LIGHTS OF OUR RIGHTEOUS TZADDIKIM בעזרת ה ' יתבר A Tzaddik, or righteous person , makes everyone else appear righteous before Hashem by advocating for them and finding their merits. Kedushas Levi, Parshas Noach (Bereishis 7:1) MIKEITZ _ CHASSIDUS ON THE PARSHA + Shabbos Noam HaNeshomos Noam Elimelech on the Parsha Dvar Torah By Breaking Our Desires We Rechannel Them to Kedusha And they [the brothers] said [to the man in charge of Yosef’s household] If you please, our master, we initially came down to purchase food, but it happe ned when we arrived at the inn and opened our sacks and behold each one’s money was in the mouth of his sack…so we have brought it back now in hand, we also brought over other money in hand to buy food; we do not know who put our money back in our sacks. (43:20–22) The Rebbe Reb Melech explains our pasuk as a mussar lesson, teaching us how to overcome our desire for food and other physical things and instead channel it toward a desire for spiritual growth: “And they said, “If you please, our master, we init ially came down to purchase food” – The Noam Elimelech reads this pasuk as a confession of the soul to its Master, Hashem , saying, “ Ribbono Shel Olam – Master of the World, we know the real reason we came down to this world is lishbor ochel (lishbor also means ‘to break’) – our real mission in this world is to 1 Mikeitz /
[email protected] break our desire for food and other worldly desires and extravagances, as it says in the Gemora (Nidda 30b), ‘They ask him to take an oath that he will be a Tzaddik and not a Rosha ,’ and we all accepted upon ourselves to fulfill this oath.” “But it happened when we arrived at the inn” – But this is what happened when we arrived here at the inn – for this world, like an inn, is but a temporary stop on the journey of life.