiki symbols while meditating to thin Email: [email protected] | Web: www.dream- nection, PO Box 102, Captain Cook, HI 96704, room Potala Palace, majestic sacred Himalayan the veils between spirit and matter, in order to work (888) 755-7750 | Email: [email protected] | Web: mountains, isolated monasteries, and fascinating with spirit in the healing process. This workshop

7 2 MY S T E R I E S M A G A Z I N E , I SS U E # 4 WWW. MY S T E R I E S M A G A Z I N E . C O M 7 3 2004 Event Listings The ClassiFiles

AZTEC UFO SYMPOSIUM 2004 INTERNATIONAL UFO MUSEUM UFO ANNUAL ENCOUNTERS March 21-23, 2004; Aztec, NM AND RESEARCH CENTER LECTURE SERIES July 31, 2004; Lajas, Puerto Rico ALTERNATIVE CATALOGS PSYCHIC READINGS UFOS Cost: $50; $35 Sat; $20 Sun | Contact: Donna March 27, 2004; Roswell, NM Cost: £7.50 | Contact: Prof. Reinaldo Rios, Box Chadwick, Aztec UFO Information Center, PO Box Cost: Free | Contact: International UFO Museum and 1128, Guanica, Puer to Rico 00653, (787) 821- Corporate MoFo FREE Occult Catalog! Know the Future UFO Detector 178, Aztec, NM 87410, (505) 334-9890 | Email: Research Center, 114 North Main Street, Roswell, 3613 | Email: [email protected] | WWW.CORPORATEMOFO.COM WWW.AZUREGREEN.COM WWW.KNOWTHEFUTURE.COM WWW.ABATEELECTRONICS.COM aztecufo@cyberpor | Web: www.aztecufo. NM 88202, (505) 625-9495 | Email: Web: Corporate Mofo is a satirical e- 4,000 items. To order, visit our Control your fate by calling $45, including batter y. Abate com/home1 [email protected] | Web: | FOOVNIINT | Speakers include UFO investigator and zine dedicated to the premise web site, write to AzureGreen, George C. Smith, a third-genera- Electronics, designer of the orig- Guest speaker Standing Elk will present his Star independent reporter Prof. Reinaldo Rios and speak- that even if you work in a cubi- PO Box 48-MYS, Middlefield, tion psychic. Call (360) 412- inal Electronic UFO Detector. BUFORA London Lectures Knowledge lecture and the dreams and visions of ers from other Puerto Rican groups and abroad. cle, you don't have to think in MA 01243, or call (413) 623- 1300 or visit his site. Visit our web site for more info, Bi-monthly; London, England the Tunkasila; traditional Native American flute one... as well as to skewering 2155. and to view other models, Cost: £7 (includes buffet); member disc. avail. | music by Douglas Blue Feather. WHALES, DOLPHINS AND E.T.S the status quo in any other way including a paranormal ghost Contact: BUFORA Head Office, 70 High Street, Wing- March 13-18, 2004; Kailua-Kona, HI Psychic Readings possible. ham, Kent, CT3 1BJ England, 020 8998 4936 | INVESTIGATING UFOS AND THE PARANORMAL Cost: $400 | Contact: Joan Ocean's Dolphin Con- CRYPTOZOOLOGY In-depth clairvoyant readings by detector. Email: [email protected] or hilton.wick- February 12, 2004; London, England nection, PO Box 102, Captain Cook, HI 96704, email (BShamblin@mymailsta- [email protected] | Web: | Contact: The Centre for Crop Circle Studies, c/o (888) 755-7750 | Email: [email protected] | Web: The Cryptozoologist or phone (304-768- Speakers include Prof. , James Basil, Busty Taylor, 52 Appletree Grove, Andover, Hamp- | Share the latest ASTROLOGY WWW.LORENCOLEMAN.COM 0623): $35. By mail, 5 ques- WEB HOST/ DESIGN Tony Eccles, Alan Murdie, and Norman Oliver. Topics shire, SP10 3RG, (+44) 0 1264 324496 | Email: messages of the dolphins, whales and ETs, includ- Loren Coleman's web site tions: $20. 10 questions: $45 include Psychological Approaches to the Alien | Web: www.cccs- ing our history as Walk-Ins, vibrational healing, acti- Relationship Guidance offers the latest adventures and (SASE, photo, and bir th date InSite Web Consultants Abduction Experience; The Reality Behind the Myth; | Presented by Malcolm Robinson, vating our sonar, accessing other dimensions, living WWW.RELATIONSHIPCHARTS.COM news—from the world's fore- requested). Mail to Betty Sham- WWW.INSITEWEBCONSULTANTS.COM Alien Abductions, Star Children and Indigos; The founder of the Strange Phenomenon Investigations beyond time and space, the Galactic Federation, Get to know yourself and your most cr yptozoologist—about blin, 307 Westmoreland Dr., The official web designers for Merseyside UFO Project 1992-2002; UFOs Over El Research Society. and the locations of UFOs underwater. partner in a whole new light with the search for Bigfoot, Lake Dunbar, WV 25064. Spells Mysteries Magazine, we take Dorado - the UFO Phenomenon in Columbia; and an extensive astrological com- Monsters, Myster y Cats, and cast—prompt service! the mystery out of web design, Montauk and the Philadelphia Experiment. MCMENAMINS 5TH ANNUAL UFO FESTIVAL X-CONFERENCE posite char t interpretation. other hidden animals. hosting, and maintenance! Just May 14-16, 2004; McMinnville, OR April 17-18, 2004, Washington, D.C. Combines information from check out our web site to see E.T. CONTACT Web: Cost: $69 until March 31st; $79 thereafter; single Mystical Caravan both char ts to synthesize an what we might be able to do for August 8-22, 2004; Kailua-Kona, HI day passes and special events avail. | Contact: WWW.GEOCITIES.COM/MYSTICALCARAVAN amazingly accurate description you, or call Will Willauer at (508) July 17-22, 2004; Kailua-Kona, HI MUFON 2004 INTERNATIONAL UFO SYMPOSIUM: Stephen Bassett, Executive Director, Paradigm FENG SHUI Bringing the spirit of the Gyp- Cost: $400 | Contact: Joan Ocean's Dolphin Con- UFOS: THE BODY OF TECHNOLOGICAL EVIDENCE Research Group, (202) 431-2459 | Email: Paradigm- of each partner and the relation- sies into the modern era! We 228-7737 for a quote or for nection, PO Box 102, Captain Cook, HI 96704, July 16-18, 2004; Denver, CO [email protected] | Web: ship. Lightstones are traveling card-readers and more info. (888) 755-7750 | Email: [email protected] | Web: Contact: Rich McVannel | Email: [email protected] | ference/X-Conference | Speakers include Stephen WWW.LIGHTSTONES.COM diviners, venturing throughout | Use remote viewing Web: Bassett, Dr. William Birnes, Grant Cameron, Philip An eclectic collection of Feng MA and RI, bringing fun, adven- and Dolphin Consciousness to access new Corso Jr., Paul Davids, Richard Dolan, Stanton Fried- BOOKS/PUBLISHERS Shui-related products, including ture, and a glimpse of the WICCA paradigms, receive messages, sightings, and awak- NEXUS CONFERENCE man, , Dr. Steven Greer, Terry Hansen, crystals, gongs, statuary, and future. We specialize in tarot enings, and interact with extraterrestrials. March 27-28, 2004; Amsterdam, The Netherlands Paola Harris, Richard Hoagland, Dr. C.B. Scott Illumined Black Eye of the Day fountains. We also carry books, cards, runes, candle divination, Cost: $130 until March 1st; $155 thereafter; single Jones, , Dr. , Linda Moul- and Other Adventures WWW.EYEOFTHEDAY.COM wall scrolls, calligraphy sets, and tea leaf readings. Any day GREAT UFO/ET & EARTH MYSTERIES CONGRESS day rates available | Contact: NEXUS Conference, ton Howe, Nick Pope, and Dr. Michael Salla. “An absorbing assor tment of From fantasy to spellwork, we wind chimes, mirrors, and Feng can be a holiday when mystical March 27-28, 2004; Bordentown, NJ PO Box 48, 1600 AA Enkhuizen, The Netherlands, sketches” (Booklist) by Mac have an extensive product line Shui compasses! Energize your caravan arrives at your door! For Cost: $140; single day and lecture passes available +31 (0)228-324076 | Email: info@nexusconfer- Tonnies, staff writer to Myster- for the discriminating collec- | Contact: Pat J. Marcattilio, 221-A Joan Terrace, | Web: | environment! more information, visit our web To place a listing, please email all relevant info to ies Magazine, who “has a gift tor/practitioner. Chimes can- Hamilton, NJ 08629, (609) 631-8955 | Email: Speakers include Valery Uvarov, Stuart Urban, Jon [email protected]. Limit of 50 site or email us at SkyeJu- for words and a bright, bent dles, runes, fairies, and gazing [email protected] | Web: | Speakers Rappopor t, Humbatz Men, Nick Begich, James words max. for event’s description. We reserve the [email protected] vision.” (Rob Chilson). $9.95, balls are just a few of our many include Budd Hopkins, Hans Holzer, Dolores Can- McCanney, Jerry Decker, Christopher Dunn, William right to edit all content. MEDITATION non, Rick Fisher, T. Peter Park PhD, S. Peter Resta Corliss, and Leonard Horowitz. incl. postage. To order this chill- products! PhD, and Rob Swiatek. ing collection of spine-tingling Free Report and ROSWELL UFO FESTIVAL science-fiction adventures, Tape Reveal “How INTERNATIONAL UFO CONGRESS July 2004; Roswell, NM send check or money order to to Meditate Deeper CONVENTION & FILM FESTIVAL Contact: (505) 623-5695 | Email: Mysteries Magazine, PO Box February 8-14, 2004; Westminster, CO [email protected] | Web: 490, Walpole, NH 03608 USA. than a Zen Monk” How to Place a Listing Cost: $310; individual lecture and event rates avail- Achieve super-deep meditation To place a listing, just email your text to editor@Mysteries- able | Contact: International UFO Congress, 9975 SKY RANCH WITH STAR BEINGS Unpublished and dramatically reduce stress Wadswor th Parkway #K2-504,Westminster, CO January 25-31, 2004; Kailua-Kona, HI Manuscripts? at the touch of a button. The $15 minimum, no maximum, $.50/word. 80021, (303) 543-9443 | Email: ufocongress@ Cost: $400 | Contact: Joan Ocean's Dolphin Con- educational repor t on this | Web: | Speakers nection, PO Box 102, Captain Cook, HI 96704, Agents for metaphysical, occult, All listings will also be posted in the links section of amazing new technology and include Jim Marrs, Joe McMoneagle, Nick Cook, (888) 755-7750 | Email: [email protected] | Web: UFO, spirituality. All New-Age Holosync® tape—wor th Matthew Hurley, Gary Schwartz PhD, Wynn Free, | Make contact with representation. Manuscripts David Wilcock, Russell Callaghan, Rich Dolan, Hak- Star friends and experience healing, cosmic wis- invited. Authors, we also market $19.95— are FREE to Myster- Mysteries Magazine is not responsible for any of the infor- tan Akdogan, Stan Gordan, Mar y Rodwell, Budd dom, contact with Star relatives, time travel, visiting published books. For FREE info, ies Magazine readers for a lim- mation presented here. Complaints about services or prod- Hopkins, Carol Rainey, Leah Haley, Riley Martin, the future, and deepening awareness of innate pur- contact New Age World Literary ited time. Call now for your free ucts found listed within these pages should be directed to Lisette Larkins, A. J. Gevaerd, George Knapp, poses for this incarnation. Services, c/o Victoria Vandertu- repor t and tape: (800) 710- Michael Horn, Santiago Yturria Garza, Col. Wendelle in, 6426 Valley View St., Sp. 1804 (24 hrs.) the company placing the classified ad. Stevens, and Bob Dean. #49, Joshua Tree, CA 92252.

7 4 MY S T E R I E S M A G A Z I N E , I SS U E # 4 WWW. MY S T E R I E S M A G A Z I N E . C O M 7 5 A Glimpse into the Unknown

hen the Gower family tombstone with the inscription, moved to Penyffordd “Jane Jones, Aged 15, 1778.” WFarm in North Wales in Lately, heavy objects have 1997, it soon became clear been moved around the house, that they had a lodger in the including a four-foot high owl, form of a ghostly monk. Over carved from a solid block of the next few years, they saw wood. The tombstone also went this apparition on five occa- missing for five days in March of sions. Then in 1999, a stain 2003. Eventually, it was located appeared on the wall of their under the Gower’s bed, even lounge in the form of a Welsh through it had not been there word tangnefedd, meaning on a previous search of the “peace.” Before the month was house. Not only that, but the out, the wall was covered in reli- stone was soaking wet, even gious Welsh words and Chris- though the carpet on which it tian symbols. In addition, they was lying was bone dry! A few regularly heard footsteps and days after the tombstone had voices, even in the middle of been returned outside, the the night. family discovered scorch marks In March of 2001, the Gow- on the stone and smelled a ers encountered a ghost of a strong perfume emanating pregnant young girl. When the from the gravestone. word “Jane” began to appear The Gowers are happy around the house—as well as a to show visitors the farmhouse. face of a girl on their fireplace— For directions or to make they assumed that she was the an appointment, email ghost of a girl who died at the Rose-Mary Gower at age of 15, as leaning against [email protected] the wall of their house is a —MYSTERIES STAFF

Above: In 1999, the shape of a monk materialized on the stonework at the top of the farm’s staircase. The carving Mynach is Welsh for “Monk” and Iachad is Welsh for “healing.” The word Ffydd (Welsh for “faith”) materialized a few months later.

Right: “Jane’s” face appeared one day in 2002, burnt into the lounge fireplace.

7 6 MY S T E R I E S M A G A Z I N E , I SS U E # 4