בעזרת ה ' יתבר

A Tzaddik, or righteous person , makes everyone else appear righteous before Hashem by advocating for them and finding their merits.

Kedushas Levi, Parshas Noach (Bereishis 7:1)

 KORACH 


A Gift of Sparks How can we give a gift to Hashem ? It would seem that this is not really possible. Serving Him cannot be considered giving Him a gift, because we are obligated to serve Him. If so, what is the meaning of Hashem’s statement (18:7) that characterizes the Kehunah as an avodas matanah , a serv ice of giving? The answer, explains Levi Yitzchok, is that when we perform those acts of devotion that elevate the nitzotzos , the shattered sparks of holiness, that are strewn throughout the world, we are giving a gift to Hashem . These scattered sparks are the secret impetus that drives non-Jews to convert. They carry shattered sparks within themselves, and these sparks yearn to return to their source. This is why the service of the Kohanim is called a service of giving. The service that the Kohanim per form in the Beis Hamikdash has the effect of elevating the shattered sparks and returning them to their source. In that sense, they are presenting a gift to Hashem . n Story No one knew where they were going or the purpose of their journey. All they knew was that one summer day Rav Levi Yitzchok and his good friend Rav Moshe Leib of 1  Korach / [email protected] set off together toward an unknown destination, accompanied only by Rav Levi Yitzchok’s attendant. Before they left, Rav Levi Yitzchok instructed his attendant to bring along a bris knife and a bottle of wine. They traveled for some time through small towns and villages, and then they entered a thick forest. “I think we are coming close,” said Rav Levi Yitzchok. They rode for a little while longer, and then Rav Levi Yitzchok told the wagon driver to stop. They were deep in a sea of dark trees and darker shadows. “This is the place,” said Rav Levi Yitzchok. “Yes,” said Rav Moshe Leib. “This is it. Let us walk into the forest.” Together, the two tzaddikim entered the forest, followed by the attendant. After a few minutes, they heard the cry of a baby. They followed the sound of the cry and found a tiny infant boy wrapped in a soiled blanket lying at the foot of a tree. Nearby, a swift-flowing stream reflected the few rays of the sun that penetrated the forest canopy. “His mother has abandoned him,” said Rav Levi Yitzchok. “She left him here to die. But we will save him, not only for this world but also for the next.” Rav Levi Yitzchok turned to the attendant. “Do you have the knife and the wine with you?” “I do.” “Good. You will join us in forming a beis din of three. We will circumcise and convert him right here and now.” Rav Levi Yitzchok performed the bris, and they dipped the baby in the stream. Then they wrapped the baby in a clean blanket. “What will we do with the infant?” asked the attendant. “We will take him to Brody,” said Rav Levi Yitzchok. “It is not very far from here. There is a good orphanage in Brody. They will take care of him.” The two tzaddikim delivered the boy to the orphanage along with a document signed by their beis din confirming that he had been properly converted and was now a full-fledged member of the Jewish people. They also instructed the heads of the orphanage to take good care of the boy and to report to them regularly regarding his progress. The years went by. The boy blossomed into a fine talmid chacham and an outstanding young man. Rav Levi Yitzchok and Rav Moshe Leib found him a good shidduch , and the wedding was arranged. The two tzaddikim traveled to Brody to attend the wedding where they danced and sang with great joy. At the wedding, a band of klezmer musicians played a melody that the people had never heard. “This is so beautiful,” said Rav Moshe Leib said to the musicians. “When I pass away, I want this melody played at my funeral.” “The heavens will indeed rejoice,” said Rav Levi Yitzchok, “when they open the gates to receive your holy soul, may that day be long in coming.” A few years later, this same band of klezmer musicians were traveling in a wagon on 2  Korach / [email protected] their way to a wedding when a drenching downpour suddenly came pummeling down upon their heads. “Quick,” they told the wagon driver. “Turn off this road and get us to the nearest inn where we can wait out this storm.” Minutes later, they found themselves in the yard of an inn in a small town. They ran inside and asked the innkeeper to serve them some strong drinks that would warm their insides. The innkeeper looked at them with horror. “On a day like today you want strong drinks?” he said. “Today is a day of grief and mourning, not drinking and making merry.” “Why?” they asked. “What happened?” “Our holy Rav Moshe Leib has passed away,” said the innkeeper. “Soon the whole town will be going to his funeral.” “What is the name of this town?” asked the musicians. “Sassov.” And so it came to pass that on the fourth day of Shevat the funeral procession of Rav was accompanied by a band of klezmer musicians who played the beautiful melody he had wanted to accompany him to his final resting place. n n n

הילולא The anniversary of the petira of a Tzaddik is known as a Hilula , which means “A Day of Joy”. One of the tools that Kabbola teaches is to connect to a Tzaddik (righteous person). The method to connect to a Tzaddik is to adopt the following ritual: 1) Learn the anniversary of his petira or, if this information is not available, the days of Erev Rosh Chodesh , Rosh Chodesh and the fifteenth day of the Hebrew month can be utilized for a connection. 2) Light a twenty-five-hour candle in his or her honor. There is no specific berocha . Some say the following: This candle is being lit in the merit of ______. Others say that it is the custom within Klal Yisrael to light a yahrzeit candle on the day that a relative or a Tzaddik has passed away. The lighting has no accompanying blessing, and people would like to express themselves in a tefilla when lighting the candle. This is not only true on a yahrzeit but on every Yom Tov as well. The author of the Pele Yo’etz , Rav Eliezer Papo (1785–1828), did in fact compose such a tefilla . Rav Papo was the Rav of the city of Selestria in Bulgaria. Bulgaria was a part of the Ottoman Empire at the time. The tefilla of the Pele Yo’etz is reproduced and translated below, as a public service.

Hebrew Tefilla for Lighting a Yahrzeit or Hilula Candle [ ְ פִ ילָ ה הַ נִ מְ צַ ת ַ סֵ פֶ ר אֶ לֶ  הַ מָ גֵ  מִ ַ עַ ל הַ ֶ לֶ א יוֹ עֵ  עַ ל ָ רָ ַ ת וַ יֵ צֵ א עָ מוֹ ד כ ]ד" ]ד"

3  Korach / [email protected]

הַ רֵ ינִ י מַ דְ לִ יק נֵ ר זֶ ה לִ נ)מְ חַ ת ) לְ עִ יל) י נִ ְ מַ ת 0 בִ י / אִ מִ י מוֹ רָ תִ י / הַ צַ דִ יק ______/ֵ ַ ת ______, יְ הִ י רָ צוֹ  מִ לְ פָ י3נֶ 'ה אֶ 'קֵ ינ) וֵא'קֵ י אֲ בוֹתֵ ינ) , ֶ ְ קַ ֵל ְרַ חֲמִ י, )בְרָ צוֹ /ָל מַ עֲ.ֶ ה הַ טוֹב ֶ נִי עוֹ.ֶ ה , ֵי ְמַחַ ָ בָ ה , ֵי ְדִ י)ר , ֵי ְמַ עֲ.ֶ ה וְ יִ הְ יֶ ה הַ /ֹ ל /ֹ לִ כ)זְ ת ) לְ נ)מְ חַ ת ) לְ עִ יל) י לִ נְ ָ מוֹ ת עַ 3מְ יִ .ְ רָ לאֵ ), ִ פְ רָ ט לְ נֶ פֶ ר) חַ ) נְ ָ מָ ה ֶ ל 0 בִ י / אִ מִ י / י מִ אִ / י בִ צַ דִ יק ______. יְ הִ י רָ צוֹ ֶ ִ הְ יֶ נָ ה נַ פְ וֹ תֵ יהֶ , צְ ר) רוֹ ת ִ צְ רוֹ ר הַ חַ .י,יִ Translation: Behold I am lighting this lamp for the resting and uplifting of the soul of my father/my mother/the Tzaddik ______the son/daughter of ______. May it be Your will before you, Hashem , our G-d and the G -d of our forefathers, that all my good deeds whether in thought, speech or action be done for a merit and a resting and an elevation of the souls of your nation Yisrael. It should be especially for the soul of my father/mother/the Tzaddik _____. May it be Your will that their souls be bound in the bond of life. 3) Learn about the person including history, culture, writings and teachings. 4) Study some of his teaching or writings. See more at:

n n n n n Y GEDOLIM BE'MISASAM YOSER Z YAHRZEITS BEGINNING SHABBOS KORACH Tammuz Biographical information and yahrzeits compiled by Reb Manny Saltiel and ndndnd + 222 of Tammuz ~ Begins Friday Night (Jun 11th )  Rav Shmuel ben Yechiel of Cologne, killed by Crusaders, (4856/1096);  Rav Nachman ben Rav Yitzchok of Horodenka, one of the first close colleagues of the Ba’al Shem Tov , whose mechutan he later became. His grandson was Rav Nachman of . In 1764, he immigrated to the Holy Land, and settled in Teverya. The following year, he passed awa y and was buried there. (According to Aliyos to Eretz Yisrael, he was already in Eretz Yisrael in 1750, and he passed away in 1772), (5525/1765);  Rav Mordechai Zeev Itinger , co-mechaber of Mefarshei Hayam , (5623/1863);  Rav Avrohom Twersky , the Trisker (b. 1802), whose deroshos are recorded in his sefer Mogen Avrohom . He was one of eight sons of Rav Mordechai of Chernobyl and was for fifty years, (5521/1889);  Reb Elimelech Gavriel (Mike) Tress , (b.1909), (5727/1967);  Rav Paltiel Friend . Born in the 1920s, Rav Paltiel grew up in the Brownsville section of and attended Mesivta Torah Vodaas , becomimg a talmid of Rav Dovid Leibowitz. When Rav Dovid left to form Chofetz Chaim , Rav Paltiel left with him. In the late 1960s, the then-Ros h Yeshiva of Yeshiva Chofetz Chaim , Rav Henoch Leibowitz, was approached by the small Torah community in asking for his help in starting a Yeshiva in their city. Rav Henoch appointed Rav Paltiel to be a of Yeshiva Mercaz HaTorah . In the 1970s, he was again approached by Rav Henoch Leibowitz to assume the role of masmich of Chofetz Chaim . In his later years, together with Rav Avrohom Ginzberg, he formed a senior of talmidim of the Yeshiva , (5763/2003).

4  Korach / [email protected]

rdrdrd + 333 of Tammuz ~ Beg ins Motzai Shabbos (Jun 12th )  Rav Yissochor Dov (Dr. Bernard) Illowy was born 1814 in Kolin, Bohemia, and died on June 22, 1871 (5631) in Cincinnati, Ohio, as the result of an accident on his farm there. He was one of the great Rabbonim who came to the USA in the 1800s. He was known for his oratory ability, and many of his English sermons and addresses were published. He was reportedly an accomplished linguist, and besides a thorough knowledge of Latin, Greek and Hebrew, spoke fluent man, English, French and Italian. Unable to secure a position in the rabbinate in Europe due to his opposition to the Hapsburg Empire, he immigrated to the where he had an easier time finding a position as a Rav . He was Rav in New York City, Syracuse, Philadelphia, Baltimore, St. Louis and New Orleans, and finally in Cincinnati, where he retired. Throughout his tenure in the United States, he was an ardent opponent of the spread of the Reform movement, eloquently and somewhat successfully chal lenging the movement’s religious innovations and leadership in the press in the United States and Germany, (5631/1871);  Rav Yaakov HaLevi Sapir , Rav in Saana, Yemen. Mechaber of Even Sapir (A Journey to Yemen), a collection of stories of his travels throug h India, Australia and Yemen, collecting tzedoka , having left Yerushalayim in 1859. An account of the life of Yemenite Jewish communities is written at length, (5646/1886);  Rav Yosef Chaim Shneur Zalman Kotler , Rosh Yeshiva Lakewood. Rav Schneur passed awa y in the nineteenth year, seventh month and second day after assuming his position as Rosh Yeshiva ; equal to the day to the tenure of his father as Rosh Yeshiva of Lakewood. This extraordinary phenomenon was spoken of throughout the Torah world as a sign t hat in Shomayim he was considered a worthy son, talmid and successor, who carried on his father’s mission to build Torah with total devotion, (5742/1982);  Rav Menachem Mendel Schneerson , Lubavitcher Rebbe (b.1902). Born in Nikolaev, Russia, on the 11 th of Nissan to Rebbetzin Chana and the Mekubol Rav Levi Yitzchok Schneerson, he first met his predecessor, Rav Yosef Yitzchok Schneerson, in 1923 and married his second daughter, Chaia Moussia (1901 –88), in 1928. He and his father -in-law are buried next to each other in Queens, New York, minutes away from JFK Airport. These are probably the most visited kevorim outside Eretz Yisrael and are accessible twenty -four hours a day. There is a visitors’ center adjacent to the with a shul and place for people to si t and have refreshments. Directions are available on the website Those who live too far away can send a kvittel through their website. He became the seventh Rebbe of the Chabad dynasty after his father- in-law, Rav Yosef Yitzchok Schneerson, passed away in Brooklyn on the tenth day of Shevat , 1950. He initially resisted accepting the position but then decided to accept. He is widely acknowledged as one of the greatest Jewish lead ers of the second half of the twentieth century. Although a dominant scholar in both the revealed and hidden aspects of Torah and fluent in many languages and scientific subjects, the Rebbe is best known for his extraordinary love and concern for every Jew . His emissaries around the globe dedicated to 5  Korach / [email protected]

strengthening number in the thousands. Hundreds of volumes of his teachings have been printed, as well as dozens of English renditions, (5754/1994);  Rav Shlomo Eiger of (1872–1940). His father, Rav Avrohom of Lublin, the Shevet Yehuda , was the son of the first Lubliner Rebbe , Rav Yehuda Leib (Rav Leibele) Eiger (1816–1884), Rav Akiva Eiger’s grandson and a close talmid of the Izhbitzer, Rav Mordechai Yosef Leiner. Rav Shlomo married the daughter of the gevir , Rav Alter Wallerstein of Krushnik (45 miles east of Lublin), in 1887. When his father was niftar in 1914, he became Rebbe . Lublin was the main city of Eastern . Jews had lived there since the fifteenth century, and perhaps earlier. In 1921, Lublin had a population of 37,337 Jews, comprising over a third of its population. The Lubliner heritage was continued by Rav Shlomo’s cousin, Rav Avrohom Eiger, who established his court in and passed away in 2000, (5700/1940). ththth + 444 of Tammuz ~ Begins Sunday Night (Jun 13th )  Rav Yaakov ben Meir (Rabbeinu Tam). The most famous of Rav Meir ben Shmuel’s sons, one of Rashi ’s grandsons, he studied under his father and his older brother, Shmuel (the Rashbam ), who was fifteen years his senior. His other older brother Yitzchok ( Rivam ) was ten years older than Rav Yaakov. Born in Ramerupt, Rav Yaakov was only five (or nine, according to others) when Rashi was niftar , and thus was not zocheh to learn with him. He succeeded his father as Rosh Yeshiva in Ramerupt. He was quite wealthy as a wine merchant and financier. On the second day of Shavuos of 1146, Crusaders entered and pillaged the city of Ramerupt, taking all of his possessions and inflicting five knife wounds in his head. He was saved by a nobleman, who promised the mob that he would convert the Rav . After this incident, Rabbeinu Tam moved to Troyes and opened a Yeshiva . On the 20 th of Sivan , 1771, the Jews of Blois, France, were subject to a blood libel, the first in Jewish history, and thirty-two Jews were killed. Rabbeinu Tam established that day as a fast day. Some of Rabbeinu Tam’s responsa are collected in Sefer HaYoshor . He disagreed with his grandfather in a number of areas. The most famous has to do with the order of the passages used in tefillin . Today there are two recognized standards for tefillin , one from Rashi and the other from Rabbeinu Tam. The accepted custom is for a married man to start to wear both types of tefillin . [Although no berocha is made while donning Rabbeinu Tam tefillin , the Rav was promised that to prove that his version ws also correct, whoever dons the tefillin will at least once make a berocha on the tefillin during his lifetime. He strenuously argued with whoever dared to go against Rashi ’s position. When asked how he could go against his grandfather, his response was, “Precisely because he was my grandfather do I have permission to disagree with him, while others may not!!”, (1100–4931/1171);  Rav Yaakov Reinman (b. 1796), Rav of Narol, a town in western , a talmid of Rav Shlomo of Skohl and Rav Menachem Mendel of Rimanov. He was succeeded by his son, Rav Avrohom Reinman, (5601/1841);  Rav Yisrael Ezriel Hildesheimer , Rav of and , talmid of the Aruch L’Ner (1820–5531/1899);  Rav Eliyohu Lupas , Rav in Yeshiva Poras Yosef, mechaber of Sefer Imrei Pi and Ben Avichayal , (5698/1938);  Rav Nissim Chaim Moshe Mizrachi , Rishon LeTzion of Yerushalayim and mechaber of Admas Kodesh , (5709/1949);  Rav Chaim Moshe Mandel , Mekubol in Bnei Brak, (5766/1996); 6  Korach / [email protected]

 Rav Mo rdechai Shakovitzky , Rav in Leeds (England), Rosh Kollel in Johannesburg, where he was one of the founders of the South African Kiruv Movement, and later Rosh Yeshiva Pischei Teshuva , Yerushalayim. He was the son of Rav Naftoli HaKohen Shakovitzky, the Gat eshead Rav , before Rav Mordechai Miller, and son -in-law of Rav Zalman Yosef Aloni Dubow ( Rav and Av Bais Din of Dublin, Ireland), (5758/1998). ththth + 555 of Tammuz ~ Begins Monday Night (Jun 14th )  Rav Yisrael Verbrom , of Stashov, (5605/1845);  Rav Ezriel Meir of Lublin (1873 –1941). Born to Rav Avrohom Eiger of Lublin, a descendant of Rav Akiva Eiger. He reluctantly took the reigns of the Lublin Chassidim after his father’s petira in 1914. In 1913, Rav Ezriel Meir and his brother founded Yeshiva Ahavas Torah in Lublin, moving it to Warsaw a few years after WWI. Warsaw had the largest Chassidic community in the world at that time. Jews had first settled there during the fourteenth century, after the reign of King Kasimierz, and it was then inundated by the Chassidic movement at the end of the eighteenth century. By 1939, Warsaw had a population of about 393,950 Jews, which was approximately one -third of the city’s total population, (5701/1941).  Rav Bentzion Shemtov , born in Russia in 1902 (5662), has been desc ribed as an extraordinary person, an outstanding example of a true Lubavitcher Chassid . He learned in his youth in the Tomchei Temimim Yeshiva in the town of Lubavitch. In later years, he was banished to jails and prison camps in Siberia for teaching Judai sm to children. While there his toes were frostbitten because of the severe Siberian cold, and for the rest of his life he had to wear specially made boots. This did not stop him walking thousands of miles to teach Judaism. In spite of discomfort, he was a lways cheerful and constantly saw the bright side of things. For example, his daughter Frieda (Sudak) was once criticizing his Siberian exile, denouncing the Soviet authorities for their cruelty. Rav Shemtov rebuked her. He pointed out that the cold weathe r was good for his asthma! In any case, he continued, Siberia was preferable to being called up to serve in the Russian Army. In 1947 (5707) he and his wife and family were free to immigrate to England. His wife Golda was also said to be a wonderful person , who voluntarily accompanied her husband into exile. She was a woman of great and simple faith. Together, they had four sons and two daughters. Immediately on arrival in the United Kingdom, the Rav started the first Lubavitch institution in London: a scho ol with an enrollment of three pupils that operated out of his personal residence. That humble beginning was the foundation of the Lubavitch Empire in Great Britain today. Rav Shemtov traveled extensively on behalf of the Lubavitcher Rebbe , to spread and support Torah in North and South America and in Eretz Yisrael, working for Klal Yisrael. In 1975 (5735), he went to Kfar Chabad, Eretz Yisrael, to set up a printing and

7  Korach / [email protected]

book-binding cooperative for Russian immigrants. Tragically, he was struck by a car there, and passed on. He suffered no pain and no long illness. That is what Rav Shemtov preferred. He was niftar in Eretz Yisrael and was buried in the Holy City of Yerushalayim, (5735/1975); Events from History:  Yechezkel HaNovi ’s Vision of the Chariot (429 BCE). On the fifth day of Tammuz of the year 3332 from Creation (429 BCE), Yechezkel HaNovi , the only one of the prophets to prophesy outside Eretz Yisrael, beheld a vision of the Divine Chariot representing the spiritual infrastructure of creation. ththth + 666 of Tammuz ~ Begins Tuesday Night (Jun 15th )  Rav Yosef Yehoshua Taub , the Binyamina Rebbe , (5776/2016);  Rav Yisrael Yaakov Algazi , grandson of Rav Shlomo Algazi, mechaber of Yovin Shemua . He was a great Mekubol and served the Sefardi community in Turkey and Yerushalayim, replacing the Botei Kehuna , and led Yeshiva Neve Sholom Bris Avrohom and Bais Kel Yeshiva . His seforim include Ar’a Derabonon , Emes LeYaakov , Neos Yaakov , and She’eris Yaakov (1680–5516/1756);  Rav Chaim de la Rosa , Mekubol . Talmid of the Rashash and mechaber of Toras Chochom , (5546/1786);  Rav Shmuel ben Rav Dovid Majar, Av Bais Din in Yerushalayim and Rosh Yeshiva of Chassidei Bais El . The year of his Hillula has the energy of Terach, the father of Avrohom Avinu . This means that it has the energy of idol worship as well as teshuva for idol worship. In Hebrew, Terach is used as a colloquial expression of “an old and foolish man”, (5608/1848)  Rav Moshe ben Rav Yaakov Hager of Kossov, mechaber of Leket Ani (b. 1860). The Kossov dynasty began with Rav Menachem Mendel, the Ohev Yisrael of Kossov (1768– 1826), the son of Rav Koppel Chassid, a talmid of the Ba’al Shem Tov . It was Rav Menachem Mendel who first adopted the family name Hager, which still prevails in the Vizhnitz dynasty, an offshoot of the Kossov court. Kossov is a town that lies at the foot of the Carpathian Mountains, in East Galicia, near the confluence of Hungary, Czechoslovakia and . Jews had lived there since the fifteenth century at least. Rav Menachem Mendel’s grandson, Rav Yaakov Shimshon, married at the age of fifteen, but had remained childless for about thirty-two years, remarrying twice during that time, and then Rav Moshe was born. Rav Yaakov Shimshon passed away in 1880, when his son, Moshe, was only twenty. One year later, he took his post as Rebbe . Rav Moshe was succeeded by his son Rav Chaim, who ultimately perished in . After the war, the Kossov dynasty was continued in Boro Park by a son of Rav Moshe’s daughter, Rav Avrohom Yehoshua Heschel, (5685/1925);  Rav Aharon Levin , Rav of of Reisha-Sambur, (5700/1940);  Rav Yitzchok Chaim Krisnetzky , Rosh Yeshiva Metzuyonim , Yerushalayim, (5756/1996). ththth + 777 of Tammuz ~ Begins Wednesday Night (Jun 16th )  Rav Pinchas HaLevi Horowitz of Nikolsberg, Ba’al Haflo’a and Rav of Frankfurt (1730– 1805/5565) ben Rav Tzvi Hirsch of Chortkov. One of the great talmidim of the Maggid of Mezritch, together with his brother, the Rebbe Reb Shmelke of Nikolsberg. He wrote Sefer 8  Korach / [email protected]

HaMakneh on Gemora and Halocha and Ponim Yofos on Chumash . As a youth, the Chasam Sofer learned with Rav Pinchas HaLevi , whom he considered his Rebbe muvhok . His son, Rav Tzvi Hirsch, followed him as Rav of Frankfurt. Toward the end of his life, the Enlightenment and Reform movements began their entries into Frankfurt. In 1805, a Reform school was established there, despite the firm opposition of its Rabbonim , [Some say 4 th of Tammuz , 2007], (5565/1805);  Rav Boruch Frankel-Teumim lived in Oshpitzin, mechaber of Boruch Ta’am and Tuv Ta’am . He was the father-in-law of Rav Chaim of and the great-grandfather of Rav Shlomo Halberstam, the first Bobover Rebbe , (5888/1828);  Rav Yechiel Yehuda Isaacson , founder of Yeshiva Toras Emes in . After his petira , his name was added to that of the Yeshiva , (5737/1977);  Rav (1911–1979/5739). Born in the town of Istrik to Rav Avrohom Schorr, a Rizhiner Chassid , Rav Gedalia moved to America with his family at the age of ten and was one of the first students of Mesivta Torah Vodaas under Rav . He joined the first group of the cycle when he was twelve years old, and started delivering on the daf when he was fifteen. At Torah Vodaas , he studied with Rav Dovid Leibowitz, grandson of the Chofetz Chaim ’s brother. When he was twenty, he began giving shiur at the Mesivta . After he was married, he left for Europe to study under Rav at Kletzk. However, one year later, he was told by the American consul in Warsaw to return home because of the imminent danger. He worked closely with Agudas Yisrael’s rescue efforts during the war. In 1946, he was appointed Menahel Ruchani , along with Rav , of Mesivta Torah Vodaas , a post he maintained for thirty- three years. In 1956, after the petira of Rav Reuven Grozovsky, he also became Rosh Yeshiva of Bais Medrash Elyon , the post-graduate division of Torah Vodaas . His discourses have been collected in the sefer Ohr Gedalyohu , (5739/1979);  Rav , the Gerrer Rebbe from 1977–1992, also known as the Lev Simcha . He originated the Daf Yomi for the Yerushalmi . He was the son of Rav Avrohom Mordechai, the Imrei Emes . He became Rebbe after his brother, the Bais Yisrael , passed away on the 2 nd of , (5752/1992).  Rebbetzin Raizel Portugal , the Skulener Rebbetzin (1925–2005). Born in Yapa, Romania, a city near Sighet, Romania, her father, Rav Menachem Zev Stern, one of the talmidim of the Rebbe , was the Rav of Vishava, Romania, and later of Givat Shaul . Her mother was the daughter of Rav Meir Barnet, the Ba’al Divrei Meir , (5765/2005). ththth + 888 of Tammuz ~ Begins Thursday Night (Jun 17th )  Rav Shaul ben Arye Leib Levenstam, Av Bais Din Amsterdam, (5557/1797);  Rav Meir ben Rav Eliezer Horowitz of Dzikov (Tarnobrzeg), born in 1819, mechaber of Imrei Noam , grandson of Rav Naftoli, the Ropshitzer Rav . One of his sons, Rav Tuvia Horowitz, was Rav of Majdan. Another son, Rav Aharon Horowitz, married Fradel, a daughter of the Divrei Chaim of Sanz in 1878, (5637/1877);  Rav Mordechai ben Avrohom Twerski of Kozmir, Mechaber of Maamar Mordechai , (5678/1918);  Rav Chaim Mashash , mechaber of Nishmas Chaim , (5664/1904);  Rav Shlomo ben Rav Yehuda HaKohen , considered a great Mekubol , who wrote Yafeh Sha’a , (5587/1827);  Rav Eliyohu Mani of Chevron, a great Mekubol . An associate of the Ben Ish Chai in 9  Korach / [email protected]

Baghdad, Rav Eliyohu moved to Eretz Yisrael, became Rav in Chevron and wrote Zichronos Eliyohu , (5531/1899).  Y HILLULA DE’TDE’TZADDIKAZADDIKA Z WHAT’S BEHIND YAHRZEIT MEANINGS & CUSTOMS The Maharil, in Hilchos Taanis, teaches us that the reason why there is a custom to visit the Bais hachaim on a fast is because “this place is the resting place of the Tzaddikim and is therefore sanctified, pure and holy and our tefillos are more readily heard, accepted and answered when davened on holy ground. When you daven there, do not make requests of the dead who are buried there; rather ask Hashem to answer you mercifully in their merit. Then circle around the graves and donate charity before reciting tefillos.” בית הקברות הוא מקו מנוחת הצדיקי ומתו כ הוא מקו קדוש וטהור התפילה נתקבלה ש י ותר , א אל ישי מגמתו נגד המתי , א יבקש מהשי“ ת שית עליו רחמי בזכות הצדיקי שוכני עפר , ויקי הקברות , וית צדקה קוד שיאמר התחינות. The Zohar in VaYeira page 71 teaches us that if we suffer any calamity or tragedy we have the custom to go and daven at the kevorim of Tzaddikim . The reason for this is that we approach them with fasting, remorse and repentance, and we have in mind that the departed souls ask and daven for us before Hashem on High, as opposed to the prohibition against speaking to the dead which is an idolatrous practice where the idol worshippers sought out the impure dead souls and bodies using sorcery and witchcraft. Instead, beseech our Tzaddikim who, in gan eden , are truly alive, and ask through tefilla and fasting and teshuva alone. 

Y GEDOLIM BE’MASAYHEM Z STORIES & ANECDOTES Rav Nachman Ben Yitzchok of Horodenka, 2 ndndnd of Tammuz Talmid of the Ba’al Shem Tov The Machlokes Between the Arizal question, he leaned his head back and sank and the Ba’al Shem Tov into a deep state of rapture and dveikus ; The Ba’al Shem Tov was once sitting his face blazed like a torch, his eyes bulged together with his chevraya kaddisha , and his soul soared heavenward to the studying the mystical kavonos of the higher lofty realms. mikve . When the Ba’al Shem taught certain The chevraya were all seized with kavonos some of the talmidim present trembling and awe, all of them except Rav were surprised and they pointed out an Nachman Horodenka who was greatly apparent issue with the Ba’al Shem ’s annoyed with himself; he felt more and teaching: “ Rebbe , how can this be? Doesn’t more drowsy. “How can this be? The Ba’al the holy Arizal explain and teach these Shem ’s neshoma rises to spiritual heights kavonos differently?” and all the talmidim sit here in awe and When the Ba’al Shem heard their fear, and I am tired and sleepy?!” He 10  Korach / [email protected] fought to remain awake, he tried to pry his Shem ’s apparent contradiction to the eyes open – but to no avail, and as he Arizal ’s kavonos hamikve . As Rav battled the sleep and fatigue that overtook Nachman awoke, the Ba’al Shem turned to him he simply lost consciousness and him and said, “Nu, I took you along so you drifted off into a doze. He slept, and he could testify as to who is right. Now tell dreamed, and he saw a vision: them all whose kavonos are correct and A great commotion was going on testify before them what you saw and who and a large mass of people were running won the argument.” and making their way somewhere and he Needless to say on whose behalf Rav ran after them. “Where are you all running Nachman testified, and the Ba’al Shem to?” he asked, out of breath. concluded his derosha and left. ( Shivchei “Our holy Rav is about to speak and HaBa’al Shem ) teach us,” they replied as they ran.  “Who is your Rav ?” he asked, but Levayos at Midnight they were all in such a rush that no one answered Rav Nachman. After Rav Nachman Horodenka had moved to Eretz Yisrael, he was often Rav Nachman followed them and awakened after chatzos by someone they reached a large building that was very knocking at his window. Whenever this handsome, beautiful and stately, filled with occurred he would dress and go outside. people from one end to the other. They all When asked where he was going, he appeared important and sagely and among explained that he was being summoned to them suddenly was none other than the a levaya to accompany one of the great holy Ba’al Shem Tov , who made his way to Tzaddikim who had passed away outside the front and began to teach, the same Eretz Yisrael in Chutz LaAretz and was derosha on kavonos hamikve that Rav now being buried here in Eretz Yisrael. Nachman had just heard. Just then a young Sometimes he took another companion. Tzaddik stood by the Ba’al Shem and began One of his companions to these wondrous to counter and contradict the Ba’al Shem levayos once opened the shutters after Tov ’s teachings. especially loud and persistent knocking “Who is this Rav ?” asked Rav woke them one night. He said that Nachman and he was told that he was the although it was after midnight when he Arizal . The argument between the holy looked outside, the sky was bright and Arizal and the holy Ba’al Shem Tov sunny as if it were midday and a throng of continued and they debated back and forth many thousands of people dressed in until finally at the conclusion the Arizal finery, wearing the fur hats known as agreed to the interpretation and spodiks were all rushing to the levaya of a explanation of the Ba’al Shem Tov . great Tzaddik who had just passed away in Suddenly, Rav Nachman awoke; he Chutz LaAretz . ( Kisvei Rav Yoshe Prager was back among the talmidim , sitting of Brisk p. 84)  among them as they discussed the Ba’al  Rav Pinchas Ben Tzvi Hirsch HorowitzHorowitz,, 777ththth of Tammuz Mechaber of Haflo’a , HaMakneh and Ponim Yofos How Rav Pinchas Learned Torah So Rav Yisrael of Rizhin once recounted True that Even Rova Agreed what he had heard from Rav Yitzchok of 11  Korach / [email protected]

Radvil how the two holy brothers, the young man’s upcoming derosha , since he Rebbe Reb Shmelke of Nikolsberg and Rav was a chosson , and at his chasuna he Pinchas of Frankfurt were once both guests would be asked to deliver a derosha as was in the home of Rav Michele Zlotshuver the custom in those days. Rav Pinchas when he was away. He left instructions to began to recite a statement in the Gemora , make them feel at home and honor them as “Amar Rova – Rova said,” and proceeded befit important guests. to ask no less than twenty-two questions They were given adjoining rooms and difficulties with this Gemora . He then that had a door between them that could be answered all twenty-two questions with opened to connect them, which was closed, one answer in one fell swoop! Because the but not all the way. It happened that when door between the two adjoining rooms was a young man entered, dressed in modern slightly ajar, the Rebbe Reb Shmelke heard German style with a short coat, he was this entire exchange, got up, entered the shown to Rav Pinchas’s room. This young room and said, “My holy brother, that is man had studied with Rav Pinchas in the whole truth. That explanation and the Frankfurt and they rejoiced at the reunion answer you gave is exactly the meaning of and began to speak in learning. Meanwhile, that statement in the Gemora by Rova. I in the next connecting room, the Rebbe know this because Rova just visited me in Reb Shmelke sat wrapped in his tallis , my room and he himself told me that you crowned in his tefillin all day as was his got it right and that is exactly what he custom, speaking only in Torah and meant!” This is the story that Rav Yitzchok learning and engaging in no idle, mundane of told the Rizhiner that he himself chatter and his main language of speech had witnessed in his father’s home between was in Loshon Kodesh ! these two holy brothers. ( Menora Rav Pinchas and his talmid were HaTehora p. 15 #17) discussing aloud a possible topic for the  Rav Simcha Bunim Alter , 777ththth of Sivan The Gerrer Rebbe , mechaber of Lev Simcha The Gerrer Rebbe Knows When A anticipated berocha , the Rebbe went to the Good Apple Will Do The Trick next room and returned with an apple, In honor of the Yahrzeit of Rav which he gave to the young man. Simcha Bunim Alter, the Lev Simcha The man took the apple home, and MiGur , let me share with you a story I gathered his family to celebrate the heard last week about the Gerrer Rebbe by shirayim he had been given. With all his Rav Shlit”a . children looking on in anticipation, he A family with six growing children lived in carefully cut the precious fruit into eight a tiny two-bedroomed apartment and even slices, so that everyone could have a desperately needed to build an extension. share. Just at that moment, the The neighbors were all fully understanding government inspector arrived, and was and raised no objection. Only the city shocked at what he saw. “I never realized council adamantly refused to grant what extreme poverty this poor family is permission. enduring – they even have to share a single The father went to the Gerrer Rebbe apple equally!” He immediately returned to and poured out his heart. Instead of the his office and arranged for full permission to be granted. 12  Korach / [email protected]

Thank you to our dear friend in Gateshead for this story! Knows-When-A-Good-Apple-Will-Do-The-Trick/3892

 Rav Gedalia SchorrSchorr,,,, 777ththth of Tammuz By Nosson Scherman historic one for Torah institutions The last day of Rav Gedalia Schorr’s throughout the metropolitan area. Rav life was typical of so many others, Schorr had become the acknowledged especially in his later years. It should have leader and principal spokesman for been a quieter day than most. The official Yeshivos in a new initiative with the Yeshiva school year was over. Nonetheless, Federation of Jewish Philanthropies of Rav Schorr had gone to the Yeshiva to New York, which, if successful, could have arrange personal favors for a few of the resulted in a major victory in the constant young people under his care. Such private struggle to stave off financial catastrophe favors were an essential part of his life; for Torah education. For the next day he they had always been a major component had called a meeting of representatives of of his broad definition of his duties and major Yeshivos with Federation officials. It responsibilities, both as a Jew and as a was not his style to call meetings, but these Rosh Yeshiva . While there, he became institutions looked to him as the ones that engaged in an impromptu discussion that could best represent them. In his quiet, involved another of those duties and unassuming way – and with the responsibilities. characteristic shrug that said, “Couldn’t Someone had sharply criticized you find someone better?” he acceded. In another person. The Rosh Yeshiva an informal meeting on the issue with a responded with the calm and good humor Federation leader, his combination of that were his trademarks. The conversation Torah aristocracy, passionate sincerity, was not pleasant; he maintained his gentle wit and winning personality had composure with difficulty, but would not achieved a significant breakthrough. permit another human being’s worth to be Another meeting with another key leader dragged down. Such experiences were was to be arranged later in the week. especially taxing for him, because of the But that Yeshiva meeting would be nature of the discussion and because it was the next day. That night – Sunday evening, characteristic of him to recognize the the 7 th of Tammuz , 5739/July, 1979 – he justice on both sides of a seemingly would be at the Sheva Berochos of a talmid unbridgeable chasm. The person he and his bride. defended that Sunday would never learn Rav Schorr was asked to speak. The what had happened. Rav Schorr never told aggravation of the day and the tension of people what he had done for them, because the morrow disappeared from his they would have been embarrassed, and consciousness as he immersed himself in because he understood helping a fellow the world he knew and loved best – the Jew as an obligation to Hashem , not as a world of Torah . The riches of his vast means of accumulating the IOUs on which treasury of knowledge would be culled for power is built. Other Yeshiva matters were appropriate verses, passages and thoughts. brought up, and then he left for the day. Some famous speakers captivate the Tomorrow would have been another majority of their audiences, but generally, day; in fact, it might well have become a the greater the scholarship of an individual listener, the more unimpressed, even 13  Korach / [email protected] bored, he will be. With Rav Schorr the either day. But his listeners detected no opposite was true. So quick were his weakness either time. Torah was his life, thoughts, so profound his insights, so and gave him vigor. Perhaps that youthful complex his tapestry, so original his ideas, exhilaration was Hashem ’s gift to him, in so well-documented his references, so return for the pride, glory and growth he wide-ranging his allusions, that only the gave the cause of Torah in this New World most learned of his listeners could truly where people said it could never take root. comprehend and fully appreciate his He finished his talk and sat down. mastery of content. The fatigue showed. The Polish-bred Rosh At this particular Sheva Berochos , Yeshiva next to him expressed most of his listeners were Polish Chassidim appreciation. A former talmid and current of scholarly background. They could friend (Rav Schorr never learned to keep appreciate better than most his command people at the arm’s length that engenders of Sfas Emes , Rav Tzodok of Lublin , awe) approached smilingly with hand Maharal and the other masters whose extended. He had left the Bais Medrash of thoughts Rav Schorr expounded and Torah Vodaas over twenty-five years interpreted in a manner both unique and earlier, and was now a grandfather. He awe-inspiring. A few days before, he had shook hands with his Rebbe and said, spoken at the bris mila of the infant son of “When I hear you speak it reminds me of a former talmid , now a prominent Yeshiva my Yeshiva days.” Rav Schorr smiled and educator. Then, his most enthralled and said, “Takeh , takeh , emes .” (Indeed, admiring listener had been a senior Rosh indeed. True.) Yeshiva in one of America’s most His head then fell forward. The distinguished Lithuanian-type Yeshivos . American Torah world had lost its greatest That Rosh Yeshiva , a distinguished product. World Jewry had lost one of its European Talmid Chochom and exponent greatest, most well-rounded Gedolim . And of Mussar , unabashedly expressed his the still-unfinished process would begin of esteem for the American-trained Rav attempting to reveal the true picture of a Schorr. man who devoted much of his genius to He spoke, as he always did, with his concealing his greatness from even his head cocked slightly to one side and his closest intimates. eyes closed. He seemed to shut out the  world. He was communicating Hashem ’s Torah ; the orator’s techniques – eye Years of Promise contact, voice modulation, dramatic effects He was born to Rav Avrohom – held no interest for him. He was thinking HaLevi Schorr and his wife in Istrick, a as he spoke because his brilliant mind was Galician shtetl near Pszemiszl, in never at rest, adding asides and new flashes 5671(1910). They named him after his of insight. Though he eschewed rhetoric, paternal grandfather, Gedalia, a highly the beauty of his thought would frequently respected Talmid Chochom and close find expression in felicity of phrase. As he Chassid of the Sadigerer Rebbe , grandson spoke then, he smiled and said that of the holy Rav Yisrael of Rizhin. Like his forgiveness of sins on the wedding day is father and grandfather, the young Gedalia Hashem ’s derosha geshank (gift) to became a diligent scholar and devout chosson and kalla . Chassid . The Schorr family came to Delivering both these talks, at the America when he was twelve years old, bris and at the Sheva Berochos , must have settling first on the Lower East Side and been difficult, for he had not been well then moving to Williamsburg. Rav Gedalia 14  Korach / [email protected] dedicated himself to learning with a proceeded to quote from it as though he passion that he maintained throughout his had seen it only yesterday. That sort of life. intellectual brilliance is the bane of many a On the fast of the 17 th of Tammuz , genius; things come so easily to them that when he was fifteen, he learned through they seldom use their full potential. But, the entire Masseches Sukka , not leaving his although he grew up at a time when the Gemora from morning until Maariv . For a American Yeshivos offered little period of over a year, he remained in an stimulating competition, Rav Schorr was upstairs room of the family home, studying driven by a relentless desire to achieve Torah without interruption. His mother, Torah greatness. His mind was inquisitive, always solicitous of his study, brought him voracious and fresh. his meals. He completed several tractates Always ready to praise others, that year, but he would not discuss details. pinpointing their precise area of excellence, From the time he reached his middle teens, he once said of someone, “He has the it was his practice to study all through unusual ability to look at a passage of Thursday night and Friday, deliver a shiur Talmud as though he had never seen it after the evening meal to fellow before; his approach is never stale.” The mispallelim at the Zeirei Agudas Yisrael of same thing might have been said of Williamsburg, and only then go to sleep. himself. Word spread that in America a Rav Shraga Feivel Mendlowitz, youngster was developing into a Torah Menahel of Torah Vodaas and the prime giant of European proportions. That was architect of the Yeshiva movement in astonishing and inspiring for a country America, looked to Rav Schorr as his own where one could count the high school- successor and as one of the leaders of the level Yeshivos on the fingers of one hand next generation. and still have fingers to spare. The revered When Rav Schorr was only twenty- Rav of Lublin, Rav , spent one years old, Rav Mendlowitz appointed many months in the United States when him to conduct the highest shiur in Rav Schorr was not yet twenty. As was his Mesivta Torah Vodaas . In later years, wont, the Lubliner Rav sought out when Rav , Rosh Yeshiva promising young men and discussed their of Torah Vodaas , became ill and was studies with them. Of the young Gedalia unable to carry on his duties for a year and Schorr he said, “He has the most brilliant a half, Rav Shlomo asked that Rav Schorr mind I have come across in America, and replace him for the duration of the illness. one of the most brilliant in the world.” Those were the years when heads would  turn in Williamsburg at the sight of a tall, handsome, youthful man striding Freshness and Brilliance energetically down the street surrounded During those formative years, he by others barely his junior who addressed developed the all-embracing range of him as Rebbe , while peppering him with Torah knowledge that was almost uniquely questions on the day’s shiur . his. His lightning grasp and incisive  comprehension were complemented by a phenomenal memory. Shortly before his A Man of Here and Now passing, he remarked in a casual Despite his scholastic achievements conversation to a nephew that he had not and the awe in which he was held by people seen a certain sefer since he had learned it two generations older, he was never a through at the age of nineteen. He then 15  Korach / [email protected] cloistered, other-worldly figure. By the standards of Kletzk, without In Williamsburg, like in other indoor plumbing and other rudimentary American Jewish communities of necessities of any American hovel, the yesteryear, most Jews confined Shabbos to Schorrs were well-to-do. Rebbetzin Schorr the mothballs with the other family had to use water pumped from an outdoor heirlooms. Rav Schorr and another young well like everyone else, but at least she and man would prepare makeshift platforms of her husband had mattresses to sleep on! To milk boxes or garbage cans on Friday his distress, Rav Schorr discovered that the afternoons at the corner of Lee Avenue and family of his Rebbe , Rav Aharon, slept on Hewes Street. On Shabbos , Rav Schorr straw. That, the young Rosh Yeshiva - would mount the platform and speak in turned-student could not tolerate, so he on behalf of the holy Shabbos , dipped into his meager savings to purchase followed by his colleague, who spoke in mattresses for Rav Aharon and the English. Rebbetzin . For the rest of his life, Rav Although Rav Schorr was the Schorr considered Rav Aharon his Rebbe . teacher, acknowledged Talmid Chochom On his desk at home, he kept Rav Aharon’s and prime spiritual force of the picture. During 1940, when the Kletzker Williamsburg Zeirei during those years, he Rosh Yeshiva was making his way through was not above sweeping and mopping the Siberia to Japan and finally to the United shul on Friday afternoons when it was his States, he corresponded with Rav Schorr, turn. And when Rav Shlomo Heiman was relying on him to secure visas, papers and coming to America with his Rebbetzin to tickets for his arrival in America. The become Rosh Yeshiva of Torah Vodaas , letters and documents of those harrowing Rav Mendlowitz assigned Rav Schorr the months are still in the possession of the task of finding and furnishing a suitable Schorr family. apartment for them. Rav Aharon had described Rav Schorr as the first American Godol , and it  was not an empty appellation. He respected him and consulted him. Once Rav Aharon Kletzk suffered severe intestinal pain and In the 1930s, Rav Schorr had consulted three well-known specialists. reached the virtual zenith of his profession. Upon returning home from the last doctor, Still in his twenties, he was a leading Rosh while taking off his hat and coat, he said to Yeshiva in the western hemisphere’s the confidant who had arranged the premier Torah institution. But that sort of appointments, “Call Rav Schorr, I must “making it” was not his goal. His definition discuss this with him. Er hot nit nor a gutte of success was constant striving to grow in kop, nor a glatte kop – Not only does he Torah and fear of Hashem . He had met have a good head, but he has a clear, logical many European Roshei Yeshiva who had mind.” been forced to raise funds in America for their impoverished institutions and  destitute students, heard their lectures, and The Roots in Rizhin spoken with them; but he was most attracted to Rav Aharon Kotler. Soon after During the Sukkos and Pesach that his marriage to Shifra Isbee in 1938, Rav he spent in Europe, Rav Schorr Schorr left Torah Vodaas , accompanied by experienced his family’s Chassidic roots. his wife, to study in Kletzk under Rav He spent one Pesach Seder at the table of Aharon. Rav Moshe’nyu Boyaner of Cracow, a scion of the Rizhiner dynasty. He was a widely

16  Korach / [email protected] renowned Talmid Chochom ; Chassidim affidavits, intervention with Washington – came to him as a Rebbe and every possible avenue was pursued, and came to him for his Torah . Rav Schorr was thousands of lives were saved, thanks to deeply moved by that Seder ; undoubtedly it the work of the idealistic, unselfish young influenced his own family Sedorim , activists of 616. The leader of the hatzola occasions that formed indelible memories work was Reb Elimelech “Mike” Tress; and of seriousness, joy and uplift to all who the spiritual leader of the Zeirei, and of were present. Mike, was Rav Schorr. Close friends, they He met his relatives in little Istrick, gave one another inspiration and support, among them his mother’s brother Yitzchok, each in his own way. who was niftar later that year and whom he Scores of people still remember the described as an unusual Gaon . He heard Shabbos when Rav Schorr received a report more about a Dayan of whom his mother about exterminations and the need for had spoken, a man who had written a rescue efforts. He spoke to the minyan brilliant commentary on K’tzos during the services until every single HaChoshen , and of whom it was said, person there was weeping, and determined “When he serves as town Dayan , no one to give first priority to rescue work. On a can believe he is a Chassid ; and when he sub-freezing January Shabbos he walked sits humbly at his Rebbe ’s tisch in from Williamsburg to Boro Park to make Chortkov, no one can believe he is a great an appeal. He arrived, numb and frozen – Talmid Chochom .” Perhaps Rav Schorr was but the freezing in the ghettos was worse, inspired by that description; certainly it so he came. He owned one personal could have been applied to him as well. treasure: a Vilna Shas that he had Powerful influences came to play on purchased in Europe several years earlier. him that year. They reinforced his He sold it for $80, which he contributed to convictions and aspirations: there must be the rescue effort. an uncompromising dedication to rigorous In later years, he refused to discuss growth in Torah scholarship; public his wartime hatzola work. To the pleadings acclaim is a dangerous chimera that can of his children to tell them, he would reply impede, but never advance one’s personal as he did to similar requests, “The Rizhiner growth; a moment is too precious to waste; used to say that Hashem is zochair each fellow Jew is part of one’s own being nishkochos – He remembers what is and destiny. His road toward Hashem ’s forgotten; He remembers what we forget. If service had been charted by Rav Aharon we forget our sins, as though they had and by the Rizhiner Chassidus , particularly never occurred, He will remember them. If its Sadigura branch. we forget the bit of good we have done and  think instead of how we must still perfect ourselves, He will remember our The War Years accomplishments. What is remembered below is forgotten Above. What is forgotten When the war broke out, Rav Schorr below is remembered Above.” returned to his teaching position in Torah Vodaas and simultaneously began a  parallel chapter of his life. Europe’s Jewry was on the brink of destruction, while in The Man – A Torah -Based America little was being done to save it. Compassion The Williamsburg Zeirei at 616 Bedford Rav Schorr combined compassion Avenue became a beehive of hatzola work. for the suffering of an individual with a Funds, food packages, immigration strong sense of community, not simply as a 17  Korach / [email protected] matter of extended sensitivity or warm problems – professional, personal, emotions, but rather from a fully rounded emotional and financial. He was always conception of the Torah ’s demands upon ready to help with advice, a telephone call him as a Jew, as teacher, leader, husband, and personal intervention. Many of those father, and member of Klal Yisrael. He who eulogized him were former students acted as a Jew fulfilling Hashem ’s mission who are now at the top of their professions. to serve others – with or without their A common thread in their appreciations, request or even their knowledge, helping and in the private conversations of even those who had abused his friendship hundreds of others, was that he was like a and good nature. father. One distinguished Rav , who lost his As teacher, Rav Schorr went with own mother shortly after Rav Schorr’s impoverished students to purchase Pesach passing, likened the two in terms of his outfits for them. He often expressed sense of personal loss. surprised disappointment at the idea that a When the beloved cook of Bais Rebbe had no obligation to tend to the Medrash Elyon , Rav Leib Apfeldorfer, personal needs of his students. passed away, Rav Schorr was one of those Twenty-eight years before his who escorted the niftar to Kennedy Airport passing, he secretly arranged for a to be taken to Eretz Yisrael for burial. Rav successful professional man to “happen to Schorr was shocked to learn that the niftar pass by” the store owned by people whose was to remain on a cargo truck unattended son was a promising high-school senior in until loaded onto the plane by non-Jews. Torah Vodaas . The boy hoped to remain in He asked for permission to stay in the truck the Yeshiva , but his parents wanted him to but was told that El Al security guards ran leave for college. Rav Schorr felt that a flashlights across the truck bed when it layman could more effectively influence the reached the plane and were authorized to parents than a Rosh Yeshiva . The visit was shoot if they came across anyone without successful, but, because he had promised to clearance. For a suitable consideration, remain silent, the emissary told no one of however, the driver would park the truck so his mission until after Rav Schorr was that the people with the coffin would not be niftar . Only then did the former student, seen provided they lie flat on the floor. So now a noted Torah educator, learn of the the elderly Rosh Yeshiva climbed into the incident. truck with three students, and set aside his Rav Schorr was traveling with a dignity for the more glorious task of paying professor who had no Yeshiva background a final honor to a man who had served the but who attended a Daf Yomi session every Yeshiva with loyalty and dedication. morning. The professor had not been able All of these incidents are typical of to attend his shiur , and was attempting to the man’s mind and heart, as is the fact learn the daf on the train. Rav Schorr that they were done quietly or secretly. asked, “Would you mind if we learned  together? I didn’t learn today’s daf yet, either.” Recalling the trip, the professor His Influence as Rebbe says, “He surely didn’t need me, but he He was appointed menahel of Torah knew I was struggling, so he gave up his Vodaas in 1948 and began functioning as time to teach me a blatt Gemora , and made Rosh Yeshiva in 1958, delivering weekly me feel that I was doing him a favor.” shiurim in Bais Medrash Elyon . Even Students often needed help in when he was not formally teaching, arranging suitable matches, finding however, his greatest satisfaction was as a positions and solving myriad other Rebbe . Throughout his long tenure as 18  Korach / [email protected] menahel and Rosh Yeshiva , he was so much could be compressed into so brief conscious of the need to broaden the Torah a time: “There is enough content in one horizons of American Yeshiva students, so shmuess to provide someone else with he made a point of teaching subjects that material for five difficult one-hour were outside of the regular Yeshiva lectures.” Scriptural verses, Medrash , curriculum. In Talmud , for example, he Ramban , Maharal , Sfas Emes , Rav Tzodok gave late afternoon classes in tractate – commentator after commentator, with Mikvaos or in the complex Rav Chanina one verbatim quote after another, streamed S’gan HaKohanim (Pesochim 14a–21a), forth. which are invariably omitted from the So casual was his style and so Yeshiva curriculum. involved was he with the ideas he was His greatest impact on American- developing, that the uninitiated thought he Torah life, however, came from his spoke without preparation. No, the horizon-stretching classes and lectures in preparation was there – not only a lifetime hashkofa /perspective. He regularly taught of intense study, but forethought for the Rav Moshe Chaim Luzzatto’s Derech particular talk. But as he spoke, new flashes Hashem to Bais Medrash students. Many of brilliance came to mind. He would often students attended voluntary classes in smile at a new thought, sometimes share Kuzari ; often he would return to the the thoughts with his audience, sometimes Yeshiva for late-night sessions in other not – and always punctuate his remarks limudim (topics), to accommodate the with a touch of wry humor. schedules of interested students. For many He was a perfect illustration of one years, he taught Chumash every morning. of his major themes. He often cited Mabit , Those half-hour classes were classic Rav Tzodok and others who explain that examples of his mastery of text and the reason it was forbidden to commit the commentaries. He would offer major Oral Law to writing was because paper interpretations, spicing them with incisive cannot capture the vibrant process of a elucidations and relevant asides. It was not teacher transmitting knowledge through uncommon for him to cite fifteen or twenty the agency of his personality. The essence sources in a single half-hour class, all of a human being cannot be put on paper; important to a clear understanding of the the transcription of his words can never text. The pace was quick and the content adequately capture the soul that is part of tightly reasoned. The manner, like much of the teaching process. For those who lived his speaking and teaching, had a lightness through a learning experience with Rav and ease that belied its penetrating depth. Schorr, the best illustration of the concept He had a way of choosing the essence of a is the mere thought of seeing his words on commentary as it related to textual paper robbed of the sight and sound of his interpretation, and of categorizing each unique delivery, the total sincerity of his thought – whether as basic, as a witty aside demand that Bnei Torah not be satisfied (a vitz ), or as any number of in-between with “getting by”, the eloquent expression varieties of elucidation. that the study of Torah is the utmost  privilege. To those who had the wisdom to hear him rather than merely sit before him, Seeing the Shiur Live those memories are an Oral Torah to which His regular weekly and pre-holiday no pen can do justice. shmuessen were dazzling. The reaction of  any seasoned scholar who heard him for the first time was invariably one of awe that

19  Korach / [email protected]

Planting the Seeds Elevating One’s Goals He often spoke of zeria (planting). Many young people face the difficult “The deeds of the Patriarchs were like seeds choice between dedicating their lives to planted in antiquity that bore fruit in their and education, and turning to posterity. The Psalmist sings of ‘light more lucrative careers in secular life. As implanted for the Tzaddik’ , representing Rosh Yeshiva , Rav Schorr’s opinion was the idea that spiritual illumination does not important to many. Typically he would say, come and disappear like a flash of “Hashem says, ‘I have separated you from lightning; it takes root in a suitable host the nations to be Mine’ ( Vayikra 20:26), to and continuously grows within him, which Rashi comments that if Jews are producing ever higher levels of spiritual separate from the nations, they are accomplishment.” Rav Schorr’s students of Hashem ’s people, but if they do not hold a generation ago still reap the benefits of themselves unique, they will be prey to ideas and thought-processes that he Nevuchadnezzar and his ilk. Our essential implanted within them. The spiritual seeds goal cannot be only to avoid the massacres seemed to be esoteric and of Nevuchadnezzar. Rather, it is to fulfill incomprehensible, even tedious, when first the mission for which we were chosen. The they were presented, but after constant question is not whether the world requires nurturing, they took root imperceptibly and doctors, lawyers, accountants, bricklayers produced rich crops that continue to be and mechanics. It does. But we were replanted and reharvested. designated to be Hashem ’s nation – the His effectiveness as leader of a nation of the Torah . And each individual Yeshiva seemed to suffer because Yeshiva student must recognize that it is harshness was foreign to his nature, and his privilege as well as his responsibility to students often respond better to the fear of live up to his role and be one of those punishment or displeasure than to whom Hashem wishes to be His.” emotional or intellectual appeal. Such was his emphasis. Students Nevertheless, his gentle and sincere blend should elevate their own sights, not of heart and mind molded students in quiet denigrate others. The goal of the Yeshiva ways that they frequently recognized only was to instill a dedication to Torah study later as adults, when in positions of because it made its adherents closer to community or family leadership. Hashem , not because it is impossible to be There is a common denominator a Torah Jew in the professions or business. among them that, upon honest analysis, He was pained by the polarization that can be attributed to his influence – began to cause a rift between those who scholarship with a breadth as well as a chose to be exclusively in Hashem ’s service, depth, that Sfas Emes -Rav Tzodok and those who sought to keep a foot in the approach to Judaism, informality and outside world even while maintaining their friendliness, humor aimed at helping primary allegiance to the Bais Medrash . rather than hurting, reluctance to accept The result of his efforts was imbuing some honors, gentle mocking of the perquisites with heightened aspirations based on a of position, dedication to Lithuanian perception of the greatness of Torah , while lomdus and Chassidic warmth, joy and causing others not to feel alienated despite introspection, a sense of responsibility and their choices of careers in other areas. generosity. In the same elevating manner, he  urged talmidim to study with all their strength and concentration as well as with all available time. “Learning half the time 20  Korach / [email protected] with full concentration is better than Torah Vodaas Kollel in Brooklyn. This learning all the time with half voluntary acceptance of obligations was concentration, because the latter is not characteristic of the Rebbe who had felt it truly learning.” And “How can a bochur his duty to buy Pesach suits for his yawn? Torah study demands interest and students, and sell his Shas to help Jews enthusiasm; then, there can be no yawning trapped in Europe. boredom.” He would cite the Talmudic In 1952, he dispatched a group of passage interpreting the Scriptural posuk Torah Vodaas students to help found an that describes Benoyohu ben Yehoyoda as out-of-town Yeshiva . When the Yeshiva having killed a lion on a snowy day. The was in a state of financial collapse and Talmud comments homiletically that could not provide for the personal needs of Benoyohu studied all of Toras Kohanim in the students, Rav Schorr took a personal a short, wintry day. Rav Schorr noted the loan of $3,800 for the institution. It took comparison between a man in battle and a him three years to repay the debt from his scholar taking on a difficult study. “Just as own limited salary. Scores of kollel fellows a man fighting a lion, especially in the cold, and Yeshiva students received personal slippery winter, must give the fray his total checks from him when institutional concentration, so must a Torah scholar budgets could not fulfill their obligations. dedicate himself totally in order to emerge The extent of these private generosities and victorious in his struggle to master Torah .” personal debts incurred to cover Surely, too, it was no accident that institutional responsibilities is unknown. ten years earlier in Bais Medrash Elyon (in After his passing, however, a drawerful of Monsey) a group of his students stale Yeshiva checks was found in his desk; unobtrusively organized an all-year, he had covered them for others with his around-the-clock learning schedule so that own borrowed funds. people were studying in the Bais Medrash To the public at large, Rav Schorr every hour of the day and night. Or that was the Torah genius and educator; but he among the significant number who studied played another role that, especially in the all of Thursday night until dawn, some last decade, made him one of the most were sure to be at the minyan Friday important Torah personalities in the morning, in response to his insistence that country. He had increasingly become one greatness in Torah must never be of those men to whom people turned for purchased by the negation of tefilla or guidance and leadership in matters of the other responsibilities. utmost gravity. One colleague in AARTS  (Association of Advanced Rabbinical and Talmudic Schools) said, “When a new The Other Role problem arose – one to which we had not As the numbers of kollel candidates yet formulated an approach – he was grew, so grew the financial burdens of suggesting solutions when the rest of us Yeshivos . Now that the struggle to gain had still not fully assimilated all aspects of allegiance to the kollel concept had been the problem. His grasp and power of won, how could young men be told that analysis were phenomenal.” their Yeshivos could not provide even the When he was confronted with a minimal kollel stipend? Rav Schorr began responsibility, he would not shirk it. Often to take increasing personal responsibility he attended meetings when he was ill. for financial matters – first the part of the Turning aside inquiries about his haggard Bais Medrash Elyon Kollel and then the appearance with a joke, he participated Yeshiva ’s dining room; finally for the actively while only his closest friends knew

21  Korach / [email protected] that he was not at his best. So much had his beginning at Sinai and going through the presence come to be appreciated at such ages. Seen through his eyes, neither Agudas gatherings, that key meetings were not Yisrael nor its leaders represented mere scheduled unless he was available. tactics or tacticians. They were worthy of What was unique about him? One allegiance and sacrifice because they were major figure in the Torah world, a person the bearers of a mission developed by who has been at the center of decision- analysis of Scripture, Chazal and making for decades, put it this way, “He commentaries. Because Rav Schorr saw was a Gaon in both Nigle (revealed Torah ) Agudah in those terms, he was a loyal and in Nistar (the hidden Torah ). What is Agudist. The organization had value more, he had a wealth of stories about, and because it was an expression of Torah ’s insights into, the great Torah leaders of eternity, so it was his organization. past generations. He scrutinized a situation  through the eyes of Torah and its perspective of history. To say that he was a Greatness: Its Hallmark and its Mask genius is to tell only part of the story. He An examination of his public career was a Torah genius who combined reveals one characteristic that was at once a everything that was needed to make life stamp of greatness and its mask. Call it and death decisions.” modesty, call it self-effacement, call it  disinterest in fame – whatever its name, he displayed a total disregard for the minimal A Committed Agudist marks of status with apparent indifference It was because of this same all- to his position on a program or at a dais, embracing perspective that he was a the honor accorded him at a wedding or a conscious, committed Agudist. His mind bris ; what did it matter whether or not he encompassed Agudas Yisrael as a logical received personal credit, as long as and essential outgrowth of the Jewish past. Hashem was served, the community Agudas Yisrael can be regarded as a benefited, and an individual uplifted. It was necessary vehicle in today’s organized, thus all too easy to think that because he politicized society, or as a means to make put his friendly arm around a shoulder and honest and dignified use of availability of was a friend, that he need be treated merely public funds, or as a means to rally the as a friend. Indeed, such was his wish; but community behind the banner of Torah , or it often resulted in many of us not as a means to propagate the ideology of recognizing his greatness, and as a result Gedolei HaTorah . While it is surely all of we may well have deprived ourselves and these, such considerations are but our communities of the benefits of his transitory. Rav Schorr saw Agudas Yisrael greatness. as he did everything else, in terms of It was said of the Chofetz Chaim that Yisrael’s historic role. Because he was a his piety was so great that it obscured his Torah genius, he could understand the scholarship. And it was said of Rav Chaim motives of those Torah geniuses who had Brisker that his scholarship was so great conceived Agudas Yisrael at Kattowitz that it obscured his piety. Of Rav Schorr we (1912), and brought it to fruition at may justly say that his brilliance was so (1922). In two presentations at his latest dazzling that it obscured his dedication to Agudah conventions – once projecting a study; and his humility was so profound Torah -view of Agudah, the other time that it obscured his greatness. delivering an appreciation of the late Perhaps he wrote his own epitaph. Gerrer Rebbe , he painted broad strokes Many years ago, he made the one and only 22  Korach / [email protected] notation he ever wrote in his copy of Sfas and hashkofa . Before long, he extended me Emes . It was on one of the last pieces of an invitation to his home for Shabbos , and Chukas , the Parsha of his passing. All he it soon became a steady invitation. He was wrote were the words Haflei Vofeleh – truly accessible to anyone; one merely had to amazing with reference to this thought: take the initiative. Zos HaTorah, Odom ki yomus And what Shabbosos they were! The bo’ohel – the Torah associates dedicated Rosh Yeshiva would constantly cite the Torah study with purity from the Gemora : Hashem said, “I have a wonderful contamination of death. Just as Torah gift in My treasure house, and Shabbos is brings purity, so too each Jewish soul is a its name” ( Shabbos 10b), pointing out that microcosmic part of Torah , brings life and the Shabbos remains in the confines of the hence purity, to the otherwise lifeless and Ribbono Shel Olom . The gift is the impure clod which is the body. Every word elevation the Jew experiences to enable and letter of the Torah has within it the him to partake of this celestial Shabbos . capacity to give life to the dead but we do Indeed, such was the atmosphere at the not know how to utilize that capacity. Rosh Yeshiva ’s home on Shabbos . I’ll never Rav Schorr’s life gave added purity forget the first time I heard him sing his to a continent. It provided a precedent and soul-stirring niggun for Kol Mekadesh. set a standard. If we take for granted With his eyes closed, his concentration and America’s capacity to produce Torah dveikus increased from one moment to the greatness, if Chassidic youths study next. With the words Yom Kodosh Hu (it is Lithuanian lomdus in machshevos a sacred day), his intensity peaked, and he haTorah , in good measure it is because the repeated them over and over again, as if divine plan placed him in America to unable to part with the kedusha of the bequeath it his capacity for life. Shabbos that these words represented.  “Say a Dvar Torah ,” the Rebbetzin would implore. “Say something on the A Talmid Remembers Parsha .” The Rosh Yeshiva would lift his head with an expression of genuine Second seder had just come to an humility: “ A za shvere Parsha, vus ken ich end in Torah Vodaas . I had arranged to zogen? – such a difficult portion. What can tutor someone at the other end of Flatbush I say?” He would offer a short Dvar Torah , in less than half an hour. It was a lovely day and then begin another niggun . But many in Tammuz , and if I started to walk, I times the Rebbetzin would not be would just make it. Then I heard a familiar intimidated, and she would insist on more. voice from behind: “Walk me home, And then the wellsprings of Torah and Shmuel, and we’ll have a shmuess on the chochma (wisdom) would begin to flow. way.” I turned around to face Rav Schorr, Meshech Chochma , Sfas Emes , Pri who extended to me his usual heart- Tzaddik , how these seforim would radiate warming smile. I would walk the Rosh when the Rosh Yeshiva expounded on their Yeshiva home, and then take a taxi to my contents! And yet most of the conversation destination. It would be worth it. was casual in nature. The Rosh Yeshiva was Why had the Rosh Yeshiva chosen tactfully able to lead a conversation that me? In truth, he was friendly to anyone suited the interests of his guests. And he who approached him. I noticed this from retained the Shabbos spirit regardless of the first day that I entered the Yeshiva , five the topic of conversation. years before. Since then I often took the And then there were the “special opportunity to speak with him in Torah Shabbosos ”, when Talmidei Chachomim

23  Korach / [email protected] would grace his table. I would witness a nachas ruach !” remarkable scene: Shas , Rishonim, Poskim Our walk together finally came to an and sifrei machshova – all sorts of sources end. The Rosh Yeshiva invited me to come would flow, with the greatest mastery, in to his home for refreshment, but I while the serenity of the Shabbos prevailed excused myself, explaining my throughout. commitment. He apologized, “If I had I recall one Shabbos in particular known, I would not have let you walk me.” when the entire conversation of both I assured him that it was my decision and seudos was saturated with scholarly Torah ultimately my gain and I turned to leave. discussions between the Rosh Yeshiva and The Rosh Yeshiva then called me again, one of his guests. Just before bensching the “Shmuel, wait another moment. I heard an Rosh Yeshiva became pensive, and then he interesting ma’aseh . You know that the smiled, saying, “I recall a ma’aseh from the Sadegerer Rebbe (fifth generation from the Rizhiner: Rizhiner) was recently niftar in Eretz “Once after Yom Kippur , the Yisrael. A few days ago, I met someone who Rizhiner announced that he was prepared was present the night of his passing. He to tell anyone what that person had prayed recounted that in the middle of the night for on Yom Kippur , and also how the Bais the Rebbe awoke and asked for a glass of Din Shel Ma’ala (Heavenly Court) received water. The Rebbe made a Shehakol , lay these prayers. None of the Chassidim had back down to sleep, and in a few moments the audacity to test the Rebbe , but one returned his neshoma to HaKodosh person, not a Chassid , challenged the Boruch Hu . Seforim say that a Tzaddik Rebbe . The Rizhiner closed his eyes, and who lives his entire life with a vibrant began, ‘You are a fine Torah scholar, and in emuna that everything that happens is by your youth you learned with great the word of Hashem , merits that his last diligence. Recently, however, family words testify to just that: Shehakol nehiye responsibilities have forced you into bidvoro – all exists by His word. ” business, and you’re perturbed that you can There was a shadow of envy in the no longer afford long stretches of Rosh Yeshiva ’s eyes, a longing for that uninterrupted study and prayer. You madreiga (level) of living – and passing. implored G-d to grant you success in your The Rosh Yeshiva paused for a moment, business so you might once again immerse then quickly smiled and waved me on. yourself in Torah and tefilla . A few days later, I was standing in “The man was visibly shaken by the the Torah Vodaas Bais Medrash waiting accuracy of the Rizhiner’s statement, and for the hespeidim (eulogies) to begin. I meekly asked, ‘And what was the verdict of could not believe what had happened. the Bais Din Shel Ma’ala ?’ Hundreds of memories rushed through my “The Rizhiner solemnly continued, mind, but my thoughts kept reverting to my ‘The Bais Din Shel Ma’ala declared that last encounter with the Rosh Yeshiva . What although your undisturbed Torah and had he meant by his last words to me? tefilla was a great accomplishment, Then I reminded myself of a story he had Hashem has greater nachas ruach once told me: (pleasure) from the effort you exert to learn A talmid of the Rizhiner was with despite difficulties.’” the Rebbe before Sholosh Seudos . The The Rosh Yeshiva concluded with Rizhiner casually asked him, “Can I be tears in his eyes, “Who can say for sure who yotzeh with peiros (fulfill my obligation – in Klal Yisrael gives Hashem a greater i.e., to eat the third Shabbos meal – with fruits)?” 24  Korach / [email protected]

The talmid quickly cited the Can the talmid be blamed for not Halocha that this was permissible. The realizing immediately the implication of the Rizhiner remained silent and suddenly the Rebbe ’s words? No. Even had he talmid realized that the Rebbe was hinting understood them, would it have made a at his forthcoming passing from the world, difference? Hashem counts the days whereby his children ( peiros ) would take Tzaddikim must stay in this world, and his place. “No, Rebbe !” the talmid when the time is up, He calls them back to protested, “The world still needs you!” But Himself. it was too late. The Rebbe sighed, “But they (This article originally appeared in the Jewish Observer are very good peiros .” and is available by ArtScroll/Mesorah Publications ~  Rav Shaul Ben Arye Leib LevenstamLevenstam,,,, 888ththth of Tammuz Av Bais Din Amsterdam Purim in Amsterdam another Homon hanging from the tree – During his travels, the Chida visited and surrounding all these towers the war many Rabbonim all over Europe, and in his that took place to save the Jews and protect sefer Ma’agal Tov , he describes the Purim them from their enemies. All of these were table he witnessed in Rav Shaul’s home: fashioned from sugar and painted and “There was a two-amos high miniature colored exquisitely as a gift for the Rav . model of a building of Achashverosh’s Similarly, there was a block of cheese that palace and Shushan’s streets. There were said “Kosher for Passover”, as well as several towers; in one was depicted the pickles in vinegar and fruits and all manner courtyard where Mordechai sat in Persian of delicacies reproduced lifelike – but all costume in sackcloth, in another scene made of sugar! The Rav sat at this princely Homon falling at Queen Esther’s feet as royal table and shared Divrei Torah ! Achashverosh entered in anger, still  Rav Meir Ben Rav Eliezer Horowitz of DzikovDzikov,, 8, 8 ththth of Tammuz Mechaber of Imrei Noam Humble Beginnings Tzvi , and he sat beside his father during the Once, when the Imrei Noam was tisch . After the Rebbe said Torah , the only six, his father brought him before the Ateres Tzvi turned to the lad and said, “He heilige Ropshitzer Rav , who asked him for grabs the words of Torah from my mouth the reason we eat kugel on Shabbos . In the as I say them!” Rav Yitzchok Stutchiner blink of an eye, the bright young lad interpreted Rav Hirschele Ziditchover’s answered that Kugel stands for the first words to mean that when the Imrei Noam letters of the pasuk Vehu kezera gad lovon grew up he too would say Torah in a (Shemos 16:31) – vov , kaf , gimmel and similar style and manner to the lamed – the same letters as Kugel . We eat Ziditchover. ( Hillula Kaddisha p. 174) Kugel to remember the Mon (Shulchon  Aruch Orach Chaim , Hilchos Shabbos ). When he was eleven, his father took An Esrog Sent By Express Train him to the Ziditchover Rebbe , the Ateres According to some traditions, the

25  Korach / [email protected] way the Imrei Noam ’s shidduch evolved engine’s horn. between himself and Rebbetzin Devora, the That Sukkos the Ropshitzer had no daughter of Rav Kalonymous Kalman esrog . The Tzaddik resigned himself that Reinhold Pitzales, was as follows: the following day, Yom Tov morning, he There was once a severe shortage of would recite Hallel without an esrog . esrogim and the heilige Ropshitzer had However, during the Rebbe ’s tisch , the been unable to procure one. A wealthy sound of a steam engine’s tooting horn was merchant woman from the Pitzales family overheard. “Aha! An esrog !!” exclaimed the heard about this, sold all her property and Rebbe – and sure enough, that Yom Tov wealth and managed to procure an esrog the Tzaddik bensched besimcha rabba on for that princely sum, which left her an esrog . Seeing who had sent this prize penniless. Seeing no other way to get it to esrog to him, the Ropshitzer declared, the Tzaddik before Yom Tov , she sent it via “Write down after Yom Tov that one day express mail by train and instructed the our descendants shall marry one another!” postman that when the train arrived at the And so it was! (In the name of Rav Yitzchok station he was to have the conductor Stutchiner, HaChochma Me’ayin p. 105) anounce their arrival by tooting the steam  Rav Mordechai Ben Avrohom Twerski of KozmirKozmir,, 8, 8 ththth of Tammuz Mechaber of Maamar Mordechai Heilige Neshomos should know that I worked very hard to The Trisker Maggid , the Mogen draw down my father’s neshoma into you Avrohom , told his son that he worked very and now here you stand, chatting about hard for a long time to draw down his idle matters – in the sukka of all places?! father Rav Mottele the Chernobyler Don’t you know that someone who speaks Maggid ’s neshoma into him. In fact, Rav idly is like an earthernware vessel, a kli Mordechai of Kozmir himself used to say, cheres , and the Halocha is that no “My father davened to Hashem that I earthenware keilim are allowed in the should be granted very holy, lofty souls: the sukka ! Hearing this, the young child began neshoma of my grandfather, Rav to sob uncontrollably. “There there,” the Mordechai of Chernobyl, as well as the Trisker Maggid consoled him, “the din is neshoma of the Tzaddik Rav Mordechai of also that regarding a kli cheres , sheviroson Neshchiz. His prayers were answered and zehu taharoson – breaking them purifies Hashem granted that I have these them from any defilement and tuma . Your neshomos . ( Panei’ach Raza Ohr HaMeir ) crying and broken heart has purified you; this is sufficient!” ( Hillula Kaddish p. 182–  183) A Kli Cheres in the Sukka  Once, as a young child, Rav Mordechai was in the sukka talking to With Eliyohu HaNovi some boys his age and their conversation Even as a young child, Rav was full of jokes and boyish, childish Mordechai’s kedusha and sanctity were matters. When his father, the Trisker evident. When he was but eight he was Maggid , saw this, he grew very upset and once present at a bris , where his father, the scolded the young child, saying, “You Trisker Maggid , served as the sandak and 26  Korach / [email protected] held the newborn baby. He observed that to come early in the morning to study with someone was sitting beside his father: an him. However, when Rav Mordechai old man with a long white beard. arrived to study with his grandfather -in- “Father, who is the elderly man law, instead he found him pacing to and sitting beside you?” he asked innocently. fro. Finally he summoned the courage to “That is Eliyohu HaNovi ,” answered ask why they were not studying and the the Trisker Maggid , “and being that you Bais Aharon answered him, “Go can see him, I order you too to sit beside gezunterheit – you may leave. Your him!” ( Hillula Kaddish p. 183) grandfather, the Chernobyler Maggid , may his merit shield us, has just paid me a visit  from the worlds above and warned me not to meddle in his grandson’s derech and to Don’t Meddle in my Grandson’s Ways leave you be to fo llow your way.” Shortly Rav Mordechai married the thereafter, Rav Mordechai returned to daughter of Rav Osher of Stolin, the son of Turesk to his father, the Trisker Maggid . Rav Aharon of Karlin, mechaber of the Bais (Hillula Kaddish page 183) Aharon . Once, the Bais Aharon asked him 

לזכר נשמת אמנו החשובה , נפש יקרה ועדינה אשה יראת ה ' ובעלת מדות טובותמרת זיסל ל''ז ל''ז בת הרה" ה מו " ה מאיר זאב הכה כ " "ע ה הי ד" מעיר נירעדהאז יע א" א" ונכדת הרה" ק רבי אהר צבי טערקלטויב זי"ע מבריד אשת הרה" ח מו " ה אברה חיי ה"ע גאלדענבערג She was a Holocaust survivor who never let that period of time define her life. Although she lost most of her family - she claimed that Hashem gave her an amazing life. She had a unique knack of making everyone who encountered her feel like they were the most important loved person. Her inimitable smile never left her face. She transmitted a strong value system stressing Emunas Hashem and Tzaddikim . Her love for stories of tzaddikim gave her chiyus and she conveyed that chizuk to anyone who met her. In her eighty-nine years of life, there wasn’t one person who had an untoward word or adverse feelings about her. She loved her family deeply and immensely. May Hashem console . אמ , her family and may she be a constant melitza yeshura ( מתו אמונה טהורה ) בדר המסורה ( והתנהגה כאשה כשרה) לכל משפחתה , היא הודה היא הדרה  נקיה וטהורה היוצר וצר צורה ( וקיבלה הגזירה) נפטרה בש" ט בת תשעי שנה ביו ד"כ לחודש כסלו ( ערב חנוכה ) שנת תשע ח" ק"לפ ותקי לתחיה לק" הימי במהר תמלי" טוב בעד משפחתה היקרה 'ה'ב'צ'נ'ת   

27  Korach / [email protected]

וי קח קרח ( טז )'א' טז Zera And Korach took (16, 1) The Mishna says (Avos 5:16), "Any argument that is for the sake of Heaven, 0 Shimshon both sides will endure. And any argument that is not for the sake of Heaven will not  endure. What is an example of an argument that is for the sake of Heaven? These are the arguments of Hillel and Shammai. And what is an example of an argument that is not for sake of Heaven. This is the argument of Korach and his entire group." Korach The Mishna requires clarification. If all the Mishna means to teach is that

The Zera Shimshon, Rav Shimshon arguments that are in Torah (for the sake of Heaven) are good and all other Chaim ben Rav Nachmon Michoel arguments are bad, why would we need the Mishna to teach us such a simple thing? Nachmani, was born in 5467 (1706/1707) into an illustrious Also, what does the Mishna mean by endure or not endure? family with great Rabbinical lineage. He studied the revealed and To understand this Mishna, it is required to know the following Medrash. concealed parts of the Torah by the The Medrash says (Bereishis Rabba 84:6), that the concept of strife was created on the Torah greats of his day. good, is found throughout , טוב He served as Rav of Modena, Pisa, second day of creation. This is why although the word Sienna and Reggio, Italy, and was recognized as a holy and pious the descriptions of the days of creation, when describing what was created on the individual, as well as a tremendous second day, the word, good cannot be found. Torah scholar in all areas of Torah. He passed away on the 6 th of Elul Nevertheless, on the third day the word, good, is repeated twice. This is to 5539 (1779). His Seforim were named, Toldos hint that although strife is negative, there are occasions that argument is productive. Shimshon (The ‘Offspring’ of This is obviously the give and take and arguments over Torah in order to clarify the Shimshon) on Pirkei Avos and Zera Shimshon (The ‘Seed’ of true understanding of what is being learned. In fact, argument, which is in essence Shimshon) on the Parshi’os of the Torah. In his introduction, he division, is essential to fulfill what that which Hashem wants to happen in the world. explains that since his only son had There has to be a separation between good and bad, pure and impure, truth and died during his lifetime, he wrote his Seforim to perpetuate his own falsehood, permitted and prohibited etc. This is why although the Torah did want to memory after his passing. The following is his passionate mention the word good outright on the second day, it repeated the word good on request to learn his works. day three - to hint to that fact that although strife and division is not good, even so, “I implore of you with ten terms of supplication to choose from my there are ways that it is needed. Chiddushim (novella) the piece that finds favor in your eyes, for your When a person argues in Torah and finally comes to the true understanding, learning will sooth my soul etc… he remembers the learning much more. This is one way of understanding what the “This righteousness will stand by you forever – to ‘eat’ in this world, Mishna means when it says that arguments that are for the sake of Heaven will and be satiated in the next. In this merit, Hashem will repay you with endure. This means that the learning that results from such arguments will be children, health and sustenance. remembered. “…and now my brothers and friends etc. do a true kindness, and Alternatively, the Mishna can mean that when the argument is for the sake of with your eyes you will see children Heaven, both sides of the argument last. This is seen from the arguments between and grandchildren surrounding your table, houses filled with all Beis Hillel and Beis Shammai. Although the halacha follows Beis Hillel, one may that is good, wealth and honor will not cease from your children…” have though that there is no purpose in them arguing, nevertheless, since it is for the sake of Heaven, it endures. This means that Beis Shammai's opinion is followed by לזכר נשמת רבינו שמשו חיי ב רב נחמ מיכאל ל"צז those from Beis Shammai. This, the (Yevamos 14a) teaches that even after בעל הזרע שמשו א"יעז

the Heavenly voice announced that the ruling is like that of Beis Hillel, Beis ויה" ר שיתקיימו בנו ברכותיו של אותו צדיק Shammai continued to follow the rulings of their school. Since their learning and לזכות רחמי ב יוכבד שיזכה .arguing was for the sake of Heaven, it remains in this world and lasts as an opinion לשוב בתשובה שלימה בקרוב .This is the chiddush of the Mishna לזכות רפואה שלימה משה Korach however, did not understand the true way of using division. His שניאור זלמ ב רחל misunderstanding of division let him to claim that everyone was equal and drag ולזכות רפואה שלימה משה ב .much of the Jewish nation into a great division לאה זכות רבינו ימלי טוב בעד רבקה רחל בת שיינדיל בלומא לזרע של קיימא במהרה ז כות רבינו יעמוד לר ' חיי דוד ב טויבא חוה וכל משפחתו להצלחה ברכה שפע רב וסייעתא דשמיא מרובה לזכות כל ע  ישראל בכל מעשה ידיו ובכל העניני בכל מקו שה

signup & dedications – [email protected] Weekly Bulletin on the Parshah s"xc Korach June 12th 2021 nd Pachad David 2 of Tamuz 5781 Published by Mosdot “Orot Chaim U’Moshe” in Under the auspices of Moreinu v’Rabbeinu Hagaon Hatzaddik Rabbi David Chananya Pinto, shlita 907 Son of the tzaddik Rabbi Moshe Ahron Pinto, zt”l, and grandson of the holy tzaddik and miracle-worker Rabbi Chaim Pinto, zy”a MASKIL LEDAVID Weekly talk on the Parshah given by Moreinu v’Rabbeinu Hagaon Hatzaddik Rabbi David Chananya Pinto, shlita

From Wise Elders I Gain Understanding

"They gathered together against Moshe and against Chachamim] is greater than studying [Torah], as it says Aharon and said to them, 'It is too much for you! For the (Melachim II, 3:11), 'Elisha son of Shaphat is here, who entire assembly – all of them – are holy and Hashem is poured water over the hands of Eliyahu!' It does not say among them; why do you exalt yourselves over the con- 'who studied under him', but 'who washed his hands', to gregation of Hashem?'" (Bamidbar 16:3) teach that serving is greater than studying." One who serves David Hamelech, in his sefer Tehillim, reveals to us that Talmidei Chachamim, thereby having the chance to observe despite being a king and possessing all the good in the world, their conduct – the practical application of the knowledge the true good he aspires and longs for is "But as for me, G-d's they impart – is aware of how they behave even in matters nearness is my good" (Tehillim 73:28). Closeness to G-d was not discussed, for he personally observes them in action. the absolute good that David Hamelech aspired to achieve. This is why serving Talmidei Chachamim is considered Paris • Orh ‘Haïm Ve Moché We too must strive and toil for this throughout our lives, greater than studying Torah. However, the merit of both 32, rue du Plateau • 75019 Paris • France as the Mesilat Yesharim writes (in the introduction), "And studying and serving is certainly the most advantageous. Tel: 01 42 08 25 40 • Fax: 01 42 06 00 33 anything besides this, that people consider as good, is only One can learn something beneficial for one's service of [email protected] emptiness and takes us in the wrong direction." Hashem from every person, even from a friend who is on We can ask why David Hamelech chose the expression, your level or below you. Concerning this David Hamelech "is my good". Seemingly, it would seem sufficient to say, says (Tehillim 119:99), "From all my teachers I grew wise". Jérusalem • Pninei David 'G-d's nearness is good'. The reason could be, many people Chazal also tell us (Eiruvin 100b), "Had the Torah not been wish for some form of closeness to Hashem but do not take given, we would learn modesty from a cat, theft from an Rehov Bayit Va Gan 8 • Jérusalem • Israël measures to internalize and connect with this longed-for ant, and immorality from the dove." Even though we human Tel: +972 2643 3605 • Fax: +972 2643 3570 closeness. Rather, they hope this closeness will appear by beings are vastly superior to animals, nevertheless we can [email protected] itself. This is why the sweet singer of Israel wrote, "… is my still glean morals from the good characteristics they have good", signifying that cleaving to Hashem is important to and thereby benefit from everything in the universe; all is him and he takes care to implement it and engrave it in his for the sake of our spiritual elevation. All the more so can heart, not waiting for it to appear on its own. Ashdod • Orh ‘Haim Ve Moshe one learn from the ways of a human being. And the conduct Every person desires a good life, yet if we ask others what of Talmidei Chachamim, who are considered as living Sifrei Rehov Ha-Admour Mi- 43 • Ashod • Israël kind of good they aspire for, each will answer according to Torah, can impart even greater lessons. Tel: +972 88 566 233 • Fax: +972 88 521 527 his spiritual level. One will answer that he desires much Korach did not want to learn from Moshe Rabbeinu, [email protected] money and possessions, despite knowing "the more pos- saying the entire assembly is holy and Hashem is among sessions, the more worries." Another person wishes for them. This being the case, if we ourselves have achieved honor and greatness, even though he is aware that pursuing such a great level in Avodat Hashem, what do we have left Ra’anana • Kol ‘Haïm this removes a person from this world. In any case, each to learn from Moshe Rabbeinu? This was Korach's mistake person spends his life searching for his longed-for percep- which brought him to the edge of the abyss. Rehov Ha’ahouza 98 • Ra’anana • Israël tion of good. A scholarly Rav may be addressing a crowd, delivering Tel: +972 98 828 078 • +972 58 792 9003 But David Hamelech teaches every Jew, whatever his [email protected] words of reproach, but instead of heeding his words, one's level, that the only true and perfect good, without a trace of thoughts drift to different matters or one studies a sefer disappointment or heartache, is the desire to draw close to and doesn’t pay attention to the lecture. This contains an Hashem with all one's might. And if one merits this, all other element of degradation for the honor of Torah, and if one things will automatically follow and he will not lack anything. does not possess awe of Talmidei Chachamim, one cannot This week's Parshah tells us about Korach, a great and attain awe of Heaven. Hilula distinguished person. In addition to his great wisdom, Ko- The meaning of the name 'Korach' is cognate with 'ice' rach was exceptionally wealthy, as Chazal tell us (Pesachim and 'coolness'. This alludes to the fact that Korach wanted 119a), he owned three hundred donkeys just to carry the 2 – Rabbi Yosef Ben Vallid to cool the hearts of the people and prevent them from keys of his treasuries. This is why we often describe a rich connecting to the leaders of the congregation. Korach's 3 - Rabbi Menajem Mendel Schneerson person as being "as rich as Korach." Korach was also among - Lubavitcher Rebbe eyes misled him to presume he is worthy enough in his those who carried the Aron of Testimony, inside which lay own right and has no need to add to his worthiness and 3 – Rabbi Yehoshua Neuwirth, author of the Luchot Habrit. This shows us Korach was on a very high learn further from Moshe and Aharon. Korach mistakenly 'Shemirat Shabbat Kehilchata' level and possessed exceptional qualities, but still searched thought: since the entire assembly congregation is holy and for further closeness to Hashem by wanting to be a Kohen. 4 – Rabbi Pinchas HaLevi Horowitz Hashem is among them, there is no place for Moshe and However, since this closeness did not stem from a legitimate of Nickelsberg, author of 'Hafla'ah' Aharon to be considered greater than the rest of the people. and pure source, he and all his possessions were swallowed 5 – Rabbi Tzalach Cohen Zangi Their time has come to vacate their position in favor of oth- up by the ground. 6 – Rabbi Chaim De la Rosa, author of ers. Korach and his congregation were punished with such 'Torat Chacham' Let us try and understand what brought Korah to act in a severe punishment, never before experienced, so Bnei such a foolish way. Why was all he merited until now, both Yisrael would learn well that one must not take the verse 7 – Rabbi Simcha Bunim Alter, the materially and spiritually, not enough for him? What made Admor of Gur "Hashem, your G-d, shall you fear", lightly, for it includes him argue with Moshe Rabbeinu? the obligation to fear Talmidei Chachamim. Even if one is an 8 – Rabbi Chaim of Shash, author of Korach behaved as he did because he lacked the attribute exceptional Talmid Chacham, one is still obligated to learn 'Nishmat Chaim' of humility and submission in the face of the Torah and from the Gedolei Hador, as it says (Tehillim 119:100), "From its scholars. Chazal say (Berachot 7b), "Serving [Talmidei wise elders I gain understanding." Walking in their Ways Tidbits of faith and trust penned by Moreinu v’Rabbeinu Hagaon Hatzaddik Rabbi David Chananya Pinto, shlita

Self-improvement – The Last Leg of Illness A man once told me that he had been suffering from a wound in his foot for the past half year. His doctors had told him it was nothing In Our Father's Path serious and just gave him various creams and ointments. But they did not help at all and he continued suffering. The Baron Put an End to the Rich Man's Pranks When I heard his story, I remembered that my father, too, zy”a, On the verse in Kohelet (5:12), "Riches are hoarded by their owner to his suffered similarly. After undergoing testing, he was diagnosed with misfortune" Chazal expound (Pesachim 119a), "Rabbi Shimon ben Lakish said: diabetes. He was told he had to have his leg amputated so the infec- this refers to the wealth of Korach." His wealth was only to his detriment, tion would not spread throughout his body. (Baruch Hashem, in a without benefitting him in any way. most miraculous way, he was spared this procedure.) Rabbi Reuven Karlenstein, in his sefer Yechi Reuven, brings a story about I asked the man standing before me if he, too, suffered from the Baron Rothschild who arrived at a certain village early one morning diabetes. He repeated that the doctors stated he was not suffering and inquired what time they pray Shacharit. He was told at seven o' clock. He entered the Beit Knesset and saw that all the congregants had already from anything serious. arrived; the Rav, the chazan, the Dayan, the worshippers, but still they did “Did you undergo any testing whatsoever?” I continued. not begin praying… “No,” he replied. “The doctors made their assessment based only He asked for the reason for the delay and they explained that the town's on the wound on my leg. I was not sent to do any sort of tests. I also wealthy resident had not yet arrived, and it was he they were waiting for… wondered about this.” I instructed him to do a battery of tests, in Five minutes passed, ten minutes, and still they waited… At seven fifteen the spite of the doctors’ cavalier attitude. rich man arrived, eyes still puffy from sleep, walked to his seat in the front The results revealed this man suffered from the same illness as my bench, sat down next to the Rav and signaled they could begin praying… The father and he was informed his leg had to be amputated. He ran to Baron Rothschild was shocked at his audacity… The Rav of the Beit Knesset me begging for advice how to proceed. He didn’t want to lose his leg. has to wait for him… The entire world has to wait for him… What insolence!! I responded, "It is well-known when a person resolves to improve The time came for the Torah reading. The Baron asked for an Aliya and his Avodat Hashem, this resolution has the power to annul harsh de- afterwards they recited a mi sheberach for him. crees. It would therefore be beneficial to undertake improvement in When the gabbai came to the words "because he will contribute… to char- some minor matters. B’ezrat Hashem, you will then merit salvation." ity", the Baron Rothschild said, "because I will contribute the sum of all the He did as I instructed. Only a few months later, his baffled doctors assets of this local wealthy man." Since the gabbai did not know it was the informed him there was no trace of his former illness and his leg Baron Rothschild standing in front of him, he declared, "Are you crazy?! This rich man possesses a fortune!" But the Baron remained firm and promised was completely healed. to donate this exact sum… This incident was a proof of Divine Intervention. For a full six The gabbai answered, "R' Yid! Don’t make fun! If you want to donate to months, the man had not done any sort of testing. Then Hashem the Beit Knesset, specify an amount! If you don't want to donate, no one brought him to me, I remembered father’s illness, and this revealed is forcing you." The Baron replied, "I already said I want to donate! I even the source of his suffering. The man was eventually completely cited the amount!" healed in the merit of his self-improvement. "And you have this amount to donate?" asked the Gabbai. "Yes" he replied. "I have a thousand times more than this amount…" The Haftarah Only then did the gabbai grasp who it was… The gabbai hurried over to the town's wealthy resident and asked "And Shmuel said" (Shmuel I, 11-12) him to detail the sum of his fortune so the Baron Rothschild should The connection to the Parsha: The Haftarah tells about the Jewish know how much to donate. However, the wealthy man refused, claiming people who requested that Shmuel appoint a king over them, whereas he is not interested in making his personal affairs public knowledge. the Parshah relates how Korach rebelled against Moshe Rabbeinu and They tried to persuade him: "We are talking about a huge loss for requested greatness for himself. the entire community. The money the Baron donates will benefit all The Haftarah also mentions Shmuel who asked: "Whose ox have the town's poor! If you don’t reveal how much your assets are worth, I taken?" The Parshah mentions a similar statement said by Moshe the Baron will leave town and we will lose everything." Rabbeinu: "I have not taken even a single donkey of theirs." The rich man would not budge. "You cannot demand that I publicly expose my personal affairs." What could they do? The entire community Guard Your Tongue went to the wealthy man's home and began a demonstration… The Baron Rothschild said to them, "It is not necessary for him Pointing Out Negative Traits to divulge! I can find out on my own. If it is clear that we are required to relate negative information about someone, "I will pay a lawyer and accountant to inspect the relevant re- we are obligated to search for the most minimal way to tell it over. It is preferable cords and figure out the value of his assets…" They investigated, re-checked, scrutinized, re-inspected, and discovered that he to guide the listener to discover the matter himself, rather than express it directly. had, almost… nothing! But he was the town's wealthy resident, When comparing two applicants for a position, it is generally sufficient to the one all waited for to begin their prayers… mention the qualities of one without pointing out the shortcomings of the other. This is the meaning of "Riches hoarded by their owner to his In any case, it is always preferable to try as much as possible to limit relating misfortune" as Rashi explains, "Like the wealth of Korach, for another's flaws. through it he became proud and fell to the depths." Treasures Based on the teachings of Moreinu v’Rabbeinu Hagaon Hatzaddik Rabbi David Chananya Pearls of the Parsha Pinto, shlita

Proof that the Priesthood is not Korach's Inheritance "Hear now, O offspring of Levi" (Bamidbar 16:8) The Hebrew word nah – now – is an abbreviation for Nadav and Avihu. The Yismach Moshe writes that this alludes to the fact that the death of Nadav and Avihu, sons of Aharon who offered an alien fire, is proof One May Ask; Not Ridicule that the priesthood does not belong to Korach. "Korach, son of Yitzhar, son of Kehat, son of Levi separated himself, with Datan and Aviram, sons of Eliav, and On, son of There is No Law of Chazakah in a Dispute Pelet, the offspring of Reuven" (Bamidbar 16:1) "Moshe sent forth to summon Datan and Aviram" (Bamidbar 16:12) The Torah brings the story of the rebellion led by Korach and Rashi quotes Chazal who derive from this that one should always seek his followers concerning the priesthood. In this context Chazal to end a controversy, for Moshe appealed to the other leaders of the point out that a dispute that is for the sake of Heaven will have revolt to try and make peace. HaRav Yitzchak of Verka zt"l explains that a constructive outcome, while one that is not for the sake of the intention of Chazal is to teach us that there is no law of chazakah – Heaven will not have a constructive outcome. What sort of dis- presumption – with a dispute. Even after several unsuccessful attempts pute is considered for the sake of Heaven? One that transpires at trying to make peace with one's opponent, one may not presume one only as a result of the desire to fulfil Hashem's command. If two will never succeed. On the contrary, a person is obligated to try repeatedly people are debating words of Torah and a stranger notices them to settle the argument, just as Chazal tell us that Moshe sought them arguing, he may at first think they hate each other. As soon as they conclude their study session, however, it will be evident out to try and make peace. to all that they are in fact good friends who enjoy each other's Don't Corrupt company. The only reason they were arguing was for the sake of "The earth covered them over and they were lost from among the Heaven, in an attempt to understand the depths of the matter congregation" (Bamidbar 16:33) and discover the true will of Hashem. The existence of man, points out Rabbi Yitzchak Abuhav zy"a in his sefer This was the character of all the famous arguments between Menorat Hame'or, obligates that they dwell together and serve and assist Beit Hillel and Beit Shamai; their entire goal was for the sake each other with all their work and needs. That is why the occupation of Heaven. The proof is that although the final ruling follows the opinion of Beit Hillel, they would nevertheless study and of the world is dependent on friendship, brotherhood and agreement, review Beit Shammai's opinion to try and grasp their perception with one outlook and law. Therefore, the presence of dispute serves to of the matter. Most people who disagree do not invest effort corrupt occupation. and thought in understanding the reasoning of the opposing The study of Torah requires a group of talmidim. If they debate and offer side. Since Beit Hillel studied Beit Shammai's opinions, it proves varying opinions for the sake of Heaven to bring the truth to light, this is theirs was an argument for the sake of Heaven, which has a considered Avodat Hashem, for their goal is to seek the truth and prevent constructive outcome. Concerning the opinions of Beit Hillel the dissemination of mistaken rulings. However, when the talmidim are and Beit Shammai it says, "These and these are the words of the faced with differences of opinion, their intention must be for the sake of Living G-d", since both sides wished to understand Hashem's Heaven, to bring the true ruling to light, and not to provoke or torment. word for the sake of increasing the glory of Heaven in the world. One must be exceedingly careful even when showing support for The symbol of a dispute not for the sake of Heaven is the dis- Torah arguments, so as not to cause everlasting destruction. Peace and pute of Korach and his followers, which was actually a one-sided tolerance are always appropriate and may Hashem Yitbarach bless His dispute; Korach rebelled against Moshe Rabbeinu while Moshe people with peace! Rabbeinu only sought peace. Upon hearing Korach's words, he fell on his face out of distress. Throughout the rebellion, Moshe The Package Gives Evidence to its Contents sent messengers to Korach's followers to try and appease him "And I – behold! I have given you the safeguard of My leave-offering, and avert the dispute. Since it was a dispute for the sake of a of all the sanctities of the Children of Israel" (Bamidbar 18:8) dispute, Moshe Rabbeinu did not wish to have any part in it. The Mashgiach Rabbi Yerucham Lebovitz zt"l used to say: The great Korach's entire argument was of a very problematic nature power that serves to elevate man and raise him to an exalted level is since he used the words of the Holy Torah to spread dissen- when he has the correct perception of the value of his occupation. sion. At first he questioned the decree of the Red Cow, and also confronted Moshe with derisive questions about mezuzah and The root of man's success in spirituality is the qualities he seeks to tzitzit. These challenges led to Korach protesting the appoint- achieve. The more he appreciates them, the more chance there is he ment of the priesthood. It follows then that Korach used the will expend effort to attain them. words of Torah for his personal gain and as a means for dispute. He brought a mashal of someone who enters a jewelry store. There he Korach was not indicted for the questions he asked, since we sees how each piece of jewelry has its own box, and the more expensive are told, "a bashful person cannot learn." Asking questions is and rare the piece of jewelry, the more exclusive its case. What is the a most necessary feature and occupies an important place in goal of the box? To protect the jewelry, and prevent its getting damaged, Judaism. Rather, Korach was indicted for the way in which he knocked or dirty. But why such a lush casing? Because what is precious asked – his questions contained a vein of contempt and derision. and important to man, he values, singles out and protects. The entire goal of his questions was to ridicule and show disdain for the holy leaders of the nation. Korach was also charged for Hashem saw that the Kohanim fulfilled their mitzvot with joy, therefore exploiting the words of the Holy Torah to promote his personal He gave them another twenty-four gifts of priesthood, since it was clear wishes, thereby making a mockery and scorn of the Torah and they would guard them appropriately. publicly profaning the Name of Heaven. A NOVEL LOOK AT THE PARSHA

in front of my eyes. I am a regular member, ing experience. He readily explained what I reserved these honors in advance, and I happened that night: have been a regular contributor to this Beit "Last night, in the middle of my sleep, my Knesset for many years. And look what is mother a"h appeared to me in a dream. It happening here! A stranger wishes to take was in her honor that I wished to receive the control of the honors! This is a real scandal!" maftir aliya and serve as chazzan for mussaf. On the other hand, a quiet voice whis- And in her honor I sacrificed my desire to pered to him: bow to the circumstances. prevent strife. She appeared to me, her face Peace is More Important Than "Regardless, we do not understand how an shining, and told me a secret: Being Called Up for Maftir! aliya and serving as chazzan benefits the "My dear son, I received special permis- This week's Parshah details the terrible souls in the Upper World; we do not really sion from the Heavenly Court to come down dispute of Korach and his followers and the know how they affect the elevation of the to This World to thank you. An elevation of horrendous tragedy it caused, in which men, souls in Gan Eden. We try to do our best soul such as I experienced today, when you women, children and young babes suffered; according to the tradition handed down relinquished the aliya and mussaf prayer, I they all paid the price. Immediately follow- to us, but does forgoing one's wish, such have never experienced before. I well re- ing this dispute, the Torah warns us not to intense effort, not have an effect on the member the elevation of soul of previous become involved in this evil and stay away soul? It also has a certain power! Maybe it years, when on the yahrzeit Shabbat you re- from such dangerous and frightening devel- is better to forgo, to run away from strife, ceived the maftir aliya and mussaf prayer in opments. True, there can be differences of and dedicate the surrender to my mother's my honor. But this does not come close and opinion and argument. But still, let us man- memory?!" cannot be compared to what I merited this age them matter-of-factly, with the desire to And with that he made his decision. With year, when you courageously forwent the forgo and find solutions. Most importantly, courage and determination, he announced honors you deserved, fleeing from strife!" we must take care that the issue not become to the gabbai that he is prepared to forgo "I awoke, trembling with emotion. Not an intense argument! his rights. At first the gabbai tried to protest. every day does a Jew merit a visit from his Rabbi Asher Kovleski shlita publicized an "G-d forbid, do you think I will allow him mother from the World of Truth! And the extraordinary incident that took place in the to have his way? No way. There is order in message she related is worth remembering Nadvorna-Chadera Beit Knesset in Bnei Brak. the Beit Knesset, there are regulations; the and repeating: One day, one of the long-time members ap- members have rights, and receiving an aliya Aliyot, honors, and many other matters, proached the gabbai to ascertain whether and serving as chazzan on the Shabbat pre- are very important, elevated principles. he could receive the maftir aliya on a certain ceding the yahrzeit is one of them. It does They involve Heavenly matters we cannot Shabbat and serve as the chazzan for mussaf, not come into question; I am not prepared grasp, and serve as elevation for the soul. since this Shabbat precedes the yahrzeit of to yield!" They are ancient customs which are deeply his mother a"h. However, the member had already de- significant. But this story echoes with a The gabbai checked his calendar and con- cided that however important the aliya is, it Heavenly revelation: firmed this Shabbat was free of any other is not worth getting into an argument over These are all extremely precious and im- obligations. As this regular worshipper was it, for strife is doubly dangerous and brings portant matters, until they become fused entitled to receive aliyot during the year and tragedy seven times more than forgoing with the stub of dissension, a touch of battle, also serve as the chazzan, the gabbai was an aliya. He remained firm: "No way, my and a spark of burning fire. The moment happy to actualize his wish. The congregant friend the gabbai. I am willing to forgo. I do strife looms, as tones begin to escalate, and was pleased, for as an organized person he not want argument and strife. Give him the differences of opinion raise their heads, a wished to verify that all the yahrzeit matters aliya, give him also the mussaf prayer, I will clever person will flee. He will simply exit would be taken care of in the best possible make do with a different aliya. I will serve the scene, knowing it is so much more way, and now it seemed everything would as chazan on the day of the yahrzeit itself. important to run away from strife, to forgo proceed smoothly. I prefer to forgo; I do not want to be the and refrain from participating in this bloody battle ground. That Shabbat he made sure to arrive early cause of strife!" at the Beit Knesset, certain that the maftir In face of his determination, the gabbai Strife is never a harbinger of good. It brings and mussaf prayer were patiently waiting for accepted his words and gave the aliya and only evil. On the contrary, fleeing from dis- him. But minutes after he entered, out of mussaf prayer to the stranger. The prayers sension, refraining from battle, forgoing the corner of his eye he noticed a stranger, ended in a pleasant and lofty Shabbat atmo- – which sometimes involves superhuman not one of the regulars, arguing with the sphere. Each received what they wanted; strength – is the correct way to act and also serves as an elevation for the soul. It awak- gabbai. Curious to hear what the argument the stranger who insisted on having his way, ens Heavenly mercy and brings in its wake was about, he discovered to his consterna- the regular worshipper who was willing to a life of happiness and joy. tion that this stranger was asking for the yield was delighted that he had avoided maftir aliyah and to serve as chazzan for strife, and the gabbai succeeded in making Let us flee from strife and refrain from mussaf! This was his maftir and his mussaf, all sides happy. disputes, even if we are right and even if it seems that the matter involves deep, Heav- how could it be?! The next day, the regular worshipper ar- enly significance. This is the correct way to For a moment he waged a battle inside rived at the Beit Knesset, shaken and full of act and this is what brings an abundance of himself. "Master of the world, if there is emotion. One look at his face showed that of blessing! justice in the world, it is being desecrated he had been through an emotionally drain- A Tzaddik, or righteous person, makes everyone else appear righteous before Hashem by advocating for them and finding their merits. - Kedushas Levi, Parshas Noach (Bereishis 7:1) Parshas Korach CHASSIDUS ON THE PARSHA

The Highest Avoda Of The Spirits In The Flesh

“And they fell on their faces and said, ‘G-d, O’ the G-d of spirits and all flesh, if one man sins, will You be angry with the entire congregation?’” (16:22)

The Ohr HaChaim seeks to understand the meaning behind this title for Hashem. What does “the G-d of spirits and all flesh” mean? The Ohr HaChaim explains that Moshe used this title for Hashem for two reasons:

First, Moshe emphasized that while alive in this world in the flesh, we have a spirit that allows us to think for ourselves, make decisions and decide whether or not to accept Hashem as ruler over us. This use of the word ruach meaning making a thought-out decision is found, for example, in Yechezkel 20:32 where the pasuk uses the term ola al ruchachem, meaning “if the matter enters your mind”.

Even though the true divine judgment should be to destroy them immediately for their wickedness, nevertheless, if Hashem were to destroy the entire congregation for the sins

- 1 of 29 - of one man they would use their judgment and make up their minds to reject as their ruler a G-d Who acts this way.

Second, this title is the highest form of praise with which we can praise the Creator, because the lowest praise is that of the Heavenly hosts. The next highest form of praise is received from the souls of the Tzaddikim both from those who were not yet born into this world and still live in the supernal chamber called the guf (Yevomos 62a) and higher praise from the neshomos of the Tzaddikim who had already been in this world and whose souls had now returned back to Otzar HaChaim. They all sing and praise Hashem and Hashem acknowledges their praise, as it says in Mishlei 16:4, “Hashem made everything for His praise”.

The highest form of praise and song, says the Ohr HaChaim, comes, however, from those souls who are alive right now, down here in this world, in physical bodies. This is because the flesh prevents us from perceiving Hashem and forces us to exert effort to love Hashem and sing His praises. This avoda is the most cherished and beloved to Hashem above all else precisely because of the effort involved, as is explained at length in the words of Chazal and in Sefer HaZohar.

This is why Moshe wisely chose this title for Hashem when he praised Hashem and called Him “G-d of spirits of all flesh”, meaning “G-d of the spirits that live now in the flesh”. You, Hashem, desire that they recognize You and praise You despite the difficulties and hindrances. It is therefore wrong to judge them and punish them because they will reject Your G-dly rulership over the spirits of these neshomos who are clothed right now living in the flesh and fulfilling Your desire.

- 2 of 29 - Gedolim Be'misasm Yoser

Yahrzeits For Parshas Korach

Rav Elimelech Gavriel (Mike) Tress (Tammuz 2)

Rebbe Avrohom Twerski Trisker Maggid, Mogen Avrohom (Tammuz 2)

Rav Paltiel Friend (Tammuz 2)

Rav Paltiel Friend (2003). Born in the 1920s, Reb Paltiel grew up in the Brownsville section The Trisker Maggid lived from 1802-1889, his of Brooklyn and attended Mesivta Torah derashos are in his sefer Magen Avraham. He Vodaas, becomimg a talmid of Rav Dovid was one of eight sons of Rav Mordechai of Leibowitz. When Rav Dovid left to form Yeshiva Chernobyl and served as Rebbe for 50 years. Chafetz Chaim, Rav Paltiel left with him. In the late 1960s, the current rosh yeshiva of Yeshiva Rav Nachman of Horodonka (Tammuz Chafetz Chaim, Rav Henoch Leibowitz, , was 2) approached by the small Torah community in Rav Elimelech Rubin of Sokolov Montreal asking for his help in starting a (Tammuz 2) yeshiva in their city. Rav Henoch appointed Rav Rav Petachya Herenblass (Av Beis Paltiel to be a rosh yeshiva of Yeshiva Mercaz Din of Warsaw, Pitchei Ezra) (Tammuz 2) HaTorah. In the 1970s, he was again

Rav Shmuel (Tammuz 2) approached by Rav Henoch Leibowitz to assume the role of masmich of Chafetz Chaim. Rav Mordechai Zev Itinga (Mefarshei In his later years, together with Rav Avraham Hayom) (Tammuz 2) Ginzberg, he formed a Senior Kollel of talmidim

- 3 of 29 - of the yeshiva. , in the area of Russia. His father was Harav Aharon Kotler, zt”l, and his mother Rav Eliezer Nissan of Dzhikov was Chana Perel Meltzer, a”h, daughter of (Tammuz 2) Harav , zt”l.

In 1940/5700, while still a bachur, Rav Schneur received a visa from his grandfather Rav Isser Rav Aryeh Mordechai Parisover (Tammuz Zalman Meltzer, who had emigrated to Eretz 3) Yisrael, and went to join him. This saved his life.

After World War II he married Rischel, the daughter of Rav Malkiel Friedman of Kovno.

He joined his father, Harav Aharon Kotler, who had settled in Lakewood in 1947/5707 after his A descendant of the Yid haKadosh of sojourn in Shanghai. Rav Shneur assumed

Rav Aryeh Leib Wertheim of Bender leadership of Beis Medrash Govoha after his (Tammuz 3) father was niftar in 1962/5723. Rav Shneur was known for his compassion and understanding Rav Aryeh Leibush of Tarna (Tammuz 3) for his talmidim.

Rav Boruch Yehuda Schnitzler of At that time Lakewood was just a small Derechke (Tammuz 3) community, but Rav Shneur expanded his Rav Zalman Hakadosh (Dayan in father’s vision of building a true Torah Prague) (Tammuz 3) community. It is largely to Rav Shneur’s credit Rav Menachem Mendel Schneerson that there are kollelim and yeshivos all over the (Admor of Lubavitch) (Tammuz 3) world today, not only to learn Torah but to Rav Yaakov Sapir (Even Sapir) spread it far and wide. (Tammuz 3) Rav Shneur served on the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah of Agudath Israel of America and the Rabbinical boards of the Torah Umesorah Rav Yosef Chaim Shneur Zalman Kotler National Society for Hebrew Day Schools and Rosh Lakewood (Tammuz 3) Chinuch Atzmai. He was also active in the effort to help Jewish refugees from Russia and . Harav Yosef Chaim (known as Harav Shneur Kotler) was born in 5678/1918 in

- 4 of 29 - Rav Shneur was niftar in 1982/5742 and was After the Shevet Yehuda was niftar, on 22 buried in Eretz Yisrael on Har Hamenuchos Teves 5674/1914, his Chassidim begged Rav near his zeide, Harav Isser Zalman Meltzer, Shlomo to take over, but he refused. Instead, and his father, Harav Aharon Kotler. Rav Shlomo’s younger brother, Rav Azriel Meir, began leading the Chassidim in Lublin. Zechusam yagen aleinu. But many Chassidim, especially those in Krushnik, refused to give up, and eventually they succeeded.

Rav Shlomo, a lamdan, was known for his insight; his advice was sound even in mundane Rav Shlomo Eiger (Tammuz 3) matters. In addition, his expertise in medicine, as well as his connections to the best doctors in Rav Shlomo was born in 5630/1870. He was the Lublin and Warsaw, enabled him to give oldest son of Rav Avrohom of Lublin, the Shevet medical advice. Yehuda, who was the son of the first Lubliner Rebbe, Rav Yehudah Leib (Leibel’eh) Eiger, Rav Shlomo refused to accept pidyonos for grandson of Rav Akiva Eiger and a close talmid himself. He donated all the money he received of Rav Mordechai Yosef Leiner of Izhbitza. to the impoverished and he refused to take anything at all from poor people. He did not Rav Leibel’eh established his court in Lublin, dress in rabbinical garb. where it remained the chief Chassidic group in the town until World War II. During World War I, Rav Shlomo relocated to nearby Lublin, and took over his father’s beis In 5647/1887, at the age of fifteen, Rav Shlomo medrash. married the daughter of the noggid Reb Alter Wallerstein of Krushnik. There, he became One of his greatest aversions was the secular unofficial leader of the local Chassidim and Lubliner Tagblatt. He announced that anyone organized the building of a new shtiebel for the who read it had no place in his beis medrash. hundreds of Lubliner Chassidim in town. When Rav Meir Shapiro, proposed the concept When the years of his father-in-law’s support of what later became Yeshiva Chachmei Lublin, came to an end, Rav Shlomo refused to accept Rav Shlomo became one of his chief supporters, any community assistance; instead, he opened helping to establish the yeshiva. a successful fabric business, to which he devoted only a fragment of his time, utilizing Rav Shlomo also helped Rav Meir to be elected every available opportunity for learning. Chief Rav of Lublin, a position he took up on 29

- 5 of 29 - Sivan 5690/1930, the day his famous yeshiva Hashem yinkom damam. opened. During the next four years, Rav Meir constantly went to Rav Shlomo for advice and Zechuso yagen aleinu. assistance, especially toward the end of Rav Meir’s life, when the yeshiva’s situation became desperate. uzjuly-1/

After Rav Meir’s sudden petira in Cheshvan Rav Yissocher Dov Illowy (Dr Bernard) (Tammuz 3) 5694/1933, the yeshiva was left leaderless and with a mountain of debt. At this critical juncture, Rav Shlomo accepted the responsibility for the yeshiva’s debts and traveled around Poland on a fund-raising drive. Rav Pinchas HaLevi Horowitz the Haflo'oh, Rav of Frankfurt (Tammuz 4)

Rav Shlomo inherited one of the largest libraries in Poland from his grandfather and Rav Pinchas was the son of Rav Tzvi Hirsch and great-grandfather. It was said that he never brother of Rebbe Reb , bought a sefer without going through it once or talmid of the Mezritcher Maggid. He was also twice and acquainting himself with its contents. a Rebbe of the Chasam Sofer.

On 17 Elul 5699/September 1, 1939, the Rabbeinu Yaakov (Rabbeinu Tam) (Tammuz 4) Germans attacked Lublin and thousands were killed and wounded in the battle. Rav Yaakov Reinman of Narol (Tammuz 4)

After the Yamim Nora’im of 5700/1939, Rav Rav Yehoshua Heschel Teomim Shlomo underwent an operation, but the Frankel of Komarna (Tammuz 4) surgery was unsuccessful and he was niftar on Rav Dovid Tzvi Hakohen Rabinowitz 3 Tammuz 5700/1940. He was buried in (Tammuz 4) Warsaw, with thousands still able to participate in his levaya.

His sons were Rav Yehudah Leib, Rav Akiva, Rav Ezriel Hildesheimer Rav of Berlin & Rav Yehoshua Simchah Yitzchok and Rav Eisenstadt (Tammuz 4) Shalom. His sons-in-law were Rav Avrohom Noach Abramowitz, Rav Chaim Fishel Silman Rav was born on 7 Sivan, and Rav Shaul Rapaport of Bilitz. All his the second day of Shavuos 5580/1820, in descendants were killed during World War II. . He was the son of Rav Yehuda Hildesheimer, native of , a small

- 6 of 29 - town near . and his great learning was joined to practical administrative ability. He was financially As a bachur, he learned in the Yeshiva of Rav independent, and never accepted remuneration Yaakov Ettlinger, the Aruch LaNer, in Altona. for his rabbinical activity. He was frequently He was considered his prize pupil. engaged in philanthropic activities connected with his own congregation, but additionally, in At the age of thirty-one, in 5611/1851, he his vast Ahavas Yisroel, no labor was too great became Rav of Eisenstadt, Hungary (now in and no journey too long for him, in the service ), the principle city of the Sevenof the poor and needy in Germany, Austria, Kehillos. Russia, and even in Abyssinia and Persia.

Rav Azriel also established a Yeshiva. It began Rav Azriel also took a special interest in the with six bachurim; by 5628/1868 there were welfare of the Jews of Eretz Yisroel, then 128 — including one from the United States. Palestine. In 5620/1860, when the missionary society of Palestine provided seventy free In 5621/1861, the Ksav Sofer offered Rav Azriel dwellings for homeless Jews, Rav Azriel himself the position of Second Rav in Pressburg, but built houses in Yerushalayim for free use by the this never came to fruition. poor.

In Berlin, at that time, the Orthodox community Rav Azriel was niftar in Berlin on 4 Tammuz consisted of about two hundred families. 5659/1899 at the age of seventy-nine. His kever Dissatisfied with the local Rav, they offered Rav is preserved in the cemetery of the Orthodox Azriel the position, and he began to serve as congregation Adass Yisroel in Berlin. Rav there in 5629/1869. He soon established a religious school and a Yeshiva, which thirty Some of his chiddushim have been published former talmidim joined. Rav Azriel thus became under the name Chiddushei Rav Azriel on Shas; the intellectual founder and leader of the in addition to She’eilos U’Teshuvos Rav Azriel. community Adass Yisroel. Zecher tzaddik livrachah. Rav Azriel was one of the leaders of the war against the Reform movement. His policy of no compromise widened the gap between the uzjuly-2/ Reform and the Orthodox Jews of Germany. He aimed at increasing the distance between Rav Nissim Chaim Moshe Mizrachi (Rishon L'Tzion of Yerushalayim, Admas authentic Yiddishkeit and those who wished to Kodesh) (Tammuz 4) destroy it. Rav Chaim Moshe Mandel (Mekubel in Bnei Brak) (Tammuz 4) Rav Azriel had an unusual capacity for work;

- 7 of 29 - Rav Yisroel was widely known as a Kadosh V’tahor, as he practiced a hallowed lifestyle, eschewing all worldly pleasures for Avodas Rav Mordechai Shakovitzky (Tammuz 4) Hashem.

Rav Mordechai Shakovitzky, Rav in Leeds During the lifetime of his father he moved to (England), Rosh Kollel in Johannesburg where Stashov, where his father’s brother, Rav he was one of the founders of the South African Mordechai, resided. After the petira of his Kiruv Movement, and later Rosh Yeshivas father, the Ohr LaShamayim, he led a sizable Pischei Teshuva Yerushalayim. He was the son flock in Stashov, while his brother remained in of Rav Naftali Hakohein Shakovitzky, the their father’s hometown of . Gateshead Rav before Rav Mordechai Miller, and son-in-law of Rav Zalman Yosef Aloni Rav Yisroel, like his father, embodied Dveikus Dubow (Rav and Av Beis Din of Dublin, to Hashem. He opened the hearts of his fellow Ireland). (1998) Jews through his powerful Niggunim of Dveikus. Like his father, he was an extraordinary ba’al tefillo; his emotional tefillos would cause every heart to yearn for the Creator. Rav Yisroel Hurwitz (Tammuz 5)

His son, Rav Yaakov Yitzchok of Yavunitch, son- Rav Yisroel was the son of Rav Meir Halevi of in-law of Rav Menashe of Ropshitz, succeeded Apta, the Ohr LaShamayim. him.

His father, Rav Meir, succeeded to theYehi zichro boruch. Rabbonus in Apta, Poland, after the Ohev Yisroel, Rav Avrohom Yehoshua Heschel, moved to Jassy, Romania. The Ohr LaShamayim uzjuly-3/ led one of the largest flocks of Chassidim at the time, drawing from all over Poland and Galicia, Rav Yissocher Dov Berish of Istrik (Tammuz 5) and was known for his great kedusha that profoundly affected the Chassidic landscape of Rav Betzalel Yehoshua of Galina Poland. Rav Meir was also known for negina (Tammuz 5) (music), with which he achieved closeness to Rav Yosef Kotenfelen (Botei Nefesh) Hashem. (Tammuz 5)

Rav Ezriel Meir Eiger of Lublin Rav Meir was survived by his sons Rav Pinchas (Takonas Rabim) (Tammuz 5) and Rav Yisroel. Rav Bentzion Shemtov (Tammuz 5)

- 8 of 29 - with distinction. Rav Chaim Di La Roza (Tammuz 6)

Rav Shaul Lowenstam (Rav of He also headed the thriving Beit E-l Yeshiva in Amsterdam, Binyan Ariel) (Tammuz 6) Yerushalayim, from which many talmidim Rav Boruch of Nanash (Tammuz 6) emerged to become Gedolei Yisroel.

Rav Dovid Tzvi Taub of Neishtat (Chemdas Dovid) (Tammuz 6) Rav Yisroel Yaakov served as Rav in the Yerushalayim kehilla until his petira on the Rav Moshe of Kossov (Leket Oni) sixth day of Tammuz 5516/1756. (Tammuz 6)

Rav Dovid Hakohen Katz Bistritz Rav Yisroel Yaakov led a quiet life. He avoided (Beis Dovid, Av Beis Din of Micheldorf) the limelight, served Hashem and refused to (Tammuz 6) publish his chiddushim. Nevertheless, he was Rav Aharon Levine (Avnei Chefetz, revered by Rabbonim of the time. Av Beis Din of Reisha) (Tammuz 6)

The Sha’ar HaMelech, when mentioning him in his sefarim, would call him “a holy and humble Chassid.” Rav Yisroel Yaakov Algazi Ar'a D'Rabbanan (Tammuz 6) However, in 5497/1737 he came down with a debilitating illness and the doctors practically Rav Yisroel Yaakov was born about 5440/1680. gave up on his life. Rav Yisroel Yaakov, in his His father was Rav Yom Tov Algazi, son of Rav eis tzora, vowed to publish his chiddushim. Shlomo Algazi, the mechaber of Yavin Shemua. Miraculously, his health was restored.

The Algazi family was a distinguished one; the In the end, Rav Yisroel Yaakov published many family produced many Rabbonim and Roshei seforim which somewhat reveal his greatness in Yeshiva. Torah.

From his youth, Rav Yisroel Yaakov was Among his twenty-five seforim are Ar’a renowned as a talmid chochom. He was a d’Rabbanan; Emes L’Yaakov; Ne’os Yaakov; personal attendant to the venerated Rabbonim Sheima Yaakov; She’eiris Yaakov and Klal of Yerushalayim. Godol. Ar’a d’Rabbanan was reprinted many times, and was given a commentary by Rav After the petira of the Batei Kehuna, Rav in Yehuda Ayash with the name Afra De’ar’a. Yerushalayim, Rav Yisroel Yaakov was called upon to fill the post that was vacated. He His son was the well-known Ri”t Algazi, who served the Sephardic Kehilla in Yerushalayim continued his father’s legacy and was a Godol

- 9 of 29 - b’Yisroel in his own right. Talmud Yerushalami.

Yehi zichro boruch. Rav Simcha Bunim was niftar on 7 Tammuz 5752 (1992) and was interred in the cave of the Gerrer on Har Hazeisim. uzjuly-4/ (Yair Alpert - Rav Shmuel Madjar (Av Beis Din Yerushalayim) (Tammuz 6) Rav Yosef Osher Ehrenberg (Av Beis Din of Premishlan, Divrei Emes) (Tammuz Rav Yitzchok Chaim Krisnetzky (Rosh 7) Yeshivas Metzuyanim Yerushalayim) (Tammuz 6) Rav Yisroel Chaim (Perach Ha'aviv) (Tammuz 7) Rav Boruch Tumim Frankel of Leipnik (Boruch Ta'am) (Tammuz 7) Rav Yechiel Yehuda Isacsohn (Founder of Yeshivas Toras Emes Los Rav Aharon Moshe of 'Migeza Tzvi' of Angeles) (Tammuz 7) Brody (Tammuz 7)

Rav Gedalia Schorr Beis Medrash Elyon Rav Simcha Bunim Alter Lev Simcha Monsey, Yeshiva Torah Voda'as Brooklyn (Tammuz 7) (Tammuz 7)

Rav Simcha Bunim Alter, also known as the Lev Rav Gedalia Schorr (1911-1979). Born in the Simcha after the works he authored, was the town of Istrik to Rav Avraham Schorr, a fifth Rebbe of Ger, a position he held from 1977 Rizhiner chasid, Rav Gedalyah moved to until 1992. America with his family at the age of 10 and was one of the first students of Mesivta Torah The Alter mishpacha managed to escape from Vodaas uner Rav Shraga Feivel Mendlowitz. He Poland during the Holocaust to Eretz Yisroel. joined the first group of the Daf Yomi cycle Prior to becoming Rebbe of Ger, Rav Simcha when he was 12 years old, and started Bunim Alter was supposedly extremely delivering shiur on the Daf when he was 15. At successful as a businessman, although it is not Torah Vodaas, he studied with Rav Dovid known what line of business he was in. During Leibowitz, grandson of the Chafetz Chaim’s the time of his leadership, Ger grew greatly in brother. When he was 20, he began giving shiur Eretz Yisroel. He continued the family tradition at the Mesivta. After he was married, he left for of vigorous leadership of the Agudas Yisroel Europe to study under Rav Aharon Kotler at party in the Knesset. Rav Simcha Bunim Kletsk. However, one year later, he was told by instituted the daily learning of a page of the American consul in Warsaw to return home

- 10 of 29 - because of the imminent danger. He worked Rav Mordechai Twersky of Kuzhmir closely with Agudas Yisrael’s rescue efforts (Maamar Mordechai, Reb Mottele of during the war. In 1946, he was appointed Kuzhmir) (Tammuz 8) menahel ruchni, along with Rav Yaakov Rav Chaim Mashash (Nishmas Chaim) Kamenetsky, of Mesivta Torah Vodaas, a post (Tammuz 8) he maintained for 33 years. In 1956, after the death of Rav Reuven Grozovsky, he also became Rosh Yeshiva of Beis Medrash Elyon, the post-graduate division of Torah Vodaas. His discourses have been collected in the sefer Ohr Gedalyahu.

Rebbetzin Raizel Portugal Skulener Rebbetzin (Tammuz 7)

Rebbetzin Raizel Portugal, the Skulener Rebbetzin (1925-2005). Born in Yapa, Romania, a city near Sighet, Romania. Her father, Rav Menachem Zev Stern, one of the talmidim of the Satmar Rebbe, was the Rav of Vishava, Romania, and later of Givat Shaul. Her mother was the daughter of Rav Meir Barnet, the Baal Divrei Meir.

Shlomo Wertheim of Savaran (Tammuz 8)

Rav Meir Horowitz (Imrei Noam, Dzikover Rebbe) (Tammuz 8)

Rav Yosef Alter Hager of Radovitz (Tammuz 8)

Rav Chaim Mordechai Yaakov of Mishkoltz (Yakel Yaakov) (Tammuz 8)

Rav Eliyahu (Siach Yitzchok, Rosh Beis Din of Chevron) (Tammuz 8)

- 11 of 29 - Gedolim Be'Masayhem


opened to connect them, possible topic for the young Rav Pinchas HaLevi Horowitz the Haflo'oh, which was closed, but not all man’s upcoming derosha, Rav of Frankfurt (Tammuz the way. It happened that since he was a chosson, and at 4) when a young man entered, his chasuna he would be asked dressed in modern German to deliver a derosha as was the How Rav Pinchas Learned style with a short coat, he was custom in those days. Rav Torah So True That Even shown to Rav Pinchas’s room. Pinchas began to recite a Rova Agreed This young man had studied statement in the Gemora, with Rav Pinchas in Frankfurt “Amar Rova – Rova said,” and Rav Yisrael of Rizhin once and they rejoiced at the proceeded to ask no less than recounted what he had heard reunion and began to speak in twenty-two questions and from Rav Yitzchok of Radvil learning. Meanwhile, in the difficulties with this Gemora. how the two holy brothers, the next connecting room, the He then answered all twenty- Rebbe Reb Shmelke of Rebbe Reb Shmelke sat two questions with one answer Nikolsberg and Rav Pinchas of wrapped in his tallis, crowned in one fell swoop! Because the Frankfurt were once both in his tefillin all day as was his door between the two guests in the home of Rav custom, speaking only in adjoining rooms was slightly Michele Zlotshuver when he Torah and learning andajar, the Rebbe Reb Shmelke was away. He left instructions engaging in no idle, mundane heard this entire exchange, to make them feel at home and chatter and his main language got up, entered the room and honor them as befit important of speech was in Loshon said, “My holy brother, that is guests. Kodesh! the whole truth. That explanation and the answer They were given adjoining Rav Pinchas and his talmid you gave is exactly the rooms that had a door were discussing aloud a meaning of that statement in between them that could be

- 12 of 29 - the Gemora by Rova. I know people under his care. Such understood helping a fellow this because Rova just visited private favors were anJew as an obligation to me in my room and he himself essential part of his life; they Hashem, not as a means of told me that you got it right had always been a major accumulating the IOUs on and that is exactly what he component of his broad which power is built. Other meant!” This is the story that definition of his duties and Yeshiva matters were brought Rav Yitzchok of Radvil told the responsibilities, both as a Jew up, and then he left for the Rizhiner that he himself had and as a Rosh Yeshiva. While day. witnessed in his father’s home there, he became engaged in between these two holy an impromptu discussion that Tomorrow would have been brothers. (Menora HaTehora involved another of those another day; in fact, it might p. 15 #17) duties and responsibilities. well have become a historic one for Torah institutions Someone had sharplythroughout the metropolitan Rav Gedalia Schorr Beis criticized another person. The area. Rav Schorr had become Medrash Elyon Monsey, Yeshiva Torah Voda'as Rosh Yeshiva responded with the acknowledged leader and Brooklyn (Tammuz 7) the calm and good humor that principal spokesman for were his trademarks. The Yeshivos in a new initiative Concealing His Greatness conversation was not pleasant; with the Federation of Jewish he maintained his composure Philanthropies of New York, By Rabbi Nosson Scherman with difficulty, but would not which, if successful, could permit another human being’s have resulted in a major (This article originallyworth to be dragged down. victory in the constant appeared in the JewishSuch experiences werestruggle to stave off financial Observer and is available by especially taxing for him, catastrophe for Torah ArtScroll/Mesorah because of the nature of the education. For the next day he Publications ~ discussion and because it was had called a meeting of characteristic of him torepresentatives of major The last day of Rav Gedalia recognize the justice on both Yeshivos with Federation Schorr’s life was typical of so sides of a seeminglyofficials. It was not his style to many others, especially in his unbridgeable chasm. The call meetings, but these later years. It should have person he defended that institutions looked to him as been a quieter day than most. Sunday would never learn the ones that could best The official Yeshiva school what had happened. Rav represent them. In his quiet, year was over. Nonetheless, Schorr never told people what unassuming way – and with Rav Schorr had gone to the he had done for them, because the characteristic shrug that Yeshiva to arrange personal they would have beensaid, “Couldn’t you find favors for a few of the young embarrassed, and because he someone better?” he acceded.

- 13 of 29 - In an informal meeting on the opposite was true. So quick trained Rav Schorr. issue with a Federation leader, were his thoughts, so profound his combination of Torah his insights, so complex his He spoke, as he always did, aristocracy, passionatetapestry, so original his ideas, with his head cocked slightly sincerity, gentle wit and so well-documented histo one side and his eyes winning personality hadreferences, so wide-ranging closed. He seemed to shut out achieved a significanthis allusions, that only the the world. He was breakthrough. Anothermost learned of his listeners communicating Hashem’s meeting with another key could truly comprehend and Torah; the orator’s techniques leader was to be arranged fully appreciate his mastery of – eye contact, voice later in the week. content. modulation, dramatic effects – held no interest for him. He But that Yeshiva meeting At this particular Sheva was thinking as he spoke would be the next day. That Berochos, most of his listeners because his brilliant mind was night – Sunday evening, the were Polish Chassidim of never at rest, adding asides 7th of Tammuz, 5739/July, scholarly background. They and new flashes of insight. 1979 – he would be at the could appreciate better than Though he eschewed rhetoric, Sheva Berochos of a talmid most his command of Sfas the beauty of his thought and his bride. Emes, Rav Tzodok of Lublin, would frequently find Maharal and the other masters expression in felicity of Rav Schorr was asked to whose thoughts Rav Schorr phrase. As he spoke then, he speak. The aggravation of the expounded and interpreted in smiled and said that day and the tension of the a manner both unique and forgiveness of sins on the morrow disappeared from his awe-inspiring. A few days wedding day is Hashem’s consciousness as he immersed before, he had spoken at the derosha geshank (gift) to himself in the world he knew bris mila of the infant son of a chosson and kalla. and loved best – the world of former talmid, now a Torah. The riches of his vast prominent Yeshiva educator. Delivering both these talks, at treasury of knowledge would Then, his most enthralled and the bris and at the Sheva be culled for appropriate admiring listener had been a Berochos, must have been verses, passages and thoughts. senior Rosh Yeshiva in one of difficult, for he had not been Some famous speakersAmerica’s most distinguished well either day. But his captivate the majority of their Lithuanian-type Yeshivos. That listeners detected no audiences, but generally, the Rosh Yeshiva, a distinguished weakness either time. Torah greater the scholarship of an European Talmid Chochom was his life, and gave him individual listener, the more and exponent of Mussar, vigor. Perhaps that youthful unimpressed, even bored, he unabashedly expressed his exhilaration was Hashem’s gift will be. With Rav Schorr the esteem for the American- to him, in return for the pride,

- 14 of 29 - glory and growth he gave the Years Of Promise that year, but he would not cause of Torah in this New discuss details. From the time World where people said it He was born to Rav Avrohom he reached his middle teens, it could never take root. HaLevi Schorr and his wife in was his practice to study all Istrick, a Galician shtetl near through Thursday night and He finished his talk and sat Pszemiszl, in CheshvanFriday, deliver a shiur after down. The fatigue showed. 5671(1910). They named him the evening meal to fellow The Polish-bred Rosh Yeshiva after his paternal grandfather, mispallelim at the Zeirei next to him expressedGedalia, a highly respected Agudas Yisrael of appreciation. A former talmid Talmid Chochom and close Williamsburg, and only then and current friend (Rav Schorr Chassid of the Sadigerer go to sleep. never learned to keep people Rebbe, grandson of the holy at the arm’s length that Rav Yisrael of Rizhin. Like his Word spread that in America a engenders awe) approached father and grandfather, the youngster was developing into smilingly with hand extended. young Gedalia became a a Torah giant of European He had left the Bais Medrash diligent scholar and devout proportions. That was of Torah Vodaas over twenty- Chassid. The Schorr family astonishing and inspiring for a five years earlier, and was now came to America when he was country where one could count a grandfather. He shook hands twelve years old, settling first the high school-level Yeshivos with his Rebbe and said, on the Lower East Side and on the fingers of one hand and “When I hear you speak it then moving to Williamsburg. still have fingers to spare. The reminds me of my Yeshiva Rav Gedalia dedicated himself revered Rav of Lublin, Rav days.” Rav Schorr smiled and to learning with a passion that Meir Shapiro, spent many said, “Takeh, takeh, emes.” he maintained throughout his months in the United States (Indeed, indeed. True.) life. when Rav Schorr was not yet twenty. As was his wont, the His head then fell forward. On the fast of the 17th of Lubliner Rav sought out The American Torah world had Tammuz, when he was fifteen, promising young men and lost its greatest product. he learned through the entire discussed their studies with World Jewry had lost one of its Masseches Sukka, not leaving them. Of the young Gedalia greatest, most well-rounded his Gemora from morning until Schorr he said, “He has the Gedolim. And the still-Maariv. For a period of over a most brilliant mind I have unfinished process would year, he remained in an come across in America, and begin of attempting to reveal upstairs room of the family one of the most brilliant in the the true picture of a man who home, studying Torah without world.” devoted much of his genius to interruption. His mother, concealing his greatness from always solicitous of his study, Freshness And Brilliance even his closest intimates. brought him his meals. He completed several tractates During those formative years,

- 15 of 29 - he developed the all-approach is never stale.” The Despite his scholastic embracing range of Torah same thing might have been achievements and the awe in knowledge that was almost said of himself. which he was held by people uniquely his. His lightning two generations older, he was grasp and incisiveRav Shraga Feivel Mendlowitz, never a cloistered, other- comprehension wereMenahel of Torah Vodaas and worldly figure. complemented by thea prime architect of the phenomenal memory. Shortly Yeshiva movement in America, In Williamsburg, like in other before his passing, helooked to Rav Schorr as his American Jewish communities remarked in a casualown successor and as one of of yesteryear, most Jews conversation to a nephew that the leaders of the nextconfined Shabbos to the he had not seen a certain sefer generation. mothballs with the other since he had learned it family heirlooms. Rav Schorr through at the age of nineteen. When Rav Schorr was only and another young man would He then proceeded to quote twenty-one years old, Rav prepare makeshift platforms of from it as though he had seen Mendlowitz appointed him to milk boxes or garbage cans on it only yesterday. That sort of conduct the highest shiur in Friday afternoons at the intellectual brilliance is the Mesivta Torah Vodaas. In later corner of Lee Avenue and bane of many a genius; things years, when Rav Shlomo Hewes Street. On Shabbos, come so easily to them that Heiman, Rosh Yeshiva of Rav Schorr would mount the they seldom use their full Torah Vodaas, became ill and platform and speak in Yiddish potential. But, although he was unable to carry on his on behalf of the holy Shabbos, grew up at a time when the duties for a year and a half, followed by his colleague, who American Yeshivos offered Rav Shlomo asked that Rav spoke in English. little stimulating competition, Schorr replace him for the Rav Schorr was driven by a duration of the illness. Those Although Rav Schorr was the relentless desire to achieve were the years when heads teacher, acknowledged Talmid Torah greatness. His mind was would turn in Williamsburg at Chochom and prime spiritual inquisitive, voracious and the sight of a tall, handsome, force of the Williamsburg fresh. youthful man stridingZeirei during those years, he energetically down the street was not above sweeping and Always ready to praise others, surrounded by others barely mopping the shul on Friday pinpointing their precise area his junior who addressed him afternoons when it was his of excellence, he once said of as Rebbe, while peppering him turn. And when Rav Shlomo someone, “He has the unusual with questions on the day’s Heiman was coming to ability to look at a passage of shiur. America with his Rebbetzin to Talmud as though he had become Rosh Yeshiva of Torah never seen it before; his A Man Of Here And Now Vodaas, Rav Mendlowitz

- 16 of 29 - assigned Rav Schorr the task water pumped from anthree well-known specialists. of finding and furnishing a outdoor well like everyone Upon returning home from the suitable apartment for them. else, but at least she and her last doctor, while taking off his husband had mattresses to hat and coat, he said to the Kletzk sleep on! To his distress, Rav confidant who had arranged Schorr discovered that the the appointments, “Call Rav In the 1930s, Rav Schorr had family of his Rebbe, Rav Schorr, I must discuss this reached the virtual zenith of Aharon, slept on straw. That, with him. Er hot nit nor a his profession. Still in his the young Rosh Yeshiva- gutte kop, nor a glatte kop – twenties, he was a leading turned-student could not Not only does he have a good Rosh Yeshiva in the western tolerate, so he dipped into his head, but he has a clear, hemisphere’s premier Torah meager savings to purchase logical mind.” institution. But that sort of mattresses for Rav Aharon and “making it” was not his goal. the Rebbetzin. For the rest of The Roots In Rizhin His definition of success was his life, Rav Schorr considered constant striving to grow in During the Sukkos and Pesach Rav Aharon his Rebbe. On his Torah and fear of Hashem. He that he spent in Europe, Rav desk at home, he kept Rav had met many European Schorr experienced his Aharon’s picture. During 1940, Roshei Yeshiva who had been family’s Chassidic roots. He when the Kletzker Rosh forced to raise funds in spent one Pesach Seder at the Yeshiva was making his way America for their table of Rav Moshe’nyu through Siberia to Japan and impoverished institutions and Boyaner of Cracow, a scion of finally to the United States, he destitute students, heard their the Rizhiner dynasty. He was a corresponded with Rav Schorr, lectures, and spoken with widely renowned Talmid relying on him to secure visas, them; but he was most Chochom; Chassidim came to papers and tickets for his attracted to Rav Aharon him as a Rebbe and arrival in America. The letters Kotler. Soon after his marriage Misnagdim came to him for his and documents of those to Shifra Isbee in 1938, Rav Torah. Rav Schorr was deeply harrowing months are still in Schorr left Torah Vodaas, moved by that Seder; the possession of the Schorr accompanied by his wife, to undoubtedly it influenced his family. study in Kletzk under Rav own family Sedorim, occasions Aharon. that formed indelible Rav Aharon had described Rav memories of seriousness, joy Schorr as the first American By the standards of Kletzk, and uplift to all who were Godol, and it was not an empty without indoor plumbing and present. appellation. He respected him other rudimentary necessities and consulted him. Once Rav of any American hovel, the He met his relatives in little Aharon suffered severe Schorrs were well-to-do. Istrick, among them his intestinal pain and consulted Rebbetzin Schorr had to use mother’s brother Yitzchok,

- 17 of 29 - who was niftar later that year branch. person there was weeping, and whom he described as an and determined to give first unusual Gaon. He heard more The War Years priority to rescue work. On a about a Dayan of whom his sub-freezing January Shabbos When the war broke out, Rav mother had spoken, a man he walked from Williamsburg Schorr returned to his who had written a brilliant to Boro Park to make an teaching position in Torah commentary on K’tzos appeal. He arrived, numb and Vodaas and simultaneously HaChoshen, and of whom it frozen – but the freezing in the began a parallel chapter of his was said, “When he serves as ghettos was worse, so he life. Europe’s Jewry was on the town Dayan, no one can came. He owned one personal brink of destruction, while in believe he is a Chassid; and treasure: a Vilna Shas that he America little was being done when he sits humbly at his had purchased in Europe to save it. The Williamsburg Rebbe’s tisch in Chortkov, no several years earlier. He sold Zeirei at 616 Bedford Avenue one can believe he is a great it for $80, which he became a beehive of hatzola Talmid Chochom.” Perhaps contributed to the rescue work. Funds, food packages, Rav Schorr was inspired by effort. immigration affidavits, that description; certainly it intervention with Washington could have been applied to In later years, he refused to – every possible avenue was him as well. discuss his wartime hatzola pursued, and thousands of work. To the pleadings of his lives were saved, thanks to the Powerful influences came to children to tell them, he would work of the idealistic, play on him that year. They reply as he did to similar unselfish young activists of reinforced his convictions and requests, “The Rizhiner used 616. The leader of the hatzola aspirations: there must be an to say that Hashem is zochair work was Reb Elimelech uncompromising dedication to nishkochos – He remembers “Mike” Tress; and the spiritual rigorous growth in Torah what is forgotten; He leader of the Zeirei, and of scholarship; public acclaim is remembers what we forget. If Mike, was Rav Schorr. Close a dangerous chimera that can we forget our sins, as though friends, they gave one another impede, but never advance they had never occurred, He inspiration and support, each one’s personal growth; a will remember them. If we in his own way. moment is too precious to forget the bit of good we have waste; each fellow Jew is part done and think instead of how Scores of people still of one’s own being and we must still perfect remember the Shabbos when destiny. His road toward ourselves, He will remember Rav Schorr received a report Hashem’s service had been our accomplishments. What is about exterminations and the charted by Rav Aharon and by remembered below is need for rescue efforts. He the Rizhiner Chassidus, forgotten Above. What is spoke to the minyan during particularly its Sadigura forgotten below is the services until every single

- 18 of 29 - remembered Above.” high-school senior in Torah finding positions and solving Vodaas. The boy hoped to myriad other problems – The Man - A Torah Based remain in the Yeshiva, but his professional, personal, Compassion parents wanted him to leave emotional and financial. He for college. Rav Schorr felt was always ready to help with Rav Schorr combined that a layman could more advice, a telephone call and compassion for the suffering effectively influence thepersonal intervention. Many of of an individual with a strong parents than a Rosh Yeshiva. those who eulogized him were sense of community, not The visit was successful, but, former students who are now simply as a matter of extended because he had promised to at the top of their professions. sensitivity or warm emotions, remain silent, the emissary A common thread in their but rather from a fully told no one of his mission until appreciations, and in the rounded conception of the after Rav Schorr was niftar. private conversations of Torah’s demands upon him as Only then did the former hundreds of others, was that a Jew, as teacher, leader, student, now a noted Torah he was like a father. One husband, father, and member educator, learn of the incident. distinguished Rav, who lost his of Klal Yisrael. He acted as a own mother shortly after Rav Jew fulfilling Hashem’s Rav Schorr was traveling with Schorr’s passing, likened the mission to serve others – with a professor who had no two in terms of his sense of or without their request or Yeshiva background but who personal loss. even their knowledge, helping attended a Daf Yomi session even those who had abused his every morning. The professor When the beloved cook of Bais friendship and good nature. had not been able to attend his Medrash Elyon, Rav Leib shiur, and was attempting to Apfeldorfer, passed away, Rav As teacher, Rav Schorr went learn the daf on the train. Rav Schorr was one of those who with impoverished students to Schorr asked, “Would you escorted the niftar to Kennedy purchase Pesach outfits for mind if we learned together? I Airport to be taken to Eretz them. He often expressed didn’t learn today’s daf yet, Yisrael for burial. Rav Schorr surprised disappointment at either.” Recalling the trip, the was shocked to learn that the the idea that a Rebbe had no professor says, “He surely niftar was to remain on a obligation to tend to the didn’t need me, but he knew I cargo truck unattended until personal needs of his students. was struggling, so he gave up loaded onto the plane by non- his time to teach me a blatt Jews. He asked for permission Twenty-eight years before his Gemora, and made me feel to stay in the truck but was passing, he secretly arranged that I was doing him a favor.” told that El Al security guards for a successful professional ran flashlights across the man to “happen to pass by” Students often needed help in truck bed when it reached the the store owned by people arranging suitable matches, plane and were authorized to whose son was a promising

- 19 of 29 - shoot if they came across the regular Yeshivaunderstanding of the text. The anyone without clearance. For curriculum. In Talmud, for pace was quick and the a suitable consideration, example, he gave latecontent tightly reasoned. The however, the driver would afternoon classes in tractate manner, like much of his park the truck so that the Mikvaos or in the complex Rav speaking and teaching, had a people with the coffin would Chanina S’gan HaKohanim lightness and ease that belied not be seen provided they lie (Pesochim 14a–21a), which are its penetrating depth. He had flat on the floor. So the elderly invariably omitted from the a way of choosing the essence Rosh Yeshiva climbed into the Yeshiva curriculum. of a commentary as it related truck with three students, and to textual interpretation, and set aside his dignity for the His greatest impact onof categorizing each thought – more glorious task of paying a American-Torah life, however, whether as basic, as a witty final honor to a man who had came from his horizon-aside (a vitz), or as any served the Yeshiva with loyalty stretching classes and lectures number of in-between and dedication. in hashkofa/perspective. He varieties of elucidation. regularly taught Rav Moshe All of these incidents are Chaim Luzzatto’s Derech Seeing The Shiur Live typical of the man’s mind and Hashem to Bais Medrash His regular weekly and pre- heart, as is the fact that they students. Many students holiday shmuessen were were done quietly or secretly. attended voluntary classes in dazzling. The reaction of any Kuzari; often he would return seasoned scholar who heard His Influence As Rebbe to the Yeshiva for late-night him for the first time was sessions in other limudim He was appointed menahel of invariably one of awe that so (topics), to accommodate the Torah Vodaas in 1948 and much could be compressed schedules of interested began functioning as Rosh into so brief a time: “There is students. For many years, he Yeshiva in 1958, delivering enough content in one taught Chumash every weekly shiurim in Bais shmuess to provide someone morning. Those half-hour Medrash Elyon. Even when he else with material for five classes were classic examples was not formally teaching, difficult one-hour lectures.” of his mastery of text and however, his greatest Scriptural verses, Medrash, commentaries. He would offer satisfaction was as a Rebbe. Ramban, Maharal, Sfas Emes, major interpretations, spicing Throughout his long tenure as Rav Tzodok – commentator them with incisive elucidations menahel and Rosh Yeshiva, he after commentator, with one and relevant asides. It was not was conscious of the need to verbatim quote after another, uncommon for him to cite broaden the Torah horizons of streamed forth. fifteen or twenty sources in a American Yeshiva students, so single half-hour class, all he made a point of teaching So casual was his style and so important to a clear subjects that were outside of involved was he with the ideas

- 20 of 29 - he was developing, that the paper robbed of the sight and tedious, when first they were uninitiated thought he spoke sound of his unique delivery, presented, but after constant without preparation. No, the the total sincerity of his nurturing, they took root preparation was there – not demand that Bnei Torah not imperceptibly and produced only a lifetime of intense be satisfied with “getting by”, rich crops that continue to be study, but forethought for the the eloquent expression that replanted and reharvested. particular talk. But as he the study of Torah is the spoke, new flashes ofutmost privilege. To those who His effectiveness as leader of a brilliance came to mind. He had the wisdom to hear him Yeshiva seemed to suffer would often smile at a new rather than merely sit before because harshness was foreign thought, sometimes share the him, those memories are an to his nature, and students thoughts with his audience, Oral Torah to which no pen often respond better to the sometimes not – and always can do justice. fear of punishment or punctuate his remarks with a displeasure than to emotional touch of wry humor. Planting The Seeds or intellectual appeal. Nevertheless, his gentle and He often spoke of zeria He was a perfect illustration of sincere blend of heart and (planting). “The deeds of the one of his major themes. He mind molded students in quiet Patriarchs were like seeds often cited Mabit, Rav Tzodok ways that they frequently planted in antiquity that bore and others who explain that recognized only later as fruit in their posterity. The the reason it was forbidden to adults, when in positions of Psalmist sings of ‘light commit the Oral Law to community or family implanted for the Tzaddik’, writing was because paper leadership. representing the idea that cannot capture the vibrant spiritual illumination does not process of a teacher There is a common come and disappear like a transmitting knowledge denominator among them that, flash of lightning; it takes root through the agency of his upon honest analysis, can be in a suitable host and personality. The essence of a attributed to his influence – continuously grows within human being cannot be put on scholarship with a breadth as him, producing ever higher paper; the transcription of his well as a depth, that Sfas levels of spiritual words can never adequately Emes-Rav Tzodok approach to accomplishment.” Rav capture the soul that is part of Judaism, informality and Schorr’s students of a the teaching process. For friendliness, humor aimed at generation ago still reap the those who lived through a helping rather than hurting, benefits of ideas and thought- learning experience with Rav reluctance to accept honors, processes that he implanted Schorr, the best illustration of gentle mocking of the within them. The spiritual the concept is the mere perquisites of position, seeds seemed to be esoteric thought of seeing his words on dedication to Lithuanian and incomprehensible, even

- 21 of 29 - lomdus and Chassidic warmth, must recognize that it is his all available time. “Learning joy and introspection, a sense privilege as well as hishalf the time with full of responsibility andresponsibility to live up to his concentration is better than generosity. role and be one of those whom learning all the time with half Hashem wishes to be His.” concentration, because the Elevating One's Goals latter is not truly learning.” Such was his emphasis. And “How can a bochur yawn? Many young people face the Students should elevate their Torah study demands interest difficult choice between own sights, not denigrate and enthusiasm; then, there dedicating their lives to Torah others. The goal of the Yeshiva can be no yawning boredom.” study and education, and was to instill a dedication to He would cite the Talmudic turning to more lucrative Torah study because it made passage interpreting the careers in secular life. As Rosh its adherents closer toScriptural posuk that Yeshiva, Rav Schorr’s opinion Hashem, not because it is describes Benoyohu ben was important to many. impossible to be a Torah Jew Yehoyoda as having killed a Typically he would say, in the professions or business. lion on a snowy day. The “Hashem says, ‘I have He was pained by theTalmud comments separated you from the polarization that began to homiletically that Benoyohu nations to be Mine’ (Vayikra cause a rift between those who studied all of Toras Kohanim 20:26), to which Rashi chose to be exclusively in in a short, wintry day. Rav comments that if Jews are Hashem’s service, and those Schorr noted the comparison separate from the nations, who sought to keep a foot in between a man in battle and a they are Hashem’s people, but the outside world even while scholar taking on a difficult if they do not hold themselves maintaining their primary study. “Just as a man fighting unique, they will be prey to allegiance to the Baisa lion, especially in the cold, Nevuchadnezzar and his ilk. Medrash. The result of his slippery winter, must give the Our essential goal cannot be efforts was imbuing some with fray his total concentration, so only to avoid the massacres of heightened aspirations based must a Torah scholar dedicate Nevuchadnezzar. Rather, it is on a perception of thehimself totally in order to to fulfill the mission for which greatness of Torah, while emerge victorious in his we were chosen. The question causing others not to feel struggle to master Torah.” is not whether the world alienated despite their choices requires doctors, lawyers, of careers in other areas. Surely, too, it was no accident accountants, bricklayers and that ten years earlier in Bais mechanics. It does. But we In the same elevating manner, Medrash Elyon (in Monsey) a were designated to be he urged talmidim to study group of his students Hashem’s nation – the nation with all their strength and unobtrusively organized an all- of the Torah. And each concentration as well as with year, around-the-clock individual Yeshiva student

- 22 of 29 - learning schedule so that trapped in Europe. He had increasingly become people were studying in the one of those men to whom Bais Medrash every hour of In 1952, he dispatched a people turned for guidance the day and night. Or that group of Torah Vodaasand leadership in matters of among the significant number students to help found an out- the utmost gravity. One who studied all of Thursday of-town Yeshiva. When the colleague in AARTS night until dawn, some were Yeshiva was in a state of (Association of Advanced sure to be at the minyan financial collapse and could Rabbinical and Talmudic Friday morning, in response to not provide for the personal Schools) said, “When a new his insistence that greatness in needs of the students, Rav problem arose – one to which Torah must never beSchorr took a personal loan of we had not yet formulated an purchased by the negation of $3,800 for the institution. It approach – he was suggesting tefilla or other responsibilities. took him three years to repay solutions when the rest of us the debt from his own limited had still not fully assimilated The Other Role salary. Scores of kollel fellows all aspects of the problem. His and Yeshiva students received grasp and power of analysis As the numbers of kollel personal checks from him were phenomenal.” candidates grew, so grew the when institutional budgets financial burdens of Yeshivos. could not fulfill theirWhen he was confronted with Now that the struggle to gain obligations. The extent of a responsibility, he would not allegiance to the kollel these private generosities and shirk it. Often he attended concept had been won, how personal debts incurred to meetings when he was ill. could young men be told that cover institutionalTurning aside inquiries about their Yeshivos could not responsibilities is unknown. his haggard appearance with a provide even the minimal After his passing, however, a joke, he participated actively kollel stipend? Rav Schorr drawerful of stale Yeshiva while only his closest friends began to take increasing checks was found in his desk; knew that he was not at his personal responsibility for he had covered them for best. So much had his financial matters – first the others with his own borrowed presence come to be part of the Bais Medrash Elyon funds. appreciated at such Kollel and then the Yeshiva’s gatherings, that key meetings dining room; finally for the To the public at large, Rav were not scheduled unless he Torah Vodaas Kollel in Schorr was the Torah genius was available. Brooklyn. This voluntary and educator; but he played acceptance of obligations was another role that, especially in What was unique about him? characteristic of the Rebbe the last decade, made him one One major figure in the Torah who had felt it his duty to buy of the most important Torah world, a person who has been Pesach suits for his students, personalities in the country. at the center of decision- and sell his Shas to help Jews

- 23 of 29 - making for decades, put it this such considerations are but An examination of his public way, “He was a Gaon in both transitory. Rav Schorr saw career reveals one Nigle (revealed Torah) and in Agudas Yisrael as he did characteristic that was at once Nistar (the hidden Torah). everything else, in terms of a stamp of greatness and its What is more, he had a wealth Yisrael’s historic role. Because mask. Call it modesty, call it of stories about, and insights he was a Torah genius, he self-effacement, call it into, the great Torah leaders could understand the motives disinterest in fame – whatever of past generations. Heof those Torah geniuses who its name, he displayed a total scrutinized a situation through had conceived Agudas Yisrael disregard for the minimal the eyes of Torah and its at Kattowitz (1912), and marks of status with apparent perspective of history. To say brought it to fruition at Vienna indifference to his position on that he was a genius is to tell (1922). In two presentations at a program or at a dais, the only part of the story. He was his latest Agudah conventions honor accorded him at a a Torah genius who combined – once projecting a Torah-view wedding or a bris; what did it everything that was needed to of Agudah, the other time matter whether or not he make life and deathdelivering an appreciation of received personal credit, as decisions.” the late Gerrer Rebbe, he long as Hashem was served, painted broad strokesthe community benefited, and A Committed Agudist beginning at Sinai and going an individual uplifted. It was through the ages. Seenthus all too easy to think that It was because of this same through his eyes, neither because he put his friendly all-embracing perspective that Agudas Yisrael nor its leaders arm around a shoulder and he was a conscious, committed represented mere tactics or was a friend, that he need be Agudist. His mind tacticians. They were worthy treated merely as a friend. encompassed Agudas Yisrael of allegiance and sacrifice Indeed, such was his wish; but as a logical and essential because they were the bearers it often resulted in many of us outgrowth of the Jewish past. of a mission developed by not recognizing his greatness, Agudas Yisrael can be analysis of Scripture, Chazal and as a result we may well regarded as a necessary and commentaries. Because have deprived ourselves and vehicle in today’s organized, Rav Schorr saw Agudah in our communities of the politicized society, or as a those terms, he was a loyal benefits of his greatness. means to make honest and Agudist. The organization had dignified use of availability of value because it was an It was said of the Chofetz public funds, or as a means to expression of Torah’s eternity, Chaim that his piety was so rally the community behind so it was his organization. great that it obscured his the banner of Torah, or as a scholarship. And it was said of means to propagate the Greatness: Its Hallmark Rav Chaim Brisker that his ideology of Gedolei HaTorah. And Its Mask scholarship was so great that While it is surely all of these,

- 24 of 29 - it obscured his piety. Of Rav provided a precedent and set a before. Since then I often took Schorr we may justly say that standard. If we take for the opportunity to speak with his brilliance was so dazzling granted America’s capacity to him in Torah and hashkofa. that it obscured his dedication produce Torah greatness, if Before long, he extended me to study; and his humility was Chassidic youths studyan invitation to his home for so profound that it obscured Lithuanian lomdus inShabbos, and it soon became a his greatness. machshevos haTorah, in good steady invitation. He was measure it is because the accessible to anyone; one Perhaps he wrote his own divine plan placed him in merely had to take the epitaph. Many years ago, he America to bequeath it his initiative. made the one and only capacity for life. notation he ever wrote in his And what Shabbosos they copy of Sfas Emes. It was on A Talmid Remembers were! The Rosh Yeshiva would one of the last pieces of constantly cite the Gemora: Second seder had just come to Chukas, the Parsha of his Hashem said, “I have a an end in Torah Vodaas. I had passing. All he wrote were the wonderful gift in My treasure arranged to tutor someone at words Haflei Vofeleh – truly house, and Shabbos is its the other end of Flatbush in amazing with reference to this name” (Shabbos 10b), pointing less than half an hour. It was a thought: out that the Shabbos remains lovely day in Tammuz, and if I in the confines of the Ribbono started to walk, I would just Zos HaTorah, Odom ki yomus Shel Olom. The gift is the make it. Then I heard a bo’ohel – the Torah associates elevation the Jew experiences familiar voice from behind: dedicated Torah study with to enable him to partake of “Walk me home, Shmuel, and purity from the contamination this celestial Shabbos. Indeed, we’ll have a shmuess on the of death. Just as Torah brings such was the atmosphere at way.” I turned around to face purity, so too each Jewish soul the Rosh Yeshiva’s home on Rav Schorr, who extended to is a microcosmic part of Torah, Shabbos. I’ll never forget the me his usual heart-warming brings life and hence purity, to first time I heard him sing his smile. I would walk the Rosh the otherwise lifeless and soul-stirring niggun for Kol Yeshiva home, and then take a impure clod which is the body. Mekadesh. With his eyes taxi to my destination. It would Every word and letter of the closed, his concentration and be worth it. Torah has within it the dveikus increased from one capacity to give life to the moment to the next. With the Why had the Rosh Yeshiva dead but we do not know how words Yom Kodosh Hu (it is a chosen me? In truth, he was to utilize that capacity. sacred day), his intensity friendly to anyone who peaked, and he repeated them approached him. I noticed this Rav Schorr’s life gave added over and over again, as if from the first day that I purity to a continent. It unable to part with the entered the Yeshiva, five years

- 25 of 29 - kedusha of the Shabbos that witness a remarkable scene: you into business, and you’re these words represented. Shas, Rishonim, Poskim and perturbed that you can no sifrei machshova – all sorts of longer afford long stretches of “Say a Dvar Torah,” the sources would flow, with the uninterrupted study and Rebbetzin would implore. “Say greatest mastery, while the prayer. You implored G-d to something on the Parsha.” The serenity of the Shabbosgrant you success in your Rosh Yeshiva would lift his prevailed throughout. business so you might once head with an expression of again immerse yourself in genuine humility: “A za shvere I recall one Shabbos in Torah and tefilla. Parsha, vus ken ich zogen? – particular when the entire such a difficult portion. What conversation of both seudos “The man was visibly shaken can I say?” He would offer a was saturated with scholarly by the accuracy of the short Dvar Torah, and then Torah discussions between the Rizhiner’s statement, and begin another niggun. But Rosh Yeshiva and one of his meekly asked, ‘And what was many times the Rebbetzin guests. Just before bensching the verdict of the Bais Din would not be intimidated, and the Rosh Yeshiva became Shel Ma’ala?’ she would insist on more. And pensive, and then he smiled, then the wellsprings of Torah saying, “I recall a ma’aseh “The Rizhiner solemnly and chochma (wisdom) would from the Rizhiner: continued, ‘The Bais Din Shel begin to flow. Meshech Ma’ala declared that although Chochma, Sfas Emes, Pri “Once after Yom Kippur, the your undisturbed Torah and Tzaddik, how these seforim Rizhiner announced that he tefilla was a great would radiate when the Rosh was prepared to tell anyone accomplishment, Hashem has Yeshiva expounded on their what that person had prayed greater nachas ruach contents! And yet most of the for on Yom Kippur, and also (pleasure) from the effort you conversation was casual in how the Bais Din Shel Ma’ala exert to learn despite nature. The Rosh Yeshiva was (Heavenly Court) received difficulties.’” tactfully able to lead athese prayers. None of the conversation that suited the Chassidim had the audacity to The Rosh Yeshiva concluded interests of his guests. And he test the Rebbe, but one with tears in his eyes, “Who retained the Shabbos spirit person, not a Chassid,can say for sure who in Klal regardless of the topic of challenged the Rebbe. The Yisrael gives Hashem a conversation. Rizhiner closed his eyes, and greater nachas ruach!” began, ‘You are a fine Torah And then there were the scholar, and in your youth you Our walk together finally came “special Shabbosos”, when learned with great diligence. to an end. The Rosh Yeshiva Talmidei Chachomim would Recently, however, family invited me to come in to his grace his table. I would responsibilities have forced home for refreshment, but I

- 26 of 29 - excused myself, explaining my moment, then quickly smiled late. The Rebbe sighed, “But commitment. He apologized, and waved me on. they are very good peiros.” “If I had known, I would not have let you walk me.” I A few days later, I was Can the talmid be blamed for assured him that it was my standing in the Torah Vodaas not realizing immediately the decision and ultimately my Bais Medrash waiting for the implication of the Rebbe’s gain and I turned to leave. The hespeidim (eulogies) to begin. words? No. Even had he Rosh Yeshiva then called me I could not believe what had understood them, would it again, “Shmuel, wait another happened. Hundreds ofhave made a difference? moment. I heard anmemories rushed through my Hashem counts the days interesting ma’aseh. You know mind, but my thoughts kept Tzaddikim must stay in this that the Sadegerer Rebbe reverting to my last encounter world, and when the time is (fifth generation from the with the Rosh Yeshiva. What up, He calls them back to Rizhiner) was recently niftar in had he meant by his last words Himself. Eretz Yisrael. A few days ago, I to me? Then I reminded myself met someone who was present of a story he had once told me: (This article originally the night of his passing. He appeared in the Jewish recounted that in the middle of A talmid of the Rizhiner was Observer and is available by the night the Rebbe awoke with the Rebbe before Sholosh ArtScroll/Mesorah and asked for a glass of water. Seudos. The Rizhiner casually Publications ~ The Rebbe made a Shehakol, asked him, “Can I be yotzeh lay back down to sleep, and in with peiros (fulfill my Rav Meir Horowitz Imrei a few moments returned his obligation – i.e., to eat the Noam, Dzikover Rebbe neshoma to HaKodosh Boruch third Shabbos meal – with (Tammuz 8) Hu. Seforim say that a Tzaddik fruits)?” who lives his entire life with a Humble Beginnings vibrant emuna that everything The talmid quickly cited the that happens is by the word of Halocha that this wasOnce, when the Imrei Noam Hashem, merits that his last permissible. The Rizhiner was only six, his father words testify to just that: remained silent and suddenly brought him before the heilige Shehakol nehiye bidvoro – all the talmid realized that the Ropshitzer Rav, who asked exists by His word. ” Rebbe was hinting at his him for the reason we eat forthcoming passing from the kugel on Shabbos. In the blink There was a shadow of envy in world, whereby his children of an eye, the bright young lad the Rosh Yeshiva’s eyes, a (peiros) would take his place. answered that Kugel stands longing for that madreiga “No, Rebbe!” the talmid for the first letters of the (level) of living – and passing. protested, “The world still pasuk Vehu kezera gad lovon The Rosh Yeshiva paused for a needs you!” But it was too (Shemos 16:31) – vov, kaf,

- 27 of 29 - gimmel and lamed – the same wealthy merchant woman from HaChochma Me’ayin p. 105) letters as Kugel. We eat Kugel the Pitzales family heard about to remember the Monthis, sold all her property and Rav Mordechai Twersky (Shulchon Aruch Orach Chaim, wealth and managed to Maamar Mordechai, Reb Hilchos Shabbos). procure an esrog for that Mottele of Kuzhmir princely sum, which left her (Tammuz 8) When he was eleven, his penniless. Seeing no other way father took him to theto get it to the Tzaddik before Heilige Neshomos Ziditchover Rebbe, the Ateres Yom Tov, she sent it via Tzvi, and he sat beside his express mail by train and The Trisker Maggid, the father during the tisch. After instructed the postman that Mogen Avrohom, told his son the Rebbe said Torah, the when the train arrived at the that he worked very hard for a Ateres Tzvi turned to the lad station he was to have the long time to draw down his and said, “He grabs the words conductor anounce their father Rav Mottele the of Torah from my mouth as I arrival by tooting the steam Chernobyler Maggid’s say them!” Rav Yitzchok engine’s horn. neshoma into him. In fact, Rav Stutchiner interpreted Rav Mordechai of Kozmir himself Hirschele Ziditchover’s words That Sukkos the Ropshitzer used to say, “My father to mean that when the Imrei had no esrog. The Tzaddik davened to Hashem that I Noam grew up he too would resigned himself that the should be granted very holy, say Torah in a similar style following day, Yom Tovlofty souls: the neshoma of my and manner to the Ziditchover. morning, he would recite grandfather, Rav Mordechai of (Hillula Kaddisha p. 174) Hallel without an esrog. Chernobyl, as well as the However, during the Rebbe’s neshoma of the Tzaddik Rav An Esrog Sent By Express tisch, the sound of a steam Mordechai of Neshchiz. His Train engine’s tooting horn was prayers were answered and overheard. “Aha! An esrog!!” Hashem granted that I have According to some traditions, exclaimed the Rebbe – and these neshomos. (Panei’ach the way the Imrei Noam’s sure enough, that Yom Tov the Raza Ohr HaMeir) shidduch evolved between Tzaddik bensched besimcha himself and Rebbetzin Devora, A Kli Cheres In The Sukka rabba on an esrog. Seeing who the daughter of Rav had sent this prize esrog to Kalonymous Kalman Reinhold Once, as a young child, Rav him, the Ropshitzer declared, Pitzales, was as follows: Mordechai was in the sukka “Write down after Yom Tov talking to some boys his age that one day our descendants There was once a severe and their conversation was full shall marry one another!” And shortage of esrogim and the of jokes and boyish, childish so it was! (In the name of Rav heilige Ropshitzer had been matters. When his father, the Yitzchok Stutchiner, unable to procure one. A Trisker Maggid, saw this, he

- 28 of 29 - grew very upset and scolded man with a long white beard. follow your way.” Shortly the young child, saying, “You thereafter, Rav Mordechai should know that I worked “Father, who is the elderly returned to Turesk to his very hard to draw down my man sitting beside you?” he father, the Trisker Maggid. father’s neshoma into you and asked innocently. (Hillula Kaddish page 183) now here you stand, chatting about idle matters – in the “That is Eliyohu HaNovi,” sukka of all places?! Don’t you answered the Trisker Maggid, know that someone who “and being that you can see speaks idly is like anhim, I order you too to sit earthernware vessel, a kli beside him!” (Hillula Kaddish cheres, and the Halocha is p. 183) that no earthenware keilim are allowed in the sukka! Hearing Don't Meddle In My this, the young child began to Grandson's Ways sob uncontrollably. “There Rav Mordechai married the there,” the Trisker Maggid daughter of Rav Osher of consoled him, “the din is also Stolin, the son of Rav Aharon that regarding a kli cheres, of Karlin, mechaber of the Bais sheviroson zehu taharoson – Aharon. Once, the Bais Aharon breaking them purifies them asked him to come early in the from any defilement and tuma. morning to study with him. Your crying and broken heart However, when Rav has purified you; this is Mordechai arrived to study sufficient!” (Hillula Kaddish p. with his grandfather-in-law, 182–183) instead he found him pacing to

With Eliyohu Hanovi and fro. Finally he summoned the courage to ask why they Even as a young child, Rav were not studying and the Bais Mordechai’s kedusha and Aharon answered him, “Go sanctity were evident. When gezunterheit – you may leave. he was but eight he was once Your grandfather, the present at a bris, where his Chernobyler Maggid, may his father, the Trisker Maggid, merit shield us, has just paid served as the sandak and held me a visit from the worlds the newborn baby. Heabove and warned me not to observed that someone was meddle in his grandson’s sitting beside his father: an old derech and to leave you be to

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