Lord Williams’s School Upper School Library

Suggested Reading for KS4 Students

Chris Bradford The Series Hostage (1) Target (4) Ransom (2) Assassin (5) Ambush (3)

This series follows the adventures of teenage bodyguard Connor Reaves as he is assigned to protect teenagers in a variety of situations and locations. Action packed!

Ian Fleming Series

Casino Royale (1) (2) (3) + Full Series of Titles Available

Classic espionage adventures with 007, James Bond.

Charlie Higson Series Silverfin (1) Bloodfever (2) Double or Die (3) Hurricaine Gold (4) By Royal Command (5)

Meet young James Bond before 007 status, in a variety of explosive adventures!

Anthony Horowitz Alex Rider Series Stormbreaker (1) Snakehead (7) Point Blanc (2) Crocodile Tears (8) Skeleton Key (3) Scorpia Rising (9) Eagle Strike (4) Russian Roulette (10) Scorpia (5) Never Say Die (11) Ark Angel (6) Alex Rider, teenage MI6 agent undertakes a series of dangerous undercover missions.

Lord Williams’s School Upper School Library

Suggested Reading for KS4 Students

Claire McFall Bomb Maker

England is in economic turmoil and has closed its borders with Scotland. Any Celts found in England are branded and even executed. Scottish Lizzie, is the ‘property’ of psychopathic London gang boss Alexander. Used as his bomb maker, she is under his protection, but also at his complete disposal. Can she escape Alexander’s deadly grip?

Andy McNab The New Recruit (Liam Scott Series) The New Recruit (1) The New Enemy (3) The New Patrol (2)

What if you prank killed your best friend. How do you move on from that? You try to forget and enrol in the Army. Training is tough, but you survive it. Finally, you’re out on tour in , under enemy fire and you come face to face with your best friend’s brother. He still blames you for his brother’s death. Now you have much more to fear than just the enemy.

Robert Muchamore Cherub Series

Terrorists wouldn’t let strangers into their homes because they might be undercover agents, but their children might bring their mates home and they would have automatic access! Terrorists wouldn’t suspect that a kid could bug every room in their house, copy their PCs hard drive and be capable of noting down all the numbers in their phone books. CHERUB kids live in the real world but they slip under adult radar and get information that sends criminals and terrorists to jail. For official purposes, these children do not exist!

Chris Ryan Agent 21 Series Agent 21 (1) Codebreaker (3) Reloaded (2) Deadfall (4)

Zac’s parents die in an unexplained mass murder. He is then approached by a mysterious man, who recruits him to work for ‘a government agency.’ Many questions, few answers. Zac Darke’s life is about to change forever…

Lord Williams’s School Upper School Library

Suggested Reading for KS4 Students

Gene Brewer K-PAX

When a man who claims to be from outer space is brought into the Manhattan Institute, the mental ward seems to be the right place for him. But this patient is unlike anyone psychiatrist Dr Gene Brewer has had under his care before. Calling himself "Prot" the man says that he is from the planet K-PAX.

Mike Lancaster 0.4

'My name is Kyle Straker. And I don't exist anymore.' This is the story of Kyle Straker, recorded on to old audio tapes. You might think these tapes are a hoax, but perhaps they contain the history of a past world... If what the tapes say are true, it means that everything we think we know is a lie and if everything we know is a lie, does that mean that we are, too?

Pittacus Lore The Lorien Legacies Series I Am Number Four (1) The Revenge of Seven (5) The Power of Six (2) The Fate of Ten (6) The Rise of Nine (3) United as One (7) The Fall of Five (4) They killed Number One in Malaysia, Number Two in England and Number Three in Kenya. John Smith is not your average teenager. He regularly moves from small town to small town. He changes his name and identity. He does not put down roots. He cannot tell anyone who or what he really is. If he stops moving those who hunt him will find and kill him. But you can’t run forever, you have to stop and make a stand.

Stephenie Meyer The Host

Melanie Stryder is a fighter. The earth has been invaded by a species that takes over the minds of their human hosts while leaving their bodies intact, and most of humanity has succumbed to this fate. Wanderer, the invading 'soul' who has been given Melanie's body didn't expect the former tenant of her body to refuse to allow ‘Wanderer’ possession of her mind and here begins a fascinating mental ‘tug of war’. A fascinating read.

Lord Williams’s School Upper School Library

Suggested Reading for KS4 Students

H G. Wells War Of The Worlds

The night after a shooting star is seen whizzing across the sky, a cylinder is discovered on Horsell Common. Gruesome alien creatures emerge from it armed with all-destroying heat-rays and it soon becomes clear that humanity have a fight on their hands for their very survival. Classic Science Fiction!

John Wyndham Chocky

Matthew's parents are worried that he is too old to have an imaginary friend, yet they find him talking to and arguing with a presence that even he admits is not physically there. Chocky causes Matthew to ask difficult questions and say unusual things: He speaks of complex mathematics and mocks human progress. Who is Chocky? What could it want with an eleven-year-old boy?

John Wyndham The Midwich Cuckoos

In sleepy Midwich, a mysterious silver object appears and all the villagers fall unconscious. A day later the object is gone and everyone wakes unharmed, except that all the women in the village discover that they are pregnant. These Midwich children do not belong to their parents. All are blonde haired, and golden eyed. They grow up too quickly and they possess frightening abilities which allow them to control others…

Rick Yancey The 5th Wave Trilogy

The 5th Wave (1) The Infinite Sea (2) The Last Star (3)

After the 4th wave, only one rule applies, trust no one. Now begins the 5th Wave and on a lonely stretch of highway, Cassie runs from beings that only look human who have scattered Earth’s last survivors. To stay alone is to stay alive… !? Lord Williams’s School Upper School Library

Suggested Reading for KS4 Students

Susan Ee Penryn and the End of Days Trilogy Angelfall (1) World After (2) End of Days (3)

It's been six weeks since the angels of the apocalypse destroyed the world as we know it. Only pockets of humanity remain. Savage street gangs rule the day while fear and superstition rule the night. When angels fly away with a helpless girl, her seventeen- year-old sister Penryn will do anything to get her back.

Becca Fitzpatrick Hush Hush Series Hush Hush (1) Crescendo (3) Silence (2) Finale (4) A sacred oath, a fallen angel, and a forbidden love...This darkly romantic story introduces heroine Nora Grey, as an apparently normal teenage girl with her own shadowy connection to the Nephilim and attractive bad boy, Patch, Dark Angel and now her lab-partner in biology class.

Amanda Hocking The Watersong Series Wake (1) Tidal (3 Lullaby (2) Elegy (4) Sixteen-year-old Gemma’s greatest passion has always been the water. She craves late night swims, where she can be alone yet belong to the sea. Lately she's had company. Penn, Thea, and Lexi spend their nights dancing, singing, and partying on the cove and one night Gemma joins them. Next morning, she knows something has changed...

Julie Kagawa The Iron Fey Series Iron King (1) Iron Queen (3) Iron Daughter (2) Iron (4)

Meghan Chase has never quite fitted in at school...or at home. When a dark stranger begins watching her from afar and her best friend becomes very protective of her, she senses that everything she's known is about to change. Lord Williams’s School Upper School Library

Suggested Reading for KS4 Students

Melissa Marr Wicked Lovely Series Wicked Lovely (1) Radiant Shadows (4) Ink Exchange (2) Darkest Mercy (5) Fragile Eternity (3)

Don't stare at invisible faeries. Don't speak to invisible faeries. Don't ever attract their attention. But it's too late for Aislinn, Keenan is the Summer King and has sought his queen for nine centuries…

Sarah J. Maas A Court of Thorns and Roses Trilogy A Court of Thorns and Roses (1) A Court of Mist and Fury (2) A Court of Wings and Ruin (3)

Dragged to a magical kingdom for the murder of a faerie, Feyre discovers that her captor, his face obscured by a jewelled mask, is hiding far more than his piercing green eyes would suggest. Ancient curses, romantic attraction ensue. Some Adult Content. Not recommended for younger readers.

Scott Speer Immortal City Novels Immortal City (1) Natural Born Angel (2) Battle Angel (3)

Jason Godspeed is the hottest Angel in a city obsessed with Immortals… Everyone loves him except Maddy Montgomery. Here, guardian angels protect people for money but what happens if an angel saves someone love?

L.A. Weatherly Angel Trilogy Angel (1) Angel Fire (2) Angel Fever (3)

Willow is different from other girls. She can look into people's futures, know their dreams, their hopes and their regrets, just by touching them. She has no idea where she gets this power from, but Alex does and he is on a mission to stop her. Lord Williams’s School Upper School Library

Suggested Reading for KS4 Students

Kristin Cashore The Graceling Trilogy Graceling (1) Fire (2) Bitterblue (3)

In a world where people born with an exceptional skill, known as a Grace, are feared and exploited, Katsa carries the burden of a skill even she despises: the Grace of killing. She lives under the command of her Uncle Randa, King of the Middluns, and is expected to carry out his dirty work, punishing and torturing anyone who displeases him.

Trudi Canavan The Traitor Spy Trilogy The Ambassador’s Mission (1) Rogue (2) The Traitor Queen (2)

Someone has been assassinating thieves and this thief hunter is using magic to do it. Could it be a Guild Member of the Black Magicians or a rogue magician? Gripping fantasy adventure and magical mystery!

Robin Hobb The Farseer Trilogy Assassin’s Apprentice (1) Royal Assassin (2) Assassin’s Quest (3) Fitz, bastard son of the Crown Prince is despised and raised in the castle stables with only the King’s Fool, ragged street children and animals for company. To be useful to the crown, he is trained as an assassin and to use the traditional magic of the Farseer family. His tutor hates him, but he must survive… the kingdom may depend on him.

Paul Hoffman The Left Hand of God Trilogy The Left Hand of God (1) The Last Four Things (2) The Beating of His Wings (3) The Sanctuary of the Redeemers is a vast and desolate place, without joy or hope. Young boys have been brutalised by The Lord Redeemers’ violent regime and Thomas Cale is no exception. He escapes, but the Brothers want him back… at any price. Lord Williams’s School Upper School Library

Suggested Reading for KS4 Students

S.J. Kincaid The Diabolic

A Diabolic is ruthless. A Diabolic is powerful. A Diabolic has a single task: Kill in order to protect the person you've been created for. Nemesis is a Diabolic, a humanoid teenager created to protect a galactic senator's daughter, Sidonia. The two have grown up side by side, but are in no way sisters. Nemesis is expected to give her life for Sidonia, and she would do so gladly…

Marie Lu The Legend Trilogy Legend (1) Prodigy (2) Champion (3) He is called Day. She is called June. June is looking for her brother's killer. On the run and undercover, they meet by chance. Irresistibly drawn together, neither knows the other's past. But Day murdered June's brother and she has sworn to avenge his death.

Sarah J. Maas Throne of Glass Series Throne of Glass (1) Queen of Shadows (4) Crown of Midnight (2) Empire of Storms (5) Heir of Fire (3) Celaena Sardothien is serving a life sentence in the filthy salt mines of Endovier. She is a trained assassin, the best of her kind, but she made a fatal mistake. She got caught! Captain Westfall offers her, her freedom in return for one huge sacrifice…

Brent Weeks The Way of the Shadows Trilogy The Way of the Shadows (1) Shadow’s Edge (2) Beyond the Shadows (3) The perfect killer has no friends. Only targets. For Durzo Blint, is an art. Azoth, a street urchin, persuades Durzo to take him on as his apprentice. But to be accepted, Azoth must turn his back on his old life and embrace a new identity... Lord Williams’s School Upper School Library

Suggested Reading for KS4 Students

Victoria Aveyard The Red Queen Trilogy The Red Queen (1) Glass Sword (2) King’s Cage (3)

This is a world divided by blood - red or silver. The Reds are commoners, ruled by a Silver elite in possession of god-like superpowers. To Mare Barrow, a seventeen-year- old Red girl from the poverty-stricken Stilts, it seems like nothing will ever change. That is, until she finds herself working in the Silver Palace.

Kendare Blake Three Dark Crowns Series Three Dark Crowns (1) One Dark Throne (2) To Be Continued…

In every generation on the island of Fennbirn, a set of triplets is born. Three queens, all equal heirs to the crown and each a possessor of a coveted magic. Three sisters… One throne… a fight to the death…

Philippa Gregory The Other Boleyn Girl

The Boleyn family is keen to rise through the ranks of society, and what better way to attract the attention of the most powerful in the land than to place their most beautiful young woman at court? Mary becomes the king’s mistress, but he tires of her and her sister Anne is put forward as a replacement. But Anne has ambitions of her own and will not become the king’s mistress, only his wife and queen. With Henry VIII desperate to produce an heir, a famous ultimatum plays out…

Amanda Hocking The Trylle Trilogy Switched (1) Torn (2) Ascend (3)

When Wendy Everly was six years old, her mother was convinced she was a monster and tried to kill her. Eleven years later, Wendy discovers her mother might have been right. With the help of Finn Holmes, Wendy finds herself in a world she never knew existed… Lord Williams’s School Upper School Library

Suggested Reading for KS4 Students

Erika Johansen The Tearling Trilogy The Queen of the Tearling (1) The Invasion of the Tearling (2) The Fate of the Tearling (3)

Kelsea is the sole heir to the throne of Tearling but has been raised in secret after her mother, a monarch who was vain and foolish, was murdered for ruining her kingdom. Kelsea must now come to terms with the dilemmas of ruling justly and fairly while simply trying to stay alive...

Kiersten White Conqueror Trilogy And I Darken (1) Now I Rise (2) Out July 2017

Wallachia 1435. Lada and her brother are abandoned by their father and are raised in the Ottoman sultan’s court. Their lineage marks them out as special and also as targets. Lada soon learns that ruthlessness is the key to survival. She trains as a warrior and learns all she can whilst secretly making plans to take revenge on the empire that holds her and her brother captive and gain their rightful throne. Lord Williams’s School Upper School Library

Suggested Reading for KS4 Students

Richard Adams Watership Down

Epic animal adventure… Fiver has a sixth sense that something bad is going to happen and he persuades his brother Hazel and a small band of other rabbits to leave their home and go on a journey together, in search of a safe place to live.

Iain Banks The Wasp Factory

‘Two years after I killed Blyth I murdered my young brother Paul, for quite different reasons than I’d disposed of Blyth, and then a year after that I did for my young cousin Esmerelda, more or less on a whim. That’s my score to date. Three. I haven’t killed anybody for years, and I don’t intend to ever again. It was just a stage I was going through.’ Enter, if you dare, the extraordinary world of sixteen year old Frank…

Charlotte Bronte Jane Eyre

Arguably one of the most popular works of English fiction! Poor but witty and spirited Jane, battles a cruel guardian, a harsh employer and the rigid class structure of the day to become governess to the daughter of the mysterious Mr. Rochester. He is captivated by Jane and romance blossoms, but things are never that simple… Just read it!

Joseph Conrad Heart of Darkness

A novella that remains highly controversial to this day, Conrad explores the relationships between Africa and Europe, black and white, the colonizers and the colonized. River steamboat captain Charles Marlow has set off along the Congo to find enigmatic European trader Mr. Kurtz who has established himself as a god among the natives “in one of the darkest places on earth.” But Marlow suspects that Kurtz may actually have gone mad… Lord Williams’s School Upper School Library

Suggested Reading for KS4 Students

Charles Dickens Great Expectations A fascinating story following Pip from childhood into adulthood, moving from the Kent marshes to busy London. Along the way he encounters a variety of rich characters including Magwitch, the escaped convict and Miss Haversham, trapped in her sad past and her arrogant and beautiful ward, Estella. Dickens shows the dangers of being driven by a desire for wealth and social status and Pip must establish his own sense of self and set of values against the expectations of those around him.

Graham Greene Brighton Rock

Pre-war Brighton is the setting for this gripping thriller. Gang war boils over beneath the calm surface of the seaside town. Seventeen year old Pinkie Brown, a ruthless small-time gangster, has killed a rival gang member and believes that he can get away with it. But things soon begin to unravel…

Alex Haley Roots Roots: The Saga of an American Family is a novel written by Alex Haley and first published in 1976. It’s the story of Kunta Kinte, an 18th-century African, captured as an adolescent and sold into slavery in the , and later follows his life and the lives of his descendants in America down to Haley. The release of the novel, accompanied by a hugely popular television adaptation in 1977, led to a cultural sensation in the United States and it’s regarded as one of the most important American works of the 20th century.

John Steinbeck The Grapes of Wrath

An epic story of the 1930s Depression which follows the fate of one destitute family among the many who fled the Dust Bowl to follow their dreams of a better life in California. Lord Williams’s School Upper School Library

Suggested Reading for KS4 Students

Margaret Atwood The Handmaid’s Tale

The repressive Republic of Gilead offers Offred only one function: to breed. Her fertility is prized. Her every word and action, controlled and scrutinised by the regime. If she deviates, she will, like other dissenters, be hanged at the wall or sent out to die slowly of radiation sickness in the Colonies. She remembers a time when she had a husband, a daughter and a job, but that was before the revolution. Now she navigates a narrow path, at the mercy of her Commander and his household…

Anthony Burgess A Clockwork Orange

Alex and his gang of ‘droogs’ rampage through a dystopian future, hunting for terrible thrills. But when Alex finds himself at the mercy of the state and subject to the ministrations of Dr Brodsky and the mind-altering treatment of the Ludovico Technique, he discovers that fun is no longer the order of the day.

Aldous Huxley Brave New World

Far in the future, the World Controllers have created the ideal society. Through clever use of genetic engineering, brainwashing and recreational sex and drugs, all its members are happy consumers. Bernard Marx seems alone in harbouring an ill-defined longing to break free…

Lois Lowry The Giver

It is the future. There is no war, no hunger and no pain. No one in the community wants for anything. Everything needed is provided. At twelve years old, each member of the community has their profession carefully chosen for them by the Committee of Elders. Twelve-year old Jonas has never thought there was anything wrong with his world. But from the moment he is selected as the Receiver of Memory, Jonas discovers that their community is not as perfect as it seems! Lord Williams’s School Upper School Library

Suggested Reading for KS4 Students

Cormac McCarthy The Road

A father and his young son walk alone through burned America, heading slowly for the coast. Nothing moves in the desolate landscape except the ash on the wind. They have nothing but a pistol to defend themselves against the men who stalk the road, the clothes that they are wearing, a cart of scavenged food and each other.

George Orwell Nineteen Eighty-Four

Nineteen Eighty-Four is Orwell's terrifying vision of a totalitarian future in which everything and everyone is enslaved to a tyrannical regime controlled by the Party. Big Brother is watching you…

H.G. Wells The Time Machine

When a Victorian scientist propels himself into the year 802,701 AD, he is initially delighted to find that suffering has been replaced by beauty, contentment and peace. But it soon becomes clear that all is not as perfect as it initially seems…

John Wyndham The Chrysalids

This is a post-nuclear apocalypse story of genetic mutation in a devastated world and explores the lengths the intolerant will go to, to keep themselves pure. David Strorm's father doesn't approve of Angus Morton's unusually large horses, calling them blasphemies against nature. He doesn’t realise that his own son and his son's cousin Rosalind and their friends, have their own secrets which would label them as mutants, too. Lord Williams’s School Upper School Library

Suggested Reading for KS4 Students

Jane Austen Pride and Prejudice

When Elizabeth Bennet first meets eligible bachelor Fitzwilliam Darcy, she thinks he is arrogant and conceited. Her opinion of him continues to deteriorate further after subsequent future meetings! Jane Austen shows the reader how first impressions can be very misleading whilst skilfully recreating and highlighting the etiquette, gossip and snobberies of provincial middle-class life at that time.

Emily Bronte Wuthering Heights

This is a wild, passionate story of intense and obsessional love between Catherine Earnshaw and Heathcliff, a foundling adopted by Catherine's father. After Mr Earnshaw's death, Heathcliff is bullied and humiliated by Catherine's brother Hindley and wrongly believing that his love for Catherine is not reciprocated, he leaves Wuthering Heights, only to return years later as a wealthy and accomplished man. He then begins to exact a terrible revenge for his former miseries…

Sebastian Faulks Birdsong

Set before and during World War I, this book captures the essence of that era on both a national and a personal level. This is the story of Stephen, a young Englishman, who arrives in Amiens in 1910 and follows his life through a series of traumatic experiences, from the clandestine love affair that tears apart the family with whom he lives, to the horrific experiences of the war itself.

F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby

The Great Gatsby is a snapshot of the "Roaring Twenties" and the "Jazz Age". Narrated by Nick Carraway, the reader is drawn into the superficially glittering world of the mansions which lined the Long Island shore in the 1920s, to encounter Nick's cousin Daisy, her wealthy husband Tom Buchanan, Jay Gatsby and the mystery that surrounds him. Lord Williams’s School Upper School Library

Suggested Reading for KS4 Students

Joseph Heller Catch 22

A satirical observation of madness and stupidity, and the desire of the ordinary man to survive it. This is a tale of the very sane Captain Yossarian, who spends his time in Italy plotting to survive.

J. D. Salinger The Catcher in the Rye

Disaffected youth, Holden Caulfield is a seventeen year old drop-out who has just been kicked out of his fourth school! Navigating his way through the challenges of growing up, Holden dissects and offers opinions on the 'phony' aspects of society and ‘phony’ people that he comes into contact with. Life as he sees it… Brilliant!

John Steinbeck Of Mice and Men

George and Lennie are migrant American workers. One is alert and protective, the other is strong, stupid and potentially dangerous. This is the powerful story of their relationship and their dreams of finding a more stable and less lonely way of life.

Oscar Wilde The Picture of Dorian Gray

Aristocrat Dorian Gray has his portrait painted by Basil Hallward, an artist who is captivated and infatuated by Dorian's beauty. Knowing that his beauty will fade, Dorian expresses the desire to sell his soul, to ensure that the picture of himself, rather than he, will age and fade.

The wish is granted, and Dorian goes on to lead a hedonistic, carefree life, whilst remaining young and beautiful. Simultaneously, his portrait ages and records his each and every sin! Lord Williams’s School Upper School Library

Suggested Reading for KS4 Students

Stephen Chbosky The Perks Of Being A Wallflower

Charlie is a freshman and while he's not the biggest geek in the school, he is by no means popular. Shy, introspective, intelligent beyond his years yet socially awkward, he is a wallflower, caught between trying to live his life and trying to run from it. But Charlie can't stay on the side-lines forever…

Phil Earle Bubble Wrap Boy

This is the story of loner Charlie, whose only friend is Sinas, the boy who stares at walls. Charlie’s secret talent is skateboarding… a one-way ticket to popularity. All he’s got to do is practice and nothing's going to stop him. Not his clumsiness, not his overprotective mum, nothing. Except Charlie isn't the only one in his family hiding a massive secret, and his next discovery will change everything!

Gayle Forman I Was Here

Eighteen year old Cody Reynolds is trying to come to terms with her best friend’s shocking suicide. As she searches for answers as to why Meg took her own life, Cody begins a journey of self-discovery which forces her to question not only her relationship with the Meg she thought she knew, but also her own understanding of life, love, death and forgiveness.

Wolfgang Herrndorf Why We Took The Car

Everyone thinks Mike is boring and they laugh at him in class when he reads aloud. He doesn’t have many friends and doesn’t get invited to parties. Then Tschick, the odd new boy at school, shows up at Mike's house one day and he dares him to go on a road trip with him. No parents, no map, no destination. Will they get hopelessly lost in the middle of nowhere? Probably. Will they meet crazy people and get into serious trouble? Definitely! Lord Williams’s School Upper School Library

Suggested Reading for KS4 Students

Chrissie Keighery Whisper

Teenager Demi is pronounced profoundly deaf after battling meningitis. Suddenly, everything has changed. A new school, new friends and a whole new language to learn. Can Demi come to terms with her new situation and learn to love the person that she has now become?

Tim Lott How To Be Invisible

Strato Nyman couldn't be more of an odd one out. He's the only black boy in Hedgecombe-upon-Dray, he knows more about particle physics than his teacher and he's constantly picked on by school bully Lloyd Archibald Turnbull. At home he is invisible to his parents, who are constantly arguing. One day, Strato picks up a dusty old book in a mysterious bookshop and learns how to become invisible…

Patrick Ness The Rest Of Us Just Live Here

What if you weren't the Chosen One? The one who's supposed to fight the , or the soul-eating ghosts, or whatever this new thing is, with the blue lights and the death? What if you were like Mikey? Who just wants to graduate and go to prom and maybe finally work up the courage to ask Henna out before someone blows up the high school.

Rainbow Rowell Fangirl

Cath and Wren are identical twins, and until recently they did absolutely everything together. Now they're off to university and Wren's decided she doesn't want to be one half of a pair any more. She wants to dance, meet boys and go to parties… It's not so easy for Cath. She's very shy and has always buried herself in writing fan fiction. Without Wren, Cath is on her own and completely outside her comfort zone. Lord Williams’s School Upper School Library

Suggested Reading for KS4 Students

Sarah Alexander The Art Of Not Breathing

One minute Eddie was there. The next he was gone. Five years on and it's Elsie who's lost. Each day she feels the pain that her twin Eddie's body has never been found after that day on the beach. But what happened to him?

Judy Blundell What I Saw And How I Lied

Evie's stepfather is finally home from the Second World War and Evie is fed up with her glamorous mother treating her like a little girl. Then a mysterious stranger appears, a handsome ex-GI who served with Evie's stepfather. Evie realises that she is falling in love with him, but he has secrets and appears to have a strange hold over her parents. When a tragedy occurs, Evie must betray someone. The question is… who?

Kevin Brooks Black Rabbit Summer

A group of old friends, affected by drugs, alcohol and memories, find themselves in the middle of a crime scene. Old tensions, secrets, bitterness and jealousies resurface and are re-examined as they are all plunged into the worst night of their lives…

Dan Brown The Da Vinci Code

Harvard professor Robert Langdon receives an urgent late-night phone call while on business in Paris. The elderly curator of the Louvre has been brutally murdered inside the museum. Next to his body, have find a series of baffling codes. Robert is drawn into the case… can he help solve the mystery? Lord Williams’s School Upper School Library

Suggested Reading for KS4 Students

Anne Cassidy Moth Girls

They called them the Moth Girls because they were attracted to the house. What started off as a dare ended with two girls vanishing into thin air. As Mandy's memories of the disappearance of her two friends are rekindled once again, disturbing details start to resurface…

Lucy Christopher The Killing Woods

Emily's dad is accused of murdering a teenage girl in the woods behind their house.

Emily is sure he is innocent, but what did happen? She is determined to find out the truth, but also afraid of what she might discover.

Daphne Du Maurier Rebecca

Working as a lady's companion, the heroine of Rebecca learns her place. Life is bleak until, on a trip to the South of France, she meets Maxim de Winter, a handsome widower whose sudden proposal of marriage takes her by surprise. She accepts and is then whisked from glamorous Monte Carlo to the ominous and brooding Manderley. The new Mrs de Winter finds Max a changed man and the memory of his dead wife Rebecca is forever kept alive by the forbidding housekeeper, Mrs Danvers…

Mark Haddon The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night-Time

Christopher is 15 and lives in Swindon with his father. He has Asperger's Syndrome, a form of autism. He is obsessed with maths, science and Sherlock Holmes but finds it hard to understand other people. When he discovers a dead dog on a neighbour's lawn, he decides to solve the mystery and write a detective thriller about it. Lord Williams’s School Upper School Library

Suggested Reading for KS4 Students

Jane Austen Pride and Prejudice and Zombies & Seth Grahame-Smith

Pride and Prejudice features the original text of Jane Austen's beloved novel with an all new twist… zombies! Elizabeth Bennett with sword… Great fun!!

Max Brooks World War Z

It began with rumours from China about another pandemic… Then the cases started to multiply and what had looked like the stirrings of a criminal underclass, even the beginnings of a revolution, soon revealed itself to be much, much worse…

Wendy Higgins Sweet Evil Series Sweet Evil (1) Sweet Peril (2) Sweet Reckoning (3) What if there were teens whose lives literally depended on being bad influences? This is the reality for sons and daughters of fallen angels. Tender-hearted Southern girl Anna Whitt was born with the sixth sense to see and feel emotions of other people...

Charlie Higson The Enemy Series The Enemy (1) The Sacrifice (4) The End (7) The Dead (2) The Fallen (5) The Fear (3) The Hunted (6) Everyone over the age of fourteen has succumbed to a deadly virus and now the kids must keep themselves alive! Lord Williams’s School Upper School Library

Suggested Reading for KS4 Students

Derek Landy Demon Road Trilogy Demon Road (1) Desolation (2) American Monsters (3) For anyone who ever thought that their parents were monsters… this is the story of Amber, a girl on the run from everybody and everything she loves and the demons that await her along the way!

Carrie Ryan The Forest Of Hands And Teeth Trilogy The Forest Of Hands And Teeth (1) The Dead-tossed Waves (2) The Dark And Hollow Places (3)

Zombies at their most relentless… Just read it!

Darren Shan The Demonata Series Lord Loss (1) Demon Thief (2) + other titles in the series

When Grubbs Grady first encounters Lord Loss and his evil minions, he learns three things: the world is vicious, magic is possible and demons are real! Darren Shan The ZOM-B Series ZOM-B (1) ZOM-B Underground (2) + other titles in the series

Darren Shan says of this series, "It's a big, sprawling, vicious tale...a grisly piece of escapism and a barbed look at the world in which we live.” Fast paced and bloody!

Jonathan Stroud The Bartimaeus Trilogy The Amulet Of Samarkand (1) Golem’s Eye (2) Ptolemy’s Gate (3) A great adventure brimming with magic, intrigue and a treasure trove of characters. A wise-cracking ‘djinni’ causes chaos at court with his bad attitude and deeds.

Lord Williams’s School Upper School Library

Suggested Reading for KS4 Students

Agatha Christie Murder On The Orient Express (Hercule Poirot)

+ Other Titles

Agatha Christie’s most famous murder mystery. An American tycoon is murdered in his train compartment, the door locked from the inside… Can Poirot follow the clues and deduce who the murderer is?

Harlan Coben Mickey Bolitar Novels Shelter (1) Seconds Away (2) Found (3)

15 year old Mickey Bolitar goes to live with his estranged uncle Myron after his father’s death and his mother’s admission into rehab. For a while his life seems to be improving, until his girlfriend Ashley goes missing…

Arthur Conan Doyle Sherlock Holmes Series A Study In Scarlet

+ Other Titles

The very first novel where Sherlock Holmes and Doctor John Watson team up together to solve a murder and so begins their famous investigative partnership!

Andrew Lane Young Sherlock Holmes Series Death Cloud (1) Snake Bite (5) Red Leech (2) Knife Edge (6) Black Ice (3) Stone Cold (7) Fire Storm (4) Night Break (8)

A series of novels in which the iconic detective is re-invented as a brilliant, troubled and engaging teenager who is just beginning to flex his detective muscles. Lord Williams’s School Upper School Library

Suggested Reading for KS4 Students

Henning Mankell One Step Behind (Kurt Wallander)

+ Other Titles

Three young friends are killed in the woods. Each shot with a single bullet. Soon afterwards, one of Inspector Wallanders’ colleagues is found murdered. Is it the same killer and what could the connection be?

Alexander McCall Smith The No.1 Ladies’ Detective Agency (Precious Ramotswe)

+ Other Titles

Wayward daughters. Missing husbands. Curious conmen. If you've got a problem, and no one else can help, then visit Precious Ramotswe, She is Botswana’s best and only female private detective! Her methods maybe unconventional, but she is warm and witty and she possesses a keen intuition!

J.B. Priestley An Inspector Calls

GCSE English set text. In this play an inspector interrupts a dinner party to investigate a girl's suicide and implicates each of the guests in her death.

Ian Rankin Inspector John Rebus Novels

Various Titles

Scottish detective John Rebus battles crime in a series of different novels. Many of these stories have been adapted for television starring Ken Stott. Lord Williams’s School Upper School Library

Suggested Reading for KS4 Students

Charlie Fletcher The Stoneheart Trilogy Stoneheart (1) Iron Hand (2) Silvertongue (3)

When George breaks the dragon's head outside the Natural History Museum, he awakens an ancient power…

Robin Hobb The Rain Wild Chronicles Dragon Keeper (1) City Of Dragons (3) Dragon Haven (2) Blood Of Dragons (4)

Dragons have returned to the world, guided by the dragon Tintaglia. But the fledglings that emerge from the cocoons are but a shadow of the dragons of old. Flightless and fractious, they soon become a danger to all and must be moved. Thymara, a Rain Wilder born with scales and claws, answers the call to become one of the dragon keepers to accompany the creatures upriver.

Julie Kagawa The Talon Saga Series Talon (1) Soldier (3) Rogue (2) Legion (4)

To the outside world Ember Hill is an ordinary girl, but Ember has a deadly secret... A dragon hiding in human form, she is destined to fight the shadowy Order of St. George, a powerful society of dragon slayers. St. George soldier Garret is determined to kill Ember and her kind, until her bravery makes him question what he’s been taught about dragons.

Christopher Paolini The Inheritance Cycle Series Eragon (1) Brisingr (3) Eldest (2) Inheritance (4)

When Eragon finds a polished stone in the forest, he thinks it is the lucky discovery of a poor farm boy; perhaps it will buy his family meat for the winter. But when the stone brings a dragon hatchling, Eragon soon realizes he has stumbled upon a legacy nearly as old as the Empire itself. Lord Williams’s School Upper School Library

Suggested Reading for KS4 Students

Julianna Baggott The Pure Trilogy Pure (1) Fuse (2) Burn (3) Pressia Belze has lived outside of the Dome ever since the detonations. Struggling for survival, she dreams of life inside the safety of the Dome with the 'Pure'. Partridge, himself a Pure, knows that life inside the Dome under the strict control of the leaders' regime, isn't as perfect as others think…

Suzanne Collins The Hunger Games Trilogy The Hunger Games (1) Catching Fire (2) Mockingjay (3)

Sixteen-year-old Katniss Everdeen regards it as a death sentence when she is forced to represent her district in the annual Hunger Games, a fight to the death on live TV. Welcome to the deadliest reality TV show ever...

James Dashner The Maze Runner Series The Maze Runner (1) Death Cure (3) The Scorch Trials (2) The Kill Order (4)

When the lift doors open, the only thing Thomas remembers, is his first name. He's surrounded by boys who welcome him to the Glade, a walled encampment at the centre of a bizarre and terrible stone maze. No one knows why or how they came to be there or what's happened to the world outside.

Gemma Malley The Declaration Trilogy The Declaration (1) The Resistance (2) The Legacy (3) Anna Covey is a 'Surplus'. She should not have been born. In a society in which ageing is no longer feared and death is no longer an inevitability, children are an abomination. Like all Surpluses, Anna is living in a Surplus Hall and learning how to make amends for the selfish act her parents committed in having her. She is quietly accepting of her fate until, one day, a new inmate arrives… Lord Williams’s School Upper School Library

Suggested Reading for KS4 Students

Veronica Roth Divergent Trilogy Divergent (1) Allegiant (3) Insurgent (2) For sixteen-year-old Tris, the world changes in a heartbeat when she is forced to make a terrible choice. Turning her back on her family, Tris ventures out alone, determined to find out where she truly belongs. Shocked by the brutality of her new life, Tris can trust no one yet she is drawn to a boy who seems to both threaten and protect her.

Teri Terry Slated Trilogy Slated (1) Fractured (2) Shattered (3)

Kyla's memory has been erased, her personality wiped blank, her memories lost for ever. She's been ‘Slated.’ The government claims she was a terrorist and that they are giving her a second chance just as long as she plays by their rules.

L.A. Weatherly The Broken Trilogy Broken Sky (1) Darkness Follows (2) Black Moon (3)

Welcome to a 'perfect' world.’ Where war is illegal, harmony rules and your date of birth marks out your destiny. But nothing is perfect and in a world this broken, who can Amity trust? This is an exhilarating trilogy set in a distorted echo of 1940s America.

Scott Westerfeld Uglies Trilogy Uglies (1) Pretties (2) Specials (3) Tally can't wait to turn sixteen and become a Pretty. Sixteen is the magic number that brings a transformation from a repellent Ugly into a stunningly attractive Pretty and this then catapults you into a high-tech paradise where your only job is to have a really great time. In just a few weeks, Tally will be there, but Tally's new friend, Shay, isn't sure she wants to be a Pretty. Lord Williams’s School Upper School Library

Suggested Reading for KS4 Students

Sarah Crossan Apple And Rain

When Apple's mother returns after eleven years of absence, Apple feels whole again. She will have an answer to her burning question…Why did she go? Also, she will have someone who understands what it means to be a teenager, unlike Nana. But just like the stormy Christmas Eve when she left, her mother's homecoming is bitter sweet and Apple wonders who is really looking after who.

Keren David Salvage

Before she was adopted by a loving family and raised in a leafy Home Counties town, Cass Montgomery was Cass Jones. Her memories of her birth family disappeared with her name. But when her adopted family starts to break down and a way out comes in the form of a message from her long lost brother Aidan. Having Aidan back in her life is everything she needs and nothing like she expected. Who is this boy who calls himself her brother and why is he so haunted?

Jenny Downham You Against Me

When Mikey’s sister claims a boy assaulted her, his world begins to unravel.

When Ellie’s brother is charged with the offence, her world begins to crumble.

When Mikey and Ellie meet, their worlds collide. A novel about family, loyalty, betrayal and truth.

Phil Earle Heroic

A novel about brotherhood and sacrifice. Jammy and Sonny are brothers, but they are totally different characters. One is calm and has a plan whilst the other is angry and lives purely in the moment.

When Jammy returns from Afghanistan a very different man from the one who left, it’s Sonny who is left to hold things together. But just how far will he go to save the brother who always put him first? Lord Williams’s School Upper School Library

Suggested Reading for KS4 Students

Clare Furniss How Not To Disappear

Hattie, abandoned by her friends this summer is stuck babysitting her twin siblings and dealing with her mum’s wedding dramas… and she’s discovered that she is pregnant! Enter, long lost great aunt Gloria, a fiercely independent woman with a mysterious past and who is in the early stages of dementia. Together they set out on a road trip of self-discovery, to confront the difficult choices that face both of them…

Laura Jarratt Louder Than Words

Words on a page… they’re beautiful and powerful. Words in my mouth… they don’t work. They choke up inside me and won’t come out. The last person I spoke to was my brother, Silas, and I was six. Silas says he’d give anything to hear me speak again. Now I sit here and think the same thing about him.

Siobhan Parkinson Bruised

How does bruising start? Is it the booze, the neglect or the slap? For Jono, it's time to act.

Julie's only little after all and the thing is, Ma just doesn't seem capable of looking after them. Not now. Surely running is the right thing to do?

Annabel Pitcher Silence Is Goldfish

Fifteen year old Tess doesn't mean to become mute. At first, she's just too shocked to speak. Discovering that your whole life has been a lie because your dad isn't your real father is a massive shock! Tess sets out to find the truth about her identity and uncovers a secret that could ruin multiple lives, but can she ask for help when she's forgotten how to use her voice?

Lord Williams’s School Upper School Library

Suggested Reading for KS4 Students

Leigh Bardugo Grisha Novels Six Of Crows (1) Crooked Kingdom (2)

Criminal mastermind Kaz Brekker is offered riches beyond his comprehension if he carries out a dangerous, high risk heist, but he cannot do it alone! So, Kaz sets about recruiting six dangerous outcasts to assist him in his plan…

Cassandra Clare Mortal Instruments Series City Of Bones (1) City Of Fallen Angels (4) City Of Ashes (2) City Of Lost Souls (5) City Of Glass (3) City Of Heavenly Fire (6)

Welcome to the world of Shadowhunters… a parallel world to the present day New York that Clary Fray exists in, until now. An epic fantasy adventure with lots of demons, monsters, werewolves, vampires, witches, warlocks and multiple plot twists to keep the pages turning frantically!

Anthony Horowitz The Power Of Five Series Raven’s Gate (1) Necropolis (4) Evil Star (2) Oblivion (5) Night Rise (3) Matt, a boy with unusual powers is sent to join a rehabilitation programme in Yorkshire. He discovers strange happenings there. The world is being protected from ‘The Old Ones’ by eight guardians. These evil ancient beings were banished long ago by five children. But now someone wants to bring them back…

Sara Raasch Snow Like Ashes Trilogy Snow Like Ashes (1) Ice Like Fire (2) Frost Like Night (3)

Sixteen years ago, the kingdom of Winter was conquered. It’s people enslaved and stripped of their magic and their monarch. Their only hope is eight citizens who managed to escape and who have been waiting to steal back Winter’s magic and restore their kingdom. Lord Williams’s School Upper School Library

Suggested Reading for KS4 Students

Philip Reeve Mortal Engines Quartet Mortal Engines (1) Infernal Devices (3) Predator’s Gold (2) A Darkling Plain (4)

This is the Traction Era. In a post-apocalyptic future, mobile cities roam the desolate plains and fight each other for survival. Tom and Hester find themselves thrown from the fast moving city of London… Can they survive in the wastelands of the Great Hunting Ground?

Anthony Ryan Raven’s Shadow Trilogy Blood Song (1) Tower Lord (2) Queen Of Fire (3)

Vaelin Al Sorna is the Sixth Order's newest recruit. Under their brutal training regime, he learns how to forge a blade, survive the wilds and kill a man quickly and quietly. All in the name of protecting the Realm and the Faith. Now his skills will be put to the test. War is coming…

Sabaa Tahir An Ember In The Ashes Series An Ember In The Ashes (1) A Torch Against The Night (2) + At Least Two Further Books Planned

Under the Martial Empire, defiance is met with death. When Laia’s grandparents are murdered and her brother arrested for treason, the only people she has left to turn to are the rebels. They will only help save her brother in exchange for Laia spying on the Commandant of the Empire’s foremost military academy…

Laini Taylor Daughter Of Smoke And Bone Trilogy Daughter Of Smoke And Bone (1) Days Of Blood And Starlight (2) Dreams Of Gods And Monsters (3)

Errand requiring immediate attention. Come. The note was on vellum, pierced by the talons of the almost-crow that delivered it. Karou read the message. 'He never says please', she sighed, but she gathered up her things. When Brimstone called, she always came. Lord Williams’s School Upper School Library

Suggested Reading for KS4 Students

Josephine Angellini Starcrossed Trilogy Starcrossed (1) Dreamless (2) Goddess (3)

When Helen Hamilton sees Lucas Delos for the first time she thinks two things: firstly, that he is the most ridiculously beautiful boy she has seen in her life; secondly, that she wants to kill him with her bare hands!

Amanda Bouchet The Kingmaker Trilogy A Promise Of Fire (1) Breath Of Fire (2) Heart On Fire (3) (Pub. January 2018) Cat lives disguised as a soothsayer in a travelling circus. She is actually an exceptionally powerful Magoi, known as the Kingmaker, who can divine lies. But Cat has no interest in using her powers, or in being used for them. Staying under the radar, far from the clutches of her power-hungry homicidal family, is her aim…

Rae Carson Fire And Thorns Trilogy Fire And Thorns (1) The Crown Of Embers (2) The Bitter Kingdom (3) Princess Elisa is a disappointment to her people. At sixteen a royal marriage is arranged for her and she is shipped away to a kingdom in turmoil, where her much older and extremely handsome husband refuses to acknowledge her as his wife. Devastated by this, Elisa decides to take charge of her fate and learn what it means to bear the Godstone.

Kiera Cass The Selection Series The Selection (1) The Heir (4) The Elite (2) + The One (3) Other Companion Novels

It’s the chance of a lifetime and 17 year old America Singer should feel lucky. She has been chosen for The Selection, a reality TV lottery in which the special few compete for gorgeous Prince Maxon’s love. Very topical! Lord Williams’s School Upper School Library

Suggested Reading for KS4 Students

Lauren Kate Fallen Series Fallen (1) Passion (3) Torment (2) Rapture (4)

When Luce sets eyes on Daniel, she knows that she has never felt like this before! Darkly romantic and an exciting story about forbidden love.

Marissa Meyer The Lunar Chronicles Series Cinder (1) Cress (3) Scarlet (2) Winter (4)

A forbidden romance. A deadly plague. Earth's fate hinges on one girl, Cinder, a gifted mechanic in New Beijing, who is also a cyborg. She's hated by her stepmother and blamed for her stepsister's sudden illness. But when her life becomes entwined with the handsome Prince Kai's, she finds herself at the centre of a violent struggle between the desires of an evil queen and a dangerous temptation!

Amy Plum Die For Me Trilogy Die For Me (1) Until I Die (2) If I Should Die (3)

After the death of my parents, my sister and I went to live in Paris with our grandparents. There, the mysterious and gorgeous Vincent Delacroix appears as if from nowhere to sweep me off of my feet… But nothing is ever that simple, is it?

Kate Tiernan Immortal Beloved Trilogy Immortal Beloved (1) Darkness Falls (2) Eternally Yours (3)

After a century of drug induced partying, Nastasya feels nothing and cares for no one. When she witnesses the brutal torture of a human by her dark immortal best friend, she decides to get help and attends a rehabilitation programme for immortals. There she meets Reyn… and her feelings begin to surface again! Lord Williams’s School Upper School Library

Suggested Reading for KS4 Students

Alyssa Brugman Alex As Well

When Alex was born, doctors described him as sexually ambiguous, with both male and female reproductive organs. For the last fourteen years his parents have raised Alex as a boy. They dressed him in boy’s clothes, sent him to a boys school and gave him medication to help regulate his hormones. But last night at dinner, Alex made an announcement, three words that would change everything: 'I' a girl.' Consequently, when Alex sets about changing her life, her wardrobe, her school, her entire identity no one knows how to react, least of all her parents.

Eleanor Catton The Rehearsal

A high-school sex scandal jolts a group of teenage girls into a new awareness of their own potency and power. The sudden and total publicity seems to turn every act into a performance and every platform into a stage. But when the local drama school decides to turn the scandal into a show, the real world and the world of the theatre are forced to meet and soon the boundaries between private and public begin to blur and dissolve.

Perry Moore Hero

Even though Thom Creed's a basketball star, his high school classmates keep their distance. They've picked up on something different about him. Plus, his father, Hal Creed, was one of the greatest and most beloved superheroes of his time until a catastrophic event left him disfigured and an outcast. The last thing in the world Thom wants is to add to his father's pain, so he keeps secrets… Like the fact that he has superpowers and he’s been asked to join the very organisation that discredited his father…!

Meredith Russo If I Was Your Girl

My name is Amanda. I'm 18. When you look at me, you might see that I'm pretty and popular; you might think my life is easy. But being me has never been easy, because I haven't always been Amanda. When I was born, I was named Andrew. Now, at my new school, I finally feel like myself, but do I owe my new friends the truth and an explanation about my past?

Lord Williams’s School Upper School Library

Suggested Reading for KS4 Students

Lisa Williamson The Art Of Being Normal

Two boys. Two secrets. David Piper has always been an outsider. His parents think he's gay. The school bully thinks he's a freak. Only his two best friends know the real truth…David wants to be a girl. On the first day at his new school Leo Denton has one goal, to be invisible. Attracting the attention of the most beautiful girl in year 11 is definitely not part of that plan. When Leo stands up for David in a fight, an unlikely friendship forms. But things are about to get complicated! Lord Williams’s School Upper School Library

Suggested Reading for KS4 Students

Malorie Blackman The Stuff Of Nightmares

Kyle has always been afraid of things, especially dying. But when he gets on the train that is taking him and his class on a school trip, he has no idea how close to death he is going to come.

Helen Dunmore The Greatcoat

Winter 1952, Isabel finds herself isolated and lonely as she strives to adjust to the realities of newly married life. Woken by intense cold one night, she discovers an old RAF greatcoat hidden in the back of a cupboard. Sleeping under it for warmth, she starts to dream. Not long afterwards, while her husband is out, she is startled by a knock at her window.

Alyxandra Harvey Haunting Violet

Violet doesn't believe in ghosts, as her mother has worked as a fake medium for a decade. She has taken part in enough of her mother's tricks to feel more than a little fed up about anything supernatural. However, ghosts believe in Violet and she has been seeing them everywhere. One ghost in particular needs Violet’s help…

Susan Hill The Woman In Black

Arthur Kipps, a junior solicitor, is summoned to attend the funeral of Mrs Alice Drablow, who was the sole inhabitant of Eel Marsh House. He is unaware of the tragic secrets which lie hidden behind the shuttered windows… A classic English ghost story! Lord Williams’s School Upper School Library

Suggested Reading for KS4 Students

Leo Hunt 13 Days Of Midnight Trilogy 13 Days of Midnight (1) 8 Rivers of Shadow (2) 7 Trees of Stone (3)

A thrilling supernatural adventure: dark and funny, with twists at every turn. Luke Manchett used to be one of the most popular boys at school. That was before his necromancer father died and left him a host of vengeful ghosts that want him dead!

Claire McFall Black Cairn Point

Heather agrees to a group camping holiday with Dougie and his friends because she's desperate to get closer to him. But when they disturb a pagan burial site above the beach, she becomes certain that they have woken a malevolent spirit. Something is alive out there in the pitch-black dark, and it is planning to wreak deadly revenge.

Michelle Paver Dark Matter

Jack jumps at the chance to join an arctic expedition. Spirits are high as the ship leaves Norway with five men and eight huskies. They reach the remote, uninhabited bay where they will camp for the next year. Gruhuken. But the Arctic summer is brief and as the dark arctic winter returns to claim the land, Jack feels a creeping unease.

Rachel Sa The Lewton Experiment

17-year-old Sherri arrives in Lewton, Ontario, excited to start a new summer job working as a student reporter. Instead of a thriving community, she finds a deserted ghost town. Most of the local shops have been boarded up and their now zombie-like owners are working at the new superstore, Shopwells. Sherri takes it upon herself to investigate what is going on. Lord Williams’s School Upper School Library

Suggested Reading for KS4 Students

Brian Conaghan When Mr Dog Bites

Dylan Mint has Tourette’s. He’s sixteen and life is tough enough without the swearing, the tics and the howling dog that seems to escape whenever he gets stressed… Overhearing a conversation at the hospital between his Mum and the doctor, Dylan discovers that he is going to die next March. So he decides to grant himself three wishes and sets out to make them come true. But things don’t quite go to plan!

Sarah Crossan One Winner of the CILIP Carnegie Medal 2016. Tippi and Grace are conjoined twins. They don’t like being stared at but it happens all the time. They want to be looked at and treated as two individual people. They want their own friends and what about love?

An unbelievably difficult decision lies ahead for them…

Nathan Filer The Shock Of The Fall

‘I’ll tell you what happened because it will be a good way to introduce my brother. His name is Simon. I think you’re going to like him. I really do. But in a couple of pages he’ll be dead. And he was never the same after that.’

A remarkable story about one person’s descent into mental illness.

Emery Lord When We Collided

Jonah Daniels is seventeen and has lived in Verona Cove, California all his life. Only one thing has changed. His father died and now the family are coping as best they can and Jonah must take care of them. Vivi Alexander is new to town. She is like a gorgeous tornado! She transforms Jonah’s family and changes his life, but there are always consequences when different worlds collide… Lord Williams’s School Upper School Library

Suggested Reading for KS4 Students

R.J. Palacio Wonder

Born with a terrible facial abnormality, Auggie has been home-schooled by his parents his whole life. Now, for the first time, he is being sent to a real school and he is dreading it. He just wants is to be accepted, but can he show his new classmates that he's just like them, underneath it all?

Kate Scott Counting To D

The students at Sam's school weren’t sure if they should make fun of her for being too smart or too dumb… That's what it means to be dyslexic, smart, and illiterate. Sam is so fed up with it that when her Mum gets a new job in another city, she decides to tell no one about her learning disability… Her new life and new friends are perfect but will she be able to keep it that way by concealing her dyslexia?

Nicola Yoon Everything Everything

Maddy is allergic to the world. Leaving the sterile sanctuary of her home could kill her. Then Olly moves in next door and suddenly Maddy realises that there is much more to life than just being alive. The excitement of first love awaits and Maddy is prepared to risk everything to see where it might lead…

Benjamin Zephaniah Face

A moving and compelling story of teenager, Martin, whose life is completely changed when his face is badly scarred in a joyriding accident. Lord Williams’s School Upper School Library

Suggested Reading for KS4 Students

Bernard Cornwell The Last Kingdom

In a land torn apart by conflict, an orphan boy has come of age. Raised by the Vikings, deadly enemies of his own Saxon people, Uhtred is a fierce and skilled warrior who kneels to no-one. Alfred, Saxon king and man of god, fights to hold the throne of the only land that is still resisting the pagan northerners.

Uhtred and Alfred’s fates are inevitably entwined and together they will change history...

Angus Donald Outlaw Chronicles Outlaw (1) Holy Warrior (2) King’s Man (3)

On the run for stealing, Alan Dale joins a band of outlaws that live in Sherwood Forest. Their leader is Robin Hood. Robin takes Alan under his wing and teaches him how to fight. Robin is also a very ruthless man who could murder him just as easily as protect him… This is the beginning of their adventures.

Helen Dunmore The Siege

It’s 1941 and Leningrad is in the grip of winter and besieged by German forces. This is the story of how war can affect the lives of ordinary people and the lengths that they will go to in order to survive and keep hope alive…

Charles Frazier Cold Mountain

Inman, a soldier wounded in the American Civil War, turns his back on the carnage of the battlefield and begins the dangerous journey home to Cold Mountain and to Ada, the woman he loved before the war began. Meanwhile, Ada struggles to make a living from the land that her once-wealthy father left her when he died.

Neither knows if the other is still alive. Lord Williams’s School Upper School Library

Suggested Reading for KS4 Students

Alice Hoffman The Dovekeepers

In 70AD, nine hundred Jews held out for months against the Roman army on a mountain outside the Judean desert, Masada. Two women and five children survived. The Dovekeepers is based on this tragic event and focuses on the intersecting lives of four women. Each woman has secrets and different reasons for coming to Masada. A captivating read.

Conn Iggulden The Conqueror Series Wolf Of The Plains (1) Lords Of The Bow (2) Bones Of The Hills (3) Empire Of Silver (4) Conqueror (5)

From eleven year old boy cast out by his tribe… to revered warlord. The story of Genghis Khan and his descendants.

Hilary Mantel Wolf Hall Wolf Hall Bring Up The Bodies

England 1520s. King Henry VIII is on the throne with no heir… Cardinal Wolsey, his chief advisor is tasked with securing his divorce which the will not grant. Enter lowly born but ruthlessly ambitious Thomas Cromwell. Clerk to Wolsey and later his successor, whose persuasions and skilled manipulations change events and inevitably, the course of history.

Ruta Sepetys Between Shades Of Grey

Set in 1941, and based on the true first-hand family accounts and memories from survivors, this haunting story is told by fifteen year old Lina, who is dragged from her home by Soviet soldiers and thrown onto a cattle truck destined for Siberia, along with her mother and brother. She doesn’t know if she will ever see her father again, but she refuses to give up hope.

Lord Williams’s School Upper School Library

Suggested Reading for KS4 Students

Keith Austin Snow, White

John Creed's nights are haunted by dreams of a white wolf, his days are tormented by the hideous class bully. He's a loner with a stutter and his home- life with an eccentric grandfather who wants to teach him folklore and ancient languages, is isolated and unusual. But then John makes a friend Fyre.

A dark and twisted take on some classic fairy-tale characters.

Frances Hardinge The Lie Tree

Faith's father has been found dead under mysterious circumstances and as she is searching through his belongings for clues, she discovers a strange tree. The tree only grows healthy and bears fruit if you whisper a lie to it. The fruit of the tree, when eaten, will deliver a hidden truth to the person who consumes it. The bigger the lie, the more people who believe it, the bigger the truth that is uncovered. Faith realises that she is good at lying and that the tree might hold the key to her father's murder, but things spiral out of control…

Stephen King Christine

Christine was blood red, finned and twenty years old. She was Arnie's obsession, his pride and joy…a '58 Plymouth Fury. Broken down but not yet on the scrap heap.

Arnie sensed a power in her, a frightening and malign power that was turning ownership into possession. Christine was eating into Arnie’s mind and burrowing into his psyche...

Kenneth Oppel His Dark Endeavour His Dark Endeavour Such Wicked Intent

In this prequel to Mary Shelley's gothic classic, Frankenstein, 16-year-old Victor Frankenstein begins a dark journey that will change his life forever. Victor's twin, Konrad, has fallen ill, and no doctor is able to cure him. Unwilling to give up on his brother, Victor enlists his cousin Elizabeth and best friend Henry to help search for the ingredients to create the forbidden Elixir of Life. Lord Williams’s School Upper School Library

Suggested Reading for KS4 Students

Mary Shelley Frankenstein

Victor Frankenstein, driven by the mad dream of creating his own creature, experiments with alchemy and science to build a monster, stitched together from the remains of dead bodies. Once the creature becomes a living breathing entity, it turns on its maker and the novel darkens into tragedy.

Classic gothic horror!

Robert Louis Stevenson Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde

GCSE English set text.

In seeking to discover his inner self, Dr Jekyll finds a monster – Mr Hyde. A scary and mesmerising study of the concept of duality and the capacity for good and evil within one person. Thought provoking and chilling!

Bram Stoker Dracula

The character of Count Dracula is born…

This is the story of Dracula's attempt to move from Transylvania to England so that he can find fresh new blood and spread the undead curse of the Vampire. Professor Abraham Van Helsing and a small group of men and women battle to prevent this from happening.

Carlos Ruiz Zafon The Watcher In The Shadows

Irene's mother has taken a job as a housekeeper for the mysterious and reclusive toymaker, Lazarus. The lighthouse that he lives in seems to contain more secrets than Irene and Ishmael can imagine… strange mechanical beings… bright lights that shine through the mists that surround the island… a strange shadowy creature that hides in the woods… Lord Williams’s School Upper School Library

Suggested Reading for KS4 Students

J.A Buckle Half My Facebook Friends Are Ferrets

Fifteen-year-old Josh dreams about becoming a death metal guitarist complete with tattoos, piercings and hoards of adoring fans. But it’s not easy when his very strict mum won’t even let him grow his hair! Josh has a way of coping with life’s setbacks. He keeps a diary and it contains all of his hopes, dreams and frustrations, not to mention some great ideas for band names and lyrics! There’s a lot he wants to achieve before his 16th birthday, but things never go to plan do they?

Dave Cousins 15 Days Without A Head

Fifteen-year-old Laurence Roach just wants a normal life, but it's not easy when your mum is a depressed alcoholic, and your six-year-old brother thinks he's a dog. When Mum fails to come home one night, Laurence tells nobody, terrified he and his brother will be taken into care if anyone finds out. Instead, he attempts to keep up the pretence that Mum is still around, dressing up in her clothes to trick the neighbours and spinning an increasingly complicated tangle of lies. But the adults are closing in…

Vanessa Curtis Zelah Green: Who Says I’m A Freak? Zelah Green: Who Says I’m A Freak? (1) Zelah Green: One More Little Problem (2)

I’m Zelah Green and I’m a cleanaholic… I spend most of my life running away from germs, dirt and people. I’m just about coping when my stepmother packs me off to some kind of hospital to live with loads of strangers. Alice is anorexic. Caro cuts herself, Silent Sol who smiles a lot to name but a few! Mental health issues spotlighted and dealt with in a warm and humorous way!

T.S Easton Boys Don’t Knit

Ben Fletcher gets to grips with his more 'feminine' side following an unfortunate incident with a lollipop lady and a stolen bottle of Martini Rosso from Waitrose. All a big misunderstanding! To avoid the Young Offenders unit, Ben is ordered to give something back to the community and develop his sense of citizenship. To keep him on the straight and narrow he takes up knitting! Why? Because the knitting teacher is HOT! Ben gets 'stuck in' and discovers that he rather likes it… Now he’s just got to keep it a secret from everyone! Lord Williams’s School Upper School Library

Suggested Reading for KS4 Students

Helen Fielding Bridget Jones’s Diary

Hilarious ramblings of thirty-something singleton Bridget Jones, as she tries to negotiate the ups and downs of her life, career and relationships with family and friends whilst choosing between the merits of Mark Darcy and Daniel Cleaver!

If you like this, try Bridget Jones: The Edge Of Reason; Mad About The Boy and Bridget Jones’s Baby.

Derek Landy Skulduggery Pleasant Series Skulduggery Pleasant (1) Death Bringer (6) Playing With Fire (2) Kingdom Of The Wicked (7) The Faceless Ones (3) Last Stand Of Dead Men (8) Dark Days (4) The Dying Of The Light (9) Mortal Coil (5) Resurrection (10)

Wise-cracking ‘dead’ detective Skulduggery Pleasant and his sidekick Stephanie negotiate their way through a series of very funny situations, battling evil!

Holly Smale Geek Girl Series Geek Girl (1) All That Glitters (4) Model Misfit (2) Head Over Heels (5) Picture Perfect (3) Forever Geek (6)

Harriet Manners knows that a cat has 32 muscles in each ear, a “jiffy” lasts 1/100th of a second, and the average person laughs 15 times per day. She knows that bats always turn left when exiting a cave and that peanuts are one of the ingredients of dynamite. But she doesn’t know why nobody at school seems to like her!

Sue Townsend Adrian Mole Series The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole Aged 13 ¾ (1) The Growing Pains Of Adrian Mole (2) True Confessions of Adrian Albert Mole (3) Adrian Mole The Wilderness Years (4) + Other Titles

Adrian Mole gives the reader a hilarious glimpse into his adolescent life and all the associated trials and tribulations! Very, very funny! Lord Williams’s School Upper School Library

Suggested Reading for KS4 Students

Sophia Bennett The Look

Ted has been spotted by a modelling agency and it seems her dreams of becoming a famous supermodel may well come true. At the same time, her sister Ava is diagnosed with cancer. Ted realises that she faces a tough choice… Is her family and her sister’s health more important than her career???

Katie Dale Someone Else’s Life

Rosie is devastated when her mum dies of Huntington’s disease. She really misses her mum, but also has to face the possibility that she may have inherited the fatal illness herself. Then she discovers that her mum wasn’t her biological mother at all... Rosie digs into her past to discover who she really is and is faced with a heart- breaking dilemma. Should she continue to live a lie or reveal the shattering truth?

Jenny Downham Before I Die

Sixteen year old Tessa is going to die. She’s made a bucket list of ten things that she wants to do in the time that she has left. With her body failing, Tessa pushes aside the reality of endless hospital visits and drugs with awful side-effects to experience what it is to be alive…

A moving, yet uplifting story…Hankies may be required!

John Green The Fault In Our Stars

Hazel has lived with her terminal diagnosis for ages… Then, a gorgeous guy named Augustus suddenly appears at the Cancer Kid Support Group that she attends and this development is an immediate game-changer!

Funny, heart-breaking and brilliant!

Lord Williams’s School Upper School Library

Suggested Reading for KS4 Students

Jojo Moyes Me Before You

Following an accident with a motorcycle, Will Traynor is struggling to adapt to life with quadriplegia. Lou Clark is looking for work after ‘The Buttered Bun’ shuts down. After answering an advertisement, Lou becomes Will’s companion and so starts a very prickly and tentative friendship… Will shows no joy in living and Lou is determined to change that… A moving and very thought provoking story about quality of life and a person’s right to make their own choices.

Patrick Ness A Monster Calls

Conor dreams the same dream every night, since his mother fell ill. This night is different though, he wakes up to find a monster at his window…

A powerful and unforgettable novel about love, loss, family, hope and survival, which has recently been made into a film. A must-read!

Jodi Picoult My Sister’s Keeper

Kate was diagnosed with a rare type of leukaemia when she was two years old and subsequently, Anna was born to be a genetic match for her. For thirteen years, she has been a donor for her sister, Kate. Now, Kate needs a kidney and no one is asking Anna what she feels about this. It’s being assumed that Anna will just donate one. Anna doesn’t want Kate to die, but she is really fed up of helping her to live…

Annabel Pitcher My Sister Lives On The Mantlepiece

Ten year old Jamie hasn’t cried since his sister Rose died. The rest of the family did except Roger, their cat! Five years on, his family is still suffering… His Dad drinks, his Mum has gone and his sister Jas doesn’t eat anymore. Her hair is pink and she has loads of piercings! Jamie has lots of questions that he must try and find answers to….

A bold and tender story of a family fractured by loss. Lord Williams’s School Upper School Library

Suggested Reading for KS4 Students

Douglas Adams The Hitch Hiker’s Guide To The Galaxy Series The Hitch-hiker’s Guide To The Galaxy (1) The Restaurant At The End Of The Universe (2) Life, The Universe And Everything (3) So Long, And Thanks For All The Fish (4) Mostly Harmless (5) It’s an ordinary Thursday lunchtime for Arthur Dent, until his house is suddenly demolished to make way for a new hyperspace bypass! The earth follows shortly afterwards! His best friend then tells Arthur that he is actually an alien… !!!

Malorie Blackman Noughts And Crosses Quartet Noughts And Crosses (1) Knife Edge (2) Checkmate (3) Double Cross (4)

Sephy is a Cross, a member of the dark-skinned ruling class. Callum is a nought, a ‘colourless’ member of the underclass who were once slaves to the Crosses. The two have been friends since early childhood. But that’s as far as it can go…!? A story of love and hope against a backdrop of prejudice.

John Boyne The Boy In Striped Pyjamas

Nine-year-old Bruno knows nothing of the Final Solution and the Holocaust.

All he knows is that he has been moved from a comfortable home in Berlin to a house in a desolate area where there is nothing to do and no one to play with. Until one day he meets Shmuel, a boy who lives a strange parallel existence on the other side of the adjoining wire fence and who, like the other people there, wears a uniform of striped pyjamas.

William Golding Lord Of The Flies

A group of schoolboys are marooned on an uninhabited desert island after a plane crash. Each day they wait on the beach for rescue, which doesn’t come. As time goes by, the boys’ actions and behaviours become more primitive and brutal, until they have evolved from a group of innocent school boys into a tribe of murderous savages… Lord Williams’s School Upper School Library

Suggested Reading for KS4 Students

Yann Martel The Life Of Pi

After the tragic sinking of a cargo ship, a solitary lifeboat remains bobbing on the wild, blue Pacific. The only survivors from the wreck are a sixteen year old boy named Pi, a hyena, a zebra (with a broken leg), a female orang-utan and a 450- pound Royal Bengal tiger. The scene is set for a unique story!

Harper Lee To Kill A Mocking Bird

It’s 1930s in American Deep South and young attorney Atticus Finch is tasked with defending a black man who is charged with the rape of a white girl. Adult attitudes to race and class at that time are highlighted and examined with clarity and humour. The conscience of a whole town steeped in prejudice, violence and hypocrisy is pricked by the stamina of one man's struggle for justice… A must read..!

Also by Harper Lee try reading Go Set A Watchman. Set two decades later against the backdrop of the American civil rights movement and featuring an ageing Atticus and his daughter Jean Louise Finch.

Ayn Rand The Fountainhead

A story of architect Howard Roark, a strong unyielding man and his twenty year struggle against a double-dealing group of rivals who will stop at nothing to bring him down. This is an epic story of money, power and a man's struggle to succeed on his own terms when all things seem to conspire against him.

J.R.R. Tolkien The Lord Of The Rings Trilogy The Fellowship Of The Ring (1) The Two Towers (2) The Return Of The King (3)

Sauron, the Dark Lord has all the ‘Rings of Power’ in his possession, except one… The one that will allow him to rule Middle-earth. This ring was entrusted to Hobbit, Bilbo Baggins for safe keeping. Elderly Bilbo, must now task his young cousin Frodo with the job of taking the ring to the Cracks of Doom in order to destroy it forever. An epic journey across Middle-earth begins… Lord Williams’s School Upper School Library

Suggested Reading for KS4 Students

Tara Altebrando The Leaving

Eleven years ago, six five-year olds went missing without a trace. After all this time, the people left behind have moved on, and live their lives as best they can.

Now five of those children are back. They're sixteen, and they seem ... fine!?

Where have they been? What have they been doing?

Julie Berry All The Truth That’s In Me

This intriging book is a real romance, a story of yearning and unrequited love and a page-turning mystery full of plot twists and turns that will keep you guessing until the very end. But most of all, it's an empowering drama about a girl's journey from being a victim to becoming a hero.

Anne Cassidy Looking For JJ

Three children walked away from the cottages on the edge of town towards Berwick Waters. Later that day only two of them came back…

Agatha Christie And Then There Were None

Ten strangers are invited by the mysterious ‘U.N. Owen’ to stay at an isolated mansion on an island just off of the Devon coast. Once there, the boat leaves them to settle in. At dinner, a recorded message accuses each of the guests of having a guilty secret. By the end of the night one of them is dead… Agatha Christie at her best! Lord Williams’s School Upper School Library

Suggested Reading for KS4 Students

Emma Haughton Cruel Heart Broken

Two impulsive decisions. Two toxic secrets. Too many hearts broken. Laurie is a good girl. So everyone thinks. But eight months ago, she did something that she can’t undo and it’s tearing her apart. Charlie used to be her best friend. He’s also done something he regrets and now someone has died…

Sophie McKenzie Girl, Missing Trilogy Girl, Missing (1) Sister, Missing (2) Missing Me (3)

Lauren is adopted and eager to know more about her past. But when she discovers that she may have been snatched from an American family as a baby, her life suddenly feels like a sham. Why will no one answer her questions?

Jenny Valentine The Double Life Of Cassiel Roadnight

‘I didn’t choose to be him I didn’t pick Cassiel Roadnight out of a line-up of possible people who looked just like me. I just let it happen. I just wanted it to be true. That’s all I did wrong, at the beginning.’

Rachel Ward The Drowning

When Carl opens his eyes on the banks of a cold lake, his brother is being zipped into a body bag. A shivering wet girl is being helped nearby. What happened in the water? He can’t remember. All he knows is that he must find out, before the truth comes back to drown him… Lord Williams’s School Upper School Library

Suggested Reading for KS4 Students

Cecelia Ahern Flawed Flawed (1) Perfect (2)

Celestine North lives a perfect life. But one day she encounters a situation in which she makes an instinctive decision. She breaks a rule and now faces life- changing consequences. She could be imprisoned, branded and found FLAWED! Can Celestine fight this perfect society and what will it cost her?

Malorie Blackman Chasing The Stars

What happens when love brings loss? When love brings lies? When love brings hate? Olivia meets Nathan when their lives unexpectedly collide in deep space. They are instantly attracted to each other, but not everyone is pleased about it. Amid rumours of deception and murder, is it possible to live out a happy ever after…? A mystery thriller, love story and space adventure all rolled into one!

Cassandra Clare The Dark Artifices Lady Midnight (1) Lord Of Shadows (2) To be continued …

The latest series about the ever popular world of Shadowhunters. Emma Carstairs and her ‘parabatai’ Julian Blackthorn are the central characters. Essential reading for Teenage Fantasy Adventure readers!

Joey Graceffa Children Of Eden

This is Eden. Rowan is an illegal second child, hidden away from the authorities by her family for sixteen years. She is unable to go to school, have friends or get the eye implants that show that she is a true member of Eden Society. Desperate to explore the world denied to her, Rowan leaves the family compound one night for an adventure, which ends in tragedy. Now she is on the run for her life…

Lord Williams’s School Upper School Library

Suggested Reading for KS4 Students

Marissa Meyer Heartless

Fantasy and fairy tale mash-up… Long ago before Alice fell down the rabbit hole and before roses were painted red, the Queen of Hearts was just a girl, in love for the very first time.

This is her story…

Stephenie Meyer The Chemist

She used to work for the U.S. government. An expert in her field, working for an agency so secret that it didn’t even have a name… but they’ve decided that she is a liability and they want her dead! Now she is on the run from them, using false names and rarely staying in one place for very long. She wants to fight back and clear her name, but who can she trust and how can she do this? A gripping thriller full of suspense and plot twists!

Jandy Nelson The Sky Is Everywhere

A heart breaking, heart-warming and truly unforgettable book about first love and first loss, from the perspective of seventeen year old Lennie Walker.

Laini Taylor Strange The Dreamer

The dream chooses the dreamer, not the other way around…Lazlo Strange, war orphan and junior librarian has always feared that his dream chose poorly. He has always been obsessed with the mythic lost city of Weep, but it would take a bolder person than he to cross half the world in search of it. Then an opportunity arises in the form of a hero called ‘The Godslayer’ and a band of legendary warriors, and Lazlo has to grasp his chance or maybe lose his dream forever. Lord Williams’s School Upper School Library

Suggested Reading for KS4 Students

Khaled Hosseini The Kite Runner

Set in Afghanistan 1975, twelve year old Amir is desperate to win the local kite flying competition and his friend Hassan promises to help him. But that afternoon something happens that changes them forever. When the Russians invade Afghanistan, Amir’s family flee to America, but he knows that one day he must return to there to seek some peace and closure… even though it is now under Taliban rule.

Nick Lake In Darkness

Alone and in darkness, Shorty is trapped beneath the rubble of the Haitian earthquake, thirsty and frightened. He’s a child of the slums and this is his story… How he came to be there, why he has a bullet in his arm and the sister that was taken from him by the gangsters…

Ali Lewis Everybody Jam

It’s time to sort the men from the boys on the outback cattle station where Danny lives. It’s the annual muster, the biggest event of the year. But this year will be different because his brother Jonny was killed in an accident, but nobody ever talks about it, because his fourteen year old sister is pregnant and because it’s getting hotter and hotter and the rains won’t come and the cracks are beginning to show…

Anna Perera The Glass Collector

Fifteen year old Aaron lives among the rubbish piles in the slums of Cairo.

His job is to collect broken glass. While he works he hopes and dreams of finding a better future…

Lord Williams’s School Upper School Library

Suggested Reading for KS4 Students

Bali Rai Killing Honour

When Sat's sister, Jas, is married off into the Atwal family she changes. She's quiet and distant. But Sat's too busy with his own life, his girlfriend, his friends and his football to notice the difference. Then Jas disappears! Her new husband says that she has run off with another man. Her family disown her and don't seem to care if she is ever found. But Sat doesn't believe it. Something has happened to his sister and he's determined to find out what it is, but his probing takes him into some very dangerous territory . . .

William Sutcliffe The Wall

Joshua is a troubled boy who lives with his mother and stepfather in a divided city, where a wall and soldiers separate the two hostile communities. Joshua discovers a manhole, which leads into a dark tunnel that goes under the wall and leads to the other side. This is dangerous territory, which he shouldn't stray into, but he does. Consequently, a young girl’s act of kindness saves his life but leads to a brutal act and a debt that he is determined to repay at all costs…

Vikas Swarup Slumdog Millionaire

The story of a young boy from the streets of Mumbai, who wins one billion rupees on television quiz show ‘Who Wants to be a Millionaire.’

He is accused of cheating and jailed, because how can a boy from the slums know who Shakespeare was? In order of the questions on the show, Ram explains how his life on the streets taught him the answers.

Matt Whyman Boy Kills Man

Shorty and Alberto are thirteen year old ‘blood brothers’ living on the streets of Medellin, Colombia and they work for their local cartel. Here, they run cigarettes, offer protection and occasionally assassinate someone. The work is tough and dangerous but the money is good and they are discovering that it commands respect, too! Then Alberto disappears and Shorty realises that he is not coming back. A gangster’s life is worth very little and everyone has their price… Lord Williams’s School Upper School Library

Suggested Reading for KS4 Students

Cecelia Ahern P.S. I Love You

They were meant to be together. No one could imagine Holly and Gerry apart… until the unthinkable happens. Gerry dies and Holly is devastated.

As her 30th birthday approaches, Gerry returns to her… He has left Holly a series of letters, one for each of the months after his death. In them, he gently guides and encourages Holly into her new life without him. Each note is signed P.S. I love you…

Eve Ainsworth Crush

Anna is lost after her Mum’s sudden departure, but she finds comfort in her blossoming relationship with Will. He is handsome, loving and everything Anna could want. He’s also moody, unpredictable and jealous of her friends and her music. He wants her to be his and his alone. A gripping exploration of first love and it’s powerful, addictive and destructive facets.

Eve Edwards Dusk Dusk (1) Dawn (2)

When Helen, a young hard-working nurse, meets aristocratic artist Sebastian, she doesn't expect to like him, let alone fall in love with him, but against the troubled backdrop of wartime London, an unlikely but intense romance blossoms. Even the bloody trenches of the Somme, where they are both posted, cannot diminish their feelings for each other. Dawn, continues their story…

Audrey Niffenegger The Time Traveler’s Wife

This is the amazing love story of Clare and Henry, who met when she was six and he was thirty six. They were married when Clare was twenty two and Henry was thirty. Impossible but true… Because, without any warning Henry time travels into his past and future, leaving Clare behind and both of them struggling to lead a normal life together. Unforgettable and very moving! Lord Williams’s School Upper School Library

Suggested Reading for KS4 Students

Rainbow Rowell Eleanor & Park

Eleanor is the new girl in town, full of energy and flowing red hair. Park is the boy that she sits next to on the bus. Park is quiet and measured. Slowly, through late night conversations and stacks of mix tapes… they fall in love.

A story of first love set over the course of one school year in 1986. Funny, sad and shocking.

Jennifer E. Smith The Statistical Probability Of LOVE At First Sight

What if she hadn’t forgotten that book, or she had run faster to the gate and caught the flight that she was supposed to be on… Fate…Destiny?

Set over a 24-hour period, Hadley and Oliver’s story will make you believe that true love will find you even when you are least expecting it!

Krystal Sutherland Our Chemical Hearts

Henry Page is a hopeless romantic and a film buff, who is immediately smitten with Grace Town, a dishevelled girl who wears boy’s clothes and walks with a cane. When they begin to edit the high school newspaper together, the mystery surrounding Grace intrigues Henry…

A bittersweet story of friendship, first love and heartache all rolled into one.

Nicola Yoon The Sun Is Also A Star

Natasha is certainly not the sort of girl who meets an attractive boy on a busy street and falls in love with him. Not when her family is twelve hours away from being deported to .

Daniel has always been the good student, living up to his parents’ high expectations. Never the poet or the dreamer. But when he sees Natasha he forgets all of that… Lord Williams’s School Upper School Library

Suggested Reading for KS4 Students

James Dashner The Mortality Doctrine Trilogy The Eye Of Minds (1) The Rule Of Thoughts (2) The Game Of Lives (3)

A series set in a world of hyper advanced technology, cyber terrorists, and gaming beyond your wildest imaginings ... and your worst nightmares!

Michael Grant BZRK Series BZRK (1) BZRK: Reloaded (2) BZRK: Apocalypse (3)

Noah and Sadie have been newly inducted into an underground cell so secret that even they don't even know each other's names! Here they will learn to fight crime and terror on a nano level! Scary!!!

Patrick Ness Chaos Walking Trilogy The Knife Of Never Letting Go (1) The Ask And The Answer (2) Monsters Of Men (3)

The New World. Imagine you're the only boy in a town of men. You can hear everything they think and they can hear everything you think. Imagine you don't fit in with their plans. Todd Hewitt is just one month away from the birthday that will make him a man…

Emma Pass The Fearless

The Fearless are an army powered by a state of the art new serum that makes each soldier stronger, sharper and faster than their enemies. Intended as a force for good, the serum has a terrible side-effect… Anyone who takes it loses their ability to feel empathy, love and compassion for others. As the Fearless sweep through the country, forcing the serum on anyone in their path, society begins to fracture and chaos soon follows… Lord Williams’s School Upper School Library

Suggested Reading for KS4 Students

Philip Reeve Railhead Series Railhead (1) Black Light Express (2)

Step Aboard, the Universe is awaits. The Great Network is a place of drones and androids, Hive Monks and Station Angels. The place of the thousand gates, where sentient trains criss-cross the galaxy in a heartbeat. It is also a place of great danger, especially for someone who rides the rails and rides his luck the way Zen Starling does.

Dan Wells Partials Trilogy Partials (1) Fragments (2) Ruins (3)

The only hope for humanity isn't human. In this world people have been all but wiped out by a virus created by Partials, part human cyborgs. No human baby survives longer than three days and a teenage girl decides to try to find a cure and save her best friend's unborn child. But finding a cure means capturing a Partial...

H.G. Wells The Invisible Man

With his face completely covered in bandages, his eyes hidden behind dark glasses and his hands covered, even indoors, Griffin the new guest at The Coach and Horses is at first assumed to be a shy accident victim. But the true reason for his disguise is far more disturbing… He has created a process that has made him invisible and he is now struggling to discover an antidote!

John Wyndham The Day Of The Triffids

When a strange cosmic event results in most of the Earth's population going blind, Bill Masen is one of the lucky few to keep his sight. London is crowded with groups of people needing help, some ready to prey on those who can still see. But another menace stalks the blind and sighted alike... Triffids, mobile plants with lethal stingers and carnivorous appetites, who seem poised to take control and it seems that nobody will be able to stop them! Lord Williams’s School Upper School Library

Suggested Reading for KS4 Students

Ernest Cline Ready Player One 2044, the real world is a desolate place. Famine, disease and poverty are commonplace and the climate has been destroyed. Wade avoids this by spending hours plugged into the Oasis, a virtual utopian world where anyone can be anything they wish and go anywhere they choose. The Oasis founder, James Halliday, died without an heir and promised control of the OASIS and his huge fortune to the person who could solve the riddles that he left behind amongst this virtual world. Wade is determined to solve the riddles and inherit everything. But he’s not the only gamer on this quest…

Thomas Hardy Far From The Madding Crowd

The story of strong minded Bathsheba Everdeen and her three suitors… dashing soldier Sergeant Troy, obsessive farmer Mister Boldwood and hardworking shepherd Gabriel Oak. One is successful in winning Bathsheba’s heart but only after violence and murder rule out the other two men.

Nick Lake Hostage Three

It's a once in a lifetime trip! A girl on a yacht with her mega rich banker father. A chance for the family to heal after a difficult time, surrounded by the peaceful sea and the warm sun… But a nightmare is about to unfold as a group of Somali pirates seizes the boat and its human cargo and the family becomes a commodity in a highly sophisticated transaction. Hostage One is Dad, the most valuable. Amy is Hostage Three.

Jennifer Niven All The Bright Places

Theodore Finch is fascinated by death, and he constantly thinks of ways he might kill himself. But each time, something good, no matter how small, stops him. Violet Markey lives for the future, counting the days until graduation, when she can escape her Indiana town and her aching grief in the wake of her sister's recent death. When Finch and Violet meet on the ledge of the bell tower at school, it's unclear who saves whom… and so begins a touching love story…

Lord Williams’s School Upper School Library

Suggested Reading for KS4 Students

George Orwell Animal Farm

When the oppressed animals of Manor Farm overthrow their owner Mr Jones and the farm, they hope it will be the beginning of a new life of freedom and equality. But pigs Napoleon and Snowball gradually start to take control…

Soon the other animals discover that they are not all as equal as they thought as they find themselves trapped by yet another form of tyranny!

Louis Sachar Holes

Stanley Yelnats is sent to Camp Green Lake, a boys’ juvenile detention centre following a miscarriage of justice. There, each day the boys must dig a hole, five feet across and five feet deep in the dried up lake bed. Why?

The Warden says that physical labour builds character, but Stanley isn’t so sure. Would the Warden lie to them? Stanley wants to find out the truth.

Susan Vaught Freaks Like Us

Sunshine has disappeared and if only the voices in his head would go away, he would be able to remember what happened. Suspicion falls on him and he must discover what happened to her. Written by a practicing psychologist, this is a sensitive portrait of Jason, a seventeen year old boy with schizophrenia. The author skilfully shows the reader that not everyone with a mental health issue is insane or dangerous to other people.

Andy Weir The Martian

Six days ago, astronaut Mark Watney became one of the first people to walk on Mars. Now, he's sure he'll be the first person to die there. After a dust storm nearly kills him and forces his crew to evacuate while thinking him dead, Mark finds himself stranded and completely alone with no way to even signal Earth that he’s alive – and even if he could get word out, his supplies would be gone long before a rescue could arrive. The ultimate survival dilemma! Lord Williams’s School Upper School Library

Suggested Reading for KS4 Students

Tom Clancy The Hunt For Red October

A dangerous game of nautical cat and mouse played out over 18 days in 4000 miles of ocean. Red October is the Soviet Navy's newest ballistic missile submarine. When the whole crew decides to defect, the Soviet fleet sets out to destroy it, while the US and British fleets attempt to prevent them from doing so.

Michael Grant Gone Series Gone (1) Plague (4) Hunger (2) Fear (5) Lies (3) Light (6) Suddenly all the adults disappear in a small town in southern California and no one knows why. Cut off from the outside world, those that are left are trapped and there is no help on its way. Chaos rules the streets. Gangs form. Sides are chosen…

Thomas Harris The Silence Of The Lambs

An FBI trainee. A psychopath locked up for unspeakable crimes and a serial killer getting ever closer to his latest victim. FBI rookie Clarice Starling turns to Dr. Hannibal Lecter, a monstrous cannibal held in a hospital for the criminally insane, for some insight into the murderer that she must track down.

Paula Hawkins The Girl On The Train

Rachel catches the same commuter train every morning. It stops at the signal overlooking the same back gardens each day. She's even started to feel like she knows the people who live in one of the houses. 'Jess and Jason', she calls them. Their life - as she sees it, is perfect. If only Rachel could be that happy… Then she sees something shocking. It's only a minute until the train moves on, but it's enough… Lord Williams’s School Upper School Library

Suggested Reading for KS4 Students

Robert Ludlum The Jason Bourne Series The Bourne Identity (1) The Bourne Supremacy (2) The Bourne Ultimatum (3)

Who is Jason Bourne and why does he have four million dollars in a Swiss bank account? Jason doesn't know the answer. He has lost his memory and his search to find out who he is and what he has done starts with one clue…Somebody desperately wants him dead…

Carrie Ryan Daughter Of Deep Silence

After the total destruction of the luxury yacht Persephone, three people are left alive who know the truth about what happened and two of them are lying! Why are Senator Wells and his son Greyson claiming that it was sunk by a rogue wave? Frances Mace knows it was attacked. After years of careful plotting, she's ready to put her plans for revenge into action and finally avenge her dead family and friend…

Tom Rob Smith Leo Demidov Trilogy Child 44 (1) The Secret Speech (2) Agent 6 (3)

In Stalin's , crime does not exist, but still millions live in fear. The mere suspicion of disloyalty to the State, the wrong word at the wrong time, can send an innocent person to their execution. When Leo is ordered to investigate his own wife, Raisa, he is forced to decide where his heart and loyalties really lie.

Allen Zadoff Boy Nobody Trilogy The Hit (1) The Mission (2) The Traitor (3)

Boy Nobody is the perpetual new boy in school, the one few people notice and nobody thinks much about. He shows up in a new high school, in a new town, under a new name, makes a few friends and doesn't stay long. Someone dies within the sphere of his new friend's family, usually of natural causes. Then he’s gone... Lord Williams’s School Upper School Library

Suggested Reading for KS4 Students

Eve Ainsworth 7 Days

School should be a safe place for Jess, a break from her difficult home life, but it’s not because of Kez and her friends.

Told from two perspectives, the bullied and the bully, this powerful story sharply depicts two girls locked into a battle with each other and themselves and it’s hurtling out of control…

Vanessa Curtis The Taming Of Lilah May

I’m Lilah May and I’m ANGRY! So angry that I’m about to be excluded from school. My parents can’t control me and only one person in the world understands me and that’s my best friend Bindi.

I haven’t always been this way. It all started with my brother Jay and what no one realises is that it’s all my fault.

Phil Earle Being Billy

Eight years in a care home makes Billy Finn a professional lifer. He's angry with the system, the social workers and the mother that gave him away. As far as Billy's concerned, he's on his own. His little brother and sister keep him going, though they can't keep him out of trouble. But he isn't being difficult on purpose. Billy's just being Billy. He can't be anything else, can he?

Anne Fine Blood Family

Edward is four years old when he is locked away by his mother’s violent boyfriend. When a neighbour spots his pale face looking through a boarded up window, he is seven. He is rescued, but lasting damage has been done.

Years on, Edward is still haunted by his past experiences and is struggling to adapt to a normal life with an adoptive family…

Lord Williams’s School Upper School Library

Suggested Reading for KS4 Students

Erin Lange Butter

I can’t take another year in this fat suit, but I can end this year with a bang.

If you can stomach it, you’re invited to watch… as I eat myself to death.

Non Pratt Trouble

Hannah's smart and funny ...she's also fifteen and pregnant. Aaron is new at school and doesn't want to attract attention. So why does he offer to be the pretend dad to Hannah's unborn baby? Growing up can be trouble but that's how you find out what really matters. A clever, touching and funny contemporary young adult story

Celia Rees This Is Not Forgiveness

Everyone says that Caro is bad, but Jamie can't help himself. He constantly thinks of her and can't believe that she wants to be his girlfriend. Gorgeous, impulsive and unconventional, she is totally different to all the other girls he knows. His sister Martha, hates her. Jamie doesn't know why, but there's no way he's going to take any notice of her warnings to stay away from Caro…

William Sutcliffe Concentr8

In a future London, Concentr8 is a prescription drug intended to help kids with ADD. Soon every troubled teen is on it. It makes sense, doesn't it? Keep the undesirable elements in line. Keep people like us safe from people like them. What's good for society is good for everyone, isn’t it?

A gripping and controversial read about how children get labelled, manipulated and lost in and failed by, The System. Lord Williams’s School Upper School Library

Suggested Reading for KS4 Students

Kelley Armstrong Darkness Rising Trilogy The Gathering (1) The Calling (2) The Rising (3) Maya feels a deep connection to nature and the woods around her home are a sanctuary to her. The paw-print birthmark on her hip feels like a symbol of belonging. Strange and terrible things start to happen… The swimming team captain drowns, mountain lions start to appear in the tiny town and a mysterious new boy appears…

Stephen Cole The Wereling Trilogy Wounded (1) Prey (2) Resurrection (3)

Kate’s family are werewolves and she is horrified at the fate that awaits her when she comes of age. Can she fight her destiny?

Will Hill Department 19 Series Department 19 (1) Zero Hour (4) The Rising (2) Darkest Night (5) Battle Lines (3)

Department 19 – The government’s most secret agency and the reason that you are alive! Jamie Carpenter joins Department 19 when his mother is kidnapped by strange creatures. Their resources will allow him to find his mother and kill the vampires who want him dead.

Rebecca Maizel Infinite Days

Lenah has been a vampire for 500 years. So many years of blood and destruction, she is sickened by her dark powers and longs to feel the sun on her face, grass beneath her feet and feel the excitement of a human kiss. Is she capable of being human after so long and will her vampire coven let her go…? Lord Williams’s School Upper School Library

Suggested Reading for KS4 Students

Richard Matheson I Am Legend

Robert Neville is the last living man on Earth… But he isn’t alone. ‘ Every man, woman and child has become a vampire and they want his blood. By day Robert hunts and kills the vampires in the ruins of the city. By night the tables turn and Robert barricades himself inside his home and counts the hours until daybreak. How long can this go on for?

Richelle Mead Vampire Academy Series Vampire Academy (1) Blood Promise (4) Frostbite (2) Spirit Bound (5) Shadow Kiss (3) Last Sacrifice (6)

St. Vladimir’s Academy is no ordinary boarding school… It educates vampires in the ways of magic and trains half-human teenagers to protect them. Lissa is a vampire princess and her best friend Rose is her bodyguard…

Stephenie Meyer Twilight Saga Twilight (1) Eclipse (3) New Moon (2) Breaking Dawn (4)

Seventeen year old Bella Swan moves to Forks, Washington State to live with her father. At school, she notices the beautiful and aloof Cullen siblings, who keep themselves to themselves. There is something different about them. In particular, she feels drawn to Edward, although she is convinced that he hates her. Soon she begins to uncover the truth about him and his family…

Maggie Stiefvater Wolves of Mercy Falls Trilogy Shiver (1) Linger (2) Forever (3)

A small American town is gripped by fear after a local boy is killed by a wolf pack. But Grace is fascinated by the wolves especially the one with yellow eyes. It possesses almost human-like qualities… then she meets a yellow eyed boy… Lord Williams’s School Upper School Library

Suggested Reading for KS4 Students

John Boyne The Boy At The Top Of The Mountain

Orphaned Pierrot is sent to live with his aunt Beatrix. She is a servant for the wealthy household that live at the top of a German mountain.

It’s 1935 and World War II approaches… The house in question is the Berghof, the home of Adolf Hitler!

Robert Muchamore Henderson’s Boys Series The Escape (1) The Prisoner (5) Eagle Day (2) One Shot Kill (6) Secret Army (3) Scorched Earth (7) Grey Wolves (4) Summer 1940. British spy Charles Henderson enlists the help of a young French orphan to find two British children on the run from German agents in France. This leads to the British Secret Services realising the value of undercover children in their war effort. For official purposes, these children do not exist!

William Osborne Hitler’s Angel

Otto and Leni escape to England from . They assumed that they were safe, but the British want them to return to Germany in order to carry out a secret mission, code named Wolfsangel…

Dropped behind enemy lines, their objective is to find and kidnap a girl who could bring down Hitler…

Ruta Sepetys Salt To The Sea

This book is based on the true story of the German ship the Wilhelm Gustloff, which was sunk in port in early 1945. Over 9000 civilian refugees, including children were on board. All were hoping to leave war-torn Europe behind and begin new lives… Nearly all were drowned.

The book focuses on four young people who tell their own unforgettable stories. Lord Williams’s School Upper School Library

Suggested Reading for KS4 Students

Erich Maria Remarque All Quiet On The Western Front

It’s 1914 and a classroom full of idealistic young German schoolboys are encouraged by their school master to go and fight in the ‘glorious war’. Fired up with patriotism, they enlist and what follows is the moving story of a young ‘unknown soldier’ experiencing the horror and hardships of real-life in the trenches.

Chris Ryan Alpha Force Series (Teen Titles) Code Red Series (Teen Titles) + Large Selection of Adult Titles

A wealth of teen and adult titles by Chris Ryan with wartime, covert-ops and military themes. Ideal for those who enjoy a fast paced action and adventure read with lots of suspense and plot twists.

Elizabeth Wein Code Name Verity

A tale of friendship and courage set against the backdrop of World War II.

Rose Under Fire

The story of Rose, a female ATA pilot. Her role is to deliver planes and pilots to various destinations for the RAF.

Markus Zusak The Book Thief

The setting is 1939, Nazi Germany. Nine year old Liesel is living on Himmel Street with a foster family after her parents are taken away to a concentration camp.

Liesel steals books and this is her story and the story of the people who live on her street when the bombs begin to fall. Lord Williams’s School Upper School Library

Suggested Reading for KS4 Students

Trudi Canavan The Black Magician Trilogy The Magicians’ Guild (1) The Novice (2) The High Lord (3)

The guild's worst fear has been realised . . . There is an untrained magician out there on the streets. She must be found before her uncontrolled powers unleash forces that will destroy both her and the city that is her home!

Sally Green Half Bad Trilogy Half Bad (1) Half Wild (2) Half Lost (3)

He's half white witch, half black witch. His mother was a healer, his father is a killer. He's been kept in a cage since he was fourteen. But if white witches are good and black witches are evil, what happens when you are both?

Robin Hobb The Liveship Traders Trilogy Ship Of Magic (1) The Mad Ship (2) Ship Of Destiny (3)

Set in a land bordering the Six Duchies, this trilogy tells the tale of pirates, talking ships, magic, sea serpents, slave revolts, dashing heroes and bloody battles on an epic scale!

Karen Mahoney The Iron Witch Trilogy The Iron Witch (1) The Wood Queen (2) The Stone Demon (3)

Donna has been branded with iron tattoos on her arms and hands following a brutal fey attack, which killed her father. She is called a ‘Freak’ by her school peers and she hides her magically enhanced strength from everyone. Now at seventeen, she must accept her destiny… to help in the ancient faerie wars against the dark elves. Lord Williams’s School Upper School Library

Suggested Reading for KS4 Students

Garth Nix Clariel Clariel Goldenhand

Prequel books to the Old Kingdom (Sabriel/Lirael/Abhorsen trilogy). The ancient rules binding Abhorsen, King and Clayr appear to be disintegrating and with the discovery of a dangerous Free Magic creature loose in the city, sixteen year old Clariel is given the chance to prove her worth and make her escape!

Terry Pratchet Discworld Novels Series The Color Of Magic (1) Sourcery (5) The Light Fantastic (2) Wyrd Sisters (6) Equal Rites (3) Pyramids (7) Mort (4) Guards! Guards! (8) + Many More Titles!

Discworld’s existence is under threat and its’ very survival rests with a very inept wizard… Just read it!

Celia Rees Witch Child

As a child, Mary sees her grandmother hanged for witchcraft. She is ushered to safety by an unknown woman. She is then taken to Plymouth and sails to the New World where she hopes to begin a new life among the pilgrims. But her past refuses to be left behind and soon she too finds herself accused of witchcraft and fighting for her very survival.

J.K. Rowling The Harry Potter Series Philosopher’s Stone (1) Order Of The Phoenix (5) Chamber Of Secrets (2) Half-blood Prince (6) Prisoner Of Azkaban (3) Deathly Hallows (7) Goblet of Fire (4)

Harry Potter is a wizard, and he has a place at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Amazing adventures are about to begin! Essential reading for all!

John Boyne The Boy At The Top Of The Mountain

Orphaned Pierrot is sent to live with his aunt Beatrix. She is a servant for a wealthy household at the top of the German mountains.

It’s 1935 and World War II approaches… The house in question is the Berghof, the home of Adolf Hitler!

John Boyne The Boy In Striped Pyjamas

Nine-year-old Bruno knows nothing of the Final Solution and the Holocaust.

All he knows is that he has been moved from a comfortable home in Berlin to a house in a desolate area where there is nothing to do and no one to play with. Until he meets Shmuel, a boy who lives a strange parallel existence on the other side of the adjoining wire fence and who, like the other people there, wears a uniform of striped pyjamas.

Paul Dowswell Auslander

When Peter’s parents are killed he is sent to an orphanage in Warsaw. But Peter is ‘volksdeutscher’ – of german blood. With his blond hair and blue eyes he is a perfect Hitler Youth specimen. Someone important will want to adopt Peter. They do. But Peter doesn’t want to be a Nazi, so he is going to take a risk. A very dangerous risk for Berlin in 1943.

Helen Dunmore The Siege

It’s 1941 and Leningrad is in the grip of winter and besieged by German forces. This is the story of how war can affect the lives of ordinary people and the lengths that they will go to survive and keep hope alive…

Robert Muchamore Henderson’s Boys Series The Escape (1) The Prisoner (5) Eagle Day (2) One Shot Kill (6) Secret Army (3) Scorched Earth (7) Grey Wolves (4) Summer 1940. British spy Charles Henderson enlists the help of a young French orphan to find two British children on the run from German agents in France. This leads to the British Secret Services realising the value of undercover children in their war effort. For official purposes, these children do not exist!

William Osborne Hitler’s Angel

Otto and Leni escape to England from Nazi Germany. They assumed that they were safe, but the british want them to return in order to carry out a secret mission, code named Wolfsangel…

Dropped behind enemy lines, their objective is to find and kidnap a girl who could bring down Hitler.

Ruta Sepetys Salt To The Sea

This book is based on the true story of the German ship the Wilhelm Gustloff which was sunk in port in early 1945. Over 9000 civilian refugees, including children were on board. All were hoping to leave war-torn Europe behind and begin new lives… Nearly all were drowned.

The book focuses on four young people who tell their own unforgettable stories.

Ruta Sepetys Between Shades Of Grey

Set in 1941, and based on the true first-hand family accounts and memories from survivors this haunting story is told by fifteen year old Lina, who is dragged from her home by Soviet soldiers and thrown onto a cattle truck destined for Siberia, along with her mother and brother. She doesn’t know if she will ever see her father again, but she refuses to give up the hope.

Ian Serraillier The Silver Sword

The night the Nazis come to take their mother away, three children escape across the rooftops of Warsaw. All alone in the city chaos, they must learn to survive on their own. They decide to journey across war-torn Europe to find their parents. The story of a family torn apart by war and the hope that they will one day be reunited again.

Elizabeth Wein Code Name Verity

A tale of friendship and courage set against the backdrop of World War II.

Rose Under Fire

A tale of Rose, a female ATA pilot. Her role is to deliver planes and pilots to various destinations for the RAF.

Robert Westall The Machine Gunners

Winner of the Carnegie Medal. Chas McGill has the second-best collection of war souvenirs in Garmouth and he desperately wants it to be the best. When he stumbles across the remains of a German bomber crashed in the woods with its machine-gun still intact, he grabs his chance…

Markus Zusak The Book Thief

It’s 1939, Nazi Germany. Nine year old Liesel is living on Himmel Street with a foster family after her parents are taken away to a concentration camp.

Liesel steals books and this is her story and the story of the people who live on her street when the bombs begin to fall.