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compete in June in the interna- byterian Church. their first place lead by, winning Contests Awaited tional contest- in Dallas,' Tex. Mr. Heyburn reported that plans two games from the test place Di Daniel H. .Jieyburn of 30 Uoger are underway for a fall barber- Hards. ' ; By Easternaires 1 shop show for the benefit of Union High secies were_bow)ed by Mrs. avenue ip fitst tenor with'., the Junior,, College. 'The group ap- Roy Brinkerhoff, fiW B's. 517; • , The Easternaires of Jersey City, Easternaires. • . • •• V peared last week-end in Hartford, Mrs. Ernie Brandenberger, • Five barbershop quartet, will compete On ' Tuesday the quartet will Conn., at the mid-winter meeting B's, 450; Mrs. Leonard Church, Sales a& a iregional contest next month in sing at a meeting of the Union of the International SPEBSQSA. SUlkettes, 439; Mrs. Jack , i Baltimore, Md., along with 40 County Assdc. for the Blind spon- Jewels, 425: Mrs. D. Scheller, Jay thro Monday «jaarteis from seven mid-Atlantic •••••• ••-••T^.-.m,;;?- sored by the. Crahford Lions • Club Jewels, 417; Mrs.. M. Wadle, For^ dtales. -.'*•. '' • '. List Schedule For sight conservation committee - at feits, 410; and Mrs. Jerry Bren- iwSWpTlIalhofntherF:»«3t-P?«« irls^Baskeriwlh^ =-^-wrT S.-===-4|OO7T-->—<~• — Entered as second class mall matter at i: TPrtOiH-rt-anfnrrt. N. J CENTS .Schedule for the Girls* Recrea- Team standings are: . ' • •" • • • • '• • ' ' v w - v • tional Basketball League games to Strlkettes ....;...,.. ; *\ 22 . be played Saturday were • an- Jewels 3314 3»& Tigers . . ...'•.. '32 '' 31 ' nounced this week by Miss Jean rive B's . . ...» ._ .. .;.™L. 3a 31 ••' •.:( Board Votes Mrs: Wiljiams ."^oorhees as follows;d - Forfeits '.-.'.: 27W 35V» resident „ ...:: 23 '• 40 Cost of New High School Estimated . • AT LIVINGSTON SCHOOL \. 0:30—Basket Blasters vs. Cougars •. Second Term as President 10:15—Globetrotters vs. Pifaters 11:00—Rebel Rousers v«. Sly Guys Mrs. G. Holmes Williams, first woman in 91 12:30—Sweatshirts vs. Cranford Couflar- If Local United Fund serve as etttw . president of the Cranford Board of Education, was to "that 1:15—Sittl's vs. Rebounders Belden of 10 Manor avenue was named to serve At $28 a Year to Average Taxpayer 2:00— Bombers vs. Challengers" < ••-,-• i «rondvear as presidenidtt of Cfanford'Cf s United Fund or- position at the reorganization meeting of the board Monday night AT BLOOMINGOAtE SCHOOL a at Lincoln School. • -c_il ."Comparison with national cost figures show that the It will cost Cranford's average taxpayer less than $30 a 9:00—Jltterbusffcrs vs. Beavers ' the fund's board of directors held its organization 0:45—Dales Devils vs. Raiders -Before, her election as president last year, Mrs, Williams, who proposed high school plans are both efficient and economical," year for the proposed nevr high sdhobl, Mrs- G. Holmes Wil- 10:30—Originals vs. Boo Bah Banjees ay in the Munidpal Building. declared Henry A. Detering from the floor to over 200 citizens liams, president of the Board of Ettmcafitm, announced today." 11:15—Court Jesters vs. Deadly Dribblers -.Tyre of 102 Makatom drive, Jormer chairman starting her ninth year, as a '12:30—Siimanons vs..Gym Dandles navid trustee, served as vice-president at the close of the first public information meeting sponsored Local voters will go to the polls March 15 to act on a $3,772,000 l:lSt^Jumping Juniors vs. Naughty ltheafund's PubUc relations' Angels ' i. • Jor two years. .. ' by the Board of Education at Brookside School last Thursday bond issue for the proposed new senior high sdiool on a 39-acre 2:00—Terrible 10 vs. KorballeU ™wtee wascliosen.tosuc- 2.45—Blue Demons vs. Decagons nm An alumna of Hunter College, ivening.' .....' .-...; '."'•]'' site oil Orange avenue. fw Bowling, as first Mr: Detering, speaking as a w^ident and Mrs W. *Iew York, she is assistant director Bali's if. public relations and advertising Cranford taxpayer interested Second School Plan Meeting 2 Teum K Holds Slim r vear bond issue's being sold at a seebnd term as in the cost factor of the pro- Lead in Temple League named to tor Frank H. Taylor and Sons, osed building,-explained that nc., East Orange. She is a former ie sought the advice of the East- Tearri K held on to its slim two- 19 To Beheld Wednesday Night Quilt Cup Bras president of the Union County rn Union County Chamber of Anothej/opportunity to mee.t the architects of the- prr>pn«»^» rr***! oafl- ***** a S20-*00 ' ITilliam J.. Foppert, with Channing Rudd, a former presi- with I winning two games. A three-way partial source of information on Avenue School at 8:15 p.m. next Wednesday, . when the Board at cn J. Crane of 420 River- dent of the board//was elected the comparative figures on school bouse -aould pay just tic exists between Warns E, L, and drivc'as assistant treasurer. Education will conduct the second public hearing on Its vice-president. In both cases the luilding costs. On their recom- S28 a year in increased D for fourth place, only five games in luxurious satin Officer John F. Kunze was ded expansion program. Chester H. Philips of Epple and •Zttrmr* MJS. Williams said. ''This off the pace." i , • ' .;. elections were Unanimous. Mrs. mendation, he, related, he;went to I to succeed Mrs. William Williams and Mr. Rudd .were un- the Dow Service of the F. will be on hand to explain struc- of less than' $2.50 a High games were .rolled by Mrs. -Jrady as secretary, tural details and comparative cost ii. though! to be a small VINCENT R- DeSTEFANO able to attend the reorganization Dodge (Corporation, national J. Grand, B, and Mrs. H. Fine, F, You'd n*w bUI«v» ttuxt o }m amed to the executive commit- meeting because of previous com- lysts orf building costs. Theresults figures of the new school. j pjrnac Scff 'ibe better school Rro- 178 and 177, respectively. High in addition to the elected of- Mrs. Forrest P. Dexter and James Aim Outlined JT>. Mr. Smith and Mr. Taylor McGovney, chairman, Mr. Rudd. now open for the utilized 'scare techniques* to aturm Co gmont asd xatables increase, the - 1 24, Registrat mated at $2,685,480, this means years, he is with the California [be serving their third years Mr. Gutierrez; buildings and tor . for the question-and-answer members of our community in reg- this week -in the VFW Senior coming. of the Cougar that this building will cost $16.67 period to follow. rrcrmtwrr <£. tax points for the high Ladies Bowling League to move Oil Co., Perth Amboy, in the their, posts, An estimated population figure (Continued on Page 8) ' per. square foot. ards to accreditation." vriU decrtast;." i ' design and construction of Chev- lembers of the f inance commit- >f 24,000, representing an increase League/of the Cranford Boys' ' Two additional public hearings SX.TJZ$00 bond issue in- 7 :" WESTFIELD FED6RAI SAVING' •into a tie ^or third place, with the' To implement the total school are scheduled for Monday eve- His statement Dptnted outtbat ron service stations. . . . * with Mr. Smithers are -Mr. of 29 percent over the 1950 cen- all Leagues. The league com- the Watchdog. Association is ~i» S2JK85.O00 for actual buUd- /_. Tigers. The Strikettcs maintained f us figure of 18,602, is given for program and maintain high.educa-* ning, February 29, at iBlboming- at .a meeting Monday night A;.-/ •' - .'•' • -.( •'•'/' Ucrt and Mr. Crane. Serving on g onnsArarfion and .the .remaind- . ••' .. • •• :«i ,•••'••> ' 1_ Cranford In a pre-census tabula- tional standards," the architect ex- dale Avenue School and Tuesday group of Cranford residents £ep- ^-membership, committed with Week's Weather t the home of Joseph Klein, 125 plained, "the high school must be resenting all sectors of the com- Sca-eij3£pmentlar«cience labor- ^, Smith will be Dr. Homer Hall, tion for the municipalities of Union Herning avenue, voted to open evening, March 8, at Lincoln cafeteria, classrooms, etc., County released this week by Shel- the very best for Cranford and School. / munity who arc attempting to cre- / ^B prospect street, a newly-elcct- UJC Meteorological registration to the entire town must be at a minimum cost'." ate interest in civic matters, a non- and architectural fees, cost (Contintted on Page 8) by G. Tell, district supervisor for ship and to run two sections i: "Board ; members are hopeful oi Sand acquisition and similar the coming 1980 census. HABOLO D. A spirited questipn-and-answer profit and non-partisan organizat- enough boys are available. (Continued on Pftge 2) (•Continued on Page 8) tiori obligated only to the citizens rteass. Mr. Fell points /out that the;! All boys who will be 10. 11 or 12 of Cranford." / mayor concern in this everyone figures, described as based on esti- years _6f age., Jbetween August 1 pw^grasn is to provide ad-i The.. chairman,..said__bis._gBW^> ^istration mates, of current population by the Many sharp.^changes in the1959, and July 31. 1960, and are classroom space lor 1,200 authorities in each of the 21 munic weather characterized the week's "will support any program not members of any other league will benefit Cranford palities, may be higher or lower observations^A severe disturbance are eligible to participate. proposed plan >nve Plans han the final figures developed in which developed in the midwest will speak'against any proposal it » ntw senior high school Registration information, includ feel's is not in the best the actual 1960 count, which will last Wednesday, vitas responsible ^nS3a> and address,..age,.g, birth Resettled Re it tbe moat economical and rriost FOUNDATIONS. GOERKFS THIRD FLOOR tt on April 1. SjrnUi^.esti- of the citizens of this for the unusual, nigh temperature date, telephone number and iinfor Eight falfamilyy groupgps from Russia^J JLatvia, Germany and Hollam fnriiWe vras to solve the prob- fold mates made prior to the 1950' cen- "We intend to realize- as Bf mi i.^ * '.-••*- here on Thursday and caused mation as to whether a parent wit! i Cfd Mthdi r fiii.Fifth district hbineswill be sus, he adds, proved to be about 4 will be honored during, the 10:55 a.m. service at Cranford Methodist 'mileage', as possible from eaeb tax' illiams- said llie_ .new . thundershowers and a beautiful or will not attend an organization Church this Sunday in a special program commemorating the 10th percent higher than: the actual rainbow that afternoon. dollar," he declared, and "are- vi- as planned around the |ited in the registration drive to meeting, should . be mailed b anniversary of, what is described as the largest displaced persons count. The second storm of the week south side residents to the Couga tally interested in each i aJ program devised by conducted' by the League of program undertaken by any New Jersey church congregation. -PracticaUy^alLmunicipalUi^s re- moved out "ofthe Gulf-of Mexico League Jit Post Of fice Bpjt JLQ5.and ual's 'ability to' pay/ flfoc* pmrfs^xinntf staff headed by |>men Voters with the coopera- ''"" ^~r •— - '""Speakers ~at~the"service " port a larger growth between J95C and moved up the Atlantic Coast by north side residents to Box 13, Speafcers™"at~the "service "will -be - «.We- fee) that Dr-'Ctofc -iStliertBith.superinten- • of two local organizations on and 1980 than during the previou on Saturday and Sunday, causing -The league, staff this year will Igor Reider and Mrs. Werner community are entitled) to look at desat otf sriiools; G. Krank Zimmer- |turday, February 27, it was 10 years. According on P&Q€ S)" large§f(next to Elizabeth) munic trars; Raymond Hoffman, Sched parkway, will serve as storm passed over about 10:30 Voters, will present its findings in form a special choir for the pro- ipaliiy in Union County. ule; James Hill, fields, and Sey the study of the municipal budget airman of the drive and Mrs. T, /Totaling of the estimates gives a.m. This caused the wind to mour Marsh, umpires. General gram. to the public at a meeting in the Women on the Go... lire. Korn, 17 Oak lane, as a population figure for the count> shift to the northwest'— the . (Continued, on Page 2) The scripture reading • will be weather clearing rapidly and turn- High School Plan Not Plush, Bairman. • •' of 519,700, or 30.5 percent above Municipal Building at 8:30 p.m. by Ingebprg Fey, and serving as listing in the house-to-house the 1950 census figure of 398,13d ing colder. February 29. ushers will be Wlademar.Selinsky, wass. will be the social^educa- In a school population forecas The temperature record: , "Since the Township Committee Carl Tracgcr, Rolf Traeger and Principal Tells PTA Board Wear Comfortable, Fashion Sheer Miss Johnson Mr. Frank.. Also.among the par- n and action commlttee^of Cran- study published in the January 29, Thursday 65 47 Cloudy - will hold a public meeting on the In reviewing the background of pllaffi far the proposed new high at BAR 1 ,1959, issue of the Citizen "and Friday ..;. 55 33 Clear ticipants will be twins recently d Methodist Church, and the 1960 budget on March I, the need school at a recent meeting of the Eoestsrrfl PTA executive board, G. Saturday ...... 39 23 Cloudy Backed for Post born to one of the sponsored fam- nior Village Improvement As- Chronicle. Forrest H. Blanding for better understanding of the Frank Zimmerman, principal off Gramfood Hisli ^r»i>>oi emphasized - estimated the township's total pop Sunday 30 21 Cloudy ilies. 1 :iation. Members of these groups On National Level municipal budget is foremost at the extent of preliminary research and abe ctose cooperation between LARGE ASSORTMENT II distribute information on res- illation then to be 27,700. Monday 37 20 Clear this ," stated Mrs. Irving Wll- Following the service, there will 1 Supp-Hose This newspaper at that ^gd Tuesday ...'. 41 24 Clear Miss Frances Johnson, pasl be a dinner In the Educational architects, members of the boaid of edaraliGO, administrators and nce requirements ar>d township ner, chairman of the local budget president of the Cranford Young Building for the families and teachers of secondary eduea&ot* in jj LADY SUNBEAM ARPEGE Jrk's office hours. (dpntinued on P scouting by the Cranford Metho- fo drive in Cranford be- seventh Grade pating Jn the sale and advertise- his positive statements on current program. ' CHANEL NO. 5 day on your ie«t? TVsat yourssUtp th» boautuul events. His guest, as the play dist Church troop at the annual of the ef- ments, listing, outstanding values Mrs. Silliman- requested! tftit NATURAL BRISTLE GIFT SETS fathcr^and-son banquet - chair general, with a haunting fear eatjxiaair*' lo the dangers to life and sheer fashion support stocking. Ideal for busi- * Friday Night Citizen arid Chronicle. Troop 75 was organized, in 1910 imbtrivr.t in erratic -rnotor All Leading over how a hot war would affect as Troop 1 in the formeniJCehu'ai HAIRBRUSH ness women, nurses, mothers-to-be ... recom- 1"he seventh grade social,to be Most local stores affiliated with his office position. The general i," Chief Powell .00 '•d tomorrow evening, in th'the association will be open Mon- has been' forced out of ihis usual Union Council and became Troop Calendar $5 Brands mended by the medical profession. Try them fotti High School gymnas day as a convenience to local comfortable work to investigate 75-when the present Union Coun- Oi 23 -Dronk-O-Meter" exam- *" is for students of both Clevc- shoppers. ' . ah "Unidentified Flying Object." cil was formed in 1925. , • teiSiwi* cunciuHc-d hero last year, and you'll see why. Colors in Light Caress*. d Those participating in the sale The late B.W.F. Randolph, who Of Events 16 8»id jjoiilivc' results and seven " 'iind Sherman • Junior High which the commentator has pub' 1 arc Bell's Pharmacy, Sportsman's llcly denounced us impossible. was scoutmaster from 1925 to Tomorrow and Saturday: • active, uhilt in 1958 there Definitely Neutral Sunny Day and White. it was announced by Mrs. s-ut-h t-ianiinations con- d Ward. Cleveland PTA Shop, Cranford Bootcry, Jay-Mar, As part of the setting, there is the 1933, was represented at the din- to a Small Planet," theatrical production of Cranford Dra- , -u-jih 32 having positive tc- ""of dance chairman, and Mrs. Shapiro's Department Store, Ber- love affair of the commentator's ner by Mrs. Randolph. Following 1 gen Camera Exchange, Lcshner's daughter, Ellen, with a local farm- Mr. Randolph Wus Harlon W. matic Club, CDC Theatre, 73 ard 1-6 bt-in^ nt-fiativc. '"' S«Jby, co-chairman. Winans avenue, 8:40 p/tXL. >VTrploms which miult H*1 Anthony Pavics and Mrs Fabric Center, Townley Shoes, er, Conrad Maybcrry. The. com- Drew, who was assistant scout- 1 Abbe juniors. Deb 'n Heir, Alban- mentator's wife, Rcba, ties ,the ac- master from 1928 to 1933 and Tuesday: Board of Education j Tnufh ulcohol are familiar Hixon, chairman and co to c*'erf>*cjat". but tht-y arc Hot al- llln (Coutinued on Page 8) tivities together into an integrated Scoutmaster from 1933 to 1941. meeting. Lincoln Scboot. 8 BARON'S DRUG STORE »;m or the Shc'rman PTA wiyi •f.ccii-Ius.ivt.' evidence of in- family picture. The next 10 years Were repre- p.m. HOSIERY. GOERKFS STREET FLOOR committee, reported musi. THIRTY-FIVE YEARS OF LEADERSHIP—iThown arc leaders of ['f/ri," Chit-f Powell corn- 34 Eastman St. <° . Cranford Theatre) Cranford Into this sotting, comes the sented by, the Harris brothers. Tuesday: Township Committee PP Boy Scout Troop 75 since it became part of Union Council in mcetln»i. Municipal &aildir.£, is hi.- rcjiort. "There is Health Board Meeting "visitor." 1 Milton Harris"vraS"assistant scout- 'Monthly meeting of the Board of 1925 who related the troop's history at" Its" 50th anniversary 8:30 p.m. ' .-• ikf pois-'ibAiiy- that any . — Store Also In Westfield — ' , 1 1 As this gem df' a story evolves. master from 1940 to 1941 and 1 I "- r*i >.•?• ..• ./ ^K^^^C^^^^???^^W^^^^^WfflP^^H^^1^5^5?5?Sy! • f • •• •.•;"-«,•:..••••„• ;:'•','-'•';,. '/•• ^ ' TMUHStPAV, PUBBUARV 18,1660 •• :--.::-:.U Un was employed by the cojjsult- Drtink Driver posed high school. amortize $3,772,000 over 30 years cent privately pwncd as compared cently-elected i merhbers of . the before they are lh a posits CRANFORD CITIZEN AND CHRONICLE, THURSDAY. FEBRUARY It, IMP flrm of jBdwards and - Kdsey The executive board elected the at 4 p^r gent interest. Kriward Oill, to the Orange avenue site, which is Board of Education, Gus A. Gutier- take a stand publicly. n- of Newark as a resident engineer -^—(Continued only 15 per-cent privately owned. rez and Bernard Litwack. Both de- following comrrattee to present finance . chairman for the .hoard, in chaise of a number of highway' poisonlng, etc.> may be the cause slate of officers for election at the Appearing on the platform with clined to speak, stating that they SOC projects In New Jersey, New York of abnormal behavior.' March meeting of the PTA: Mrs. translated these figures-into costs the speakers were two of the re- ^ time to educate thejnselyes' next Wednesday ai fcS for individual citizens. To exem Answers to Queries and Connecticut He became sen- . "The purpose of chemical test- Dale GahBHware* chairman; W ior civil engineer (or the town James Miller and Mrs. G. W. Die- plify this, he said that the taxes on Herbert Frank of house guest during the holiday IS BIRTHDAY SALE and-MrTand •of Montclair in June, 1958. ing) a suspected drinking driver trichsen. a home' which is' listed on the 3nj:Townof. week-end. On School Plans Mr. MeLaughlln was selected is to determine by scientific MrSf Robert T^hman. attendance municipal tax books as worth $20,- 1 000 would go up about 8 cents a eet spent the week-end in from a field of 60 applicants for dence whether. erratic driving or chairman, reported that the at- A Valentine's Day party for the (As a. public service the Citizens for a Better Cran/ord. are pre- j Final Clearance of all winter merchandise! appointment to his. new position day. OR $&33 a month, or $28.60 a children of the neighborhood was abnormal behavior was caused by ^ banner was won by Mrs. i / paring this column. Send questions to Mrs.. Elliott Hume* at 6 Fiske 1 in Upper Montdair. alcohol and not some pathological Carolyn Mason's first grade class year. The taxes on a $15,000 home, held Sunday at the home of Mr. RT condition * at the joint meeting of Blobmlng- he continued, would increase $21.45 daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W, Daisey of 3 Behnert and they trill be answered here by a memVfof the Board 0/' ~ "Thanks for • assistahee in" the datfcBrbokside-Rooseveir PTAV. 3 Local Pianists drunk driving program are ex- or 6 cents a day. The source el iKjenue. is recuperating were Cindy .Thomason, Carol and Akaumhv the average home In ftrmiij^^ pressed by Chief Powell in his re- Registrations Open financing the new SChOOl," OX' t / following an appendec- Donald Boothby, Marcheta Rehrig. pranfordi oocte $20,000. what will for an addition to the present high port, to Township Attorney Donald plained Mr. Gill, "is a pool of in- P^t Muhlenberg Hospital. Jeffrey and Tirnrny Dougherty, be the Increase ta taxes to pay school. Why can't this be done? To Play for Club (Continued" /iwn Page 1) vestors* money which is made Three Cranford pianists wfll of- R. Creighton, who personally pre- gfteld. last^ek- ... Carol Ulichny, Patricia and Jud-lor the new school? (Donald E. (William Watt, 10 Onelda place) Saturday and Monday.

manager for the south side is still ;/ pared cases for-court presentation available for school construction ith Kamm, Carol Ramondelli and Smith. 183 Locust drive) ^ •.... • • •••••• . .' -' . fer selections at a meeting of the to.be chosen. . • , • through seeing long-term bonds. Even if there were room, this and appeared in courj fcs prosecu-t John Hermsen of Highland Peggy and Kevin .Daisey, Games v $28.60 will cover the increase. Wcstfield Junior Mlusical Club to* Howard• Siegel, Reginald Liger- Mrsl Forrest.. Dexter of. the alone would not solve the problem. tor, and to Farris Swackhamen, Mrs. ,ill have as her guests ft were played, with awards going to morrow at 8:15 pin. at the home feldt and Edward Marek will con- Board of Education reported' on It would be necessary to add 50 ' of Miss Alice Lewis of Westfleld. who as a qualified chemist made 5 evening Mrs. James the many winners. How do you reconcile the state- percent to the present high school, ALL SALES FINAL tinue as league advisers. the background of the project, You'll be glad you did when you forget to go to the bank ment that the site on Orange ave- Trena Craft will play "Song periodically required 'tests of the Mrs. Walter Swarte, including a new gymnasium and chemicals used in the tests and The Cougar League was organ- stressing that an addition to the during regularMovt$« T$]$nr convenience, our Walk- f Henderson, idrs. Frank nue was selected to allow ac- Without Words" by Mendelssohn ized in April, 1959, to provide an present, high school would be Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Grail cafeteria. . Because of the 90 per- also stood ready when testimony and Mrs. V. C. Elsden, commodation of the entire pro- cent expansion, the state will re- and "Alia Tarentella" by Mac- opportunity for boys who did not Up Windows &ve'yQu.e$tfriyi\me to do your banking. and children of 107 Holly street gram both academic and athletic Dowell: Mildred Oessler, first by : an expert was required -in |"rcran?prd and Mrs. Stanley quire the entire building (old and H SKIRTS, wool ,,,.,...:„:.... reg. to 12,98 $1. : make teams in the Cranford Boys* movement of Beethoven's "Moon- courtr-—' '•., • •'•• « left Friday- for a two weeks' va-" Baseball Leagues to play super- Later; Superintendent of Schools Monday* Tuesdayand Wednesday we're open from cation in Florida, where thtey will Named Town Engineer light Sonata." and Linda 15 SWEATERS, odds & ends a vised basebalL Finances needed Clark W. McDermith, in response 4 tb 6 p.m., tii additfoit to 7:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. visit relatives and friends. , "Theme and. Variations" by Bee- r< Brant Coopersmith of • 51 High School for equipment and other expenses to a question posed by Robert All of the. land will be grade& d ent space, such as basement rooms. In Upper Montclair thoven! ' i. • -d street will entertain at would be sub-standard and have to 74 BLOUSES and iSHIRTS .Jl... $1. were contributed by parents of Thompson, added to this explana- Thursdays weVf opcnHrom 4 to 8 p.m. besides the nd seeded • to provide ppactice Thomas J. McLaughlin. who (Continued jrom Page I) . thiS evening for Mrs. Z. Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Eisenberg of be abandoned. The cost of. dplng A concert by the New York Phil- the boys. '.'• tion the fact that if they were to ields for football, baseball, and $5. was township engineer here from neighborhood gathering for. this 7:30 a.m. to 1130 p.m. hours. y *!rt Turadian, Mrs. Everett 128 Spring Garden street returned this and providing for 1,600 13 JACKETS, odds & ends reg. to 25.00 harmonic under the direction of Although the league enjoyed-a ither outdoor sports. Ar«' inter- lB33tO 1947, was appointed to Leonard Bernstein featuring pian- purpose contact her or Mrs. George add ajaected expenditures. .If any of A corporation administering a. bought a home in Upper Mont- , g AlM J C ber the Cranford Boys* Baseball TWfin^g the Hillside site also con' |k to vacation at Vero Beach, Richard Gross. Also;.Mrs. J. C. held Thursday, March 3, at 8:15 Mrs. Charles D. Hall. Mrs. Floyd his money is left, it may be'possi- two-mUllon-dollar bud«et would clair. p jn. At this time the membership Leagues voted Ao include the sldered by the board also was , :i8 SLACKS ,.,..-' ,...;....•..".:: .....'...'.- reg to 12.98 After leaving the; post of town- Munday, Mrs. L. M. Tucker and Cougar League/in their organiza- Weeks, Mrs. George Gillen, Mrs. >le to provide the interscholastic consider It fantastic to close down will be polled concerning the pro- answered by Dr. McDermith ? operations for three months of ship engineer here. Mr. McLaugh- Mrs. A. M. Gessler. •. I tion as a permanent farm " board, be said, felt that the tract William Weber, Mrs, Francis.Dul- eld now. If not, it will be done reg. to 8.98 Uai and Mrs. George AnderT icai and Mrs. John H. Conovcr of ater as a capital improvement. each year. Why does the'public 11. VESTS ..,.,.:..:,.,:. ' \Z '..' was not adequate in size, that the. and their children. George, nion County Trust Cranford and Mrs. Ben W. Geddes [n any event,, space must be pro-school system still expect the tax- Meeting on School geographical situation hear a rail- _ Gayle and Gwen, formerly 3 CARCOATS, zip-out lining, racdoiTcbllars reg. 29.95 nn of Short Hills. vided. payer to Invest In such a program ' (Continued from Page J} toad was unsatisfactory, and that WAIK-UP WINDOWS: Ica'mp Otis, Mass.,' spent the which Is definitely feared to the period, nfoderated by Chan the uneven topography would Ik-cnd with Maj. Anderson's 4 CARCOATS, camel hair, alpaca lining reg. 35.00 Present plans Indicate the pres- era of the little red fcchoolhouse? of the Board of mean costly grading. He concluded South and Walnut Avenues fther-ih-law and sister Mr. and Mrs. Olive Nunnemakcr of 1A (Mrs. Ford C. Pcthick. Bloomlnr- revealed that there! will be an ini- that the acquisition of land would v 1 George Giindersen of 210 Elm Hamilton avenue entertained at ent high school will not house all reg. 45,00 the anticipated seventh, eighth, and dale avenue) 1 CAEtCOAT, full length corduroy, racoon collar . • ••'-<"•:' Crqnfordr N. J.. ridge Monday' evening for Mrs. tial tax increase of 54 points.to also be too costly since it is 68 per- |ct They also visited another The problem of lengthening the Ithcr-in-law ahd sister, Mr. and W. S. Cluff, Mrs. W. H. Geisel. ninth: grade population. One solu- reg. 25^00 tion offered hy the board has been school year is . one of • .concern to 2 CARCOATS, reversible V John Thompson of 12 Edge- Mrs. William M. King, Mrs. Albert all boards of education. At pres- •ok place, and are now e» route Morrow, Mrs. Robert Bradley, to house some seventh and eighth reg. 17.98 grade students hi a separate school. ent time, operation of a-summer 4 CARCOATS, poplin, wool lined • Seattle,- Wash., Froirt there Mrs. Dexter MacMillan and" Mrs. school such as We have in Cranford ,will leave fbr Fairbanks. Socially this presents a. major area reg. to 10.98 Eugene Zobel. - • of concern to many parents. Would seems to be the most attractive 16 BERMUDA SHORTS ^" SKa where ^Miajor Anderson It be feasible to use Cleveland solution. (See "The American reg. 7.98 -8.98 •1 be stationed for the next two Tim Jones'soii of Mr. and Mrs.and Sherman schools' temporarily High School Today," James; B. 13 SKIRTS, wool .'..ZZ ::,,..'... |rs, A family dinner honored Redmond Jones of 5 Cherokee until 1965) each to house seventh Conant.) It should also be re- Tn Saturday evening at the road,, \j/as honored ^at a surprise grade and overflow of sixth grades niertibered that debt service to.pay 24 SKIRTS; wool ...'...... ,,.,....' .: : ^ reg. 9.98-10.98 L of Mr. and Mrs. Gundersen. party at his home last Thursday In each school? (Mrs. W. S. El- for the buildings accounts for only lending were Mr. and Mr?evenin. g in celebration of his 17th 10 percent of theCranford school 15 SKIRTS, wool .;. reg. 11.98-12.98 Impson and children." John, ttnge, 206 Walnut avenue) birthday.anniversary. The hostess be budget: The taxpayers must be Shop at ITORTZ MARKET for fin* foods for mat' La-Ellen and Martha, Mr. and Of course all plans will willing to support substantial. in- 11 SKIRTS, wool •,..!!.* reg. 14.98 -17,98 was Carole Buonocore, daughter thoroughly discijssed with the par- vdons niaals over iha long holiday weekend. We't* |. Robert Baker and son, George. if Mr. ahd,Mrs.' Luca Buonocore crease'- in the school budget to Cranford, and Mr. and Mrs. ents and the most feasible solution go to twelve months operation. 21 SWEATERS, orlon, banlon .•..•.../ reg. 5.98 7.98 .^~rff^» the works in SELLebration of. Washlngtoa't >f 239 North avenue, west. Guests will be accepted. FOR YOUR •lard Ecclcston, and children, Birthday! Every department is loaded with super included Trudy Smith, Larry Flan? • • o <>- p,S.—We had a hard fight to get 17 SWEATERS, tycora reg. 8.98 values to prove onca ajjaln that KURTZ MARKET [lard, Lorraine and Kenneth, agan, Barry Hull, Karen Manny, It appears to me there Is room the summer school. ' . is FInt for QtieJity • • .First for Savings ... Fint den. Bob Laing, Lorrie Capron, Buddy 26 SWEATERS, bulky orlon reg. 10.98 -11.98 Washingtoi Wild, Karen Petersen, Mary Cole- course, conducted by . factory- to in* Hearts of Thrifty Shoppers. 8o—ieady| T .. / Robert Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. Wil- PREMIER Mr and^Irs. M. M. PJavac and man, Floyd Imperato, Bob Talbot trained specialists in photography, aiml . . • fit* away with this barrag* of bargains /' lily, formerly of 2 Colin Kelly liam B. Ford of 28 Beech street are 48 BLOUSES and SHIRTS / ,,.,....•:..;. /."...._. reg. to 6.98 Birthday and Pat ConJtlln. , the maternal, grandparents, and designed to teach photo dealers shoot bolts in your food bllL . "/ SOUR let, moved last week: to their new techniques in using and sell/ ...reg. to 8.98 •.• •• • . • , / •• / Win Edison Heights. . & Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Jones of ing both movie and still cameras. 53 BLOUSES and SHIRTS : i Mr. and Mrs. Wadsworth Fyler Baltimore, Md., are the paternal Week-End and their daughters, Pamela and The course included lectures, field Jliss Marcia Rubine of 10 Cres- grandparents. Mrs. E. E. Jones of •./' pimD Patricia, of West Sirnsbury, Conn., trips and the use of the comeras. It place entertained Miss Joan Pittsburgh, Pa., is the paternal will be week-end guests of Mr. Tin of Brookline, Mass.. and great-grandmother, and Mrs. J. LINGERIE & FOUNDATIONS Pfcriiesf and Mrs. Robert Amory of 10 CHERRIES Jen Rubine entertained Ronald Livingston PTA Holds Rooscv^jt avenue, E. Bredinger of Baltimore, Md., is 9 |tch of Newton, Mass., as their the maternal great-grandmother. Founders Day Program LEAN CHOICE guests during the holiday 7 ROBES, cotton quilted, soiled ...-.:....'../....;.. reg. to 9.98 Mrs. William P. Hcrzog, Jr., of A party In honor of the ,63rd r rk-end. " • . .. • ..._ , ,• .a' .anniversary. of the founding of Ifre&ts •/ 432 Beech street^'is recuperating -Mr. and-Mrs. Benjamin Vv Kar- 4 ROBES, nylon quilted, soiled ,. reg. t» 12.98 RUMP CORNED BEEF at .home following an operation alis of 211 Sailer street* have an- the Parent-Teacher Association Iliss Stcfanie Kott of 182 Locust last week at Muhlenbcrg Hospital nounced the .birth of their, third movement was held last night in 6 ROBES, nylon quilted, soiled . reg. to 17.98 1c entertained Miss Barbara son, Daniel Paul, on February 2 at the Livingston Avenue School Ib. It of Brockton, Mass., as her in Plainfleld. 79< Muhlcnberg Hospital, Plainfleld. auditorium. 22 FLANNEL GOWNS and PAJAMAS reg. to 2.98 Mrs. John Lamparter of 101 Their other sons are Benjamin and Gus Gutierrez was master of Columbia avenue was hostess at David. Mrs. Karalis is the fornter ceremonies and entertainment was 26 FLANNEL GOWNS and PAJAMAS ...reg. 3.29-3.98 bridge Monday evening. Her Olga V. Gronzolis. presented by George White, direc- Armour's Star Ib. guests were Mrs. Robert Brooks tor of vocal music in the junior 16 FLANNEL GOWNS and PAJAMAS reg. to 5.98 high schools, there also was a HE UNUSUAL Mrs. Harold Glovier, Mrs. Otto C Buddy Bergen Completes 15 FAMOUS MAKE GIRDLES, side zipper reg. 10.95 Weber, Mrs. Karl .Wiebesiek, Mrs. j Charleston routine and pantomime STUFFED TURKEYS 55< A. Hi Prcuss, Mrs. F. S. Greena- Photo Refresher Course by the Gas Light Players, and a $4.95 tap dance by Mrs. Judy Holland. 26 STRAPLESS BRAS reg. to 5.95 NEWS... wald and Mrs. J. M. Keimig. Buddy iBergen of Bergen — 8 to 11 pound average — Camera Shop, 34 North avenue, is Refreshments and dancing fol- GOLD CHECK lowed. 31 PANTIES, nylon tricot : reg. to 2.50 FRESH HOMEMADE pound Mr. and Mrs. George Beer of 6 back after a week in New York BLENDED WHISKEY I PORTLAND, ME. — Specula- Chester Lang place entertained at where he took part in a photo- 19 SUPS and HALF-SLIPS, nylon tricot reg; to 3.95 on the possibility of a a recent surprise party celebrating graphic refresher course spon- (oman President often includes the 74th birthday anniversary 01 sored by Paillard Inc., distribu- ACCORDION 10 SLIPS and HALF SLIPS, nylon tricot reg. to 6.95 name of Sen;' Margaret Mrs. Beer's father, William Men- tors of Bolex movie .cameras and Ihasc Smith (R-Maine). .. agh of Elizabeth. Guests were ilasselblad still cameras. INSTRUCTIONS PHILADELPHIA J Asked by a friend what she present from Cranford, Roselle, Mr. Bergen was awarded- a at your home SAUSAGE LINKS 49< lould do If she 'woke up one Metuchen and Elizabeth. diploma at the conclusion of the or at the studio ACCESSORIES BLENDED WHISKEY loming and found herself in |ic White House, Sen. Smith 75 HOSE, odds & ends reg. to 1.65 59c;2pr.$l. plied: "I would apologize to To the Bride-elect RENTALS fie President's wife and go Births reg. 1.00 45c; 3 for $1. PLAIN ONE PIECE ; 55 COLLARS, cottons & velvets nc." ••' Shop at Home! Tender Young. . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Young oi ACCORDIONS 41 GLOVES, wool imports reg. 1.29 59c; 2 for $1. HUNT'S PEACHES \ IfatfMftiM 755 Belvidere avenue, Westfleld, Have your gown 120 Bass, New BEETS 2 bw. 29c announce the birth of a daughter, 36 GLOVES, wool, .leather palmed reg. 2.00 $i: PRIVATE STOCK REAL ESTATE ... Elizabeth, on February 14 at Over- made to order from $145.00 HUNT'S PEARS Fresh Clean look Hospital, Summit. The couple 'i- For Information Call — 88 GLOVES, leather, fleece lined reg. to 5.98 $3. BLENDED WHISKEY f0 BABY SITTER PHOBLEM also has another daughter, Bar- BR 6-3421 , Daniel Kuster SPINACH bag 23c bara Jayne. Mr. and Mrs. W. 41 SOCKS, knee highs reg. to 2.50 50c f Grandma, uses the 4th bed-, Harold Riggs of 18 Forest avenu Ball Gowns Prom Gowns . 11 Van Buna AM om and powder room- (entire- arc maternal grandparents, ani BR 6-6542 reg. to 1.25 25c Extra Large ly separate from the other- bed- Mrs." Frank C. Young of 2 Tuxedi Couturier Designs 72 FLOWERS, odds & ends :. AVOCADOS 23c oins, yet convenient to your place Is, paternal grandmother. CARSTAIRS tving urea).. She'll be available CLEANED AND PRESSED In your nights, out and you'll Mr. and Mrs. Nelson W. Lewis DOMESTICS WHITE SEAL ftiow our little ones will be of Springfield announce the blrt pfc because they'U be % of a son, David Nelson, on Feb- BLENDED WHISKEY Quart ruary 2. They^lso_have_ a daugh- I'sSunday 204 TERRY DISH TOWELS, multi stripe . * reg. 49c 3fbr$l. f Ffozen Foodt "HOME WITH GRANDMA" ter7 Shafon," 5 years~6W. " Thcma tcrnal grandparents. are Mr, and 19^ TERRY DISH TOWELS, white reg. 79c 4 for $1. trick split lovel,,2>/a baths, 4 Mrs.E. M. GUnvaldsen of 4 Hcrn- DULANV - 2pfefl. Wrooms, double attached gar- jjng avenue. ° Drug Store Schedule 6 BOXED FINGER TIP TOWELS reg. 3.50 $1. j near Brooksidc School, |32,0OO. •• Mr. and Mrs. Walter P. Yost of 7 SHOWER SETS, PARA reg. 8.98 $1. BROCCOLI SPEARS 45< 4.99 202 Elizabeth avenue have an- NESTLED AMONG nounced the birth of a son, Douglas 86 CURTAINS, ruffled organdy, all sizes . reg. to 6.98 $2. DULANY 2 cans Proof THE TREES Paul, on February 4 at Muhlenr BLENDED WHISKEY Quart Pixteon of them. Uric healthy berg Hospital in Plainfleld. The 1 BLANKET, 72x90, acrilon blend ...... :...... reg.; 10.98 $5. couple also has two daughters. OtANGE JUICE •hade trees on a 75x152 lot en- 4 BATH MAT SETS >.:.,.,.... ,..* reg. 4.98 $1. Ip.tlw floscd with rustic fence is a, 6- PpT-RITZ ' You'll like Our Courteous Service |oom bungulow that's as Their fourth son. Samuel, Ellis, SEAGER'S was bom to Mr. and Mrs. Milton 104 FACE CLOTHS, white cannon reg. 35c 7 for $1. ft Fast Delivery Schedule! "CUTE AS A BUG'S EAR" Book of 41 Fairfleld avenue on CHERRY PIES 49* February 5 at Mountainside Hos- 10 LUNCHEON SETS, rayon, damask . reg. 8.98 , $2.^ Immaculate in condition, so pital in Glen Ridge. OUR STORE CLOSED ALL DAY Fight, so cheerful, so rcason- 1 BRIDGESET reg. 3.98 $1- WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY fWc, $n,7oo. Mr. and Mrs, Voldemars Lcj- OPEN SUNDAY I- 1PLACEMATSET /, reg. 4.98 $1. Monday, Feb. 22 nieks of 4 Frazcr place have an- nounced the birth of their first 1 DINNER SET, 64x104 reg. 12.98 $5. OPEN ALL DAY WED., FEB. 24 P SERVICE... daughter, Anita Diane, on Febru- ary 1 at Elizabeth, General Hos- 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. pital. The couple also has two 1 LUNCHEON SET, 50x66 reg. 6.98 $1. sons. • 20 CAFE CURTAINS, soiled samples"? . reg. 2.98 $T. • Scher's •Baron's E. HOWLAND Mr. and Mn, Kenneth H. Brown tax . ' [HA5.KURTZ7KI of 8 Dartmouth road announcte the • Bell's • Hathaway's birth of their second son. David REALTOR I Vincent Brown, on January 26 In Eves. Call Muhlcnbcrg Hospital. Plalnflcld. WILL BE CLOSED KKU N - The couple ulso has live daughters. "£" *•••" 1 LIT* f.L f\D ;i,ll.l lit Or.'i IV, i LIQUOR STORE JB Mr. tind Mrs. Norman R. Jones •>•»!>* AVC — W«D*liver — Eastman St., Cranford of 16 Sylvester Btrcct nave an- BE SAFE — BE SURE BRidge 6-0234 N. ONION AVE. nounced the birth of a son, Bruce North Union Avenue 21 BRkig* toiso BR 6-5900 — 64727 Kenneth, on. January 31 at Muh- BUY YOUR DRUGS IN A DRUG STORE lcnbcrg Hospital In Plainfleld. They, uko biivc one other ton;

. t ; sfp^l^^ 5^^|^^^pffi^^ri"?';ji * '^ ^^^ ^^^^^^'^ Pp^l^PI^P^^^Pf

CRANffORD CITIZIN AMD CHRONICLE, THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 18, 1M0 CSANfORp CITIZEN AND CHRONICLE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18, I960 Pat* fh# WilUam P. Sheehan of Plainfield. Home, 556 Westfield avenue. West- feeding rirttans, paJhfinglhiriaut fi "' ""'as' tho widow of EdwaM fleld, at »:48 a.m. IntcrmeriMwlll and kitchen of the Methddfi Ezequelle, who died in 1955. be in St. Gertrude - Cemetery, Church, assisting'in hunting the Insurance Developments merce, New England Ufe Leader^ bration^ tttlttt. annual OBITUARIES Association. New York Ufe Un. Jewish rf Woodbrtdle. destructive caterpUlarin 1M7, and Marvin H. "Kaplan 6f •••10 Con* ;>•.: derwriters» Association and Inter- nMtufffig the Red Cross to help necticut. street, an associate of the Pace, son of Mr. and died Monday at Elizabeth General Mrs, Grace D.MUM flood victims when the Echo Lake national Association of Accident Bettyann^-Kaminski Of Cranford Hospital Elizabeth, after a short iSerylces for" Mrs. Grace D. Glenn G. Geiger Agency (New Advances 5 pTfcRr, of «0 Arbor is among 67 students at Concord dim broke and the Rahway River York) of the New England Mutual and Health Underwriters. GAKWQOD—The Rev Michael Illness..-" •' ' '"'.' - '• ..•••' Miles, 7fl, of 104 Edgewood road Five, members of Boy a inior at Montclair State College. Athens, W. Va. whose, overflowed its. banks anjd caused Ufe Insurance Co.) is attending an iTpractice teaching^ in names have been placed on the B. ,'Masonic, assistant pastor, The services vjjjl be conducted were conducted Monday Jn Eliza- much damage in Cranford in 1938, Troop 84« sponsored by Ca officiated at a solemn high'mass beth. Mrs. Miles died last Thurs- intensive two-week course at theBake Sale Tomorrow Lutheran Church, have been and general science for dean's list for the hrst semester by t)r. Robert G7 Longaker, pas- company's home office in Boston, 1 Of «wtuiem at St. Anne*s Church tor of the First Presbyterian day after a long illness. Home Penults A bake sale wul be held by tified for advancement. at Edgewood Regional of 1959-60. Permit for 12 new one-family covering the latest developments ool to Tansboro. He is a for Jasots R- TVelcase, 80| of 422 Church. Interment will' be /in Dr. Robert G.Longaker^ pastor Misa Hellinger Invited Ajnire Assembly 40> Order of of review passed David dwellings were among 15. building in* the application of life insurance r lambda Chi Delta, iEloyer^-Leaf—Memorial-Park, of th« Pltat Pr«»atwtcriiin rhfc for Ciir\x, at «h<» A *• A and Theodore Knauer' w - Miss Glenn Geddingp, permits approved last^weefc by To Safety to business, estate -and f atnlly-pron class, and Jeffrey Knauer, Satisday ax borne of an apparent Woodbrldge. , . officiated: Interment was in Ever- :erenee^ Hardware store, 12TJortlTavenue, fraternity," and «E"»> ;-- of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene K. Ged- green Cemetery. Elizabeth. Township Committee for new val- President tection problems. '';""." lilin MittrickeMlttik r andd Janus , honorary science fraternity. dings of 8 Makatom drive, was A native "of Nashua, N. fL, Mr. uations estimated'at $215^09. Eisenhower has east, starting at 9 ajn. tomorrow. .Tfce Her. Daniel J. Murphy of Born in Rahway, Mrs. Miles vited Miss Inha Bellinger, R. N. A graduate of New York Uni wood for first class. named to the dean's, list for tht Gelinas lived here more than 2S< Eleven of the permits were J Seaan Ball University and theyears. He had been employed for made her home in Cranfoild after of 23 Tulip.street, to attend the versity, Mr. Kaplan is vice>-presi the awards will be pre^busj. • M. Hayes, son of Mr.first semester at Mary Washington Her. AngaSt M. Struth of St. the death of her husband, George issued to Bender Realty for homes President's Conference oh Occupar dent of the Sigma Alpha Alumni SiBterhood Musieal College of the University of Vir- the past two years as a structural at 38, and 40 and 41 Clark street, a father-and-son dinner to be b^ I Ralph ,F. Hayes of 812 CtmenlTs CSmrch," Ephrata, Pa., engineer by the Austin Co., Ro-S. Miles, in 1950. tional Safety to be held In Wash- Association;and'a member of the Musical selections were offered at tb^Cranwood inGarwood avenue, a member" of ginia, Fredericksburg, Va. " and sub-deacon, re Survivors are a daughter, Mrs. 34, 37, 41, 42 and 44 Concord ington, D. C, March 1-3, ; Cranfordf Business Association; by Cantor Samuel / Lavitsky and Monday night.; selle. He was a graduate df Mas- street, .40, 41 and 44'Morse street, '63 at Bowdoin College, sachusetts Institute of Technology. Albert Banscher, with whom she The conference,. under general Wl^. Me, has been named lived, and a granddaughter, Bar- with construction cost estimated at chairmanship of Secretary, of Sn Holy Sepul- Mr. Gelinas was a member and $18,000 each. Sheridan Construc- dean^s Ust for the spring Arthur Hoagland's •Jtre Cemetery, East Orange. The bara Banscher.; • Labor James P. Mitchell, wilt former trustee of the First Presby- tion Co. was granted a permit for Sc" nesicr.- ' •.. • •...'•„ funn« jii .m»s Sram Dooley Colonial terian Church and a charter mem- a new home at 3 Lawn terrace bring together some 3,000 leaders Troth Is Known in all fields of industrial, govern- HOOK. SSS.Westfield avenue, West- ber of its Couples''Club. He. was a Miss Iillie M. Flohrer with construction cost estimated at jjjjes Boardman, son of- Mr. Announcement has been made „_; :.: U; member of the National Society-of $15,000. mental and private health and Mrs Henry Boardman-of-508 •V-"«y««irfj* O » Xewai9c Mr. Trelease Miss Ullie M. Flohrer, 86, Of 354 safety organizations from all parts of the"engagement"of Miss Giarla Over 100 years ago our founder laid down Professional Engineers and theLincoln avenue, east,, died Satur- January report of Building In- venue, a sophomore Colomia, daughter of Mrs. Nichol- this guiding principle; "Give the Customer Irccd toese for three years. -A New Jersey Society of Professional of the. country. Their purpose'is .,„„„,, College, Greeneville, Heinz Beans day, at Muhlenberg Hospital, Plain- spector F. J. Deller showed 10 to devise and then apply volun- as Colonna of Irvington and the the Most Good Food for Her Money."' TM BiaduiJfle' ol SL Benedict's Prepara- Engineers. has been nanied to thelate Mr. Colonna, to Arthur N. tory Srtw11. Newark, he was a field, after a short illness. permits were issued, including five tarily, cooperative means for re- V«g«twlM ' seven points in the A&P Policy are'an ex- Survivors are his wife, Mrs. for new dwellings, four additions ,'s liit for high academic Hoagland, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ar- W«h Tomato Sauc* j.'uTnfriuiT't.ra-m of St. Anne's CHurch. Born, in Des Moines County, ducing the 13,300 deaths and pansion of this principle, and govern the Ruth Campbell Gelinas; a daugh- and alterations and one tank, lgs during the past semes- thur Hoagland, f 06 Casino avenue. l6ra He scOased in 1953 after 30 years Iowa, she had lived here six and a 2,000,000 disabling injuries occur- 2 27° operation of every A&P Food Store. Thu is ter. Miss Meg Gelinas, a freshman •r . • half years with her nie.ee, .Mrs. •with new valuations estimated at ring annually because of on-the- Miss Colonna, a -graduate of as a saSesnaa' for Engelhardt In- at Mt. Holyoke College, South Had- $M,700. your assurance of complete satisfaction when.-, Frederick. Ummer of the Cran- job accidents. . " Irvington High School, is em- dustries, gf"-. Xewark. He ii-as the ley, Mass.. arid three sisters, Mrs. ; ployed in the, tabulating depart- ever you shop at A&P — for ihe same prin- of lite late Mrs.. Helen ford address... :' • . ,, Miss Hellinger is president of IcharlesKlein of 211 Miln street, -1 John Warren and Mrs. Harry She was a member of the Cra'n- is niajormg in dairy hus- ment of the Lionel 'Corp.,,Irving- ciple that has earned ihe confidence of gen- Burke of Washington, D. C, and the New Jersey Industrial Nurses Mexlcorn erations of customers still benefits millions. ford Methodist Church. ,& .. / " Many Community ic iyJn l.the. National Agyicul- ton. • • . Mrs Mllcs—Matatn.'.y. uf O.eorge- AffgA!13en C. Bradley of Gar- Services Included Esso Standard.Oil Co. • - : j^arge of tickets Jor the an- Cranford High School, Union Ju- l2ox Interment was in Long ' Creek jj flass dance to be held Satur- nior College and Marquette Uni- WMhSwaat A - 97( wonjfc twvs sanSi George E., Spring- fappan *• «am "' Buy extra for the holiday weekend! •fieML' and"; Williain J. Trclease, Frank J. Martiri .Cemetery, Burlington. In Troop History rin the campus gyni . versity, is a member of Gamma In addition to Mrs. Ummer, she Exhibit Antique Iota Alpha and Phi Chi fraterni- Gaiwood.'and 21 grandchildren. KENILWORTH—Frank j| Mar- Boy Scout Troop 75 of Cranford tin. 52. of 637 Clinton avenue died is Survived by ,two other nieces, ties and is at present in the depart-, STORES CLOSED MONDAY Mrs. Charles Graves, San Fran- Methodist. Church, which cele- Autos at Show rnent of biochemistry at the Seton QUALITY *TENDER Mirhari W. Patrylow Sunday of a heart attack at Muh- brated its Golden Jubilee last week U Camp Wingo MazolaOil lenberg Hospital; Plainfield. cisco, Calif., and Mrs. Robert War- Mr and Mrs. Harry C. Dunn, Jr., Hall College of Medicine and Den- FEBRUARY 22nd KEXIOFOETH — A solemn ren, St. Paul, Minn. . in connection with the observance tistry in Jersey Cityr • ' For pooling, taladi, baling Mr. Martin was a partner in the of the 50th anniversary of the Boy of 52 Nomahegan court have mion Sunday (In Observance Of Wasfclngton't Blrtfcday) trigS naais ol snequiein will be of-firm of F-Sejeck & Associates of spruced up their 1923 Model T "A summer wedding is planned. fend Sansrday at 930 a.jn. at St. Scouts of America during Boy I jlahy local residents attended Elizabeth. He had been with the , Robert Bauer Scout Week, has performed com- Ford and a 1922 Durant touring TltasiesaV CXumcb for Michael W. firm since 1945, and was a special- car which they will exhibit next 1 of Camp Wingo. Bear Mrs. Frances, Berard of 198 Fresh Fruits and Vegetables! Patsyitos-. "6. of 31st street and A solemn requiem mass was munity services of many kinds prison. Me., held Sunday Elizabeth avenue will l'ifave today ist in structural steel drafting. He held in Holy Trinity Church, West- during its long history. week in the antique auto section Steamer'avenue, who died yester- was an organizer of the Little of the Elizabeth Elks. Auto Show. at the Hotel Suburban, for F04 Lauderdale, Fla., where field, last Wednesday for Robert In the early days when river car-, Jrange. . , . ' day at AJearian Brothers Hos- League. The show will run from1 7 to she^'wili vacation for sfoc weeks, Dry Milk Solids HAM Bauer of 718 East Broad street, nivals were held in Cranford, the iL EBizabelia. after a short ill- Born in Newark, he lived in 10:30 pjn. Monday through Satur include Mrs. B. B. Kott Sho will be" accompanied by her Westfield, formerly of Cranford, scouts of Troop 75 participated in Stefanie and Gary, Whlls Houta—Inttant Nan Fa» Hillside before moving • here in who died February 5 of a heart special river' police duty. They also day in the Elizabeth 'Armory. >aunt, Mrs. Anna Coiner, of White Tfee fmaoal will be from Gorny 1947. He was a member of the 1182J. i^yaa »-?« --afn Interment will be Elsie Martin; a daughter, Mrs. j Mr. and 'Mrs. Kurt Metzger of Rochester, N! Y. spent last week, ...4SS 1 -35 in tibeHaccily plot; family plot: . ' ; \ Troop 75 down through the years and display autos of yesteryear bd children, Margot, Lawrence Ib. Joan Schick of Roselle; a son, Mr. Bauer was associated with has answered promptly every call Both/are members of New Jersey, [ Peter, of 14 Doering way; Mr.here visiting his mother, Mrs. • Bona in ffioiand; he came to this/ Frank, at home; nis father, Louis Frances. Berard of 198 Elizabeth Ajax Cleanser coemary 60 y<".ars ago and lived Julius Blum and Co. of Carlstadt, from scout .headquarters for ser- Region 2, .Antique Car Club of Mrs. Mel Winkel and sons, tkaik € Martin, Sr., of Springfield; five avenue. Dr. Berard is. interning in *FUUY COOKED !>»..«». 'dese -15 swars. He was proprietor manufacturers " of architectural vice and has donated many weU- America. ;,' , r and Martin, formerly of With chlorina bleach % : ORANGES Mall—FHU CMI ». I Portlta sisters, Mrs. Mary Peacock, of pff Bsnryitesr^s Grove for 40 years. nnd ornamental metals. 0 filled / baskets of groceries for Mr. Dunn has rejected an offer ifoid and Mr. and Mrs. M. T.surgery at Strong Memorial Hos-. 47 II. North Arlington, Mrs: Louis Duke With 4c 2loi.|Ao HAMS . jiM A native of New York City, he. needy families At Thanksgiving of $1,500 for the -two-door coupe and daughter, Betty, of pital, Rochester. . of Washington, Mrs. Helen Schatz DaUdout with resided many years in Cranford and Christmas. • . which was the pride of a Ford \ Columbia avenue. •' .-. oHUb.l can "T NAVEL ^According to U.S. 66r'». SpeelKcaHont Kalkaritae Bara - Patrylow; two of Springfield, Mrs. Olga Ray of 1A tor Hirkey or h«m Saice 2V£35« prior to moving to Westfield about, Twice the troop has been com- dealer's showroom in 1922. The Mr. and .Mrs. Thomas Kelly of 'California—Large Size sen*. Walter JL and Henry O, both Denver and Mrs. Irene Bell of r^ Eudene, director of Camp 15 years ago. He was a veteran-of mended for assisting in extinguish- well-worn "tin lizzie" was pur- 126 Oak lane spent the week-end of Kenilnnartii; two daughters, Mrs. New Market;, two brothers, Joseph lingo, conducted a program of Bentltss SwIH't Etaffia StoraSc and Mrs. Olga Mika, World War I. • , ing fires, once in 1931 when a chased last summer at SUllwater, singing, games and color at Split Rock Lodge in the Pocono Zest Soap and ftouis Martinyboth Springfield, Survivors, are his wife, Mrs. patrol on a hike controlled a field Mountains: / Flra, f both d BoseiDe ' Park, and ..ten Pa? for $100. He spent an ad- color pjipnes J >vieS, .••'••.. and one grandchild. Marie Tobin Bauer; two daugh- fire, and again in 1938 when, on Fraa Siaak Knifa Enelotad ••'/. I"'?* Top Sirloin Roast 99* Sausage '" » ditional $450 on parts and materi- / e Services were held yesterday In ters, Miss Barbara Ward Bauer of an overnight hike; the scouts als in the refurbishing project fer so many features for modern convenience box 4 balh (Bf A Iceberg Lettuce 319 1 C Newark with the Rev. James Til- New York and Miss Marcla Tobin helped put out a bad forest fire in effected at a garage he owns in .1 • cat.. •• Ham Slices d;: ",. 89 Veal Roast '^" Mis. Josephine E. Frank ler, pastor of Community Metho- Bauer, of Boston, and an aunt, the WatchungReservation. Roselle Park. There's more than meets the eye in today's of hearing). (6) Bell cut-ofT switchr- C BA R*d—Wntini dist Church,,officiating. Interment C Tti — Services will Mrs. Burmater of Winter Park, In 1933, Sea Scout Ship 275 was The car-rebuilding task includ- beautiful color phones. They come packed eliminates ringing on extensions When Palahng • ttoday at 11' a'm. at was'in Hollywood Memorial Park. Fla.. 7 organized with assistant scoutmas- 19 ed a complete re^upholstering job, With convenient features: (1) Lightweight silence is wanted. (7) Dial night light— Delicious Apples Sliced Neon ""-'* * 49* Pork Shoulders (^> 1W—Ttranial 12 Springfield ter Matthais as commander. Four with Mrs. Dunn lending assistance Zest Soap l 1 51 e 1 j. "OrasiSnndi . tat Mrs.' Jose- Mrs. Margaret Ezequelle David K. TuHoch— of the scouts from Troop 75 formed and advice. The reount motor was receiver—easy to grasp and hold. (2) makes for ease and convenience at night.' Flrai) Maaty , _ phine E. Ftrani, 70, of -41 North the nucleus of this new group. replaced only-last week. .•• .Transparent lucite dial—with numbers on (8) Exclusion switch—lets you cut off an . ForloIM'andbalh CBologna ":S" " £25 fancy Shrimp »V." "69 A solemn high mass of requiem GARWOOD—David K. Tulloch, In 1940, Troop 75 sponsored a JOSEPH LEVY Avocado Pears 2 19 94th smetA Wbo died Tuesday at was offered at St. Michael's Church Time consumed in restoring the outside for quicker, easier reading. (3) extension from other phones when privacy, P ber bmnse.alter a brief illness. ' 59, of 410 Willow avenue, died patrol in the' Children's Country Saturday for Mrs. Margaret A. Tuesday in U.S. Veterans' Hos- the Model T has compelled the Spiral cord—stays tidy and out of the way. 2 7 29 Flrai, Crisp Tbe R«rp- James M. Girer of Tot- Home, Mountainside, and supplied Dunns to. neglect the Durant for is wanted. For more information—or to — GENERAL CONTRACTOH — T., .r^...... READY-T0*C00K tennlBe^ SL L. win officiate. In- pital, Sunmount, N. Y., where; he the .leadership for regular weekly (4) Bell volume control—adjustf/rar' at Order—simply drop in or call your T C who died lost Wednesday at Muh- had been,a patient for three years. the present at least! But the tour- SIZES •••/i temswma miM.be private. meetings and special programs. ing car is in running condition and loud or soft a ring as you likeyMany op- phone Business Office.'.' 103Ad«nt AW. BRI New Green Cabbage 8 Bonn ID Jessey City, Mrs. Frank lenberg Hospital, Pla infield, after Born in Brooklyn, he came to Other services of the scouts of i uttniiisro a long illness. •*- this area as a young man. He re- presentable for exhibition on the tional features are available, too, at small Finn, Orls* '' • 4U8lbt. Cranlocnd far 15 years be- Troop 75 include establishing bird Armory floor next week. dV' four years' ago. The Rev. Gerard B. Whelan, as- tired > 15 years' ago as a self-em- extra cost: (5) Voice volume control- Popular wall model color phmtsoftt c 16 to 24 lbs. Ib. George W. Frank, sistant pastor, was celebrant. The ployed automobile painter be- lets you adjust for the degree of loudness Bouquet Soap YellowOnions 3 10 43 many conveniences, too. And all of cause of Illness. ' ,...•• TURKEYS ****' 6 Si V QT Instant Frosting . 2^;; 33° DliOjUraft V«ia^,bak!ngmU pig. f**nanri Brook. quelle lived In Springdale, Conn., Survivors are his wife, Mrs. HEARING AID CENTER A for 30 years before coming here' Elizabeth Kenny Tulloch; tt son, Storage Shipping 2 ba'b 290 c Ronzoni Spaghetti Sauce Powdered Bleach ]e ^.L, ; two and a half years ago. She wasDavid K.,, Jr., at home; a brother, "Living Sound" Out Qolden Cow ^SSr* S£ » A d dories CGelinas a communicant of St. Michael's Robert B. of Dunellen. (Srag JbtnorUd L dl Marcal Toilet Tissue ;i:: 10° A high mass of requiem will be _ Hearing Aids French Fried Potatoes E; 2 lZ 37' 5 Services wSU be beld today at 2 Church. Pecking Ivory Saow 8ot a . Chaw S Sanbqrn io.| Florlwit Aerosol Deodorant ::; 75° pm at Gray Memorial. 12 Spring- She is survived by her sister, celebrated at St. Anne's Church, 211S. FIFTH ST. Swansbn's Pies *$£?" 2 " field avemoe. tor Cbarles Clement Mrs. Helen B.' Smith, with whom at 9;30 a.m. Saturday. The funeral For duhat and f!na fabrics P will be from Dooley Colonial —AD 3-0339 PUUNF1ELD —PLS3327 Gefinas. CO. ol 35 Tulip street, who she made her home; a brother. Call BRMge 64898 Estimates Cheerfully Fra* SUak giant "f^Q HomeMaidQarbageBags 2 £*T Octagon Laundry Soap •-10° Downyflake Waffles 2 pigt. 213 South Avtv, East Given on Any Knifa anclotad pig.'' * h 1001. ,. Moving Problem Fish Sticks ^; .22 pig.. Ivory Flakes Swanson's TV Dinners <%£* JcKK CAMPBELL ""S?S? " For dithas and fina fabrics; Buttered Beef Steaks l^' ^39' 9 01. Yoiui'llfind Red L Fish Dinner • - • -pVg . BROADCAST LOW Empress Trouf *«*\M. Ivory WtSHLYIlttSnOAiPtOfTH. 2-55 liquid Detergent Custom Ground For You! SACRAMENTO Withfr..SUal Knifa «Hachad can HERSHEY'S 2s3« Colgate Ad For aulomaKc waihan CRANBERRY HaMM»- Nutley Margarine Angel Food Cake ^ ^««w«^ 39* VISIT YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED DEALER 4 47° Price* «H«ctlv« through Saturday, fib'vuj 20tb U SrUNOflKLD AVKNUK la Stipar Market* and S«l(-S«rvi<« tlora* oa|y la Cinncimon Loaf "WUH JELLY UI JERSEY DIVISION Haw Jtnay, StaiM Idea*' aad Racklaad Courty. Blended Syrup c^Z,. LAING MOTOR CAR COMPANY CBAMHMD.IL «.— V litl.t llut.'»i'!>*"» I ..mjnili VERY THURSDAY & FRIDAY UNTIL *103 MILN ST., CRANFORD — 119111 EAST FIFTH STBEET. PLAINFIELD. R. J. T, RSBTJASY 18, 19*0 I president, conduc the meeting Worker," was reviewed by Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. William T. Sprple Mrs. Philip Schneck of V.JJV. and are tor the beneilt of C. H. Mftsseryp. rhairman. and children. Wlllianvund Eleanorr , Springfield avenue ha» rci the Nurses' Scholarship Fund Kadimah Chapter t Hostess was—Mrs ^ -w «•• . ^^ ~ ~ ' ~ ' ^ m— <*— •» ^' It was announced that the ! assisted by Mrs. Chester Brzoska. The antique committee will meet of Indian Ladder Farms, Voor- from a 40-day Mediterranean ters American home department will TToo Chooseh Slate,, February 24" at 9:30 ajn. at the hcesville, N. Y.. were recent guests cruise during which she visited jinounees Officer Slate meet on February'29, at 8:15 p.m. home of Mrs. H. D: Lohman, 2 of Mrs. A...B. Caldwell and daughT Portugal, Spain, Italy, Greece, at the home of Mrs. James Walsh, Note Anniversary Wednesday Club Crescent .• place. ter, Edith, of 9 Norman place. Yugoslavia and North Africa. Mr.Gleason A'one-ace-act cocomedy* , ^ Talk," by Paul A. Gariti,, presenteprsented n 111 Pawnee road. '•• • •'"' drama departthent, was the program featured at the meeting ^iATd Choose Slate For Rosary Dance I the Mrs. Charles Teeseese, membership;' ing year will be announced at the Are Married The Colony Club of Cranford Evening Department OI the Village Improvement "Association chairman, announced that Mrs. regular monthly meeting of Kadi- J Mrs. W. J. Hoffmann, president Mrs. Harold Walsh and Mrs. Michael Carlo^zi have announced the Ju- , HMfer TBX&S Church, Westfield, has' ' received acknowledgment Waldernar Birk and Mrs. James mah -Chapter of B'nai B"rith Wo-;Of the Wednesday Morning Club, *Mi that the following* reservations have been made, for the supper dance Mrs. Richard Harrington,:- treas- men to be held at Temple Beth-El j,^ announced the following nom- aril- from Washington, D." C, of its offl- ArtInstructor Hunter Were visitors for the third sponsored by the Rosary Society of St. Michael's Church to be held drama will be voted on at the at 8:30 PJn. Tuesday. Jtfrs.^Lco-, .^^^ committee; ^n^, w; T. Ial entry In the 1958-1960 Com-. urer. time and were welcomed as new Id? Mr" ToShowWorl members. Other visitors were Mrs. oeth Carteret Hotel, Elizabeth. and Mrs. John Dolin and Mr. and munlty Achievement Contest, co^ Th6mas Devlin, Mrs. Ralph Jones nominating cbmmittee chairman.} Collins. Mrs. J. F. Bumash and lad MM. Harold Young,p*^ . W. Koike, Mjs. Mrs. George Gillen is ,in charge and Mrs. Harry Henderson. Mrs. William R. Raftery. SOts. Ax&xar E. Wastie of West- sponsored by the General Federa- will make the announcement. At ; Mrs. J. L. Grady. Officers to be i Div and Mrsf Edward Coe will of the Cranford Creative^! of tickets tor the breakfast and Mrs. L. H. i Conger, chairman, this tinje nominations will also be j elected this year are president and m have as, their guests Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kelly wUI rBefifi, to Jfeftm Thcrmas Gleason, III, tion of Women's Clubs and The cd san e (ceremony. A recep- for $65,000 iii prizes, including a Vinelahd. * '" • Show at Convention Hall, Asbur, Mrs. James Hill, chairman, assisted have belonged to the organization j McDermith. reviewed the life of BEVERLY ANN IO.m. BOSS BARBAKA EUTH THIEDE parties after February 12. the ori- NUuntainsid* and Mrs. CatSienne Essig of It , ' chairman, has arranged for Pro- < humorous quotations and excerpte V '*•'•"• R. Pfaff, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bar- will be hosts for Mr. June 1058, 5,500 wbmen's clubs re- «>"*«! Mr. Stoffa will also exhibit in * Bulow,' vice-president; Mrs.jginal deadline. These parties are lessor Collins, noted magician and Jfrom "Huckleberry Finn.'.' The H '•",•;!.' rett, Mr. and Mrs. John Mattis and Barney Maloney, Mr. and Mrs d lliss Barbara Bren- ported successful action to meet 75 Couples Attend April at the International Art GaL " t Coopersmith, secretary; and • in., cooperation with the Senior. mind reader, to entertain the ihext meeting will be March 10 at Mr. and Mrs. Edward Queenan. Anthony Isaac, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- noai of Smt£h ABtboyv/ere brides- local community needs, with lery, 55 West 56th street, NeW York group. ^{thehomeof Mrs. E. W. Schroeder, liam Gubas and Mr. and Mrs. An- mnjiac UBie bride's sister, Margaret, MissThiede achievements including improved Swim Club Dance Clftf, where he will have on dk .'Mrs. Larry Bernstein of ': 5 j 57 Normahdie place. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sizer will thony Craig. education, health and .recreation Approximately 75 couples at- play six paintings. This exhibit tend the Cranford Swimming Carolina street, dinner dance' The drama committee met Tues- •Mi be hosts for Mr. and Mrs. Charles facilities, formation of community will be held from April, 10 to 22. Club's senior, high dance at Cran- chairman, will report on thcvSuc- day at the home of Mrs. E. A. •vii Hawkins., Mr. and Mrs. Thomas «tfl ss iw^: totfl±ier%bes t man. Joh J Is Engaged councils, and many others. Mrs. A. W. Scheller, exhibit [GET READY FOR SPRING! ford High School Saturday night, cess of the annual affair which Koven.. The play,' "The Miracle Gallagher, and Mr. and Mrs. George Newcomers Tell B. Ukeoner of Slew Brunswick and .At a cocktail party at home and As the basis for judging, every WESTFIELD FEDERAL fftaftar A. Wastie, brother .of the chairman for the Cranford Public according to Mrs. Charles C. Good- was held Saturday evening at the Elmiger. ' ' ' a family dinner party at Yi£ Olde club must submit a written report Come and see our large selection of new spring ; Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kre.ig will Library, has announced the^fol-_i fellow, Jr., of 403 Claremont place. Essex House in Newark. Names of Luncheon Plans - Cedar; Inn on Sunday, Mr; and by .March 1, I960,-, detailing its "^tf'stimnierlahjrics--^ lovely dacrons, wools, Mr. and Mrs. Goodfellow and Pa- "have at their table Mr. and Mrs. The. executive board of the graduate of St^ lowing artists from the Creative recipients of prizes will be an- SAVINGS BUILDING community" achievement between tricia Boyette were in charge of nounced at the meeting. E. E. Foerst, Mr. and 'Mis, Joseph Cranford Newcomers Club met' BSainrTs General Hospital School of Mrs. Richjard ~C. Thiede of Toms Art Group who have their pictures Italian silks and combinations to suit every KOOS the dates of June 1, 1958, and June the dance. OPENING DAY CELEBRATION •U Peters, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Monday evening at the home of BPnrrirnE. 33ew Brunswick. Her Riverj formerly' of Cra'rtfdrd, an- on display for this month and next Mrs. Marvin Bressler of 45 Wall I, 1960. . • Ilah Sheahan, Phyllis Hellegers •taster; •.••.' • • •••••..•• :. ' ,- •;..• Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ferro, Mr. street, president, urges all mem- Crane-and Mr. and Mrs. William Mrs. James Donahue, 14 Moss ftmtftgrnri vas graduated from Se-nounced the engagement of their Mrs. Earl Shea; newly appointed 0am 95x01 IDsnxwrsity and is current- and Cecile O'ConnelL J ^jirs^Chafles M. Preston, Mr. bers to attend this meeting. Reuphohtery SATURDAY Ledden. ~~.~ lane. Plans;, were made for the. daughter, Barbara Ruth, to Robert Community Achievement Contest Guests at Mr. and Mrs, Harold ly empUcBwa 4jy tbe "Western Elec- CUSTOM-TAILORED SUITS— and Mrs7~James Walsh and Mr. next luncheon meeting which will G. Rose of Mount Holly. '. . Chairman for the Colony Club, re- O'Brien's table will include Mr. be held March 2 at 12:45 p.m. at anKearay. and Mrs. Goodfellow were chape- MAR. 5th Mr. Rose is the son of Mrs. ports that her committee members Bridge Party to Benefit FOR Four Seasons Reports Special iriii and' Mrs. Robert Biunno, Mr. and the Kingston Restaurant, 1181' Mhs. dnawow -was honored at rones. ' O '••'.. Irene Rose and the. grandson of are Mrs. Vincent Daniel, Mrs. Committee chairmen' were as Benefit Sale a Success - •i-wr\ Mrs. George Erdmann,, Mr. and Morris avenue, Union. A mon- sfhnwer parties given Hugo M. Staiger, Jr., and Mrs. Cerebral Palsy Center MEN and WOMEN YOUR FAVORITE CHAII Mrs. Michael Ferro, Mr. and Mrs. SOxs. Jkftm Cronin, Mrs. John Mrs. M. von Forienger of Mount follows: Decorations, Beth Ferro; . A .white elephant sale held re- ologist from Elizabeth will be BIBS. HERBERT E. 1UCHXEK Holly, and the son of J, Gilbert Walter E.; ThorThT' ' The,. .Union County Alumnae James McGuirc and Mr. and Mrs. featured on the program. JIK.CE. Taylor and . Yet the price is no more than better grade refreshments,.. Sandy McArthur; cently by the members of the Four NOW A KOOS LOW Rose of Philadelphia, Pa. The Colony Club's • yvritten re- Chapter of Zeta Tau Alpha will publicity, Patricia .Boyette.. Judy Harold Schmitt. Mrs., Frank McGurk announced TDWj ;and by her brid- Seasons Garden club was reported Miss Thiede attended Upsala port detailing its community hold a bridge party and white ele- ready-to-wear. Preston, who had been named a success by Mrs. George Bieer Mr. and Mrs. James Walsh will that the annual spring dance will al achievement describes the free phant sale at the home of Mrs. be hosts for Mr. and Mrs. Charles Joan Syseskey Is Bride Bermuda, College, East.Orange, and is now Come and jSee for yourself . . . You!ll be de- general chairman, was - unable to and Mrs. Walter Rozman, who eon- •>.i be held at the Chi-Am Chateau, employed as a secretary by Ciba rnilk fund fof , the needy • school Charles Preston, 201 Orange ave- attend because of recent surgery. E. Dohn, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mountainside, on. May 6. Tickets zsaipk: win Jive:: in Roselle ducted the sale. The proceeds Products Corp., Toms River. children of Cranford. The fund nue, on Tuesday. "Proceeds will lighted! : ' Susan Mongomery, daughter of were donated to the gardeners at Cboose from our' exciting x. J. Quinn, Mr. and Mrs. Edward may be obtained from dance com- was, first /established in 1950 be donated to the Cerebral Palsy, Dublin collection of 30 prints. F. Burke and Mr. and Mrs. Wil- In Double Ring Ceremony Mr. Rose is a graduate of Le- Mr. and Mrs. Lawrie Montgom- the United States Public Health 10 rich solid colors of new :i. mittee members. . high University, Bethlehem, Pa:, with the proceeds from the • first Center in Elizabeth. ery of 22 Colby lane, entertained1 Service Hospital, a leprosarium at linen-texture (abrici! We'll liam Mueller. The next board meeting will be . Miss, Joan C. Syseskey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. iSeatg/t T, strip your- chair to the frame, l-.Lt and' served two years with the annual charity ball. To date, the Mrs. J. B. Stokes of Rahway. LOUKAS TAILORS at a dessert, party prior'to the Carville. La. rebuild, reweb back and. scat, , Mr,_and Mrs. Phil Henehan will a joint meeting of out-going and tyseskey of 17 Lenox avenue, became the bride Saturday o£ HJeenentt Colony Club has donated money president, will conduct the busK mdd a new filling . . even be Hosts to Mr. and Mrs. Franklin T© llaHfe AmMuversary Armed Forces in Germany. He ,is dance. Her guests included Ka^th- Reports were given by Mrs. Ray. pvt ran a brand new rub- in-coming officers March 21 at the E. Richter, son of Mrs. Herbert F. Richter of Berkeley Th»»eht^ an»i at.present employed by the Vir- for approximately 40,000 half-pints ness meeting and . Mrs.' M. S. Formal Wear to Hire erine Marek, Barbara Siems, Carol berized hair and spring Walsh, Mr. and Mrs. James Hill, home of Mrs. Lewis DeWolf, 605 IDebarah -League will Strobl, representative to the Cran- the late ,Mr. Richter. The' Rev. ginia Engineering Co. . •. /•, of milk. The report also states Mitchell of Plainfield will act as Hayeek, Barbara and Diane Gru- ford Garden. Council, and Mrs. cushion! WESTFIELD FEDERAL SAVINGS Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Carroll,' Mr. anniversary of Cleaning & Pressing Expert Tailoring Springfield avenue. •_•*•• ' Mark J. Dooley, assistant pastor, the couple will live in Irvingtam. No date has been set for the, Hhat the Colony Club has sewed' co-hostess. ich, Wayne Bender, Michael Phil- and Mrs. George Hahn, Mr. and membership tea Walter Rozmart, horticulture chair- BROAD AT PROSPECT ST. performed the double ring cere- wedding. 3,035 ' cancer dressings for the |8 Walnut Ave. BRidge 2-6055 iporT, Guy. Borgcs, James King,' Shop-At-Home Mrs. Walter Wasowski, Mr. and The bride, a graduate off Wftiomw ta> fbe kelfl Hebruary 23 at 8:15 man. . Necessary amendments to American Cancer Society arid each Mr. and Mrs. Frederick T. Dea- Lloyd Szabo and Howard Arnesen. WESTFIELD S OLDEST AND FRIENDLIEST FINANCIAL INSTITUTION •IT.:'. Mrs. A, Ells, Mr. and Mrs. John mony and celebrated the nuptial field High School* is emplbywdJ as tPempile Beth-Ahm, Bal- the club's constitution were read Phone FUHon 8-3700 Herbs in Garden mass in St. Michael's Church. A year at Christmas provides' gifts con of 117 Spring .Garden street and accepted. Flower arrange- Keimig, Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. a teller by the National Kevank »eay,' Springfield. . The Mrs. RiShard Beer for a needy family in the way of spent the week-end at the Flan- ' Gallagher, Mr. and Mrs. Edward reception followed at the Hotel ments were made by Mrs. Ernest Spadenhoe Topic and Essex Bank, Newark. Her hus- nym ^nnpty Jflrsj .'Robert clothing and toys. ' ders Hotel, Ocean City. ' Flaig and Mrs. Joseph Dittmer. KOOS BROS. Dwyer, Mr. and Mrs. George Mar- Suburban, Summit. . al W seph Anclein, Mr. and. Mrs. R. I. ters and Mrs^Hugh Adams, Jr., Novello, Mr. and Mrs. Emil D'An- CRANFORD STORES '• • • • •• .''.• • • ••'. were' guests for the evening. drca and Mr. and Mrs. E. Connolly. Milk Additional reservations can be The Rev. and Mrs. Thurman made by contacting .Mrs. Eugene Beavers of Johnsonville, N. Y., Foerst. were guests, last week of the Rev.. REDUCTIONS TO 75% Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Babinec's Mr. Beavers' brother-in-law and guests will include Mr. and Mrs. PACKED F Herbert R. Hugo of Clifton, Mr. sister, Mr. and Mrs. Frank G. Radis of 24 Lcnnome drive, north. RESUUIt PRICES For Limited Time Ohfy These fantastic bargains are available strictly in limited quantities and Mrs. William Rutan, Mr. and Pofsfeeir Mrs. Joseph How, Mr. and Mrs. W LhH.I-.r and during this week-end only . ...'so hurry down and make your Richard Stevens and Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. William Kresge of II longM lasting George Holliday. \2\ Cranford avenue entertained Choose (nun this hfe open stock selections NOW ! ! ' , ttlictioD. Sale ends February *.•'.•• ••. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Vlerick will Saturday at a party in honor of SALE PRICE be/hosts for Mr. and Mxs. Paul their daughter, Janice, on her 13th 29,1980 aid iB patterns rewert Roettker and Mr. and Mrs. James birthday anniversary. Fourteen te nfular price. without dwngii MEN'S SHOES — Reg. $12.95 to $24.95 .$7.99 to $11.99 guests attended. v v . • . . . . .• Weilland. bnnhM. * .-' Dr. and Mrs. Michael Carlozzi Courtship. Enchantress. Minuet, fMtpach for SLACKS — Reg. $10.95 to $19.95_ -$5J>9 O pair - will be hosts for Mr. and Mrs. Mr; and Mrs. E. Wayne Molli- PRICE-SMASHING Qu«n's lace. Serenity, Spring Glory luah abu. James Warren of Mountainside ncaux of 33 Dartmouth road held patterns - price listed below.. and Mr. and Mrs. John Palmer, a Valentine's Day party at their -Richelieu prices, slightly higher. SWEATERS — Reg. $7.95 to $15.95 ... $4.99 to $7.99 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Santucci, home Sunday evening for 40 ffoi* the ITEM MaokhandW Mr. arid Mrs. Harold Mahoncy, Mr. guests. . ." with awtomcrtk SUITS & TOPCOATS — Reg. $59.50 and.up .-,., ., ,. ..$25. swBch. 1 RAINCOATS & JACKETS — Reg. 21 io $9.99 each ^ MOW FLAT-TOP HATS — Reg, $11.95 :..;.'..' ,.. <.)..:•. $3.99

THE DEACON AGENCY • * , • • orsiLV NECKTIES — Values to $3.5d" .. 59c; 3 for $1.49 MARIE R. DEACON We have many used, traded-in and rental- 4 Aider. St. — Br 6-5051 — BR 6-2550 Cranford returned organs, in this sale. Here is your Odds and Ends Table Put all this vital protection into one package Homeowners Select Group Of policy. Fixe, Burgjary, Extra Living Expense, Comprehensive chance to get an organ at a big saving. END SALE! futnr imv. wi. DRESS SHIRTS, SPORT SHIRTS, PAJAMAS, MUFFLERS Personal Liability and save money at the same time. Don't ttnktrt.»»« CHOOSE FROM AMQNG CONSOLES, SPINETS delay, call us today for full details without obligation. faprlpMa Values to $5.95 — Sale $1.99 m>».Unttt AND CHORD ORGANS OF THE FOLLOWING MAKES: Thouunds Sold «t - -r $49.95 PUCE SETTINGS .Our Price ""'.?. '-• :•••• 34.88' M»c» Srttta* Sorry, but at these very low prices our usual charge privileges (Tut pooa lunchtoo HAMMOND BALDWIN Most Local Will Be rkT if ESTEY You Save $15.07 and alteration services cannot be extended during this sale. SET COMBINATIONS CONN 4 107.00 74.U 495" — All Sales Final — N (iK.PUc*S«ttflCS> THOMAS WDRLITZER A Vitamin-Mineral Supplement art*, mnk* Mr i. 214.00' 1**# • Plus FREE 1-Year Supply of AHachments .'- (t-4-pc rtJM J»lMn«>) SAAALL AMOUNT DOWN m For Dogs (Washington's Birthday) •II KICMtatludi fntoia ) (at AddrtkMMl Set off Feh Pads $ -89 •••••/• f ' BALANCE ON EASY TERMS Additional Set Lambs Wool Pads 1.98 Your dog needs vitamins in his diet the same as , Every organ sold with a full guarantee , For Your Shopping EASY TERMS TO Additional Set Steel Wool Pads 1.98 you do. A 4-oz. jar is sufficient for a 60-day supply* INTERNATIONAL of vitamins (when added to regular food). FIT YOUR BUDGET "The Mutic Center of New Jerty" - - . 'For dogs up to IS pounds. STERUNG Value $4.85 CLOSED WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY. FEB. 22nd GRIFFITH PIANO COMPANY 15c INTRODUCTORY OFFER 15c HAMMOND REPRESENTATIVES Authorized Factory Service 605 BROAD STREET . NEWARK 2 . NEW JERSEY THIS COUPON WORTH 15c SHOP CRANFORD STORES THIS WEEK AND EVERY WEEK FOR On All Hoover Products Open Every Eve. During Sale until 9 Phone: MAtket 3-5880 toward purchase of . 4-ox. Jar of FIDO-MINS YOUR BEST BUYS! HAMMOND ORGAN STUDIO of PLAINFIELD, 627 PARK AVE. Open every evening except Sat. till 9 • Phone: PLainCeld 7-3800 Mr. Grocer—You are authorized to accopl this coupon CRANFORDRADIOINC and 83c lor 98c, jar oi FIDO-MINS. You will bo reim- 27 North Union Avanu* Din k Qulmby Si*. HAMMOND ORGAN STUDIO 6( ORADELL, 50 KINDERKAMACK RD. bursed 15c plus 2c ior handling. — Open Thursday and Friday Evenings — 18 North Ave., W. Cranfoxd. Maw J«n«r W«Uil«ld. K. J. Opene^ry evening excej.t Sat. till 9 • Phone: COlfax, 1-3800 Open Monday and Thursday Evenings 15c 15c 26 Eastman Street BRidge 6-1776 CRANFORD BUSINESS ASSOCIATION Boulevard &-N,-20thrKenaworth

: v


»ut executive tat Union Council; of two ahort motion pictures William Magan, district chairman; Mr. Paffrath. , fine contribution to the play. Mrs. Crane front the board plus public (Continued from Page 1) A total of 1,535 new dog licenses Joseph Hoke. Explorer Post 75 ""The home-cooked dinner, fea- Haver played the same part in the members Mrs; Kenneth A. Al-had been Issued by the township i sted, 29 ore still In this area. •-. adviser; Carl Ward, neighborhood turing riast^beef, and the table Foothills production of "Visit to a brecht^ 0 Fiske terrace; Mrs. Jo-clerk's office up to yesterday. The "All of them arc employed,." he commissioner; Earl. Paffrath. dis- decorations \yere prepared by the Small Planet" last summer. seph Hawkins, 103 Holly street; trict commissioner for cub scout- annual house-to-house canvass by 1 lisL_*'Four of thesme citizens and all have brought The 50-year growth'of the troop (Continues jtom Page 1) who have failed to secure 1960 li- Association lor was reviewed by its former leaders their respective roles of the aide -eat credit to themselves and cal science classes at Union Junior and Delton 4 very well an.'• »:• bcome a burden to the state.'* gram," Mrs. Williams said. 'To with the curl in the middle of her (Continued from Page I) her husband became "scoutmaster that end it behooves every'con- vided 4n Cranford/* a nuttl county convention of the —• Sidney .1* Nunn. Actually, he said, the original forehead, is usually good or bad, ©etcring ' «nd Edward. in 1925. Although without prior scionable citizen to attend at least and in this case the show is good. Young Republicans will be held servc fund of $1,500 has never experience, he continued as scout- ruaiajership — Lewis A. pen fully required, and the en- one of the three remaining public The play was proved on, Broadway, Aims Outlined March 5 at the Park Hotel in Plairi- master until 1933- Curing his ten-meetings." . ' . Stuart McFaddrti, Boy. |rc project has cost the church and pokes,timely fun at some,cur- (Continued from Pace /) fleld.. H. Raymond Kirwan of 1 ure his need for an 'experienced March 15 has been set as the rent topics. The^>et, extreme Cranford, chairman of the county SWIFT'S . Siflney Breen, Stephen ss than S300. Of the- amount firmly believe that this need must mart for signalling caused nim to modern and, furnished by Fern's unit, and James F.\ O'Brien, Re- Marie Xnlpe; Chrlst- |>aned for setting • up :tpartmenk; bond issue referendum date, at be predicated upon realistic re- invite Dr. Drew to become, assist- Furniture, Inc.- is excellent, as are: publican municipal Chairman here, — Br. Robert E h U* like for the first month or a"nt scoutmasters which .time voters will be asked quirements. Any additional facili- Bovard Siegel. Herbert to approve construction of a $3,-the ' light, sound and special ef- will be among those serving on the ARMOUR'S 1 1 family was here, more ties should be situated so as to L stusrt TtffrFa ^' '^', Harold lan half was paid back almost, 7 ZjOOCKthrecryear senior high fects, the costuming and the handl- panel for a School of Politics to The 5-pc. bedroom,..78" quadruple dresser m& 12 drowtri, Ttiirror ing of props. prevent imposing hardships on be conducted at the convention, u lie gestenhairm and Harry nmediately. ..'<•'••• associated with the „ troop' until 'school on the Orange avenue (Tact. any. of the children in any one sec- CHOICE tilts... chesl-on-chett with 4 thirt dtmcert ..Sweeping 4-drtxwer bar 1941, came,most of the early.his- For those who already plan to Mr. Kirwan announced' the for- fcis. ' __ • __. _ (which can also accommodate twin beds), plus 2 beautiful night tablet A significant factor, the pastor tor of the township. mation of a Young > Republicans CUT >mmented, was the willingness of tory of the unit. Each of the attend one of the next four, per- "We endorse a salary structure jjramotian — Howard «J. all at Koos tame selloutJow' $48lL -' ' ••-.',.. scoutmasters who followed Mr. DrainuticOub " formances, an enjoyable evening unit at Union Junior College. . Martin Alban,. Jerry Kem- ic families to accept any job of- Drew added to .the history by /Continued jronrPage 1) is in store. For those who may not for our, teaching staff that will en- •red them and their great desire able the responsible administrators :. JJcray Bloom and Ellis Rob- reciting anecdotes and experiences pretalion of Mr. Giles and his have planned Jp go, they would do Pre-Census ; . i>, iin-suranee — "Winfield J. i pay their own way. of their years as'leaders. . j/ players delightful. well to take in this excellent pro- to populate our school system with qualified individuals who intend to (•Continued'from Page 1) "' y and Mil- Following introduction' of the • The "visitor," Kretop, is most duction which Mr. Giles and his time conducted a poll of local of- and finance — Review past scoutmasters, Mr. Sjursen ably played by Russ Morrell, who cast .have put together. make teaching in the Cranford system a career. ficials. which resulted in estimates SI. Hjea'is, Martin Uttman (Continued ]rom Pago. ]) presented 'senior patrol leader demonstrates his talent, and cx- "Eobert M. Grane; publicity "We urge all voters, to explore as follows: Building Inspector Fre, izen to decide in what manner our outmaster in 1954-55. man, Mrs. Dexter; attendance, Mr. Sllliman^ first class, Gregory Ches- tax dollars should be spent to best | George Kopf served as scout- Walter Jones, who did such an Litwack, chairman, Mr. Hawkins; Holiday Sale CHOICE CUTS [lined for PTA ter and Richard Johnson; Star excellent job in "Desperate Hours," service the interest of ourselves, master from 1955 to-1058 and was supplies, Mr. Gutierrez, chairman, (Continued from. Page 1) Study in the Junior Award, Paul Doud, Ronald Fried- presents, another, excellent per- r our children and the future .cjti- followed by Herbert Sjurscn, who Mrs. Dexter. .... " Lewis, Jody Maida, Baron's Drug Siihoul" was discussed by man and. William Rattcry. Theformance as the news commenta- zens of this community," Mr. Kia- Was assistant scoutmaster from Star „ Awards were ' presented Store, Robinson's,, -' Goldberg's H. Theurcr, director tor, and Vee Washbourne, as the mie's statement concluded. . • ' Men's Shop and Martin Jewelers. ipngimges at Westfield 1955 to 1958 qnd has served, as jointly by Mrs, Randolph and Mr.wife, does a fine job with her part. Belden Again ^outmaster since theri! Drew, the oldest leaders' present. RIB r, last week at the W' I Mrs. Washbourne has Been seen (Continued from Page \1) ' Guests also included Dr. Albert JEUry meetltjg of Cleve- Merit, badges were earned by frequently in Cranford Dramatic ed fund director, ancj Mrs. S. R. ii Sherman Junior High , il linger, pastor of Crartford Me'th- the following: James Engel, swim- Club' productions and "more than Christcnsen, 211 Oak lane; Mrs. i Hist Church, and Mrs. Allinger; ming; Ronald Friedman, swim- equals her past work, in this show. John Perrone, 304 So.' 'Union ave- _. • discussed language '! Ronald Victorin, who ^cted as ming and woodworking; Jeffrey ' The young, couple, Ellen' and nue; George Kerr, Jr., 104 Beech ROAST 1 Bastjnnstcr; and Robert BresHri, Heilbrun, • scholarship; Jon Mi- !&• 3md the TitrticinBi interest, and Conrad, played rcspectl\rfely by street; Meredith S. Conley, 14- • miftuw of language learning. •' iTestern District scout executive; chaelson, cooking; Kenneth Morris, Peggy Haver and Jack. Hartwell Woods Hole,road; Thomas But- • tfso iouched xxa. • the- present „.• / . ....- ._ .. Who served as song leader. swimming,' and William Raftery, (who Up to this show was best ler, 3 Mohawk drive, and Dr. John ••/-••/ 'Other scouting personalities fishing. *'...- - y: the ; aural-oral em- known for his memorable speech Olson, 511 Springfield avenue. j tkmfaitary school. lan- resent included: Clarence Doud, The program included showing on the sins of drink and money, , Mr. Taylor's budget committee t stiiay anda suitable junior 1 {program*. Ime ngMLtater was introduced by p. JT. Orazi. Founders' Day Iceland PTA, . |ffiis. lEfaomas Nolan, program ROAST Shermnn PTA, in- r IHESI CSus Cdheo st tfaQ BONE i a Sons,** *^Srane En— nd the -"Desert IN ^. • also C William Craft, sweeping lines are. tempered by lightness of scale .... to make any room . Cart ffteiersoa. Mrs..Kenneth nig, and Mrs. seem more.spacious. Its timeless simplicity of design, enriched by "tambour" Also Mrs. Don*- fcvi. . !••• Martin, chairman <^ refresh- doors, whirlpools of walnut graining. And certainly, its costly details... from i ^iK and' jklrs. Mar* full-length "piano hinges" on doors. .. to elegant white chair seots, glove-soft. INSURANCE SUPREME ameljcfit Burtured lri" 6ol- But we could write a book. Come.see Empress Walnut at your nearest Koos ; inhjiracter as hest fmumi in incn ABERDEEN . ^n"q[y Hsillows d ^^^ world* store. You'll discover, at Koos, you CAN own'true luxury . .. without poying RIFL —Jiihmin V!. von Goethe DLCNULU 100% IMPORTED FRYING CHICKENS State Farm WHISKEY SCOTCH a Icing's ransom! And~remember,-48.80 delivers the 5-pcr bedroom_or_8rpc_ IIIIIUIIIBI- - WHISKEY ERIE.PA. dining room. You can take 2 full years to pay. 86 Proof —40% 86 Proof m Straight Whiskies HYGRADE PKG. FRANKS Jb. 49c 4:59 1-95 ' ' ' ' •• '•<• p. . • ' • , r • ™ Full Qt. ^4/5 Qt. LEAN GROUND BEEF. 3 lbs. 98c 1 — Above Items Exclusive With Us — ENGLEHORN'S gives more SLICED BACON 1 •/» ' i" ' . i GAM.O'S NEW RIPPLE NINE 4/5 Pint 33' • Cost Prices To **%i$i **?*$•'.'» ' * "

• v "••••'• • ••''.*•• Church and Civic Organizations This*single policy £qsts less than four separate home policies, yet.gives greater protection . .. insures home and private structures against fire and other perils •.-.- INSURANCE insures household goods and personal property on and off premises .. • covers KNOWN liability claims' by others for damages for which you are legally liable ... provides TOMAN! BRidge 6-1044 theft insurance on contents of your home and pci'sonal property at home or .-away* UFE INSURANCE . Tin 8-pc. dining room...62"'br«ili/roni with silver drawer titled mm / And—the State Farm Homeowners Policy costs less than many otlier homeowners policies! in tarnish+esittani' Pacific cloth,.,richly grained 40x60" table REAL ESTATE with 3 leave* that extend it to 96"...4 tide, 2 dfm chairs UUh Of course, complete and exact.protection is described only.in the policy. . glove+olt tsUia teals...Mat Koot MMulloui-low 94M. • '••.•. ' • KOOS MA!N STORE Find out about it todav.. SUEltSUIEEr 30 Eastman St. MEAT MARKET 1 (Opp. CnwfeM 113 BRANCH STORES 11 Walnut Avo. BRidgo 64113 S**Girt.Kt.7l :: JOHN G. MALKO "3r»l|i'»?i . •

: •••••• . -: 6 Aide. St. BR 6-9100 Cranford oan KJS * Mtill'l'S STATE FARM FIRE ANp_CASUAtXY_^^ — OPEN FRIDAY TILL 8 PJYL --

• I t:. h .. ••'••'. • •'"' ' ,"•<''' .''- '"V'.';: ' •'-V?'\-i'» ",'"""'•"•< M



citizens in Cranford who contacts there is no north side— Booscvelt districts. I could go on the actual educational edifice. T«wM?ft» l*V~wflvTHl»WvI btiuth side feeling; and for theto- sther-exampks-to-substan- And now, may the sults of the school board elections food of the town there ought never tiate my statements, but feel this MAC KAY be inscribed' in^stone recently heM ta,C>8Ttford were to be an emphasis such as wehavone is sufficient to demonstrate above the entrance toth e College, 608 ^Willow Street member it wont be long before, reported in the papers many of seen in the past week: \ : . my point.. there to remain untfl the last . ' Cranford, if. J/ there-will be a crying need for new I4«ior out people read." . If we are) to continue the co- The result of Tuesday's election trumpet blows andthe walls, crum- lallili *•• February IS. I960 junior hl*h schools. Then we may fanting ble to dust as ^reminder to future be sayint "if we only hadnt spent Headlines of "Revolt on South operation and civic gains that both would indicate not . that "an Dear Sin Side," a comment on the aroused Dr. McDermith and Mrs. Redden aroused south side electorate went generatlons-of our youth, of what Many people are asking Just so much money on that new; high . can be tyW^T^**?1"* by determi- CBABLES M. BAY. Editor and P school we could afford to look for south side citizenry, all tend to praised in last week's issue of your to the polls," but rather that an a what.Cititens for a Better Cran- eUnpliasfaje a marked division, paper,, then all civic minded per- informed electorate, from ALL nation/for the fulfillment of ford represent* and we would like a new junior high." ,." (.They Whereas the north and south side sons, elected or voluntarily per- OVER Cranford, exercising its noble idea. mm to clarify our position. Think it and often in- of. town are just geographical lo- forming in any capacity. right as free voters, after careful L. Etienne O'Brian al- lalgruup, woik- ,.'_... , JSincer ways think in terms of th^whole* Charles W. Stone ging out from under the heavi cations, as every civic minded consideration of the qualifications Ing for our conimunttjr in its ob- 5 Years Ago by taxa- citizen realizes. town, not a town.like "the house and abilities of the^six candidates, 721 Willow Street jective to provide our children tt»n et UUfiUMtor local pur. est snowstorm recorded in mM« r 705 willow Street Charles C. GoodfeTlow, Jr, While it is very true that voters divided by a railroad track which cast their ballots and chose .to Cranford, N J. with adequate school housing and •oses as massrrrt with fMs,. -than a decade.' Although onl, even thou«h runs through the middle. a quality educational program. It Cranford, N. J. was reelected president of the UtM tm^Xt. lax late for in. the three school districts on elect Mr, Kreger, Mr. Gutierrez. February 15, I960 Qfaltty WeeiMeief Cranford Boys' Camp, Inc. sine inches of snow were re. the south side of jpwn turned It is my sincere hope that this and Mr. Litwack on their merits, Dear Sin ••..,:..-. February 18.1960 • ,••• •.-..-.--,'•-^*-. ,«-*,—^....:..- should be fflffphnirirrd that we _ : COMPLETELY Dear Sir fltf/'W a*m»ea valuation, a" . co^ed offlcially^wlnd whi, out to vote In much larger type of civic minded thinking will regardless of where they reside. Our recent election of the school are working for ONE Cranfprd, Mrs. Florence P. Dwjrer. ss- the snow into drifts up to guide and Influence the school and for all its children. We de- From the sidelines where I have Join** Stjriats. T numbers than in previous' years, Sincerely, board should serve as a warning rffpi afsttar. Puhttafcad Bunas?* at semblywoauui tram Union feet deep hi many places school faclUties. qw becmd that they did give a larger board in their future deliberations plore the attitudes which tend towatched the voting trends In Cran- •••'• '.' ?'..'':-.V* '* • ' • • • Harold Rothbard to the community, as a whole, Coantjr, toU members of' the ••' .,••' •••*«••• ; ;' without regard to the fact that the Mrs. Hai divide our community into geo- ford for over 40 years, last week's ' A I&e'Hoagland, son of Mr. . To a man and a IWWpan, plurality to the.three candidates that the taxpayers hi Cranford Granted, N. J, by CoUege Clmb. that as women The IMS municipal bud** ^"in favor of Quick action, three newest' members all reside graphical areas. We are one, and school election looks like an up- and Mrs,. Arthur Hoaglund of i are that were elected, still the tabula- are not satisfied with the program AUTOMATIC! Oarwood and Rsnttwortti. Bobscrtotti: • T« and motners with the right to requiring the -«-•— - -^ grow up fast and we have hi the southern' sector of the town. 211 N. Union Avenue our problem must be met together rising of all of the people and not 507 Casino avenue, was raised M144 by tion needs further interpretation to that has been presented by the in a spirit of united effort vete, ppo was their bumess. J5i oace with them. give the complete pictured Sincerely, Cranford. N. J. Office: 21-23 Aldpn Stnr^&taloA ^a*r TeLaphone BRMge 64000 necessarily a victory for the south She aoted Uiat women c«n- to the rank of Eagle Scout at was passed on finu school board.. -ttat- the plan for- "side. "We are not in a sTateibTwar "a CoUKttfBOOorand dinner tor- rtti^oisu-ci5 lto of a Uttle over Of the aggregate total of 9,318 -Dohzau— -February-lSr-1960- ForUiei.uiore.-onr voters are not the new high school proposed by trotted a percent of the vote. Muare mfles can afford to vqtes cast, 4^11 or 81.7% were • •'•;./:• mlttee. Dear Sir: satisfied . with the indirect an- AND COSTS against each-other. It was ah ex- • . '.: ••'.•• ' ' '• Troop 78 of St. Michael's .„ biirden,,mortgagin«r the our elected board of education • O 0 cast by voters on the south side. 11 Lenhome Drive, N. swers* given by the school board, pression of. opinion in ihe best Pledges to the building fund Church; hebWSgdglr^fo^ r Now' that our Union Junior is a sound program. We must be mnn^w under free government. It The remaUiing 48.3%, 4^09 votes, Cranfprd, N. J. Collcge is comfortably housed in to some very pertinent questions. realistic about the lack of avail- of the First Presbyterian Reuben T. Robinson, Joscnh three quarters million were cast by voters of the north February 13, I960' was popular opinion on the broad Church exceeded the $250,000 15 Yean Ago A. Plummer and Daniel e qu its new quarters, it.is in need of The incumbents who were de- able sites ^centrally located. We TT >nn p ' l f aside school districts. But that small Dear Sir: • Busy Trustees Deserve Thanks of All question of school " gTWT*t'. goal set in January, the Rev. Loomls were elgcted to thre^ plus the value of a a new name to avoid confusion feated, have served our community %USSl hope that' Cranford - studies this Elmer G. Houghton, 76, for- w over half a million majority alone did not elect the I read, with dismay, your head- Differences of opinion, openly, ex- Robert G. Longaker, pastor, re- year terms on the Board of Ed. with other colleges.' diligently, having .devoted much Cranford voters in the recent school.. During this busy period, the trustees program carefully,'test the best mer, local postmaster, tax col- 1-m in favor of it Howr w; nning candidates. The south side line and lead sentence of the num- pressed, are what make us a free ported.. . • . ucation at the school "election. Whole communities would like time and effort to the problems at solution to our problem: be de- lector and member of the Board X am of the considered vcterq gave only 79%. of their ber one article in the February 11 hand and their defeat should in election chose to ignore the old adage also found "time for conferences with - — ' ' •-•' * '.'* '' .. A total of 309 voters turned out to be identified with it Many of feated at referendum. Let us be nation in comparison with the Eu- of Education; died February 14' that this is a lot of money. toal vote toth e new candiaates, edition of the Citizen and Chroni- no way be considered an indict- You can sit back and relax Oil Heat You Can't Beat. about changing hprses in midstream and many interested local bodies, including ropean idea. The election was a ftussell Wl Hardy, Jr., son of after ah illness of three months. . • • V; '••• '••••• whereas ithe voters on the north cle. I refer- to the headline which these contributed. But is this the very careful before we waste this I is a back breaking burden. It b£st way of selecting the name? ment of their efforts, but rather a when you htat with oil. Irs -^nameor^ree-new^membegs4o4he-Board the,- Township Cim^ precious time, and let us weigh healthy sign that ia Cranford at Mr^ sad Bfrs. Hardy of 19 EI- H&also had been prominent in A lectore recital explalnhu side supported these candidates to read' "Trustee Incumbents Defeat- revolt or the^taxpayers against the least free government still thrives. nara avemne, was awarded the the" real "estate business and the beauties andstgnifieanoecr Inpt" ed-As 3 Seats Go To South Side," "Are there not other factors tob e of Education in place of three trustees Board and Taxpayers' Association, the consequences to the children 1 most of us returned thp extent of 33% of their total considered? blank check spending so prevalent costs you less . than any of a compromise solution which One thing of which I am posi- rank of Essie at Boy Scout helped open I the New, Orange the opera, "Parlsfal/' was to be d t vojte. The remaining. '21%, and and the lead sentence, "An aroused at all levels of government today. As a result of all these hours of ob- Sunday services at the First dust from which we are said to other type «f automatic who had labored diligently through three would be only second-best.. tive, is that the result was not development,! now known as presented by w. J. Fott, Ne» 1'come, before the debt Is Q7,%, respectively, went to the In- south side electorate went to the To the majority of people noth- Burns cltan and hot —your Presbyterian Church. Kehilworth, in 1900. Yerfc maskal aatborUy, at . ing is quite so fascinating as the Without exception, I sincerely fwsl. , of the busiest years in the history of the serving, studying and conferring, the Citizens for a Better Cranford based upon any unfriendly feeling luldated. Our principal mone- cumbents. polls by the hundreds in Tues- believe that all taxpayers recog- it buy In automatic home .•••'•I ••'••-•' •, ' rfutanthrople tea of the "Wed. day's annual school election, and doings of some outstanding in- local school board and who had expressed school board members reached the con- have a three-fold plan of action. ' toward the individual losers. As a . The tenth consecutive "Sadie worry is paying tha interest NQW this does not seem like nize the. need for additional class- hsatl First, we'are working to bring the matter of general agreement that, Only 123 yotes. the smallest Jiesday Mbrhinr dub at tlte "South Side revolt" to me. Iputt three representatives from its dividual. They like personality clusion that the building of a new senior .and Emma Follies" was to be number east hi more **»«" ten First rresbyterian Church. |U1 we die.The toys and gfrls the most. It is not a mass affair. rooms, as well as increased teach- their willingness to put in three more facts concerning the proposed high as individuals, they are held, I am staged in March by the Cran- today will have topa y the prin- seems more like an aroused, town, area: on the Board of Education.". ers' pay. However, the school years, were recorded hi the an- .;••...•'/•, Like the peak of a mountain, it years of hard labor in the current "crash" high school and conversion of the present school to alL Second, we are en- sure, by everyone in high -regard, ford Hi-Y Club in the high al as well as a good, share of ship electorate. . A headline and article such as board must prove toth e voters that couraging, .endorsements both by no matter how they voted. It was nual school election. Mrs. ; The above figures will substan above can only promote a north attracts the • most. It command campaign to provide adequate school fa- high school building to a three-year jun- school auditorium. The variety ,8mead Berry and Walter E. 25 Ycara Ago . interest. They, like ourselves, respect. expenditures are being kept at a individuals and organizations. And an opinion'on the part of voters show .had begun modestly in j be confronted with problems ti^te the fact .-mentioned in theand south' side issue. As. the only consistent with the pro- cilities for the rising tide of student pop- ioir high school would be the best arid third, we will remind Cranford Cooper, Incumbents, were re- Mrs. Sarah D.Craig, G. B. paper last week—that the voting newspaper published in Cranford, Now who is this man? Well, on a specific question, not individ- 1945 and in the decade had ac-' elected withoat opposition. J.' McDiarmid and WJlliam M. hdueation. which they will have vision for adequate facilities. ulation before it is too late. most economical answer to the problem. citizens to voter at referendum on uals. quired many of the qualities of meet. At the rate of present day. was' distributed fairly evenly you are in a position to do more you all know' already, for he has March 15. Brenton Steams was .chosen to Sperry were elected to" 'the | within, all school districts. BUT, than any other single source todis - no peer, .., He' doesn't have tob e It seems obvious, at this time, SPECIAL NOTE TO GAS USERS - , As a result of a stepped-up relations The question of where the proposed While is is doubtless true that a professional production. Over succeed Richard J. Vast. '. Board of Education in the school uitag everywhere, not only im- that, the referendum, as now., pro- . We invite all who wish to be many voters iri the southern dis- .100 students were to take part. the votes for the. winning candi- seminate facts and impartial in- elected. An. achievement such as WE CARRY/A COMPLETE LINE OF FIREPLACE FUELS program conducted.by the Board of Edu- new school building should be located, •• - • •• • '"•'•• .•"..• . . • ' election.' There was no contest Jiate inflaUon, but.more for formation to the greatest number his is not commonplace. He is the posed, cannot be passed. It seems Citizens for a Better Cranford to tricts were "indirectly 'striking Under the direction of "Frank E. Ballots were cast by 289 voters. .future is created. " dates came from-BOTH sides, of in order that the board members cation during the past year, local resi- also was the subject of niuch time-con- help In this effort. Ramsey, dub sponsor, since its , The. Cranford quota in the town. Only if you were interested of people. Your obligation to your leader of a group of dedicated men. against the location of the pro-,' annual War Fund Drive of the .':'.,• ' •' ,•'•' • ' • • • " j am not an authority on schools, readers is to present unbiased news and women, eminent teachers who should readjust their thinking, re- dents have been given a clearer and more suming study for members of the board, Very sincerely yours, posed new High School on the beginning, the show had been Funeral services were heli enough to further analyze the valuate the needs of the commun- Mrs. Robert E. Blosser suggested when the club faced a Cranford American'Red Cross swelling around this ' state, I tabulation in last week's paper articles. TThe. editorial column is sacrificed themselves and endured detailed picture of the board's activities Before finally deciding on the Orange 1 Kienilworth line, there were many was set at $31,300, according for John Frederic Peniston, 75, e witnessed expenditures of great hardship so that, through ity and come forth promptly with Chairman, Steeling crisis—its 'treasury was -de- who had been Cranford post- could you arrive at this conclu- the proper place for opinions^ a program which will merit th than they have ever had before. Even so, -avenue tract, they explored the advan* Committee on the north side who share their pleted:, The first shojy in 1945 to Robert M. Crane, chairman. money that are astounding, sion, because all papers tended-to The Article; stated further, "that their, frugality, funds might be ac- opinion — it wasn't a one-sided master from 1914 to 1922. Mr. which are likely, in the not cumulated, with which tobuil d confidence of the voters. we douht whether most people appreciate tages of seven possible sites in all see- featured a film starring Mickey " •. •. / ••';•*•, •"•• . color the reporting with,an em- balloting was •'fairlk evenly distri- affair. It was a" proper expression Rooney, a dance orchestra led Patrick J. Grail was nomin- Peniston also had served- u distant future, tocrus h the phasis that might well be inter- buted between the/ southerly and' much needed college, so that gen- Additional dassroolms and lab-, to the full, the amount of work and time tions of the township, 9 Harold Johnson Place of public opinion. - . ' • head, of the safe deposit depart-, oratory facilities located on th< •»• Cranford, New Jersey by Ned Hitchcock, a magic aqt ated for the presidency of the life out of many municipal- preted by many, people hi a man- northerly sides of theHoWnship." eratlons of our youth might find The. question is much deeper ment of the Cranfotd Tnm 1 re need added high school 4a- haven where; they could, receivi twelve acres of vacant property •DEPENDABLE. FRIENDLY SERVICE UHCE IMS that has been put in by the individual And after their decisions had been ., February 12, 1960 •by Bill Fay, and Sadie and Cranford Republican Club to e ner that would be detrimental to It is an obvious observation; there- / than appear^ on the surface, evi- Emma, two well-known gossips succeed) H. Stanley MscClary. Co. He hsA Uved hete 4S yean now. When the present high future school board cooperation fore; that according to theNvoting a higher education. the high school, would savi trustees in carrying out the various made, the individual trustees continued denced by the ~ (almost) narrow in the school newspaper, played '.' '• • .'•• * • :' aiid formerly was in the import- our taxpayers.approximately Eight The new high/ school proposal, „ was built we - were told and programming. data, Mr. H: Randall KregeK /' Proceeds from the Cranford Th'ere ubtediy will be a very and it must be controlled. The peo- term and Mrs. Zena S. Conley I need. It wasn't long before \ •'•'<• statisticians predicting school enrollment all'this special activity was going on, the ple will have to be satisfied with . and H. Raymond Cowper- -•••.'• . . •' ' Dramatic Club's show, "The •were asked tobu y land for an regular business of the Board of Educa- large ut on March 15th, too. thwaite. were elected' to their Receipts; In the Bblreh tf First Mrs. Fraser," by John C. figures here through 1970 and of findings But vote wlU be for an ex- less than they demand or the sher- Dimes drive had\ reached 92.- r field, which we did. Than iff- .will have all of us. The*local initial terms at ' the annual JErvine, were' to go to the Col- e,the demand for more land in a school census conducted by the local tion continued to be carried out by these ture of $3,772,000, and as school election.-. Despite inde-. 481.51 alttuHVh the local quota lege Club scholarship fund. you know, just the large amount vote "was ah expression of a gen-, [ the present High" School site, PTA's, the school board went through same hard-working individuals —and —ment-weatber-778 votes-were,- -had: been set atonIx_*80(L ac- ._—".-.-.--_;-.'- •_!.:•...«- „.„. ;.. of/money involved will automatic, ~eral" country-wide feeling. The" cast, approximately 10 percent - cording t# Portmsster William Iweboughtit - an exhaustive review of all possible,al- that their efforts in behalf of solution of cause .many' people to vote pressure on governing bodies is A. B. CaldwelL a member «f. it not reasonable to believe of the eligible voters in the. P'Arcyr gjhslrman. the Cranford Board of ASKS* ternatives to relieve the overcrowded the school problem were continued right '•No." ^ very strong. One reason the school township. . ••'..•. : : even though we may findI t Let's face it—it is a lot of money. budget is high (maybe too high) is son for many years, was ap- ssary to buy W couple of hinv- .0 • ••••••• . • • •:" classroom situation, including consider- through the summer vacation. ' 20 Years Ago -,, Pointed tax collector to fiUthe »«»' ^^|t ^ ^ 'People question why must it* be the immense pressure under which Township Committee Intro- I more front feet, tear down f • CUSTOM DHYCLEANEBS atiMi of the age of existing buildings and. Whether or not the proposal for so? -We have a pretty good high Cranford and the eritlre East- vacaner .caused by. the deata. ...now...agrea t (Continued m Page 3) 1 ! number of old houses, ^hat it .;./...'-• • • ; dneed s 1950 municipal budget . em seaboard were busy dig' of George G. Teller: ^ their facilities and the probable effects hew high school building is to be im] schop£ at present that is only 25 sssible to materiaUze the prom- • SHffiTLAUNDEHERS o years old, rather young as schools i raa "on time" route service . . . BR 6-3300 dentally, the board screened a total of 35 ents to the school board's continuing ef- ing in the present high school, with and design, which will live architects and personally interviewed 15 forts to keep Cranford's public school1 plenty, of room for expansion. ; them, so; they fall in line. tJ din& we had better take to to have two administrative said ' eyclone cellar while we stilt fr»jmfrjnj staffs, which in her opin- s time, WALL-TEX AID ion made it impractical. If Ibis thinking had prevailed in the past, Wesley A. Stanger we should really have only one SANTTASPAPERS elementary school and one Junior, 6 Hawthorne Street high school for the whole town. Cranford, New Jersey I have read your "Letters to the , February 18,10W 0 •Sin : 1 i Editor column with interest and • ONI.Y TWO m WEEKS LEFT IN OUR il«t ANNIVERSARY have noticed several which say: ' i are more than Just a few SALE PRICES IN EFFECT "We should not let the cost, loca- NO DISCOUNTS AT PUINT SALE EVEIOV..WHY NOT GATHER TOGETHER ALL YOUR WALLPAPER tion or design of the school, deter - ITEMS TODAY. AND VISIT OUR PLANT... OR CALL FOR FOR BOTH PLANT AND, , us from our determination to get 'R«h Story DBIVE-IN . . . PLEA8EI NO OUR COURTEOUS ROUTEMAN . . . SAME FAMOUS SWAN "ROUTE" SERVICE! INCLUDING MOST OF the best school possible for our ~ SUBtfTITUTIOmi OUR NEWEST PATTERNS children, whom we love." I did of heart sttaoks. bat s CLEANING ANDSERVICE ...ONLY AT SPECIAL SALE PRICES! notice also the addresses on these diet change coold save the letters, and they a)l looked to be ' «t «ty ikoosaad this rm. i CANfNOT TELL A LIE; I BOlteHT OH PLASTIC AMD rather close to the Orange avenue vrou kind o( fM thst 1 site. . h«rt attacks. Fatty com- i • Let me say this—we on the south IT WITH MONEY SAVED AT.V. norvf«lnl«g Ttmlftf ul side love our children, too, and arteries; but flah fats and ' t READY-PASTED PAPERS we will make any sacrifice to get $ t, '' them the every best education soils reduce U. '\ '. • aVailable. But we musj, get a flah four tunes a weak to fair shake for our tax dollar as your lite - sdvlaw ene at only ON WALL TEX AND well. - only The people who are for the pro- Adv. only posed school location may not regularly realize it'but it is a long walk regul^ly £50 regularly 405 regularly 675 from Walnut and'Lexington ave- OKTOUaOWM regularly 1J0 9x10 — Limit*! Tim* Only — nues. There are no "Free Rides" Any ComMnatloii of (5) Combine Any (3) for these kids, not even a regular TRUST COMPANY 8-Pc. SLIPCOVER SET bus line. They will have to have men's business SWEATERS RUG Hurry In and Make Your Selection Now! a car, or hire a taxi, as many now --. 1her€8 an qffice in your community eledrtlysis (Uflbtu>ei0ht, No Beaded or do, or charter a bus, any of which (IfesA «sd Ladies') — includes — 9x12 Will/ cost at least $3 to $9 per SHIRTS SKIRTS month per child. A family with CRAMFORD • GARWOOD • WESTFIELD SCOTCH PLAINS • PLAINFIELD (up so 0 pleats only) SOFA, 2 CHAIRS three children will be paying at f Beautifully Laundered, Ironed and c RUG RICHARD HARTIG PAINT SHOP least $100 a year extra Just to get SMdbvfederal dtposit insunnct corpentian to school, net to mention extra- Folded with Perfection, Cell**- TROUSERS 5 CUSHIONS 11 101 N. UNION AVE. — Open Friday Evening.- ' BRMge 6-2540 curricular activities transportation. fee Institute Wrapped and Customed-Boxed! •Jr \'f '!.'.'! H Let's all think it-over, aiwhre—— SPORT SHIRTS

.'•••.}- W^P^^5^^lf5S^j?p»s!!eg^{^^S;

: : r':'y^::' •',• :'•"••;.• •'•' •••'•'•'•' ^"J^::ll-^~y''y :r-\^";'^'^


CRANFORD CITIZEN AND CHRONICLE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18, i960 1 Every' great man rihlWte I4ons Arrange Musical talent of organization or at Roosevrft Wnter Cat Project Begins Here Program-torBlind tipn, , and U»e United Suites are noon, after which classes continue half that of New York City. pnilosophirai system, a poBey or like than different in such The "Eastefnaires," barbershop until almost 6 p.m; A large meal In., visiting the third grades, Construction work oh the Plaln- quartet, and' an instrumental trio a strategy^—Edward George BoU ;«form of governmenvhous- and a work period are important field-Union Water Co.'s $1,750,000 siB which are currently studying wer. •'• ,.•,' • ' .. ' ' . . - dress and the use of. LocaUJSli ATM; entertained activities during the recess period. Chile, Miss Bunster addressed the. improvement and expansion pro- at a meeting of the Union County Classes also are in session on students in her . native, tongue, gram got unifier way recently as Association of-the Blind at 8:30 j to Miss Ximena Bunster, Saturday morning. At present it panish. She indicated which stu- contractors began laying a 16-inch pjn. Tuesday in Fellowship HaU .*0f chile, who visited at is summer in Chile and the stu- pipeline on Orchard Street here. at dents, by coloring and general of the First Presbyterian Church. Bisho to school recently. dents are on vacation. physical characteristics resembled The 3,600-foot-long pipeline will Approximately 75 blind persons Ecumenical Mission Leader Slated Thought for the Week to an assembly of the Many of-the modern appliances Chileans. With warmth and friend- stretch from Tulip street to the attended the meeting, at which the will mppt at the Rev. Mr. Miller's The Rt. Hev. Alfred L. Banyard, ymous will meet in Sherlock i grades. Miss Bunster ob- which we have in o.ur homes also iness and personal charm 6he Central Railroad tracks and then Cranford Lions Club was host. home, 17 "Herning avenue. TSTJ)., Bishop of the Episco- at» pan. er-country- come ..alive for~ along—Walnut-avenue-yto—Lincoln- j DtmonTjcHafrman oi the" eral secretary of the Gommissioin First Presbyterian Church : 1 Tuesday at 1:30 p.m. the Prayer pal Diocese of New Jersey, will democratic g inspiration that the -lives the 8 o'clock service and will give of the Holy, Eucharist at 7 7? iSch'opl. •'•••' - .,; • burn. -. .„'. .;•• .'. -•. A---. .. . . the ministers. • * -,• . ' of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln has given to even" the address at the 9:15 a.m. and 10 The Holy Eucharist will also, from • the first grade and not football as it is played in munities served by the Plainfield- services Sunday « the Ffet the. United States, is-'a favorite Upon, completing the' require- Union Water Co. with water sup- The Church School staff under our present generation. The spirit of Washington is almost ajn. services and will administer celebrated at Sain. The servi the university, which is Reform' like charity must begts byterian. Church in obsercarace the Sacrament of Holy Confirma- Lvc-year course. Miss Bunster sport; Basketball also is very ments for a/doctorate in anthro- plies needed for this growing area. the direction of Eugene, Powers synonymous with the spirit of - freedom, and liberty we still hold of evening prayer will be heln pology andueducation at Teachers at home.—Cartyle. • s .• Ecumenical Mission 2nd Rriatwms tion during the 11 o'clock service. lid Throughout the country. popular. • Water use has been steadily in- will meet tonight at 8 p.m: in the .as our priceless possession. The spirit of Lincoln is very close the church at 5:15 p.m. CollegeuColumbia University, Miss Sunday. beginners' room. Refreshments The following persons are to'be Next Thursday the service oM nl children wear the same unK Miss Bunster traced briefly the creasing, and in January a 7.8 per- to the spirit of reconciliation that marks the. one great hope* of "in' order to eUminate compe- history of Chile and borrowed a Bunster will return to a respon- cent increase over January, 1959, He'will'speak on "God's Sos»- will be served! ' . •• Confirmed by Bishop Banyan}: morning prayer will, be held U sible^position in the Department of our day. " , ' •' " . • • • ,; Patricia J._Brumer, Karen L. k i in dress. boy's belt to explain the size .arid consumption was recorded. Cus- : mons to—the Milton " ^he church at 8:45 ajn^foj- ' .Education- of Chile. T>orian,~Margarer M. TDov a celebration of the Holy 1 scfioordajrin^hae-begins- ^shape^of-the~eountry-and-its-three 4omers-used-569,800,0i)0^galloas-Ot Church." /Mrs. George, Barlow, first vice-J water-last month, compared with I think It Is not a coincidence that both of these great men: Arlene F. Fricke, Carol Y. Fricke, and the Healing Service" ["^c does but provides a two-or distinct geographical areas. Chile's Dr. Smith's commtssioa is hour recess in the early after- population is a little more thW president of Roosevelt PTA, enter- 528,590,000 in January, 1959. Pastor Sets were men of prayer. Not only did they believe with all their Joy M. Green, Redee M. Kamin, members of the parish Altar Gm I tained at a luncheon in her home sponsible for the overseas Frances E. Meyer, Sharon L. Miles, A part of the expansion program —to and from— • and interchurch relations of the hearts in the power of the living God but they also.believed that Will, make their corporate lor Miss Bunster. Other guests in- 1 Stephanie A. Tristram. : will include a major well develop- denomination. A farmer rcisskvo- men are the instruments of God in the carrying out of His purposes munion at this service. " Break \ cluded Thomas Tipaldl, Miss Mary Topic Sunday Mark ti. Cooper, Hobart J. Cree, fast and business meeting will takl ment, program to augment ground Id1ew2ldr LaGuardia & Newark ary in Japan,, he joined' tlse ex- lOr. nlplHllllli . , ' ( . . . ' -Bernath, Miss Teresa Mataranglo water supplies" in this area. One FOR SERVICE IMPROVEMENT—Wprkmen begiii/aying a new ecutive staff of the Boasd of Jr., William B. Edwards, Guy G. place in the guild room immedi !and Mrs. Barbara Stevenson of the 6 Fisher, Dale R. Gangaware, Jr., ately following the 9 o'clock SERVIC new well has' already, been brought 16-inch pipeline for the PlainBeld-Union Water Co. to balance Foreign Missions in 1943, Four At Alliance So our thoughts. are drawn toward the Almighty in seeking Roosevelt School staff and Mrs.in in Plainfleld in January and well Airports — Grand Central & Robert J. Gangaware, Richard A. ice., ... '' ... Barlow's son Neal, a third grade water supplies on both sides of the Jersey Central Railroad tracks. • years later he. became associate The Rev. Laurance J. Pyne, pas- to resolve the problems and riddles that baffle four generation. TAPE RECORDERS diggers are now at work on a pro- general secretary, a post fae;heM Gangaware, John R. Goodwin, student.' • • -. Pipeline will go along Orchard street and Walnut avenue.'' Pennsylvania Stations, N.Y. Piers tor jof the Alliance Church, will I suggest-that there is the source of power for every home and Robert ; G: - Kiesling, Seymour RT. HEV. ALFRED BANYARD jected 350-foot-deep well near until last September when be family as in humility and trust we approach the throne of the Quick Senrie* — Rewonable Mrs. John Baumann arranged a Central avenue in Mountainside. named general secretary. take as his sermon topic, "Glorify- Marsh, Jr., Joseph Pankiewitz, -'.'••••• ••"•• • • \ — DiyTripi — ML JOHN COVENTRY SMITH heavenly Father. Paul, in writing to his friends in the Philippian Floyd R. Price,, James Pv Rae, Ed- Methodists We FMtur* RCA Ti tea for Miss Bunster and faculty ond, Irving Wilner; third, Frank A native of Canada. Drr SnnaJh ing God,", at the Sunday service at members after school in the Contest Winners Told O. holds an. honorary D-D. decree Church says it so beautifully in one of the Bible's greatest prayers: ward W. Reade, William J. Todd, Sunday, will include 8 a.m., Holy Dickert, Jr'; color slides, first. li'a.m.'.;-., Eucharist; 9:15 a.m.; Family Serv- library. She was assisted.by Mrs. School was the first of four foreign ' '-.•'• '.„ • ••' .• •• '• . ••". •••••' „.••••.-.....• Gary C. Ziegler. .;' from Muskingum College-,. Xew at 7 pm. Sunday and at 8 o'clock 8 Alden St. John SiUiman, Mrs. Wijliam Mer- graduate student visitation pro- By Loical Camera Club Warren Schmalstich; second, Concord, Ohio, and honorary XL. P- Use- first of the classes for church Sunday Bible school will begin "Our Father, we. most humbly beseech Thee to give unto Also, Allah H. Bpnnell, Roy A.ice and Church School; 10 a.m.,Add Fourteen Beatrice Kesson; third, fourth, Mr. Morning Prayer with hymns; 11 nlck, Mrs. Anton Preusg and Mrs. grams sponsored by the Roosevelt Winners in black and white degree from Grave City (Pi.) at 9:30 a.m, under the supervision this house, and onto each member of it In particular, to stand BedeU, Mr. and Mrs. William T. Harold Hildebrant. < Dickert. ' nafembership for adults will be held of William Felmly,, general super- a.m.. Sacrament of Holy Confirma- PTA. The'next visitor will be Hi- prints and* color slides contests at College, Tarkio (Mo.) CoIIest. fast in the.Lord. May we be of one mind. Grant that whatsoever Edwards, Mrs. Ernest Hobbie, Mrs. BR«dge 6-0483 deo. Kamo of Japan. ' The group plans a color slide in the junior high room. intendent. . tion. ' • • ', ToRoster VAN'S In discussing highlights of .her SCARBOROUGH'S A & A CAB SERVICE Yonsei University.'Seoul. Albert H. Michael; Mrs. Charles a meeting of the Cranford Camera thtnes are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things Fourteen persons ^were received I day' in Cranford, the visitor from contest at the next meeting, Feb- He served as a missionary is Tomorrow at 7 p.m. Junior High E. Vltale, Robert E. Risberg. Mrs. The annual Men and Boys' Cor- : SMvlim Cranfofdoo Y< The four groups of the Alliance are Just, whatsoever things are pore, whatsoever things are lovely, into membershIpN»f the CraMonll hile expressed great pleasure at Wicked men obey from fear; Club last week were as follows: ruary 22, at 8 p.rru-...at the Cran- Japan for 14 years prior to World Fellowship will hold an open house Youth Fellowship will meet at 6 Loren Garland and 'Mrs. .Robert porate Communion and Breakfast ford Methodist Church. \ : if there be any praise, may we think on these things, may. we know will be held on Monday, Washing- Methodist Church at services last having had an opportunity to visit good men, from love.—Aristotle , Black and-white,' first and sec- ''•'•' ' '•' i • ' •' ' War II and was interned in Japan. is Fellowship Hall. „•< ' p.m. - ' E.. Risberg are to be Received in an American home In her 3'A. V both how to be abased, and bow to abodnd. May we do all things by Bishop Banyard. . ton's Birthday, at 8 a.m. The Rev. Sunday as follows: • I • '• '• ' % Dr. Robert G._Longaker. pastor. On Monday at 9 a.m. the men of Rev. Mr. Pyne will bring a through Christ which strengthened us, knowing that God shall Clarence Lambielet, chaplain to Raymond Freckman, sponsored years in the United States her only and the- Rev. Laird O. MiJUer. as- the church will attend .a Wash- 'Question and Answer Sermon" at The girls' choir rehearsal will knowledge of our home had come sociate pastor,, will particip3ite in ington's Birthday breakfast of the .supply all our need according to.Hls>r!ches in glory by .Christ be held at 5 p.rh. today., The serv. Episcopal students at Rutgers Uni- bjr Miss Judith Hicks; William a the 7 o'clock Sunday evening ser- Imus,- sponsored by his parents, from' magazine pictures. She.was the services'. , __ • ' ' ° United Presb^erian Men in thevice. At 8:45, Rev. Mr. and Mrs.. Jesus. Amen." • , • " . ice of evening prayer will-be held versity, will speak at the breakfast on "The Church on the College Mr. and Mrs. p. Edwin Im especially excited about the kit- : in the church at 5:15 p.m. The • The Westminster choir will sing Fan-wood Presbyterian • Church. '•-'••'. ••• •'*.••-.,-• • • Pyne will present the after-church Campus.™ Tickets for the break- Erwin F. Heger, Jr., .sponsored fey chen, and particularly the wood "How Beautiful Are the Feet o! Colonel E. Ragnvald -Heiberg, pro- Fireside Hour," an informal time And then as we recognize that each one of us is an instrument men and boys' choir rehearsal will cabinets. . , 3Oth Anniversary of th(B,well-known be held at 7:30 p.m. and the last fast may be' purchased from ' the his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Heger Them" by .HandeL ~O Piraise fessor of mechanics at West Point of singing, Bible quiz, and gospel to,proclaim His peace with our lives we are reminded of the The feeling of mutual respect Military Academy will speak on in the series of Adult School of parish office or from any member Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hill, Spon4 the Lord" by Ivanof will be of- film. , sored by Mr. and .Mrs. C. Collingj and cooperation existing, between fered by the chancel, choir- , ' "^Soldiers and Christians." At 8 prayer of Francis of Assisi: Religion will be held at St. Paul's, of the Men's Brotherhood. The On Monday a group from, the r •-•••.'•'.'--• <— -••• - .-•--.- ...#..... K].../»..".. * «-•-.. -..-..'. r. ;.:.__ ...... i r teachers and parents and the bene- prn. the nursery department staff westfleld, at 8 p.m. " servlce""of evening'prayerwill take Haydon.-__ : ..;..'I The youth fellowships jAll meet; church will attend a program at place in the church at 5:15 pjn. Mrs. Mildred Sangiuliano, Mril fits to the students from such a Carnegie Hall, "World Missions in "Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace; On Friday and Saturday the GRIFFITH'S relationship also impressed Miss Where hate rules; let me bring love, ' Boy. Scout Troop 74 will meet in Dorothy Sangiuliano, sponsor;] Review," presented by the faculty service of morning prayer Will be Sherlock Hall at 7:30 p.m. Ernest Le Roy Boyd, Russell' Dob^ Bunster. Only now is there a faint and students of Nyack Missionary. . ' ' Where malice, foreiiveness, . . ' ;. - held in the church at 8:45, a.m. and bins, sponsor; Mr. and Mrs..Arnold N beginning of parent-teacher asso- On Tuesday the service of morn- New Members Welcomed College, Nyack, I*. Y. where disputes, reconciliation, the service of evening .prayer will Bauserman; Mrs. Carpi Pizzelli,! ciations in Chile, she related. Un- The board 6f. deaconesses will Where error, truth. .. ' , take place at 5:15 p.m. ing prayer will be held in the til very recently the teachers have church at 8:45 a.m. ^Brownie.Troop sponsored by Robert. Pizzella; meet Tuesday morning at 10 ;••'•' Where doubt, belief, Trinity Couples'; Club will meet Brant E^tringham,: sponsored hj discouraged all parent participa- At Osceola Worship Service at 7:30 p.m. for a bowling.party 387 will meet in the guild room IN •'••" "' Where dlspslr. hope, —^ •---~-.-•-•...... ---- . -.. tion -in-school- affairs, ;-' _^ . o'clockr-At-6:45 o'clock-that-eve- : ; at 3:30 p.m. Boys' choir rehearsal Mrs. Brant Eltringham; Mr. and 1 = New members lecognized at the 920 service last Sunday at ning, members of the Fishermen's and will return to the parish hall Mrs. Jacob Sulzmann and Jay Miss Bunster's visit to Roosevelt Where darkness,'Thy light. for refreshments at 0 p.m. will be held at 5 p.m., The Cran- m Osceola Presbyterian Church were: Mr, and Mrs. David Barrett, Mr. Class will leave the church to con- Where sorrow, joy} ford Chapter of :Alcoholics^Anon- 'Sulzmann, sponsored by Mr. and | Services on Sunday, Sexagesima duct a service at the Goodwill /• Mrs! Maurice' Fuller. and Mrs. Marino Mega. Mrs. Bernard Oysiew and Jack Ovsicw. : • ' •••/ / • •': •/ Rescue Mission, Newark. Beth' TOWNSHIP OF CRANFORD Mrs." Mega, Jack Owsiew and •, • "O Master, lei me strive more to comfort others On' Sunday' the Junior High I Gordon Ovsiew were haplraed the Pilgrim and Colonist groups of Fellowship ;will"hold"a "parents-1 , NOTICE OF ajULXOFlAND } 1 Friddyi Safurdayr Moiiday/ Tuesday and Wednesday ^ ' • f of .the church at 1 pan. Mrs/ Emil Pioneer Girls' will meet* at 7 than to be comforted. —f Lutherans to Beecigmze ^ Public notice Is hereby given that the by.th© pastor.at the sftsrow nuee«-i Tobler will show slides oti. Swit- teen hobby show at 7 p.m.; Inter- Township of Grantaid will sell-»t public o'clock'.-' To understand others than, to be understood^ ' , , mediate Fellowship, a program oa I cM4»l«Hi Job for uie to the hlshest bidder Lot 4S1; Block " ./'•''•• Open every evening during sale until 9 P.M. ing earlier this month. ' I zerland at this program. Boy Scout 117. fronting on.Dletz Street, in the Town- Siuniday will be observed as1 Wednesday morning at 9:30, the / ' To love others, more than to be loved! "Conformity"; and Senior High yom from irtort to Bhlp of Cranford, New Jeney, at its Troop 44 will meet on this same Women's Prayer'Band will meet Youth at Sunday Services Fellowship, "Heroes and Heroines | meeting to be held in the Municipal Ty*MyT^H'Cr*T Mission and Relations date at 7 pjn. . . . finish/Sav* you Building. 29 North Avenue, East, Cran- Sunday. At identical church' ser- at ..the home of Mrs. L. A. Conover, "For he who gives, receives, '•'-, , , "Youth, the Church and the Home" has been selected by the Rev. Today." MATERIALS ford. New Jeney, on Tuesday, the 33rd SPECIAL FOR THIS SALE Next Thursday Cub Pack 44 will 10 Retford avenue. On Wednesday He who forgets hunself, finds, . Arnold J. Dahlquist, pastor of Calvary Lutheran Church, as his sermon The > Young Adult Fellowship | ti««, mon«y and day of February. 1000. at 8:30 P.M. on vices ar9:30 and 11 aim.'the Rev. have its Blue and Gold dinner at CONTBACTOKS the following terms: Albert G. Dezso. ' pastor, will evening 'at 8 o'clock, Miss Ger- • ' He who forgives, receives forgiveness. ' i ' topic on Youth Sunday at the 8:15, 9:30 and 11 a.m. Sunday services. will meet Sunday at 7;30 p.m. at ' 1. Minimum sale price 8500.00. Osceola at 6:30 pjn. Members of worry. Call or stop 2. . 10% of Uie amount of the bid to' be preach on The Family of CbrisiLT, trude Kuhlman, a representative And dying, we rise again to eternal life. Amen." Elwood Henning. Jr., Charles Stiefken and Jane Stucker of thethe home of Miss Beverly Paffrath, FINANCING paid in cash, or by certified check. the Women's' Guild will serve. of Child Evangelism, Inc., will be infor ffuH details . . at the time of the sale. The sacrament of infant baptism ..'..•.••.••••;•••.'••• ; 222 Locust drive. Brand new full-scale Mahogany Spinet Sunday church school will take part in the'services. YoUng men of the Junior choir will rehearse Wed- guest speaker. Shtf is in charge of ASSISTANCE ' 3. Balance of purchase price to be ' vti\\ take place at the it ajtnl ser- ' Are these the - fanciful thoughts of a dreamer? Oh no, but. Boy Scout Troop 75 and Ex-1 , paid In cash or certiaed check within nesday at 6:30 p JCU. the work in Austria and will tell church school, wjll usher. , thirty <30( days of the date ol sale,, vice. " the fabric by which God fashions through men His peace upon plprer Post 75 will meet tonight at j , Made \tf jneof her experiences there. . Ghildreri's ..choir, will sing 7 and 8 p.m., respectively. upon delivery of deed. ., Church school deparfemenSs up c3e. 7 o^Tthe" Women's, Guild on" the earth. / -. 4. Purchaser to pay the cost of publi- through primary will meet at 9:30 The-boy scouts will meet at the "Father Lead Me Day by pay" byBaptists Announce Intermediate Fellowship plans a j cation of the sale, revenue stamps Wednesday- at- the home of Mrs.church tonight and the Cub Scouts Dykes at 8:15; youth choir -will roller skating party Saturday eve-, and preparation of deed. a.m. and the older departments at Robert Hays, 272 Madison Hill TeL BRidge 6-0505 9. Purchaser to pay a proportionate 11 ajn. A child care nursery tomorrow night at 7 o'clock. pected to attend the convention on sing "Prayer to Jesus" by DeCastro Sunday Program ning. The group will meet at the | share of the taxes for the current road. Clark, at 8 pjn. • the theme, "Seek Peace and Pursue at the 9:30 service. Adult-choir will church at 7 pm. —•'—• A year from the date of sale. be available at both church ser- The following scouts took part in "Faith and the Word of God" «. The highest bid shall be subject to vices. • ."; . . ' , ...••.' Methodists It." There will be a mass baptism offer "My Heart 'Js Longing to The confirmation class will take acceptance by the Township Com- the church service Sunday at 9:30 Presbyterians Arrange of new ministers and a talk on Praise My Saviour" arranged' by has been chosen by the Rev. Frank 'trip to New York Monday by . mittee which reserves the right to On Sunday the Senior West- .' Explorer Barry Wible led in M. Rossi, pastor of the Cranford, ' reject any and all bids. ' minster Fellowship will be guests Family Night Supper Break Ground "Finding Peace in a* Troubled Sateren at the third service. bus,to visit many of.the. larger 7. The sale and conveyance, shall be the American Flag salute; Boy Baptist Church, as his sermon subject to the following restrictions: of the First Presbyterian Church scout Car] A chilly, snowy Sunday altered World." Sunday church-school will qon- churches, temples, Chinatown and . scout oath; A church family night supper topic at the 11 a.m. service Sunday (n> Restrictions of record and ton- of AveneL The group will meet at £*& Scout plans for an outdoor ground break- vene at'9:30.a.m. for all depart- Seamen's Institute. The bus will ing ordinance*. . Walnut; limed oak, French Brunner, cub with a program based on an at Roosevelt School. leave the educational building at Said Lot 481. Block 117 shall Osceola at 6:15 pja. jpromise. George Fifleld received African theme is scheduled Tues- ing last Sunday for the $375,000 Three Residents Attend ments and at II o'clock for all ex- be used by the purchaser only Provincial slightly extra . A program on "Pride"" from the ] ^^ Cub day at 7 p.m. in Fellowship Hall educational building of the Cran- cept the 'senior high and adult . Sunday school will begin at 9:45 9 a.m. -.'••' in conjunction with adjoining charter; Harold Kuhn, The. 100th anniversary commit-1 book. "Man in the Middle." will be of, the- First Presbyterian Church. ford Methodist Church. A short Presbyterian Conference classes. The senior department a.m. with classes for'all ages. PW harter, and Allison tee will meet at 8 p.m. Monday at j TOWKSHIP OF CHANFOBD beb} by the Triads Sunday at the A color film "Footsteps of Liv- ceremony was, conducted between will hold classes at 9:30. a.m. and On Wednesday church school J. WALTER COFTEj: This year (commemorating our 30tl| Washington's '. explorer post charter. Three men from the First Pres- the home of Mrs. B. W. F.^Ran-1 . ' Township Clerk- Rosejle Presbyterian Church at ingstone'' will be shown.at 8 p.m. the two services at 10:30 a.m. in conclude with the use of morning teachers will meet at the home byterian Church attended the dolph. ;••'"_ BRIDGE 440505 Dated: rVbruary 10. 1960 ' . Birthday Sale) we are offering you a brand new, At the same time a f ilmstrip about the church sanctuary. - , sixth eastern area meeting of the suffrages at 10:15 for their wor- of Mrs.. John Taylor of 16 Moss 1336 CENTENNIAL AVE. Adv. Fees: «1«.6S - 2-M The'pastor will teach two classes i BaptasW RitCS Set Africa, games and. stories will be Dr. Albert Allinger, pastor, out-i National Council of United Pres- ship service. The senior high.choir lane to make plans for Children's full-scale (88 notes) mahogany spinet lit t|'ie low- pay and ''America for Christ" of 363 South Union avenue will be at the forum to'be held at tfee-I «2nnf|av a» «2> provided for children. A storytime byterian Men at the Hotel Statler, will sing and several young people price of$445. Presbyterian Church of Westlield also is planned for children.under New York, last week-end. Her- of the junior-intermediate depart- Sunday. . hosts. -•/'. .today. Explorer Post 44 will meet The -sacrament of holy/baptism 13 years of pge preceding the din- Church Offices Move bert Hoover was. one of-the guest ment will assist with the worship The mid-week prayer service Members of Bremner Chapter! on this date .at 7 pin. , will bee celebrated at $3t. Mark's : at 7:45 pjn. Wednesday will con- Order of DeMolay, were guwls This piano has a light-touch easy action: full-cast ner at 6:40 p.m. ' Offices of the. Cranford Meth- speakers. \ .. . service. ' • , .::..![ •..-: Brownie Troop 686 • will 6 A3IE Church at the 11 a.m. service Mrs.'- Frank Sloat is chairman. Attending from Cranford were: , William Charles, son of Mr. and tinue studying . the-' second Gos- at the. service last Sunday at the iron plate; a fall board-(key covering); 5-ply lami- Sunday, Four persons to be bap- odist Church, formerly housed in peL Mr. and Mrs. Philip Enlow school. . ' , its meeting tomorrow at 4 p_rn_ At • the parsonage, which is- being' Jay R. Gross of-116 Orange ave- Mrs. William F. Davidson of Cran- A WORD tiz*a are: Mrs. Mary W. Davis, nated case; 5-post back; stapled hammer* and a 6:30 pjn. the same day the West- CHRISTIAN SCIENCE razed this week, are how located nue; Roy Hammond, £08 Central ford, and Holly Lee, daughter of ' minster choir will rehearse; 8 p.m. Miss Shirley Durham. Holly Pa- avenue, and Donald S. McArthur, Mr. and Mrs. Alex B. Scheduvof 10-year guarantee by the manufacturer. trice Tarver and Eric Tarver, Jr". CHURCH SERVICES in the education building, it was senior choir. reported. The telephone num- 28. Tulip street. Cranford,.were baptized at the 11 Girl Scout Troop 10$ and Broc- The Rev: John A. DevcaUX, Jr., Man's God-given ability to think 1 and act rightly will be emphasized, ber has not been changed. o'clock service last. Sunday. 37 inches high; 24 inches deep; 56 inches wide jue Troop »1 will mcg^SatuTday-)pa^ir.T. will bring—the—message, - A-special music workshop un- ABOUT MONEY •"From Death Unto Life." The Sunday^ at Christian .Science ser- Rabbi to Explain ,•.-•'.'.•.!•; at 10:30 am' At 6:30 pan- on this vices. ' •' ' der the leadership of the New Jer- same date. Senior Westminster „ adult choir will _..._. sey Synod committee on worship Scriptural readings in the les-lined plans for 'the building oil theMeaning of 'Kosher' SMALL DOVVN PAYMENT Fellowship members and their Sunday school .will convene ot site of the parsonage at 155 Lin- will be held here Sunday after- ^ is the word fiiis sale also includes renttfrexcltanged, and rebuilt friends will leave from Oscm&i &>*5 ajna. A teachers' meeting; has slon-sermon entitled "Mind" will Rabbi Sidney D. Shanken will include these verses from Pro- coln avenue. The building is discuss the meaning of "Kosher" noon from 4 to 9 p.m. The' purpose pmnds,spinets, consoles anduprighuof various tvoodftnislies: BALANCE ON EASY TERMS for a swimming party at the West- been scheduled at 8:15. Monday. expected to be ready for. use early of the workshop is to help organ- about irionoy that can mako field Y. verbs (16:1,3>: "The preparations at Friday night services at Temple Some new'floor samples and discontinued models are also of the heart in man, and the ans-next. year. Beth-El at 8:30 o'clock. ists, choir directors and pastors in a big difference in your favor! On Tuesday a luncheon urill be Love, like the burning bush that William Kn'ox, chairman of the the] use of the new service book v be served by members of iHe- Wo- Moses saw, is always burning and wer of the .tongue, is from the At the Sabbath morning.service included. •.-.;• , * , ' . . Lord. . . .Commit-thy works un- new building committee, thanked at 10 o'clock the Torah: portion to and hymnal.. Mrs. Marlin Sieg, di- Put your money WHERE it men's Guild to the Gotdta Ace never consumed. members for their cooperation. rector of m^siCiiiis^ajjiemb^r, ,of •fk Club in the large fellowship room —Johannes Tattler ,to the Lord; and thy thoughts shall be chanted from Exodus 18:1 to 21 Sale includes such be established;" Me said, the,-parsonage will be .teaches the giving of the ten com-the synod comniitJeeT" . ". ." . can grow factor because it razed and work on the new build- mandments at Mt. Sinai. Events for the week include: To- Correlative citations to bc/ead ing would start' Monday. earns more for you with com- tvell-known makes as from "Science and Health with The ' lesson from the prophets day, junior choir rehearsal at 3:30; Following the indoor ceremony, adult choir at 8 p.m.. Boy Scout wuartxmsa *w o. WM TO HEALTH Key to the. Scriptures" by Mary taken from Isaiah 6 will'be chanted pleta safety. In short, put it Baker Eddy include the following: Ernest Ullom of the trustees turned by the Bar Mitzvah, Edward Bied- Troop 84 at. 7:30 p.m. Friday, Mr. the flrs^, shovel of earth at the and Mrs. Club pot luck supper at MAS<0N & UAMLIN i HARDMAN "The : human capacities are en- erman. Rabbi Shanken wll} SOIIMEK • W.I1BKR - STECK " larged1 and perfected in proportion building site. preach on the first commandment 7 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. .The new one - and - two - story Saturday, catechetical instruction He Thought WIIKKLOCK • LKSTER .. ESTEY •-,rv '.' as humanity gains the true concep- ANTICIPATED tion of-mun and God" <258:21>. building, 100 by 140 feet in ground at 9:30 a.m. t SCHOMACHKR • JANSSEN area, will house classrooms, a fel- Tuberculosis germs most fre- DIVIDEND BATE The Golden Text is from Romans quently attack the lungs but can Monday,, children's choir and Any Insurance lowship hall, kitchens and' activity junior' choir members will be en- 3CIIUBERT .HARRINGTON (12:2): "Be not conformed to this rooms. The main, entrance will attack any part of the body. STORY & CLARK • GRIFFITH world: Aut be ye transformed by tertained at a talent party and Was "Good Enough" face on Grove street at Lincoln lunch beginning at 11:30 a.m. ^n anil many others the renewing of your mind,' that avenue. ye may prove what is that good, the Fellowship Hall. Tuesday, This man suffered an unnecessary loss when his house and acceptable! and pcrfcct.i will kindergarten department staff will 3 v DR. H.BERMAN , burned down—a loss he would not have suffered if of God." Jehovah's Witnesses meet at 8 p.m. Wednesday, chil- $ Optometrist dren's choir at 3:30, youth choir (jt he had received sensible, professional insurance, advice. Insured Savings Accounts v All Purpose Club $ UP Plan Bible Convention 6:45. ULCW Quarterly meeting at Don't let this happen to you. Buy your insurance from FJISTCHUIGBOF CHRIST, SdEHTBT . Plans have been completed by 8:15. p.m. .' v Money Orders•••.. V Traveler*' Cheques , the New Jersey Circuit 2 of Je- The Rev. Mr. Dahlquist will at- an indeDendent insurance "refit who displays this seal Sorrlc* .Udrlc 485 285 i AVK. AT misr IT. Eyes Examined Fo, Tottt USED UPRIGHT* ?&C£ STRINGS CBAMTOBD hovah's Witnesses for a Bible con- tend the annual pre-Lenten retreat USIO GRANDS Services: Sunday It A.M. vention at the National Guard OUIHFOHfr THEATO of the Central Conference of the Sunday School 11 AM* Armory, Newark, March- -18-201 Evangelical Lutheran Synod of SALE INCLUDES USED Testimony Ueelinf according to an announcement this UILDnt New Jersey at St. Luke's Lutheran Every piano purchasable for small down pay- UTMI4MB1DUA Only an NMTASlDTMiMOST Wednesday Evenlii*. B:1S o'clock week by Nevln McRae, presid- M KOHTH XTBm W. Church, Dunellcn. Jnciit with balalic'tr spread over a long period. UPRIGHT PIANOS ALSO TO MLAJMNG mOOM ing minister of the Cranford con- Indtpmmlmnt Agmitt I J JWTM HI Nwtk Halts A»«.. cikmlmt* BRidfl* A4»00 Every piano sold with name guarantee we have Open lion. Uuu FrL. 10:30 am. to 4 pjn. gregation. . To achieve success not by heri- CM O/«p/a y TAte Saturday 1 to 4 p.m. / More than 2,000 persons arc ex- tage but by individual effort is the always given wilh purehaae of a new piano. > Friday Evenin*. 7:30 to S pjn. greatest joy in life.—John P. Mor-

.' OWN WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY AND AU SAliS DAYS Til 9 P.M. =1, • •, £~ CO AST TO COAST MOVERS ^SAVINGS & LOAN »l ••.. _y i HOW "THE MUSIC CENTER OF NEW JERSEY" v. a. «* ( BANGOR.ME. !•! vV. CHRISTIAN HEDENBTO - MaeBEAN ;*! T!., "Itf Drivirauranc« Agmcy in N. J." ASSOCIATION GRIFFITH PIANO COMPANY i'1 i'* •'• SCIENCE •y Vw* — Ball — Boat — JU» l«»7 ' V. . ' •.•••'. . KX<:i.l'SlVK STK1NWAV REPRESENTATIVES IN NOHTU JERSEY „ *: ' ', BOOTH AVE» CAST (opp. RR Station). CSAMFOBD. BB t-3« xxly £ rcid^r Works CORNER NORTH AN D U N ION AVE N U ES te-rn BANFORD HBO5 6O5 BROAD STREET, NEWARK 2, NEW JERSEY Phone: MArkel 33880 HENRY P, TOWNSEND, Agent C BA OFFICE HOOB3 — 8:30 JLM. to 4 VM. Mondorflira Fridor ALLIED VAN LINES, Inc. Opra Thais. tiU ti30 PJCJ All rotms of Instttsnc* to S PJC SUNDAYS W««k Mights tOl • PJM. WRCA —(660) 7:45 a.m. AIM TV CbannsJ cut it£&y

1 '•"f • ':•; ---•-

THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18, I960 '< ' , '. . CRANFORD CITIZEN CRAIOORD CITIZEN AND CHRONICLE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1960 andary education, spoke on the oranges apricots and chartreuse" Mrs. Haag, pointed put. They seek proposed new high, school at a From the .800 native species.! tardiness, fragrance, dwarf habit, parent family education meeting horticulturalists- have developed; rf7«». color or texture of flower in at the home of Mrs. William El- A campaign to raise $25,000 for thousands of hybrids to combine, any combination. : , of 206 Walnut avenue-yes- ermnnence that ' nature can •r«va citizens' committee,"it was an- tchieve.—George Santayana ens nounced today by Mrs. Charles R. Hang of Cranford. rhnfrfoan Minimizes Dental Problems I am not afraid of A site on both sides of WrRT (The'folVatolng articte prepared by I have seen yesterday and I love mi Tracy drive in~the Watchung Re- iation has been submitted by Dr. Gerald A. Sudell of 214 Walnut ave- «oday^William Allen White. servation has been made available nue, chairman of the children's dental healtn committee of Vie. Union ••if • by the Union County Park Com- County Dental Society, to connection tcUh the observance of National • mission, which will plant the rho- Children's Dental Health Week, February 7 through 13.)' WEEK END SALE-TODAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY & dodendron and maintain the gar- There is enough information to-j TT— ;—: :—- den. 1 Special Limousine Service The Union County Rhododen-. day about tooth decay to justify ciples of proper dental care to the statement that no e>>f\-i should their children as soon as possible: dron ' Garden ...Committee, which Tripe to all airport*, railway trtatiom* & pim UNDER AUSPICES OF CRANFORD BUSINESS ASSOCIATION will conduct the fund-raising ef- ever lose a tooth from decay. Such a pnogram of education fort,, -released today Its plan for This assertion by, a ptoiojient jshould 'include: CALL BRido« 64)961-6-2272 the long-range development of the dental educator indicates the de- i instruction in-the proper useTof of progress _Utat has been • th<> ipqthhni<=h- ' • lor weddings - Trip*" to auyp|act street,-has-been -assigned-toCom-— —•• ';;•'"— made in conquering the mist pre-^ Emphajis on the importance of nings of Summit, landscape archi- —Price* Very Reaaoncble^~-. the Cranford Council-of Church!- This year the p/bgram will be lcr, Cranford. Methodist; Mrs. valent dental disease. ^ | nutritious foods and restriction of Church Women p'any E of the Fourth Training . tect. The plan blends the natural Women. Also at the meeting were J at Osceola Presbyterian Church Peter C. Jansen, Cranford Meth- Although man's basic interest in' sweets. • -• • 1 Regiment at Fort Dix for eight ; woodlands of the area with the Friday, March/-4, at 1 p.m. . odist; Mrs. Ray ^ftchfdrd, Cran- rhododendron and azalea beds. b ttnui cuacrtneir care dates back; Necessity for regular, periodic We've gone ALL OUT to ArrangeWorld representatives of the various u . Present a{ the meeting were /ord Methodist/and Mrs. Vogel, weeks of infantry basic training ; ", Plantings are planned near the centuries, scientific knowledge on visif&'to the dentist. * prayer circles. . • ... Day of Prayer "Mrs. Vogel stated that the pur-Mrs. C. G/JUbury. Trinity. Episco- Calvary Lutheran." in conjunction with the 1955 Re- . . . ' roadway Tor vkw oy motorists,, the subject of teeth has been ^ person's teeth today should serve Forces Act -He will serve and footpaths will be provided for Plains for the World 'Day of pose of the observance is to unite pal Church: Mrs. William Eltinge, sparse until fairly modern times, i^ a lifetime The best approach on active duty for six months and •<-' ^ ; t^osc interested in a closer look at Today, the great body of dental to asEuring a child of healthy teeth Prayer were made at a meeting all Christians in a bond of prayer, Firsj/.Presbyterian;' Mrs. Daniel Men in Service the rhododendron—often called the of the program committee last to pray for all the people of the Kusiv, Osceola Presbyterian; Mrs. then be transferred to hometown • - . knowledge has brought us to a,i throughout life is to start an early Richard Frank, son of Mr. andduty with an Army Reserve or "king of the shrubs." The immedi- point where it appears that tooth gram of education, week at Calvary Lutheran Church, world and to • make an offering ;Willia,m - Hv West, First Presby- prO / : MrsrWiUiam Hr Frank of 36John National Guard Unit. ' '•'.;••'-•.•; '•'••.--••-'••• ate goal is to develop a' four-acre decay may lose its reputation as it was announced by JWrs Robert fof Christiahmissionis at home arid' teriah;, ;JMiiss"' Racher fttohrioc, Si. portion of, th<-' tract near the road- the most widespread malady. ' . way. Future development will be This is -encouraging information; Area Marriage into the woodland'areas. for parents and their children, for — FOR OUR — Mrs. Haag said the site in the SITE SELECTORS—Dr. J. Harold Clarke of Portland,\Ore., president of the American Rhododendron tooth.decay has long.been a major 9 Watchung Reservation was select- problem.of youth. Furthermore, as Counselor Speaks ed because it provided a suitable, Society, inspects proposed site o£-rhododendron display garden in the Watchung Reservation; With Real 'George Values from the Sportsman Shop \him on the inspection tour are John Jennings of Summit,1 landscape architect; F..S. Mathewson, sec- many, as 97 percent of Americans background for the health of''the are believed to be affected at some' To Walnut PTA retary' of, the •'Union County Park Commission, jwhich will provide site and 'maintain the.garden; Mrs. plants, could be integrated into time during their lives by - tooth Mrs. Ruth L. Horowitz, Sum- .' existing facilities of the PartFeonrP' TCrTarlc^R- Haae orCranford, leader of the citizens', committee working for the", garden, and Donald decay. mit marriage counselor, was guest mission, would require, a ' mini- Ferguson of Westfield, a member of the Union County Park Commission. -''• , '•...-: speaker at Walnut PTA Founders' mum of added labor and expense It is highly unlikely that the problem ever will be completely Day program Tuesday night at and would not sacrifice natural the school. ' ' •>•'"_' woodland. She pointed out that will contain at least one specimen of the American Rhododendron tall. There. are' over 800 species eliminated. However, continuing Society^ ' ' which grow naturally in every, scientific research into the cause Mrs. Horowitz holds.a'&A. .de- parking facilities and rest ajcas of each species and each hybrid gree from Cornell University, M_Aj . Mrs. Haag said a campaign com- continent throughout, the "northern as well as application of the prin- already , are available and the culiiv'ar of rhododendron to the from Drew University, and- doc- THE MOST SPECTACULAR mittee is now. being organized hemisphere. Most, although not all, ciple . of proper dental care uh- nearby Trailside Museum would fullest extertt. possible as well as toral program certificate for ad- provide an excellent site for rho- throughout Union County to' con- are evergreen. ' ' . 'doubtedlb y will bring about a A newer cultivars as they become; duct the fund-raising effort. She "The leaves vary from a half- vanced marriage counseling, from dodendron shows for the general reduction in dental decay. University of Pennsylvania. COMPLETE public. -*"' available. '• . . • said all persons interested in' inch long to 30 to 36 inches long," Further promise for reducing gardening and in the project who Mrs. Haag said.. "The coloring o^ As a marriage counselor she hay >"The pine planting provides an '•The ultimate goal," the chair-' the problem of dental disease lies been associated with the'Family HI-FI STEREO VALUE man said, '"Will be a collection pf wish to work on the, campaign the foliage varies frpm the yellow; in starting preventive dentistry at excellent windbreak as well as a bronzy greens to the grey-blue Service. Summit, and was past background of unsurpassed beauty all rhododendron which will grow should contact, her at 711 High the earliest possible age. street. The committee also will ar- greens, including highly polished marriage counselor at the' Phila- EVER OFFERED! " for the plants,'' Mrs. Haag said. satisfactorily in the area. The gar- If a child's teeth receive proper delphia Marriage Counsel. She "This background and the decidu- den iis .being, planned to provide, range to send speakers to any or-leaves which look as if they had ganization wishing to be better in- been lacquered. Then also, they care up to the age of 15, a strong also is affiliated with the American ous trees as well shade the plants mass groupings of our • older foundation is laid for 'minimiTing Association of Marriage Counsel- in such a manner that the bloom favorites for the pleasure of. the formed on the project. ' . • include the very ' oppo$ite-r-dull 1 : Mrs. Haag pointed j)Ut_thaLrho=. -Wool!y--coveredJeaves.-witnJvhite dental troubles in later years. ors. • : •." / •' J_ '••; .•'• is presented more fully to Tracy general public and to display the Parents can best lay such Frank Martz; "director of sec- drive than to any other direction." newcr-and-less' known varieties,, to dodehdron,'.which means rose.tree bronze indumentum^. The bloom- "The purpose of the garden will the horticulturally minded person." in Greek, grow as! trees', sometimes ing period ranges from late March iGLYCERINiE be to educate the general public' The proposed Karden'jwill be the 60 feet tall, but they" also.grow as to early August in New Jersey. The and to promote an interest in and most extensive public, garden in dwarf plants only 6 to 12 inchest flower color ranges the full color SUPPOSITORIES $1.0QSCHICK appreciation for rhododendron in the northeastern United State.-;,, Fitting y . SAFETY /. •-:../• particular* and- gardening in gen-Mrs: Haag explained. l( will be 1 eral," Mrs. Haag said. "It also will similar to trie famous test garden [CLINICAL RAZOR enable members of the society and of.,the American Rhododendron SHOES IS OUR SPECIALTY! with other horticuhurally minded per- Society in Portland. O»e« which i:; THERMOMETER sons to study and compare culti- now 1<) years old and contains one Attention: • Wilbur Coon Shoes for Women 10 Blades / vars under local growing condi- of the finest collections of rhodo- Nbnn Buth and Edgerton Shoe* for Men • • 7 tions as well as beautify the site dendron in the.world.. Brides-to-be . .. your order for IKLEENEX IB the -Park Commission's Wat- The Union County Rhododen- Pro-Tek-Tht Shoes for Children only 79c criung'Reservation." dron ' Garden ' Committee is a Wedding Invitations is handled 200*5 The committee said the garden branch of the New Jersey Chapter by experts, and at a savings, TtMSTCRCOMAQNASONlC |$8.95 All-Mite Sf7S Value Shoe Hospital Qnce-A-Yeaj: when you ^hop at— • MO9MAL AlfP OBTHOPEDIC1 VAPORIZER Special r AMU.T — ALL OBTHOPEDIC WOBK DOHE OM PI .all-in-one beautiful console! ELIZABETH Open Daily 9 am to 6 pjn.—Fri to 9 pan. IISO RUBBING Allen Printing Company 304 CENTENNIAL AVE. CRANFORD ALCOHOL ARDEN MOW ONLY $ Creme . I ' 41'North'Ave.;E.- ranford, N. J. $4.50 Value Extraordinaire BR • in mahogany BALLPENS 3-Heat / LAWN AND GARDEN ELECTRIC $4.00 o YOU MUST SEE IT AND HEAR IT 17c PAD POWER EQUIPMENT 100 TJ5a amazing Magnavox is exciting and revolution- special Hnyroved and TliMViiujraphed in varying price ranges AUTHORIZED DEALER — SALES & SERVICE ASPIRIN ary in every way:—in its performance—in operating AIMOc • Coni'cnient Prcf-Jrarkiiiy • •*Vo better service anywhere convenience—in functional furniture—and in its $2.69 TABLETS modest price! Now, music becomes magic every- COUGH where in the room, regardless of where you sit HERSHEY& 8c Complete with: powerful stereophonic amplifiere, DROPS /' 4 Magnavox high fidelity speakers, tone control, NESTLE exclusive Magnavox precision changer that plays 6c ECONOMY WHITE RAIN all recordings, and Stereo Diamond Pick-up. Gliding CHOCOLATE BubhJ% Bath panel opens to convenient top-mounted changer and 1000 BARS and controls. Mahogany, oak or dark American walnut Lotion Shampoo finishes. NOTHING ELSE TO BUY! SACCHARINE 16c TABLETS '• See and hear Ihe widest, variety of other George... outstanding Magnavox values, too! 3 PLAYTEX Baby Pants AIM) AM A S (J AKDEN NHOP PEANUT JOSEPH M. BRITTLE 49c Get to the SPORTSMAN'S SHOP 150 E. St. George Ave. —> HU 65069 — Linden En* .full pound $2.00 103 N. UNION AVE. — Open Thurs. Evening — BR 0^1099 way to h(M water 37c DESERT today^is -.with. oiL FLOWER for exciting values .. .savings Ainodern oil- STANDARD LUMBER Hand Lotion m6r heater gene i $1.00 • •• •'•' i ates hot water 4 AND SUPPLY COMPANY white these BARGAINS LAST!

'•."'.. < times, as fast as a >Vja I, • i T \ . . y gas heater, 7 times Tha STEREO SYMPHONY, . . .1 . FA ST 4-.. • J as fast as an electric WHAT A TRANSFORMATION! SUPERB AUIN-ONE HI-FI STEREO $ heater. Gives all the RADIO-PHONOGRAPH WITH 6 SPEAKERS 6 Famous Zipper Jackets — . t We Write This Is Famous make 1.5Q to 150 Ties 3 1 hot water a family This Magnavox musical masterpiece offers you a LOOK TO THIS " 3 for $1 ! We've culled over our ties, and have selected Reg. to 12.95. Famous Bantamac jackets. Wind and can use for all complete stereophonic high fidelity system ... with weather resistent. • I What Your FM/AM radio-phonograph .,. all in one beautiful some. Maybe you'll Kitd ties you'll like. We hope so! I baths, clothes "wash- Life Insurance, Too! PHARMACY Barren, furniture creation. Six Magnavox speakers including :/ ing, dishea and two 12" bass.' Powerful stereophonic amplifiers- 6 Famous 9.95 Red Plaid Jackets < For Your Reg. 2.79 Nylon Ski Caps ...... 29* *3 other needs. Dreary • Exclusive Magnavox precision changer with Stereo Peaked cap has ear flaps. Terrific value. All wool. Hunting season's over! But this beauty is • V « Diamond Pick-up plays all records. Large record PRESCRIPTION AND fine for hunting, all out-door living. Knit collar, cuff, i Cellar Could V You save plenty, library storage. Select from Contemporary styling bottom. . ' ' r 1 in light Danish or dark American walnut... Tradi- DRUG NEEDS Boys' 1.98 $ki Cap ... - -...... too. Oil water heat- i 1 Look Like, fo l styling in mahogany or maple.*~v- $ . ••*•• ing costs 45% If ^3 Cap for youngsters.-Furlined ear flaps. Outstanding! JUST 31 In mahogany 9 thia gas;44% less For Complete 6O JUST 21 Reg. 22.95 — Reg. 22.95 Cord. Suburban Coats than electric. All wool quilt lining. Find your size, save. 38 long, Satisfaction Corduroy Sport Jackets See Us,for '. PHONOGRAPH ONLY...S2S9.9O In mahogany 40 long, 40 reg. HEDENBERG - MacBEAN MA9IJAVOX-VOUK BK»T BU^ ON AMY BASIS Striped... priced low, low! Slightly faded. Sizes 42,44. Special! Reg. 5.95 Corduroy Slacks • I . "1st Drivinsuranco Agency in N. J." Your Necessary SPECIAL GROUP! Top quality slacks. Completely, washable. Sizes 2942. 12S SOUTH AVEw CAST. CRAMFORO. BH 6-3000 Building BELL'S REEL-STRONG FUEL CO. S. S. EISENB^RG, Rcat Pharrn. "O*p«ndabU. Friendly 8«rvic* Slam lt2S~ • Famous Make Dress Shirts! These are just a few of'the ODDS AND ENDS Materials. from our regular stock ... Plenty more at big savings YARD BR 64900, Craniord Radio.lnc 17 N. Union Aye. FREE DELIVERY BRidge 64062 • Flannel Shirts! • Sport Shirts! Hurry in THURS! FRII SAT! MON! for fantastic sav L«xin«ton AT*, at \ OmCE Op«n Thurt. tiU t:30 P.K All Forms of Insurance Phone: BRidge 6-2700 Values to $51 Odds and Ends of our / 1 W««k NighU till 6 M including LIFE t . — Open Thursday and Friday Evenings — ings on Furnishings, Men's Suits and Sport Jack*' !&*• CRANFORD 26-EASTMAirSTr— T—BRPcfger£T Most Famous Shirt Stock! , Come straight as an Arrow and save! r.

i ..." •( ; .v W^MiM^iiKi'^t"*"'" •",' "' ••",""' ""^ •: '.'. ;.••• •'••'*••'• "'::'• ° • ."••'' '— CRANFORD CITIZEN ANIV CHRONICLE. immsDAv: nmstunv mi VMA I- ?.lV-- *"''"''.-. •'•'-••/.." "•••••' '••' /•'•'.'•-• • • .- '"••' ..-•. •'•'." -; ' CRANFOHD CITIZEN AND CHRONICLE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1060 CRANFORD CITIZEN AND CHBONldUB. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1960 ••& " rtance to pur economic and social fully utilized." years, this study-provitted MM. Reiiea pointed out that basis for the tebtl of science—and—Industry of Crusade . . . p, ore than l'.Wtolocai leagues In eg pkemenin 19 ^ Burelbach stated. "Where the past Pospisll. . • stat wheh n we could' let the problem recent re^Tonal field hearing« culture was an age "of optimism Sharon PutrPutz, CharlCharlews RJMt . *% the 50 sjates and the, Dis|$ct ot s is. The Cranford Ppljce Department ed 309, inciudjng 31 for Class I Lost or stolen property recover- solve, itself. Now, we must plan Columbia have been working on th* Senate Seta* n« ,17 * « and melodrama, our present cenr ard Ringle. Judith Rosen, Thomas 1 4 «f p.s. closed 312 cases, or 54.---2 percent of offenses apd 328 for Class IIjot ed by.'the it during'1959 for the future .If oyr water re- water problems. for the last four tury is one of anxiety and fear." OnJrmgh Sarnowski, Paula Sdby. 8n|K» a total of 575 criminal offenses in- fenses, broken down, as follows: was valued at a. total of $2f,89p.- sources are to be preserved and Information Mr. Burelbach is the son of Mr. Shaw, Sandra Shupper, Rob#r| ,T. ,..., . trge picture of America WEUTO- vestigated during 1959, according ClasClss I — BkBreakini g and entert - 60, as compared with' the previous to Troops through Channeling" was interpreted by Mrs. and Mrs. Fred Burelbach, ST., of Silverman, Judith Taber, "Elaiiie . ;fce«n« was. told bjf' I^pr *(£|jan, • student at Batons' Univenity. : to the annual report of Chief Les- ing, 10; auto theft, l; atrocious as- year's''''total of $8,2b3l33. ,-, second vice-president and chairman of the field ot the 21 Hamilton avenue. Honor Roll Theisz, Peter. Tinnesz, David Van (fa* talkentitled'ff4^Q&iisf l>wi^ tEn*naandlni" at the annual ter. W.PowelL This compares with sault and battery, 2; death by mo- Rock Council of Girl Scouts, at the Annual District No. 1 A graduate of Cranford High Brunt, Peter Warrington, Stephen Juvenile delinquency cases here : The honor roll of the Cranford Intet-dub meeting:o*t|». Qpnted"end:Westfidd Botxty Chibs last School, Haverford College, and the Wilson, and Sandra Worrell. a percentage of 49 attained in 1958, tor, vehicle, 1, and larceny, 17. totaled 257, a decrease of 56 under, . last week at the Cranwood. Junior High Schools list 151 stu- Thursday.' -. •.''' "^"'"'l 71'"".'••'» ." •"••'•'.. • ": •" • Weve gone ALL OUT to University of Michigan, he now has Eighth grade — Cwdaw Al when 350 cases were closed out of Class II — Drunken drivers, 25; the 1958 total of 313. Chief Po- I fifth grade; junior—high-school donts with gratles-of B-or-better iilr l ylp7nn well's • report reveals. The -I9W a teaching fellowship afHarvanT brecht. .. hT.., > dinner wo? attended by Miss Joan- Wicbush; Livingston College, where he is working for at the end of the* second' marking who Joined the C^ajofojjd Rotary Last year there were 138 Class cheats, JO; concealed weapons, 1; cases were processed as follows: period, . Vincent F. Sarnowski, Ault, Doris Bauer, Thomas Beam, **«*R 100 adult leaders, assistant chool, Mrs. Helen Skcrratt, sixth, his Ph.D degree. 'Mrs. Clark Mc- •V for it* weekly luw^eon meeting I offenses-processed, with 45, or 33 contempt of court. 18;. sex of- Jitvenile Court, 64; chief of police, and Roosevelt School, Mrs. Caro- principal, announced. ' William Brewster, Philip Bru^ and neighborhood chair- Dermith, program consultant, in- baker, Elaine Bykowski, Carole to the WucaUonjal BuiloUng percent, being, closed. In 1,958, fenses, 8; assault, 4; assault and police juvenile officer, 88; lers line Mason, first. Students are as follows: ^ , f the Cranford, KenlWyorth, troduced the speaker. Mrs. W. J. Collins, Hobart Cree, Diane De- Cranford Methodist Church "were there were 147 cases in this cate- battery, 38; illegitimacy, 1; fug- school authorities, 23, arid parents, O The student teachers, .who have Hoffmann, president, presided. M' Seventh grade—Virginia Ander- itive from justice, 1; contributing 58.' tk and Winfleld neighborhoods Weerdt, Diane Dinsmore, Hichant officially greeted by President gory, with 35, or 23 percent, closed completed one month.of a two? Announcements were made of son, Jonathan Apgar, Sharon Bag- Erdmann. Susan Ferguson, Lewis Vincent SarnowsU of Cranford, Breakdown under Class I of- to delinquency of 0 minor, 1; ma- Of the 64 cases referred to the fe compose District No 1. Miss month training program, took over well, James Battaglihi,'June Beck- licious mischief, 72. .'-">'i the following committee meetings; Fingerlin. , and greetings of the West!ield club fenses for 1959 is. jgiven in the Juvenile Court, 14 were subse- £. Bingman, district director, the classes while, the regular Antiques, 9:30 a.m. February 24, at ersman, Edward Bicderman. Su- Claire Fink, Rhoda Fisher, lOfnn : , Also, violation of. firearms act, were brought by. its president, chiefs report as follows: Breaking quently processed by tne Cranford tis/ *\J ded as master of ^ceremonies, teachers attended the meeting to the home, of Mrs.. H. D. Lohman; san Bonhom, Cahdace Borges, Follnus, William Foreman, Aharon Henry Townsend.' , and entering, 19 cases, 7 closed; 1; taking motor vehicle without Juvenile Conference Committee,' d, past first vice- discuss student teachers' training. 2 Crescent drive; drama, February John Christman, Carol'Cree, Ron- Frankenberger, Ronald Friedman, consent of owner, 2; false police Mr. Morgan related that when grand larceny, 2 cases, none clos- which includes Fan-is Swack- , asked the 16, 1:00 p.m., at the home ot Mi*. d Czebrowski, LincJn.JDahlquist, Robert Galen, Thomas Galski, rt report, 1; possession of stolen mo- he went tp HpJisnd at the age ed; atrocious assault and battery, hamer, chairman; the Rev. Robert RichaKljQraham.JiederlckGrote^ tor vehicle, 8; truancy, 15; viola- G'^ Longakerr—Mrs. - Rrank—Marte at 1» to^aid^ the Dutch in reclaim- «ases,~2~closed; auto~theft"10 lr FRU SAT., MON. liver tray bylhTTeaderSTsr the" Seminar Series HONORED BY FUND—Recipients of the United Fund's first citations for outstanding service pose Mrs. Hoffmann and Mrs. E. W. Rosa, Danny DLLollo, Barbara Dit- Jay Guinther, John Harcketts, li. tion of township , ordinance, 2. and Chief PowelL zej, Donald Dixon, Gary Dixon, Jane Harris, Janet Harrison, ing their land after the 1953 flood, cases, 10 closed; petty larceny, 104 tict in appreciation for her ac- with Fund President.B. C. Belden (center) at last week's annual meeting. Left to right, Robert M. Schroeder were guests of the West- d be found that the people there had cases, 26 closed. BROK^M STYLES, SIZES t/participation in scouting in For CHS Students field Woman's Glub at their Fede- Rpbert Dudley. Roberta Hawley.., '._. , Harmon, Wesley N! Philo, Milton Barnett and William T. Cole. ..*"•, ' ' . " Judy Herzog, Wayne Hopper, received a. distorted picture of the Class II offenses last year to- •area. . ' . ,_ ration Day tea last week! Thomas. Fedorko, Stephen Fer- L Warren Jacobi, Thomas Kester, Unite^ States through motion pic- taled 437, wnn* '2Sf^ses,'*'or' 61 20a Attend Troop, Post 80 Dinner Pair in the Washington Rock Counr Ending Tonight guson,' Roger Fingerlin, Marilyn tures' arid, newspapers.He said he percent, closed. The 1958, figures .The final lecture in an experU Home Service Center, 108 Wat- Fink. Guy Fisher, Leon Fleischer, Jeffrey Knauer. Patricia Koefoed, Approximately 200 persons at-1 life saving, nature, canoeing, pi- stated Mrs. Prior, >e have Pamela Krochmal, Suzann'e Kroch- became determined to change in this category w^re:, 567 cases, oximately 16,000 registered mental seminar program aimed at chung avenue, Plainfield, Febn^- Cooking Club Selects Patricia Fowler, Geoffrey Good- those views by educating average tended the annual family dinner | oneering and four-year service; ary 23 and March 1 and S; Home 19th Century Literature mal. Lesley Krone, William Kruse, 315 closed, 55 percent. \' SEAMLESS, MESH or PLAIN U Scouts who make up 875 challenging Cranford High School fellow, Dorothy Graskewitz, Elea- v Vi critical Europeans. of Boy Scout Troop 80 and- Ex- . George . Warner, nature, fishing, Service Center, 1530 Irving street, Name, Holds Election Lois Lieber, Regina Lynch. The report gives "the following plorer Post 80^ in Fellowship Hall and seven-year service; Thomas Ips divided into 12 district* and juniors and seniors intellectually nor Hall, Janice Hamer, William To accomplish this, he sold Rahway, February 18 and 25 and Members of the 4-H cooking Hamilton, William Hubiak, Wayne . Peter Meyers, .Su*m- Morr»9, breakdown on Class II offenses for of the First Presbyteria~ - - n Churc— -h j 15 Denier Pair Ineighborhoods. Jn order to will be given tonight at Union "Shires ol Understanding!' at $l .electricity,.. mechanicftL Junior College's new Nomahegan March-SrlO arid" 17 ~AH classes will" club selected the nfime• ""Sugar and Huckel, •Susan""'" Huston,' Carol RonaldNakashlmarBarbaraNiet-^ ; recently.• ~" drawing, qualified emergency serv- "liel "facts from th? council beghTar7r3O-p;nn " ~" •-: ~:-— "Nineteenth Century Trends, and Thoughts" was the theme of a zelr Frank O'Brien, Joseph Orosz, each and used the proceeds to to the individual troop^ in- Building. • '.. • :. Spice" and elected offlCCTS-as-thejr Isaac; irf bring, two Dutch people to the Malicious mischief, 171 cases, 71 Highlight 01 the evening was the ice and sevetf-year service. talk given by Fred Burelbach, Jr., recently before the Wednes- held their first meeting at the William Isinger, Robert Jensen Patricia Orsay. -Carole Pantano,, ;, WAlVTOt T. BEXNEft ' closed^ disorderly persons, 126 , Robert Low, qualified emergency lation is passed through the David G. Fables, Jr.,.of Roselle, John Peterson. Kathleen Plummer, United, States. Later, ifor. Morgan awarding of the Walsh trophy for A: day Morning Club. Mrs. F. J. Plattner of 110 Orchard street was hostess. home of Mrs. C. F. Sullivan of 727 Barbara .Jones, Steven Jones, Mi- ill cases, 85 closed;, assault and bat^ general excellence" and achieve- service : ;ahd three-year service; H to the district chairmen, to assistant professor of biology at Woerz Named Manager Linda Pope, Douglas Rae. also brought'a German," an Austri- Mr. Burelbach sketched briefly Willow street last week. chael Jordan, Rhoda Kaplan, It. tery, 29 cases, 28 closed; motor ve- Wnt to the Mohawk patrol by William Ball, plumbing, canoe- TABLE [neighborhood chafirmen and Union Junior College, will be the Julius Woerz has been named an, a Frenchman and a Dane to lecturer. His. topic will be Officers are: President, Nancy Dorothy King, . Judith Kinney Ursula Sehlmeyer, Julie Storz, Berner Honored hicle (contempt),, 23 cases, 18 Harold' Walsh of Ocean County, ing, qualified emergency service ce to the individual leaders at manager of the-. Cranford office some of the different phases • of by Beethoven; Brahms; Words- Norma Strauss, Virginia Suarez, .country. ASSORTED "Glimpses Into God's World." worth and Rousseau. Krak; secretary, Suzanne Donnel- Karen Knowlton, Barbara Lauren, closed; missing persons, 22 cases, former scoutmaster of Troop '80. and six-year service; Jeffrey; Cad- •r neighborhood meetings. In of the Suburban * Trust Co., suc- literature in the 18th century. He Linda Laycock, Robert Leary; Jane Tippins, Nancy Totin, Steven a he discovered that fi MERCHANDISE Issme manner, the needs of an Following the lecture in .the col- gave examples, in classic, romantic The dominant literary trend ly; vice-president; Patricia Fop- students in this country on By Ess© Research 20 closed; leaving scene of acci-' Chippewa patrol was runner-up. die, electricity qualified emergency YOUR CHOICE 50* ceeding Harold S, Compton, who pert, and club reporter, Gail Shim- Nancy Leonard, Rina Liberio, Judy Tyreu. Peter Tyrpak, Cynthia Ividual troop are likewise chan- lege's lecture hall, the 60 high and rational writings from Hume, during the latter part of the J9th dent 19 cases, 11 closed; sex of- Among the guests were Roderick service and'six-year service; Dan- has been transferred .to the bank's shock. . Lieberman. • Vroom, Darlene Whitmeyer, Ro-* orships provided by the federal Walter. T. Berner ' ha/ been d up this ladder to the board school students will be divided in- Kant, Fitche and/ Hegel. Romantic century was realism. The realists government to further good."will, named an engineciiing associale by. fenses, 12 cases, 5 closed; frauds W. Smith, Robert Breslin and Dr_ iel Vroom, home repairs,, fishing, main office in. Westfleld. ' Emery Club meetings are held every, Glenn MacKenzie, Jon Michael- berta Wiese, Margaret Witheringr reading and eight-year" service. Terrific Values! Come ! to the specific committees, to three discussion groups. ' writings, he seated,, followed the portrayed life with hard facts, re- Esso Research and .Engineering and cheats, 9 cases, 4, closed; town- Robert G. Longaker. Jeffrey Cad- TJare, formerly in' the Westficld other week.. At their next session son,, Sheldon Mittlemariv Franklin ton. Lynda Wolfff and Theodore ~ were returning home with the . Mrs. Robert Millar^ dinner com- i work to aid the Girl Scout Profcssbr Fables is on leave French- Revolution. Ideas and ex- vealed by science and philosophy, ' sanje . impressions they had Ox, Linden : Tine position . is ship ordinances. 6 cases, 5 closed. die, senior patrol Reader,, was toast- office, has been transferred to the the girls will make lemonade and Mittricker, Nancy Money, Judith Zielinski. ." , mittee .chairman, was assisted by -mm. Adult scouting is one of from Union Junior College this local office. • ' pressions changed and became with special interests in social brolight with them merely because awarded to men with •outstanding Also'(all closed), truafacy, 2;at- master. E^e^xBall is scoutmaster WOOL problems. • Balzac and Zola- were demonstrate good table manners. Motto, Jean. Murphy, Barbara tempted suicide, 1; suicide, 1; con- Mrs. Christian Jensen, Mrs. W. •means'to bring good scouting year to do graduate work at Rut- more realistic, from the sobering The great use of a life is to they' had never left the campus, technical ability.'' and William Caddie, post adviser. gers" University, New Brunswick, influence of the middle class needs. cited as examples. ' . Nevins, Allan Nies, Janice Niesz, tempt of court, 1; fugitive from Bruce Kester, Mrs. Norman .Bru- Reg. $1.00 • as well as Senior •We .can do more- good by being Thprnas Nolan, Barry Qdell, Mar- spend it for something that out- Mr.'Morgan organized a 14,006- A former Cranford resident, Mr. Boy Scout' awards, were made baker, Mrs. Christian Sorensen, and to do research in the New Jer- Romanticism was evident iri liter- "The 19th century has bequeath- RAGS WANTED mile tour for four students that justice, 2; gambling, 1; concealed by David Brumfleld, institutional Cood • than in any other way.— Cranfoxd Citiiwn and Chroplcto garet Orazi, Roy Partridge, Robert. lasts it.—William James Berner is currently-, in Ajrgefatina Mrs. Arthur O'Brien, Mrs. Jay sey pine barrens, including the HowlandHill. ' ature, art and music as portrayed cd to our era, both the advantages covered 38 states.. as a project manager of anew re- weapons, 1; incorrigibility, 1; as- representative, as follows: Star _.J GeorgeiWrCoffey, district sault, 2; illegitimacy,, 1; posses- Gross, Mrs. Lewis Fingerlin, Mrs. NICE SELECTION Wharton Tract in South Jersey. .The speaker was introduced by tinery unit being comstoucled for scout, Richard Bradfield; first class, Paul Guinther, Mrs. William Cad- Irman, thanked the leaders.and He is. studying on a science faculty C. Van Chamberlin. an affiliate of Staradard Oil Co. sion of stolen motor vehicle,' 3; Karl Skidmore, Carl\ Peterson, t troops.for their splendid co- manslaughter, 1; indecent assault, die, Mrs. William Knox. Reg. to $25.00 fellowship awarded by the Nation- Robert Hardin of the Westfield . He has beck there Jack Millar; second class, Bruce ation in the November calen- al Science Foundation.' club spoke of: the pleasant mem- 1; contributing to the delinquency Anglebach, Scott Chrlstensen, CAR COATS fsale, which placed District I since last July. Before that Sir. A member'of the U. J. C. faculty of a minor, 1, and violation of fire- Peter Crane, David Dempsey; ten- ories built up by the two neigh- Berner headed a field, engineering : place in the coiincilwide since 1946, Professor Fables is the arms act, 1. : ' derfoot,' Randy Gross, Richard WASHABLE We've gone ALL OUT to boring clubs during the many years section in the linn's construction Water Problems ; She urgeid that the district author of "Annotated List of New in which they have been exchang- engineering division and uas re- Criminal arrests last year total- Rau, Thomas Schricker, Dan $ this honor in the annual Boyette, Robert Leuthold. Jersey Birds", and is now writing • ing visits annually. , / sponsible Cor foHoaring the engi- To Be Discussed sale, ribw"g6in|{ pi). "Plans a book on the orchids of New1 Jer- ' Piano selections were/offered neering aspects of, Kafinery1 con- Merit badges, Philip Brubaker, JERSEY BLOUSES 3.00 |initiating a new junior-senior sey. He also has written numerous by George White, a, guest of Mr. struction projects. Visiting Nurse Calls safety; Richard Bradfleld, cooking At LWV Meeting GROUP OF school neighborhood to co- articles for the Audubon Magazine, Sarnowski. /- This is Mr. Beroer*:s second ex- and citizenship in the home; Dick ate , senior troop activities Torrey. Bulletin and the. New Jer------Edward Smith introduced as a tended stay out of «he country. Total 261 in January Boyette, pioneering; Guy fisher, Background of the problem of Values $ not materialized, due to sey Field Naturalist and is the guest Rotarian, John Miller, for- From March. • 1937. through July. cooking. , obtaining sufficient water for bur flack of information from the "author of the monthly column, merly of McKeesport, Pa., and At a meeting of .the executive Robert Wilson presented Ex- nation and combating water pollu- SHIP N'SHORE BLOUSES 1958. he was in Antwerp. Belgium, 1.99 involved," Mrs. Coffey "Afield in Jersey," which appears noui>a resident of Cranford. Dr. board of the Crahford Visiting plorer- awards, as follows: James tion will be discussed by Mrs. ers as the rpqiA^ii Migjn***- ^jy a eon- She outlined the inlbrma- in , the 'Cranford Citizen and Wilmar JLange, who greeted ,Mr. Nurse/, Association In Lincoln struction project of a new refinery, Zachary, life saving and six-year Harry "Hersey, State' League of j needed to proceed' with' this Chronicle and 25 other New Jer- Miller, won the Mr. Fellowship School recently, Mrs. F. P. Ander- Women Voters water resources A mechanical engineer. Mr. Ber- service, canoeing and qualified feet and asked that all 7th-12th sey newspapers! Award, which/was presented by sen, chairman of the nursing com- emergency service; Richard Wil- chairman; at a meeting in Union ner was graduated with a US mittee, reported 261 calls Were . leaders cooperate to help Professor Fables .is. an active Glenn Klinefelter. _ degree from Tulane University, lie son, canoeing, six-year'service and Junior College at 8:15 p.m. next made last month with, 27 new qualified emergency service; David Thursday. The public is invited. le this plan a reality. member of the National Audubon joined the company in 1547 soon cases admitted. Thirty-five of the Society and he served for thr^e Arnold, seven-year service; RQbert Mrs. Charles E. Redden, 201 Col. Irs. Coffey ' awarded 5-year Achievers Win Award after' having: spent three World calls were in Kenilworth. jlce pins to the following: Mrs. years as editor of the newsletter War II years in the Navy. He re- Morgan, electricity, safety, and umbia avenue, water resources of the New Jersey Audubon/So- . .Bonnie G. Copeland of 218 Ret- Announcement was made that chairman for the local league, an- nley Grayson, Mrs. Meredith/ turned to Navy duty in 1951 dur- six-year service. Ladies' Apparel ciety. He is president of the New for4 avenue and Paula HoUerbach Josephine Rudnicki, nurse direc- Charles GoodfeUow III, eight- nounced the plans for, the, meeting [ley,' Mrs. John Wargo, Mrs. of 435 South Union avenue are ing the Korean conflict and was tor, attended a meeting of the ^in Shire, Mrs. Benjamin Jones, Jersey Field Naturalists. discharged in 1952 as a lieutenant year service and qualified emer- and said: . ''•' ' N. Union Ave. — OPEN THURS. EVES. — BR 6-1729 members of Can-Do Co., a Junior Cranford Physiciansy ' -Club, and gency service; Caslmir Bialecki, "Water is of the greatest im- . Frank Putz, Mrs. .ePter Orazi, on's Birthday Achievement company, sponsored Mrs Hrbt R Mrf?^y^^y^j|i ^ Vp . J. Shupper, Mrs. J. P, Som- Mrs. Herbert R. pVee- by 'XsSp Standard Dlv^ion of iward from Junior Acbievement slden^, represented the assoclaUon ville, Mrs. E. Benjamin. Cy- Cooking Class Humble Oil and Refining Co., ..•/ if- Union Cowry for efficiency of at a, meeting of the Cranford Mrs. H. P. Hoffacker, Mrsl which recently received an, "E" its operations. United Fund. Iph Aron, Mrs. W. Menge and Dates Announced Lofoten. Shrimp. Cwb Maat Harry. Liming. Mrs. Cofley Home Service Departments .of 1 Cooked Ready To Seiv* SHAPIRO'S OFFERS | pinned by Miss Bingman. Public Service Electric and Gas Co. he evening came to a close with will conduct a series of free home- 3 FOR THE Isinging of Girl Scout songs and making-cpokery ' classes during February, March and April 'at 21 SALE OPENS TODAY AND CONTINUES THRU MONDAY LAST THREE DAYS company* home service centers in Teachers Attend commercial office location's WASHABLE WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY WEEK-END throughout the state. 60" WASHABLE FAU FALL FALL All off ; State Conference Included will be lessons on FOUR BIG DAYS — TH JRS., FRI.f SAT., MON. [ive Cranford teachers cooper- party ideas, food from far-away ! with Newark State College in places, homemade breads, all-time WOOL WOOL MEN'S or BOYS' PULLOVER SWEATERS LADIES'NYLON SLIPS, |student! teafKer: "training pro- favorites and desserts. WMH. WOOL WOOL WOOL CRANFORD BOOMH ENORMOUS VJT*-- Reg. to $7.98 2-99 Reg. $3.98 attended an all-day confer- Classes in this area have been i recently at the college. scheduled as follows: PLAIDS PLAIDS JERSEY MEN'S or BOY'S POLISHED CHINO GIRLS' BOUFANT NYLON HALF SLIPS • were: Brookside Place Home Service Center, 271 North COATING TWEED TWEED |.37 Mrs. Joan Melvin, third Broad street, EBzabethi February Reg. 198 Reg. 2.98 Reg. 3.98 Reg. 2.98 PANTS, Reg. to $5.95 Reg. $2.98 Miss . Miriam Eisenring, 24 and March 2, 9, 16 and 23; Reg. 5.98 Reg. 3.98 O'l mi STOBI d W CLEAN UP SALE BBUc««-lUS BOYS' SPRING JACKETS, Broken Sizes and GIRLS' CORDUROY JUMPER DRESSES. $2.97 y* i • J |.67 *2.07 yd $1.97 yd Lots, Sizes 3-16, Values to $8.98 n M Only, Reg. $3.98 $1.98 x TODAY — FRIDAY — SATURDAY TOM SAWYER WINTER JACKETS, .LADIES' DOUBLE WOVEN COTTON Special Group Off 10 only. Reg. to $19.98 DRESS GLOVES, Reg. to $1.95 ,77 WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY BOYS'WRANGLERS DUNGAREES 19 CURTAINS SPECIAL TABLE THE SAVINGS ABE TEIRIFIC! Sizes 8-16, Reg. $3.50 2 Thurs. and Fri. Only BERKSHIRE SEAMLESS STOCKINGS, Tailored Dacron Flock Values to $1^8 yd. 7-DAY YOUNG MEN'S IVY LEAGUE CORDUROY WEEK END SI CAFE CURTAINS, TIERS, SLACKS, Sizes 29-36, Reg. $5.98 ~" 2-99 Reg. $1.35 pr., SALE — 97e pr.; 3 prs. $2,85 from $3.59 to $4.69 •[,'••'. CRUISES GIRLS'WOOL LINED SLACKS, 4 07 MOVIE CAMERAS VALANCES bythtt Size* 3-12, Reg. $3.98-$4.98 - |#y# tj. CEYSTONEK-428mm.WAQAZINELOAD Any Size At <^% g* /% NASSAU f 1.9 lens, Intorchangeable l«n$, 4 speeds, One Low f M %| 1 On Sale Price VISIT OUR ^1.00 COUNTI ! Reg, ..::...:d: ?.:;:.- ....;..i.:.:.....:.....:.. 39* yd. % PRICE ••nt toni to III* - BOYS' SHORT SLEEVE POLOS, Odd Lots, Reg. to $2 98— Price! JHtllV tunny Island playground Pipe Only $64.50 DRIP DRY DRIP DRY ! • MEN'S or BOYS' SHORT SLEEVE SPORT SHIRTS, 36" WASHABLE 45" WASHABLE AS? COTTON NASSAU - Odd Lots, Reg. to $3.98 '/"'.' .. 2—- ' $1.00 CEYSTONE 8 mm. ff 1.9 K-25, Interchange WASHABLE COTTON conoN LADIES' KNIT BLOUSES, Reg. $Z98 . abl» lens, Pbl^a^natic Exposure Settings, conoN conon VISCOSE ''•'*•' ll-oo $49.95 Women's Shoes KNIT SLEEPERS with FEET (Irr.) Famous Brand, 1-3, Reg. $Z49 - CHALLIS PLAID TWEED PRINTS SATIN $1.00 One Only ...... $34.95 PLAID Reg. 1.39 Ualiies Reg. 1.19 *•«. i.» S Reg. M9 t Reg. 98c LIFE STBIDB DOUBLE THICKNESS COTTON PANTIES, 44, Reg. 39c 4 prs. $1.00 Reg. 98c J d yd# GIOVANNI to JELL & HOWEU 8 mm. OUTFIT . ^, d BRITISH TROTTERS MARCH 4,11,18,25 NYLON CREW SOCKS, Ass't.,710'/2, Reg. 69c pr. ^~- 3 prs. $1.00 68M»! One Only ...... DUST •• *• DISH Uava N«w York Ftiaay* INFANTS' PRINT KIMONAS or GOWNS (fat R«g. $1.4« ea.; 2 for $1.00 DRAPES OI6P.M. RUG SET RUFFLES DRAPES 2 womfoffwiday* and night GIRLS' DRESSES (Ass't.) 18 only, 4-14. Values to $5.98 — Washington WWW have crossed theT Delaware 21x34 — Reg.1.98 TOWELS .Twin or Full 63" and 90" Black, Browns, Reds; Bme, in Nattaii, *hlp yourhoteL $1.00 Reg. 2.98 BIG VALUES White, Beige SIODOVM* can ba amwaad. INFANTS' DIAPER SETS, Reg. to $3.98 —— $1.00 >r any of th«*e buys — so better hurry down today Reg.69c Reg. 3.98 1 SPECLAJTaUISES >uso they can't be replaced at these prices. V? PRICE MEN'S GRIPPER or RQXER SHORTS, Reg. $1.00 pr. 59c ea.; 2 prs. $1.00 24x48 — Reg. 2.98 $1.49 2 PRICE CalUng at NatMu —Open Thurs. Eves. Till 9 p.rau— 39< and ona aMiaf pail. BOYS' and GIRLS' SOCKS, 74ft, Reg. 49c -59c pr. . 4 prs. $1.00 Special Group 10 DAYS $250-^ Warm Lined LADIES' FUNNEL PAJAMAS, 10 pr. only, R»g. $150 *1.49 All Sales Final—Many Other Unadvortised Specials Uutfter Boots JUNE 28 A AUG. 19 34 North Ave., W. Many Other Items, To^ Numerous ty M^ntUwy A^o, ^11 B^ Di,p^yfd Golo Cossdcks $9.00 / L : BR 6-1024 ft If Golo Strollers $7.00 BOOK NOW ~ ~ Golo Medium $8.00 U* your Trow«l Aganf Drastic Reductions qn Winter Jacket* All Buskins $6.00 for Uteratura an4 compUt* Information • - Op*n Thursday Evenings INCRESLINE 39 BROADWAY BRidp» 43272 New York *.N.Y. CRANFORD. CRANFORD, N. J by ^4ST0 i ESHHER'SOpen Thursday Evening 1? N, UniQn Crqnford 17 NORTH AVE., W. ||||j|jp|j||^^ ^^^^pp^lP^^p^^l^^^PHW!^'®?^?^??!^?^^

y . •" • • • : . • • . • ••. , . . .. .;....-. ..?,,,. •.. Pagf, CRANFORD CITIZEN; AND CHRONICLE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY IB, lttt have betp hiinilled by Mrs. Robert Harbough, Richard Hawley, Bon- Gisger.,prtj.':idcntr;Mrs. J. ElKomy Toininy Maxfjeld. -andH 29 and 30 «n4 (or July 3,6,7 wood, at 12:30 pjn. today. He suc- mm^ and Mrs; R. E. Blosser, general fiuddy Warner. . . , 8. Brownie sessions win brJoftr ceeds Capt. Herbert Kinch of Rah- Arranges Annual chairmen; Mrs. L, Ditzcl, Mrs. J. Gold and silver arrows,' Mike Garden Club Project Creates 11, 12, 13, 14, }8, 19, 20 and. 21. way. Patrohnan Joseph DiMario Lions Clubs Krip. Mrs. P. Mazzella, Mrs. S. V. and Mark Peterson; den chief i of Kenilworth will be Inducted as Bukowski, hospitality; B u r t o'n stripes, Eddie Mitchell/The cubby St. BUehMT* ! Supper Tonight New Appearance for School secretary. ' •, • • '•** ''. :'•• FeMLaier The annual covered-dish dinner Lorigenbach, decorations; Mrs! award was Won by Den 5. Guests at the meeting will in- of the Cranford High School PTA Richard Carlson. Mrs. J. M. Down- Continuing a civic project of planting shrubs at Roosevelt School Members of Girl Scout Troop clude Chief Lester W. Powell of LfcjBSj- International Co ing, publicity; Mrs. Howard Stacy, which was started in September, 1957, the Trowel and Trellis Garden 869 taught two folk dances and will be held: tonight at 7 ji.in. in Mrs. Goldberg Takes Cranford. •t J. Later of io i the cafeteria. Mrs. Frank T. O'Bnen, Mrs.' John Club this year will plant Scots pine, hybrid rhododendron, andromeda Snennaa>LlvbifBton-UncolB> and. "read her report Refresh- songs to their guests, girls of Walnut Neighborhood ' Activities of the association in- was guejst of honor at\ Mrs. Paul F. Penvonne. Found- | Kiriney. Mrs. K; A. Motzger, Mrs. PR Post for League andL hepilochemlb k at one side of the school building, ; ments included Polish bow ties Brownie Troop 194, recently. The Troop 100^ qktcs).- ..::.-. __. 1^. ,_ .. ings of the Newark Hosst iij Mrs' Charles Roth. : discussing plans with Thomas TipalAi, principal of the school; "1 v of: rriember municipalities Mrs.' George Ryusch. and Mrs. After ( Girl Scouts of Troop 10Q have Troop members include Clare pantomimed a skit based on nurs- Oub at npbri yesterday < program to commemorate thc.C3rd' lane, has bieri appointed public re- club tmentberA started the. first ronlcipg recommendations to local an Peterson, reservations. lations chairman ofthe Cranford been working on service projects Donnelly, Lorraine Duchez, Susan ery rhymes as the Brownies Plainfield Lions Club last 'J j birthday .of the PTA which- was plantings at the girls* entrance and tained a triangle of township prop as part of their, contribution to Ells, Martha. Gallagher, Marylee spondedby supplying the identities and state governmental xdnits for founded by Alice McLolIan Birney League' of- Women Voters, it was kindergarten room, putting in four their solution'. February being the month^l and Phoebe Apperson Hearst. The announced'today by Mrs, Joseph erty at! Glen wood and' Brpokdale community life. Each girl made Gatesy, ''Jane Grail, Veronica of the characters " ~~* aside by Lions International ?| Fourteen Win A wants junipers. At the same time, 20 roads for the past. five years. a pair of "booties" which will be Lt. Bonnell was appointed to the Cranford.High School-organization E. Hawkins Jr., league president. Green, Mary Beth Hahn; Christine Following the entertainment the honor its international coun«iJ?| chrysanthemum plants * were put Shrubs, annuals, perennials and given to the children's ward at Krowickl, Barbara Mattina, Kathy Mohawk and Robinette Patrols local police department on De- dates back to 1928. Several past At Pack 176 Dinner Mrs. Goldberg will QU .the'term in, and all the girls of the school tulip bulbs have been ' planted Muhlenberg Hospital. O'Connell, Nancy Paswark, Kathy served refreshments. cember 1, 194&/He became a ser- presidents will be special guests. Fourteen members of Cub. Pack of Mrs. John L:. Snook, 113 Glen- helped the club members in the JUNIOR CRAYlifllPJC^—Girls who recently completed the Gray Ladycourse June Shaw, Daryl Krogman, Sandy MeArthur, Mrs. Dietrich, Elaine Roberts. "Dr. Deborah Partridge Wolfe,, wood road, who resigned from the there, and each spring and fall' Fpr the past month, the girls Pfanne, Sharon Porter, Charlene Members of Troop 889 are Clare geant on January 1,1956, and was held every local office and 176 won awards at the third an- planting of 600 tulip bulbs and 200the property has been raked, fer- and their leaders have been saving Rowe, Janet Smith, Karen Sor- promoted to the rank of lieutenant of Cranford <^hattteri Anwrican Bed" Cress, were pinned by Mrs. Charles Boett- , Mdry Jean McClatchey, Mary Anne Vajda, Eileen^Lukaitis, ,Mar>' Margaret noted educator, will speak on the nual Bluo and Gold dinner Fri-, league board last week to work crocus bulbs. Donnelly, Lorraine Duchez, Susan served the district as zone chai I 1 tilized and-weeded by club mem- cancelled stamps, empty match- rentino, Dana Swick and Lynn Ells, Martha Gallagher, Marylee on Deceirjber 1 of the same year. man, deputy district 'governor i»J gcr. chairman Iff volunteer services, and capped by Mrs. Charles Dietrich. Petroccipne, Barbara Brewster, Diane Hunt and Geraldine Krochmal. The subject. "Partners in Education/' day night at the Crant<;,pine. Dr. Ruth Boyle of Newark State Phllo, txrinp' nrgnnizpr nnri mn- T tn DepartinentjirilL dance! of wnmeys^diyisi 1 road, assistant director of the New- participated to.theprogrnriCwhicn "" * * ~ ^t t£ftth bpcratio^inrhighway-trafficiTThis" he iiiatiiimcadnrirrfiitration. V. .ColIegeTUhion, at a seminar spon- wood. ."• . ' .-•-• • ' ; ark District of the Internal Following this, year's plantings at suftant was director. included vocal selections. ' . ••• Louisa, Bernadette DeRosa, Diane president of the Thought is the seed of action; Union County. Chapter, . dinner meeting of Cran- y ; sored by the Union Junior College position is entirely inconsistent Revenue, Service, is presenting a Department of Commerce, will be I?..- " ' the remaining side, the entire back Rev. Albert G. Dezso, pastor of Troop 806 is preparing for a visit' Eggers, Cathy Elmiger, Roseahne Union^County Safety Officers' As- but action is as much its second can-Jewish Congress, to be held I Lions Club at the Coach and with participation in or approval In outlining plans for .the new Institute. , high'school, Mr, Boardman dis- series ot radio broadcasts discuss- one of 3,000 persons attending the " of the school, will, be done with Osceola Church, welcomed the from a friend brought . up- in a Estwanick, Mary Lou Gilroy, sociation at tne group's monthly form as thought is its first.—Ralph at 8:30 p.m. Saturday at the Kings. Restaurant last week. Roy of drag racing, the speaker de- conference to discuss ways of re- ivy. A future project will be the Featured at the seminar will guests. . foreign land in connection with Kathryn Hart, Mary Job, Elaine in the Cranwobd, Gar- Waldo Emerson. . . '1 ton Restaurant, Union. ' ^^ cussed the choice of site and selec- ing activities of his organization be eight speakers and two films : of the Rahway and Union clared. —.%,— and answering, income tax return ducing losses in manpower planting of. azaleas.,-between the -Color Guard, was formed by the' observation of International Johanningmeier, Nancy Kellyr tion of architects. There was a dealing with child growth and de- nfy Safety Councils accom- Police Chief Lester W. Powell question and answer period. . questions over Station WMTR, through job accidents. shrubs across the entire front of Karen Tyrrell, 'Linda Surgens, Friendship Week. The girls have Paula Korner, Karen Lyons, Susan [jed the speaker. • The lo'caLma'ri plans, directs and the school. ,,. velopment. The social, emotional Marjorie Lind and Nina Isaac of introduced the speaker. - ' Mr.. Siegel, invited member's in- Morristown, at 5:05 p.m. on Satur- been learning weather flag • mean- Moffey, Susan' Mueller.- Nancy Cahill is.traffic coordinator coordinates the safety programs and physical development of chil- Intermediate Troop 106. - ings and studying cloud forma- is'A terested in seeing adoption of the days. In.carrying, out its project, the Mulhall, Diane. NewhanL/Eliza- filnion County's 21 municipali- for the maritime administration. Trowel and Trellis Garden Club dren of all ages will be discussed. Brownie Troop 686 represented tions. if i high.school referendum o.rv March He also has recorded a series of beth. Noerpel, • Theresa/^ Petrik, His, department investigates St. Michael's CYO His office is in New York. ~ is following: a master plan pre- .Strpss will be placed upon the China. A newly formed Brownie Carolyn Schricki. Susan Sayre, 15 or in learning more about the spot announcements which are growing normal child and the de- Members of .Troop 380 have been erious accidents in the county ' . pared by M. Robinson and Son, troop under the leadership of Mrs. working on -tenderfoot require- Alice Tollman and Marebeth Wal- Plans 'Hatohel Dance' school to join the Citizens' Com'- broadcast a number of times each local landscapers. Principal Tipal- velopment of a wholesome parent- D. Cox, sang an American patri- •an effort to determine their Plans have been announced for mittee.' • •' •'/• r /-. day over Station^WNTA, Newark, .1 child relationship, Dr. Kenneth W< ments and preparing '• for their, lace. [scs and to recommend pre- Pack 75 Adds __ ; . . $16.towards a plant'in memory bf, ume. Mrs! Maxfield Tutfle served; Definite plans for . Nomahegan retary, and Mis.. Joseph Nblanv also.will assist. : and Holly streets ai 11:40 a.m. treasurer. The club was formed «r,V Mr. Cahill said in ex- Methodist Church by Dr." Albert Police Department attended in was staged by Den 10. A film "> .'•. George Barlow, retired police as' frianist. Thp'program closed Day Camp, a summer activity for I*. uniform as the' arinual departmen- Friday. ' with the showing of a film "Wide, to aid in flinancial and* other proj- IninR his opposition to-such sug- Allinger, pastor. , on oil was shown. '." : guard who served at the school the Girl Scouts of^Cranford, are _, They were: JartiesEngel, son of tal meeting was^ conducted by rldX ' ects. Now in progress- is- the col- |ions; "Speed is the number one y Nabbed in Cair. 1 y Awards wertf made as follows: .•I.. ••.'.• for many years. underway under/the leadership of AT THE NEW Mr. and Mrs. August Engel of 209 Chief tester W. "Powell in the Bear, George Wright;, bear and In addition to its Roosevelt No principle is more nobi*, as the newly-appointed director, Mrs. lection of old newspapers, maga- iri the United States and hot In response to an alert from zines and' rags, which will be and the companion. evil of Clark police reporting a car taken Walnut, avenue; Ronald Naka- Municipal Court room at police gold arrow, Mark Ullom, lion, School' project, the Trowel and there is none moire holy, than that Stt.. Michael's Neighborhood R. M. Garretson of 120 New street. shima, son of Mr., and Mrs. Thom- headquarters at noon Friday. gold and two silver arrows. 'Larry Trellis Garden'; Club .has main- of a true obedience.—^Henry Giles • ,t/ Troop 869 ' / ' Assisting/Mrs.' Garretson as as- picked up the last Saturday of each strip racing place emphasis there without, permission of the month. Persons having items to ipeed." He deplored the "glorj* owner. Patrolman William-Crissey members of Troop__75, and John, ' Speakers included Mayor Ira Dt Smith; lion and silver arrow for Mrs. Stephen Palasinski, guest sistant/director will be Mrs. WESTFIELD FEDERAL fV? Dorian, Public Safety /Director contribute may contact Mrs. Harry Ition of the automobile/as an in- chased' a car ., from Kenilworth Explorer Post 75. . • r. bear, Charles BischofT; lioni Scott for falling prices speaker, reecntly told members of Leonard Church of 43 South Union Liming at 313 South Union ave- *** ' Two other members of the Nicholas St. ,John LaCorte and Auer, Bruce Thompson, ' Chuck Girl Scout Troop 869 of her ex-avenue. Mrs. Joseph Kronmeyer Imcnt of competition." 'boulevard io Orange/avenue • to Chief Powell. periences as a Girl Guide in nue. ^A card party in March is SAVINGS BUILDING ublic agencies should not be Springfield avenue, at 1:30 a.m. Engel family, Stephen and Walter, Orsay; gold/arrow lor bear, Rob- of 6. Lenox avenue is serving as slated as another fund-raiser. as Nakashima of 4A Burnside ave- >

/ reg. 2.00 /• •. • •••-'. •'•• • • • 9 Bissell Shampoo Master Rug co-leaders. 89 •ur famous "Ons-Day-OaaU"—and Amunca'a LowmttPrkn 2 RED CROSS SHOES for WOMEN. Sale 7.99 & 9.99 Troop 69 for Big Luxury Carv and 64*ass«ngw Compact Can Cleaner and Applicator .... $4.95 New officers of Troop 69 were GIRLS'COATS & SETS •NYLON PANTIES SPRING ZIPPER JACKETS Regularly to•14.9SD!*.... Regular stock footwear .'...' elected as follows: Sandra Jones, Mad Anthony • - ^, Dress and tailored styles .... All colors ... A wide president; Judy Kutsera, secre- Fo«d FALCONS up to$12 4 Give Them Over-Bought For IAXI Bissell Upholstery Shampoo Kit 1.99 tary; Joyce Rich, treasurer; Susan t can the Infant-tree selection but not all sizes in every style. Kolbe, reporter; .'Barbara Arthur, A Good Home Was Wad $f.23 99c Shampoo - $3.00 Applicator - $3.99 Value corresponding secretary; Susan America's lowest-priced 6-pas- Sizes 1-3, reg. 1.49 Benger ear costs leas to drive, reg. 24.98 About These ^ ••^•^ EDWARDS SHOES for -CHILDREN. Sale 4.99 & Morrison,' special events. too! Expect up io 30 mpg, up reg. to 5.98 n Window Shades ...: $1.00 The girls are planning \a send 5.99. Regularly to 9.95 . . . Discontinued Patterns to 4,000 miles between oil Care school'kits overseas. A changes. Savings on insurance, • WINTER GIRLS' JACKETS SNOW SUITS • BOYS'COAT SETS White, Light Ecru, or Green .:•'. Now at savings up to 40% . .. Many attractive "Clothesline, of Clothes" for needy tireq, everything. Special trade- Betsy Boss families overseas has been started. in aUmcancta this day only. JohnPaulJones / Washables & Up to 36 in. Wide — On Your Roller styles for dress and school'..',,. A thank you note has .been re- Designed Them Shipped These In 78 ceived from the. family who re- Wools T2&T3 . Foam Runner Floor Mat..... $1.00 GERBERICH BOYS' SHOES. Sale 5.99 .'. . Reg- ceived a Christmas dinner and reg. to 12.98 reg. to 17.98 reg. 18.98 presents from the troop. 6 ularly to 10.95 ... .Entire Stock of Gerberich Shoes And yori buy^vra better when 17Vi x 29 inches — Assorted Colors —fceg. $3.98 you select a FaMane 500. the on sale ... Nothing held back. Buy Now and Save. ULCW Slates Talk i hupuy car with all the • DRESSES-SKIRTS • SPORT JACKETS costly car extras. And it costs OUR DOLLAR %\ — Complete Line Of — TEENAGERS' & WOMEN'S FLATS. Sale 4.99 By Cranford Florist up u*;$l«! las* than last year! Other Betsy ' The Swamp Fox Harry Rekemeier of Rekemeier Special dcmlUki* Jag omlg. ' TABLE I Ross Exclusives $1.23 Used These $ Lawn and Garden Supplies Regularly to 10.95 ... Sizes 4 to 10 ... the season's Special Group of Blouses f ' . Flowers, Inc.; 116 North ave- nue, west/ Will be guest speak- Values so breathtaking reg jto 7.98 For Dress Parades most popular styles for dress and,play .-.. *The very er at the Quarterly meeting; «Mab «• I960 Pert Teen Sweaters .„ , finest brands. - ".- .- of the United Lutheran' Church Here's true fine-car elegance! Monday you have to see them to be- 0080 otily, get our special "Open House" deal <»« 50 Ib. bag of Lime for Garden • 6 Foot Scarves Women of Calvary Lutheran lieve! them! GIRLS' STORM COATS • DRESS SHIRJS Church at 8:15 p.m. Wednesday. America's biggest seller . . . the Galaxit |or a tend. When th* snow be- With Each Purchase of $5.00. WOMEN'S SUBURBAN BOOTS. Sale 5.99... En- Mr. Rekemeier has operated the byFotd. Qreat For Whites, Enough fdns to fly. or anytime else for • Winter Hats Untouchable bargains (not nicrtter. take a UxxL • • • tire, stock of warm fleecerlined Leather Boots OQ local florist shop for six years. His on items that sold Up to Delaware River TOffti Sale.. .Sizes 5 to 10. • Lounging Pajamas family has owned, another flower Crossings ; you'll senr* wear and tear on < shop in Roselle for 30 years. $8.98. , . A Battalion the family car and a lot of * . •.Orion Stretch Knee-Hi's reg. 24.98 12 flow. too. x WOMEN'S and CHILDREN'S SLIPPERS. Sale 1.99 reg. to 3.98 Regularly 2.98 and 3.95. Large variety of Styles • 2 Pair Hose (51-15) HAROLD F. BENNER — All Sale* •SOX-SOX and colors. , ALL DAY f AutomoWIe Paint Ing f«Md sn o *mn' Were Ready to AL BAN-LEWIS i GOODYEAR — LOW SNEAKERS . . . Sale 2.99 Aothorind DUCO Rcfintsnta* MONDAY M Sock Eyery Foot Op«n HOUM** dteab an ow lr«in«ndowt »«l«ction HOUSEWARES • HARDWARE •f USED CAttS—vry kind, malw andmod.l from 4 to 11 Colors: White, black for women; white, blue, red For Your CARTER'S GADGETS • GIFTS for children . . . Arch cushion . .. Sturdy counter 11 North Union A f. • BRMgo 64)881 ...Washable. Y 109N.UNION AVE. . 24 Eastman Street Wddiac — Track TWIN BORO AUTO CORP. - Open Thursday* Till 9 P. M. MIDGE t-1111 — Closed Monday** Washington's Birthday — FREE PARKING IN REAR 158 E. Wesrtkjld Avo., Ro«*Ho Park, N. J. You Can Row Bar An 'A-l; Vaed Car — Warranted In Writing — At Your Fold Dealer's V

l/ A .-...:* : • :' -.;••• !Pf|si|lfip?8^^

•. •,>.-J»: ._. -v- CRANFORD CITIZEN AMD CHRONICLE, THURSDAY, FEBRjUARY 18, I960 ' -a' evening /-at Union Junior College. Miss Judith ^:" ."..• .. .'"' '"•';•'," •• . •''. ligl lool Honor Clark of Rosette Park is council son, Cory Friedman, Valerie Gei- president Other officers are: Miss G. Frank Zimmerman, principal leen Wiese, Janine Zimmerman Barbara. Satkowski of Linden, the Cranford High School, rer and Jeffrey: Zimmerman. . ger. Eileen GUI. Virginia Gillespie, GARW< Richard Gross. Nancy Grote, secretary, and Mrs. Arlene Stern KENILWORTH orts that a total of 216 students Grade 10^-Susan Babcock, Rita Of Roseltet treasurer. aye earned honor roll grades of Bernstein, Rochelle Block, Donald Richard Holmquist, Lois Horafch, K* and "B" forth e second roarkr Blosser, James Borges, Neil Cas- Frederick Huston. it period. These students are: taldo, Edward Coe, Francis Col- Also, Kenneth Ingram, Dorothy Coffees Planned Grade 12*—Steven Anderson, Jo- lins, Brian Conley, Trena Craft, Johnsen. Joel Kaufmanh. Jean LXVIL Ho. CRANFORD. NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1960 SECTION FOUR -Martha—Damon, o€toht£upport llohm, Nancy Brooks,' Nancy James Dimock. Ruth Epstein. Joan Kuch, Nancy , Carol :hew, Nancy Damon, Diana De- David Erdmann. .; Leonard. Virginia Ubere, Mary Also. Gail Griffiths. Steven Hall. McClatehey, Jane McCord. . For High School Uil Abner to Aid •onge, Stephen Dexter, Alexander . Mrs. Lawrie Montgomery has PTA Stages Student Skit Year llckerson, Patricia Downing, Paula Hollerbach, Marilyn Jack- Also. Dorothy Martin. Nancy son. Riley Jackson. Cheryl Kean. Meyers, Howard Milius, Ann announced the names of a number LionsBlindFund ames Dulicai, Thomas Egan, Beth of women who plan to hold coffees' Ipsteta, Betty Eudene, Jean Fos- James King,, William Lawrence. Mineur. Ralph Mittelberger, Rob- At Trustees' Reorganization KENILWORTH—The feature ert Montgomery, Robert Olson, and present speakers provided by At Founders' Day Program er, Marcia Gillespie, Judith Gis- Donald Lewis, Barbara Long. Rob- k discussion Scheduled, GARWOOD—John L. Csupa, ST., of 640 Myrtle avenue, was named presldents attending the 'program. film, "L'il Abner" and a selected ert Low. , • ' • Paul Penvenne. Margaret Petroc- the Citizens for a Better Cranford XENILWORTH — A, skit com- cr, Joan Golden. " to urge a "yes" vote for the pro- to serve for a-second year as president of the Garwood Board of They were: Mrs. William Lang, short will be shown at the sixth Also. Sandra McArthur. Gay cione, Joanne Prill, Ronald "Ritter, GARWOOD "••Ftatliifciing of the ^Wfalic Service memorating Founders' Dajr was Also, Linda Huff, Eleanor John- posed new—high school at the Mrs. W. C. Smith."Mrs. Alfred annual' theatre party of' the Milius. Thomas Mitchell. Delia Margaret Russell. » ctric W Gas Cto. <*& ** farilrt to details rganization meeting Monday night Grade 9—Henry Bernstein, Jo- \ Swisher. will be held at TM"v*m. and PTA Founder members by Miss Signe Swan- funds. Ralph Vitale and Charles it Harding School. . %' Also, Jpan Penv'enne, Judith Also. Corihne. Tamburr, Mary tinge, • 206; 'Walnut avenue; Mrs. and Joseph Fuentes were seated Narrators, Christine Melchior,. Bet- berg, principal, and Edwin W. Vitale are serving on the^tickef •reston. Janet Ray. Alan Ritter, seph Blaha, Kathleen Bride, .Pat- regular council meeting, dnr- Michael L. Vitale also was Lou Trembley, Marianne Vajda, M. A. Herman. 239 Hillside ave- ty Burnett;'Gay Nineties charac- Kraus, superintendent of schools. anice Ruch, Ruth Schockler, Carol ricia Bucher," Emil Ciurczak, Su- nue; ' Mrs. Charles Angelbeck, 35 as new board members for three- committee. . - amed to a third term as vice- san Collins, Barbara Copson, Gail Kathleen Walsh, Margaret Walton, whlch there will be a pabUe ters, Robert Morris, Nicholas Per- ihire, David Skaggs,.Rudolph Ste- Park avenue; Mrs. Harold Roth- aring on the PfP^^19 Day Program year terms. ' resident. The. vote was unani- Davison,. Patricia Deane,' Susan Fritz Weeman, Barbara Wells, " peras, Michele Yaras; Not-So-Gay- mous in each case. The term is wart, Fred Swisher, .David Thax- bard, 14 y Lenhome drive; Mrs. il budget, will begin at Mr. Fenwick' and Mr. Fuentes Nineties characters, James McNair, ; ori, Sally VanWhy. Virginia War- Dudley, Kathryn. Duncan.' Kathryn William, Julie Walsh and E. Fw Hager, 156 Mohawk drive; or one year. at BARON' This Evening succeed Arthur A. Chalenski and Steven ' Levine, David Raynock, Methodists Ask AME Pastor er,'~~ Sandra ~7 WinidrmsT~"John Ttt^rorErMartin7-48-Blake-a sioiHo-meet-witn-the-engi* iiir—J—Walshe who-did-not .The-_board_also_voted_to_tetalo. r TtIchard"Saks~Samuel"Gesumariar i"—rGeorgiana hue;TBrsTHenryTJuffy. 33 Blake seek_reelectionw^——r- — Bruce SctimHt, RoberlTCaiser aiicT Henry G. Nulton as attorney; Mrs. fuschak. ' . avenue; Mrs. Daniel Kress, 183 50c was made on of the Garvood Woman's The trustees voted to. change Helen M." Arthur, secretary; F. J. Mohawk drive; Mrs. A. F. Beach, Edmund Lasinski.' teffany Co.. auditor, and Mrs. Grade • 11—Prances Barhaby, [councilman L George dob mm present a program of their regular meeting night from Bonnie DeRick and Bonnie Jo Jrenda Beach, Irisa ' Berzinskis, LibraryGrant U> Finance 14 Columbia avenue; Mrs. E. H. lirman of building and the second Monday to the third KENILWORTH—Race Relations Sunday will be observed at both Frances L. Condon, custodian of Schenker, 27 Herning avenue; Mrs. |Mr Casabona. explained that a tying in with flhe biographies Monday of each month in Franklin -Volpe represented the PTA found- the 9:30 and 11 a.m. services Sunday at Community Methodist Church. chool monies. • Jrida Breitel, Stanley Bross, Rob- ers, Mrs. Bimey and Mrs. Hearst. rt Cohen, Rosalie Collins, Rich- Robert Birkemeier, 21 Yale road, planned to increase ligbiing of past presdeats of the Garwood School. Garwood Branch of the The-Rev. Frank-N. Williams; pastor of St. Paul's AME Church of C. William Gutekunst and Al- Microfilm Reader farUJC ' Past presidents were played. by rd Conley, Bonnie Copeland, Lois and Mrs. L. H. Silver, 18 Lenhome th from 2^00 to ^B8O la-PTA. as the PTA holds a Founders* Suburban Trust Co. was desig- Kenilworth, will be guest preacher at both services. red Wood,-newly elected trustees, Union Junior College has been awarded & {grant for.th e purchase Priscllla Boright, Robert Gesu- lopson, Clinton Crane.. driye. in street lights on Center ivmgnxa in Laneoln School at nated official depository for board •'•' "' Thei- Rev. James S. Tiller, pastor, said "Race rclafio'ns is thewere seated as members. William Also, Ronald Dadd,'Judith Davi- of library equipment by the Junior College Libraries Section of the ct from North avenue, to Hiek- funds, and the Cranford Citizen maria, Robert Johnstone, Linda number one domestic issue in the lark started his second three- } A, briefing session for speakers STICK DEODORANT . | 1:15 : on, Jill Donnelly, James Drumm, Association of. College and ReStarch Libraries, a division of the was held at the Board of Education SWEETA avenue and. also in other and Chronicle and the Elizabeth Rillo, Linda Cummings,^ Sharon United States today. It is the re- :ear term on the board. \ ' S"L Bbs. W. losepb .Chpborda of Daily Journal were named official McGcvna, Patty Morrison, Frances sponsibility of the church to recog- The board voted to hold an ad- largaret Dudley, Sheila Earlman, American Library Association, it was announced today by Dr. Kenneth rooms at Lincoln School on Friday. ark spot" test areas as a p«e- 1 )avid Eaton, Arlene Factor, John C. MacKay, president. The instructors were' Dr. Clark linary to a three-year program Cbrk. formerly of Craaford, is di- newspapers. , Kowalovitch. Peggy Shea , Jac- nize the problem and to work un- Honor Roll journed meeting on Monday, quelyn Landau, Barbara Lento, March 7.' Committees will be ap- 'cdorko, Ingcbdrg Fey, -Charles It was one of 18 grants made to privately-supported junior colleges W. McDermith, Q. Frank Zimmer- increasing lighting throughout rector off' .the ,t^Hsifii ( group Mr. Csupa was named to the der God toward its solution." ' borough. Marianne Riley, Debbie Col well, pointed by Mr. Neville at that loodfellow. Patricia Hedqulst, made possible by a gift to the, man, Frank Martz and Mrsi-James 69< Mrs. Rachaad.BL"Harper. Sr^ of Board of Education for his second A special offering will be taken lary Howell; Janet Huff. O'Brien. Speakers who attended |police Commissioner John Sa- three-year term in February, 1958. Valerie Hermann, Joanne' Walsh, i'i" American Library Association our library facilities. The board 316 IJOTOEX jivgnue. is .accompanist. at both services for Morristown Names Told Also. Carol Iversen, Susan Keep, and will be available are: Mrs. called to the council's atten- JOHN In addition to serving as president Eleanor Smith, Denisd' Pawloski, from .Remington Rand, a division of trustees and faculty of Union College of Tennessee, a Negro col- larbara Kiesling,' William Knox, Jbhn V. Silliman, Mrs. Robert $1.98 Value $1.75 79c a recent presentment by the of the board he also has been vice- Ronald Buss, Karen Materia, Ed- lege of the Methodist Church. The klan .Kohn, Diane Kohn, Fred- of the Sperry Rand Corp. Junior College join us in expressi Gisser, Mrs. Joseph Kohn. Mrs. County Grand Jury SOR- be'a talk on-Tou and Your Driv- president and chairman of the mund Lasinski, John Moore, Nan-; At Harding ing deep appreciation,"s- Dr. Mac- ing HadbiasT" by Otto Oswald, fatali- Methodist choir under the direc- rick Kopf, Rodger Kopf, Arthur George P. Marks, III, of Colonia. Jesse Patberg, Mrs. Richard Finn, iting that municipal and county finance and buildings and grounds cy Shields, Nancy Moramarco, Di- tion of Mrs. William Bridges will KENILWORTH — Honor Roll Garden Show Kay and Professor Marks said. »T» and Mid- Election Date committees. Cusiv, .James Lang, Leslie vLong- UJC librarian, said the grant will Frank Ramsey, John L. Snook, cials authorize reviews of police ty ane Herbst, ^Barbara Ann | sln|i <.Be Tnou Exaited. O God." students-have-.been announced by ker, Eileen Lukaitis, Laurie Lu- be used to purchase a microfilm This is the first year in /the Mrs. Herbert I. Mitchell arid Stuart j scales \yith aj* aim to bringing dJesn OnmHifs Car the State Mo- A. resident of Garwood. for 10 Edwin,.W. Kraus, superintendent of : ACRL grants program that awards MAALOX PLASTIC tor VehicSe Drpartment- He -will Schwenck and CoUeen Hurley - /fhc Senior Methodist You^h FeK Plans Told as. - • • ... .' '•'':• .'•' • Goldblatt. GOLF em up to a level comparable years, he is active in the Lions r schools,' for, the second marking reader/v he, pointed out that' the iLife members were represented - - - ...-.._ . • . . KENILWORTH—Further plans have been mad? to junior college be mtradnooed by Cjdward.iStgety, Change VotedClub arid the Little League and lowship will meet Sunday evening period. Students on the scholastic Also, Dennis Maloy, Lynnc Mar- new equipment will be available The next briefing session will |th earnings of workers • in .in- by Mary Ann Duca, Robin; Eck- for the Garden Ceritcr to be held for use by the-public as well as by libraries.' Last year similar grants PTA safety'chairman. ; ' • served as deputy director of Civil at 6 o'clock, to attend thu final honor roll, who received grades of ey, Margot Metzger, Mary Mon- be at 8:15 p.m. tomorrow., Those stry. .'•,- ' , . v ' stein and Robert Iinkin. Donald April 1 and 2 by the Kenilworth enecourt, Michael Philippoff, college students. ' ; from 'funds- contributed by Rem- Meimfarrs of Den 8 of Cub Pack Defense and Disaster Control. He session of the mid-winter institute B or better are as follows: desiring tb hold a coffee or secure BALLS LIQUID The presentment declared that By Rosary Sharp and Raymond Figuero were of the Elizabeth sub-district, The Garden Club at-the Public Library *ith Postell, Paul Reed, Lawrence "We are confident'that our stu- ington Rand- were awarded to a speaker for a. meeting may con- nen'in general "are not ade- '75 -mSH cnralwt, the Hag ceremony. is an Air Force veteran oil World Fourth grade: Mrs. Pearl Bie- were; made last week at a meet- ingle, Elaine Roberts, Beth Ro- four-year colleges. arnd the invocation. vriU be by the GARWOOD—Members of! theWar II. In charge of lighting. junior Methodist Youth Fellow- dents and faculty ' will-jgivc the tact.Mrs. Montgomery of 22 Colby ately compensated for the work ship will-begin, its meeting Sunday derman, Kenneth Buss, Howard ing at the home of Mrs. A. B. C. en. Robert Rowland, Judith Rus- Rev. Bic S, ToQgher. pastor, of Rosary-"Society-of-the-Church of Mr. Csupa is eniployed'"by the ;;_ Corsages were presented to past reader full usc\We are especially lane or Mrs. G. -E. Thurstbn of 440 12-ox. are required to do" and added at 6:30 p.m. ' • Dropkin. Jamesr_Grady;~:Thomas /Vanderstel, 378 Lincoln" driverMrs: eii. : .-•• - ••".• • •• happy to receive it at such an at this makes it difficult to at- the BTniTMl PinaMyteiian Church -of St. Anne voted to .hold their an- of-America - as a Lincoln avenue. • WSCS Circles will meet Wednes- McGevnav; Edward omaine, Lin-JosephStrack, presidentrpreslded. Also, Douglas ! .Sassi, Patricia appropriate time, when we have Student Council to Elect "personnel of the high cali- Garwood. Mrs- James Gnare, pre- nual election in April instead of production planner and is;a mem- da Keyes, Joanne Muraavsky, Plans were also discussed for a just moved on ya a new campus needed" to continue to meet win mnrtart the business March, at their monthly > meeting ber of the auditing committee of day as follows: Elizabeth, Mrs. Al- icchlcr, Michael Stevens, Susan The annual election of the Eve- Goodness is the «nly investment Police Seek bert Adams; Martha, Mrs. James Joyce Pawlak, Gcraldinc Ton- JS ride to Sterling Gardens, 'errell, Elleri Van Hirtum, Kath- where we have greatly expanded ning Session Student Council/will that neyer fails.—Henry T^horeau: dern police standards. In St. Anne's School last Thursday the Alcoa Federal Credit Union. zola; / Miss Esther Goldman, Tuxedo, N.Y., onUunc 15. $1-75 59c / 4 '• - ^^a - • '' ' '' ' ''m ' ~ ' ^^ • _ ' m i m few* * ' " W _ m Mastandrea; Mary, Mrs. Fred Rein; 100 |Councilman Casabona reported Plam 'for the' meeting were night. The change was. suggested He is a graduate of Thomas Jef Lorcnc Caruso, Jane Klok Member's 'exchanged seeds fo: ••/ Naomi, Mrs. Ralph' Boeninghaus; at Assemblywoman Mildred Bar- made at an executive' board meet- by the Rev'. John A. McHale, pas- ferson High School, Elizabeth, and First Driver Laura Whitchead, Susan Frost, planting and also discussed pla Hughes recently wrote to the has attended Union Junior Col- Sarah, Mrs. Alexander Smith. The ing in Ftrankhn School last Wed- tor, "so the formal installation' can Adult Bible discussion group William Gill. Sheldon Karlin, for an all-day workshop at M (Continued 2} (Continued on Page 2) lege, Seton Hall University and Stephen Karlik, Mary'Lou Mohr Vanderstel's • home. PLAYING Rutgers University, working to- meets Thursday at 7 p.m. The In Fatality junior choir will rehearse tonight Thomas LoBiqnco. Mrs. William Hetman repo/tcd; /' ward a B.S. degree in industrial KENILWORTH — Kenilworth on a plan to sponsor the local Jun- management and accounting. at 6:30 o'clock, and the Methodist Kenneth. A. Roberts, Donn, / •i Police are working on limited choir at 8 p.m. Spaeth, Annette Shields, Irm ior Garden Club, which wa EGG SHAMPOO Pin Tourney Entries Due This Saturday leads' to near.the solution of the Kyta, Kenneth Ingra, Barbart viously sponsored by the We'stficld Bucci and Janet • Boesgaard Garden Club. The junior club will |GARWOOD—This Saturday, is Auxiliary,. Post Office,' Bayonne hit-run death of Mrs. Emil Rehr-f WSCS Sees Film also participate in the April show. deadline for entries in thealso a jicraSli-adult tonmey. . Tool and Die, and Magnus Chemi-, mann, 76. of 735 Vernon avenue" Charles Scheels, Deborah Dell; Pupils to See Fera, June Dorrelk Suc-Eller Mrs. Strack welcomed Mrs. Jen- vling tournament to be held at inter-town cate- caL _.••.••:..•• . ./ , las): Thursday night In Michigah Oil Cancer Defection nie Schlingman of 521/Rlchn^d Garwood Recreation aileron SDOLH^*9 fp mdnde: Mayor and' ' • Highest team in the interrtown avenue near Vernon avenue. .. Frank, John Goodman, Suaan Het : KENILWORTH — A film stress- man, Linda Kaiser, Beth Mannix avenue as a new memt •turdays, February IX endi March Fire tourney will receive the Mayor's Holida.-..,y Pla. .y Hyman Baker, 32, of Elizabeth ing the importance of early de- and Sundays, February 28 and (2); Youth Bowling Trophy and also a team trophy do* ^ARWOpD-TrMrs. MarJorie Ly- is, charged with being the''driver Sandra Mathews, Dennis Me- tection of the'seven cancer symp- Namee, Marilyn Torrenti. arch 6, for benefit of the Gar-Association (2). Rrst Aid Squad nated by Garwood Recreation. In- saght's third grade of Franklin ,of the second of two cars which toms was shown by Mrs. Ernest T. Band Boosters Ulopt 1 Little League. . <2). Stred Department. Little dividual trophies'also 'will be pre- School will mark George Washing- • Fifth grade: Mrs. Gertrude Cas $2150 police say struck and killed Mrs. Brown, educational representative sidy, Alexander Apfelbaum, Bettj New Constitution \ Application blanks are available *-*^g»»*~wi • u»mu) <2). Lions Club, sented to members of the cham- ton's Birthday with an assembly Rehrmann as she. was crossing of the American Cancer Society, at program for the lower grades at Burnett, Ronald Eck, Michael KENILWORTH j- A revised " police headquarters and in some' Ontrch of SL Antne. Presbyterian pionship team. Trophies will be Michigan avenue. The first car a recent.meeting of the WSCS at al stores and also from Bernard dHorch. St. PaaTs duirch (2). awarded to youth bowlers only in 2:30 p.m. tomorrow. The schools Hauranchalk, Carol' Kowalcvich, constitution and )by-laws were "i ••(•'•' struck the resident in the north- the Community Methodist Church the youth-adult tournament.' will be closed Monday in observ- Deborah Krill, Christine Melchior, adopted by the Ktrulworth Band rlcy, tournament chairman, and Also. Pomp league All Stars, bound lane and tossed her into the Devotions were led by Mrs. Rob- cph Humenik, president of. the George Perry Family (father and Frank Herzofi is co-chairman for ance of the holiday. Lawrence Wolosky; George Hilla, Boosters' Club last Thursdasdayy at opposite lane where she was hit ert Wackcr. Miss Audrey Spencer 3 SPEED ELECTRIC Bttle League. four sons). Civilian Defense Police •• the event, and other members. of _ Featured in tomorrow's program Anthony Pironto, Richard Eskin Harding School/ Mrs. Walter wiU be a play entitled "How again. . ( • " presided. Steven Neville, Janice Andetn, Mi- Tappc, vice-president, presided in I There will be inter-town com- Reserves C2). American Legion, i the" committee are Victor Green, Mr, Baker, who had earlier giv- ition between teams represent- • vrw, Garmood Recreation, Vrw j Robert Davis and Ario Bucclrilli. George Told the Truth." Parts Mrs. Louis Redmer, chairman chael Flanter; Albert Leick, Ray- the absence of Wrs. William Dris- will be taken as. follows: Mrs. en his name as a witness, was ar- announced that the annual birth- mond Glasco, Glenn Koechling collv president.. STRETCHY Washington, Joanne Yankow; Mr. rested Saturday by Capt. Thomas day party will be held April 21 Michael Kramllck, Robert Middle- • Members ware urged to attend SLIPPERS CICCTRICITV OOEt SO MUCH -COSTS ©O UTTtt' Washington. Keith Edick; Little Neville.' The Elizabeth' man de- and 22. Mrs. Redmer will be as- ton, Theodore Sherba, Wend the band concert at Jonathan Day- George, "Wesley' Wanat; Mammy nied that his car struck Mrs. Rehr- sisted by Mrs; William Bridges Brown, Brcnda Crea, LauriC-Ji ton Regional/High School, Spring- Chloe, Jacqueline Walsch; Mr. mann but said that', he waS theMrs. Walter. Batifleld, Miss Doris Frank and Alice Kuk;la. field,, on March 17 sponsored by •">"•. Fairfax, Robert Taylor; gardener, person who stopped a bus driver Fink, lyirs. Howard Murphy, Mrs Miss Mary - Tombler, Suzann< the Band Pi/rents' organization. $3.00 25c 59c Robert McCarrick; Sambo, Steven and told him to call police''after Fred Rein and Mrs. Adolph Pater- Burger, Patricia Cesta, Linda Cris Mrs. F. B. Macmillan and Mrs. Boym' Rzeplinski; Rastus, William Schnit- the accident. Chief" Stupak said. son. ' . (Continued on Page 2) William Lang were hostesses. zcr, and Jemima, Kathy Miragliot- Chief Stupak said that Capt. FLANNEL PLAY ta. Neville examined Mr. Baker's car T PAJAMAS 'YOU'RE BRMfMNO "Old Black Joe" and "George on Saturday and found blood SHIRTS Washington" will be sung by a stains and smears along the right w Sites 4-14 Reg. $3. — Disc • >J * HMTOUJNCHr chorus including: Steven Rocco, side and rear fender. A closer Print by Carter SANITARY NAPKINS Valcri Piller, Skippy Schcdncck, examination revealed pieces of R»g. 1.98 Sizes S & M Edith Desch, John Madiara, Irene hair and flesh and large blood clots, Madiara, Linda Harney, Darren on the underside of the car, the Pew. Andre Rossi. Benjamin Dl- GIGANTIC SPECIAL!! $1.00 chief said. •*' CHILDREN'S Fabio,, Mary-Kirpan.,Diana ..Sabr;, - Mrv~Baker~was-held 4n-$5*000 bagh, Gregory Woinski, Jean Yaw- !'•; 69< bail on charges of causing death lak and Susan Angelo. by auto and leaving the scene of ' i. RASHMGTOI'S tllTHBAT SALE SNEAKERS Poems will be recited by Vir- an accident. A hearing, will be Famous Make 25c $1.98 25c ginia Guerriero, Cathy Legg. and held February 29. Girls' Cathy Lach. Joyce Biazzo; will be STARTING SAT., FEB. 20th thru FEB. 27th Girls' Washable The only description police have Red and Full Fashioned announcer for the program; andof 1hc first vehicle is that it had WOOL SLAX the flag bearer will be Susan An- TITES gclo. ' • • , small, round tail-lights. Police Bed, Navy. Grey, Navy EAGLE FOUNTAIN said-this would indicate the vehi- Men's and Women's . nimck'VtUet ' Sizes 4^6. 8-10, 12-14 cle is not a late model. SWEATERS - SKIRTS Assorted Colors BALL PEN Councilman Edward Archam- $3.50 pr. SPONGE MasonicGroup bault of 500 Richfield avenue, who Expertly To-Attend Service was driving south said he saw the $1.88 pr. victim standing in the middle of SUITS Cleaned and Pressed SPORT SHIRTS 1: . At Local Church Michigan .avenue. (except rieated or cashmere) GARWOOD—Local members of He said ,he heard a "thump' aft- ANY 4 Masonic lodges in Craqfbrd and (Continued on Page 2) !' •' • $1.00 pr. Westfleld will be guests at" the OF, )VE COMBINATIONS Infants' Boys' Slimmer 98c $1.50 $1.19 worship service in St. Paul's :: • • • i.. RECEIVING United Church of Christ at 11 a.m. PAJAMAS this "Sunday. ?he chorus of theGirl Scout 2far*1.50 $ BLANKETS Garwood Square Club will sing .1.' Re«.SL98 .WEST STEIN the anthem, "The Old RuggedLeaders Told 1.50 Reg. 69c each Sizes 10 & 12 Only Cross." KENILWORTH — Mrs. John T. AEROSOL THEATRICAL Walter B. Lewis wijl direct the Sturtcvant was named neighbor- 3 for $1.00 $1.77 pr. chorus and also sing a solo; "How hood chairman at a meeting of the TOOTH PASTE COLD CREAM PLUS Great Thou Art." Kenilworth Girl Scout Leaders on Girls' The Rev. Stephen Szabo, pas- Monday. laundry Special , / tor, will take "Builders All" as Other offjeers are as follows: TAFFETA the topic for his sermon. Sunday Assistant chairman, Mrs. Paul • .{;••'-'' SKIRTS 39< School will convene at 9:30 a.m. PfHzncr; secretary, Mrs. Henry • .•}.;•.''• ;•. Young, people from St. Paul's McGcchan; treasurer, Mrs. Lynn, SHEETS 13c - PILLOW CASES 7c Sins 7-14 arc .planning to attend a youth Krajmcr; troop consultants, Mrs. rally from 4 to 8 p.m. Sunday at Chester Murphy and Mrs. Billy Each Each Bea.S5-98 the Riverside Church in New York Emmcrt; ~- troop orgunizcr, Mrs. City. Members of the local church Louis Caravcllo. Beautifully Laundered $1.00 also will attend 'a Federation com- - Public relations, neighborhood, *1U munion breakfast at the Congre- Mrs. Leonard Bucci; and Mrs. Vin- gational Brqudway Tabernacle In cent Werner, troopt special events (This Special Sale Applies To Our Kenilworth Store Only) New York at 9 a.m. Monday, ' and program," Mrs. Murphy, Mrs. Etoctffo appn«nc«« brino The Senior Citizens group will Pfitzner, Mrs. Fred Huettcman, meet at the church at 2 p.m. to-Mrs. William Gerhart, Mrs! to your day. Senior Choir will rehearse Charles Mcntzcl and Mrs. Eric ut 7 p.m. and Chancel Choir at Hanscn. «h«m al - 8 p.m. Confirmation classes will Sunshine chairman, Mrs. Mcnt- Westminster Cleaners BARON', We Reserve TheS fiight To Limit Quantities meet with the pastor at 3:30 and zcl; Juliette Low fund, Mrs.' Henry FOR CHILDREN 4 p.m, today. Plucicnik; hospitality, Mrs. Lind- STORE HOURS: 8:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. -- FREE DELIVERY — BR 64100 lcy - Pcnnypacker; calendar and "Your Carter Headquarters" Youth Choir rehearsals will be 482 Boulevard Kenilworth 34 Eastman St. <°PP- Cranford Theatre) held on Tuesday, ot 3:15 p.m. forcokics, Mrs*. George Frank; assist- —Free Parking In Rear of Store — Crquforcl PUBUC^SEHVICB third* fourth and fifth graders.and ont.ta.dlstrlct cncampmcntchair- — Store Also In We«tfleld — A-10I-49 at 4 p.m. for. sixth and seventh man, Mrs. Huctteman; trips, Mrs. 32 EASTMAN STREET BRIDGE 6-2510 gra'dcrtt. There will be u meeting Bucci; uniform" exchange, Mrs. TblepRone" BRidge 6-3700 of the Consistory at 8 pjn. Wed- Frank Crec; nominating comnlit- NT or m « CAT TATS nesday. ; (Continucd on Page 3) "'• .'*• 7 ' •


V ^3- ' . ••*,


mnrota, Carol Goehner, Linda Lynn Murphy, Paul Selinsky, Rich- Gerard Dehner, Susan Duffy, and Mrs. Peter Rizzo. ggatio n and ^t Bobert C. tetter pointed out that Mr. Frick help out during the war,.-^ a motion picture, "This Is New Chapel Slates Krucgcr, Barbara Kyta, Arlche ard Swelgin, Antoinette Vitale. Jules Franko and Robert Kaiser. Plans were discussed for a Crane urgini g sfanQar action.i , H« joined the ' fire - department on stayed, on even though he''was in.'] St. Theresa's CYO JPlaii* Jersey," was shown and refresh- No Garbage Collection tittle League Meeting ) Jutjr 27, ISM, while over-age^ to emple Emanu-El 2 Wins St Anne's CYO Holiday Breakfast Morris, Anita Randall, Jacinta Eighth grade: Miss Wlnona New- Chinese auction to be held*March reported Senator Orme b* eligible-for exempt status or oth«j Con|iiitUaioii Crasade : ments were served.' In Garwood Monday GARWOOD — Plans for fund- r comb, Pamela Apfelbauin, jane 10 in the school cafeteria. MissT that the letter had been flgnratdetl I Hit-Run benefits. ;His service, record gj Mission Pioneer Smolinskl; Miss Mary Jane Cur- to, the PUC wit* a request for in- KENILWORTH — Cominunion To Enter County Set for Monday GARWOOD — Street Commis- raising projects and arrangementa f- Bicksha, Robert Rahnenfubrer, (Continued from Pagt.lf^ Helen Radack^jffopom chairman, attendance at 78.6 'percent of aiii KENttWORTH~T. JBrnest Wil- ley, Carol* Moramarco, Laurie James Scale; Mrs. Mary Neuman, is in charge of arrangements, as- formation .on my ue Crusade week will be observed by sioner Edward S. Tripka an- for the coming season will* be dis- er he was about 30 feet, past'the fires was praised by members oil St. Theresa's CYO beginninf Sun- Play Competition Renovation Plans nounced this week that there will ; son will begin a series offitblc lec- Goodman, Linda Friezer, Laur- Susan Ambis, William Barkin, Ar- sisted by Mix Stanley Suszko and funds miSt for such |i>jetls. m standings about the same this week in the Inter- By Presbyterians cussed at a meeting of the Gw- ••-.t woman.. He stoppe'd his: car and the council as exemplary. •' Tea day. Sunday masses will be at H thur Burger, HoUis Cox, Gregory Mrs. Thomas Geoghegan. Borough Qak A. T. ajase* re- the fnly sweep was registered by Temple GARWOOD — Rehearsals wUl be no garbage collection irv the wood Little, League to be c/mduct- n ' turesM Ktenllworth Gospel Chapel raine iMcNamee. Frank Wagner,. looked back to see her. lying, in lurch Bowling L and weekday masses at 0:30 start .Soon on a one-act play to be MadebyVFW GAfiWOOD — A delegation of borough next Monday because of del Corso, Judith Emmert, Susan As secret pal, birthday ob- ported that a letter sent to Use by Jose h on St|nday. He will speak at.the Jeffrey Lyoh, Arthur Weber; Mrs. the* street and observed a car nu-E12, until February 28. entered by St Anne's CYO in' GARWOOD—Plans for renova- men from Ihe United Presbyterian the Washington's Birthday holiday.! ^ P Humenik, president, Lillian Geist, • Ronald Bocsganrd. Ferguson, Emilia Fevola, JoAnnc round tnil-llghts" servances (were held, the Rev: Mi- Jersey Central on February 4 re- or better bowling A light breakfast will-be-served Union County CYO competition the Jtloq.o1* pfUf. ^'^ffc -»»*^the^ ^fron^ ^•••^—SBlsV,—AAlaj^_^asI^BiBBB^a.—ABOVVK—t of Bay Lcaf_Mem^- —Bh^AAJ hy —J^schedul&"Tor-^u!xt^>w!ek^ha^Un_the_OaKland House at 8 p.m.. KaverlcK, Joanne~MiskewItz7~3r6hh wpnllt, iissintant questing necessary repairs on ose Lutheran, Barry Geigpr, Jane Hoeflich, slow up as if to stop, then speed H. bara rasUge, Laurie-Jo Frank, after the ' masses. Christine Kru- week of April 18, it was announced Diorial Home and landscaping ol tOli . been rearranged as follows: Tues- Monday. f' the everting service, at 7:30 John, Van Horn and John Wallace. Mistretto, Stephapie Peters, Steven was presented with n gift and a Center street crossing resulted Davis. William Miller and ( 1 away and turn left on Summit vV AngelofSt.Paul'sB*B 1. Mary Alice Glasco, Lorrell Harms, pinskl, Mary Tyne and Kathleen by Barbar* Buczynskl at a meet- the grounds; were discussed at. a' day, garbage collection on south 1 and ajso at 8 p.nvon Tuesday Mrs. Isabclle Larkin, Madeline Rabinowitz. Helen Randall, JudUH cake baked by Miss Racack. Others sending out of a repair etew the be, Cranford Methodist James Logif. will attend a Wash- (V avenue. « : Judith Knudson, Alice Kukla. Williams are on the breakfast com- ing of the local unit in St. Anne's meeting of the' board of directors side; Wednesday, garbage collec- , through Friday, February 26. Kupfer, Louise. Corclpnc, Geral- SerpiV Robert Witt, Jr.. . Irwin honored were. Mrs. Ddminjck Car- following week, . '..•'"' MacDowell, St Paul's ington's Birthday men's breakfast Girl Scout it , It was the third fatal accident dillo» Mrs. Joseph Porubsky, Mrs. CHestont B-0358 Claudia Reed, Evelyn Vitale, GaU mittee. ' • • S ' Mrs. Sylvia Shapiro; Lewis Bo- Nicholas Murin and Mrs. Vincent tee,—Mrs.- Kramer, Mrs. Penny- . wide experience, has been a mis- trian to occur in Michigan avenue Wepprecht. Congresswonaaa notassce P. Dvjwr TODAY T9RU SAT. ONL» ^.1,220. . . Janet Majers, newest member, over 200 persons* attended the St. named chairman for this' project Presbyterian Church. The break- Kathy Carell, Ingrid Swcnson, right, Richard Caponetti. Gerard v and- Senators Clifford P. Case and 1 packer and Mrs. Leslie Poempner. • fsionaty to Aogola,.Africa, where In the past six wceka. • Mrs. Anna Greah of 'Elizabeth, • •• Camll BAKER in ' iso'W. Weber,-- Calvary .Lu- arned tenderfoot rank last week Surprise BirthdayValentine's dance held at the It. was announced that Lriuis fast is sponsored by the National Suzanne N BatUcson, Ronald 'Eck- Dehner, Carey Krumick. Thomas Harrison A. Williams thanking tClekner, chairman of > the board, Patricia A. McNorrh Mrs. Morse Sneoard reported on he" established a pioneer work 36 Mrs. Bertha Wulff, 66, of Ro- grandmother of Father Mascenik Jan' 1. 219; L, Shotlander, and was presented with her girl school Friday night She-also an- Council of Presbyterian Men. - years ago. He is Iqaving soon for stein, Barbara Ann Gcnega, Jane Meredith, Peter Morris, Mary Ann them for efforts which resntted in 'THE MIRACLE' will be in charge of major repairs a- plan to organize a junior-senior selle Park, died of injuries she re- was a guest, at the meeting, , with wlc Beth-El 1. S18; rLBoresen, scout pin. ." nounced that buses will leave from Fiancee of Mr. Ryan n trip to African mission, stations Kerr, Andrea Paterson. Zampaglionc, Barbara Haumann. the recent that Party HM Here and refurnishing of the kitchen at At ft pjn. Monday the commit- neighborhood committee. Hogtess- ceived when the car in Which Mrs. Edward H. Tiller, member, Walter , Vittorio Paul's Lutheran, 214; C. Rob- Stl Anne's at 8 pjn. on February GARWOOD—Mr. and Mrs. Paul i es were Mrs. Cornelius Tyne; Mrs: where he will conduct campaigns Seventh grade: 'Mrs. Virginia Students on the progress Honor plans are for at new FISHERMAN" GARWOQD—A surprise party, 28 for a swim party at the CYO the post home. ... tee on Christian education wiU 1 she was a passenger collided with ship chairman, introduced Mrs. SLE3EAK GASSMAN ..Trinity. 213; N. Young. Cran- McNorris- of 303 Beech—avenue rKcrn and Mrs. Plucienik. with national believers. Aaron. Jeffrey Kurlin; Mrs. Mabel Roll, showing improvement since Post Office building to oe ready Car B Methodist, 211; L. Welnsteta, PTA Committee Slates was held at his home Saturday Center in Jersey City. A social wiU be held at 7 pm meet at the churen. 0 another auto on December 26 iicar_j^ichord_ Greer as a'new' member. A.'. starUlati .«laJMrato fcslure !„_ have announced the engagement j Mrs. Sturtevant presented ' a Song and Storytime-will-be-held- Anderson, Susan Banfield,-Ken- .the last- -marking— perindV_areL Rock l^UOSXMJ-Barbara RUSrl Fairfleld-avenue.' *" T~ ~~|^"Hostesses forThe evening were: —•A-Cto«iBa8«s>»«—aMt-Vtttholrottr— tor-Richard—Jr-Buris. -son of Mr. -^Plans-also-were-dlscussed-for-a- The Hev. Eric S; Tougheiv pastor; bftheff daughter, FatrFcia A,nnc, at 7:15 p.m. on Friday, when T- neth Johannsen, Danny" Negolu; fourth grade: Mrs. Pearl Bieder- 1961, when the lease tans out on , E. MacmiUan, Cranford 'Mre^Araerica^Filt roller skating party on March 11 to the post's youth activities fund. gold pin to Mrs. Murphy, former Mrs. Dorothea Naab, 65, of 344 Miss Florence Castaldp, Mrs. -CAPTAIN uw w and Mrs. John Durls of 392 Third will speak on "The Pearl, of threat Norman Ryan, son of Mr. and Mrs. neighborhood chairman. Edward Whittle will bethespcak-' Miss.~torraine Conpver, William man, Howard Dropkin, Paul Mae- the present rented quarters. Cornel WILDE Khodist 1, 208; J.*Bandolph, St. KENILWORTH — A film. 'The and a trip to Assumption School Pruae" at the II a.m. Church at /^Hhoff. David Macmillan. Lynne mUlan. Thomas McGevna. Diannc Faitoute avfinye, a pedestrian was Samuel Cercncione, Mrs. Joseph Mrs. America Pageant/' wiU be avenue, in celebration of his 18th John Ryan of Wcstfield. f-' cr. The- girls' missionary club will Ciuba, Mrs. Arthur Clark, Mrs. Street Commissioner Bdwaxd S. UGHTFOOT" ^ 207; G. Mould, CMA. 204 in Bayonne on March 27 to see the Worship hour Sunday. The Chan- Miss McNorris is at present Neubeck, Patricia Moore, Ramona Weber: Kenneth A. Roberts, Janet struck and killed January 30 by,a ".=bGE Of ETERNiTY" shown by Mrs. C. William Gute- birthday anniversary on February Passion Play. * New York Trip Set < - It is'the will, and not the gift meet at-7:30 p.m. on Friday at 58> Garnet Clevenger, Mrs. Samuel Tripka repotted that flood- Eselllm mystery eaptarlnr thr lieant, 202; P- Nylen, Calvary Luth- cel Choir will sing "It Is a Precious student at the Arthur L. Johnson Fernandez. . . ' . Bocsganrd, Annette Shields. Bar- car near Faitoute avenue. , kunst of 29 Brasser lane at 1:30 12. The prograrVi included danor that makes the giver*. Arthur terra"©. Col well, Jr., filrs. Dennis Comi- ing conditions developed on. Oak at the Oratul Caayen. in Tecpnlwi/i n l 203; E. Powers, First Pres. , Dennis McCormacH, spiritual di- By Pre-Schopl Group Thing." The Church at Study will bara Bucci; James Slater; Charles Faitoute avenue. p.mV February. 26 in the Harding .Regional High School, Springfield. The junior youth fellowship will' Richard Tonzola, James Kacz- skey, Mrs. Edward Conlin,' Mrs. street between Second 8UN: • MON; - TUES; ^02- O Johnson, Linden Pres., ing and refreshments. , rector, urged all members to GARWOOD—Plans for a trip to be observed at 9:45 a.m. with Mr. Ryan attended Westficld High • hold a swim rally Saturday ove- marski. Anthon,v Peters, Ellen Schools, Douglas Jacckel, George Mayor Walter E. Boright an- avenues on February •. he 2 H Hopper,-Trinity, 201; W. School cafeteria. tend the 8:15 ajn. mass classes for all ages. The Junipers nounced at the last council meet- August Conrad, Mrs. Patrick Cor- GaU BoUday Prteram Guests were: Joseph Paparidrea, New York in April were discussed School and is employed at the -ning-ai the WestfitddYMCA under Parker. Marguerite Flanter, Ga- Kerr.. Edward McDycr, Susan f coran, Mrs. Joseph.Costa'.and Mrs. members of, the road OonUnuu Meadsr. Wslhln,(oo i 2ler,St: Paul's ftcK 2, 200; J. The program, sponsored by the day in observance (of Ci union at-i-a meeting . of the Pre-School will meet at 6-pjn. and the senior Garwood Quality Food Market. ing on February 9 that Roselle J rrf Robert McCaskiU, Robert Durls, the direction of Richard C. Arthur. briella Weiser, Christine Mindas. Riley, Thomas Laulette. • - •- Clayton Costello. •., . : spent the whole day sedans the mm TBaWD 1TESDA* i Birthday Osceola Pres. 2, 200; and parent education committee of the Sunday. Members also- in, Group of the Garwood. PTA at youth group at-7:30 pjn. Sunday. Alice bJDill Park officials wore to be consult- Joan "Breniy, Mary Paprocki, Sixth grade:. Miss Alma Cam- ^siLB PTA,_Lis .designed _fer_the_home=. •vited to attend a Hoi «XJoJ>e ***f horhf of Mrs The Chancel Choir v:\li larijJaTienKOJSMseiZBiiEbara", ed about Installation of a traffic -T-Mrsr-Porubskyr presidentr- con- 'd\acte3''Tfie'"'m~eetIng; which- was fu hich blotkmg th In Teehl Itcain'stai -tuci- maker^Mra.—Anthony Mazzarcse, Nancy. JPowerEj-ArleenKappy-aiui held fro nv 7 to & p.m^February-28 91-Third avenue, last week. • •— tor- rehejrsal^~iat~-??45~p'.tnr~todayr Honor Roll '.;-*—. Allyn Shcpard, Eddie "Korccky, Kyta, Susan McMunn, Eileen Shea, light at the Coif ax' avenue inter- storm sewer was removed, but in- 11 TEAM STANDINGS chairman, said. Mrs. Gutekunst Arleen Nievelt, all of Garwood; at St John the Apostle Church in The communicants' classes will be GARWOOD — Mario Gurrieri, preceded, by recitation of the "GOLIATH AND THE TE W Named to a nominating commit- (Continued Jiom Page ]) Maureen McGevna; Mrs. Eleanor David Wood; seventh.'grade: Mrs. section. Councilman Frank Mas- dications were found that there WH80KTS / was named "Mrs. New Jersey" last Richard Whalien, Ray Manning Clark. A social period will follow, tee to prepare a slate tor presenta- held under the direction- of Mr. son of Mr., and Mrs. Mario J. Gur- Rosary and benediction by Father •taplt Beth-El 3 ..'.•.'.: 'done',' Sally Kilecn. Linda Gehme Hales, Weslie fiartels, Laura Costa. Mabel Anderson, Georgeann Cas-' caro reported at the same meeting BARBARIANS" U J» year and competed for th«S title of and Allen Herth from Kenilworth. yArrangements " for basketball Tougher at 4 pjn. tomorroiv and rieri of 315 Oak street, a seventh, Mascenik in the church. might, also be a break in the pipe. "ASUMMER PLACE" •eraplr Beth:KI J , tion at the March meeting were and Richard Zickerman. Frank Johdo.s, Gerard Massonr, sera, Robert , Frciermuthi Elliot 11. A. *t that Public Service. had conduct- The street chairman said the pipe Utter* Dorothy 43 30 Mrs. America in Florida. Also, Robert Garvey, Anthony competition between S.t. Anne's the following: Mrs. Frank Festa. at 10. a.m- Saturday. The Mcn"s grade student at St. Anne';; School, Sixth RrUde: Miss Alma Cam- Gerston, Janice Grocl, Lorraine Jack WEBB P.ul's EAR I and St. Michael's of Cranford were find it fast in th* ed a survey relative to improving will be dub up in the near future f»AN McGTJIRE •ranforf M«thodl»t 3 .. 4H4 30- A. recent clothing drive for a laglione, Sorlhy Cucone and Bob chairman; Mrs. Frank O'Such. Mrs. Organization will meet at 8 p.m. was third place winner in the Levy, Luca Prosseida. lighting on Michigan avenue. Street Light and replaced if lsrXT^iary- "30" Ion Lutheran 41'4 V>VM DlBella of , Newark, and from reported by Thomas Galiszewski. Frank Chorniewy and Mrs. Ben- tomorrow. ',',,. annual Union County CYO spell- DEE T*«y DONOHUE irst Baptist ...... 41 "A 3O',4 local family driven from their : YELLOW Mrs. Elcarior Hales, Russell Har- Dr. Marvin W. Green of the Clark, James Spazinnl, James Har- •Patricia Holuta thanked the jamin Odesky, "" • The'Junior Choir will rehearse ing bee. held .Saturday afternoon '. (Continued from Page 1) ResgJutions were passed STARTS WED. FEB. 24th 41 11 home by a fire netted four .-car- relson,., Frank Johdos, Richard Community Methodist Church, Ro- Board of Public Utility Commis- gratulating pupils • of the local K?.'.Paul's- Lutheran ..... 40 13 rison, Leo McGovern, James Den- members for their cooperation in Members made valentine favors at 3JO p-m. Wednesday and the at St. Joseph's Parish Hall in Eliza* : Geiatse Bernard SHAWS 38 31 loads qf clothing, Miss Signe PAGES Swelgin, James Vardalis, Antoin- selle Park, conducted services Sat- sioners' with regard to elimination public school system on. the high' Bleyker, John Crane, Albert An- the successful seal drive held last for a party which .was held later mid-week Bible study and prayer beth. Thirty-eight grammar school "DEVIL'S DE$CIPLE" "LIL ABNER" .emple B«!tn-El 1 ...... 3» 11 Swanberg, » principal, , reported. ette Vitale.""'; : . urday in Roselle • Park for Mrs. of the ' Jersey .Central Railroad rating they attained in a recent tVesUirld Pres, ...... 39 33 Mrs. C. J. Upton of the Kenilworth ger,'Robert Torres, Arthur Wesley, month. -:'.. . . '. . ..'•• . at' .the ' Nancy-Luzon Training hour will be held at 8 p.m. Wed- students took part in the compe- Eighth grade: Miss Winona New- Rehrmann. Cremation took place crossing here (ordered by the PUC world-wide survey of leading /' wi'lb ' ' - M MM, 11W William Jay, Gordon Baker, Jo-, Following the business session, School in. Roselle. nesday. tition. comb. Thomas Sisbarro, Kenneth . '""*^" • X «?"•»•»« «««..*." Sir Xaaicnee Hurt - HouseOfTH«7Hawlu" fc'mmuntty Methodist 1 3,a 34 Welfare Board, assisted by. Mrs. Del Tufo, Barbara Pierro;-Ls. mRosedale Crematory Orange. in April 2ft 1958) and was In- methods and proficiency, and also • arjrLuUieran I .... 35 Thelma Klinger. distributed the seph Quinn, Lawrence Herald, Jo- Mrs.'Rehrmann, a native of Ger- formed by Ralph L. Fuscb, presi- Dorothy Piekarski. Arthur JL. OUVIEK LANCASTER «ia Pres. 1 3S '38 clothing. • •-' seph Scarpone, Evaristo Fierra, Jr.. Sylvia Shapiro, Barbara Baiiflcld, dent of the board, that "we are Johnson Regional High School /Kirk DOUGLAS •st Prei. 1 ' •„• • • u n Cathy Hairtig, Barbara. Matyak, Richard Caponetti, Frances D'An- many, had. lived- here about 30 SAT. MATINEE—«». 28th nple Emsnu-EI 3 • • • • ears. • • well aware of the need for elimina- senior, for being selected by the |t. Mark's ...'..-....-,... 3414 174 Judy Blahut, Ruth Hollander, tion of this crossing, but it will Regional faculty to receive the first Pre». J ...... 33 1» Garry Savinsky, Rdbert Makran- ' She is survived by her husband, "Underwater Warrior" Darwood Pres. . 33 40 Two Officers Named become a reality only .when funds Good Citizenship Award ol the JBOROUGH OF KENILWORTH Emil Rehrmann;,a daughter, Mrs. lll»;l>< far snlord Methodist 1 ... 30' 43 9 sky, William Colfenback, Edward PropaKd are available." - ' Springfield DAR. and Gary An- **A SUMMER PLACE" . nmunliy Meth. 30 43 By Homeowners Unit Markiewicz, Frank Schiller, Phil- Henry E. Jostcn, Deep River, PLalnfleld 6-M60 Paul's Methodist ... MS 41V ' ORDINANCE NO. 0O-4 dres for his participation in a play • KENILWORTH — Two officers lis Alyino, Barbara Manx and Sue AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING SAL- Conn.; two, sisters, Mrs, Mcta Pfal, "I asked Mrs. Hughes to con- STARTS WED. — FEB. 24th pimple Emanu-Kl 1 .... . M 44 ARIES . tact' all. our representatives in which won the Critic's Award for • HELD OVER • Hr»l Prts- 3 . XJV, 4414 were elected Monday night by the Brazaitis. BE IT ORDAINED by tho Mayor and and. Mrs. Selma Kilchman, both of Trenton to urge that the necessary Outstanding Achievement for the "The Last Angry Man" hti Paul's E it 111 • ••• 37 45 Homeowners' Mutual Benefit arid Council of the Borough "' KrnllwoHh: Germany; a brother. EwaId Fern- "Operation Petticoat" talvary Lutheran 3 .... i8«, J av, Hostesses were ' Mrs. William SECTION 1: The followins officer* funds be made available as soon Dramatic Club of Johnson Reg-' Civic Association at a meeting at Powers/ Mrs. Michael Glowacki, and employees of tho Borough of Kenll- holtz, of Germany, and a daugh- as possible," Mr. Casabona added. ional at a recent Dramatic Festival: "OddsAgairut FREVITE SAT. NIGHT Neville's Ranch House. worth. hereinafter named, snail receive ter-in-law, Mrs. Erma Rehrmann Mrs. David Van Pelt, Mrs. Frank annually, as a compensation for their Council President Henry W. iri Trenton. •; • .' .. .' / '' ' . •'• .; (STABTS SUNDAY) They are: Mrs. C. Joseph Ara- services. , the ^'several sums, set oopositej. Stfj Irvington. Tomorrow** m Honored Papandrea and'Mrs. John Duris. . Piekarski, who conducted .. the A communication was received: —UniM. I.OVM AMD gona, treasurer, and Frank Spera their respective nantei: • " from. Liberty Hose Co. No. l] Borough Clerk $7,500.00 meeting in the absence of Mayor IMtV argssplg scrgeant-at-arms. Nelson Brown, Municipal Magistrate < 3.150.0ft Election Date'---.—^ -^ Edward HfTiHer,—informed the announctng the resignation ofal Troop 855 Explorer Post 83^ ^ ^ Municipal Prosecutor i.. 800.00 1 C1EIRIA DEBBIE president, appointed three district Superintendent of. Public Works 6.300.00 (Continued from Page J) council that on February 2, Mayor Jacob Frick of 228 Wilkm avenue j I KENILWORTH,— Mrs. Vincent J because of moving from .town.1 the ; representatives- as-follows: ;Mr; Entertains Parents Building Inspector ,...... '..... 1,800.00 be held in May, the month of our Tiller wrote to, the Assembly dele- CRANFORD nmonRevnoios urtis and Mrs. George Knudson Aragona, Eugene Coppola arid Member of the Board of Assesson. 1 CIVS'ICRO • CS 6-9779 ' .•MMtSMSOKllW > presented with miniature girl KENILWORTH—An open house who Is hot secretary of the - Blessed Mother. ' NOW TOKO SUNDAY Charles-Ingra. for parents was held recently by Board '..... - 1.200.00 The following nominating com- BOROVOBV OF KENILWORTH / , , 1 out pins by Intermediate Girl Member of the Board of Assessors. . NOTICE Or 8ALK OF VBOFSRTT VOK XtWUIUSt"' In Technicolor - GAZEBO Michael - Iazzetta was named Explorer Post £3,; sponsored by St. who. Is Secretary of tho ' mittee was appointed:. Mrs. Tim- / . Or TAXES AND AS8BSSMXMTS 'out Troop 855 in appreciation of Board ....-.,... >.. -u -1.500.00 l»88 AND fltlOB TEARS' TAXES AMI> AS*aWSJT~~ CIM, tjWEI* i leir two years of service t6 the chairman of. a barn dance to-be' Theresa's Church. Robert Wiese, Munlctpfll Court, Cleric ....: 6SO.0O othy MoDonough, chairman; Mrs.' Publle Notice Is hereby given that pursuant to the provisions of . " tIL ABNER" held Saturday, October 29, at the post president, discussed explorer 7 Welfare Director' _ TOaoo David Silva, Mrs. Ferdinand PARAMOUNT of 1918, as amended1 , {RS. 54:3t entitled "An act .concemlns; ""r-"it — Kingston Restaurant, Union. He Tax Scorco h OfficeOfficerr i5750.00 0 •nents and other Municipal charges on real property and providtn* far tfiac Bates* TAXMK I Mothers of the troop members activities. ,; Schnell, Mrs. William Haney, Jr., /• SSenioi r ClClerksk . (22> V. '. - .3,800.00 thereof, by tho creation and enforcement of liens Uu>ireon." ~ the " (ill meet tonight at 8 p.m. at the will be assisted by Peter Greco Martin McCrea; Jr., post adviser, Grow your Money Tree with us! Clerk « - : 3.M0.0O Collector of the ^Boroug h o{- -Kenllworth - , County ol Union. wUl acU a "HOUSE Of 7 HAWKS" ART CINEMA and Mr. Brown. Frank Spera and All olhor municipal employees for NOTICE at the BorouBUBhh Hall,. In 'the' Boroug_h of Kenilworth._' New* Jrnex. BtG WALT DISNET SHOW Jimp of Mi's. George Frank, lead- showed two Alms, "This is Ex- You will have the money you need idr tho things you want which no salaries are otherwise pro- TO ABSENT DEPENDANTS MONDAY. FEBRUARY 2». 1660. at U A3L his Country Orchestra will furn- ploring," and "Adventure Unlim- - , STATE OP NEW JERSEY T«cs. ONLY Thc girls •have been working vided, excluding'member* of the Police the properties described and listed below. . ' . . : ish the music. if you open a savings account With City Federal and add Department and members of a licensed ' • TO Said properties will be sold "for the amount chargeable acaia^t saM Contixuaous Moniiay Washington's . requirements for second, class ited." Refreshments were served to it regularly. Your, money tree will grow fast . . . earning profession, the prevailing rate which shall CLAUDE B. STEELE. h> 31st day df December. 19W, together with Interest thareoo mueLtiiwl? . . Birthday NOW SHOWING Idges. Picture scrap books are by post members. • '•'•••I be not less than $1.00 per hour, nor more heirs, devisees and per- to July 1. 1999. together wUh interest rrom said July I. 19Qa to U» |in£ madV for hospitalized chil- excellent returns. If you haven't started Y£JUR Money Tree than $2.90 per hour. sonal reprr»entatlve* and and costs of .sale. . ' ' -*••-•' v . ! Walt Disney'* Mayes' to Play Saturday yet, open a savings account now dt-.Qty'Federal and watch SECTION 2:.. The compensation here- his, their, or any of their Sa|d lands will bo sold In fee to such person as WiU purchase Uw In Technicolor tnabove set forth shall become* effective •ucceuors in right, title and to redemption at the lowest rate of Interest, but in no case ta excess of a* (cr The entertainment KENILWORTH.-. Tommy Kil- Boulevard Building Sold it»grow. "*' . - , " . . «s of January 1, I860. • '.. • (•BAD Internt, CLAUDETTE . The, purchase price ol any property mint be pah) before the coscbBiaa at tbr- sale. 'THIRD MAN ON ITroop/members arc Christine SECTION 3: The above compensation SEARS and DONALD or the property will bo resold. - • • . • iwrlffntwt loomflcld, Elizabeth Brown, een and the Jayes, local teenage KENILWORTH — A one-story to each officer and employee shall be In ,». SEARSR, , her husband. WALWAL- Any parcel or real property (or which Ufare> sluU b* no otla THE MOUNTAIN" band, will appear in person Satur- warehouse and office building at l(eu of aU fees. -' 1 TER SNYDER and ORACB bo struck off and sold to the Borouah of Kenllworth in fee far wodftrftit rend/ Cera, Jacqueline Clark, SECTION 4: This'Ordinance BhaU ts§e SNYDER. his wife, LYDIA per annum and tho Municipality shall ha|ve tHe1 same remedies wiv tee/Curtis, Patricia Duffy, Bar- day from. 1. to 5 pjn. at F. WJ 745 Boulevard has been sold to the effect upon nnal passage and publication MANSON and MR. MAN- ' Watt Dhaey's • • "£S ___ purchasers, including the'rightg t to bar or foreclose the right of Kdtmpwn. In Technicolor Woolworth Store, Morris. Turn- Barnett Tool Supply Co. by Harry according to law. SONSON, husbanhb d of _ i Given udunderr , my hand thithi s 4th dad y of FFebruaryb . tMt O . Mnnson. MARIE NEUMAN F. U CONDON. Tax CbOtctor pike, Short Kills. Pearl of North Miami Beach, Fla. NOTICE and MB. ftEUMAN, husband of Marie "0UMB0" SOUGH OF KENO.WORTH BUILDING ' Public Notice b Hereby Given that the ' Pnsws«4 ' -' • The $25,000. transaction was made Neuman. VIRGINIA McCARLEY. former- Full length Animated FsatMra foregoing Ordinance was Introduced at a ly known as Virginia Coleman and MR. OWNBK ORDINANCE NO. 00-S BOROUGH OF KEMXWORTH through Brown & Brown, indus- meeting of the Governing Body of the C H. McCARLEY. husband of Virginia Mary Covert J •»! teawtag at ' ORDINANCE TO AMEND ORDI- WESTRELD'S OLDEST HNANCIAL INSTITUTION Borough, of Kenllworth on the 9th day McCarley. FRANCES RITZ and HOWARD Frank Robinson A'CE NO. 88-3S ENTITLED. "AN BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT trial realtors of Elizabeth. . - of February, 1M0. It was then read for RITZ. her husband. JAMES DAVID' A. Vitale & S.. Vitale Tawstey »J» Ml. DINANCE TO ESTABLISH. MAIN- NOTICE Or DECISION the 'first time. Tho «ald Ordinance wUl be QAGE and GERTRUDE GAGE, his wife, ralara White - STAstiS WED. FEB. 2«th N AND REOULATE THE POLICE Take noUce that on the 20th day c, 1 ARTMENT IN THE BOROUGH OF further considered for final passage by and MRS. GAGE,, wife of James David Anna Eskln January. I860, the Zoning- Board of Ad- the Governing Body of the Borough of Gase. EDWIN Ej WARFLE, Wldowoc- of JO.WORTH." justment of Kenilworth. after a public Keniltcorth Births • Kenllworth at tho Borough Hall. Boule- Lena Warfle. deceased, NORMAN W/Jt- They Camejo CordwiV BE IT ORDAINED by the Borough hearing, recommended to Uie Govern- Mrs. and Mrs..Lester1 Simon of vard. Kenllworth, on the wife. DONALD WARFLE and ANITA The Gene Krupa Story* |5ECTION 1: Section 3 of Ordinance pUcatlon of Michael Cuppari.' N 24th 601 Cranford avenue, Kenilworth, 23rd day of February, 186a' At such time, WARFLE. his wit«. JOEL. ' WAR- 68-35 br amended to read as follows: Street. Kenilworth, N. J., for a variance announce the birth of a daughter, and place, or at any time .and place to FLE. an lnfant. unmarried, SALLY "SECTION 3: Regular policemen to convert a two family frame dwelling which such meeting may be adjourned, WARFLE. an Infant, unmarried. BETTY khall rank us follows! 1 Chief of Police. and to erect a two family frame dwelling Rene Denise. on January 31 at St all persons Interested wUl be given an PETERS and HOWARD JAMES PETERS, 'i Captain, 1 Lieutenant. 3 Sergeants. 1 in residence "A" Zone upon premises Michael's. Hospital, Newark. The ASSOCIATION opportunity to be. heard concerning such her. husband. WILLIAM C. SLONE and Vtrctlve and patrolmen. Special known us Lot 3 in Block S3 be granted Ordinance. ullcenien or special policewomen and and that determination by said Zoning couple has another daughter, Max- 1 MUSA SLONE. his wife. ELSIE BALD- SKOVBAS By Order of the Governing 'Body. WIN and GUY .BALDWIN, her husband ollce matron shall not be ranked and Board of Adjustment has been filed In ine, and a son, Ira. ; PHIUP J. McGEVNA. and THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY, and •shall not be members of the police the office of said Board at the Municipal KINUWOKTH EUZABETH UNOEN Borough Clerk. the heirs, devisees and personal repre- Id.partment. but shall be governed by Building, Boulevard. Kenllworth. «. J., Dated: February 8. 1960 sentatives, and his, her, their or any the provisions of this Ordinance and the and ls available for inspection. MatnOffe* Adv. Tees: $23.16 3-18 of their successors In right, tltlo and JSUtutes in effect. The patrolmen shall BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT UBIRTYEL™ 4-3234 |be classed.as follows: Henry. Patrylow interest of the following: ANNIE STEELE, deceased. GORDIA FAIRBANKS, de- tbra Friday—11:46 AJtf. Class-C. First year of service. ••Secretary ceased. LYDIA MANSON. deceased. Claim B. Second year of service. Dnted: February II. I860 \ MARIE NEUMAN, deceased. JOSEPH ttAJLtal^SlS^ Class A. After two years of service. Adv. Fees: S4.5O 2-1 fcirope W. QAGE. also known as JOEL, W. However, the Borough Council upon I GAGE, deceased. SADIE GAGE, also tcommcndatioh of the Chief of Police known as Sarah Edith Campbell Gage, •and the Police Committee may by res- olution iidvunce a patrolman from o NOTICE OF BEPOKT OF Bouncf deceoscd. LENA ' WARFLE. deceased. ELIZABETH SLONE. deceased. owtr to a higher class for especially 'ASSESSMENTS FOB.BTKEET [cood work or meritorious service IMPROVEMENT You are hereby summoned and re- kheiher he shall. have served his full NOTICE Is hereby given that the com. quired to serve upon EARL POLLACK, mon Council of the Borough of Kenil- ESQ.. plaintiffs' Attorney, whose address lime specified above/ or not; and Upon like recommendation n^aayy require a worth. nt a meeting to be held in the is 930 Boulevard. Kenllworth. N«w Jersey, Mrnlmah in any Class.1 exceDt Clou Council Chamber., at Borough Mall. 528 an answer to the complaint nled in a KENILWORTH UONS CLiB mh in any.Class) except Clou Boulevard, Kenllworth. New Jersey, on civiUiictlfln. In-Whlch Mlchncl. ZeckowiU^ [A. to serve' for a longer period than the Bth day nf March- llMO a% p:»n n rltw^ and Helen B. ZeckowiU. are plaintiffs r *^.p«rflWr™chTior»raTOWl*^rfhl y r •pointed to the Department, shall first P.M. will consider tho report or and Claude B..StaeIe, Etc.. Et Als.. are presents its~6tE "anniuir~~" " menu- of benefit* conferred upon lots defendants, pending in the Superior Tjerve as a probationary Class C patrol- jan f the Borough Council. Probationers or objections thM the owners of property SIDEWALK TELLER SERVICE SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES Trenton. New Jersey, in-accordance, with E»y *x> removed from office by the named Iiv said report may present against the rules of civil'practice and procedure. JoIlcc Committee,: conBrmed by resolil •*•* ••'•> Im tmtmlmmm |l"n of the Borough Council. No per- the confirmation of .such assessments, Him* Clm'mm Spring sail- The action Jias been instituted for the h 1 1 and to lake further and other action as purpose of ^ foreclosing" a tax sale cer- Continuous Show fro^a 7 pan. ' *. ". , ••*• "PPo'nted a member o ings: ROTTERDAM Apr. If: may bp deemed appropriate and proper, NIEUW AMSTERDAM Apr. 26; iflcate dated June IS. 1931. made by Police .Department • Who U 'less and . a» right and Justice shall require: C G. Anderson. Collector of Taxes of the twentjf-one . yean or more than STATENDAM May 13 to South- The report above referred to Is now on ampton.>• Hsvrs-. Rottardatn. MORE TELLER WINDOWS HIGHEST DIVIDENDS IN TOWN Borough of Kenilworth to Muriel Simon ny year, Wof age or who has Mot file in the Office of the Borough Clerk and assigned. by said Muriel Simon to "LIL ABNER" v . . * J-——--...' «'. tthe Borough of for ^examination by parties interested Michael ZeckowiU and Helen B. Zecko- Kenllworth for a period not less than therein, i .' witz. his wife. . by assignment dated '- »Ucc«i ve years or has failed to Ts«it * malllmg from September 7. 1991 and which tax sola < ;i physical examination for fitness r ' PHIUP J. McGEVNA, ' Vortk m* cm* of tltmam certificate and assignment were recorded 'Proceeds for Blind and Charity FUnd—Donation $1 / Borough Clerk on September 10, 1951. In the Union Doled: February 16, 1960 . tlumm Uumty /tears FREE PARKING ON MORE COMFORT AND CONVENIENCE County Register's Office in Mortgage ION S: Section 11 of the laid Adv. Fees: $8.4S - 3-1 Book. IB10 Page 249. etc.. and concerns of which this Ordinance Is IVIKV FRIDAY real estate in the Borough of Kenllworth, '. be amended to read as fol- THBItBAPTBR BOTH SIDES OF BROAD ST. Union County, Now Jersey, knatwn and designated as Lot 31 In Block 158. as laid ,N li: ,ln the absence of BOROUGH OF KENILWORTH •,.•'.•' •• . ' down, designated and> distinguished ea Now S. .'•,hl> duU«« »h»U devolve upon Mmmtltlw mmlllmf by tha •Action 10 of the Map of New Orange. Captain'of Police. ORDINANCE NO. «a-S popular MAASOAM from New* Union County. New Jersey, which map Pj*. ord« o« T«nk shall be Chief, AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING THE York to Cobh orOalway. South- •• an flic In the Union County Register's SALARIES OF THE MEMBERS OF THE ampton. l£ Havra. Rohardam. Office s» Map No. 220-C. and which VARIETY CLEANEBS nl; Patroln>V. each belnv the, supcrlo POLICE DEPARTMENT AND SPECIAL GALA XJPENING DAY EVENTS premises ore located oa Clinton Avenue. ^ ?v^r *ny nwnber of the de- POLICEMEN OF THE BOROUOH OF Kenlljvorth. New Jersey. lowcr KENILWORTH. W*al*-iy mmUlmmm trim FEBRUARY 19-25 1 I" rank." . T You, Claud* B. Steale. his heirs, de- 3 - The. Ordinance of whic BE IT ORDAINED by the Commor Momireml mm* ««•*•« *eU amendatory, be amend- Council of the> Borough of Kenilworth: by Uta aconomy llnar RVNOAM visees and personal representatives and SECTION 1: The salary and, com Free Gifts For New Accounts his. their or any of their successors In j adding8 theretS :1I< o and InserUnc Uwre to Southampton. La Havra. right, title and Interest. ClauUette Scars. SPECIAL in """C , « '" « thereof, th^fol pensation of the Various members of'the Rotterdam. . ' biilJS" kno«'ri " Section lj (at: police deportment and 'special - police- Walter Snyder. Lydla Manson, Marie RlALTO THEATRE hl TIO men of the Borouth of Kenllworth shall ., i? »f: « crsf/««4 , of or have soma other right, interest, or 10% Off immli—mmomml WIDE -TRACK WHEELS claim, la the premises described in said ONE FREE :).\HL • BAKER Sy Given that Ih Public Notice Ll Hereby Given that the on all foregoing Ordinance Was Introduced aa a tax sale certificate. -COLOR by OCUJXC timWMOHic «oowo ^ «» introduced at ,i I . You. Donald Sean, Graca Snyder, Mr. Drycleaning i'« si, ,', t" a°««rnin« Body of th. meeting of the GovcmlnaT Body of the Manson. husband of Lydla Manson. Mr. r with one at — ON THE 8AME PROGRAM — I VV.h, , ,1, .'•'"worth on the Oth duj Borough of Kenllworth on the Bth da WkU-Track widatu th« atanc*. not Neuman. husband of Marie Neuman. Mr. of February, 1900. It was then rcud fo ». H. McCarley. huatund of Vlrslnia OUR REG. PRICE —60c the first time. ' The said Ordinance will be tha car. With the widest track of any McCarley, Howard RiU. Gertrude Gace. lonMdcrcd for t further considered for final passage b Mrs. Gage, wife of James David Gage. "Miracle Of The Hills" 'Vi-rnlMif Body of the. Governing Body of the Borough Edwin t' Warfle, rtorrie Warns. Anita ii-ttll *' *h= BorouSh HaU. Boulc- Kenllworth at the Borougti HaU. Bo car, Pontiac gives you better stability, • SHOW STARTS U NOON nn^orth. New Jersey: vard. Kenllworth. New Jersey, at eight I Warfle, Howard Jamas Peters, Muaa o'clock In the evenln* (E.8.T.I on the less lean and sway, accurate control. •lone. Elsie Baldwin and Guy . Baldwin, Watch For Our Weekly Specials! MOM. — FEB. 22ad ln« ir.S.T.» on i"h. are made parties dtfendanta' because you — CONTINUOUS SHOW . 1080. At such tinv 23rd duy of February, I960. At »uch Ume ELD FEDERAL have or may claim to have some right of °f ai uny tlnW Mid place and place, or at any timo and place to dower or curtesy. nr oth«r jright, Intirmt .which, iUch -ff.e9»'-l»fi9*^5JdJi2£2!!! M Brawtmy. IMW York 6..H. V. SCE YOUB LOCAL AUTHORIZED PONTIAC DCAtfR or claim aa owner or otherwise In the Stwts W«dn«fday Feb. 24th n«"«»««dwUI be given a all persons ftterestedT y BROAD AT PROSPECT STS..WESTFIELP . lo h urd premises described in said tax o b h*m l opportunity to bo beard concerning such certificate. - »——WALT DISNEY FEATURES 1 Ordinance. FOUNDH) 1888 Cleaning On Prmni«e» . Call and Odtecry Srrvfc* |V O,dv.r o| tho Oovernlnff.Bodv. . By Order «- ROTCHFORD PONTIAC Inc. I GGRAN T SCOTC T "3rd MAN On The MOUNTAIN" PHILIP J. UcOEVNA. ^McSSN. i

• * • IlllliiB


Malonoy, Baron's*. m p Swift, Body and. Fender, 541; Jim j Prior Still Uhbeaten-ForVarsityCrrapplers bow. Bcazlie, 525; Chet Kaufman,] Senior Beazlie, 518; Fred Barber, Malko,! ir& As Conley Obtains Tenth Pin Win For JV's 515; WoUy Chapman* Parkway, By DON DRTJMtt .-•••,' ~ ^r"— ' —' Gain Firmer Hold 5d4; and Del Wilsey, Hayeck's, 518. Team standings arc: Lanza led the Lehigh Television team to. a 70-point shellacking at Cranford High's wrestlers.'coached, by Herb Farrell, split a pair DA-I ¥hpno n.ll' OnNJlHLLead the Spoilers, 100-30. Monday night in the Gold Ball Basketball League. .of matches this weelf to move its record to 8-3 with one match to go DCIT l\«yilC iiUlIS Baron'• Drugs 43 Cranford High School's basketball team, .which/was awarded i The Cranfbrd Senior : Hockey 39 -Lania-hlt 28 for-the-winncrs v' " ~Roll !»• 17- with Union tomorrow. The grappiers outscored Rahway. 2<-17. and 1 8DortsznaD'a Shop ' ' " &—Onion County Interacholsstltrr ' - ' 'lub-gained-arfirmerrhold^orrfirst T77 lost to Springfield, 27-il7. Dick Prior remained undefeated, untiedT JV Brown. 15; and KouryV 14. Barn- place in the New Jersey Intermer Lou's Market ... conference Monday night, will face PlamfleJd at 7:80 pan. cored upon, and George Craft lost Ms first m . Cranford Bodjr & Fender 31 1 acle and 'Frances had 11 and 10 Upsala College gymnasium, East Orange, in its flrsfround game. League Hockey League lasl-Suiuluy John O. UaUA . -jcr w Conley also wowonn his ninth and I by shutting out Summit, 3-0 at Charllet.. IKwelle Park points respectively, for the losing chert outpointed Wid Painter, 8-0; Bert Kayhe, St. John's 6, posted 38 3ft I Other games on tap tomorrow night will be: 8 PJTL—fit. tenth pin wins for the JVs. Branch Brook Rink. Parkway Bowl ...' Spoilers. ,-. 1 land Clarp decisloned Sid Haus- a 487 series with games of 160, 167 Hayeek's Pood. 35Vi 3«fc' (seeded Na 2) vs . Rdtaon, Cranford will play host to Glint Crane, Daye DeLonge, qfld Lehigh Ewo 34 3» The FW moved into undisputed man,; 5J, At 157, Bob PareUa ond 160 to help her team sweep' 1 p.m—Jefferson (seeded No. ft ^j Piainfleld, Scotch Plains, West- topped Wurth, 11-6. and Leo.Los- its scries with Assumption 4 in the Chuck Goodfellow all scored once i possession of second place by de- Rahway. . field, Clark, and Rahway tomor- to help carry the Cranford.skaters feating the Lodge in an overtime. pinoso topped Nordstrom, 7-0, atRosarioti League .. last week. Stt In tonight's opening round" »i I row and Saturday for the.Union 168. Michael's' 2 swept its scries with to victory. Coach Bob Crane said Strikettes .Widen 63-55. Four players hit double fig- County Novice Wrestling Tourna- that the local club played a very ures for the winners. They are: PORTS Upsala, Linden (seeded No. 4) Craft regained his form by shut-, St. Michael's 5 and Assumption 1 faeq Sacred Heart at 6:4o ment. The first'round.'will. Be held took 2^ games from St. John's 3. • aggressive match. . •'•i -•>.-" V .' Robinson, 17; Dicltson, 15; Kern, Cranford •thistle tMtns •*• ting put Jean Prlnelde, 5-0; and Ladies Pin Lead i Union (seeded,No. 7) will ' tomorrow at 3:30 in the local gym, ' Other high individual scores In a non-league game at Law- 13; and Stevens. 11. Junker, was in* op imprasslva neords oo far CHEDULE Wayne Bender lost! to Springfield's The Strikettes increased their with Clark at 8:15., and the second and third rounds Eugene De Beau by a pin in the were ' rolled by Evelyn Fran- renceville, Cranford defeated-, the first place lead to eight and one-, high for the losers with IB While dnrintf th* winter ssastMa. Al- will begin at 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. Lawrenceville JV's 4-2. Dave De- On Saturday evening at, heavyweight bout. ' . . kenbergcr. St. Michael's 2, 177; half games as they won two from McCormick had 12 and Manuri. 10. thoufllt MM of in* clubs did not Saturday here. The northern Bronsie Wojciak, St. John's 3. 168; Longe. tallied twice while Crane « so.well thtt past wnk, ths- Tomorrow: Varsity wrestling — , Plains High gym, Roselle Cranford jayvee grappiers raised second place Jewels this week in The Celtics moved out of a last novices of' the county .will at thetheir record to 8-1-1 by stopping Dot Markowski, St. John's 3. 161; and Bob O'Reilly each scored once. place tie with the Moonshiners by local athletic tsams in varsirr bas- ,. Cranford at Union, 7 pjn. No. 3> will face St. Patricks I the VFW Senior Ladies. Bowling Freshman basketball — Cran- same time be wrestling at Union, Rahway and , Springfield. They and Vicki Kaye. St. John's 6, 16Q. The Junior team lost its first League. , ... defeating the latter team. 58-35. atetball. Varsirf wrssillng, indoor, 7:30, and Wesjfleld (defend^ and on Tuesday. February 23; the contest of the season to Lawrence- track, and senior boclntr «s»» com- ford at McManus. champion and seeded No. e> win I -SAVE rolled over Rahway, 23-10, and Also posting 400-or-botter series The Tigers and the Di Hards Balmer led the winners with 23 final rurirttff will be held at Union.^ ville by a. 3-2 score. Bob Ackland Union County basketball tour- stopped Springfield, 31-23. ' were Evelyn Frankenberger, St. also won two games. points while Budd had 14. and bined for 44 wins wnils- only losing meet Roselle Park at 0 p.m. StwJ I Anyone who has not competed in and King Ward netted one' apiece, } dament •— Cranford vs. Plain- In the Rahway match, Ralph Michael's 2, 473; Vicki Kaye, St. rligh series were posted by Miss Soltyslak, 18. Rankin and Knauer 11 contssts and tying orui. Ths> field and Scotch Plains (both seel I a : varsity match may < wrestle for the local dub. varsitT baskelbaU team won lhe field at Upsala College, 7:30 ed No. 8) wlU4angle at 8 p.m ' Zobel lost, 5-2. at 98 pounds; Gary John's 6. 442; Bronsie Wojciak, St. Carol West, Di Hards, 482; Mrs. had eight points apiece for the GIFT novice, and Cranford's top jayvee Dickey won, 5-0, at 114; Mike Pen- John's 3, 428; Audrey Davidson, . p.m. . '. •. • .'• . .•'••. Jack Ewing. Jewels, 477; Mrs. Leo- Moonshiners. Watchung Conference with an ttl urday at Westfield High wrestlers a.re. Mike Fender and SaturdaTi Hockey — Cranford der nipped Art Ballan, 3-2, at 123; Assumption 1, 417; Dot Martin,-St. nard Church, Strikettes,. 466; Mrs. , record; lhe vanity wrestling team Quarter-final ian-Conley-. Baron's Continues Team standings are: and Brian- Conley: pinned his man Koy BrinktrholT. 5 B's, ,436; Mrs, ' ' ' ' is tied for first place In the Wat- seniors vs. Englewood^Field scheduled next Monday and Ti^ J WITH EACH HEW SAVIMfiS ACC8UNT OF $25 OR MORE Last Thursday, Cranford's vnr- Club (League Game) at Branch - YOUR CHOlCfc -ProhammetrSt; tl^rForfclts,'.'4i9; MisirPeg^ Lehigh 6 chung Conference with a 3y slats); day and semifinals will be contest.! sity.' wrestlers topped Rahway, : 'VPW 5 Brook Rink, 6:30 a.m. pin win for Cohley, who also won JoRn's 6, 404; Agnes Tolkacz, As- Baron's Drugs won two games V.y Taunton, Tigers, 423;' Mrs. D '""' ' ' ' . Photo by Art Kuslv ...... \.. 4 and the senior hockey squad is ed February 26 with the survivoa I At &8~ pounds Cranford's Gordon Lo . Dick Prior needs only one 0:30. p.m., at Cranford High which, will open' championshljI 12 piece set of capper tint oven ware • Set of Glasses ft Caddy 11-2 scopes. week. Team standings are: • ; Barry Hull were each involved in from Team 1. Juslh 170 14614S more shutout, to end his "season on School. competition today at. WeMl (gsaato. by Ancbsf ttecUng Glass Corp.) 24k cold decorxted (lasses and caddy. Other teams taking two games • -. l • W a. Stalarr : 14S 184184135 Iij the J23 division, Dick Prior, 1-1 ties. At 156. Andy Wells out- Strlkrttrs ...... Sunday: Hockey —-Cranford se- High. Edison, which, has a rf Best individual highs were were Lou's MarkcvCranford Body 43 33 Lute .'.....,..... 153 137 128 the wrestling tssm with the dis- Cranford's outstanding junior, pointed' his man, 2»0; and at 165, JflWvlh ". . : 34 season log of 14-2, was seeds]] rolled by Rose James, Team 2< 171; and Fender, Charlftss, and Ha-Ttu«*rit' ...... '•... 3* 33 178 CUB SCOUT WINNERS—Pictured above are the members of Pen pinned Alvin Bragg in 3:34, getting ; '• Art Doud pinricd his in 1:51. These Jrllovltz .... 155 dians at Branch Brook Rink, first and drew, the only bye. fn Beisy Kane, Team 1, 169; Ruth yeck's Foods. 5 rr»' .. .• -.•'.. 33 33 Orllakr • 161 334 upon. Prior has won 11 straight 10 who won the Cub Scout Pack 103 elimination basketball tourna- the Cougars only score up to that, were the only bouts wrestled. *.-, Cagers Drop Two • 8 Burko, Team 3, 156; Vickie Kaz- Handicap ..;... 30 IS matches so far this season. Brian 6:30 a.m. • junior varsity tourney games «il I High series were posted by Bob Dl Hard* 15 41 : ment last week. Top row: Bill Albans, Jack Roberts, Dan Boyette.' point. Pete Ponder raised the TOTALS »19 748 854 " In Tuesday's match with Spring- mierski. Team 4, 153 and 151; and Conley, a number of Junior varsb Mondaft Hockey — Cranford be played at Westfleld HighdJ Cougar lead by decisioning Joe field, Larry Davis, Don Carlson, Middle Row: Rob Abbott, Bill Johnson, Jeff Collins. Bottom row: cept the finals which will be a pn. I EUy Ordecki, Team 2, 150.' STANDARD LUMBER jjo. ty wrestling squad; also has an juniors vs, Florham Park ju- Curar 5-2. At 136 pounds, Gary Hull, Todd, and Conley won by Clold 1(3 378 135 amaslng string of victories intact. Ken Scheller, Ron DeLonge, Bill Hughes, Craig Roberts, David niors at Branch Brook Rink, liminary to the varsity titulst it. I Gipson of the Cougars and Less Bowling high series 'were Rose : M; Cymbaluk 181 Ml" 183 falls; Pender and Doud won deci- SAVE $265 ..ON PRE Ais Season Ends Conley .has won ten straight Collins. Missing from picture is Ron Devlnney. ' • . on Pope S> fair. Boettcher wrestled a 6-6 tie. -' James, Team Zt 433; JRuth Burke, Bchultz .... 161 134 148 sions, Zobel, Don Kidd, Ralph Toam 3,, 430; Vickie Knzmierski, By DON DBUMM Suntella .... 199 311 matches, all by pint! . Cranford. won' the next, two Morrison, and Furman lost by 1,^ Nylen 143 148 169 Tc^a.m 4, 421;.EUy Ordecki, Team SEASON .ALOW COST The Cranford High School Varsity cagers ended their regular-play S47 . ' '. • SB . . • bouts by decisions; Bob ' Clare pins, and Wells lost'on points. TOTALS ... 907 844 2, 410; and Betsy Kane;" Team; 1, by dropping two Rarnes this past week! The Cougars lost to Linden HOWLAND REAL' «1> Walt Sotnowild led Dartmouth •.Jjblanked Ted Thompson, 4-0, at 141 Ward • 147 188, to an ^3-79 win over Cornell last pounds, and Walt Reichert edged 404. on Friday, 56-53, and Scotch Plains Tuesday, 69-82. The local cagers. Bongtovunnl . 130 Sports Schedule ' , TEAM »f AND1NGH O'BranowIcz . 177 145 301 Week. Bosnowski had hliJtast Jihvbempsey, 3-2, at 148. . BOHAKIANH RIRCONDITIONING finished their regular, season play —" Hull ..: 158 185 188 (•Continued /romPaoe 4) W I. with a 16-4 record including a 9-1 140 scoring night in his three years of At 156 pounds. Bill Bodinc 1 Murshall .... .179 1S1 1 < 7:45 a.m. Cranford seniors vs. St. John's 6 .. 40 20 188 varsity competition at Dartmouth slaughtered Cranford's ' D a v.e UNIVUIAl'S championship Watchung Confer- Beynv " Lawrenceville JVs at Law- St. Mlchncl'g 3 37 to UNtVUMtt Handicap . • , • I.. as he dumped In 27 points. He hit Wurth, 10-2, Lee Nordstrom,• out- St. John's 3 .. Vein of. Ucpaaaa. ence $lutv. 841 747 934 TOTALS .:: 11 of 14 field goal attempts and wrestled Clayton Kinch, 9-7, at rcnceville, 3:30 p.m. A»umotlon 4 ...... ,..... 35 35 Hllty Qnarantca In the'Scotch Plains contest, •"Freshman basketball —r- Soehl Bt. Michaels 5 :... 34Mi 35Vi Exocr•tt IruUTnitattallo" n , SCHLECTERS HARDWARE <3> . five of seven free throws.. 107 pounds. ' Aiiitumptlon 1 - • • • > 35 '35 and &tService. Cranford got on* to a poor start in INQUIRE ABOUT OUR SILVER CLUB nt Cranford. M. Hayeck ...... 138 179 173 .Then, in the 178 division, George I ST. MICHAEL'S the, JJrsr quarter" while Scotch Laurion '. .. • 169 IK 150 Wcdnssdays Freshman basket- T»nm 3 .. .•..«» IB Opens Lead L«onhardt ...... 133 189- 158 Although BUI Delia Sala has Craft lost his iirst match of the Teani 1 31 39 Plain's dumped in ?6 points. The CAUKH INTOIMATION Frunkenbtrger 168 155 168 dropped off his scoring average for year, Bob Finn edged him, 8-4. At ball—Hillside at Cranford. Team 4 ( 35 35 Haiders led by 16 at helf time, Weber ...... 189 SOS' 196 Quarterfinal round games in Team 3 ,. .33 37 rtfAT»«rC thanks to their remarkably accur- TOTALS .... 79S 010 845 lhe vanity basketball .team dur- heavyweight Rahway's Bill JaWo- 7 . Due to the Union County Tour- COMFAMY ate set shots and rebound shots V.. R W. <1> ing the past several games. Ron INTEREST OUR LATEST DIVIDEND AT wovich decisioned Charlie Evans, Union County basketball tour- UNIVERSAL Welsert 171 147 ney arc scheduled for Monday nament being held at Clark Lanes, 56y. GRAND ST; •' 35 YRS. OF DEPENDABtE - from under the hoop. Four of the To 8 Games Ritter has kept up his' torrid pace 6-o.. / ; ,---\'. .••/'•' • ice Hubert ...... ,/'155 185 •/ and/Tuesday. / . / all league competition scheduled Scotch Plains starting five were Winning two games from second Slkora .. 1S7 110 and averaged 21.45 points per Springfield's matmen crushed Markowtch ... .. I7S 154 141 .over 10 points at the half, while place Howland Realtors Friday J.-Tlneo/ .. 178 .134 151 game for the regular season. Ritter the locals, 27-17, Tuesday, by tak-, ncy. Cougar player had over six. n a "bumper" night round, Stan- P. Berardlnelll 1<9 183 collected 429 points in the Cou ing the first three matches. Ron A'Cranford burst for1 eight straight ' Handicap ... JS 33 33 gars' 20 game schedule. Bucariello pinned Moot, 3:18; John dard Lumber opened their lead to TOTALS .... SSO 770 S19 Petrozelli pinned Olson, 1:10; and points" net)r the end of the second 7 quarter avoided a larger Raider eight full garnet in the Cranford L1ON8 CLUB 43) Team F Ties Team K Jim Becker topped Dickerson on Therman , 307 197 ,S65 points, 7-1, Prior kept his record Bowling League., , • .' Stevens ... : 183 164 185 GAR WOOD SAVINGS lead. , ' \.' ' 1 Coratrcn .144 , 15S ' S.TI For Lead In Pun League unblemished by blanking Ed Kas- In- the second ( halt Cranford Hugh Gold of the Standard DITullio .... 203 .161 By sweeping three' games this AND LOAN ASSOCIATION barian, 11-0. Fender, lost to Fred came back to within three as they Lumber team rolled u big 276 mid- Ford 191 1158 151 week. Team F moved into 'a first Sommers, 5-1; and. Gipson pinned used the all-court press, but thedfe ganv?. which is second high of Barlow ' 155 TOTALS ..... 907. 838 824 place tie with Team K in lhe Tem- SU 94)733 Garwoed George Rupp in 3:25. Plainsmen "ended- the game with the season in the local league. Bill CRANTORD SHOE STORE <1> i 345 Sonlh Ave. . The Cougars kept their hopes Ridley 169 - 135 173 ple Beth-El Sisterhood Bowling four straight points to win, 69-62. Iinge holds llrst honors with 278. 'Hayeck ...... 15) 137 168 League. alive on the next two bouts. Rei- Al Ritler and John Torbyn led —Three teams made notable ad-: Hopper. ••.«. .. 144 IBS 101; Prlcke ....;'. ..an. un us High games were, rolled by Mrs. the 'scoring, each with 21.. Steve vances by winning crucial sweeps Cramer ... . 197 195 174 J. Grand, B. and Mrs. M. Rabin, G. Gatyas, Bruce Springer, and Joelast Friday. Acacia took three Handicap .14 U IS of 175 and 172, respectively. TOTALS . Scarpati each got 15. Coach .Mar- from Burnett's Liquors, Methodist ..897 139 . tn Mrs. Grand and Mrs. Rabin also tin ,was pleased with the work of Men's Club edged Breen's- Gold 8HAHBKM AOENCY <1> posted high series with 472 and Henry Drcyer, a husky junior wlho Coventry 183 147 181 Checks und Hayeck's Foods moved Huettemati 153 195 188 442. •-.•••.. • ''... TWO-DAY WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY played his llrst near-full game at out of the cellar with a three-game Harris 173 143 080 Team standings .are: guard and got 10 points. • Jack* .148 125 153 win over Builders'General. Toirsersen ...... 135 151 148 ...... 33 19 Scotch Plains beat the Cranford TOTALS Til' 788 831 33 19 junior varsity, 49-38. Bill Loit of ,.Bob Petersen of Petersen's Dairy KRRICO TRUCK1NO (» ... 391& 30 CAN AFFORD Hlrsch 151 15/0 131' r 38 . 33 the Raiders got $4 points,. 14 onturned in a 603 series on games of Dliumore ip 151 /l« ...;... 37«. foul shots. For Cranford, Jim 200, 225 arid 178, while J. Kiese- Robert! 318 ««/ 167 \..;.t. 16 CELEBRATION IN THE Errlco 167 141/ in ...... 35tt 3S& King got 12, Ed Sluzis got 11wette, r of Lehigh Esso posted a 601 Clunbrusehinr .. ,158 15? 133 33 38 Ron Ritter and Wyatt LUwinetz series on scores of 225, 232 and Handicap ...... 1 ,/t 1 ...... 33V4 38 THE FINEST COFFEE EVER POURED each got live. Mike Philipoff got TOTALS 868 «4 T38 33 39 144. • , U B3 three,/.and Dennis Ruczynski and Others "with' games of 200 or HARTIQ PAINT BHOP <1> ...... IS 33 Neil Castaldo each got one. The DIPablo ...... 147 33S 154 above Were: Reinhold, Hayeck's Nordttrom ...... 139 171 SWAN CLEANERS (1) jayvees were . outscored in each Foods, 202;. Doney. Methodist DILorenio. .304. 075181 Moled! 160 188 178 quarter, and their loss was their Tarrell ....'..... 1U Id J. Sanrcool ....'143 IBS 144 Men's Club, 204; Gritske, Breen's arickomkl 113 S9» .181 Jahn 138 163 U7 fourth in 18 regular season games. Gold Checks, 234; M. Cymbaluk, Koury 1SS M0 Jaroas 148 183 175 Hubie Brown's fiVe starts,in Union TOTALS 811 • S9> 891 Brooks '... 150 178 125 Standard, Lumber, 201; SariteUa, PETER3EN'S DAIRY «1) Handicap ..... 18 18" IS County, jayvee tourney. Saturday Standard Lumber, 211; Obrano- E- Peteroen .... IBS 14S 189 TOTALS 743. ' 868 V5S morning at Westfleld. A. Boertmann ..115 198 153 wic*. Howland Realtors, 2ttl; Web- A. Scbula- . ISO 181 .183 Howard 179 151 300 Al Ritter was high scorer of the er, Schlecter's Hardware, 208; R: Peteraen .... 300 335 178. C. tlay. Sr. . ... des 150 148 Linden-game with 20, followed, by E. Thommen .... 17S ' 1B9 ^ 188 . McConneU ...... 155 ISO«88 Thcrmann, Lions Club, 207; Di- Handicap .. B ' Bothmann 178 133 171 John Kovolicand Skip Wilkins of Tullio, Lions Club." 203; $rlcke, TOTALS...... '.. SSO S97 Zielenbach 137' 143 141 the visitors: Bill Delia Sola got TOTALS 815 739 847 Cranford Shoe. 222; Roberts, Er- HARCO CHEMICAL COaJ. <: un|y six point.T.'-n5" he'cuiwuHted DiFabio. Har- jV 148 HARRIS. Ltd. NOW PRICED WITHIN *36*0f FORDS, CHEVROLETS, PLYMOUIH MARTINSON'ed. Martinson's, if finest coffee ever S four personal fouls by midway in tig Paint, .. 159 154 ISO Anslnoll ... 188 163 133 ... 303 1S1 161 Hand ... .146 163 153 Now Everybody Can can afford the auson'su D., Nonoivw everj~ f uuoj cwcan-affori auondi . 'the second period. He was re-Paint. 204; Svcdman, Harco Chem- R. Harney ...... i!83 Isi 194 Ooodman ... ..'. 135 1151 in the finest eoUee ever poured. J. Elnhorn .. 194 135 moved from the game until mjd- ical. 202::Einhorn, Harco Chemi- 305 ' Meyer ...;.'...... 137 153 141 But you can't match Mercury's interior luxury, roominess, Afford the Finest Martinson's, Now everybody, can. TOTALS 888 795854 LusaktU .- ...158 131 143 1 the finest coffee ever poor-. way in the thirtl, when Linden had cal, 205: Czajkowski, Peppermint ••'••'•'' ' , ••' ' :••" ': .• • • . " ' ..•.'" '.. • • ''• .= :i ."• PEPPERMINT ROOM (1) TOTALS ...... 764 761 696 j£nson;s. Now everybody its 13-polnt edge. Room, 204 and 223; P. Nylen, Le- Loderstedl .. •.. 145 CRAWFORD'S GULP (3)) Coffee Ever Pi ~, the finest coffee ever Linden guard Wilkins had 12high Esso, 206; Howard, Citizen 8. Delia Bala ... 131 143 148 V. Mason ...... 133 197 134 X How every- VanlllrtuHlrt m 141 165 165 R. Polidore ...... 105 319 «1 visibility and all-around quality_nojt_even in cars costing How everybody csn, w of his 15 points in the first half. J. Delia Bala 131 159 A. Markowlch .. 163 183 358 finest coffee ever the ft iwt ffyffffp and Chronicle, 200;. Polidore, Martinson's. Now • when Guy • Borges- had trouble Ciajkowikt 304 333 163, W. Kinney ...... 193 303 303 son's. How ever) Crawford's Gulf, 219; W. Kinney, C. Delia Bala 145 «1^ O. DrapeaU . 154 174 188 the finest coffi afford the finest guarding him! Borges himself got Crawford's Gulf, 202 and 202; Pas- Handicap •. I 13 J3 Handicap .. 16 16 16 hundreds of dollars more. StarUnun-s, Na Yd, Martinson's.. nine points in the first half, a high quale, Acacia, 206; and A. Kant- •.^TOTALS 753 B47 76«. TOTALS .. ... 753 890 789 •ffartf the finest ODYCAN ed.MsrtlnsoD'Sj total for the ball-hawk. Charlie Hftr, Acacia, 212. LEHIOH ESSO «3k ACACIA Cuba* 134 153 Cranford was not up to par.matches on February.J50:., appears Nl.uel. 8r 14S 183. 963 DraDlU* ... 139 154 167 finest coffee making only 19 of 62 Held goals below. .' . ' Marshall 151 1«4 197" BrinkerhoK 143 170 146 aon\ Mow .Relnhart )33 186 141 PelU ...... 143 183 .179 the finest and' making careless mistakes. Bo-I On w I Van Brunt .144 145 148 Korner 167 131 Uartinton'i Linden took the lead for good as Standard Lumber .. ...-. 34 •49 14 Blupak -.1...... 144 16S 1«5 Russell 154 S65 llowlatld Realtor* ... 2S 41 33 Handicap • 9 3 6 afford the every- Shaheen Agency .... Handicap U the first period ended, making two .... 37 ' 31 M TOTALS - 72S . S3S 838 TOTALS 707 793 831 ed. Marti eoffee "baskets in the last 10 seconds of Eirlco Trucking ...... : a 39 37 con sRi 's. Now Hartlc Paint Bhop . — It-- 3S • JT jMured. . finest play. P«ter»«n'« Dairy ... :•... 39* 38 38 •body cqn •s. Hurco chemical Co. . It 35 38 ord the • In the last period Cranford came Peppermint Room ...... 34 34 •» MM ever -within three points, but Linden Lehish Ksso Martin- Acacia 31 33 afford :). '• . '.'I . held on to that lead for the rest Llnd'B Pharmacy 34* o/ the contest. Methodlit Men'a Club 33 ' '•*•'• ' Coach Hubie Brown's jayvees Schlecter't Hardware M» SO S3 Uon» club IS 39 34 •T'i' • displayed excellent, ball-handling Burnett'« LlqUors .... 30 as 34 • » and fine running and passing a. V. V. W 18 39 34 ROSEL L E •'iv; •-.••. Breeta'a CJold check* 19 3Stt 34 V, they topped Linden, 56-47, for the Cranlord shoe Score 30 38 35 second time this year. The junior Citizen ft Chronicle . J0« Mow Bwan Cleaner* , M 97 Cougars looked good in n fust, Harris. Ltd M 35 IORIISI VALUES finest coff«« el scrapping contest.. Haycck'i Poods 33* 34 son's. Now ev Crawford's OuH 33 34 SA VINGS the flneit coll ,^.,^ JTltATtln ' VAKSITY BOX BCOKE Martinson's. No everybody'can afford CraaratA Scatch Hah Builder*' General Supply. 33 31«4 LOOK FOR f Hit (ION And Loan A s so cia tion EXTRA! afford the fin^ti , pHtlee ever poured. « K*L . • • • » BUTLDERS' OKNERAt. (0) ed.Msrtlnson'Sj fi/ Now everybody can RitUr •' 3 ailSprincer A.-Uaddad 1&3 133 Dell* Sals 3' S •IRemler 5 o 10 in can sSbrd the „''finest coffee ever pour- A. Alar 1U .137 131 1 1 poured, .inson's. Now everybody Boms 0 I iltTortiyD. 8 5 31 P.'Rlikalla ... 133 CHESTNUT SI at THIRD A VE Oatjaa 4 1 iS|Sc*XMtl 8 5 IB, 14S 143 _ lower on every single 1960 Mercury-big savings I body can afford ,rd the finest coffee ever A. Ptvlcl' 154 I4T US Wcbiur 3 J «l r«rrmn« 14 0 O. Ottroaiky 153 ever poured. Mart Martinson's. Now every- Dreicr 6 0 lollUndy 1 0 3 MO in See "George Washington" on the everybody can . ._ .^n afford the finest coffee l Handicap .. 43' 43 TOTALS' VM 43 . coffee ever poured. Martinson*.^ loured. Martinson's. Now TotaU 13 16 «1 ?«5 «7» eal_trade now, get a special allowance to top 'em all! streets of the Plainfields Monday. TH E can aflord the finssS Cnnford IIAYECK'S FOODS (3) Now everybody can afford the Scot* Plaini Oall , 1M 147 PLAINFIELDS finest coffee ever poured. Martin- poured, .ever poured. MartinaooX. * Connolly •. 134 141 He'll be passing out free balloons everybody can afford the - rcdako ... son's, Now everybody can afford body can r 1SS 1«1 its PLAN the finest coffee ever poured, ever pom ow tveryt _ coffee ever poured. Martln- Craafart Riapoll .... 1H 1M isa uality_proved highest ever in road tests of every carl to all the children he meets. . _«,i. Now everybody can afford Relnhold .. 1» 1M 301 afartlmoni. Now everybody can everyoody coffee ever poured. Martin-^ the finest coffee ever poured. -Rlttor Treua ,. 179 Q •Hard UM finest coffee ever pour- coffee ever son's. Mow everybody can aflord IN TOTALS Stt i< Delia Balm au . o o o t> o o o o o 09 ^.- - ^ UrruomsT uxna.CLUB O> Oiini Cory ISO 10 UacPhereoo Ml » Slocum 1W US ltt MONTEREY MOTORS, Inc. Stacy ITT 14S PLIKTY tit NIW OfFSTRIIT Dotur , Ml |S3 IM Smrt ?-pk Shop HM THE BEST BUY FOR YOUR MONEY! Imui /Its its HI) MIRING IN THE PIAINFIIIDS TOTALS . Mi M *•» 1 1 RSBfliiiiM 'Xi'-'.'i.r'/.'.'.Vf '.;' r -'1 \

*.'-"_-----w '. '... '•' • ••


Services ' Real Estate For Sale Reol Estate For Sale Work Wanted - FemsU WHUAMT. OAVmaOlt , Workshop Preparing Child for Hospital L CONTKACTmO. Carpentrr. FOR OVER : Claifified Rates IK WarUrlna- * Rooflac. BRaftse I CRANFORD BUY IT TODAYS WOMAN WILL baby sit. day < .« of hosplt»J.boa)(id-.<*Jl- ••38M. No Job toe snail. BrttmasM BlUdge «-420T. FIBST INSERTION — 9 cento a word, 75- eenti u&nimmn. wtttoout oMaMaAv " ., If, BOARD OF REALTORS MOVE IN TOMORROW! " advised tp tell.the ypunaT- etna with older. {K 5 centg mrrlcmdungeUniade SECRETARIAL WORK; general espenV t the truth about what to ex- CARPKNTKR and CONTRACTOR. All Gleaming white Split Level, eight rooms, ence Including legal, itotdiaal Intej. To do otherwise coMld " kinds' of alterations, porches, etc. Lud- Multiple listing ServioB all et itMrous tit*. Located in lovely ested in workday approximately •;» 60 YEARS wtx Belbert, 888 Lincoln Drive, KaaU> suburban area oil property with 100 tt dally. Working at present. Bo« 333. REPEAT IN8EBTK>NS'(Co»»cutlw w-«i» Trtthoiit copy worth. BRldce 8-09U. '"4' ,. . frontage. Three twin sue bedroom*, care of Cranford Cltisen and Chronicle. lus a-4lh bedroom or den. two' and a »m»rAt. mtmtAeTVM — lf baths. Large family room, full HK»H SCMQOL srlrt wl«ne» babiH in;*r. Craniord WOMAN DESIRES psrvtirae typtof. Jon. designed to teach the Plumbing — Heating bookkeeping, clerical 'work, expers- Just As Your Doctor Orders! t ANTIQUES Fresh Seafood Daily JEANNETTE'S "".. copy. •.., .-••.•• , •'. • , •.-... TELEVISION REPAIRXO FAST. For the Lee Dietrich BIHUOOO and BR 64*777 enc*d. can arrange to suit up to3 5 „.«. reniodeUnM and naw.. WRida*^ Help Wanted- Female 104 M. Union Av^ — CRANFORD — BR 64)700 'children bound for surgery: — Telephone BRidge 64000 — , G. G. NUNN , MORTGAGE LOAMS mS C Broad St. Weatfield CHAPMAN BROS. ejBoe tf Raaltora I REGISTERED NURSE; 3 P.H. toUP * [won't hurt a bit." •: A0TO DEALERS • WeekencU off. , For interview aril iThis is POP"" strategy," sh,e INSURED SAVINGS ACCOUNTS ' FOOD MARKETS * X Ha—H«g CfltHK ELECTRICAL SERVICE — Daniel J. BRidge ITalariCrMar ._ BR BlUdge 0-7100. tt Meyburn.. licenced electrician^ S, Bum- Mara* Thorn ,_ BR 0-03M lintniii<: "There obviously will NORMS CHEVROLET, Inc. 3»/2% JOBBBtO — OH. BUBBM aide Ave.. BRldse 8-ofOO. . . tf BR 0-8374 LPNB or aides, 7 AM. to 3 PJU. shift. 1 DIVIDEND FOR PERIOD BEGINNING JAM. I • UQUOR STORES • Furnished Rooms It Wast Experienced only, lelerencea required. ," pain associated.. With UX AIR coNDrnomno For For interview coU BBidge 0-7100. U •Are leaking faucets disturbing your happy home? Lration; The chiJd who has been CHAS. KURTZ MARKET COW or HORSE rXNURE, rotted. En-1 TELEVISION BEPAIB8—Qukk, depend- 4BR — 4BR — 4BR rait On UUn Baiaaao Vrsas tl Vm BRidge 6-1S20 rich all ou lants, shrubs, 85 de- • For Rent able envtee. Van'a Craniord Blactrlt, FOUR BEDROOMS!!! BOOKKEEPER-TYPIST to operate NCR llirii(t rtuirc' would be .no pain CVOICft MBAT9 SCHER'S Itortli Ave.. B. livrred. month only, topsnil ROOMS TOR KENT by day or week. S AMen Street. BBldfe C-OtBS. tf lot K machine. Modern, alr-con- • Frayed wires threatening your safety? . tided. He's apt to becoinae MIT 8-4888. 34 hours. Chestnut Reasonable Rale*. BRidge 8*889. Nothing else will do. If your requirement* HILtSIDE PLACE dltloned office, pleasant working con- L, ;,„(! most likely he'il cry. Main Office LIQ0OB 8TOBI • .• '., tl CRANTORD HOTEU . tf OENERAL CARPENTRY and CABINET dition*. Cranford 'resident preferred. )V work. Repairs, alterations, additions, are for 4 bedrooms.. HERE Is a Colonial * REAL ESTATE • with 4 twin sited bedroom*, living room Corner Brookttde. Just reduced to 833.000. CaU BRidge 8-0908. f/r'niftibn may retard complete 1 Westfleld Ave. Vii. RosellePark PAINTS AND ENAMELS LARGE CIXAN. nicely fumUhed-ffont stairs, dormers, - porches, recreation BILL'S MOLDING MORALE—Mrs. Hella M. Hakerem (right) instructor in One coat celling flat and attic : rooms. Expertly done by with a .wood burning fireplace,' dining A rare opportunity to purchase • year Can BRida* S-2MS room, next. to bath, modern - private room with an enclosed porch to the back old, 3 bedroom Colonial with powder HOUSEWORKER. one day or two half- thv iiutfiers nurse "pointed out Elisabeth Office 29 Broad 41 JOS.J.GUKER Vinyl base wall paint home, raUabie gentleman; tttasonablt. Bdward Dudlck. BRldse 6-8488.. U days per week. References. CaU pediatric nursing at Rutgers College of Nursing in Newark, shovjs Alkyd flat wall paint modern kitchen with dining space anil room And nulny Mtras. |UtiU)re-pchool .child tends to J^dj^a70^ilJ0jKJ »t «—lav.—Full' hoement. oil itiim hsalj BBldge »-914». •' • Elizabeth J. Schqoffpr of Whippnny B jn"'or at thf r«Mf g*. h""" to UTCl — MIMtOUHAFHINO — AAll l ypes.typ . -Club" ghvah_c plaster .wall*, •torms and screens,- att wriMAN rnft Hf.ning—One-half -d HOIEIAINTENANCESERVICI use clay figures t" amuse *voung ^ pntipntq. fhr> Satin Enamel' friendly home, central, reference*) ex- bullnlm. pn«t«ltl hon^lft^. Aim pt israg-e and top locaUon: WE ARENOT- GOING TO TELL THE PB1CE—INSPECT '. Thursday or Friday. CaU BRidgr -FUEk-GnV •'Chemllux" White Enamel ctuuxad. Benners'. BRidfe 8-3388. stenography and typing- Reasonable,' 1017. 18 Lincoln Ave^ W. Cranford, N. J. a punishment. Children's Crosby, 5, of New Brunswick; is hospitalized at United Hospitals Non-Yellowlnc prompt service. Day, night. Sunday, AND MAKE OFFERI ! ! on TOUT holiday'service. M-K Duplicating Serv- In the .shadow of Union Junior College, of Newark, Babies Unit. Mrs. Hakerem directed a workshop at Toutfh Floor Finish** LARGE SUNNY room (or tingle person. practlowly new 4 bedroom Split Level EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR of non-pront -•• . §' . .•*••••.• change when they are total — 111 North Ava- W. SB M*** Color Matching Service . preferably woman. Private • entrance ice. 10 HUlcreat Avenue. BAidga «- welfare agency; health and Welfare ex- Rutger^ Colloge of Nursing for registered nurses on their am.' . . ,. ••• .. • '• •• -ii- u on UrgeUi»dsesped plot. Asking 834.600: ,.._ "explained. They do not ADams 2-7651 ' balance CHEMICOTE PAINT WORKS and b»th. BRIdke 6-0002 alter 7 P.M. WILL SACRIFICE... perience valuable but not necessuy- Wants to Help You Solve Your Problems!! LOVELAND FUEL CO. 70* Boulevard, Kcnilworlh . ••..•••••• ."•.••.• a-i8 CLEAN' Windows," attlai^eaiiank ~A1*O CaU EL 3-M46. 0:30-11:00 A31. or [lii stand Why they must bfc sick role in preparing and assisting the family during hospitaliiatioh. A sHonipt, Dependable. Beotsonable Service Designed / • ' ' Authomaa ' Phone: BRldcv 0-18M ' wash houses. T. C. General House- 8:30-0:00 P.M. • J(iok upon it as a reaction •/fivincs INSURORS CHEERFUL. CLEAN, fumUhed bedroom, V cUSanlng. BRidge 0-083J. tf OWNER WANTS TO SELL THIS 3 BED- WI^ENDPIJ^CE , To Meet Your Needs— RE3LLY OLDSMOBILE ESSO HEAT — FUEL OB. 0PHOL8TERINQ — Furniture repairs. private bath, and private entrance. ROOM; 8 BATH CAPE COD HOUSE. HOUSEWORKER.' 3 days weekly. 5 hoora thini! they did. mother.jyiH return for them if she der the New Jersey Point System* PrompX Courtessae Cenrtcss .. SHAHEEN AGENCY, Inc. draperU*. illn covers. Venetian blind*. Ideal location. ' Near all. transportation. FULL UOUSEPOWER electrical service. FULL DINING ROOM. LIVING ROOM each day. References.' BRidge 0- —Ioeorporatad•- Smvtmgt \- Home Lamm» Nice cholcv oi fabrics. ».' Kantnrr A BlUdge 6-49T0. • 100 amp., service, fixture and plug In- A legal two family home near the'high' particularly leaves some personal belonging— according to an announcement by Call BBido* 8V11M Bncciior to John W. Malaa ft SOB WITH FIREPLACE. BREEZEWAY. ATT.. school. Opportunity to beat the Inflation »8»8. :. • . . . - • '•.',. •ectrical and Plumbing Repairs • Carpentry • Floor Tiling Son; 110 South Ave, tt. TBL BRldfe stallation. Free estimates. A. Knott, 1(f,.rJi'j»ltcrs the 3 to 7-ycar-old's a scarf, handkerchief or pocket- VIDIIIOBILI KaaUwank , 888 Marta' A«< B. ' ' ITrassTei LARGE ROOM, convenlant location, wom- .633 Kingston' Avenue. Kenilworth. GARAGE. OAK LANE . . .ROOSEVELT tine*- Income' from second apartment Ned J. Parsekian, acting director of 13-17. North AT«U E- Cxaaftwd •J-OBM. . . u will co^er. everything—only 81&M0. •• "Lawn Mowing • Landspaping • Storm Windows ol himself," Mrs. rlakerem Salas at Sanrica an only.. BRidge e-8089. ., , CHestnut S-49S4. •" tf SCHOOL SECTION. ^ . .; book." Mrs. Hakerem said. "This the Division of Motor Vehicles. BRidg* VENETIAN BUNDS In itock. S3 to 88 and Screens • Window Repairs • Cellar ... "Tlu' child may feel he is AO t9tU Cranford Inch** custom quality' itock blinds, all Help Wanted simple device often can reduce the lanay at Jsfli REE1VSTRONG FUEL CO. LARGE FURNISHED room in a prtvsle TRUCK 15ANE and TJ>.-» Bulldoter umpletf if an Operation takes HO Koith Eajt Wa«tfls>ld •4 . inches long. t33S: • abo< Jencraft home. Kitchen privileges. Buslncw for hire. S- W. OUver. Inc.. BRtdge and Attic Cleaning child's anxiety about being left Er-ll»'bfth 5-^300 BR 64)777 •nd C. W.' Breneman custom .blinds, Asking $18,900. Male or Female woman only. Reference*; Call BRidge «-31U and Linden 2-7034. . tf •iy ;i part of him, even tonsils Alone in the hospital and thus, help Sac (Q. ft- Craniord Upholstery Shop, 0-3634 or BRidge 0-3878. ' REAL ESTATE salesman for active office. l ROTCHFORDI^ONTIAC, INC. 1*0 South Ave.. E.. BRidge 6-OBM. M ALUMINUM porch enclosures uiing unlimited possibilities, experience pre- 0 Too Have A Job To Be Done or Would Just Like to I"th .ire not seen. These feelings in his treatment."' - •'.-.. Jalousies, awning type windows, onnv L be allayed if the child is to HUnlar 8-S ROOFERS DAD NEED ^ ' ferred but wUl train, car - essential. Talk With U« About It A highlight of the workshop RUBBER STAMPS made to order en Apartments For Rent btnatlon storm window* and screens or For further Information call BL S. T better with a cheerful outlook. snort notice, usually 24 noun service. combination doors. Lifetime Aluminum Wllloughby. BRidge 3-88Sa will be a "play day" for the regis- Authorized BBidaaiVOSOa Prices reasonable. Beet of material Vt ROOM APARTMENT, unfurnished, Products Inc.. 109 South Avenue. W. A DOG HOUSE??? — Call-- Ipiiiy," she continued, "is an W. L SCHROEDER and workmanship. Cranford Rubber Ind- fkwr. beat iupplled 11 North BKldgS 0-3300. „ U MAN OR WOMAN as part-time office as- tered nurses jn attendance. They, PONTIAC • BEAUTY SHC^PS • Well. Dad can practically retire to 4hla Litaiit aetiyity for sick or hos- ArawE. • Est 1928 Stamp Shop. Ill North. Avenue, W., Avenue. Batt. Crentord. Call between : sistant. Knowledge bookkeeping, tjrp- will learn how to use > materials SBldce 8-1880. tf 8:30 and 1:00 P*I. IU 0-tUO. basement: workshop,, .den. !*v. with a Injf. riling, office routine essential. Call pli/.(irf children. For .example, a Sales • Service XT YOU. PLAN TO BUILD, repair or stall shower and even a IIU«hen, where available in a) haspital to con- RoofinQ • SidniQ , ..- make alterations, coll T. JOBNaEN. CH 1*2930 for appointment. BRidge 2-4886 Fully 1 may be angry at a doctor he J KlxntDnnt coniDinatlorj storm windows FOUR ROOM " I'rulvssionul. ttalr Coloring BRida* 6^3474 FOUR LAROE, bright room* and ' bathi ford Electric. .S.Alden Street BRidge Nun. fnan t - 39 Alden Street. Cranford. BRidge 8- on toys or other Nurses also will learn how best at •- Vasaai a\««. PIANOS and ORGANS, top brands, best convenient for transportation. Immedi- Askini* $17,300. ^ • Expert Huirdressinif 1 Walnut AT*. Cranfotd ••'•'. • • tl 78S3. •• . ' ° . •.'.-••;. to read stories to youngsters. Ac- CaU BRidg* S-OSM prices. Dudkln Piano Co.. North Ave, ate occupancy. Call BRldgn fl-S40e. in the hospital, he may leave 15 Aldan £t. BRidge 6-0 MS at Railroad Station. Weatflald. AOams REAL ESTATE salesman or saleswoman, ; cording to Mrs. Hakerem, the nurse If Mo Answw. BBldg* «-»34l |'h destructive attitudes towards sUUrOBCAnNO and TBKB WORK concentrating on Cranford sales and or parent should show the child 921 Canlannial AT*. Craafosd JimjOVtlaUl NEAR SCHOOL v. listings. License preferred but not B & B LIQUORS ._ foods. - fomimercial me environment." pictures, and try to relate the story •_; SERVICE • GROCERIES. UT Washington St. Westfleld SWACKHAMER - Realtor essential. Call SHAHEEN. AGENCY. CAMERAS aims. Usvelka General ADasn* 1-OSaO or ADams 3-a87» Maybe-you wouldn't tike.to be close to BRidge 6-1900. , Mrs. Hakerem and Miss Stepha- to the child to make the most of flkmyos* and Burleigh) 843 Boulevard. Kenllwortb: tt & Business the school, and maybe you would.' But T'Basarii. a Rutgers instructor in UNION COUNTY BUICK CO. LEHIGH OIL CO., Inc. STATIONS . .'' Knasvlc-s ' ~ we know that. you would still' love this BK 6^1183 Bit 6-0478 his interest ,; "M.T fiAY. FEAT MOSS.: WaTEX for 1.000 BO. JTT. auditorium, 3rd floor* at 0 room. 3 bath RANCH. So delightful, Cranford t will demonstrate with GtiavoatecW* Full One Of , .ukf ing shrubs, bushes, ess. BURLAP 18-80 North Unian Avenue, corner Al- perfect condition, finished recreation room kfarle B. DtaiSk "Above all," Mrs. Hakerem Said, CENTENNIAL Gulf Service RADIO and TELEVISION BB 8-3800 Cemetery Plata bpets the roles of nurses and /to iKotect from wind bum, Truben'-, den Street Ideal for a photography in the basement, att, garage. Alpha da la Kotte ...: ,,~_. BR 8-8844 PRIVATE PARTY' needs cash. GRACE- "parents should never use hospitals OH* atUtirsnn BBnVICal Irvin Muldsow . Stan Costle* bachVFeed A Seed. BRidge 0-1M1: studio; enflneerlnf office, ete. CaU Mttdred VarJ Oalder „.- .;..... PR 8-0348 tents in improving the outlook WINES. IIQUOBS and BEERS 118 »uth Avenue. C. Craniord. tl MAX TIKIDI Is CO.. SIB Broad StreeV ras LAND MEMORIAL PARK. Kenilworth. or medicines as punishment.. Tell BRldo* tVaVl? / A DREAM HOUSE TO SEE 111 «3t5—» Brave* <» burioU*. WiU divide. [a child's stay in the hospital.: - /''. • Gulf Product*/ . / BUaabeth 3-1480. [( • 0-3973 Non-sectarian. Call Elizabeth 2-39CT children the,truth about their hos- StBD IKKI»tH3. suet cokaa. •unftowtc, Wdings of actual parent- Just Phono - Mechanic on Duty at All Timw . peanuts, wild bint seed jntetuite I.I I DEAL DIRECT WITH' •'• or MUrdock 8-1032. • / • 3-10. EN pitalizatlon,'.'. she counsels.' "The . UECaANIC-OOMTRACTOB jd-nursi- discussions will be used Truck & Auto Bapalra — Road Same / - ; Trubenbach's Feed * SeSJd7~B]Udge 4> RooOnc tiding. Butters, leaders, exten- WtLiLOUGHBY truth "will help make them well." BR 6-BEER or SO »O759 - 1M1: 118 South AveM B.. Cranford. tf Painting - Decorating sions. All types of carpentry—major or Exclusive Agents for: __ fillustratc best methods of/deal- T. A. CRANaV-Painting and Decorating. nlnar. -Alur&Jiiuin combination wlndowL rtiuestions; posed- by-chil- 4IEBE FRIDAY—Bob HamUtoxv- FUNERAL —-63337-—T—- ^L Centennial, Ava. BOOK SHELVES, base cabinet. waQ casV Full <««n»»»>t coverase. Satisfaction AND COURTEOUS SERVICE Income Tax Returns . inet. radiator enclosures, chest of M9«Walnu| t Avenue. TeL BRidga Associated Hdmefinclers of AL EBTATE & INSURANCE \n iii hospitals. The. nurses will lead dancer and choreographer ruaranteed. EDMOND 1CIAM1E. SOS Hef. INCOME TAX returns—Small business, license Suspended DlRECrORS drawer*, tables, toy chests, cornices, • >" '\ • i, '••:'•'' .- • •- • •' ,.. of the Hamilton Trio, will be bookcase bed headboards, unpalntad. •venue. BBldse 3-4100. corporate, partnerships' and proprietor- i to advise the parents to leave Driver's license of Lawrence FREE DELIVERY America ships—Individual returns prepared in lanning on a new car sTRED DAVEV. 43 N. 7th Street, WILLIAM toasn. — tatsrasr «Bs1 Ex- guest instructor "for a modern • SHOE REPAIRBSG • your home. Seasonable rates. Call Ipersonal belonging with the Schroeder, 20, of 18 Adams ave- Kenilworth. BBldge) 6-8880. tf •srkir PainlUis. SftjUaO •~»fc«««tt Par- H^VEAHOUSEFOR -jazz class at Yvette's Dance •octal auptrvkdoa. SOa ^"»'"-VTTII AveAve- MASONRY- CARPENTRY FOR THE KEY — for appointment. ADams 2-5181. 2-39> lid. nue, has been suspended for six SALT for WATER SOFTENERS, deliv- Creator*" . CaCnU BBBRtdcM aO4MO4MBB. SALE? — WE NEED CONSULT US BEFORE YOU BUY Ichildren frequently are assured months, effective January 25, ui> Studio, 23 Chester Lang place, • MILK & DAIRY • EXPERT SHOE ered. Refined, rock. peUeta and Wat- ALTERATIONS INDIVIDUAL INCOME taxes prepared. tomorrow. Mr. Hamilton current- kins coarse. All 100 pound to a Better Home — SEE ; LISTINGS J.; D. Yaguda. accountant. 234 Hillside REPAIRING ROOflHO--atDIKO--REPAOlS > ly is teaching at the June Tay- PRODUCTS PAINTDIO. DECORATQIG. loterior. ex- Avenue. Cranford. BRidge 2-5T82- -4-7 QUICK BERV1QB -" •';-; terior. EstimatEstimatees cheerfullycherfully// gtvengtven. Wt/r QUaUlty worasUtunahtp and f*rf prtftej. • auvmo OR SWJLINO lor School in New York City and BERSE BAOTHERS HANS A. BEROBERO. .ill NortNoth AveiuleAl .« «. Gr. G. NUNN • Our many yean of experience in Real INDIVIDUAL and business tax returns I SPECIALIZING IN FILLING PRESCRIPTIONS tOOKJNG for lamps and shades? Visit BRidge a-1400100 . prepared by qualified accountant. IS is preparing his, trio for appear- Genuine) PETERSEtrS DAIRY LOUIS MONTINI THORLEIF JOHNSEN Estate assuKk/vour of dependable service. We ii. BRidge ^-9548 RKhord Schroth ...... BR 3-5580 1 nt important SAVINGS. BBld«> t-1144 Butter and Egga Anna CCook has been seen on many tele- . ao order. Complete repair department Jimes Brcidfoot BR 0-4319 *m WoaOal AVB. kU CaVaWFOBa* Larfee stock of replacement glassware. Bea. W vision programs, including the ADams 3-1020 P Joe Mliigllotta \L.:..^-J.. : SU 9-0083 Dressmaking • TAILORS at T- Williams, 753 Central avenue, CALL BCNTLKY tor painting at Its best, , Oft FULL BOUSE POWER Ruth Prtc?Kev« i atari* .atoa. W. , near Grove street. Westfleld. ~ "* ' at below average cMt BRidge 0-«18». SM volt Installations our specialty Hatel Hamilton Minnie, Anderson - ^-...;...... _..—... EL 9-3031' ALTERATIONS—Expert work Chevy Showcase, the Andy Wil- BETAIL and WHOLESALE O. Bannah Lynch ; ."._ BR 0-3038 • DRIVEWAYS * AND CLEANERS ADams S-aiBS. ••'•• ; • ... u ZtMMKRMANN BROTHERS garments only. Coll BRlrtgr liams, Steve Allen, Patti Page > EVactrical Contractors Elaanor CrsJg .._.._...... _. BR 0-1118 As imurance ipedalwh, we will auqt you Mary Olordtno ,. , „. BR 8-8734 and Ernie Kovacs Shows,' Hit PACKARD tnHNSON OUTBOARD motors: Naw and MO trSMd . BR in obtaining protection that is but for you, MOVING and Vissd. Old Town. Sea Mac boats. West- G. G. NUNN 109 JEFFERSON AVE. Parade, Show of Shows and the M.IMFABIO Yes We Do — Musical Instructinn* Bcaltor •'/••' Insurer and you will receive the benefit of per* WESTF1ELD CO., INC. field Marine. 711 Central Avenue. Wcst- 181 North Ave, East at Centennial Ave. STORAGE Dry Claanlng - SwV ..-. tf BUO CLEANINO—Wall to waU carpiting. TOWNSHIP OF . Martin Bid*. — Shtkt flo«» "High Button Shoes" spectacu- Ocaswai Conteaeton CCORDIOM lnstructlotia —' tonatued IOCAL insurance service cmi Pressing • Hapalring • 3 Sbtty Naw Method Maintenance SsrViea. B SWUXOUGHBY Beard ef Adjastp as Jisalasj lar. He has choreographed in- * Dtiv SALT for WATER SOFTENERS, lea re- BBidge 0-87B3 or MU 0-4043. , tf . . NOTICE Or/DECISION HAHONWI0£clauM service. ELIZABETH 2-2340 Altarations < Ramodallng • ^|jn*»^ end^TAany other useslll CTw*in»<^ Danial aUSir. li~ fan BRidge 6-8110 Real Estate.Col. Open 9-9 13 Clark St dustrial shows, the Jimmy Dur- Woxk ,' BBldge 3-8580 Notice Is hereby/given.that the'Board All Work Guaranteed Otlorlde, also Crystal Spar far auto Buren A*a. Pbona UBIISM I Watt: t-l PBiOtDATRE appliance, repairs—w of Adjustment (Zoning' of the ToWnship I Open f KM. to I fejC. SaUT — K«a. ft Thtum. •AM. to 8 PJC ante Show and various, film com- BBldo* 6-2869 Hi FURNITIJRE • . and home uselll Trubenbach's Feed * of Cranford. Nf.J.;'ta the County ot dryer*, dishwashers; quick, depen^ibM mercials. .'.''. eVBRidge e-lM): 110 Sooth Avenue, WaoOtT. teacher of piano. Latest service. Varta Cranford Electric S Union, held republic hearins on 95 Butaildo Arm. Cxanfozd LINCOLN Crawford. • "\ U methods. #*i«~y..) md popular. Les- AMen Street. BRidge 0-0483. U MONDAY; FEBRUARY 8. 106O Fern's Furaltate & A|pIiaiMcs 16 South Union' Ave, Craafbr* r sons In your home. 888 Dorian Boad. ABOVE LISTINGS at 8:18 PJst., - (E.S.T.* at the Municipal EDTTH Cosmetics, complete Wastflclst Call ADasoa ^8388 ^9 ( WE3TFIELD BulMlnsVcorner North Avenue and AMen JOSEPH LA BRACK) •veirtalaa IW tta> turn. sWi I-BSM gaalTasstla. Ti»p. Une for finest care of; your akin WB_ fIX THE nearly in ^ ble—electric Are offered thru member offices ot the Street..Cranford. N. J.. and'considered: CAU TW MAN WITH THE PLAN Authorised and hair. V Make-up for thaKnaturaUy POPULAR PIANO COURSE on Tape ar- "plumbing, carpentry, appliances, fur- , We will he proud to show you this four CRANFORD BOARD OF REALTORS 1/60/Application of Anthony Regb to STUOEBAKER Asphalt Driveways lovely look. Money back guarantee. ranged eapeciaUy for teachers, semi- niture, pianos, etc. We find the prob- erect and maintain a Car .Wash an the a*. TOWNSEND TRAVEL Call ElleenNWilaon—BRidge 0-3870. tf advanced and classical students; or bedroom colonial with large living room, LOOK FOK THE SIGN Phone BRidge 6^777 Parking Lots — Front End Loadar able and the Improbable from an an-sun room-or den. full dining room, ultra westerly corner of Meeker' and' South '••, Sales ft Service , for anyone who can read Treble Clef. tique car or. a good piano to ah African modern powder room, cheerful kitchen Avenues (Block 73. Lots 31. 31 and 14). For HIM BUREAUS THX WORLD BOOK Encyclopedia, first Play popular music with 011—complete viotetl - We. can build or remodel your "REALTOR" Cranford. New Jersey. Raaidamtiml - Induatrial —-. in sales. Budnt-plan. Call EVELYN course—covers all Scale*. Chart and and dinette with picture window. . Well APcrms 3-4646 MDN \ CHAIKEN. rUlton 8-4218. • tl hom*. SERVICE POOL—BENNEBfl' kept grounds .and two car garag*. Priced It was the decision of the Board that Shaheen Agency, Inc. v BRidg* S-SlSTr "SJJI Numbers Included in course. |13. Associates. 1 Hamilton Avenue. BRidge in low 30's. the application'be approved. Westfleld Cadtnati Bt. —introductory offer—first tenon S3. If # 423 North Ave.. E. tf Hanlarr A^ay ^Cranfard N. Y.u TIMES—N.V. HERALD Tribune— satlincd — send S10.00 for complete SSssV - tf 2/60 Application of Royl Lasher on TRAVELONG for early mornintf home delivery,' call course. Recorded- on AMPEX—7.8. behalf of Stanley Kaminski. owner of It Sen Norman B. Rclily. Cranford News- Bob Miller • Tape*. P.O. Box 132-C. OETTINO ENOUGH HOT WATERT Wa ELIZABETH premises located at 421 Brookslde Place. 15-17 North Ave^ E* Cranford HUGH CLARK MOTORS AirUa* akd flfamstitp tUkat* delivery—CH 0-8Se9.. tf dellms hot water colls—saving up to Cranford. New Jersey (Block 701. Lot IB». QEUCATESSENS • * FURNITURE Cranford. tt. J. ' U 70* of replacement cost Guarantee) to McPHERSON REALTY Co for a . sideline variance to permit the restore hot water recovery to original 78 Centennial Avenue .... erection of a one family split level resi- REPAIRS capacity without injury to coU-r-U years Eileen D. WU*on dence on said premises (0 foot sidelines^ PENNSYLVANIA EVERGREEN experience—Phono SCHAB3LE UME- Open dally *-* Son. 1-S COLONY DELICATESSEN SEEDLINGS Nursing Service BCALE REMOVAL SERVICE. Westfteld. \ Evenings •-• '' It was the decision of the Board that We nave the best for. Xmoa trees. Real Estate /Insurance a variance be recommended. •. ••• CRANFORD-KENILWORTH V.N.A. fot N. Jv—ADams. 3-4M0 for free estimate Copies of the decisions are on fileI n to replace precious papers DON MAXWELL * NURSING HOMES • pl r today. V~ = maternal and Infant care, health edu- —FURNITURE cation. The Visiting Nurse Can Help Or by Appotntmsnt By Order: • TRUCK AND CAR FLOOR WAXING, window cleaning, fully Charming home in excellent neighbor- BOARD. OP ADJUSTMENT Repair's • Upholstery • CRANFORD HALL SCHROTH'S NURSERY, You.' Telephone p»wge 0-0787. or con- insured. New Method Maintenance sult Telephone Directory. Hours MOD* hood. Hvins/Tpom.. dining room, modern Robert L. Clare. Jr. Finishing ' . ' Antiques NUB$ING HOME RENTALS INDIANA. PA. \ ...V...-.3-17 day thru Friday. 8:30 AM. to 4:30 Service,'Cranford: BRidge 0-8703. "If — Cvenhigs Can — kitchen,.powder room and Jalousie porch It M. Unloo AT*. BRUga not now—keep me for the future." •t'f on Arst^noor, three bedrooms and bath, William r. little. Jr. Appraisals CtMVAUKDm' 1 • FIREPLACE WOOD—Free delivery and PiL, Saturday • AJ*. to 1 PJC Mo — if you can! service Sundays or holidays. hot water oil heat, spacious artistically . Secretary . ADams 2-0228 Filal* sTIi'itriwif Biitlrtlnas stacking. FA 3-8108. . \ 3-J8 ELECTRICIAN—All types of Wiring. landscaped grounds, middle 30's. Dated: February » 1060 Go The Easy AVIS Way! Ubby Brewstcr , BRS-IMo •anas (a CkarsV it service. Lamps picked up, re- Hope Millus BR 0-8310 Adv. Fees': »7.03 " 2V1S M5 Mountain Ave. WestfieU FOR LOCAL FINE FURNISHINGS of Dr. Teaxcy and and. delivered. G. WRIQOINS. A. Habert , BR 0-1390 LIMESTONE — GYPSUM * DECORATORS * BRC-7100 / J. Calvert Antiques, silverware, rus*. 0-3481. tf Dora. Kimma w_ AD 3-4739 ADams 3-3434 CAR or TRUCK RENTAL , fireplace fixture*, mine coblneU. dcilu. Dancing Instruction '' ANNE M. O'BRIEN A man who has reformed him- 100 Uaoikia Pk. E. Cnnferd aaies, pianos, and many u>cful items. BALLROOM DANCING, all modem IMPORTANT TO USE — APPLY NOW!!! DECORATING AT ITS BEST Coll BRid(j«. 2-6090 ALTERATIONS and REPAIRS by expert self has contributed his full share MADISON GALLERIES. 350 MalnXSL. dance steps. 'Taught In your home carpenter. F*ee estimates. , Work Real Estate KaUs Inelsee Gas. Oil. Madison. We buy and sell everything. or my studio.. Hsssr* or Individual. AL & TED DECORATORS Lawn • '•'. .••..••• • •••••' • •.,•/.-;..• ..>.'. . 1 fully . guaranteed. Call,". evenings. Flowers towards the reformation of his PAINTS proper Insurance LYNN CASTLE. BRidge 0-B3M or BRidge 0-1311. ^\ „ tf lllAldenSt. BR 6-7777 Marriage certificates, military discharge papers, bonds • CHestnut 8-3330. - 3-28 Louisa Old BRO-OTSt Trees Maintenance neighbor.—Norman Douglas. FINE 1««O FOsWH and olh.r n«W SETTLING AN ESTATE—Russ never. EXPERT TREE SERVICE — Trimming, HA. DETERING PRUNING SHEARS • PRUNING COMPOUND TWIN BOKO AVT0 COB>. RICHARD HARTIG ' • used. »xl3, 830; BX18. «U: oriental 0x«. Shrubbery Inlulof w\ Exterior ears t* cbaase (ram . feeding, surgery. aPTsvylns and removsL REAL ESTATE INSURANCE and other securities, contracts, mortgages, agree- »33—other sizes. CE vacuum, 830— Martin Schmelde.TA3-»10*V " 3-33 Free Estimates — Fully Insured never used. Lady's or man's IT Jewel Rentals ASUPERIOA ATJTHOIUZED FOHD . Happiness is only a by-product • Wall Paper • Art Suppliasi Oruen (old watiti, 835. also wool ' AMERICAN LEQION CASINO MAINTENANCE—We do cverythinit from Real Estate For Rent DORMANT SPRAY ments-Mose them through fire or theft and you'll find FUlton 1-9277 FLandtns 1-0812 of successful living-—Austen- F \vis hooked russ. FUlton 8-3038. ' - 3-10 Dances, receptions, meetinca. . electrical and plumbing repair* to clean- $18,900 t ASHBROOK • Paint • Window Shades dinners — modern kitchen ing your attic* and cellars—and we do •.•••• •• —for— . . MMT^-CAIt A-NTlQUES;Bru»« bed: schoolmaster desk VOUH BOWLINO ALLEYS it to your satisfaction. If you • want3 Bedrooms/ VA Baths and' »tool: Rayo lampa; 3-drawer v MOUNTAINSIDE—8 room "modernlled Landscape ^Gardening yourself with a heap of headaches trying to replace A.B.C Approved - something done well, call BILL'S HOME 101 sfo. TJtdoo AT*. -V Otanfewd BILNEY'S- blanket chut; pewter plate: lrotutone I Riverside Dr. BRldge 6-OT45 MAINTENANCE SERVICE, 18 Lincoln Hare is sn excellent 3 bedroom colonial farmhouse on 5 acrea. 81&O monthly, ln- Trees — Shrubs — Bushes bowl and pitcher set: brass candle- Avenue. W.. BRidge 3-0800. ' - tfon u-qulct street in the Roosevelt school ' " ~ care of grounds by owner. Service : ATLANTIC STATION sticks..' CaU BRidge S-1790.. • . ' them! Roofing - Siding area. X ' '..-.' I have always believed that good South & Centennial Aveo. CranfoMI EXTERIOR and INTERIOR painting, Living room Wllh fireplace. fuU dining CUB Trucks DOUBLE SOAPSTONE lulindry tub*. Wanted paper-hanging', f Call days BRldfc «- room, powder room on first floor, three FredHoerl Charles Kurtz for is .only beauty j>ut into practice.— . with itand. like new. (3. Coll BRidge 1910. ' Call cveqincs BRidsc 4-7319. bedrooms and tile bath, fuU basement Gutters-Leaders "O-1O20. . APAKTMENT—1st Boor. 3 rooms, single ALAN JOHNSTON Flower • Vegetable • Herb •Jean Jacques Rousseau. ' woman, no pets. Call BRidge 6-e40». I • • "•.. ' 4-31economical gas, hot. air heat, detached PL 7-9080 BB 6-7326 Play it safe—keep your precious documents and jew- * UPHOLSTERERS garage, low taxes. (note the "T") Parts Ml Work PLUMBERS KENMORE AUTOMATIC 'washer: Kel- SLIPCOVERS.-«TYLED to tit. like Up- By-appointment only, coll vinator 11 cubic foot rc( risers tor: pair WOMAN WANTS unoll apartment, fur- holstery, at prc-season prices. Sofa elry where you know theyVe protected against fire* s-iioa ot Tyndall chin*' tall lamps: Admiral mid 3 chairs, formerly *ip». how *89. Realtor tor any samite). 17 Inch television. All in fiood con- nished or unfurnished, in cranford or 303 Elm Street Westfleld AD 3-8004 Guaranteed TJPHOLBTEBT 8B0f -Springfield. BRidCe H-4012. 3T1B -' We sUo reupholster. refill cushions.' and ISaV WaatSald AT*. Z« ROMIU Pk. BsBmsT^^^^^^^^aaT. dition. Gill BRidgc 8-16S7. repair furniture. Furniture cleaning MULTIPLE USTtNO SERVICE Eves. Call AD 3-4790 or AD 3-5940 theft or careless misplacement. Where? In a Union . W. kaalaar * ~ WORKING WIDOW desires small, un- special—sofa and 3 chairs, »lS. (S>r free NEW VARIETIES • OLD FAVORITES Hndhdp Fast m the INSURANCE IXECTH1C '.RETRIGERATOR. MS; elec- furnished 3Sr3 room apartment In estimate and expert Advice call EL 3- trie Ironcr. *3S; Lewyt vacuum cleaner, Garwood. AU uUlltles.' »«0-»73 per 0411 or WA 6-XI33. R. and L. Decor- H. A, DETERING Used Cars For Sale County Trust safe deposit box, of course! • Casualty »3S. Qall EL 3-3130 after 0:30 or,all Just Arriving • Large Assortment JOHN J. DIFABIO month. CaU BRidge 6-37+4. ators. 1147 Liberty . Avenue. Hillside. 1985 BUICK. 4-door super sedan, power * .BUILDING * YELLOW day Saturday. Sunday and Monday. U 208 Beech St. BR 6-6330 steering and brakes. Excellent con- ,/ dition. BRidge A-0330, 3-18 Ma B. umoous ATEMUX WAXING MACHINES, new and IF YOU ARE looking for something Un- CONTRACTORS • Fire complete line of' Vk'oxcrs and PAGES Usuul. why hot pay us a visit- Just WANT A runabout for SpringT 1947 Union Gounty Trust safe deposit boxes are surpris- S i Uriar suppllcx. 410 CcntcnnUl Jumble Store arrived. Italian silk suiting.- tweeds, ' BRJdg* 6-1105 • Theft Avenue. BJUdjcB-57W. r . Dodge 3-door sedan. Reasonable. Call You Weed tt. linens, Swlu combed cotton and 100 i BRidge 0-2S38 mornings or after 4. BUILDING VENETIAN We need It—' botany wool chnllls. Imported and , THE UNUSUAL ingly inexpensive. Stop by at our office nearest you and Aetaa cTr» old good condition. CaU IlHtdfic 2- A dress or less. domestic spring woolens. Fabric Im- FEEDING STATIONS • SUNFLOWER SEEDS BLINDS , sair after 5. A sweater or bcticr. ports. 93 Somerset Street, Plainflcld. Sec our display ad in the Cruhford section WM. B. AUSTIN A curtain If you're certain N. J. Open Thursday till 8. of today's Citiicn and Chronicle. ' . Tutoring SUET CAKES rent yours today! . CARPENTRY LOVE SCAT, caned wulnut frame, coed Not to Use it; IJUMH JOBS Oat Ml Oak Lane, Craniord Don't refuse ii. TUTORINa — High School and College condition. Cull BHidgc • 0-3234 niter subjects. Carahu T. Clark. B. A. tYalet 7 P.M. . 3-3 This Is the heart of it 1 THORLEIF aaaUasTa) S-liM ' If you can part with it, • Wanted To Buy yi.fl. Ed. tL, 336 Mp *"»»'•< Avenue. Westfleld. Call ADams a>34M. tt 36 in. JJOY'S bicycle, reasonable, fiood Don't ignore tt. WE BUY BOOKS . G. E. H0WLAND, Realtor condition. BlUdse 0-8339. " Jumble Store it PLEASE CALL FOR DETAILS TUTORING in my home If interested WINDOW P.*f. BOOK SHOP •*;. BR 6-5900 call BRidge 0-7937. ouTBOAHn MOTOR—Tj - PLainneld 4-3SOO ;/ Martin. Hi-Fi Miipluicr—18 W., KJiuihU Optn Evenings and Sundays Dion County Trust Company - pre-anip. combination. Call Ultldfie SECOND-HAND flute.' Call BRidge 6- PA0L 8. JOHM8OH MNTYRE'S 2-1B41. Camps U Eastman Street Cranford Rummage Sale . MOVING CREATIVE ARTS DAY CAMP for boy* BR 6-9412 SHADES LAWN MOWER SHOP LADY'S WALNUT Vauity with" large RUMMAGE SALE—4 Ald*r> Street Cran Serving You inCranford beveled mirror: chest. of drsvicn to and girls—June 37-Aug. S. Swimming ford. February 33. 34. 33 and 30. Ameri- HOLXJIKD MADIBOaf WATER " canoeing, tennis, archery, badminton, Evenings CaU can Legion Auxiliary. Unit 313. & HAUUNG AU typssi Baildiaav nuueh. WiU lake best offer. CaU and baseball. Coll CR 7-0801 or AD 3- Piano Tuning 1M SsMsih Aveaae. Baa* ^ssw QSf •Bass* ' RAPPS Ulodtc e4W3l. Doris Puts . 0403 alter & P.M. tf REUAB1X* PIANO TUNINO and re- BR 0-9M1 ATTICS. dWXssstat HOLLAND YORK CLOTH PABTS — WI SOFTENER A*«1CAN VIOLETS (or wludov.sill. c-fr- pairing by recognized experts. Dud- Mary Knictim , BRO-301* _ Kftim«t^f Without Obligation — _ i..,,,,,i.as«ssa»s«»si dcnlnj. t>Lu:k IIULUU; to uruw than la. kln Piano Co. (formerly Cranford Doris Coyle BBt-itn Real Estate Wanted PHARMACY Locftaadfc driftwood for flower urrnniscments. Piano Co.*. Tuners and Rebullders. FREE WATER ANALYSI ceramic lewelry In violet dcsiciu. 437 North Avenue, West Westfleld. BUYER WITH ALL cash will pay up to ED Six other convenient offices in ' •llPawkATaw S3S.0OO—WO.000 for modern weU- F BENNUUi' SERVICE POOL 1 Hamil- Seashore Property ADams 3-UU. ' . tf Who hath not learned that when RICHARD HARTIG Free Salt Delivery ton Avenue. UHidse ~ * locatcd 3 bedroom. 3 bath ranch. Pos- session date flexible. O. E. Kowland. alone he has his own thoughts to REPAIR SERVICE ,;-[^ For Sale ABOVE UST1NGS 13 Eastman St. BRidge 0-8800. : SUfCE lttS Elizabeth Summit Berkeley Heights GHEEN ISLAND on ' Uame«at Boy., 0 Furrier Are offered thWmcmbar officaa of afuard, and, when atniggUnS with On AU Make* oi Softeners Wanted to Rent miles to Toms River, ftve-room modern CRANFORD BOARD OF REALXO8 HOME WANTED. 3 or 4. bedroom, under .J. mils M6-11S SOUTH AVtL, E. manlrind his temper, and in socie- 101 N. UNION AVE. r.ii)ih. all year round, on lasoon lot. K FURS. Fur coats •30.000. will make same repairs If DAYandNHHIT Consult Ed Sullivwn ^BEDROOM home. CransaT«i or two years old. Ulc bath. ArcpUoe, oil paired, also made Into a and LOOK ron TUS aicm location or lot »iit compcnMtc. Box BRidge 4-1641 Cranford, N. ty his tongu*? Box 337 In cafe of CrstUord heat. 33-foot dock, club COUunuUlly. Cleaned and glazed- A. ] 118 333. In core of OUxcn and Cbrouiclc. MU 6-1 WI—DR-9-5100 •U8Q0 CU AD 9^300 ' Walnut Avaaue. aVfUdga *>U7«. tt "REALTOR" —Mary Baker, Eddy ', r '•'/:£': '.-V .'• '•'-'•'.'t: ' .-•' V;^:

CBAKfORD CITIZEN AND CHRONICLE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18, There's ChristopherRobin Alice and 'Kida •;•'•• •' ';A '• . Cranford grade school children hands with the original Chris- who will see "Winnie the Pbotf" topher Robin. lie admits that it presented by the Cranford Junior gets fob e rather a nuisance. like a ROCKET I Service League the week of Feb- -Wifinie the Pooh" has been • " . Omr >K mBlim mn*e kmmr—wUu M ruary 29 may be, interested to imHiiffr««rt in 20 languages, with know that there really is a Chris- its popularity extending to both topher • Robin living today! sides of th* Iron Curtain. The in- Entered as wcand cUn mall matter at . hristopher Robin-is 4he—little terestin-Christopher-Robln The Port Office at'Crapforrt. N. J.-^ TEW CENTS boy in the- late A. A. Milne's story. self has lessened some in recent Winnie the Pooh.'* The author's years.' As a small boy at school son, the real .Christopher Robin. be suffered from teasing and is 39-year-old C. R. Milne, now the curiosity when his father's books kanngon Centennial Supplemental Drives Slated proprietor of a, book store and became popular. . ' gift gallery in Dartmouth. • Eng- Christopher Robin is married •'•'' :'••* ' •';• land. and the father of a daughter, nge Parking Ban By 3 United Fund Agencies Dartmouth, the' site of> an old three. He admits that he tells her 'u "Three United Fund agencies will shortly, launch supplemental castle and the Royal Navy college. stories, but not .about Winnie. fund raising:drives with'the approval of the fund, it was announced Board on School Pr attracts thousands of tourists. Robin says'' she's not old . enough A public hearing prior to final passage by the Township Off lor'Trial this week. The Boy. Scouts, Girl Scouts and Salvation Army are the many, of whom want to shake to be interested. ' Committee of the municipal budget for 1960 will be held in the The parking ban along Centen- The Board of Education re- plans* at a lively meeting at- ction formally approving the lunicipal Building at 8:30 p.m. next Tuesday. The proposed nial avenue, opposite' Hayeck's agencies involved.-' ' ..-.., •, .'•"'•• Having received only 73 percent of their approved quota from last ceived the backing of two of tended by 150 persons Tuesday •larch 13 school bond referen- rain, sleet and snow, was-3:11- passed on first reading on January 26 calls for ap- Food. Market, has been Uf ted on a trial basis, it • was announced at fall's fund drive, the agencies have its three new members, Gus eyening at Lincoln School. lum. ,.' _ '_ --K inches.' .with ..the greatest amount •' -'*" "~*-'V84^nd the raising of $3,277,- Gutiefrez"and~Bernard~Dt- The affirmative votes were, ft: Randall Kreger, the ffirH WBitdvahce a 24-hour period being 1.02 519.60 by taxes, which would Tuesday night's meeting of~the been forced to seek additional sub-" inches between January 12 and IS. Township Committee, but there scriptions to. continue, their pro- wack, for its new high school cast by the tWo men in an newly-elected member, cast require a tax rate of $8.82 per were indications that the move the only negative vote. Mr. ForOrdecki January 3 was the warmest day $100 of valuation. This repre- grams. The,drive, which sought of the month when a reading of 57 [eartArmy was not the unanimous decision of $82,000 for 13 agencies, attained Kreger explained that he A. Stanley Ordecki of 203 Faw- sents an increase of 74 points the governing body. thought a vote meant approval. degrees was recorded while the only 75 percent of its goal and was nee road, a department chief in the above the 1959 tax rate. Public Safety Commissioner Freeholder of the Orange Avenue Site, and engineer of manufacture- organi- lowest temperature., reading was forced to cut down its allocations he was. concerned with pos- zation at the Western Eleytric Co. IS degrees on January 12. The ill March ; According to an explanatory Nicholas St,.John^LaCbrte warned statement accompanying the pro- lo agencies accordingly. Partici- Kearny, Works, has been promoted mean maximum temperature for residents of the area to be par- Ticket Berth sible alternatives, namely, a 38- BiUi was 40Jrdcgrees-and-the* posed budget, the total tn ho ^careful and_declared acre tract at Memorial Field, town- tendent. He "will take over an en- maximum temperature .was by taxation, Included $688,542^1 there apparently'/will have to be supplemental drives without the hip recreational area, located near/ required foiv; municipal purposes, gineering division at the Marion 33.4 degrees. „ I n volunteer 'army of several an accident in order to get the "no permission of the fund's board of For Osbbrne the Garden State Parkway off ' Shops in Jersey City. , L'clred Cranford residents will $1,858,522.33 needed to support the parking" signs reinstated. directors, according to a fund Harry V. Osborne, Jr., of 5 Dart- Centennial avenue. Mr..Kreger as- There were eight clear days, local school system, $435,478 esti- A graduate of Renssriacr Poly- nine partly cloudy days and 14 Larch Sunday to give.every resi- In reviewing the parking ban. spokesman. • mouth road, a. member of the serted he was concerned with the mated as necded-^for county pur- which has been in effect 'for- the In* pach case the drive will be technic Institute. Mr. Ordecki has cloudy days during the month. «•• YOU* LOCAL AUTNORIZm OLDSMOaiLB • dent of Cranford a personal op- Newark law firm of Osborne, Cor- ;ood of the Whole community and eight years of service with the poses and a remainder of $294,- past''year, the commissioner said limited to the immediate "family" nish andScheck, has been-' selected the south side location had nothing manufacturing and supply unit of QUALITY OBALBR OUHINO MIS rtunity^to Help his heart. They 976.76 as a reserve for uncollcctcd the step had been taken initially of the agency involved. The Boy A person is not mature until he S \ as a member of the Union County to.do with his decision. the Bell Telephone System. After members" of the Heart Sunday taxes: fc on recommendation of' the Local Scouts, seeking $3,500, will limit Republican Committee's organiza- has both an ability and a willlng- After a careful evaluation of all :i earning both bachelor and master lolunteer army. The 74-point increase in the tax Traffic Coordinating Committee. their campaign for sustaining tion slate for the Board of Chosen to see himself as one among REILLY Inc. .rate is broken down in the state- memberships to friends of scout- ; possible tracts. Mr. Gutierrez and ° of science .degrees ' at the New They will 5 p.m. reserve for uncollected taxes. hat all tracts were looked at from automation development and was pedestrians who live in the area ships, but will be limited to • a onquEh^ni, of Plainticld, vice- I "Heart Sunday is that special imall number of friends "of girl MISS DIANA DE LONGE in economical viewpoint with the promoted to chief of the atrtoma- "The increase for municipal op- and patronize the Hayeck store president o.t the Plainfleld Lumber Ly in the year on which the Union erations," the statement declares, scouting, and will not include all nought that the same standard of tion development department in ounty Heart Association asks were taken into consideration 'be- and Supply Co,, and Albert S. educajipn;.Would result ho matter 1955. Mr. Ordecki was transferred GET S&H GREEN STAMPS "reflects chiefly salary adjust- girl scout parents. The, Salvation Kopf, president of'.the Elizabeth to remember what you have ments for" municipal employ.es and fore parking was banned. He Army will seek $1,000 in a mail where the school "was built. to the Fair Lawn Shops in 1958 pointed: out the area in question is Board of Adjustment, were selec- HABRY V. OSBOBNE, JR. n charge of switching equipment ,.cn, heard and read about the Cranford's assessment by the Rah- canvass of 800 former contribu- 'Good Citizen?ted by the county GOP Policy In,a chart based on board figures ai dio-vascular diseases through- way Valley Sewer Authority." situated on a curve and jsotae 6.000 torsj ' . ' . •' " repared by Mr. Gutierrez. Mr.Llt- and switchboard engineering, but cars use the street daily, many to Committee from a field-.of 16 as- returned to Kearny within a year hut the year and to give for every ' Details of the proposed budget The Boy Scout campaign start- ElectiohHeld pirants. •'•.,• •• Wack and James • McGovney, new Lart in your Jfamily," Dr. Ken- were published in full in the.F'eb- and from the Garden State Park- ed this week and will run High School building chairman, each tract — to head the equipment and' ap- The GOP trio, if nominated, Is 1 paratus .development department. Jicth W. Ivcrsen, Cranford Heart ruary 11 issue of~ the Citizen and way. '.' ._ , ' through April 17. The Girl Scout Orange avenue. Hillside avenue. Acme Markets The public safety commissioner, expected to face the Democratic He moved into staff work as engi- und chairman; said today. Chronicle. drive will' run from April 1 to By Students ncumbents, Dr. Edward J. Carlin, Memorial field, and the present while lauding Mr. Hayeck for his May 31, and the.'Salvation Army Plan Backed high school—Was evaluated, taking neering coordinator late .last year. '•It- is the d.ay ,oh which you Miss Diana De/Longe, daughter William Dalzicl and Thomas J. have the responsibility of assuring cooperation, asserted that the lift- caijvass will take' place during O'Brien, wnb-are unopposed to into consideration total acreage • Mr. Ordecki served last year as parking res' iifc need, private landholdings, homes District 19 manager of the Cran- Ihc-success of your~Heart Associay|] yp lion's mass assault on the heart Publirlnvited aided only one'merchant who did 215 Central avenue, has been se- Mr. OsbonuvJr., a resident of and businesses to be removed, and • ford United Fund and is presently nothing to aid the safety of his pa-r In each case the amount sought The ,, Cranford Clergy Counci resulting need for a junior high diseases during the coming year,*' lected by students at Cranford Cranford since 1946, is a past Take Advantage Off—- commander of Post 260. American trons by using a vacant lot adja- by the agency represents approxi- this,.week issued a statement in school. . Legion. Elizabeth. He-was in the Or Iverscn continued. mately the difference between- the Higb^Schpol as "Good Citizen" for president of the Cranford Republi- support of .the Board of Educa- To Briefing cent "to his store as a customer Mr. McGovney pointed out that Army >Air Corps" for three-and-a- "The decision'is yours because quota assigned the agency and 'ther 1960 in the annual contest Spon- can Club, former chairman of the tion's plan for a new high school |t is your contribution, that mafcfes parking area. • / / 'Union County Republican finance the Memorial Field site, . across • EXTRA BONUS • / 11 years during World War IL amount actually/received from las sored by Crane's Ford Chapter, and urging "the citizens' of our possible the attack on the heart On Mayor Ira I>. Dorian, who year's campaign. ' committee,, a former member of community to approve the refer from the Hillside site, is an irregu/ fcroblcm. By the size of your gift sided.'differed with Commissioner /According to Arba S. Taylor, Daughters of the American Revo- the GOp county committee from endum on^March 15 with the con lar area of township-owned land Two Inches of Snow tou help determine the amount of D6 you understand how the LaCorte's views, stating that the chairmari of the United Fund budg lution. ' - •' the 17th district! local representa- viction that it is for the best lbni on one of the lowest points in tescarch. that can be carried on to ranford tax rate is computed? overall good of the neighborhood et committee, any receipts in ex- A senior, Miss De Longc wa; tive on the county Republican ex- term Interest of our entire com Cranford, requiring considerable Recorded in January Look new knowledge; and the ex- What are the state laws that regu- as/well as Mr. Hayeck had been cess of these amounts will reduce chosen for her qualities of leader ecutive committee, and a former munity as well as our youth. expensive -fill. Moreover, hie said, Only -two inches of snow fell LANCASTER BRAND OVEN READY tent to which, the "benefits of heart late the preparation of the local considered in making the change. the agency's approval allocation ship, dependability, service, pa- chairman for. two years of the fi- the removal of a minimum of 17 of ait-item and during January in the Cranford unicipal budget? Can an or- "After careful and prayerful homes would be necessary. . ' Vescarch can be passed on to your Following the meeting. Commis from campaign proceeds and there triotism and scholarship. The lo- nance conunlttee of the Cranford consideration of all factors • tha' area, Harold D. DuOoeq. meteor- Ly^ician to sprve your, your fam- dinary citizen understand the (Continued on Page 8) \ (Continued on Page 8) cal student will be a guest df Republican Campaign Committee. In casting his vote, Mr. Kreger makeup of the budget? enter into this situation^' the state ologist at the- Union Junior College ily and your neighbors," he ex- Crane's Ford Chapter at the DAB A graduate of Dartmouth Col- ment read, "we believe that our cited the redevelopment benefits SAVE-STILL MORE weather station reported in his plained. . -. • To give the citizens answers to state spring conference in Trenton lege and Yale Law School, the community needs and must have which would- result from the con- monthly meteorological summary hese questions' and to give them local resident has ;been with the struction of the school in the Mem- of the con- on March 17,.;She,wiUbe.present- : new h,igh ' school.. and. that- submitted to the U& Weather understanding of the mu- ed with a pin and a certificate o Newark" law firm'«ince 1937. He Board of Education has presente orial Field area—an upgrading of Bureau. . ' > to augment ' Cr&nfofo"s I960 buHget • the^ • Cranfo/d merit. <' . Is a veteran of World War I the best possible plan to meet th the area. He also pointed out the League of Women Voters will pre- Want An fdea ? Total ' precipitation, including URK Hfeart Fund, which has a goal of and presently is a colonel in the need." advantage of showing off the From the large group of "Gooc sent an illustrated talk, at 8:30 Here Friday, Saturday Night Judge Advocate Reserve and com- school along the Garden State JS5.000. ' •.'. , .m. Monday, in the Municipal Citizens' attending, a "State Pil- The statement was signed b One-fourth of the funds ool-r The Class of 1960 will present the musical comedy, "Plain and grim" will be chosen. The to| manding officer of the 4th JAG de. Dr. Benjamin W. P. Allen, pastor Parkway. . • IT TAKB 1WO SPKMUHS Building. This program will be 1 tachrnent in New York City. uccted in the Cranfprd Heart Fund Fancy. * tomorrow and Saturday at 8:15 p.m. in the Cranford High contestant will receive a $100 bom First Baptist Church; Dr. Albert The board also approved a reso- in preparation for the public hear- ' Mr.'•' Osborne, Jr., is a member lution asking the township to hold [drive will'.go to' the: American ing on the I960 budget to be held Schoo} auditorium. The play contrasts the stern morals and quaint and two alternates will each re- Allinger, pastor, Cranford Metho- Heart Association. At least 50 customs of the Anush in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, with th. ceive, a $25 bond. of,the board of trustees and for- dist Church. land in back of Livingston Avenue t>y the Township Committee at mer, chairman of the New Jersey School on approval of the voters Reg. 5.95 percent automatically is used( to sophistication of metropolitan New Yorkers. . ' The Rev. Robert Bizzaro, rector. :30 p.m. Tuesday. All contestants will meet Gov- (Continued on Page 8) until the board's expansion plans [support research. A total of more Included in the large cast arc a. ernor Robert B. Mcyncr and Mrs Trinity Episcopal Church; th& Rev SWEATERS [than 40 million Heart Fund dol- As a result of a year's study Arnold J. Dahlquist, pastor, Cal- are completed. Mr. McGovney ex- by the local budget, committee of number of seniors who were mem- George C. Skillman, DAR' state plained that the board is consider- llars has been channeled into re- bers of the chorus of "Brigadoon," vary Lutheran Church; the Rev Now 4.19 each Lancaster Brand :••••:•!vt • the league, the program was pro regent, and will be taken on John ' A. Deveaux, pastor, St ing the Livingston Avenue. School d UcaetableA Lancaster Brand Fully Cooked |icarch in/the 11 years since the sented to league members at its the senior play of the Class of 'Small Planet' tour of the State House and othe mcricari Heart Association was Okay Given Mark's AME Church; Dr. Roberl as a possible junior high school in 2 for 7.99 unit meetings in January. Miss 1958r Also in the play are eight historical buildings. rganwd as the only national G. Lbngaker, pastor, First Presby- the future if it is not needed for Shqnkless Smoked Mary Sullivan, a member of this members of the New Jersey All Miss DeLonge is vice-presiden voluntary - health agency devoted State Chorus, a choir composed of Run Ending On New Siren terian Church; the Rev. Lauranc elementary classes. Jexcliisivcly to the cardipvascular committee, will be background of the Student Council and Girl': J. Pyne, pastor, Cranford Alliance In asking tor a clarification of a i. • the top' high school, vocalists in This Friday and Saturday mark Federal approval for the in- Idiscases, Dr. Iversen pointed out. speaker. Other members of the Atnletic League. She is on th Church; the Rev. Frank M. Rossi, board member's responsibility, Mr. Lancaster Brand Brisket committee, including,. Mrs. Joseph the state. < the final of three week-ends of year book staff and was elected i stallation of a new Civil Defense siren warning system in the town- pastor; Cranford Baptist Church Gutierrez said different polls be- E. 'Hawkins, Jr., league president, The.. play itself was adapted the Cranford Dramatic Club's pre- •the National Honor Society. Othei Rabbi Sidney D. Shankcn, spirtua ing conducted in Cranford have and Mrs. Irving Wllner, commit- from the book written by Joseph ship finally has been received, it sentation of "Visit to a Small activities include: • High# School (Continued on Page 8) (Continued on Page, 4) tee chairman, also will be present Stein and Will Glicman. The Choir, Girl Scouts,' Junioi was reported by Director G. Corned Beef 79 YoiingGOP lyrics of "Plain and Planet"., by Gore Vldal. Holmes Williams of Cranford Civil to explain how the local municipal music and Achievement, junior ivoluntcei iudget is prepared, what state laws Fancy" were written by Albert The box-office will be open nursing, senior play and treasure] Defense and Disaster Control at a 9 Schickhaus Natural Casing meeting last Thursday night in CD SLACKS ICluh Installs regulate and limit its expenditures, HagUe and Arnold B. Horwitt, re- through Saturday, from 7:30 t of the -Future Teachers of Amcri where the municipal revenues spectively. headquarters at Livingston Ave- 'Winnie the Pooh Costuniers Peter Johnson of 18 Riverside 9:30 p.m., for ticket information. ca Club; nue School. '. Idrive was installed as president of come from and how they are ex- A large number of committees Chairmen in charge of variou pended. and crews, made up entirely of business and lobby committees in- The director said estimates for lthc Cranford Young Republicans the project will now be obtained Creating Transformations Alterations during *M» Sal All interested citizens are in students, have been busily pre- clude: Business, John O. 'Oathout; On Critical List Transforming th*e female form divine into an animal is no easy Parks Regular or Hoi I at a meeting last night In the Elks • (Continued on page 8) I boat-ofjfice, Mrs. as soon as possible, Installation CConiinucd on Pagz 8) of a newwarning" system audible matter, but'thc costume committee for ''Winnie the Pooh" is doing-Just- Installing officer was Pub W. J. Hoffmann; photography. Far I lie Affairs Commissioner H. Ray- After ExplosidiT" throughout the community was that. The Cranford Junior Service League's play will be presented in ris S. Swackhamer; lobby, Mrs. D recommended to; the Township Imond Kirwan, a'past president of K. Sacken; playbill, Russel H. Her John Burton of 56 Spruce stree the elementary schools beginning Shank Half who suffered a" fracture of thi Committee by the council 18 Monday. Extra targe Sunlcist Navel | the club: Two Cranford High Senwrs man; publicity, Mrs. B. P. Stehlin months ago, Mr. Williams said. General chairman is Constant F skull and other injuries in an ex With the aid of needle and LWV Leaflets "The Young Republicans arc the Machonis. plosion—and~~flrc at the Diamoni It was announced that "Opera- thread and a pilloa- here and a I junior varsity of the Republican Merit Scholarship Finalists Assisting the director of "Vis Alkali J?o^_ plant in Newark oi tion Spring" will be staged late pillow there for "stuffing," Mrs. Give Information Rob'tE. Brunner for I team-ia Granfordili—Mr. Kirwan ^ Two seniors at Cranford High School have been named finalists to a Small Planet," J. V. Giles, i Saturday, still had not rt'gaine in March, with, public participa- Rowland W. Tudor and Mrs. Mrs. K, B. Koehler. consciousness last nifiht at S< tion. Director Williams reported Harold A. Vogcl and their costume Itold the new officers. "Accordlng- in the* 1959-6u~competitldn of the National Merit Scholarship Corp. that beginning with this test, Canned Ham The drama group's spring pro James Hospital, Newark, wher committee- are busily concocting) On Registration . OUTERJACKETS program and have been awarded certificates of. merit, according to I ly, they carry a: great deal of .rc- he continued on the critical lis' authority is now granted both outfits for Christopher JRobin and Registration information sheets 4 H. OnOB A.VE- CHABFOBD Principal G. Frank Zimmerman. ^~ • duction of "Auntie Sbmc" wi regular and auxiliary police to I ^possibility and must prepare be presented at the club theatre, 7 Mr. Burton, manager of th his furry friends. ; distributed by the League of Wo- -JTootlA — 'intjd ~rn CLvery ^Department — - I themselves for future leadership in Marcla Gillesple and David Skaggs have received the certificates plant, was one of two men p.ullc< arrest any person who is unwilling Mrs. Tudor will costume Mrs. men Voters axe now available in Winans avenue, on May 6, 7, 13 to participate in regularly sched- I township Republican affairs." which attest to their high academ- 14; 20 and 21. Details will be an from beneath the rubble by rescu Frank J. Torrent, Jr., who por- various public places and stores KrdsEy* •'•'•' ' ' uled state and county CD drills. ic promise. nounced at a later date. (Continued oti Page 8) trays the little boy," Christopher throughout town, it was an- far. Kirwan also commended the The seniors distinguished them- Robin. nounced today by Mrs. Patrick I club on its past history of achieve- Week's Weather selves by their high scores on two Mrs. Joseph' L. Matteson will Callaghan, league registration Peas* Carrots 2l; 25 Punchinello I ments. college aptitude tests used in the make Mrs. David N, Tyre, who drive chairman. r-f UJC Meteorological Station National Merit Scholarship com- The ceremonies •" took . on Refugee Program Anniversary Marked plays the part of Winnie the Pooh, The information sheets, which BAKOLDD. petition. About six-tenths of one look like a chubby teddy bear. All Merchandise from Regular Stock — An Oppor- I family air as 'Miss-Frances ' Members of eight family groups give residence requirements, hours Wax Beans 2X29- percent of the seniors in each Eeyhrc the donkey will have his for registering and other pertinent son, the 1959 president, turned state received the awards. A from Russia; Latvia, Germany and tunity with a Time Limit. Act Now — Tomorrow Birds Eye O 10 oz. Temperatures during the week Holland who were resettled in this big earS\and tfiil, JO important to. information, may bo picked up at Apple Juice —' 2^41* nvcr the gavel to her brother. Mr. ranged from a high of 50 degrees national total of 10.000 students the following stores: Daniels Hard- Chopped country through the efforts o he_ plot of the tale, thanks to Mrs. Broccoli were honored. Meyer. Mrs. Harry V. ware, Jody Mauia, Hathaway 'I-'' Be Too Late. Johnson served' as) Union County last Thursday (a. touch of spring) Cranford Methodist Church Rath- William H. coordinator in the .1957 .Uumont to a low of 24 degrees which was Over 55O.0OO students were test- Osborne, Jr., portrays Ecyorc. Pharmacy, Deb n' Heir, Baron's ered at the church Sunday to par- Drug Store, • Albati-Lewis Hard- suniwe z 'or Governor campaign and pre- recorded yesterday and Tuesday. ed in the 1959-60 National Merit Roly-poly little Piulft, Mrs. Ho- Libby's Peas Scholarship competition which b ticipate- ,in a special service com- J. Hall, also'will have a ti.il. ware, Be.ll Drug Store and A & A sently is county commlttecman for The week's only precipitation was memorating the 10th PRESS YOUR fINGER ON THE LATCH Farmdala Prune Juice " <°° ^ 49« Frlduy when 1.17 inches of rain gan last April. The Merit Schol- curly one, because of the'inge- Hardware. . • the third district of Cranford. the' largest displa PICSftW, Chicken, Turkey5 pkgs 5L00 was recorded. ars selected from the 10.000 final- (CMitinued on Paoe H) They also are available at the ists "will be .announced this spring. program undertaken by any New Public Library, Cranford Savings THAT LEADS TO "GOLDEN SAVINGS" Other officers for 1960 arc: First Traces of enow" (an amount too Jersey church congregation. Vice-president, Charles Wimmor small to be measured} were re- They, and the colleges they have & Loan Association, Suburban chosen, will share in* the several The service was followed by the Cougar JVH Face township tax office, Poot Office, Orange Juice tST wtond vice-president. James Flan4 corded Friday, Saturday and Mon- Swift's Prem ««-40< million dollars in Merit Scholar- serving of a turkey dinner in the Trust Co. and Union County Trust "cry; recording secretary,, Betty AT 2 EASTMAN ST. day,' and traces of rain were re- Educational Building for the futn- Linden in Finals* Co. c Kirwan; corresponding secretary, ship funds to be offered by over Coach Hubi - Brown's junior OOMCTIMES rrV JUST corded Saturday and Monday. 110 different organizations and in- ilies iind members of the commit- L The information sheets will be Canadian Smelts * 33 Mary Lcc Johnson; treasurer, John There were four cloudy days, two varsity basketball team clipped WHERE "THE FINEST IN MEN'S AHAIRCUTiBTCAOOFA L dividuals and by the corporation tee which aided them. distributed by the Newcomers Club U86CR M*T SIZE TUflS . and delcgatcs-at-largc dear days and one partly cloudy During the service. Dr. Albert Uivion 49-43 yesterday to move Itself. ..'••' into the fmal round oi the and will tv given to all new resi- - N£tDED/ Gran. Sugar "tr 5 ^ 47< | John Wade and Mrs. Victor Wilson day. ' Allinger, pastor, told of the begin- APPAREL AWAITS YOUR GRASP. g At an earlier stage of the com- Union County Junior Varsity dents oi Cranford by Mrs. Frances, Guest speaker at the meeting The temperature record: ning of the refugee program and Vricland. Welcome Wagon hostess. WHS State Committccwoman Helen petition, the names of all who had Tournament Saturday at Upsalu Minor adjustment or Virginia L«e — Washington's Birthday Special ' Max. Min. related that of the 29 persons as- Orauni-*3'10"--- wishing to send ••:'i- •• '• -'• Glaesor of Plalnfleld<. who outlined reached the. semi-finals of the College gym. East Orange. Thursiday -50 26 Cloudy sisted. 25 still reside in this area out the leaflet may contact Mrs. t"c functions of her office. Cloudy competition were published in a John Litwinetz led the scor- Regular Size 25 ft. roll Friday 48 33 and seven of the eight fumilie^ ing for Cranford with 20 points Callaghun at 11 Balmicrc parkway. th* "kaowitamr and V Pt. Claudy booklet which has been widely Saturday 41 28 distributed to colleges, universi- have joined the local church. He while E^ Sljizis was close be- Members oi the league commit- Ckerry Pie 49 Cloudy '• pointed out that four of the fam- tee working on the leaflet project M<>Dt>artie«Nel$155 Sunday ...36 20 hind with 18. Ron Ritt'cr, Lit- Cloudy ties and other scholarship agencies were.: Mrs. Nathan HodiU-ln, Mrs. dm m Mis. Edward J. Flanncry of 39 Monday 39 27 for consideration of other schol- ilies have purc-rmscd homes'and 15 u-inctz, and Sluzis all did an wchiird street, local chairman fo: Tuciduy 39 24 Clear of their members have become clt-. excellent j«tb controlling the Julius Orgel, Mr>- E^rt Backinoff Layer Cake Clear arships offered outside of the Mer- TOKEN OF GftATITUDE—Igor Rcidcr of 819 Springfield avenue, and Mrs. John H. Silcox. . ZST '. 59< •WWe and tea parties held for ben- Ycatcrday 40 24 it Scholar program. ; izens. , • boards. 1111 one of .29 displaced persons resettled In thib country through The league's; semi-annual house- Virginia Ue - Pkln, Johnson's Glade of. the" New March of Dimes, Previous experience indicates . Mrs. Werner Frank told of ,ht-r The Cougar JV's \vil play m: - Mrs. J. J. Albrecht of 11 Dart- program conducted by Cranford Methodist Church, is shown experiences upon, iirst arriving in Linden Saturday at ":30 p.m. in to-house registration canvass will sported this week that'this phase SoB«fl Cinnamon that the finalists will be offered 1 of 12 mouth road Is convalescing in presenting gift to Mrs. Richard M. Young of 23 Parker avenue, this country and recited.humorous the preliminary to the varsity be conducted in the.fifth-district' «i the I960 drive netted a total of some %2J> million worth of fresh- from 1:30 to 3:31)'p.m. SER.VICENTER Sj'55.01 for the fund to fight birth Presbyterian Hospital, Newark, chairman of the local committee, us loth anniversary of the project incidents to show-how difficult it tinak. Linden made the tlnals AH «dw*Tfaed pneet allechve ijiru Salurday, February 20»fi Egg 1 Ib. can man-year scholarship assistance d Oil PdJ • v . arthritis and paralytic after undergoing surgery Satur- (Continued on Page 8) was marked at the church Sunday, (Coiitltuuil on Pane S) by 59 day. "/.

.•-• /•- ;••-*'
