
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Title Chemical Evolution and the Origin of Life

Permalink https://escholarship.org/uc/item/5vc6r2q0

Author Calvin, Melvin

Publication Date 1953-03-10

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Radiation Laboratory

Contract No. W-7405-eng-s


Melvin Calvin

March 10, 1953


Melvin Calvin

Radiation Laboratory an? Department of

University of California

Berkeley, California"


The fomation of more complex carbon compounds from simple ones through the action of radiation is used in an interpretation of the original formation of such compounds on earth, The relation of plants and animals and evolution of is ?iscussed in the light of the prtici- ption of sulfur compounds in the metabolism of both group,

('1 The work described in this pipr was sponsorer? by the U. S. At-c Energy 2.dssfon, CHENIGAL EVOLUTION AND THE ORIGIN OF HFE*


Radiation Laboratory and Department of Chemistry

UAxiversity of Ca Ef ornia

Berkeley, California**

As living beings? as well as scientists, we are all interested in our ultimate origin, both from the point of view of philosophic an+ scientific duriosfty and for the possible clues such ideas might wovide as to our un- certain future. So I thought it would be worthwhile to have a look at what we might know as scientists, as well as =en, about the origin of life. A definition of the term mlffdis no easy one to write, and, moreover, it is doubtful whether such a fiefinition is necessary for the present discussion.

Wmtever it may be, I think we all have a fairly clear conception of it and ordinarily have little Aifficulty disthguiskfng the animate from the inani- mate. It might be interesting to see if we can, on a scientific level, ex- amine its origins fn a more detailed fashion and arrive at same rational picture of what went on* Since none of us were there, we are pretty free to Piseuss it at liberty without fear of contragiction!

It is extremely difficult to create a new idea in this area in which men have been thinking for so long, in spite of the great strides which have been macfe in the more readily accessible physical sciences, Only a month

(*) DelivereB at meeting of Rochester Section American Chemical Society, Novenbar 22, 1952% as aftep-dinner bblr following the Harrison Hawe betme.

("*I The work describer7 in this wpm was sponsored by the U, So Atomic Ehergy Cdssion, or two ago, a rather lang article on it appare? as timely news in a popular weew news magazine. Most ~f what was sai3 in this article has been said be- foree It was sai3 as early as 1928 by the well-known British biologist, JB,S. KaMane; it was sairt again in 1936 by the not so well-hewn Russian biologist,

A, I, Oprfn; it was sai8 agzfn in 1752 by the very weU-known American ?

Harold Urey; an8 it will, be saf? again here by way of fntrofiuction to our own small contsibution,

In essence? this continudly reiterate? suggestion is that chemical molecules of a high degree of complexity were created as a result of the inci-

8ence uwn the surface of the earth, prior to the existence of any living thfig, of high energy rafiiation, These might be cosrriic rays from outer spice or ultm- violet rays from our own sun, The essential requirement is that they contain relatively large amounts of energy in extremely concentrated pelsages, such that if we were to sttsin them by ,heating, the temperature would have to be at least 50,000 fiegees [for ultraviolet] and deep into the millions for the higher energies, These concentrate8 mckages of energy, which, for present purposes, can be visualize8 as very high-spe? prticles (photons, electrons, ete,) wodrl dismember many molecules in the course of their absorpbion on the earth88 surface, Some of these reactive ikagmnts, dmii'lg the settling back pocek, woul? combine in new ways, which woul8 constitute larger molecules retaining in themselves some small part of the energy of the original ray which pssed through, These new an8 larger molecules were concentrate3 g~a?u- ally by the evaporation ~f tidal pools, or sanething of that kii-16, until eventually rather large aggregates of complex molecules, even to the sinple proteins or nuclefc aci6s, .might have come into bekig. Mm the evidence for this, ~~tfl.a year or so agos was purely. specula- tive. It seemed to us, in Berkeley, that it wodd be worth.rhile to 60 an experi- ment or two which wotiid give us some idea as to whether this coulQ take place or not -- whether this eonstsuction of complex molecules from simple ones coulc3 have taken place at all in a world, or in a planet upon which no life existed . This was not difficult to 30 -- in Berkeley, at least, We made solutions of carbon ilid3e9 ammonia an8 various other simple molecules which are suppose3 to have been the primordial molecLLes on the planet and israPiatet? them wfth the cyelotrsn an8 then had a look to see what ha? become of them, Sure enough, they were built into larger molecules, The carbon Aioxiae was re?ucecs' in such solutions by irracs'iation with high energy radiations, to formaldehyde and fosmic acid, Formalclehyde, upm irrairiation in such a manner, produce3 mole- cules containing mom than one carbon atam (the first two molecules menti one8 eontaineP only one carbon atom each], an8 we were thus able to make two- carbon atom containing molecules, From the two-carbon atom containing mole- cules, we mAe four-carbon atom molecules and the research is far from over,

In the last report that a6 have seen, the cyclotron workers had isolated six- and eight-carbo~atom contsbining molecules from such SrraQiations an? I feel sure that if they wish they can make more complex ones, So9 the experi- mental evidence for the possibility of the creation of larger molecules fro= smaller ones by hig~energy aaAiation is, I think, well establishecl,

The effiofaney wfth which the energy is wed an3 store3 in chemical substances by such a process is, however, vexy minutee 1% woul2 require many millenia as well as a peat variety of changes in the surface condi- tfons of the earth in order to accumulate an8 concentrate very much compkx organic material in this way, even in the absence of any indepndent px- cess for its 3ecomposi_tion, It fsq of course) pssib1e to dghe the appearance in such a milieu of moleedes which'might act as sensitizers

(much as in moc9ern photof;saphic emulsion) to increase considerabb* the effi- ciency of capture and conversion of ultraviolet Ught prticularly, They might also increase somewhat the specificity of the conversion, ice,, to be a bit selective of the typ of molecules into which the energy is con- verte3. Such a process might be said to constitute a very primitive form of ghotosynthesis, but it is 8ifficult even to imagine this kin? of purely chemical evolution proceeding very far on the road to the highly efficient and extremely specific process which we know as photosynthesis today, It seems highly likely that an organizer! self-reproducing mutatable structure must have arf sen first. bn a,ny case, we will not pursue this line of develop- ment any further here,

The next step is the creation of a unit which could aggregate upon itself, from a homogeneous rnibfeu, constituent molecules an8 thus build them up to reproduce itself like the f omtion of a twinned crystal (from a con- centmted solution of its components) f ollowed by its splitting, Thus, two identical units woulll w-st where only one existed before. Witn this no- tion cif self-reprdu~tion~we have what some pople have elected to call a living organism, These livfng organism [these self-re producf ng units ) would have all sorts of molecules to draw upon, The season for that is that there were no Evfng things to rksLsoy them -- there were no bacteria9 no organisms of any Bindo So what was created by radiation, remained and accu- mikite?, Gradually, these self-reproducing units began to use up the frag- ments from which they repoducec? %hemslves. Ekentually there earn a time when some one essential unit was missing in the mixture in which they a- fstsd, an8 %he structure brkich cod? n~%repoduce without unit die6 away, but those which at first by pure accident happaned to fom that unit from still simpler ones continued to exist, This cycle of exhaustion of the more complex molecules followed by success in their formation from the still plentiful simpler ones could be repeated over and over, Thus were create? the biosynthetic sequences which we are graAualQv an8 laboriously mapping in the organisms of today, It is interesting to observe that such a back- ward mechanism as this can evolve piths of developnent, each turn and twist of which seems to be directed toward a desire? or preconceive3 end,

One of the important aspcts of this problem concerns the transition from a situation in which all the chemical raw materials are available ready made for the use of the self-reproducing unit into one in which no organized raw materials are available except carbon didde, air and water, This transi- tion must have taken place because the latter is what we have today, The only raw materials which are freely available are carbon dioxide, water and the sun" energy,, The green plant can convert these into all variety of re- duced c$mpounds which the animals then eat an3 convert further, But in the beginning, that was not the situation, So there must have been some transi- tion mse between the condition in which the original things (the original self-reproducing units) ha8 all the require8 raw materials an8 the condition which we have togay in which they have not, and in which all life is ulti- mately Ilepnilent upn the ability of green plants to utilize the visible light from the sun to produce the organized chemical raw materials necessary for life, This last process is the one we call photosynthesis.

Here, again, the possibility erSsts that some observations made in

Berkeley during the comse of sus investigation of the intimite molecular mechsnism of this complex process (photosynthesis) may be of help in de- vising sane notion of' how the transition might have taken place, These observations led to the suggestion that the molecule in which the light energy, absorbeA by the chloroFhy11 of the green plant, is first converteii into chemical energy, is a wide* distributed sulfur campound, This compound has been given a number of names corresponding to the various independent dis- coveries af it, but I shall use one of the earliest ones, Kprotogenm, It is found in all types af living things. Thus, the highly efficient, specific and unique energy conversion process characteristic of modern photosynthesis

seems to be flue to the association of two rather widely distributed types of molecules. Each of these molecules has other biological functions either for itself or for its close structural relatives. They were undoubtedly created quite independently ant! survived and evolved for quite other pur- poses, such as axAdatian and Wgen transport for the porayrin relatives of chloro@~yll(hemoglobin, cytochromes) znc3 related biosynthetical processes for protogen or its structural relatives. It is even possible that the sulfur

campound my have prticipted. in a rudimentary forn of @otosynthesis by

itself, since it can absorb the near ultraviolet region of sunlight, Only later when the stable and highly efficient light absorbing porwin struc-

ture (chloro@~~ll)collaborated with the energy converting structure of

protogen were the modern photosynthetic organisms -- green plants -- evolved, The green plant thus takes a rather less unique place in the evolution- ary scheme of things than it has heretofore occupied* It results merely fram the appearance of a more highly efficient system for capturing the sun's energy in the chlorophyll and handing it on to this articular sulfur camhund which all living organisms have and use in various ways, Thus, it seems the transition between the so-called animal world and plant worl8 was made* As soon as very efficient &otosynthetic orgalzisms were evolved, the animal worlA could diversify even more, because in the green plant it had a more or less permanent source of raw materials upon which Lo draw. This conclusion perhap represents a small step in addition to the ones that have been repeatedly suggestert in the pst fifteen years, an6 it remains for the , biologists, physicists to put some of these speculative no- tions to experimental test. Speculation has a greater chance of approaching the truth when it includes and is based upon the ever wider variety of esta- blished scientific facto It is only in this way that we can ultimately gain a more definite and significant notion of our origin and perhaps also of our fiture.