.'•4i(,'-7i.'i:JW '• ::':'K.. • " \--\r-\<; . •••••'• •:•.../.:.:.•-•.;. /'/.*•• ^v:; ; '.• CRANFORD CITIZEN AND CHHdmCLE. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, I960 compete in June in the interna- byterian Church. their first place lead by, winning Contests Awaited tional contest- in Dallas,' Tex. Mr. Heyburn reported that plans two games from the test place Di Daniel H. .Jieyburn of 30 Uoger are underway for a fall barber- Hards. ' ; By Easternaires 1 shop show for the benefit of Union High secies were_bow)ed by Mrs. avenue ip fitst tenor with'., the Junior,, College. 'The group ap- Roy Brinkerhoff, fiW B's. 517; • , The Easternaires of Jersey City, Easternaires. • . • •• V peared last week-end in Hartford, Mrs. Ernie Brandenberger, • Five barbershop quartet, will compete On ' Tuesday the quartet will Conn., at the mid-winter meeting B's, 450; Mrs. Leonard Church, Sales a& a iregional contest next month in sing at a meeting of the Union of the International SPEBSQSA. SUlkettes, 439; Mrs. Jack Ewing, i Baltimore, Md., along with 40 County Assdc. for the Blind spon- Jewels, 425: Mrs. D. Scheller, Jay thro Monday «jaarteis from seven mid-Atlantic •••••• ••-••T^.-.m,;;?- sored by the. Crahford Lions • Club Jewels, 417; Mrs.. M. Wadle, For^ dtales. -.'*•. '' • '. List Schedule For sight conservation committee - at feits, 410; and Mrs. Jerry Bren- iwSWpTlIalhofntherF:»«3t-P?«« irls^Baskeriwlh^ =-^-wrT S.-===-4|OO7T-->—<~• — Entered as second class mall matter at i: TPrtOiH-rt-anfnrrt. N. J CENTS .Schedule for the Girls* Recrea- Team standings are: . ' • •" • • • • '• • ' ' v w - v • tional Basketball League games to Strlkettes ....;...,.. ; *\ 22 . be played Saturday were • an- Jewels 3314 3»& Tigers . ...'•.. '32 '' 31 ' nounced this week by Miss Jean rive B's . ...» ._ .. .;.™L. 3a 31 ••' •.:( Board Votes Mrs: Wiljiams ."^oorhees as follows;d - Forfeits '.-.'.: 27W 35V» resident „ ...:: 23 '• 40 Cost of New High School Estimated . • AT LIVINGSTON SCHOOL \. 0:30—Basket Blasters vs. Cougars •. Second Term as President 10:15—Globetrotters vs. Pifaters 11:00—Rebel Rousers v«. Sly Guys Mrs. G. Holmes Williams, first woman in 91 12:30—Sweatshirts vs. Cranford Couflar- If Local United Fund serve as etttw . president of the Cranford Board of Education, was to "that 1:15—Sittl's vs. Rebounders Belden of 10 Manor avenue was named to serve At $28 a Year to Average Taxpayer 2:00— Bombers vs. Challengers" < ••-,-• i «rondvear as presidenidtt of Cfanford'Cf s United Fund or- position at the reorganization meeting of the board Monday night AT BLOOMINGOAtE SCHOOL a at Lincoln School. • -c_il ."Comparison with national cost figures show that the It will cost Cranford's average taxpayer less than $30 a 9:00—Jltterbusffcrs vs. Beavers ' the fund's board of directors held its organization 0:45—Dales Devils vs. Raiders -Before, her election as president last year, Mrs, Williams, who proposed high school plans are both efficient and economical," year for the proposed nevr high sdhobl, Mrs- G. Holmes Wil- 10:30—Originals vs. Boo Bah Banjees ay in the Munidpal Building. declared Henry A. Detering from the floor to over 200 citizens liams, president of the Board of Ettmcafitm, announced today." 11:15—Court Jesters vs. Deadly Dribblers -.Tyre of 102 Makatom drive, Jormer chairman starting her ninth year, as a '12:30—Siimanons vs..Gym Dandles navid trustee, served as vice-president at the close of the first public information meeting sponsored Local voters will go to the polls March 15 to act on a $3,772,000 l:lSt^Jumping Juniors vs. Naughty ltheafund's PubUc relations' Angels ' i. • Jor two years. .. ' by the Board of Education at Brookside School last Thursday bond issue for the proposed new senior high sdiool on a 39-acre 2:00—Terrible 10 vs. KorballeU ™wtee wascliosen.tosuc- 2.45—Blue Demons vs. Decagons nm An alumna of Hunter College, ivening.' .....' .-...; '."'•]'' site oil Orange avenue. fw Bowling, as first Mr: Detering, speaking as a w^ident and Mrs W. *Iew York, she is assistant director Bali's if. public relations and advertising Cranford taxpayer interested Second School Plan Meeting 2 Teum K Holds Slim r vear bond issue's being sold at a seebnd term as in the cost factor of the pro- Lead in Temple League named to tor Frank H. Taylor and Sons, osed building,-explained that nc., East Orange. She is a former ie sought the advice of the East- Tearri K held on to its slim two- 19 To Beheld Wednesday Night Quilt Cup Bras president of the Union County rn Union County Chamber of Anothej/opportunity to mee.t the architects of the- prr>pn«»^» rr***<aat?Br game lead in the Sisterhood Tem- nut-was elected treasurer, suc- Association of School Boards. • ple Beth-El Bowling League by Commerce for the name of an im- senior higff school will be'afforded Cranford citizens in the Uvingston>! oafl- ***** a S20-*00 ' ITilliam J.. Foppert, with Channing Rudd, a former presi- with I winning two games. A three-way partial source of information on Avenue School at 8:15 p.m. next Wednesday, . when the Board at cn J. Crane of 420 River- dent of the board//was elected the comparative figures on school bouse -aould pay just tic exists between Warns E, L, and drivc'as assistant treasurer. Education will conduct the second public hearing on Its vice-president. In both cases the luilding costs. On their recom- S28 a year in increased D for fourth place, only five games in luxurious satin Officer John F. Kunze was ded expansion program. Chester H. Philips of Epple and •Zttrmr* MJS. Williams said. ''This off the pace." i , • ' .;. elections were Unanimous. Mrs. mendation, he, related, he;went to I to succeed Mrs. William Williams and Mr. Rudd .were un- the Dow Service of the F. will be on hand to explain struc- of less than' $2.50 a High games were .rolled by Mrs. -Jrady as secretary, tural details and comparative cost ii. though! to be a small VINCENT R- DeSTEFANO able to attend the reorganization Dodge (Corporation, national J. Grand, B, and Mrs. H. Fine, F, You'd n*w bUI«v» ttuxt o }m amed to the executive commit- meeting because of previous com- lysts orf building costs. Theresults figures of the new school. j pjrnac Scff 'ibe better school Rro- 178 and 177, respectively. High in addition to the elected of- Mrs. Forrest P. Dexter and James Aim Outlined JT><H lie benefits to the pro* . 1 could look so bMutthd . • • to mitments. ••.•'' if their findings, he said, con- series were posted by . Mrs. J... DeStefanoEarns rs were Joseph Kohn of 25 George S. Sauer was reappoint- inced him that the Wuare foot- E. McGovney, board members, will trjiliie in Cranford as ' a Grand, 487, Mrs. H.lFine, 423, and fashkmabl*. Thafs bacaus* MI- Iiccton road, wh6 served as the ed board attorney for the 25th age cost for this plan is low con- outline the two-and-a-half-year Mrs. W. Massarsky.JA, 423. "• dom doM on* ••• »ueh htxur- is first elected president; Arba By Watchdog State license year. The trustees' voted to .hold sidering the hign standards de- study which culminated with' the • SBBS. Williams .listed yearly tax • Team standings are: ' louf fabrics a» <n» d*T*Ioped Taylor, 611 Brookside place; toxseatsef: far tm.i\ers of homes in Vincent R. DeStefano of 44 •xdttthrelY for Boll and maq- their next^public meeting at 8 rnanded by State Board of recommendation of a new high w [erick W. Smith, 32 Colby lane; Education. Gracdcird writfa various values as , c jl/- 31 • 17 Lenhome drive, south, has been I p.m; Tuesday. school building as th.c answer to Iroup Head ; nlBcfuinV uMd by BaUl F«a- William H. Old, J10 Cran- F 20- '1O awarded his '• professional engi- Mrs. Williams has announced Mr. Dptering's statement cor- Cranford's problem of inadequate The Cranford Watchdog Assocta- j ,B 2B'i 10'i tarad, the Bodi Quilt Cup toug- I, avenue, and J. C. Mascuch, MRS. G. HOLMES WILLIAMS robora the. explanations given secondary school facilities. • Mr. $14.30 E "28 22 neer's license, by the JState. Board Nomahegan court. All are di- committee appointments as fol- tion will. "consider supporting a $21.45 L 20 22 ' of Professional Engineers. Un» In White or black satin, A. lows: Finance committee, Mr. earliC in the evening Ches- McGovney also will explain fin- D 2ff 22 ors of the fund. • . rogram which provides for an ex- $28.60 G B. C cupfc 6^5. Right uWBaU ter^H. Philips,, architect for Epplc ancing and cost for each taxpayer. : ...j 2a "A 24 Va Mr. DeStefano attended Brook- Icorgc W. Morton was renamed Rudd, chairman, Gus" "Gutierrez, tension on the present high scbooE $35.75 ' i 21 27 lyn Evening Technical School, Quilt Cup Cotton Bondsau in Henry Boardman; teachers' com- and Seaman, who revealed the G. Frank_ Zimmerman, . high with junior high school factttrtr* H :..:• i 20'.3 27"A nscl-to the fund, a position he Registrations complete structural, plans for the $42.90 •j /. ....„ i 20 28' Stuyyesant Evening School, Pratt Whit* or Black satin. A. B. C mittee, Joseph Hawkins, chair- school principal, will speak on the hcld since its, founding two, building and also gave a break- in both, sides of town," Crrairfsrr $3S}tm $5o.io . c r. .......J 18 30 '• Institute, the' Institute of, Design educational program around which A ;...»._ ; lO'.i 31'!. cups, $3.95 ' I ago. Committee heads were man, James McGovney, Bernard down of cost figures. " • Ciamic, chairman, declared yes-, / r-foj terms erf lax points, the new and Construction and is a graduate j Litwack; public relations, Mrs.
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