List of Acronyms ACU Asian Clearing Union CDIS Co-ordinated Direct Investment Survey ADB CDS Credit Demand Survey AOD Academy of Design CE Compensation of Employees APPFs Approved Pension and Provident Funds CEA Central Environmental Authority APREA Asia Pacific Real Estate Association CEB Ceylon Electricity Board APTA Asia-Pacific Trade Agreement CEFTS Common Electronic Fund Transfer Switch ARF Agency Results Framework CEMD Confidential Enquiries into Maternal Deaths ASI Annual Survey of Industries CEO Chief Executive Officer ASPI All Share Price Index CEP Central Expressway Project ATMs Automated Teller Machines CEPAs Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreements ATI Advanced Technological Institutions CFC Consumption of Fixed Capital ATM Average Time to Maturity CFC Ceylon Fisheries Corporation ATMs Advanced Traffic Management System CGSPA Credit Guarantee Scheme for Pawning Advances ATPF Asian Trade Promotion Forum CHOGM Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting ATS Automated Trading System CICT Colombo International Container Terminal AWCMR Average Weighted Call Money Rate CIF Cost, Insurance and Freight AWDR Average Weighted Deposit Rate CINEC Colombo International Nautical and Engineering AWFDR Average Weighted Fixed Deposit Rate College AWLR Average Weighted Lending Rate CIS Commonwealth of Independent States AWNDR Average Weighted New Deposit Rate CIT Cheque Imaging and Truncation AWNLR Average Weighted New Lending Rate CKAH Colombo-Kandy Alternate Highway AWPR Average Weighted Prime Lending Rate CKDu Chronic Kidney Disease unknown etiology BAQ Better Air Quality CKE Colombo- Katunayake Expressway BCBS Basel Committee on Banking Supervision CMA Condominium Management Authority BIA Bandaranaike International Airport CMC Colombo Municipal Council BMARI Bandaranaike Memorial Ayurveda Research COLA Cost of Living Allowance Institute COP Conference of the Parties BMI Body Mass Index COSTI Coordinating Office for Science, Technology and BOC Innovation BOI Board of Investment of CPs Commercial Papers BIMV Budget Implementation and Monitoring Unit CPC Ceylon Petroleum Corporation BOP Balance of Payments CPCP Colombo Port City Project BOS Bussiness Outlook Survey CPI Corruption Perceptions Index BPM Business Process Management CRI Coconut Research Institute BPM6 Balance of Payments Manual Sixth Edition CRIB Credit Information Bureau BPO Business Process Outsourcing CRIMS Credit Information Management System BGL Betting and Gaming Levy CRISL Coconut Research Institute of Sri Lanka BRIC Brazil, Russia, and China CSDDLS Commercial Scale Dairy Development Loan BSI Business Sentiment Indices Scheme BTI Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index CSE Colombo Stock Exchange CAL Computer Assisted Learning CSFTA China-SriLanka Free Trade Agreement CAR Capital Adequacy Ratio CSS Credit Supply Survey CAREP Conflict Affected Region Emergency Project CTA Colombo Tea Auction CAS Common ATM Switch CWDCS County Wide Data Collection System CASA Current Accounts and Savings Accounts D-SIBs Domestic Systemically Important Banks CBF Commonwealth Business Forum DBU Domestic Banking Unit CBG Criteria Based Grant DC Desiccated Coconut CBSL Central Bank of Sri Lanka DCD Dicyandiamide CCAPS Common Card and Payment Switch DCS Department of Census and Statistics CCB Coconut Cultivation Board DDA Doha Development Agenda CCC Ceylon Chamber of Commerce DDD Department of Divineguma Development CCPI Colombo Consumers’ Price Index DFCC Development Finance Corporation of Ceylon CDA Coconut Development Authority DIEs Direct Investment Enterprises DOA Department of Agriculture GCI Global Competitiveness Index DOC Department of Commerce GDDS General Data Dissemination System DOP Department of Posts GDE Grass Domestic Expenditure DNCWS Department of National Community Water Supply GDP Gross Domestic Product DSGE Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium GIC Government Information Center DZLiSPP Dry Zone Livelihood Support and Parentship GG General Government Programme GIS Global Information System DTET Department of Technical Education and Training GIC Government Information Center DVP Delivery Vs Payment GICS Global Industry Classification Standard ECT East Container Terminal GMP Good Manufacturing Practices EDB Export Development Board GNI Grass National Income EDCF Economic Development Cooperation Fund GOS Gross Operating Surplus EEZ Exclusive Economic Zone GPL Galoya Plantation Limited EDS External Debt Statistics GSA General Sales Agent EFTPOS Electronic Fund Transfer Facilities at the Point of Sale GSLI Global Services Location Index EGDI E- Government Development Index GSP Generalised Scheme of Preferences EIA Environmental Impact Assessment GSP+ Generalised Scheme of Preferences Plus EKSP Education for Knowledge Society Project GSTP Global System of Trade Preferences ENRP Emergency North Recovery Project GUTs Gilt Unit Trusts EPC Engineer, Procurement and Construction GVA Gross Value Added EPF Employees’ Provident Fund GWP Gross Written Premium EPL Environmental Protection License GWP Global Warming Potential EPP Environmental Pioneer President’s HACCP Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point EPZ Export Processing Zone HDFC Housing Development Finance Corporation Bank ESC Economic Service Charge HDI Human Development Index ESC Education for Social Cohesion Project HH Households ESDFP Education Sector Development Framework HIES Household Income and Expenditure Survey Programme HLCs Healthy Lifestyle Centres ESS External Sector Statistics HQLA High Quality Liquid Assets ESDP Education Sector Development Programme HTM Held to Maturity EST Environmentally Sustainable Transport IACCCC Inter-Agency Coordination Committee on Climate ETCA Economic and Technological Cooperation Change Agreement IBSL Insurance Board of Sri Lanka ETF Employees’ Trust Fund ICASL Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka EU European Union ICDL International Computer Driving License EXIM Bank Export Import Bank ICT Information and Communication Technology FAC Fuel Adjustment Charge ICTA Information and Communication Technology FAO Food and Agriculture Organisation Agency FATF Financial Action Task Force ICTAD Institute for Construction Training and Development FC Financial Corporations IDA International Development Association FCAASA Foreign Currency Account for an Agent of Foreign IDB Industrial Development Board Shipping Line/Airline IDD International Direct Dialling FDA Food and Drug Administration IDH Infectious Diseases Hospital FDI Foreign Direct Investment IDRC International Development Research Centre FEEA Foreign Exchange Earners’ Accounts IEs Industrial Estates FIPI Factory Industry Production Index IEE Initial Environment Examination FIS Fixed Income Securities IFA Investment Fund Account FISIM Financial Intermediation Services Indirectly IFAD International Fund for Agricultural Development Measured IIA Inward Investment Account FOB Free On Board IIP International Investment Position FTAs Free Trade Agreements ILF Intra-day Liquidity Facility FTTH Fibre to the Home IMF International Monetary Fund FX Foreign Exchange IPHT Institute of Post Harvest Technology G-SIBs Global Systemically Important Banks IPI Industrial Production Index GAP Good Agricultural Practices IPICT International Pedagogical ICT Driving License IPO Initial Public Offer MPI Milanka Price Index IPP Independent Power Producers MRDS Minimum Requirement Date Set IRD Inland Revenue Department MRIA Mattala Rajapaksa International Airport IRGS Innovative Research Grant Scheme MRMRP Magam Ruhunupura Mahinda Rajapaksa Port ISBs International Sovereign Bonds MSL Mean Sea Level ISFTA India-Sri Lanka Free Trade Agreement MRO Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul ISIC International Standard Industrial Classification MSMEs Micro, Small and Medium Scale Enterprises IT Information Technology MTISED Ministry of Traditional Industries and Small ITES Information Technology Enabled Services Enterprise Development ITMIS Integrated Treasury Management Information MTMFF Medium Term Macro Fiscal Framework System NADeP National Agribusiness Development Programme ITS Intelligent Transport System NAITA National Apperenticeship and Industrial Training ITU International Telecommunication Union Authority JAAF Joint Apparel Association Forum NAP National Action Plan JCT Jaye Container Terminal NAV Net Assets Value JICA Japanese International Cooperation Agency NAQDA National Agriculture Development Authority JTF Joint Task Force NBT Nation Building Tax JWGT Joint Working Group on Trade NCCPSL National Climate Change Policy of Sri Lanka KFAED Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development NCCSL National Chamber of Commerce of Sri Lanka KOICA Korea International Cooperation Agency NCDs Non-Communicable Diseases KPO Knowledge Process Outsourcing NCE Nanotechnology Centre of Excellence LC Letter of Credit NCG Net Credit to the Government LCB Licensed Commercial Bank NCPI National Consumer Price Index LCPL LankaClear (Pvt.)Limited NCP Northern Road Connectivity Project LCR Liquidity Coverage Ratio NCRCS New Comprehensive Rural Credit Scheme LDB Lankaputhra Development Bank NCRE Non-Conventional Renewable Energy LDCs Least Developed Countries NDA Net Domestic Assets LECO Lanka Electricity Company (Pvt.) Ltd. NEA National Environmental Act LFC Licensed Finance Company NEDA National Enterprise Development Authority LFPR Labour Force Participation Rate NEER Nominal Effective Exchange Rate LGN Lanka Government Network NEP Northern Expressway LHS Left Hand Side NER Net Enrolment Ratio LIBOR London Interbank Offered Rate NFA Net Foreign Assets LIOC Lanka Indian Oil Company NFC Non Financial Corporation LPG Liquid Petroleum Gas NFC Near Field Communication LSB Licensed Specialised Bank NFC Non-Financial Corporations LSC Lanka Sugar Company NFIA Net Factor Income from Abroad LTV Loan to Value NGJA National Gem & Jewellery Authority LTE Long Term Evolution NGOs Non- Governmental Organisations MBA Migrant Block Account NGRS National Green Reporting System MBSL Merchant Bank of Sri Lanka NHDA National Housing Development Authority MCPWS Ministry of City Planning and Water Supply NIE National Institute of Education MDGs Millennium Development Goals NII Net Interest Income MFF Multi-tranche Financing Facility NIM Net Interest Margin MFIs Microfinance Institutions NIR Net International Reserves MHNIM Ministry of Health, Nutrition and Indigenous Medicine NLDB National Livestock Development Board MI Mixed Income NOP Net Open Position MIC Ministry of Industry and Commerce NOU National Ozone Unit MICE Meeting, Incentives, Conferences and Exhibitions NOS Net Operating Surplus ML Mihin Lanka NPAs Non-Performing Accommodations MOF Ministry of Finance NPISH Non-Profit Institutions Serving Households MOU Memorandum of Understanding NPC National Payments Council MHEH Ministry of Higher Education and Highways NPLs Non-Performing Loans MPC Monetary Policy Committee NRCP Northern Road Connectivity Project MPCC Monetary Policy Consultative Committee NRFC Non Resident Foreign Currency (Account) NRI Networked Readiness Index RBC Risk Based Capital NRNNFA Non Resident Non National Foreign Currency RBI Account RBM Results Based Monitoring NRRP Nothern Road Rehabilitation Project RDA Road Development Authority NSB National Savings Bank RDB Regional Development Bank NSBM National School of Business Management RDB Rural Development Bank NSF National Science Foundation RDT Reserve Data Template NSFR Net Stable Funding Ratio RDHS Regional Directorates of Health Services NTC National Transport Commission REAEP Resumption of Economic Activities in the Eastern NVQ National Vocational Qualification Province NWS&DB National Water Supply and Drainage Board REER Real Effective Exchange Rate NYCS National Youth Services Council REIT Real Estate Investment Trust OBU Offshore Banking Unit RFC Resident Foreign Currency (Accounts) OCH Outer Circular Highway RFP Request for Proposals ODS Ozone Depleting Substances RGD Registar General’s Department OECD Organization of Economic Corporation and RHS Right Hand Side Development RMU Risk Management Unit OFC Other Field Crops RNNFC Resident Non National Foreign Currency OMO Open Market Operations Deposits OPEC Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries ROA Return on Assets OPL Official Poverty Line ROE Return of Equity OPRC Output and Performance-based Road Contracts RPC Regional Plantation Companies PAL Ports and Airports Development Levy RRDI Rice Research Development Institute PAMP Poverty Alleviation Microfinance Project RRI Rubber Research Institute PAMP-RF Poverty Alleviation Microfinaince Project - RSS Ribbed Smoked Sheet Revolving Fund RTGS Real Time Gross Settlement PAYE Pay-As-You-Earn RWCAR Risk Weighted Capital Adequacy Ratio PCs Provincial Councils SAARC South Asian Association for Regional PCC Pure Ceylon Cinnamon Cooperation PCE Private Consumption Expenditure SAFTA South Asian Free Trade Area PDs Primary Dealers SAGT South Asia Gateway Terminal PER Price Earning Ratio SATIS SAARC Agreement on Trade in Services PFIs Participating Financial Institutions SBA Stand-By Arrangement PGDP Provincial Gross Domestic Product SCAQA Standing Committee on Accreditation and Quality PHCR Poverty Head Count Ratio Assurance PLC Public Limited Company SCL Special Commodity Levy PMB Paddy Marketing Board SCT South Container Terminal PMI Purchasing Managers’ Index SDDS Special Data Dissemination Standard POS Points of Sale SDF Standing Deposit Facility PPI Producer’s Price Index SDFR Standing Deposit Facility Rate PPP Purchasing Power Parity SDGs Sustainable Development Goals PPP Public Private Partnership SDR Special Drawing Rights PRDC Petroleum Resources Development Committee SE Southern Expressway PRDS Petroleum Resources Development Secretariat SEC Securities and Exchange Commission PRI Palmyrah Research Institute SEPI Self Employment Promotion Initiative PSDG Province Specific Development Grant SFIDA Special Foreign Investment Deposit Account PSDP Province Specific Development Projects SFLCP-RF Small Farmers and Landless Credit Projects - PSES Public Sector Employment Survey Revolving Fund PSFTA -Sri Lanka Free Trade Agreement SIA Securities Investment Account PSPF Public Service Provident Fund SIBA Sri Lanka International Buddhist Academy PTAs Preferential Trading Agreements SLA SriLankan Airlines QEDS Quarterly External Debt Statistics SLAR Statutory Liquid Asset Ratio QLFS Quarterly Lobour Force Survey SLAS Sri Lanka Accounting Standards RAMIS Revenue Administration Management Information SLASSCOM Sri Lanka Association of Software and Services System Companies SLATE Sri Lanka Institute of Advanced Technological TPP Trans-Pacific Partnership Education TRCSL Telecommunications Regulatory Commission of Sri SLBFE Sri Lanka Bureau of Foreign Employment Lanka SLC Specialised Leasing Company TRI Tea Research Institute SLCSMI Sri Lanka Chamber of Small and Medium TSEP Transforming the School Education System as the Industries Foundation of Knowledge Hub Project SLDBs Sri Lanka Development Bonds TSHDA Tea Small Holdings Development Authority SLDF Sri Lanka Design Festival TVEC Tertiary and Vocational Education Commission SLECIC Sri Lanka Export Credit Insurance Corporation TVET Technical and Vocational Education and Training SLF Standing Lending Facility UAE United Arab Emirates SLFPA Sri Lanka Food Processors’ Association UAT User Acceptance Testing SLFR Standing Lending Facility Rate UDA Urban Development Authority SLFRS Sri Lanka Financial Reporting Standards UGC University Grants Commission SLIBOR Sri Lanka Interbank Offered Rate UHT Ultra Heat Treated SLINTEC Sri Lanka Institute of Nanotechnology UIG University, Industry and Government SLIPS Sri Lanka Inter-bank Payment System UK United Kingdom SLIN Sri Lanka Identification Number UN United Nations SLITA Sri Lanka Institute of Textile and Apparel UNCCD United Nations Convention to Combat SLPA Sri Lanka Ports Authority Desertification SLQF Sri Lanka Qualification Framework UN-REDD United Nations Programme on Reducing Emissions SLR Sri Lanka Railways from Deforestation and Forest Degradation SLS Saubhagya Loan Scheme UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate SLSEA Sri Lanka Sustainable Energy Authority Change SLSI Sri Lanka Standards Institution UNWTO United Nation’s World Tourism Organisation SLTB Sri Lanka Tea Board USA/US United States of America SLTB Sri Lanka Transport Board USDA Urban Settlement Development Authority SLTDA Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority UTs Unit Trusts SLTPB Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau UTMC Unit Trust Management Company SLTTS Super Luxury Tourist Transport Service VAT Value Added Tax SMEs Small and Medium Enterprises VDRL Venereal Disease Research Laboratory SNA System of National Accounts VJP Visiting Journalist Program SNBFI Supervision of Non-Bank Financial Institutions VMS Variable Message Sign SOBEs State Owned Business Enterprises VMS Vessel Monitoring System SOE State Owned Enterprises VRI Veterinary Research Institute SOREM Sapugaskanda Oil Refinery Expansion and VTA Vocational Training Authority Modernisation WASH Water, Sanitation and Hygiene SPEnDP Small Holder Plantation Enterpreneurship WAYRs Waited Average Yield Rates Development Programme WCLSTF Working Capital Loan Scheme for Tea Factories SRC Standing Rate Corridor WCLWD Weligama Coconut Leaf Wilt Disease SRI Sugarcane Research Institute WEDP Women Entrepreneurship Development Programme SRR Statutory Reserve Ratio WEF World Economic Forum StrS Secured Transaction Registry System WEO World Economic Outlook SVAT Simplified Value Added Tax WFP World Food Programme TBI Technology Business Incubator WHO World Health Organisation TCF Trillion Cubic Feet WHT Withholding Tax TDF Technology Development Fund WIPO World Intellectual Property Office TDP Tea Development Programme WRS Web-based Recruitment System TEUs Twenty-foot Equivalent Container Units WTO World Trade Organisation TFA Trade Facilitation Agreement WTTC World Travel and Tourism Council TIFA Trade and Investment Framework Agreement ZBB Zero Based Budgeting TOT Training of Trainers