Sustainable technologies The experience of housing associations Primary research 63 NHBC Foundation NHBC House Davy Avenue Knowlhill Milton Keynes MK5 8FP Tel: 0844 633 1000 Email:
[email protected] Web: Follow us on Twitter @nhbcfoundation Researched and written by Lychgate Projects Ltd Acknowledgments The NHBC Foundation and Lychgate Projects Ltd are grateful to Andrew Burke, National Housing Federation (retired), and the Housing Associations listed in Appendix 1 for their participation in this research. Thanks are also due to W M Housing Group for the image on page 10. © NHBC Foundation NF 63 Published by IHS BRE Press on behalf of NHBC Foundation May 2015 ISBN 978-1-84806-415-7 Sustainable technologies The experience of housing associations Primary research May 2015 About the NHBC Foundation The NHBC Foundation, established in 2006, provides high quality research and practical guidance to support the house-building industry as it addresses the challenges of delivering 21st century new homes. To date we have published over 60 reports on a wide variety of topics, including the sustainability agenda, homeowner issues and risk management. The NHBC Foundation is also involved in a programme of positive engagement with the Government, academics and other key stakeholders, focusing on current and pressing issues relevant to house building. NHBC is the standard-setting body and leading warranty and insurance provider for new homes in the UK, providing risk management services to the house-building and wider construction industry. All profits are reinvested in research and used to improve the construction standard of new homes for the benefit of homeowners.