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Lyn Hill Susan Bodemuller Ann Crane Mary Denson Suzanne Stephens Connie Sanderson Kristi Beach Shauna Griff in

David Luther Mrs. Ernestine Fleming

2 Dedication ...... 4 Administration ...... 6 Honors ...... 26 Organizations ...... 38 Sports ...... 82 Student Life ...... 116 Sophomores ...... 154 Juniors ...... 170 Seniors ...... 186

3 Watch, for we shall someday be men and we will call a world ours, a world of tomorrow built on the dreams of yesterday

We, the children gone by, have laughed, dreamed, smiled, loved, --:::;;;;;;ml Then somehow lost -_- ~ and now we find ourselves ~ no longer the children we once were but not yet --- the men we shall be, realizing that lollipops -- and bicycling - scraped elbows have slowly faded and merely become a part of the mirage we call memories

Weeping, for somewhere along the way we have lost yesterday, and are not quite sure where to find tomorrow. ·~ ~ ~ bwiltj lb (JJ j~ ~; 8t;, ~ ~~; It eollJ n£VfJiJ iJltJ, - paM ~~." ~. 5

Fred R. Dr. Houston G . Hamby President Viet-President

Mrs. Leon K. Richardson R. L. Harmon

Emmett Harper 0 . R. Perdue, Jr. Murray Llbersat Mrs. Karen Sue Allen Coordinator of Curriculum

Mr. L. ). Broussard Coordinator of AdminiJtrative Services

Mr. Arvil R. Bruner Businru Manager

Mr. Joe Fiedler AJJiJtant Superintendent for Im/ruction 8 Mrs. Vera Fraser Mrs. Kathleen Mrs. Sandra Stiles Mrs. Mary S. Williams Secretary to Supt. Shepherd Secretary Secretary Rec. Sec. co School Boo.rd Curriculum Office Secretary

Mrs. Zelda Daigle Mrs. Kay Beaubouef Miss Jan Bourque Mrs. Beery Westbrook Bookkeeper Bookkeeper Secretary Tax Clerk

Mrs. Zillah Smith Mr. W . ]. Mullens Dietician Mrs. Betry ]. Conner Mr. W. ]. Maxwell Assessor-Collector Dep. Tax Asses./Coll. Chief Clerk in Chief Clerk Business Office

9 10 Mr. Ralph Winkle Mr. Charles R. Simmons AJ.IiJtant Principal U>ordinator of Studmt Activities

Mr. Jack Wecren V ocationa/ SuperviJor

Miss Annette Redfearn Mr. Malcolm Dow 11 Coumelor OJumelor Mrs. Carol Perkins Mrs. Edna Brady Library Aide Secretary

Mrs. Marlene Wilson Secretary Clerk

Mrs. Shirley Thonen Mrs. Lorena Nicklebur P. E. Aide Clerk

Mrs. Roxy Thornell Nurse

Mrs. Loyce Bennett Mrs. Betty Prejean Homebounds Attendance Clerk

12 CAFETERIA SNACK BAR Standing: Messrs. Mavis Feldschau, Dorothy Carr, Valerie Miller, Lillie Messrs. Connie Pousson, Verna Leavins, Imay Wright, Annie Sattler, Shirley Swain, Eula Smith, Francis Erwin, Ella Quebedeaux, Ora Harris, Man­ Rhoden, Mabel Sterling, Manager. ager; Delores Peyton. Kneeling: Messrs. Betry Pheiffer, Eardine Macha.

Mr. Horton Prevost Head Cusdodian

.. Front Row: Messrs. Broussard and Lea. Back Row: Messrs. Sincere, Johnson, Griffin, Campbell, Boutin and Arens.

Mr. Henry Bourque Mr. Connie Kendzierski 13

Mr. Douglas Mr. Ronald Allen Read

Mrs. Thacker maintains a pleasant atmosphere in her classroom.

Mrs. Wanda Mr. A. E. Franks Smith

( .,,,,.f

Mrs. Lorena Mrs. Susan Morman Thacker

Mr. Allen puts out a lot of work in the quietness of his office.

Mrs. Adelyn Mrs. Rae Pratt Bell Touchet

16 Mrs. Linda Mr. Harper Miss Carolyn Mr. W allace Appling Augsburger Cagle Gilchrist

. Gilchrist advises his students on the fundamentals of graft­ g? Miss Cagle passes on her knowledge of cars to Advance Biology students Larinda Ivey and Cindy Noble.


~ Mr. George Mrs. Clover Mr. Ceyril Mrs. Joyce Hawkins Mc Key Paulus Smith Mrs. Jo Anne Mrs. Anica Mrs. Patricia Miss Alann Hill Harrell Foy le Dearing

Mrs. Paula Kimbro

Mrs. Janet MacDonald

The topsy curvy world of Mrs. Noel.

Mrs. Gloria Noel

Mrs. Fem Mrs. Leola Mrs. Marlynda Mrs. Grace Paulus Smich Taylor Wolf Mrs. Ele:inor Mr. Leroy Anderson Spears

Pie in rhe eye, Mr. Carson?

Mrs. Virginia Mr. Michael Seelbach Carson

Mr. Travis Mrs. Beverly Gibson Minaldi

I Mr. Marshall, the snake CHARMER) Mr. Charles Mrs. Sonia Hale McElwee

Mr. Max Mrs. Teena Mr. Eugene Mr. Grorge Henry Kellam Marshall Marrin Mr. Rex Copeland

Mrs. Gleason watches over her bookkeeping class.

Mrs. Ernestine Fleming

Mrs. Ann Kimtantas

Mrs. Naomi Gleason

Mr. Copeland times his typing class. Mrs. Billie McClure

Miss Mavis Williams 20 Mrs. Kathryn Frazior

Mrs. Sandra Hoke Who's the new addition to the boys' homemaking class?

Mrs. Neal explains the complexities of sewing.

Mrs. Sue Neal

Mrs. Sylvia Bumfin Librarian

Mrs. Fan Brown On many occasions teachers take the advice of the counselors. Audio ViJual 21 Mr. J.B. Mr. Herman McDonald Gauthier Band Band ~--

Mr.E. W . Woodrome Choral

w s •u

. ) 22 Will some bod Y Please cell me what's going on. Tac al ),, ~/,.-

Mrs. J oyce Thiery

Much inreresr was shown in me lacuJry arr show.

Mrs. Srevens shows inreresr in her srudenrs' arr work.

Mrs. Carol Mrs. Shannon Dickerman Srevens 23 p

Mrs. Virginia Miss Shelia s Abney Lovoi u• Kit and Cindy are you really listening ro Mrs. Massey?

Mrs. Julia Massey

Mr. Harry Fontenot u•

The girl's P.E. classes learn the skills and cechniques of folk dancir.g.

Mr. Leonard Germer s s

Mr. Wayne Mr. Don Mr. Jerry 24 Williams Ross Mallory Mr. Donald Mr. Kent Mr. C. W . Johnson Frink Deering

Mr.). E. McCarty

Mr. Ronald' Minaldi

Mr. McCarty receives a token of appreciation for his hard work from his FFA Chapter president, John Wyble.

Mrs. Fredda Ressler

Mr. Doyle Mr. Lester Much discussion goes on in a day's . Shelander Youngblood 25

fvltu. ~ MlM N~~ 30 Wes~ To.DhW ~ R1f.o; ~ 1 9 7

Don Viquet, Melissa Howell, Monica Cuccia, Terri Buckner, Sue Frazier, Melissa Gulley, Shauna Grithn, Mary Messick, Peggy Serres, Brenda Perdue, Joan Wilson, Laura Darwin, Carol Gonzales, Pam Keith, Janet Mitchell, Becky Brown, Jo Ann Parker, Robin Reeves, Rhonda Farren, Sherry Hill, Wanda Cormier, Vicky Parsons, Janet Brock, D'.Juana Bellue, Lisa Stuart, Sheila Miller, Susan Bernard, Elaine Bright, Becky Rodgers, Rhonda Moore, Sherye Price, Becky Sheffield, Norma Whigham, Donna Venable, Lea Jan Srrickland, Paula Sawyer, Susanne Robens, Jamie Lewis, Maureen Collins, Brenda Miller, Jan Hudnall, Kristi Beach, Patti Peveto, Diane Yoes, Joy Emerson, Debbie Violette, Jean Hunter, Kathy Fairchild, Roderick Stewart, Mark Pitman, Tim Propes, Steve Jimmerson, David Merrell, Steve Anderson, Jeff Arendale, Joel Owens, Rick Jones, David Bums, Charles Richardson, Eric Harper, James Kline, Valdis Smits.

1 9 7 1

Rita Carriker, Ginger Turner, Robin Dixon, Misry Gray, Debbie Kirkham, Phyllis Moreau, Debbie Odom, Tina DeVillier, Kathy Jones, Karen Kelley, Carliss Hatchel, Suzanne Stephens, Terri Lemke, Debbie Jorgenson, Mary Denson, Charlene Streetman, Mike Gregory, Oifton Alegre, Kathy Matre, Sheila Saxon, Connie Sanderson, Patry Furby, Judy Taylor, Andy Sawyer, Nancy Concienne, Pam Nevils, Dorothy Webb, Cindy Perdue, Donna Odell, Sherry Bell, Theresa Martinez, James Guillory, Glenn Young, Sarah Reschke, Jackie Simon, Priscilla Richardson, Kay Harper, Bonnie Jarrell, Pam Barlow, Judy Walters, Elizabeth Willis, Ann Crane, Susan Lawson, Susan Ware, Cheri Dickerson, Kay Adams, Phyllis Ledoux, John Wyble, Lanny Howell, Steve Barton, Pete Reed, William Hicks, Terry Cook, Henry Smith, Jack Ewing, Pat Barlow, Darrell Windham, Jerry Morrison, Wesley Talbert, Lyn Hill, Ricky Hinson, Larinda Ivey, Greg Galow.

31 D'.Juroa Bellue receives her National Sherry Dickerson p:a.rticipaces in the induction. Honor Society certificate.

Rica Carriker proudly accepts her academic letter from NHS sponsor, Mrs. Gleason. 32 Picturtd Left to Right, Top Row: Pete Reed, Terry Cook, Elizabeth Willis, Sherry Dickerson, Phyllis Ledoux, Wesley Talbert, Steve Barton. &11= Row: Larinda Ivey, Rita Carriker, Susan Ware, Sherry Bell, N:incy Concienne and Suzanne Stephens. Not Pictured: Inn Hawkins.

Picturtd Left to Right, Back Row: Darrell Windham, Steve Barton, Greg G2.low, Henry Smith, James Guillory, Inn Hawkins, :ind Giff Alegre. Middk Row: Suz:inne Stephens, Pete Reed, Jack Vizuete, Ann Cr:ine, Kay Harper, Sus:in Ware, :ind Dona Burk. Boll= Row: Sherry Bell, Judy Taylor, Phyllis Ledoux, Rica Carriker, Dorothy Webb, Kathy Jones, :ind Larinda Ivey. 33 1972

The Senior Cl:ass of 72 :assembled together for the l:ast time.

There are mixed emotions found at graduation.


Darrell finally got his tassel under control.

Valedictorian of 1970, Mike Murphy is guest speaker at graduation.

34 Bonnie Jarrell receives her scholarship from the Rotary Club.

Dona Burk and Steve Barron receive their American Legion Awards. Mr. Paulus proudly smiles as Wesley is about to receive his award.

35 LANNY HOWELL, Student Body President. DONA BURK, American Chemical Society Awud, American Legion Awud. CUITON ALEGRE, Texas Chemical Council Awud. RITA"CARRIKER. Bell Telephone Science Awud, D.A.R. Citizenship Awud, Co-Valedictorian, Texas Council of Church-Related Colleges, Highest Ranking Senior, Trigonometry and Elemenwy Analysis, Miss N .H .S. ROBERT LESTER. National Merit Letter of Commendation, Choral Boy. CHARLES RICHARDSON, Woodmen of the World - American History Awud, Physics, American History. GREG GALOW, United States Coast Guud Academy. NANCY CONCIENNE, Business and Professional Women's Oub, P.E. IV. SHERRIE LISENBY, Rotary Club - Kenneth M. Whitlow Memorial Scholuship, VOE. TERRY COOK, High School P.T.A. PA.M BARLOW, Hillcrest Elementary P.T.A., Future Homemakers of America. SUSAN LAWSON, C.0. Wilson Junior High P.T.A.. LYN HILL, Nederland Educational Association, PILOT Editor. KATHY ANN JONES, Westemaire Alumni Association. JAMES GUILLORY, Co-Valedictorian, Bausch-Lomb Awud. NORMA WHIGHAM, Highest Ranking Junior, Spanish I. SUSAN HERBERT, Highest Ranking Sophomore. STEVE BEST, Art I. WINSTON LAFLEUR, Art II. PAT BARLOW, Art III, P.T.A. Art Awud, Senior Class President. DANNY HESTER. Art IV, P.E. IV. JANCIE CARLQUIST, Arts and Crafts. DONNA O'DELL, Ceramics. SHARON THOMAS, English II, Speech I. MARK PITMAN, English III. ROBIN REEVES, Journalism I. GLENDA HILL, Speech II. KATHY MORRISON, Shorthand I. MIKE GREGORY, Bookkeeping I, Spanish III. JANET BROCK, Bookkeeping II. WANDA TANNER, Personal Typing. BECKY MIZE, Typing I. PAT HOLLOWAY, Typing II. JACKIE SIMON, Clerical Practice. PATSY MINCHEW, Business Arithmetic. FRANCENE HUDGINS, Homemaking I. JAN HUDNALL, Homemaking II. JOAN WILSON, Homemaking III. LARINDA IVEY, Homemaking IV. MARGIE ROACH, Crisco Awud. JOHN DAIGLE, Mechanical Drawing II. ROBERT STARK, Woodworking I. MIKE SCATES, Woodworking II. JAMES BASS, Vo. Ag. I. ROBERT ARNOLD, Vo. Ag. II. RENDALL COOPER. Metal Trades II. LlNDA POLK, Dist. Ed. I. BILL PARKER, !CT I. BILLY LAVENDAR, !CT II. RHONDA FARREN, Consumer Math. WAYNE SPA.NHANKS, Algebra I. CHERYL McBRIDE, Geometry. JACK PAUL MARTIN, Algebra II. TINA HUGHES, P.E. II.

36 • • •

"'~ BRENDA MILLER, P.E. III. JOHN VIOLETIE, P.E. II. BILLY WILLSON, Boys Inm.mural Spom II. DON VIGUET, Boys Intramural Spom Ill. AN- THONY HARMON, Boys Intramural Spom IV. SHERRY BELL, Biology III. JAMES LUKE, Chemistry I. TOMMY JOHNSON, Spanish IV. PATTI PEVETO, Spanish V. DEBORAH ST. ROMAIN, Latin I. SUE FRAZIOR, Latin II, Girls' State, Choral Girl. DOROTHY WEBB, Latin III. DONALD SCHUBERT, World History. WESLEY TALBERT, Civics and Economics, Mr. N .H.S. TIM PROPES, Boys' State, Junior Class President. MAXIE WILBANKS, Band Boy. SUSAN WARE, Band Girl. TOMMY STURROCK, Flag Monitor. LESLIE LYND, Flag Monitor. RONNIE BOBBITT, Sophomore Class President. DAVID LUTHER, PILOT Sraff Photographer. ANN CRANE, PILOT Staff. SUSAN BODEMULLER, PILOT Staff. SUZANNE STEPHENS, PILOT Staff. MARY DENSON, PILOT Staff. KRISTI BEACH, PILOT Staff. SHAUNA GRIFFIN, PILOT Staff. Not Picturrd· STEVE BARTON, Most Valuable Staff Award - Journalism, American Legion Award, English IV, Bulldog Beat Editor, Speech IV. PETE REED, V.F.W . - Voice of Democracy, V.F.W. - Ladies Auxiliary, Best Debater. BONNIE JARRELL, Rotary Club - Kenneth M. Whitlow Memorial Scholarship. WAYNE INGWERSEN, Knights of Columbus. JOE GLENN YOUNG, Langham Elementary P.T.A. ELIZABETH WILLIS, American Business Women's Association, Alpha Delta Kappa. PHYLISS LE­ DOUX, Nederland Classroom Teachers. ALAN ABSHIRE, Central Junior High P.T.A. JAMES HICKS, Kiwanis Club, Dist. Ed. IL THOMAS BOUDREAUX, Mid-Counry Noon Optimist Club. DARRELL WINDHAM, Co-Valedictorian, Texas Council of Church-Related Colleges, Elementary Analysis and Analytical Geometry. BRENDA REEVES, Journalism IL CHERI DICKERSON, Speech III. LUANN BROWN, Shorthand IL TYRUS FLOYD, Mechanical Drawing I. HARRIS EATON, Vo. Ag. III. RONNIE LEONARD, Coop. Ag. IV. ALLEN CASEY, Metal Trades I. RONNIE COLLINS, P.E. III. ERSLI E GILLESPIE, Special Spom Scholarship. ROGER WRIGHT, Biology II. KAREN KELLEY, Chemistry IL DEBRA McGREW, Spanish II. KAY ADAMS, Spanish VI. JACK EWING, Srudent Council Vice-President. CONNIE SANDERSON, PILOT Business Manager.


Left to Right: Andy Sawyer, Bruce McPherson, Ersline Gillespie, Mrs. Perkins (Sponsor), Nancy Concienne, Lanny Howell, Tina Devillier, Beverly Barilleaux, Debbie Kubala, Pam Barlow, Debbie Kirkham, Sherry Bell, Jack Ewing, Darrell Windham, Stephanie Reichle, Toni Meyers, Pat Barlow. Not Picturrd: Terrie Lemke.

Pam and Andy introduce GSL members to the new NHS.

Left to Right: Andy Sawyer - Corresponding Secretary, Bruce McPherson - Parliamentarian, Pam Barlow - Record­ ing Secretary, Lanny Howell - President, Nancy Concienne - Treasurer, Jack Ewing - Vice President.

40 Left to Right: Billy Tulby, Ronnie Bobbitt, Charlotte Dixon, Troy Thacker, Glenda Hill, Karen Holst, Jody Nagle, Bette Hanley, Debbie Tingle, Christine lgwersen, Tonya McFarland.

Left to Right: Chuck Crain, Peggy McMinn, Randy Theriot, Jan Hudnall, Marion Hughes, Sue Frazior, Dee Partridge, Kristi Beach, Sheila Miller, Tim Propes, Paula Sawyer, Rick Jones, Kit Gauthier.

41 OFFICERS - Anita Carpenter, Paula Crane, Rita Carriker, Charlene Streetman, Mrs. McDonald, sponsor, Patty Furby, Mrs. Paulus, sponsor, Debbie Gunter. Not Pidured: Pam Beal.

Lt/I lo Righi: Patty Furby, Mrs. McDonald, Wendy Mitchell, Ly­ nell Loupe, Rita Carriker, Debbie Gunter, Melissa Dean, Belinda Taylor, Christy McGown, Judith Rodgers, Pam Beal. Sealed: Becky Mize, Jeanette Flohr, Nelwinn Warner, Cathy Lester, Holly Ho­ gue, Paula Crane, Cathy Parks.

Iniriation and Rededication.

Mouhaska Hepr tells of the origin of Turkey's flag. The Rothko Chapel was one of the sites visited by the Art Club while on a field trip co Houston. Left lo Right: Mary Pruitt, Secretary; Pat Batlow, President; Phyllis LeBlanc, Reporter; Nancy Turbe­ ville, V. President; Denise Newman, Historian; Pam Nevils, Treasurer. •

Phyllis L:Blanc, Rhonda Michelle, Delia Trahan, Cathy Smith, Nancy Turbeville, Mary Pruirt, Carol Commander, Melody Recd, Sharon Tabola, Mrs. Stevens, Marie Maltese, Kim Mallert, Kay Harper,' Virginia Hilton, Brenda Dotson, Nancy Achord, Debbie Legere, Pam Nevils, Denise Newman, Pac Barlow, Ginger Williamson, Sharon Thomas, Suzerte Holden, Becky McGlochen, Dugan Philips, Becky McKeever, Leslie Majors, Orville Dombroskey, Mark Porter, Daniel Hester, Susan Hawthorne, Geraldine Hebert, Ruth Henton, Mrs. Dickerman. 43 Leaning coward a future in education are the FTA members of 1972. Standing: David Busch, Larinda Ivey, Rita Carriker, Cindy Noble, Mrs. Seelbach (sponsor), Ellie Tannehill, Wayne Paulus. Silling: Lyn Hill, Charlotte Dixon, Jana Lacy.

FTA members rode on their cunrnbution to the NHS homecoming parade.

FTA OFFICERS - Left to Right: Larinda Ivey, Vice President, David Busch, President, Rita Carriker, District Prayer Leader.

44 KEY CLUB MEMBERS Danny Thompkins, Jack Vizuetce, John Dubose, Henry Smith, David McKey, Darrell Windham, Jack Ewing, David Busch, Greg Galow, John Wyble, Randy Monk, Pat Bar· low, Tommy Buder, Lynn Tarver, Danny Hester, Leon Bass.

John "Banks" a shot.

OFFICERS The natives are restless. John Dubose, President; Darrell Windham, Vice-President; Jack Ewing, Secretary; Greg Galow, Treasurer. 45 Front: Mike Scates, Kimball Morgan, John Prest, Pat Day. Middle: Julie Lott, Pam Findley, Cheri Dickerson, Rhonda Moore, Kim Mal­ lett. Top: Mary Denson, Steve Barton.

PLEDGES - Glenda Hill, Mark Pittman, James Wallace, Casey Mal­ lett, Sharon Thomas, Wayne Paulus.

Ondines (Rhonda Moore, Sherye Price, Mary Denson) pay homage to the Old One (Wayne Paulus) in the NHS production of "Ondine." THESPIAN OFFICERS - Left to right: Mary Denson, Secretary Sherye Price, Reporter Steve Barton, President Kim Mallett, Treasurer Cheri Dick· erson, Vice.President.

The day of their wedding, Hans (Steve Barton) tells Bertha (Cheri Dickerson) that he must see Ondine once more before they wed.

In this court scene the Lord Chamberlain (Kimball Morgan) and the court ladies (Sherye Price, Mary Denson, Rhonda Moore) discuss the attributes of the King's (Mark Pittman) wart.

Hans (Steve Barton) finds true and eternal love in his "little Ondine." (Glenda Hill)

A very essential part to any play is its crew, who sees that everything is at the right time. Sharon Thomas, Pete Reed, Kim Mallett performed this function in the NHS production of "Ondine." Mr. Spears, Sponsor; Darrell Windham, Pete Reed, Clifford Sponsler. Secrmd Row: Melony Brewer, Roger Wright, Troy Thacker, Doug Owens, Sherry Bell. Third Row: Ronnie Bobbitt, Virginia Hilton, Nancy Bond, Kit Gauthier, Wayne Paulus.

Who me!

Belinda Taylor cannot "bear" to leave the zoo.

Did someone forget to pack Paulus?

Mut and Jeff of the Debate team. 48 L L



Standing, Lt/I lo Right: Mark Wilson, Jan Ricchie, Myla Reeves, Cindy Licvik, Joy Emerson, President; Jeff Currie, Jeffrey Bryant, James Guillory, Mark Nichols, George Roccaforce, Dennis Mize, V. President; Mrs. Anderson, Sponsor. Stcond Row: Tim Rowzee, Ronnie Tamplin, Paul Terrell, Frank Genuardi, Kenc Simmons, Janice Champagne. Seated· Judi Hodnett, Pam Terro, Sharon Gauthier, Monica Galow, Linda Grimes. Not Piclurtd· Leon Bass, Darien Burk, Sccrecary; Dona Burk, Phocographer; Larinda Ivey, Treasurer.

Chicken Little docs his thing!

Ace Two, Brute!

49 BULLDOG BEAT STAFF Debbie Sheffield. Second Row: Rhonda Moore, Tommy Harris, Francis Gilcrist, Debbie Youmans, Becky Rodgers, Lisa Woodson, Myers Mullins, Dqris Thibodeaux. Third Row: Wayne Ingwerson, Pete Reed, Brenda Reeves, Steve Barron, Mollye' Paxton, Debbie Roccaforte, Kathy Morrison. Fourth Row: Jerri Zorn, David Lynch, Cherry Butts, Lavon Dunaway, Cathy Bidder, Keith Casey, Randy Dixon, Susan Isaacs, Holly Ingwerson, Joy Emerson.

Mrs. Foyle concentrates on the many aspects of news gath­ Many hours are spent in preparing a newspaper. ering and assembling.

50 Front Row: Mr. · Lester Youngblood, Sponsor; Terry Martin, Nola Ford, Adrian Duncan, Mike Weeren, Naysa Forey. Back Row: Mark Griffin, David Smith, Kenny Fletcher, Bobby Fletcher, Ricky Woods, Mr. Fletcher.

Mr. Fletcher spends much time helping rifle club members learn the correct OFFICERS techniques of firing a rifle. Libby Green, Treasurer; Adrian Duncan, Executive Officer; Peggy Ser­ res, Vice Pres.; David Smith, President; Donna O'DelJ, Secretary.

51 Miss TACH, Pani Kahla

Misty Gray, President 1971-72 ; Carmela Gaibon, President 1972-73; Messrs. Roxy Thornell and Ann K.imtantas, Sponsors.

Row 1: Debbie Hooper, Anita Van Slyke, Jerri Z.Orn, Pattie Kahla. Row 2: Becky Willis, Susy Brown, Misty Gray, Carmela Gaibon, Angela Stanley, Pam Terro. Row 3: Kathy East, Wendy Mitchell, Melissa Dean, Linda Wesr, Becky Totten, Martha Swearengin, Dorothy Webb, Doris Thibodeaux, Mrs. Roxy Thornell, and Mrs. Ann Kimtantas.

52 Standing, Ltft to Right: Jay Richardson, Ellen Kennedy, Mr. Michael Carson, Sponsor; Brenda Dotson, Monica Galow, Kerney Amy, Casey Mallett, Susan Ware, Donna Ellerbee, Rita Carriker, Skeeter Graves, Donna Odell. Kneeling: Cathy McCord, Jon Gilchrest, Dennis Mize, Anna Mize.

Earth Day was declared "Bicycle Day" by NEAT as a proposed method of pollu­ tion control.

53 Front Row: Roger Holmes, Dilhrd Jones, David Huvick, Joey Banner, Bobby Morris. 2nd Row: Allen Ward, Jay Weeks, Chuck Use, Ronald Maggio, Oyde Reeves. Back Row: Mr. Paulus, Sponsor; Henry Richards, Ray Fletcher, Coy Collins, Richard Dixon, Craig Luce.

At the NHS Hunting and Fishing Club's first Bass Tournament, enc tmt place team was composed of Dillard Jones, Joey Banner; the second place team was Chuck Use' and Roger Holmes. The Largest Bass Trophy went co Mr. Elcon Luce.

Mark Stiles, National Duck Calling Champion, shows the Hunting and Fishing Club how to call Ducks and Geese.

54 David Guamere seems enthralled with this exhibit at the Housmn Museum of Natural Science.

Standing: Mr. Paulus, Sponsor. Top Row: Greg Galow, Charles Richardson, Roger Holmes, Wesley Talbert, Dan Hawkins, Jeffery Bryant, Valdis Smits, Tim Rowzee, Wesley Spence, Wayne Paulus. Front Row: Jeff Currie, Larinda Ivey, Rita Carriker, Sarah Roschke, Donna Venable, Mike Scates, David Guamere, Judy Taylor, Mike Day.

Science Post 323 leaned some new and interest­ ing facts at the Houston Museum of Natural Science.

SS N.f-1.G. D~ U.f .L WlttutteAS The following girls placed in both, district and regional competition in:

Shorthand: Glenda Skiles Kathy Morrison Susan Lawson Monna Hogan

Typing: Becky Mize

The following NHS students also placed in U.I.L. district competition. Pete Reed and Dar­ rell Windham won first place in Men's Debate and advanced to region. Sherry Bell and Kit Gauthier placed first in Women's Debate, also advancing to region. Roger Wright placed first in Men's Persuasive (advancing to region.) Vir­ ginia Hilton placed second in Women's In­ formative. Steve Barton won first in Headline writing and won second in Men's Prose. Robin Reeves won second in editorial writing.

"Ondine," NHS's One-Act Contest play, directed by Mrs. Joyce Thiery, won first in district U.I.L. competition. Glenda Hill was named Best Actress, with Steve Barton as Best Actor. Kimball Margan was named to the All-Star Cast. Other members of the cast were: Sherye Price, Mary Denson, Rhonda Moore, Wayne Paulus, Cheri Dickerson, Mark Pitman. Pete Reed, Sharon Thomas, and Kim Mallett made up the crew.

56 1971-72 PP.fl~

Anxious eyes arc focused on football action.

57 Kay Henderson aids Mrs. Ressler with her Mrs. Ressler, Sponsor and VOE Girls participate in job fair which was held at the high school. many tasks.

VOE Row 1: Vickie Hebert, Berry Reue, Stephanie Reichle, Julie Lott, Cindy Williams, LaNan Morgan. Row 2: Ellen Edgerly, Sherry Lisenby, Debbie Branham, Karen McGlothin, Beth Toups, Theresa Milazzo. Standing: Deanna Bethel, Tricia Bethel, Linda Freeman, LeAnn Le­ Maire, Marcellita Parrish, Edie Brown, LouAnn Brown. Not Pictured: Janet Ferguson, Della Mashburn, Becky Crawford, Chris Ellis, Kay Henderson, Felicia Lee, Diane Luther.

58 Lt/I lo Right, Front: Mike Louviere, Ricky Hill, Lee Hawkins, Douglas Gager, Bill Boylen, Cary Chapman, Junior Trosclair. Second Row: Shelia Sanders, Bruce Gabreoul, Everett Singleton, Gail Allen, G. C. Richard, Walter Johnson, Chick Harris, Tim Bell, Sharon Wheeler. Third Row: Anthony Harmon, Billy Lavendar, Randy Best, Joey Delahousye, David Hammerly, Charles Curtis, Brice Curtice, Bob Parker.

59 OFFICERS L to R: Skeeter Graves, Parliamentarian; James Hicks, President; Carol Jordan, Secretary ; Janice Jones, Treasurer; Aubrey Cain, Sgt. Standing, L lo R: Skippy Hopkins, Skeeter Graves, James Hicks, Perry Wallace, John Dubose, at Arms. Bill Papania, Aubrey Cain, Kenneth Wright, Keith Dillard, Mike Sticker, Gary Dean, Blake Bourque, Greg Thomas, Willie Robson, Stan Delahoussaye, Sam Johnston, Garland Barnard, Kirby Babineaux, Mark Moore, Mr. Ronald Minaldi, Sponsor. Seated, L lo R: Sue Brown, Sherri Luke, Debbie Sandefur, Shirley Metts, Lonnie Borne, Janice Jones, Pam McMinn, Lora Boudreaux, Wayne Spittler, Linda Savant, Billy Melancon, Carol Jordan.

OFFICERS: L to R: Steve Taylor, Sgt. at Arms; Billy Castleman, Reporter; Linda Standing, L lo R: Billy Cas'--···-1, Steve Short, Mike Mayer, Gary Barras, Louis McEachern, Polk, Treasurer; Ronnie Grant, President. Steve Taylor, David Newman, Lloyd Dawson, Kent Wilson. Middle Row: Ronnie Grant, Larry Carr, Gary Trahan, John Penland, Mike Brown, Adrian Dungan, Keith White, Dennis Dor· man, Mike Bonsall, Tim Green, Lawrence Hilbun, Randy Hansen. Seated: Darlene Page, Bev­ erly Havard, Cathy Cox, Linda Polk, Sue Mercer, Terry Christy, Patty Allison.

60 VICA OPENING CEREMONY Morning class relaxing after a hard day pouring cast iron. Mark Halliburton, Billy Tunnell, Rocky Majors, Gary Parker, Alan Casey, Andrew Roberts, Dennis Wills.

Dennis Wills and Mark Loflin run Engine Lathes during a normal day. Alan Casey and Charles Sinclair work on their projects.

Billy Tunnel tries his hand at pattern making on James Delafosse and Joe Applegate pouring. Mike Ellis and Thomas Boudreaux as they the vertical milling machine. pour molds.

61 Floor: Karen Beach, Phylis Ledoux, Beth Pearce, Patry Furby, Marla Dubose, Tina Devillier, Carliss Hatchel, Bonnie Beaubouef. Seated: Sherry Smith, Teresa Martinez, herrie Lisenby, Susan Ware, Sarah Roschke, Kay Carter, Linda Hortness, Tony Willey, Charlotte Stark, Connie Sanderson, Jenny Hubbard, Phyliss Moreau, Pam Barlow.

At the FHA Style Show, fashions old and new were shown.

These are the homemakers of the furure???

62 Back: Lea Jan Strickland Norma Whigham Lisa Stuart Debra Gunter Brenda Miller Jean Delafosse Brenda Purdue Wanda Tanner Peggy Serres Claudia Robertson Jan Hudnall Dee Partridge Sheila Smith At T ahle: Pam Beal Joan Wilson Susan Reed Jo Nell Atwood Lisa Woodson

I IJ/ R=: Toni Burke, Tonya McFarland, Pani Savoy, Debbie Tingle, Lisa Franks, Bonnie Mandeville. 2nd R=: Francine Hudgins, Paula Hogan, Charlotte Dixon, Cecila Mitchell, Christine Ingwersen, Janet Ross, Jody Nagel. 3rd Row: Diana Stokes, Donrta Rowland, Kathy Streetman, Ellie Tannehill, Jana Lacey, Marilyn McGuire.

Mrs. Neal - Sponsor Kathy Jones - Parliamentarian Carliss Hatchel - Social Director Sherry Smith - Historian Karen Beach - Treasurer Mrs. Hoke - Sponsor Mrs. Frazior - Sponsor Kneeling: Marjorie Roach - Secretary Pam Barlow - President Peggy Serres - Vice President Les Jan Strickland - Reporter


Rmdy Theriot and Scott Schion look on as FFA Sweetheart Sheila Miller and FFA Co­ Sweetheart Bambi Hebert inspect the Chapter scrapbook. CLASS OFFICERS Tim DuBose, Vice President; John Wyble, President; Harris Eaton, Secretary; Mr. James E. McCarty, Sponsor; Joel Owens, Treasurer; Charles Self, Sentinel; Bobby Lane, Reporter.

Mr. McCarty, Mike Barfield, Tim DuBose, Bonnie Fleming, Joel Owens, Wayne Fink, Robert Arnold, Randy Theriot, James Byrd, Robert Taylor, Scott Schion, Phillip Star Karl Douglas, Shiela Miller, Reagan Herring, James Bass, Gary Mitchell, Charles Self, Ricky Concienne, Bambi Hebert, David Heflin, Phillip Helmke, Wesley Hebe Ralph Sherrell, Charlie Williamson, Randy Adkinson, Ronnie Leonard, Randy Minaldi, Keith Stephenson, Kerr Turner, Billy Willson, Harris Eaton, Bobby Lane.

64 One of the many things taught in Vo Ag is tractor safery. Charles Self, Tim DuBose, Bobby Lane and John Wyble look on.

Did Wayne win these prizes at the Dallas State Fair? Charlie Williamson shows how a good calf should look. 65 Voted in the top five at camp, the N.H.S. cheerleaders display their spirit.

"The Littlest Cheerleader" Paula Sawyer gave it all she had!

The N .H.S. cheerleaders won 4 superior ribbons and 4 spirit sticks at camp in Nacogdoches.

66 TERRIE LEMKE ANDY SAWYER LINDA MOORE Senior Head Cheerleader, Senior Senior




Terrie Buckner Carhy Lester Carhy Evans Sherry Hall Bob Lester Sue Frazior Tina Hughes Suzie Hebert Mike Gregory Mike Gregory Bob Lester Ronnie McCalJon


Cathy Lester, Sherry Hall, Bob Lesrer, Sue Frazior, Cathy Evans, Ronnie McCallon, Terrie Buckner, Tina Hughes, Mike Gregory, Carol Dillow, Suzie Hebert. 68 NJ-IG

CONCERT CHOIR OFFICERS - Mike Rogers, Phylis Ledoux, Terrie Buckner, Ronnie McCaJJon, Bob Lesrer, Cathy Lesrer, Sherry Hall, Mike Gregory. CHORALE OFFICERS - Sharon Cessna, Troy Thacker, Tim Dugas, Pam Schion, Suzie Hebert.

69 OFFICERS - Pani Van De Hoef, Connie Sanderson, Captain - Phyllis Moreau, 1st Lleutenant - Tricia Safer, Elizabeth Willis.

You're kidding! Me do a solo high kick?

A rypical Westernaire smile. Top Row: Pat Holloway, Eileen Moreau, Judy Walters, Kay Adams, Mona Hogan, Deanna Partridge, Gina Esmond. Second Row: Karen McCoy, Tricia Safer, Debbie Davis. Third Row: Ginger Graham, Karen Ducote, Phyllis Foun­ tain, Beverly Barrilleaux. 70 Top Row, Left lo Right: Grliss Hatchel, Kathy Jones, Bambi Hebert, Pam Nevils, Christy De­ Monte, Diana Bryant, Charlotte Stark. Second Row: Melissa Gulley, Patti Van De Hoef, Suzanne Mc­ Glochin. Third Row: Donna O'delJ, Sue Frazior, Sherilyn DeSaw, Monica Cuccia.

Teresa Martinez, Jamie Lewis, Sherry Hall, Charlene Streetman, Brenda Root, Ginger Turner, Lisa Sruart. Second Row: Kathy O'Brian, Connie Sanderson, Maureen Mclnnis. Third Row: Brenda -:::: Miller, Marion Hughes, Karen KelJy, Janice Beranek.

Glenda Skiles, Marilyn Beeson, Jenny Hubbard, Nancy Concienne, Margie Roach, Mary Ann Moore, Vicki Hei­ delberg. Second Row: Shauna Griffin, Elizabeth Willis, Wanda Cormier. Third Row: Susan La.Borde, Lyn Hill, Pam Mougia, Sue Weatherford, Mary Messick.

71 Nederland's answer to ch e Rockecces.

Lee's have a s how .of hands. of all chose using L1scenne. We use coldcream, we use Nair, What do you call us ? A WESTERNAIRE1

Aww, Patty, quit thinking about Mike!

Wave to mommy and daddy! 73 Janis Beranek, Beverly Barrilleaux, Nancy Con­ Maureen Mcinnis cienne, Macgie Roach, Kachy Jones, Lyn Hill. Kay Adams Ideal 2 year Wescemaire Ideal 1 year Westemaire

S=ne McGlochin, Nancy Conci­ enne, Jenny Hubbard, and Bambi Hebert perform co che Pink Pan­ ther.

Lyn Hill, Shauna Griffin, and Glenda Skiles - clown­ ing acound during the Spring Review.

Lictle Randy Therioc and Tony DeMonce jusc love cir­ cus time! 75 ''Golthw P~ ~fj,p; GolthwT~'-ei' c '


76 BAND OFFICERS Concert: Tyrus Floyd - President Maxie Wilbanks - V. President Bonnie Jarrell - Sec.-Treas. Symphonic: Ronnie McCa.Uon - President James Guillory - V. President Judy Taylor - Sec.-Treas. All-Stale Band Membm· Maxie Wilbanks · Jo Ann Parker Susan Ware Laura Darwin Billy Breitenberg



Homecoming Twirling Performance 78 VICKI PARSONS D'JUANA BELLUE SUSAN HODGES Junior Junior Sophomore

1971 -72

DEBBIE ROBERTS CINDY KAGELER SHERRY YOUNGBLOOD Sophomore Sopho9"'re Sophomore 79 Billy Breitenberg Rita Catriker Larinda Ivey Susan Ware Maxie Wilbanks

Jo Ann Patker Laura Darwin Cathy Fairchild Cato! Gonzales

~ -=et::=: ~c... -=~ *~ Steve Hamner Robin Reeves Donna Venable Leta Currie

t,,,,:.> ., ~ -==ci:::= =iii> ~~Cit" ,.,g~ ~ Mike Sanders Kathy McMahon Jack Mattin Jan Ritchie

Nederland High School Band Students are recognized annually in the Honor Parade by their high achievement not only in local school participation but in fl U.I.L. and Texas Music Educators' Association events as well. During the year to a1 •• ---. be eligible for this high honor, a student must be a member of the Texas fj'' .~- , All-State Band or must have earned a 1st division on a Class I solo and be a . _ 11 member of the Region X All-Region Band.

80 Follow me, Band . . BAND???

I'm sure they're out there somewhere.

The Little Drummer Boys.


Top Row: B. Mulkey, T. Propes, E. Gillespie, R. Mitchell, L. McNulcy,]. Stuart,]. Dunlap, B. Terrell, W. Hicks, K. Casey, R. Davis, G. Gaspard. 2nd Row: K. Weatherly, T.]. Parker, L. Bass, G. Harrison, D. Dugas, G. C. Richards, D. Klingman, S. Schion, V. Smits, S. Crain, R. Jones, R. Guidry. 3rd Row: T. Dugas, D. Poindexter, T. Harris, B. Franke, D. LeBlanc, P. Bean, C. A. Stanley, K. Corie, L. Ferguson, B. Weeks, F. Lisotta. Bollom Row: W. Porter, E. Olesky, D. Bums,]. Owens, W. Talbert, G. Young, R. Theriot, C. Crain. ·

i ,

Bulldogs "bust" into football season.

84 The men that make our teams what they are.

Top Row: S. Campbell, P. Stark, M. Benson, B. Mulkey, T. Williams, R. Burkhaulter, K. Breda, ]. Stanley, D. Hughes. 2nd Row: T. Taylor, D. Merrell, M. Carlson, G. Reeves, D. Lane, W. Lafleur, D. Speaks, L. Wallace, B. Russ, B. Dalby. 3rd Row: S. Fuller, C. Casey, M. DuBose, B. Fletcher, ]. Forey, B. Calloway, B. Whitaker, C. Moses, B. Hubbard, M. Butler. 4th Row: S. Lang, M. Louviere, M. Hammonds, E. Bustin, R. Concienne, M. little, R. Minaldi, B. Tingle, S. Setliff, M. Novich. 85 QUARTERBACKS - Joel Owens, Jeff Stuart, Ersline Gillespie, Tim Propes.

G. C. Richards Scott Schion 86 Toug'-1 Doggtes ! ! !

Kicking Spcci>.!isc - David Bums "Push 'em Back, Push 'em Back . .

"Our Facher who art in Heaven . . " The traditional prayer of che Nederland Bulldogs. 87 BACKS - L. to R.: Scott Schion, G. C. Richards, Wesley Talbert, Danny LeBlanc.

What's this>! - The ref sitting down on his JOB1!! Disabled . in SPIRIT!!!


LINEMEN - L. to R.: Valdis Smits, William Hicks, Larry McNulry, Ricky Mitchell, Bruce Mulkey .

. , but not

Pat Barlow, Tina Devillier, Pam Barlow, and Barney Tarver welcome the GSL from Port Neches-Groves.

89 Glenn Young and Doug Poindexter were injured and therefore unable to play the HWhat's goin' on out there?" full season.

David Burns kicks the field goal that beat Houston Sterling 3-0.

90 ENDS - Back Row: G. C. Richards, Danny Dugas, Steve Crain. Front Row: Ricky Guidry, Terry Harris, It takes two to tango' Randy Theriot, John Dunlap.

Hey' Who's really got the football??? 91 Captains Ersline Gillespie and Ricky Mitchell go out on the field for the "flip."

Tubby is a spitting image of his Dad.

A strange new way of ball-carrying ?

92 CENTERS - Bruce Franke, Greg Gaspard, Kirk Weatherly.

The injured players rum our ro back the team. BOTTOMS UP!

Simon says, "All fall down!" 93 • • •

OFFENSIVE LINE - Rick Jones, Roy Do.vis, Dwaine Klingman, T. ]. Parker, Tim Dugas, Ride 'em Doggies! Emil Oleksy, and Lynn Miller.

The Football Boys say, "Give 'em . . . , Dogs!"

The managers at work?

94 FIGHT! FIGHT! ,, , • • • • ••

BACKS - Standing: Glenn Harrison, Scott Schion, Kim Corie, William Porter, Louis Fergu­ son. Kneeling: C. A. Stanley, Frank Lisorra, Chuck Crain, Bob Weeks.

Mr. Delahoussaye and Mr. Merreyeon are presented with 30 year attendance awards Coach Johnson and the referee have a "friendly" chat during the for not missing a game! game!?!

What is this, the spaghetti bowl? 95 + -

Football boys coming in during the Pep Rally.

GOLDEN GROWLER GUARDIANS ,...-- Alan Richards, Philip Stark, Danny Hughes, Troy Thacker, David Srukey.

Let's not fight over the b:i.11 boys! INTERCEPTION!!! COACHES - Standing: Harry Fontenot, Harper Augsburger, Leonard Germer, Don Ross, Athletic Director and Head Football Coach - Pat Johnson. George Hawkins. Kneeling: Jerry Mallory, Pat Johnson, Wayne Williams.


"You've got ulcers too, Williams?"

Our boys ran right over Vidor!

97 Seated, Left to Right: Joey McDonald, Kent Lee, Jeff Arendale, Ronald Carnes. Standing, Left lo Right: Lanny Howell, Sam Gregg, Steve Pullin, Ronnie Read, David Oliver, Dan Hawkins.

Nederland 33 Houston Lamar 0 Nederland 32 Alvin 22 Nederland 6 Texas City 17 Nederland 3 Houston Sterling 0 Nederland 13 St. Thomas 7 Nederland 21 Vidor 7 Nederland 14 Lincoln 47 1• • Nederland 0 Thomas Jefferson 26 ' .. ,,,,,;;_,.. _, Nederland 14 Port Neches-Groves 51 ·'-,.:, ...... 14 Orange

98 Standing: Ricky Mitchell, Bruce McPherson, Ersline Gillespie, Coach Harper Augsberger, Mark Crain, David McKey, Greg Galow. Kneeling: Darrell Windham, Steve Crain, Randy Monk, Barney Tarver, Bruce Westfall. Managm: Victor Lovelady, David Oliver.

Standing: Kenneth Breda, Steven Setliff, Lynn Wallace, Coach Leonard Germer, Mike Butler, Dale Worsham, Joe Bryce, Ricky McKee. Kneeling: Jakie Fontenot, Billy Willson, David Srukey, Allen Richards, Kenneth Leavins, Joe Hawkins. Managm: Mark Concienne, Ronnie Carnes.

99 . . and the Bulldogs are leading 65·53 at the bottom of the fourth quarter!"

Mark Crain "hops, skips, and jumps" for rwo points.

Nan Kelly has the freshest mouth in town!

Victor Lovelady comes through in the pinch. The JV's are a very active group!

100 "Momma told me nor co come. . "

No. 22 uses LIFEBUOY!!

_, Bulldogs prevent opponents from reaching HIGH GOALS! Son of Flubber?!? 101 Quicky McPherson rebounds his own shot!!!

Where's the ball?>?

102 ATLAS! Two for the JV's!

Go Ers!

Bruce forgot to use his "hairspray'" Sr-r-r-r-e-<:-t-th! 103 Stanley gives Chuck a hand. "Over the goal . Coach Hawkins whistles while he works•

Andy Sawyer, Terri Lemke, Stanley Delahoussaye, and Jan Pate prepare the awards for the winners.

104 "Open mouth - insert foot!"

James Simpson jumps f cet first into things.


The difference is in the stretch.

105 1tWt11! ~!RUN!

Ronnie accepts the baton from Brad. H • . • Don't fence me in!"

Bulldogs CAN outrun the Indians! THE WINNERS!!!

106 197'2 T~ Teruw! ! !

Top Row (L - R): Steve Hardy, Roger Price, Mike Alsten, James Simpson, Tommy Saulter, Mark Crain, Ronnie Root, Jeffery Bryant, Ricky McKee, James Guillory, David Busch. Middle Row (L - R): Brad Broussard, Danny LeBlanc, Wesley Talbert, Billy Fulcs, Mike Hammonds, Philip Burton, James Byrd, Doug Owens. Bollom Row (16r): Kenny Merren, Chuck Crain, Beau Pollock, Bobby Boone, Billy Gibbs, and Royce Bobbirt.

Some rest .. .

. . . while others RUN!

107 Volt

ATEAM First R=: Cindy Perdue, Kit Gauthier, Sue Frazior. Second R=: Diane Yoes, Dianna Bourg, Lisa Stuart, Kathy Matte, Maurine Collins.

BTEAM First R=: Iris Bright, Susan Hebert, Sheila Weeks, Janice Huckaby, Debbie Daughriry, Pam Waller. Second R=: Vicki Parsons, Shelley Clayton, Sally Baker, &tsy Wharton, Judy Licvik, Rhonda Fulgham, Melody Brewer.

108 The situation gees serious.

ALL DISTRICT PLAYERS Kathy Matte, Cindy Perdue, Diana Bourg.

109 197'2 ~ Te.o.tw!

Top Row (L - RJ: Russell Pollock, Roy Davis, Mike Grimes, Steve Heflin, Jack Vizuete. Bollom Row (L - R): Jeff Arendale, David Burns, Mike Daigle, Mark Griffin.


GOLF LETIERMEN - David Burns, Jeff Arendale, Mike Grimes, Steve Heflin, Russell Polick.

110 Mike Daigle watches Coach Fontenot's demonstration. Back Row: Stan Broadway, Arthur Champagne, Mr. Marshall, Sponsor; John Taylor, Dennis Mize, Bruce Tunnell, Randy Holm. Front Row: Kathy Morrison, Melissa Howell, Sally Baker, Shelly Clayton, Cindy Perdue, Debbie Jackson, Norma Whigham, Carla Thomas, Jeannie Commander.

Randy Holm and Bruce Tunnell - Number 2 Dennis Mize and Arthur Champagne - Num­ Shelly Clayron and Melissa Howell - Girls' Doubles Team. ber 1 Doubles Team. Doubles

Cindy Perdue - Girls' Singles Three against one??? - District Semi-Finals 111 19

Hats off co a great play!


BASEBALL COACHES - Don Ross and Wayne Williams.


PITCHERS - Kyle Cline, Jack Ewing, Ersline Gillespie, Jeff Sruarc, and Steve Lang.

112 72


MANAGERS - Kent L:e and Ronnie Reed.

CATCHERS - Rodney Jagneaux, Bobby Tingle, and Bobby Morris. "Way ro go Alan!!! 113 SAFE!!!

INFIELDERS - Standing, L to R.: C:i.rl Shockey, Ricky Hinson, Kenneth Breda. Kneeling: Randy Monk, Danny Tompkins.

Ersline and Lynn give the game their divided attention!! What evil lurks in the dugout??? 114 "''-' __,,~ ...... )) .... >n•~cJa

OUTFIELDERS: L to R: Alan Abshire, Jack Ewing and J(jm Corie. 115

An aerial view of NEW DOMED GYM while still under construction. Mrs. Hoke and Wanda Tanner look approvingly (?) at the freshly baked concoction.

Nelwin Warner just LOVES to watch the twirlers. Could it be a gigantic spider web? Tina . . . always smiling.

B .. I .. G .. . N .. E .. D .. . BlllG NED, BlllG NED, BlllG NED. LET'S GO BIG NED, LET'S GOOO!!!

With every school ye:u comes Pep Rallies! Despite defeat, che Senior Class of '72 never lost its Fighting SPIRIT.

Nobody will ever forger all the good rimes they had in Tubby's truck. Suzanne Stephens, head drum major, shows her authority.

120 Marion Hughes, Brenda Miller, Marilyn Beeson, and Kathy Jones have finally found che occupation chat suits chem BEST. Tubby's toeing the line.

All football boys look anxiously forward to the pep rallies. Kit can't decide which fork to use.

The art classes create their version of Elliot Can't the band play anything but a WALTZ? 121 Gould. 1971

First place was awarded to the Senior Class for its float.

"Who's in the doghouse now" was the theme for the Junior Class float.

122 The Sophomore Class shows its Artistic ability with the Flintstones.

The F.T.A . float was an added attraction ro the parade.

"It's a bird, it's a plane, it's Underdog? ??"

123 Only Terry Harris' mother uses Bold in her wash.

There'll be a hot time in the old cown tonight!

124 "Ligh• my FIRE." DeMonce displays determination on the dance floor. Some people enjoy dances by just sitting around and trying to amuse themselves .

Others, really get into the SWING of things! 125

N~Htglv~ ~~--~~~~~~..... ~~~~--.,

This yeu at the All-Sports Banquet, John Dunlap was awarded the IDEAL ATHLETE trophy; Andy Sawyer was chosen as FOOTBALL SWEETHEART; and Ersline Gillespie and Ricky Mitchell were selected as BEST BACK and BEST UNEMAN, respectively.

The Younger Generation as well as . . the Older Generation enjoyed the banquet. 128 Coach Pat Johnson accepts a plaque from Ricky Mitchell and Ersline Gillespie on behalf of the entire 1971-72 Football Team.

To conclude the program, the 1971-72 Cheerleaders led the audience in the singing of the Alma Mater.

[!JeJt QfffiJf/ o/- ff(t1h11lv 0kw; $Ji an};

~t~ 132 {3;~ Jkpib uf(f}jt~ r_){fiiffJt fTelW ~MJ ~ <;;(_~ <(Tfh9/JJf}f/I 0/JJ(}/I; ~~ ~ 9(/Jkuw tp~

133 134 I \ I I t

~o.w];~~~~ 140 Pruw ~ o.wJ; W~kei f119~ Senior Duke and Duchess James Hicks and Pam Mougia

Junior Duke and Duchess Sophomore Duke and Duchess 14 1 Beau Pollock and Kathy Potts Phillip Stark and Jody Nagel Just an old-fashioned love song .

Who would ever think that Ronnie Weeks was camera shy?

142 Is David Busch fixing to ask William Porter ro dance? Suzanne Robens is lost without C. Tommy Buder practices smiling before getting his prom picture taken. A.

The 4th Cekcion provided outstanding music for the prom. Sherry Bell IDVeJ to dance?? 143 Miss Photoflash of 1972-73 is MISS Kmu Beach. She was chosen by three judg('s from ~ field of nineteen contestants. Krisu is active in Srudent Congress and was recently named editor of the Pilot She is sixteen years old with green eyes, blond hair and is five: feet five inches tall. Her parents are Mr and Mrs. Roger Beach.

144 Our new Miss Photoflash, Kristi Beach, poses with the 1971-72 Miss Photofbsh, Peggy Mc!'.iinn.

145 The staff of the Bulldog Beat provided entertainment between each group of contestants.

146 C'fw.\~nf c>Jhut.w.n dtml-\

en"" _;\ (o\tflll ll),J1L11 'T:,"fi

QJc11'1t...uM r )O}l~(.ml• \! 147 Bruce McPherson and Ersline Gillespie as referees ??

A lew of the more outgorng teachers snow their spirit drive abiliry. I thought this was supposed to be a basketball game!!!

Hail, Hail, the Gang's all HERE! Mr. Paulus, a GIANT of a man. Is it really wonh waiting for? Coach Jon Banks helps out the faculty's team at the Key Club basket­ ball game.

At halftime even a few girls got into the game. "Watch Out boys 'cause here we come." 149 ~ J.loltL Aut-Ntgldl P~ ob~~~

Dancers, as well as onlookers, enjoyed the atmosphere of the lighthouse.

Randy Best enjoys finding his food. It was a new experience for everyone!

150 • • •

Wonder if Stewart played the gui­ tar at this age?

Have Harris and B:lmbi really changed)

Dona Burk never could keep her mouth shut.

Could this be Helen Hardy.

Rachel Moss just IOtJtJ to wear her hair in a ponytail. Scott's hair never looked so Danny Hughes as a MUSCLE MAN??? good!!

Connie you've come a long way baby! " ...... " .. ; All that can be said is "Look at 'cm Keith Casey looks so sweet and in­ now! nocent. 151

CLASS OFFICERS Ronnie Bobbitt, President; Shiela Weeks, Secrecary; Kathy James, Social Leader; Jean· nie Belton, Treasurer; Troy Thacker, Vice President.

PROM SLAVES Row I: Charlotte Dixon, Tanya McFarland, Bette Hanley, Jeannie Bolton, Diane Winfrey, Nelwinn Warner, Karen Guzardo, Glenda Hill, Brenda Smith, Claudia Schroeder, Bonnie Mandeville. RllW 2: Danny Hughes, Billy Rush, Bill Hubbard, Jeff Evans, Ronnie Bobbitt, Gerald Reeves, Mike Burler, Troy Thacker, Ricky Concienne, Allen Richard, David Stukey.

154 155 Earnest Adaway

Randal I Adkison

Colleen Allen

Richard Allen

Sophomore Bonnie Fleming gets attention from her Junior and Senior Vo Ag classmates Tim DuBose, Ronnie Leo­ nard, Reagan Herring and Kerr Turner.

Byron Arnold Shanna Austin Cody Aycock Sherry Babineaux Lucy Baden Valerie Bailey William Bailey Richard Baker

David Bares James Barkman Mark Barra Connie Barras Nita Barras Suzanne Basco James Bass Ellen Bean

Pam Beard Alan Benson Cathy Benson William Beranek Sheila Bertrand Steve Best Ronnie Bobbitt Royce Bobbitt

156 Jeannie Bolton

Nancy Bond

Bobby Boone

Toni Bourque

I'm Moe Smith; I'm 5 years old and that's the truth phfffffffff.

George Bradley Bow Brannon Kenneth Breda Melony Brewer Joan Briggs Iris Bright Jack Brittain Brad Broussard

Eddie Sue Brown Ellen Brown Lisa Brunson Joe Bryce Lynne Buckner Mike Burgess !Undall Burkhalter Paul Bums

Ginia Busby Kristi Busby Brenda Bush Edward Bustin Gayle Butaud Mike Buder Johnny Caddy Robert Callaway

157 Karen Cameron Pete Cammack Steve Campbell Clara Carlquist Mark Carlson Ronnie Carnes Cary Casey Randy Cash

Terry Chance Edward Chapman Glenn Chapman June Clemenrs Vellene Coker Rickey Colichia Larenda Collins Pat Collins

Carol Commander Mark Concienne Ricky Concienne Vicki Cook Joe Courts Theresa Crain Paula Crane Donna Cribbs

Marilyn Crocker David Curl Leta Currie Mike Daigle Billy Dalby Lettie Dalby Joe Dallmann Pam Darder

Debbie Daughrity Merrill Davis Mike Day

Michael Dean Karen DeRuiter Janice Dickens

Carol Dillow Rose Dilworth Charlotte Dixon

Simon uys "All sophomores siand up."

158 Jack Dixon Pam Dobbs Emma Dorsey

Vanessa Dotson JoAnn Doucet Phyllis Doucet

Pam Dowden Janie Drawhorn Mike DuBose The Easter Bunny came to sec Ronnie Bobbitt and Johnny Violette in Biology.

Jimmy Ducote Ken Duke Danny Duncan Kathy East Ernest Edwards Donna Ellerbee Cathy Esclovon Jeff Evans

Charles Faggett Lesa Fiedler Bonnie Fleming Bobby Fletcher Frank Fletcher Jeanette Flohr Steve Floyd Jakie Fontenot

Becky Ford Kenny Ford Jerry Foret Vickie Fort Donna Foust Brad Franklin Lisa Franks Karol Frederick

Rhonda Fulgham Steve Fuller Monica Galow Susan ~er Denise Garvie Sharon Gauthier Bobby Gautreaux Jeffrey Gay

159 Diane Stokes, Mary Guerrero, Bonnie Fleming, Linda Lisenby and Suzette Holden waste no time when it comes to eating.

Kirt Gentile Jackie Gentry Lynn George Roxanne Gibbs Robert Girouard Harold Glaze Keyle Goats Kay Goff

David Gomez John Grant Marlon Grantham Mike Griffey Bridger Griffith Lynda Grimes Mary Guerrero Susan Guidry Keith Guinn Karen Guzardo Clarissa Hailey Sandra Hall Theresa Hammack Mendy Hammock Mike Hammonds Stephen Hamner

160 Donald Hanks Bette Hanley Cachy Hardy D.i.le Hardy Matt Hardy Sceve Hardy Peggy Harris Marilyn Hatt

Debbie Havard Joe Hawkins Charmaine Haylock Eddie Haylock Aleachea Haynes Susan Hebert Wesley Hebert Ginger Hechler

D.i.vid Heflin Phillip Helmke Pacey Hempel Manha Henderson Manuel Hernandez Ronnie Herr Jamie Herrin Cindy Hill

Glenda Hill Sharon Hill Virginia Hilton Susan Hodges Judi Hodnett Paula Hogan Holly Hogue Suzette Holden

Tommy Holland Joey Holliday Vicki Hollier Randy Holm Karen Holsc Scott Hopkins Rebecca Hom Tere Hom

Bill Hubbard Janice Huckaby Francene Hudgins Vicki Hudson Stephen Huff Danny Hughes Stephen Hughes Tina Hughes

Jack Humble Susan Hysmith Zoe Ingraham Christine Ingwersen Wilmer Ishee Kathy James Diane Jennusa Berdie Johnson

~~ 16 1 Tommy Johnson Connie Johnston

Lonna Johnston Billy Jolly

Caron Jones Debbie Jones

Brenda Juneau Cindy Kageler Susie Hebert, Karen Cameron, Pam Thom, Chris Ingwersen, Tanya McFarland, Sheila Weeks, Carol Dillow, Zoe Ingwersen, and Sharon Thomas sing "Buggers" during PILOT race.

Kim Kelley Greg Kelly Nan Kelly Kathy Kotz Gary LaBrie Jana Lacy Winston Lefleur Willie LaGrone

Billy Lambert Sheila Landry David Lane Steve Lang Lenora Llrsen Kenneth Leavins Donald Lee Kem Lee

~ndy Leger Gordon LeJunie Kathy Lester Llnda Llsenby Monry Lltde Judy Llrvik May LoCicero Johnny Lopez

162 Lynell Loupe Kevin Louviere

Mike Louviere Pam Louviere

Rocky Lubcra D.ivid Luther

Cheryl McBride Cathy McCord Future homemakers Brenda Perdue, Donna Rowland, Kathy Streetman.

James McDonald Joey McDonald Janice McElvain Tanya McFarland Becky McGlorhen Christy McGown Marilyn McGuire Ricky McKee

Moina McKinley Reagan McKinley Linda McKinney Gene McLain Wayne Mclemore Kathy McMahon Oyde McManus Rodney McNeel Randal Maggio Casey Mallett Royce Malmay Marie Maltese Bonnie Mandeville Cornice Mangum John Marrs Sue Marrin

Gop~ 163 Kathy James can't believe she ate that w-h-o-1-e thing.

Billy Martin Jack Martin Jude Martinez Mary Martinez Dennis Matthews Linda Matthews Susan Mecom Charles Meeks

David Michna Sue Miguez Robert Miller Cecilia Mitchell Gary Mitchell Wendy Mitchell Becky Mize Henry Monk

Freddie Monroe John Moore Mark Moran Cindy Morgan Bobby Morris Charles Moses Brian Mulkey Shaun Mullens

164 Jody Nagel Debra Neel Mark Nichols Brad Nohavirza Lynn Norris Martin Novich Doug Owens Vicki Papania

Sue Parker Cathy Parks Blane Parsons Chris Pasrorella Wayne Paulus Kathy Pearce Russell Pollock Thomas Polly

Dawaina Poner Steve Poner Marcia Ponerfield Keith Powell Sandra Powell Jimmy Premeaux Roxie Premeaux Debbie Price

Pam Proft Charla Pruitt Karen Rabalais Linda Radford Roger Rashall Sheryl Raulsron Susan Raulsron Peggy Reed

Connie Reese Gerald Reeves Myla Reeves Tina Rheuark Allen Richard David Richards G:iyk Richards Jay Richardson

Gene Ricks Kim Rienstra Jan Ritchie Debbie Robem Debbie L. Robem Benny Robin Susan Robison George Roccafone

Ramona Roetschke Judith Roger Kenneth Rojo Jennifer Romero Ricky Romero Ronny Root Kathy Rose Janet Ross

165 Donna Rowland Tim Rowzee Billy Rush Connie Safer Amy Saide Debora St. Romain Kelly Salmon Vicki Samford Janet Sanders Lora Sanders Mike Sanders Donna Sanderson Dennis Sattler Patti Savoy Malvina Schneider Claudia Schroeder Donald Schubert Jimmy Seale Steve Setliff Mark Sevars Tim Sheffield Becky Shockey James Shoemaker Brian Short

Glathea Simon Sheryl Simon Mitch Singleton Susan Skinner Bonnie Slaydon Brenda Smith Casey Smith Charles Smith

Dawn Smith Glenda Smith Melinda Smith

Susan Smith Vicki Smithhart Claude Spanhanks

David Speaks Phillip Spence Wesley Spence

B-4 before the end of homeroom.

166 Gop~ Debbie Spencer Clifford Sponsler Vickie Sprouse

Wesley Stakes Angela Stanley Jerry Stanley

Phillip Stack Keith Stephenson Lionel Stewart

Valinda Stilley Diana Srokes Kathy Streetman David Stuckey Debbie Stuckey Ricky Sturrock Martha Swearingin Gary Sweeney

Pat Swinney Gayle Tamplin Ellie Tannehill Patti Tant Mike Tapia Belinda Taylor Jack Taylor Trice Taylor

Trina Taylor Paul Terrell Troy Thacker Pat Thibcxleaux Raynold Thilxxleaux Dwight Thomas Peggy Thomas Sharon Thomas

Robert Thompson Pam Thom Ellis Thweatt Bobby Tingle Debbie Tingle Sharon Tobola Glenda Tomplait Candy Toups

167 Cun Trahan Mark Trahan Bruce Tunnell Lou Ann Van!Unden Anira VanSlyke Mark Vernon Cindy Vincent John Violerre

Donna Vize James Wagner Kerry Waldrop Jeff Walizer Debbie Walker Many Walker Wade Walker James Wallace

Lynn Wallace Pam Waller Jake Walters Allen Ward Nelwinn Warner Leslie Washenfelder Mike Warson Fred Watt

Jeff Webb Jay Weeks Sheila Weeks Terry Weeks Kirby Welch David Werner Gene West Peggy West

fuiy Wesr Bersy Wharron Floyd Whiddon

Melissa Whisenant Cheryl Whisnant Billy Whiraker

Berry Whire Ricky Whire Wendall Whire

Judy Llrvik, Pam Louviere, Carhy Lesrer, and Jana Lacy srudying?''

168 Billy Williams Marla Williams Rickey Williams Terry Williams Becky Willis Billy Willson Lisa Wilson Diane Winfrey

Kllren Woodard Sherrie Woodrome James Woodson Dale Worsham Mary Wright Sherry Youngblood Sue Zueger

Ricky Colichia takes one more look at the Keyboard chart. Vicki Fort and Karl Douglas in a striking pose at the Valentine dance.

169 ql1flidv ~ g~ tFfijg~ uW~Um anit [!(~ ~ 170 JUNIOR CLASS OFFICERS - Gregg Gaspard, Norma Whigham, Tim Propes. Standing: Monna Hogan, Brenda Miller, Silting.

"Edith Brickey is in the 'biz bag'." Dillard Jones, Mark Hom and Ronnie Collins participate in the Home­ coming parade.

jwUolt&111 Sidney Adams Vicki Adams Patry Allison Mike Alston

Mona Alvuez Steve Anderson Linda Applegate Jeff Arendale

Judy Amee Robert Arnold Jenell Arwood Kirby Babineaux

Christine Baize Sally Baker Joey Banner Kathy Bucley

Muk Crain jumps high to score rwo points.

Garland Bamud Ricky Barnes Leon Bass Kristi Beach

Pam Beal Phil Bean D'Juana Bellue Glinda Bergeron

Donna Bernard Susan Bemud Lora Boudreaux Blake Bourque

112 J~ Phyllis Bourque Billy Breitenberg Edith Brickey Elaine Bright

Paul Brown Diana Bryant Terry Buckner Darlene Burk

Mike Burnaman Lisa Burnette David Bums Mike Byrd

V-I-C-T-0-R-Y is Peggy's cry.

Mike Callaway Pat Callaway Ann Career Alan Casey

Paul Cash Martha Ceniceros Janice Champagne Melinda Chester

Sherry Chesmur Terry Chrisry helley Clayton James Clifton

Don Viguet receives Junior Intramural Spans award from Mr. Paulus. JUklcvlS 173 Kyle Cline Cynde Colemon Benny Comoux Jessie11 Commander Denise Cook Janice Copeland

Wonda Cormier Carol Courts Carrie Coussou Pam Cozad Chuck Crain Mark Cn.in

Stephen Cn.in Jeannette Cravens Toni Crosson Monica Cuccia Tynee Culver Charlotte Curtice

Lynda Cutaia Debbie Daigle James Daigle John Daigle Laura Darwin Debra Davis

Paula Davis Roy Davis Pat Day Gary Dean Melissa Dean Joan Delafosse

Rosemarie Demars Christy DeMonte Shirley De Rouen David Diaz Russel Dillow Sam Distefano

Debbie Dixon Richard Dixon Orville Dombrosky Dennis Dorman Karl Douglas Tim DuBose K:uen Ducote Tim Dugas Ricky Duhon

John Duncan l

Sheryl Ellerbee Chet Ellis Joy Emerson

Mary Emmons Gina Esmond Sharon Eversole

Cathy Fairchild Rhonda Farren Pam Findley Wayne Fink Rex Fletcher Joyce Foreman

Loxie Foreman Phyllis Fountain Bruce Franke Sue Frazier Teddy Freeman Darrel Fuselier

Douglas Cager Carmela Gaibort Judy Gant John Garcia Gregg Gaspard Kit Gauthier

JUltlcYLS 175 Keith Gebauer Frank Genuardi Billy Gibbs

Francis Gilchriest Jon Gilchrist Kenny Glover

Carol Gonzales Mona Graham Debbie Gray

A highlight of the Junior year is receiving your Senior ring. Sam Gregg Shauna Griffin Mike Grimes

Sharon Goa.mere Ricky Guidry Melissa Gulley Debra Gunter Linda Gunter Joe Gutierrez

Terry Hailey Sherry Hall Mark Halliburton Debbie Hallmark Shirley Hammock Steve Hancock

Mike Hanley Tim Hanky ~ndy Hanson Eric Harper Charlotte Harris Chick Harris Glenn Harrison David Harvick Beverly Havard

Robert Hayslette Bambi Hebert Becky Hebert

Joan Wilson asks Jo Ann Parker to tum her Senior ring. Vicky Heidelberg Barbara Hester Lawrence Hilbun

Monna Hogan Debbie Hooper Brin Hom Mark Hom Teddy Housenfluck Melissa Howell

Thomas Hubert Nick Huckaby Jan Hudnall Marion Hughes Jean Hunter Paul Hussey

Holly Ingwersen Susan Iss:ucks Debbie Jackson Sherry Jacobs Rcxlney Jagneaux Billy Johnson

JUMl.OllS 177 Walter Johnson Dillard Jones

Rick Jones Pam Keith

Ellen Kennedy Mrs. Anderson's 4th period Latin class gives Darlene Burk a going away party. Judy Kerr

Steve Kirkham James Kline Loreta Kline Dwaine Klingman Sheila Lamkin Bobby Lane

Kevin LeBlanc Russell Lejeune Jamie Lewis Frank Llsotta Cindy Llcvik Lynn Longbottom

James Louviere Victor Lovelady Craig Luce James Luke Candy Lyon Karen McCoy

Suzanne McGlothin Rhonda McGuire Becky McKeever Sylvia McKinney Peggy McMinn Mike Maggio

.... ,,,,.,.~ 178 J ~"° Rocky Major Kim Mallett Pam Malmay Sonja Mason Ray Massey Frank Mayer

Pam Mayer James Meeks Billy Melancon David Merrell Algee Merren Mary Messick

Pam Metcalf Shirley Metts Sandra Miguez Brenda Miller Greg Miller Paul Miller

Sheila Miller Patsy Minchew Becky Mitchell Janee Mitchell Anna Mize Randy Monk

179 Mark Moore Rhonda Moore Eileen Moreau

Diana Moreno Kimball Morgan Kathy Morrison

Bruce Mulkey Myers Mullins Melissa Nally

Terry Nixson Ricky Norris Emma Novich

Pat O'Connor Victor Ohman Cheryl Osburn

Joel Owens Bill Parker Gary Parker

Jo Ann Parker Vicki Parsons Deanna Partridge

Uncle Stan wants YOU!!

180 Molly Paxton !Undy Peno Brenda Perdue Mark Peterson Patti Pevoto Dugan Phillips

Mark Pitman Bau Pollock Janie Polly Johnny Potter Mark Potter Rodney Posey

Kathy Pom Sherye Price Tim Propes Cindy Puckitt Steve Pullin Regina !Uuwerda

Melody Read Susan Reed Robin Reeves Mark Rcnsland Debbie Richard Henry Richards

Charles Richardson Aury Richey Celia Riley Andrew Robem Christi Robem Dale Robem

Susanne Roberts Claudia Robenson Becky Rodgers Brenda Root John Ross Meryl Rubin

Sheila Sanders Tommy Saulters Steve Savoy Paula Sawyer Winston Scates Scott Schion

181 Louis Schneider Betry Schram Brenda Schroeder Pam Sehon

Peggy Serres Paula Seymour Becky Sheffield Deborah huff

Kent Simmons John Sims Charles Sinclair Glenda Skiles

Elaine Smith Sheila Smith Va!dis mies John Soileau

Mike Sportsman Charlotte Stanley Swing it, Sru!!! Robert Stark Erisa Stelly

Roderick Stewart Mike Sticker Steve Streetman Lea Jan Strickland Jeff Stuart Lisa ruart

Steve Swearengin Kenneth Talbott Ronnie Tamplin Edward Tanner Wanda Tanner Jon Tamow

.... '!1t.11t' 18 2 J\AM\A.V''-0 Barney Tarver Milton Tatum Jerry Thacker Randy Theriot

Janie Thomas Karla Thomas Mark Thompson Charlorte Tinsley

Danny Tompkins P2m Tompkins Rene Tooley Owen Trahan

Janet Travis Kert Turner David Uzee Donna Venable

Debbie Violette Don Viquet Bobby Walker Perry Wal lace

Phil Waters Becky Weatherford Kirk Weatherly Bob Weeks Ronnie Weeks Kathy West

Bruce Westfall Janet Whelply Elaine Whiddon Norma Whigham Connie Williams Charles Williamson

.... :l't.r.l' J '-"M""V'"O 18 3 Joan Wilson Marc Wilson Charles Wood Lisa Woodson

Debbie Wright Cynthia Wyndon Diane Yccs Debbie Youmans Picturtd Left to Right: Dan Monk, Mike Benson, and Jack Tinsley. 'i ' '

Ray Gibson

Mike Fax

Pictured Left lo Right: Joyce Faggett, Terri Resch, and Janie Johnson. 185

187 Clifton Joseph Alegre, III Alan ]. Abshire Nancy Lou Achord Tressa Kay Adams Karen Marie Aldridge

Sandra Faye Ardoin Cathy Jean Smith Allen Kerney James Amy Myra Ann Angelle Joe Walter Applegate

Dennis 01le Arsement Calvin L. Ashworth Ken Alan Baker Sue Ellen Ballance Pam Barlow

Typing seems co be a favorite subject to a few Seniors.

188 Pat Barlow Gary W. Barras Beverly Ann Barrilleaux Karen Faye Beach Bonnie Gay Bcaubouef

Marilyn Sue Beeson Charles Eugene Bell Dewey Thomas Bell Sherry Renee Bell Janis Lynn Beranek

Merrell David Berry Randy Glenn Best Deanna Latriace Catherine Marie Bideler Susan Alice Bodemuller Bethel

Michael James Bonsall Lonny Dale Borne Edward). Boudreaux, Jr. Thomas Michael Boudreaux Diana Marie Bourg

189 Frances Edith Brown Luann Brown Michael Rua! Brown Kathleen Sue Broy Jes Sandra Kay Brunson

Connie Sue Bryant Jeffery L. Bryant Dona Coleen Burk

Toni Willey picks up her annual from David Luther.

Thomas Alan Burton David Truett Busch Tommy Lynn Butler

190 Brenda Cheryl Butts James Aubrey Cain

SENIOR CLASS OFFICERS - David Busch, v. pres.; Stephanie Riechle, social leader; Pat Bar­ low, pres.; Tina Devillier, sec. ; Tony Meyers, treas.

Wyona Jean Cameron Jancie Denise Carlquist

Anita Katalin Carpenter Robert L. Carr Rita Marie Carriker Emily Kay Carter Douglas Keith Casey

Billy Dean Castleman Sharon Etta Cessna Arthur James Champagne, Jr. Shere Ellen Champagne Cary Alan Chapman

191 Ruby Jo Chavez Coy Lee Collins Mary Katherine Collins Nancy Marie Concienne Jeanne Lynn Goodman Cook

Terry Lynn Cook Brencl2. Gayle Cooper Rendall G. Cooper Kimball Wayne Corie Donna Lyn Corron

Ruth Ann Crane Rebecca M. Crawford Oara R. Creel Alton Lynn Crocker Jeffery A. Currie

Charles Benjam:m Curtice Dirk Alan Daniel Paula Ruch Darder Deborah Louise Davis Michael Wayne Davis

192 Lloyd Ernest Dawson, Jr. James Ralph Deford Graland James Delafosse Stanley James Delahoussaye Joseph Francis Delahoussaye

Anthony John DeMonte Mary Rebecca Denson SheriJen DeSaw

Margie Roach is interviewed by Caldwell's during N.H.S.'s Job Fair. Linda Moore looks enthusiastic as she helps out during the half­ time activities of Homecoming. Nurse Judy helps Doctor Poner with his mask before surgery.

Louis Ferguson conducts himself with the utmost cable man­ ~OSOJ~ ners. rs VIYfY EIY~oh~!

Keith Cavalin Dillard, Jr. David Curtis Dilwonh Randall G. Dixon Robin Lou Dixon Carolyn Ann Dominque

Comdus Doornbos, III Brenda Louise Dotson Paul E. Doucet Brenda Sue Dubose Jesse K. DuBose 19-4 A~'T~'' GW.s ~ N.~.G.

John Bervick DuBose Marla Kay DuBose Danny Ray Dugas

Nancy Turberville and her drawings.

Richard Wayne Duhon Lavon Edward Dunaway Gary D. Duncan

Sheila Saxon and her decoupage.

Adrian Lewis Dungan John S. Dunlap Joe Ben Dupree

Harris Kimball Eaton Kathy Collier Edgar Ellen Ann Edgerly

Kay Adams and her doll. 195 Mary Elaine Eichelberger Cathy ]. Ellender Michael F. Ellis Patricia Christine Ellis Raelena Jean Emrich

Cathy D. Evans Jack Charles Ewing Michael L. Fancher Janet Diana Ferguson Louis Dough Ferguson

Patricia Ann Ferguson Tyrus Grady Floyd Nola Frances Ford Linda Joyce Freeman William Wayne Fults

Patricia Ann Furby Bruce John Gabourel Gregory G. Galow George James Garrett, Jr. James Richard Giblin, Jr.

196 Ersline James Gillespie Garry Worth Gillespie Terry Michael Glass Alice Virginia Graham Ronald Lynn Grant

Clyde Gerald Graves Misry Ann Gray Timothy Layne Green Michael Elliott Gregory Mark Scott Griffin

Pamela Ann Grossman Clifford Grounds, Jr. David L. Guamere James Dea Guillory David R. Hamerly

Alfred James Handley Helen Ina Marie Hardy Lizbeth Kay Harper Tommy Lee Harris Carliss Ann Hatchel

197 Daniel Lynn Hawkins Susan Machelle Hawthorne John Steven Heflin Lenita Kay Henderson Sammie Lee Henry

Daniel Leon Hester James Herbert Hicks William Allan Hicks Arthur Maurice Hill Martha Janice Hill

Raymond Reese and Henry Smith display rwo as­ pects of the new dress code.

Margie Ruth Hinton Patricia Guylene Holloway Roger D. Holmes

198 Robert !Lwis Holscon Robert Dale Hopkins Starling Charles Hopkins Linda Anne Hortness James Lance Howell

Jennifer Gail Hubbard Geraldine Ann Hubert Billy Wayne Hughes Linda Kay Ingram Wayne M. Ingwersen, Jr.

Larinda Lynn I vcy James Alan Jackson Bonnie Lee Jarrell

Joanne Elizabeth Johnson Janice F. Jones Janis L. Jones

199 Charlene Streetman, Misty Gray, and Cindy Noble all participated in fur­ thering the under­ standing of 18th cenrury England.

Who's the blur? Why it's Tony-the Diego-DeMonte!

Kathryn Ann Jones Carol Lynn Jordan Victor F. Jordan Deborah Jean Jorgensen Pattie Ellen Kahla

Karen w Kelley Patsy Ann Kingston Deborah Sue Kirkham Brenda Maxine Kirkland Deborah Gaye Kirkland 200 Debra Ann Kubala Susan Marie Laborde Carolyn Marie LaComb Thomas Kendall Lamben Billy Gene Lavender

Susan Camille Lawson Danny Michael LeBlanc Phylis Jean LeBlanc Phyliss Ann Ledoux Margaret Felicia Lee

Seniors Connie Sanderson, Dan Hawkins, Cindy Noble, and Lanny Howell use their hot air ro blow up Dona Burk looks over the advantages of becoming a Fu­ balloons for the Valentine Coronation. ture Farmer.

201 Ronnie Way11e-Leonard Robert C. Lester Susan Gail Lewis Peggy A. Lightfoot Edward Joseph Lisbony, III

William Blake Locke Sylvia Jean Loftin

Julia Ann Lott Joy Elizabeth Louviere Sherrie Ann Luke Diana Papania Luther Leslie Alan Lynd

202 Daniel Terrence Lyon Ronnie Dale McCallon Marvin Louis McEachem, Jr. Karen Sue McGlothen Lloyd Jackson McGlothin

James Patrick McGraw Debra Ann McGrew Lillian Maurine Mclnnis David Douglas McKey William Fredrick McKinley

Diane Marina McManus Pam H. McMinn Roy E. McNeel Larry Glen McNulry Bruce Fowler McPherson, Jr.

Leslie Ray Major, Jr. Jackie Carol Lundy Mallett Dennis James Martin John Robert Martin Teresa Ann Martinez ~ 203 Della Anne Mashburn Kathy Sue Macce Jackie Lynn Macchews

Cowboy John and his big new boots!!

Lawrence James Matthews Michael L. Mayer Charlotte R. Stark Mecom

Pete Reed and Coach pose with just a few of his trophies won in debate and speech.

Edith Sue Mercer Rhonda Jean Meshell Marla Ann Merreyeon

The 4th Cekcion might be famous someday with a Theresa Ann Milazzo Horace Lynn Miller Richard Eugene Mitchell little help from Stewart. 204 Vicki Ann Moreno UNan Mull Morgan Jerry Lynn Morrison Rachel Lee Moss Pamela Jean Mougia

Rickey Lynn Moye Debra Louise Murphy Toni Denise Myers Pamela Sue Nevils David Harold Newman

Denise Ann Newman Cynthia Ann Noble Mike Northcut Mary Kathleen O'Brien Donna Gail Odell

205 Debra Ann Odom Emil Olesky, Jr.

,.. I

Kennith Ray Osburn Darlene Ann Page There you go again Patti, talking about things which you have no knowledge of.

Cynthia Lou Perdue Randy Dean Perkins Jane Barnes Peveto Donald Pickard Douglas Blake Poindexter

206 ~ The whole student body enjoyed the Senior talent show.

Jack Ewing, Pat Barlow, Henry Smith and David McKey help to add a little color to Rebecca Lee Hogan Pope Roger L. Porter morning pep rallies.

William Rayford Porter Deber2h Lynn Powell Randall Lincoln Powell Mary Jane Pruitt Cul Philip Rabal~s

John Clayton Ramoin Ronald Ray Read Harold C. Recd Susan Kay Recd Raymond G. Rees

~207 Brenda Ann Reeves Stephanie Sue Reichle Betry Kay Reue Vicki Kathryn Hebert Reue Deborah Sue Rheuark

Garland C. Richard, Jr. Priscilla Richardson JoEllen Riley Marjorie Katherine Roach Thomas Allen Roberts

Wallace Randal Robin Deborah Ann Roccaforte Michael La Vaughn Rogers Stewart Wayne Rojo Sarah Katherine Reschke

Deborah Jean Rowe Patricia Ann Safer Debra Jane Sandefur Sandra Fay Sanders Steven Duane Sanders Connie Sue Sanderson Linda Ann Savant Andrea Lyn Sawyer Sheila Sue Saxon Michael Edward Scates

Donald John Schexnaider Clifford H. Schneider Charles E. Self James M. Seymour Deborah Kay Sheffield

Rethel Lynn Sherrell Michelle D'Nyse Shirley Carl Blaine Shockey Stephen Ross Shon Jacquelyn Marie Simon

James Edwin Simpson Everett Charles Singleton Andrew Henry Smith Richard Barnette Smith Sherry Katherine Smith 209 Purvis lUy Smithhart, Jr. Robert Edward Solis Wayne Edward Spittler Cyril A. Stanley Suzanne Stephens

Karen S. Stokes Charlene Louise Streetman Tommy lUy Sturrock John Wesley Talbert Kenneth Robert Tamow, Jr.

Frank Evertt Taylor John Byron Taylor, Jr. Judith E. Tayl<;>_r- Richard Wayne Taylor Stephen Glen Taylor

William E. Taylor Billy Wade Terrell Charlotte Marie Terro David Charles Thorp Rebecca Sue Totten

210 Delia Marie Tr2han Gary Ray Tr2han Harold B. Trosclair Nancy K. Turbeville Ginger Lee Turner

Charles Dennis Use James H. Uzee, Jr. JoDella Van Auken Patti Jo VanDeHoef Deborah Rehak Victor

Jack Roy Vizuete Patricia Ann Wallace Judy Lane Walters ., Linda Susan Ware Dorothy Jean Webb

Linda Marie Weber Linda]. West Sharon Lynette Wheeler Denise Whitaker Keith White

211 Vicky Lynne Whitehe:id Pamela K. Whitton Maxie Lloyd Wilbanks, Jr. Toni Raye Willey Cynthia Ellen Williams

Karla Kay Williams Ginger Dale Williamson Elizabeth Ann Willis Daryl Lane Wilson Kent Elliot Wilson

Osar O'Nc:al Wilson, Jr. Darrell Roy Windham Fredrick Joseph Wolford Kenneth Luke Wright Teresa Ruth Wright

John Richard Wyble Becky Sue Young Joe Glen Young Jerri Lee Z.Om

212 '~ N.J-1.G. N.H.S. Science Pose 323 tour che Houston Museum of Narural Science.

Sherry Bell displays her Science project of probability.

Now who could Pam be eyeing???

Scewarc Rojo and Jim Deford seem co be hav­ ing some trouble wich stickers.

213 Mixed emotions arc always shown before Graduation.

Platform guests and speakers.

Pat Barlow - Senior Class President

Seniors file into the Gym to the rune of Pomp and Circumstance.

214 Riu C:arriker gives the welcome address.

~ ~ ft Begruv, Yet~~ft~.

Tubby grins from e:ar-t~ when realizing that it is finally all over.

Dona Burk introduces guest speaker Mike Murphy. Beth Toups gets by with a little help from friend, Delia Trahan. 215 The Senior "Goatropcrs" of N .H.S. Terry Harris asks Ricky how the weather is. Commercial Casey Plumbing Company Plumbing Contractors

575 South Fourth Street Beaumont, Texas

218 Residential Compliments of The SHOE SHACK CROCKER MOTORS 1123 Boston Ave., Nederland 722-4550 AUTHORIZED "Hi Fashion Shoes at Old Fashion Prices" ..CHRYSLER PMM DEALER

3503 Nederland Avenue 722-8336 CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH SALES AND SERVICE

RED GREEN'S JEWELRY 1235 Boston Avenue Compliments of Nederland, Texas Shaw's Food Service 722-0856

1900 H6lena Nederland, Texas 722-9064

CURETON & SON RENT-A-TOOL 1804 Nederland Avenue 1015 Nederland Avenue Nederland, Texas 722-5354 Electronic- Out of This World MODERN RADIO & TELEVISION Radio, Television and Appliance Sales and Service 416 Nederland Avenue Nederland, Texas OWNERS Travis Stewart Charles Stakes P.O. Box 118 722-8511

HUMPTY BURGER CHEF DUMPTY PRIVATE SCHOOL 1920 Nederland Ave. •PRE-SCHOOL CLASSES - AGES 3 and 4• 727-1152 •KINDERGARTEN• •FIRST GRADE• A Readiness Program; Accelerated Program "We go all out to please your family" AIR CONDITIONED AND HEATED YEAR AROUND For Information Dial 722-1429 DAY CARE SERVICE; AGES 18 MOS - UP ST A TE LICENSED LOLA RICE - Director 2007 AVE A- NED


There are sometimes crowded conditions in the Annual Room. 77627 1336 BOSTON AVE. NEDERLAND, TEXAS


Nederland's Florist of Distinction Post #493 Nederland, Texas

DON CHAMBER'S T.V. SALES AND SERVICE R.C.A. Victor - Motorola 1512 Nederland Ave. 722-5146

All the Catfish and Chicken You Can Eat $2.50 Children Under 6 Free Stuffed Shrimp Fried Shrimp Oysters Steaks Seafood Platter Catfish Kitchen No. 2 3603 Nederland Ave. Nederland, Texas

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rnwf.1ttuit"·• .,..•• .,..., .,,,., ,..•• .,..•• ,...

~:rt:ri:~:t:~:t;.:t:~:t·.~ . ,,... ,.. .. ,.. .. .,.. .. .,,, .. .,.. .. ,. ,,... .,.... ,.... ,.... .,.. .. ,.. .. .,. .. 1 t·n1ttnu1u1 I.I.I ..,,..,,...,.,.. .. .,...,.,.. .. .,.. .. ,,... ,.... ,,.,, .,.... ,..,, .,.... ,. ~ rn1tlI\ll\\l\l nrn:ntnnn N N \ 'rt:~~.t:::t:r:~:~:t:r:t:~:~ N ,t.; ~~.;:~·r~-;: ~·~~:·:::·L

't~.rtx.t·~~~i:~: i·.i:t -~:1 ORANGE PORT NECHES NEDERLAND

Joiner Aaaociatea1 Inc. McNeill lHs11r11Hce Services I Insurance Agency 3020 NEDERLAND AVENUE Since 1937 W. E. HARRISON NEDERLAND, TEXAS 77627 Vice President PHONE 722°4318

727-3131 508 12th Nederland

J. H. McNeil! Charles Lankford LUCKE Jerry McNeill INSURANCE AGENCY

' '.

21 5 l 2th Street 722-2267

THOMPSON'S ~°'" ci~uvs~ FLOWERS II P. 0. BOX 194 215 12TH STREET PHONE 722-8301 NEDERLAND, TEXAS 77627 PHONE 713-722-4856 II 223 ELISABETH W. THOMPSON, OWNER Weldon Davis Funeral Home

Twenty-seven years continuous service to Mid-County

Meeting the needs of the people with 24-hour competent ambulance service

722-8311 Nederland, Texas

MRS. WELDON DAVIS, Lady Attendant


THORNELL AUTO SUPPLY VERBLE'S FASHIONS Lttdie.r' Ready-To-Wear 1166 Boston Nederland, Texas


RIENSTRA'S Compliments of "Your Family Store" Caldwell's

Home of Necchi, Nelco, and Elna Sewing Machines.

Sewing Machines, Fabrics and Notions 1204 Boston Avenue Nederland, Texas 1223 Boston 722-4522


SHOES 1143 Boston Nederland, Texas " Footwear of Value . . . One of the finest in the Southwest fitted to your feet and your budget " 530 Procter Street Port Arthur, Tex as




226 Baker-Williford Pharmacy

1203 Nederland Ave.

227 AVERY'S PRESCRIPTION PHARMACY 2232 Nall St., Port Neches, Texas Dia l 722-0244 For Fast Courteous Service to A ll Customers

The Little Shop With a Whole Lot!

judy and jane's THE LITTLE SHOP GUZARDO'S FEED AND SUPPLY Boots 1140 Boston Ave. Saddles Nederland, Texas Western Wea r Infancy Thru Size 14 Boys and Girls

nAmerican M otors Jones American

723 Nederland Avenue Nederland, Texas 77627

Phone 713/722-4327

V ANOVER'S DUTCH TOWN FLOWERS & GIFTS Congratulations, Seniors! MILLER ELECTRIC CO. 1504 Nederland Avenue 2212 Nederland Ave. - Ph. 722-7382 Nederland, Texas Nede~and, Texas 77627 Phone 722-830 I


104 Twin City Highway Complete Automotive Service 727-4585

YORK'S 7-11 Grocery and W ashateria Carry Out or Eat In

NEDERLAND, TEXAS 504 Nederland Ave. 722-8485

3520 Nederland Ave. 727-3121


Gem Jewelry

I 029 Nederland Ave.

229 Best Wishes from all the employees of


230 I


2500 Nederland Avenue

231 CESSAC'S Compliments of BARBER SHOP 1417 Nederland Avenue WESTERN AUTO Nederland, Texas WAYNE EDGAR , Manager Tommy Cessac A. A. Cessac


Two Locations To Serve You CHARLES USE, Agent STATE FARM INSURANCE Jefferson City Shopping Center 962-5671 I 07 12th Street Nederland, Texas Gulfway Shopping Center 983-4100 722-0935


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··~ - :·.,.:- ~ · · : -. -. - •• '1' .. -.-·· ..

;-.~· ... JACKIE F. JAMES PHOTOGRAPHY Nederland, Texas 237 ALAN ABSHIRE BULLDOG BEAT - Co- VICA - Treasurer Drama Club Baseball 2, 3, 4 Editor Marching Band 2, 3, 4 National Thespian Society BILL BOYLEN ROBERT CARR Intramural Basketball - - President VICA Rifle Club First Place 4 ICT DECA KAREN BEACH KAY ADAMS FHA 3, 4- DEBRA BRANHAM RITA CARRIKER Westernaires 4 Recording Sec. and Treas. TACH 2, 3 Band 2, 3, 4 National Honor Society 4 OEA National Honor Society Debate Club NEAT 3 Anchor Club 2, 3, 4 DALE BRIGHT CLIFF ALEGRE BONNIE BEAUBOUEF TACH KAY CARTER National Honor Society FHA National Honor Society Volleyball 2 High Honor Graduate Pep Squad FHA 2, 3, 4 Asst. Editor of BULLDOG LUANN BROWN CATHY ALLEN BEAT 3 OEA KEITH CASEY Art Club FHA National Honor Society Future Homemakers MARILYN BEESON Pep Squad Football W esternaires BULLDOG BEAT Staff KERNEY AMY FHA MIKE BROWN Slide Rule Club Pep Squad Vo Ag 2, 3 BILLY CASTLEMAN NEAT DECA4 DECA - Reporter CHARLES BELL MYRA ANGELLE VICA SANDRA BRUNSON SHARON CESSNA Art Club Class Officer 2 Concert Choir 3 SHERRY BELL Student Council 3, 4 Choir Secretary 4 JOE APPLEGATE Girls' State 3 FHA 2, 3 VICA High Honor Graduate 4 SHERE CHAMPAGNE District Debate 3, 4 JEFFERY BRYANT Latin Club CAL VIN ASHWORTH Latin Club W esternaires 3 VICA JANIS BERANEK Track DECA Westernaires 3, 4 Science Club ARTHUR CHAMPAGNE Ideal W esternaire 4 Tennis 2, 3, 4 SUE BALLANCE FHA 2, 3 DONA BURK Art Club TACH 3 Band 2, 3, 4 Drama Club DAVID BERRY Latin Club 2, 3, 4 STEVE BARCLAY Band FTA 3, 4 CARY CHAPMAN VICA ICT DEANNA BETHEL THOMAS BURTON VICA 4 BILL BARES OEA VICA Art Club 3 VICA Choir VICA - V. President 4 RUBY CHAVEZ PAM BARLOW PAT BETHEL DAVID BUSCH TACH Student Council 2, 3, 4 - OEA Senior Class V. President FHA Rec. Sec. 4 FTA - President 4 Anchor Club President FHA CATHY BIDELER Key Club National Bonor Society Hunting and Fishing Club COY COLLINS TOMMY BUTLER Rifle Club PAT BARLOW SUSAN BODEMULLER Intramural Sports Science Club Class President 2, 3, 4 Pilot Staff 4 Key Club Football Boys' State Anchor Club 3, 4 Vo Ag 2, 3 Class Favorite 2, 3 - TACH 2, 3 KA THY COLLINS Friendliest 4 AUBREY CAIN FHA LONNY BORNE DECA TACH 3 BEVERLY BARRILLEAUX DECA BULLDOG BEAT - Westernaires 3, 4 JANCIE CARLQUIST Circulation Manager 3 Student Council 3, 4 EDWARD BOUDREAUX FHA Queen of Hearts 2 ICT- Rept. 4 Art Club NANCY CONCIENNE Art Club Student Council 2, 3 - STEVE BARTON ANITA CARPENTER Treasurer 4 National Honor Society - THOMAS BOUDREAUX Anchor Club Westernaires 3, 4 President VICA Metal Trades FHA Senior Class Favorite -

238 Friendliest Pilot Staff 3, 4 Football National Honor Society International Thespian Track Key Club - Treas. TERRY COOK Society - Intramural Basketball Basketball National Honor Society Secretary 4 Concert Band 2, 3, 4 JOE DUPREE JAMES GIBLIN SHERILEN DESA W Band 2, 3, 4 Baseball 2 RENDALL COOPER Westernaires 3, 4 Pep Band 2, 3, 4 VICA ERSLINE GILLESPIE TINA DEVILLIER HARRIS EATON Football 2, 3, 4 - KIM CORIE Student Council 2, 3, 4 FFA 2, 3, 4 Outstanding Back 4 Football National Honor Society Basketball 2, 3, 4 Baseball Goodsportmanship League ELLEN EDGERLY Student Council 4 Student Council 3, 4 VOE OEA GARRY GILLISPIE DONNA COTTON CHERI DICKERSON VICA 3, 4 Volleyball Manager 4 National Honor Society MARY EICHELBERGER National Forensic League 4 Choir GINGER GRAHAM CATHY COX Thespian Society 2, 3, 4 - VOE4 FTA V. President CHRIS ELLIS Westernaires 3, 4 DECA 3, 4 VOE Pep Squad 2 DAVE DILWORTH OEA ANN CRANE Speech RONNIE GRANT High Honor Graduate MIKE ELLIS DECA - President 4 National Honor Society ROBIN DIXON VICA 3, 4 DECA 3, 4 Pilot· Staff DECA Rifle Club National Honor Society 3, SKEETER GRAVES JEFF CURRIE 4 RAELENA EMRICH NEAT Latin Club NEAT 3 DECA Band CAROLYN DOMINGUE Latin Club 3 Football 2 Intramural Basketball Art Club Anchor Club 2, 3 MISTY GRAY CHARLES CURTICE NEIL DOORNBOS JACK EWING TACH 2, 3, 4 - ICT 4 Golf Team Student Council 1, 2, 3, 4 President 4 DECA 3 BULLDOG BEAT Staff - V. President 4 National Honor Society Hunting and Fishing Club Baseball 2, 3, 4 A-B Honor Roll DIRK DANIEL Who's Who Among ICT BRENDA DOTSON American TIM GREEN VICA NEAT High School Students DECA Art Club PAULA DARDER JANET FERGUSON MARK GRIFFIN FHA 2 PAUL DOUCET OEA VICA 4 Art Club 3 VICA FTA Golf Team VOE Rifle Club 2, 3, 4 LLOYD DAWSON BRENDA DUBOSE DECA Choir NOLA FORD DAVID GUARNERE Choir 2, 3, 4 Rifle Club 2, 3, 4 Band 2, 3, 4 JOHN DUBOSE Drama Club 2 JAMES DELAFOSSE Key Club - President 4 A-B Honor Roll JAMES GUILLORY VICA W esternaire Coke Boy Track 2, 3, 4 LINDA FREEMAN All Region Band 2, 3, 4 JOSEPH DELAHOUSSAYE DANNY DUGAS OEA Galveston Marathon 4 Tennis Team 2 Football VICA 4 FFA BILLY FULTS DAVID HAMERLY Paper Staff Track 2, 3, 4 ICT 4 ST AN DELAHOUSA YE Football 2 DECA LAVON DUNAWAY PATTY FURBY Basketball 2, 3 Art Club BULLDOG BEAT - National Honor Society Art Editor FHA 2, 3, 4 KAY HARPER TONY DEMONTE Asst. Art Editor 4 Anchor Club 3, 4- National Honor Society Art Club Rec. Sec. 4 Drama 2, 3 Intramural Basketball and ADRIAN DUNGAN Art Club 4 Volleyball DECA KENNETH FUSELIER Officer of Rifle Club 4 VICA TOMMY HARRIS MARY DENSON Hunting and Fishing Club Art Club Band 2, 3, 4 National Honor Society 3, BULLDOG Staff 3, 4 4 JOHN DUNLAP GREG GALOW Intramural Sports 3, 4

239 CARLISS HATCHEL LANNY HOWELL SUSAN LABORDE EDWARD JOSEPH Westernaires 4 Best All Around 4 Westernaires 3, 4 LISBONY III National Honor Society Pilot Sweetheart Escort 2 Art Club 2 Hunting and Fishing Club Queen of Hearts 3 Student Body President 4 Neatest Senior Girl 4 National Honor Society - Student Council 2, 3, 4 Intramural Sports DAN HAWKINS CAROLYN LA COMB National Honor Society JENNY HUBBARD Pep Squad RONNIE LISENBY Manager 2, 3, 4 FHA Ameteur Photography VICA 3, 4 Science Post Westernaires Contest - 2nd Place Pep Squad SHERRIE LISENBY SUSAN HAWTHORNE SUSAN LAWSON FHA National Honor Society OEA - President 4 FHA 2, 3 LINDA INGRAM UIL Shorthand - 3rd Art Club TACH 3 Place BILL LOCKE Band 2, 3, 4 KAY HENDERSON WAYNE INGWERSEN PHYLIS LEBLANC VOE Band 2, 3, 4 Art Club - Reporter 4 OEA BULLDOG BEAT Staff 3, JULIE LOTT BULLDOG BEAT- Honor Graduate 4 Drama Club DANNY HESTER Reporter 4 OEA Art Club LARINDA IVEY Key Club High Honor Graduate PHYLISS LEDOUX SHERRIE LUKE Concert Band 2, 3, 4 National Honor Society DECA WILLIAM HICKS FTA 3, 4 - V. President 4 Choir 3, 4 Football 2, 3, 4 FHA 4 DIANE LUTHER National Honor Society SAM JOHNSTON VOE Debate Club 2, 3, 4 DECA FELICIA LEE Intramural Sports VOE OEA Choir 2, 3, 4 ARTHUR HILL OEA ICT Band 2, 3 CAROL JORDAN LESLIE LYND DECA - Secretary Concert Band 2, 3, 4 LYN HILL Rotary Girl DEBBIE LEGER National Honor Society Art Club 3, 4 Flag Monitor Pilot Staff 3, 4 - Anchor Club 2 DEBBI;' JORGENSEN TERESA MARTINEZ Editor 4 National Honor Society W esternaires Westernaires 3, 4 DECA 3 LEE ANN LEMAIRE VOE National Honor Society FHA 2, 3, 4 KATHY JONES OEA RICKY HILL FHA ICT 4 Westernaires 3, 4 KATHY MATTE DECA 3 FHA TERRIE LEMKE Volleyball 2, 3, 4 High Honor Graduate National Honor Society RICKY HINSON Student Council 2, 3, 4 National Honor Society PATTIE KAHLA Cheerleader 3, 4 Photoflash 3, 4 LA WREN CE MATTHEWS Baseball Team TACH Art Club Intramural Basketball Art Club DECA Champs DOROTHY COWARD KAREN KELLEY LENOIR Choir 2, 3, 4 RONNIE McCALLON BECKY HOGAN Westernaires 3, 4 Band 2, 3, 4 - DECA - V. President Prom Committee 3 Drama Club Art Club President National Honor Society Choir 2, 3, 4 - PATRICIA HOLLOWAY MARCUS LENOIR President W esternaires 4 PATSY KINGSTEN Pep Band 3, 4 Intramural Basketball 3 DECA DECA 3, 4 Drama Club Drama Club 2 Anchor Club LOUIS McEACHERN FHA ROBERT LESTER DECA ROGER HOLMES Hunting and Fishing Club Hunting and Fishing Club DEBBIE KIRKHAM Choir 2, 3, 4 All-Region Choir 4 NEAT Science Post Band 2, 3, 4 Twirler 2, 3, 4 KAREN McGLOTHEN SKIPPY HOPKINS National Honor Society 2 SUSAN LEWIS VOE DECA Student Council 4 Art Club 2 OEA - Treasurer Band 2, 3 Honor Graduate LINDA HORTNESS DEBBIE KUBALA FHA Student Council 2, 3, 4 PEGGY LIGHTFOOT JACKIE McGLOTHIN BULLDOG Staff Cheerleader 3, 4 Drama Club Marching Band 2, 3, 4 Pep Squad Homecoming Queen 4 Choir 2, 3, 4 Concert Band 2, 3, 4

240 PAT McGRAW Captain 4 Football 3, 4 Office Aide Band 2, 3, 4 National Honor Society Track 3 FHA STEPHANIE REICHLE DEBRA McGREW KENNITH OSBURN Student Council 3, 4 - National Honor Society RICKEY MOYE Intramural Basketball 2, 3, Class Officer 3, 4 Intramural Sports 4- Photoflash 2, 3 MAURINE McINNIS Captain W esternaires 3 Westernaires 3, 4 PAM MOUGIA Drama Club Pep Squad 2 Westernaires 3, 4 BETTY REUE Art Club 3 Pilot Queen 4 MARCELLITTb- PARRISH OEA Senior Duchess of Prom 4 VOE VOE DAVID McKEY Talent Show Varsity Basketball LANAN MORGAN VICKI REUE Key Club VOE JOHN PAYNE VOE W esternaires Boys Intramural Award Marching Band 2, 3, 4 OEA Band Concert Band 3, 4 DIANE McMANUS G. C. RICHARD RAHCEL MOSS Pep Squad 2, 3 ELIZABETH PEARCE Football 3, 4 DECA FHA Student Council Photoflash PAM McMINN Drama Club 2, 3, 4 ICT Cheerleader 3 FHA Photoflash CINDY PERDUE PRISCILLA RICHARDSON DEBRA MURPHY DECA National Honor Society National Honor Society DECA4 Volleyball 2, 3, 4 National Forensic League Anchor Club 2 ROY McNEEL Tennis 3, 4 Debate Club VICA Debate Band RANDY PERKINS JOELLEN RILEY TONI MYERS Art Club Photoflash 2, 3, 4 BRUCE McPHERSON Photoflash 2, 3, 4 Student Council 2, 3, 4 - Westernaires 3 Basketball 2, 3, 4 DOUG POINDEXTER Class Officer 2, 3 Student Council 4 - Student Body Football Band - Twirler Parliamentarian 4 Class Officer 3, 4 Track Student Council 3, 4 MARGIE ROACH DENISE NEWMAN LINDA POLK Westernaires 3, 4 Art Club 2, 3, 4 - CHARLOTTE MECOM Debate Club 3 - FHA 2, 3, 4 - Historian 4 Pep Squad Sec.-Treas. Officer FHA 2 FHA 2, 3, 4 DECA - Treas. 4 NEAT W esternaires Anchor Club 2 1st Place District Extemporaneous 3 TOMMY ROBERTS PAM NEVILS SUZIE MERCER Intramural Basketball and National Honor Society DECA 3, 4 ROGER PORTER Volleyball 2, 4 FHA 2 W esternaires 4 Band 2, 3 Art Club Secretary 4 WALLACE ROBIN MARLA METREYEON WILLIAM PORTER Stage Band 3 CINDY NOBLE Art Club Football 2, 3, 4 Marching Band 2, 3, 4 FTA 3, 4 Neatest Senior 4 Concert Band 4 DENNIS MIZE Volleyball Mgr. 4 Hunting and Fishing 4 Tennis Team 3, 4 Science Club 4 DEBORAH ROCCAFORTE Latin Club 2, 3, 4 - DEBBIE POWELL TACH V. Pres. 4 MIKE NORTHCUT FHA 2, 3 FHA Rifle Club 3 NEAT 3, 4 NEAT 3 Journalism KA THY O'BRIEN TERRY MOFFEIT RANDY POWELL MICHAEL ROGERS Tennis Team W esternaires 4 VICA Choir Concert Paper Staff Rifle Club 3 Volley-en-teers DONNA ODELL Jr. Achievement LINDA MOORE National Honor Society Westernaires 3, 4 STEWART ROJO Cheerleader 3, 4 MARY PRUITT Talent Show 3, 4 Student Council 2, 3, 4 Rifle Club (Officer) 2, 3, Art Club 3, 4 4 Pilot Sweetheart 4 SARAH ROSCHKE CLAYTON RAMOIN National Honor Society DEBBIE ODOM PAM MOORE Choir 2, 3, 4 Science Club National Honor Society FTA 2, 3 FHA Band TUBBY REED PHYLLIS MOREAU Mgr. Football 2, 3, 4 DEBBIE ROWE EMIL OLEKSY Westernaires 3, 4 - FHA Beau 3, 4 Pep Squad

24 1 FHA Track 2, 3, 4 JOHN TAYLOR intramural Basketball Science Fair 1st Place Pres. Symphonic Band 2 Tennis Team Hunting and Fishing Club ]ODELLA VAN AUKEN TRICIA SAFER JACKIE SIMON Art Club Westernaires 3, 4 National Honor Society JUDY TAYLOR First Lieutenant 4 Anchor Club 2 Band 2, 3, 4 - Treas. 4 JACK VIZUETE Photoflash National Honor Society All-District Golf EVERETT C. SINGLETON Science ,Club 3, 4 Team DEBRA SANDEFUR ICT Boy's Home Economic DECA RICHARD TAYLOR High Honor Graduate TACH HENRY SMITH Art 2, 3 Anchor Club Bleacher Bums JUDY WALTERS Intramural Basketball STEVE TAYLOR Westernaires 3, 4 STEVE SANDERS Champs DECA 2, 3 - National Honor Society Marching Band High Honor Graduate Sergeant-at-Arms 4 Latin Club 3 Concert Band RICKY SMITH WILLIAM TAYLOR SUSAN WARE CONNIE SANDERSON Art Hunting and Fishing Co-Drum Major 4 Westernaires 3, 4 - Club All State Band 4 Officer 4 SHERRY SMITH Intramural Sports National Honor Society 3, Pilot Staff 3, 4 FHA 2, 3, 4 - 4 National Honor Society Historian 4 BILLY W . TERRELL Pep Squad 2 1 Year Letterman - DOROTHY WEBB LINDA SAVANT TACH 2 Football Drama Club Pep Squad TACH DECA BUDDY SMITHHART CHARLOTTE TERRO National Honor Society lntermural Basketball Marching Band ANDY SAWYER lntermura1 Volleyball LINDA WEST Cheerleader 3, 4 - Choir GREG THOMAS TACH Head Cheerleader 4 DECA FHA Student Council 2, 3 - ROBERT SOLIS Art Club Secretary 4 VICA 3, 4 SHARON WHEELER Football Sweetheart lntermural Sports DAVID THORP ICT and VICA Art Club Band 2, 3 SHEILA SAXON WAYNE SPITTLER ICT Anchor Club 2 National Honor Society Vo Ag 2, 3 Pep Squad DECA4 BECKY TOTTEN DENISE WHITAKER lntermura1 Volleyball TACH Intramural Basketball MICHAEL SCATES FHA International Thespian C. A. ST AN LEY Pap Squad WALTER WHITE Society 3 Year Letterman in Hunting and Fishing Club Drama Club Football BETH TOUPS Rifle Club VOE VICKY WHITEHEAD SUZANNE STEPHENSS OEA FHA JIMMY SEYMOUR Head Drum Major 4 DECA National Honor Society 3, DELIA TRAHAN MAXIE WILBANKS 4 Art Club 3, 4 All State Band 4 DEBBIE SHEFFIELD Pilot Staff 4 Intramural Basketball Marching and Concert BULLDOG BEAT Staff Band 2, 3, 4 CHARLENE STREETMAN NANCY TURBEVILLE V. Pres. of Concert Band RETHEL SHERREL Anchor Club 2, 3, 4 Art Club - V. Pres. Anchor Club 2 Westernaires 3, 4 A-B Honor Roll TONI WILLEY FTA 2 National Honor Society FHA 4 Drama Club 2 GINGER TURNER National Honor Society CINDY WILLIAMS WESLEY TALBERT CARL SHOCKEY Westernaires 3, 4 VOE 3 Year Letterman - Track Baseball 2, 3, 4 Honor Graduate OEA Intramural Basketball 2, 4 2 Year Letterman - National Honor Society Latin Club 3 Football CHARLES DENNIS USE High Honor Graduate Hunting and Fishing KARLA WILLIAMS STEPHEN SHORT Club FHA KENNETH T ARNOW DECA4 Drama Club 2, 3 FTA VICA Band 2, 3 BULLDOG BEAT Staff Medical Explorer Post

JAMES SIMPSON EVERETT TAYLOR JAMES UZEE GINGER WILLIAMSON Band 2, 3, 4. Art Club 2, 3 Junior Achievement Pep Squad 2

242 Art Club 4

ELIZABETH WILLIS Westernaires 3, 4 - Lieutenant 4 Photoflash 2, 3, 4 National Honor Society

DARYL WILSON Concert and Marching Band Concert Choir International Thespian Society


NEAL WILSON VICA - Reporter 3, 4

DARRELL WINDHAM Basketball 3, 4 Tri-Valedictorian 4 Debate Club 2, 3, 4 - V. Pres. 2, 3, 4



JOHN WYBLE FFA Track National Honor Society

BECKY YOUNG Pep Squad TACH A-B Honor Roll

JOE GLEN YOUNG Baseball 2, 3, 4 Football 3, 4 National Honor Society


246 247