Appendix J (PDF)
Map ID Name Typology Heat Demand (kWh) NLSA-44 DILWYN COURT Local government estate 399,045.75 THIS DRAWING MAY BE USED ONLY FOR THE PURPOSE INTENDED AND ONLY NLSA-108 South Grove Education facilities 270,000.00 WRITTEN DIMENSIONS SHALL BE USED NLSA-111 SCORE Centre Sport & Leisure facilities 1,000,000.00 NLSA-113 Sutherland Road, Blackhorse Lane Private residential (> 149 units or 9,999 m2) 1,140,119.62 Notes NLSA-113 Sutherland Road, Blackhorse Lane Private residential (> 149 units or 9,999 m2) 1,710,179.43 NLSA-145 Silver Birch House Multi-address buildings 230,677.50 Borough Boundary NLSA-150 The Paper Mill Site, 24 Private commercial (> 9,999 m2) 1,205,000.00 NLSA-159 Land Adjacent To Private commercial (> 9,999 m2) 270,000.00 NLSA-164 Papermill Place Phase 3, 24 Private commercial (> 9,999 m2) 410,000.00 Study Area NLSA-167 1-2 Sutherland Road Path Private commercial (> 9,999 m2) 248,400.00 ± NLSA-174 Uplands Business Park Private commercial (> 9,999 m2) 300,000.00 Heat Demand Cluster: NLSA-1179 Wholesale warehouse 233,920.00 NLSA-1180 Wholesale warehouse 258,672.00 1: Blackhorse Lane North NLSA-1183 Workshop 817,776.00 NLSA-1184 Workshop 670,608.00 NLSA-1185 Workshop 525,456.00 2: Blackhorse Lane South NLSA-1187 Office 713,686.40 NLSA-1188 Warehouse and/or workshops 2,494,848.00 Heat Demand (kWh p.a) NLSA-12 WILLOWFIELD HIGH SCHOOL Local government estate 775,930.50 NLSA-112 Station Hub, Blackhorse Lane Private residential (> 149 units or 9,999 m2) 1,981,449.28 NLSA-112 Station Hub, Blackhorse Lane Private residential (> 149 units
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