C, /; /,J /,JY.Y Job Order 78-31 5

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C, /; /,J /,JY.Y Job Order 78-31 5 https://ntrs.nasa.gov/search.jsp?R=19740014486 2020-03-23T10:10:17+00:00Z SKYLAB-2 HANDMfLD PHOTOGRAPHY ALPHABETIZED GEOGRAPHICAL FEATURES LIST c, /; /,J /,JY.Y Job Order 78-31 5 (ti AS A-Ch- 1 34 2U5) SKY LAB -2 HA b CH E LD N 74 - 22 59 9 F HCTC G €iAP B Y ALP B AB ET IL ED G E3G ii AP ti TC A L FEATURES LISl (Lockheed Electronics Co.) 69 F HC J6.5C CSCi 656 Unclas G3/34 37427 Prepared by Lockheed Electronics Company, Inc. Aerospace Systems Division Houston, Texas Contract NAS9-12200 for Earth Observations Division * National Aem& and Space Administration {:: {:: LYNDON B. JOHNSON SPACE CENTER Hourion, Tern February 1974 LEC-2059 SKYLAB-2 HANDHELD PHOTOGRAPHY ALPHABETIZED GEOGRAPHICAL FEATURES LIST Job Order 78-315 Prepared by JBcky4L. McNiel C. C. devalcourt Lockheed Electronics Co., Inc. Lockheed Electronics Co., Inc. Approved by LEC lJASA Flapping Science: Department Project Support Office Prepared By Lockheed Electronics Company, Inc. For Earth Observations Division NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION LYNDON 6. JOHNSON SPACE CENTER HOUSTON, TEXAS February 1974 LEC-2059 PREFACE This report is prepared by Lockheed Electronics Company, Aerospace Systems Division, under contract NAS9-12200, Project Work Orders 63-0497-031 5 and 63-0497-831 5, issued at the Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas. The PTD Skylab-2 Handheid Imagery Catalog is oriented by Magazine and Frame Number to facilitate imagery tracking and provides a summary of features visible for each photograph. Imagery researchers require the opposite; i.e., given: state, country, or other feature name; find which images contain the given .Teature. The data contained herein has been sorted by Geographical Feature Names to assist imagery researchers. ii TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface ii I. Introduction 1 11. i4ork Performed 1 I 11. Abbrevi stions and Acronyms 2 IV. Alphabetized Geographical Features List 3 V. References 65 I. INTRODUCTION This publication ,*epresents a relisting of the Skylab-2, PTD Handheld Photography Catalog. The purpose of this publication is to provide imagery researchers a supplement to the PTG Catalog by alphabetically sorting together all similar major and minor features. Some cross-referencing of feature tiames was accomplished where the authors deemed necessary; however, no attempt was made to exhaust all possible means of cross-referencing. An example of the cross-referenci ng which was done: "Kuril Islands" may be found under the major feature column and also as J minor feature of "Islands." 21. WORK PERFORMED The data contained herein was thoroughly researched using the Times Index-Gazetteer of the World, the Times Atlas of the World, and the National Atlas of the United States of America to ensure correct spelling and location of named features. The spelling and major geographical features applied to smaller features (minor) such as cities, towns, mountain peaks, etc., are in accordance with these publications. It is understood that some political boundaries and names of countries are subject to change. The data was written on NASA keypunch transmittal sheets and punched into data cards. These data cards were then machine scjrted alphabetically by major feature and minor feature and printed by other Electronic Accounting Machines. 1 111. ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS AT M Apollo Telescope Mount CSM Command Service Module EVA Extravehicular ALtivity MAG Magazine MD A Mu1 tipl e Docki ng C dapter MSN Mission Orange Parasol Parasol-shaped sun shield added to the Skylab r! Rive- Ternii nator Zone on the Earth's surface separating darkness and daylight U F3 Unidentified Flying Object USA United States of America USSR Union of Soviet Socialist Republics .. IV. SKYLAB-2 HANDHELD PHDTOGRAPliY ALPHABETIZED GEOGRAPHICAL FEATURES LIST HAJCR FEATURE MINOR FEATURE HSN FORMAT HAC FRAFE AORLATIC SEA SL- 2 70HH 0005 00358 ADRIATIC SEA SL-2 7OHM 0005 00359 ADRIATIC SEA SL-2 7OHH 0005 00361 AFGAN 1 STAN SL-2 70MH 0004 00291 AFGANISTAN SL-2 70MH 0004 00292 AFGANI STAN HINDU KUSH MOUNTAINS SL-2 70HM 3006 00291 AFCANISTALN HINOU KUSH MOUNTAINS SL-2 70MM 0004 90292 AGUIJAN ISLAND SL- 2 35HM 0100 00811 ALABACA SL-2 70MM 0004 00305 ALABAPA SL-2 7OHM 0005 00462 ALABAPA SL-2 7OMM 0006 GO530 AL ABAC A BIRMINCHAH SL- 2 70HM COO4 00305 ALASKA SL-2 35MH 0104 01037 ALASKA TUROUO IS LAKE SL-2 35YM 9104 01037 AMAZON + RIO NEGRO Re JUNCTION OF SL- 2 70HH 0005 0042Y APAZON + KIO TAPAJOS Ro JUNCTION OF SL-2 70HH OCOS 00430 AMAZON 4 RIO TAFAJCS Re JUNCTION OF SL- 2 70MH 0005 00431 AMAZON + RIO XINGU R. JUNCTION OF SL-2 7OHH 0005 00428 AMAZON RIVER SL-2 35HM 0105 OLlC5 AMAZON RIVER SI.-2 70hM 0005 00427 APALON RIVER CANAL 00 YORTE SL-2 35HM 0105 OllG3 ACAZGN RIVER BASIN SL-2 7OHH 0005 00324 APAZON RIVER BASIN SL- 2 70MH 0005 00325 ANAZON RIVER BASIN SL-2 70HM 0005 00326 AMAZON RIVER BASIN SL- 2 70MH 0005 00327 CI TmYY O....L Cn.7" Aniz& iii VEii 6iSi:i .)L 2 *C..l. r-"2 -riLr ANALON RIVER BASIN SL-2 70HH 0605 00327 AMAZON RIVER BASIN SL-2 70MM 0005 00330 AMAZON RIVER 9ASlN SL-2 70MH 0007 00594 APAZCN RIVER AASIN SL- 2 70HM 0007 00595 AMAZON RIVER CCUTH SL-2 35HM 010s 01103 ACAZUN RIVER CUUTH SL-2 35MH 0105 01104 ANAZON RIVER POUTH SL- 2 70wH 0005 C0322 . AMAZON RIVER MOUTH SL-2 70MM COO5 03323 AMUR RIVER SL-2 70YY 0235 00343 AMUR RIVER SL-2 7OMM 0205 00345 APUR 'RIVER SL- 2 70MY OCO5 00346 AMUR RIVER SL- 2 7OHM 0005 C0410 ANDROS 1 SLANO SL-2 70MM 0065 (20425 AN TEN& A SC-2 35HM 0103 00356 ARACUAIA RIVER ZL- 2 35CH 0105 01106 ARGENTINA SL-2 35HH 0101 00856 ARGENTINA SL-2 35YM 0102 00A86 ARGENTINA SL-2 35MM 0102 00867 ARGENTINA SL-2 35HH 0102 00688 ARGENT INA SL- 2 35MH 0102 0011119 ARGENTINA SL- 2 35HM 0102 00916 3 HAJCR FEATURE MINOR FEATURE HSN FORMAT PAC FRAME ARGENT INA ANCES SL-2 7OHM 0006 00534 ARGENT 1NA ANCES SL-2 7OMM 0006 00536 ARGENTINA ANCES SL-2 70MH 0006 00555 ARGENT i NA ANCES SL- 2 7OMM 0006 005S6 ARGENT 1NA ANCES SL-2 70MM 0006 00579 ARGENTINA ANCES SL-2 70HM 0006 00580 ARGENTINA BUENOS AISES SL-2 35HM 0102 00947 ARGE N T INA . BUENOS AIRES SL- 2 35HM 0102 00948 ARCENTI NA BUENOS AIRES SL-2 3514H 0102 00949 ARGENTINA CAB0 00s BAHIbS SL-2 35MH 0104 01066 ARGENT INA . CATAMARCA SL-2 35MM 0102 00946 CRGENT I NA CERRO TORTOLES SL- 2 35MM (2102 GO931 ARGENTINA COKCEPC ION SI.-2 35HH 0102 00886 ARGENT INA GRAN CPACO SL-2 35HM 0102 00946 ARCEFlT INA GRIN CHACO SL-2 35MM 0105 01121 ARGENT INA I GRAN CHACO SL-2 35HH 0105 01122 ARGENT INA GRAN CHACO SL-2 35MH 0105 01123 ARGENTINA GkllN CHACO SL-2 35HM 0105 01124 ARGENT INA GRIN CVACO SL-2 35MM 010s 01125 ARGENT INA GRIN CHACO SL- 2 70MH 0006 00532 ARGENTINA GRAN CHACO SL-2 70HM 0006 00535 &RGENT 1NA CRAN CHACO SL-2 70MH 0006 00578 ARGENTINA GRPN CHPCO SL- 2 7OMM 0006 00580 ARGENTINA . GRAN CM&C@ SL-2 70MH COO6 00581 ARGENT1 NA GRAN CHACO SL-2 7OYH 0006 005E2 ARGENTINA GRAN CHACO SL- 2 70MM COO7 00596 ARGENTINA LAG0 ARGENTINA SL-2 35YH 0102 00933 ADGFh;lI ?;q LAGO BUFNCS AIRES SL- 2 35UF 0102 00916 ARGENTINA LANIN NATIONAL PARK SL- 2 35MH Cl02 00888 ARGENT INA LANIN NATIONAL PARK SL-2 35MM 0102 00R89 ARGENTINA LINARES SL-2 35MM bl02 00887 ARGENT I NA MESTA CE SOMUNCURA SL-2 35MM 0104 01065 ARGENT I NA PATAGONIA SL-2 35YM 0102 30916 ARGENTINA PATAGONIA SL-2 35MM 0104 01062 ARGENT INA PATAGON IA SL-2 35MM 0104 01064 ARGENT1 NA PATAGON IA SL- 2 3SMM 0104 01065 . ARGENTINA PATACON 1A SL-2 35HM 0104 01066 ARGENT I NA PENINSULA VALCES SL-2 35MH OL04 01062 ARGENTINA PENINSULA VALCES SL-2 35MM 0104 010b4 ARGENTINA SALAR AR ILARO SL- 2 35MM 0102 00943 ARLENTI NA . SALAR PIPANACO SL- 2 35MM 0102 00944 ARGENTINA SALINAS GRANOES SL- 2 70MM OCO6 00533 ARGENT INA SALT A SL-2 70HM 0006 00533 ARGENTINA SALTA SL- 2 70MM 0005 00534 ARGENT1 NA JAN HIGUEL DE TUCUHAN SL-2 35MM 0102 00945 ARGENT INA TUC'JMAN SL-2 70MM 0006 00534 AR I ZONA SL- 2 35MM 0102 00925 ARIZONA SL- 2 70MN 0005 00334 ARILOKA 2L-2 70MM 0005 00465 ARIZONA SL-2 70HH 0005 00470 ARI ZONA LAKE POWELL SL- 2 35MM 0102 00925 5 MAJOR FEATURE HINOR FEATURE HSN FORMAT PAG FRAPE AR I ZONA LAKE POWELL SL- 2 70MH 0005 00470 AR 1 ZONA MOJAVE DESERT SL-2 70RH 0005 00469 ARKANSAS SL-2 35HY 0102 00941 ARKANSAS SL-2 35WM 0105 01103 ARKANSAS SL-2 70MH 0005 uOS21 ARKANSAS SL-2 70MM 0005 00422 ARKANSAS RIVER SL-2 70MM 0006 00528 ATLANTIC OCEAN SL-2 35%M 0106 01186 ATH SL- 2 35MM 0100 00793 ATM SL-2 35HM 0100 00794 ATM SL- 2 3SMM OlCl 00884 ATH SL-2 35MM 0101 0088: ATM SL-2 35Mh 0100 01177 ATM SL-2 35MH 0106 01178 ATM SL- 2 7OMM 0007 00604 ATM SL-2 70MM 0007 00605 ATM SL- 2 70MH 0007 00696 ATM SL- 2 70MM 0007 013607 ATH SL-2 7OHM 0007 O(1608 ATM SL-2 7OHM 0007 01609 ATW SL- 2 7OMM 0007 05610 AT W SL- 2 70HM 0007 00611 ATM SL-2 70MH 0007 00612 ATM SL-2 7OHM 0007 00613 ATH SL- 2 70MM 0007 00614 ATM SL-2 70HM COO7 00615 ATM SL-2 TOW4 0007 00616 ATM SL-2 70MM 0007 00617 -.,....
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