
CHAMPION NAME Karma, the Enlightened One Move/Attack Voice Over Dialogue Aud 1 My spirit is an unquenchable fire. Aud 2 Never again. Aud 3 An ideal is nothing until you fight for it. Aud 4 I have seen two paths - and made another between them. Aud 5 Tradition in stride with revolution. Aud 6 By force of will. Aud 7 Know your enemy's heart--and if you must, stop it. Aud 8 Ionia must find herself again. Aud 9 Challenge what you know. Aud 10 Learn from the past, but never fear change. Aud 11 None will question our resolve. Aud 12 To conquer oneself is to conquer all. Aud 13 Focus your will.

Karma is a zen monk pushed to her limit. She is spiritual, leaderlike and focused with a fierce and aggressive edge, willing to do anything to protect what is Voice Description: important to her. Though she prefers peace, Karma will make difficult and violent choices when necessary.

Video Reference: Dejah Thoris (Princess of Mars) - Reference around 1:00 in video: (X-Men) - Confident, dignified, and in control of incredible power. Uhura (Star Trek 2009) - Fierce and leaderlike.

A once-pacifist spiritual leader of Ionia who is driven to unleash her power when her peaceful home is invaded. She has now resolved to do whatever is necessary to protect her people and lead them back to the strength they once knew. Karma Character Bio: struggles to unify the two ideals that have divided her people since the invasion, the traditional, pacifist elders and the militant youth crying for revolution and reform. Tone Fierce, Devoted Determined, Resolute, recalling a grim memory Devoted to a cause Visionary, Leaderlike Visionary, Leaderlike Determined Philosophical, grim yet determined Fierce, Determined Visionary, Leaderlike Leaderlike Resolute Visionary, Fierce Focused, Determined
