Ship Based Report

Antarctic Treaty Electronic Information Exchange System

Party: United States Period: Pre-Season Information - 2010/2011

Operational Information – Non Governmental Expeditions - Ship-Based Operations

Name: Abercrombie & Kent USA LLC 1411 Opus Place, Excutive Towers 2, Suite 300, Downers Grove, IL, USA Contact Address: Operator: 60515-1182 Email Address: [email protected]

Web Site Address:

Name of Vessel: M/V Le Boreal

Country of Registry: France

Number of Voyages: 3

Maximum Crew: 136

Maximum Passengers: 264 Estimate 200 passengers/voyage. No more than 100 will be landed at one time and operators will maintain the minimum staff-to-passenger rate of 1:20 ashore. These voyages plan to visit a variety of places within the area, including coastal areas and nearby offshore islands. Planned activities include scenic cruising, whale- and other wildlife-watching excursions in Zodiac-landing craft, and landings at wildlife sites, scientific research stations, and sites of historic interest. Permission will be obtained in advance for visits to scientific research stations and, when required, to sites of historic interest. Additionally, adherence to the Remarks: 72-hour prior notification of a visit to station commanders will be followed, as will reconfirmation (24 hours out) for any pre-arranged visit. This schedule, however, is still a preliminary schedule. With the exception of pre-arranged visits to scientific stations, the final itineraries will be determined on board by the Captain and Expedition Leader, based upon weather and ice conditions and coordination of our schedule with other vessels (where known), and in consultation with Expedition Leaders aboard the other ships. Sites visited may vary depending o n weather and ice co nditio ns as well as length o f cruise. Voyages:

Depart. Date Depart. Port Arrival Date Arrival Port

09 Dec 2010 19 Dec 2010 Ushuaia Landing Sites:

Site Name: Vortex Island Latitude: 63°44´S Longitude: 57°38´W Date Landing: 12/12/2010 Activity: (afternoon)

Site Name: Paulet Island Latitude: 63°35´S Longitude: 55°47´W Date Landing: 12/12/2010 Activity: (morning)

Site Name: Half Moon Island Latitude: 62°36´S Longitude: 59°55´W Date Landing: 13/12/2010 Activity: (morning)

Site Name: Whalers Bay Latitude: 62°59´S Longitude: 60°34´W Date Landing: 13/12/2010 Activity: (afternoon)

Site Name: Enterprise Island Latitude: 64°32´S Longitude: 62°00´W Date Landing: 14/12/2010 Activity: (morning)

Site Name: Almirante Brown Latitude: 64º 54´ 00´´ S Longitude: 62º 52´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 14/12/2010

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Activity: (afternoon)

Site Name: Skontorp Cove Latitude: 64°54´S Longitude: 62°52´W Date Landing: 14/12/2010 Activity: (afternoon)

Site Name: Palmer Station Latitude: 64°46´30´´S Longitude: 64°30´42´´W Date Landing: 15/12/2010 Activity: (morning and afternoon)

Site Name: Peterman Island Latitude: 65º 10´ 00´´ S Longitude: 64º 10´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 16/12/2010 Activity: (morning)

Site Name: Cuverville Island Latitude: 64°41´S Longitude: 62°38´W Date Landing: 16/12/2010 Activity: (afternoon)

19 Dec 2010 Ushuaia 04 Jan 2011 Ushuaia Landing Sites:

Site Name: Paulet Island Latitude: 63°35´S Longitude: 55°47´W Date Landing: 29/09/2010 Activity: (afternoon)

Site Name: Elephant Island Latitude: 61°10´S Longitude: 55°14´W Date Landing: 28/12/2010 Activity: (afternoon)

Site Name: Point Wild Latitude: 61º 06´ 00´´ S Longitude: 54º 52´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 28/12/2010 Activity: (afternoon)

Site Name: Devil Island Latitude: 63°48´S Longitude: 57°17´W Date Landing: 29/12/2010 Activity: (morning)

Site Name: Whalers Bay Latitude: 62°59´S Longitude: 60°34´W Date Landing: 30/12/2010 Activity: (afternoon)

Site Name: Half Moon Island Latitude: 62°36´S Longitude: 59°55´W Date Landing: 30/12/2010 Activity: (morning)

Site Name: Vernadsky station Latitude: 65º 15´ 00´´ S Longitude: 64º 15´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 31/12/2010 Activity: (afternoon)

Site Name: Latitude: 65°10´S Longitude: 64°10´W Date Landing: 31/12/2010 Activity: (morning)

Site Name: Jo ugla Po int Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 01/01/2011 Activity: (morning)

Site Name: Go udier Island Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 01/01/2011 Activity: (morning)

Site Name: Almirante Brown Latitude: 64º 54´ 00´´ S Longitude: 62º 52´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 01/01/2011 Activity: (afternoon)

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Site Name: Skontorp Cove Latitude: 64°54´S Longitude: 62°52´W Date Landing: 01/01/2011 Activity: (afternoon)

04 Jan 2011 Ushuaia 19 Jan 2011 Ushuaia Landing Sites:

Site Name: Point Wild Latitude: 61º 06´ 00´´ S Longitude: 54º 52´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 13/01/2011 Activity: (afternoon)

Site Name: Elephant Island Latitude: 61°10´S Longitude: 55°14´W Date Landing: 13/01/2011 Activity: (afternoon)

Site Name: Penguin Island Latitude: 62°06´S Longitude: 57°54´W Date Landing: 14/01/2011 Activity: (morning)

Site Name: Arctowski Station Latitude: 62°09´45´´S Longitude: 58°28´W Date Landing: 14/01/2011 Activity: (afternoon)

Site Name: Whalers Bay Latitude: 62°59´S Longitude: 60°34´W Date Landing: 15/01/2011 Activity: (afternoon)

Site Name: Half Moon Island Latitude: 62°36´S Longitude: 59°55´W Date Landing: 15/01/2011 Activity: (morning)

Site Name: Neko Harbor Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 62°33´W Date Landing: 16/01/2011 Activity: (evening)

Site Name: Go udier Island Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 16/01/2011 Activity: (morning)

Site Name: Cuverville Island Latitude: 64°41´S Longitude: 62°38´W Date Landing: 16/01/2011 Activity: (evening)

Site Name: Jo ugla Po int Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 16/01/2011 Activity: (morning)

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Name: Crystal Cruises Inc. Contact Address: 2049 Century Park East, Suite 1400, Los Angeles, CA USA 90067 Operator: Email Address: [email protected] Web Site Address:

Name of Vessel: MS Crystal Symphony

Country of Registry: The Bahamas

Number of Voyages: 1

Maximum Crew: 545

Maximum Passengers: 940 Estimated number of passengers on this cruise is 800. The MS Crystal Symphony, on an eighteen day voyage from Valparaiso to , will conduct scenic cruising only while in the Antarctic Treaty area. Remarks: She will not anchor nor berth in the Treaty area. Sites visited may vary depending on weather and ice co nditions as well as length o f cruise. Voyages:

Depart. Date Depart. Port Arrival Date Arrival Port

20 Jan 2011 Valparaiso 07 Feb 2011 Buenos Aires Landing Sites:

Site Name: Paradise Bay Latitude: 64º 52´ 00´´ S Longitude: 62º 52´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 29/01/2011 Activity: Scenic cruising only

Site Name: Latitude: 64°30´S Longitude: 62°20´W Date Landing: 29/01/2011 Activity: Scenic cruising only

Site Name: Bismarck Strait Latitude: 64°51´S Longitude: 64°00´W Date Landing: 29/01/2011 Activity: Scenic cruising

Site Name: Neumayer Channel Latitude: 64°47´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 29/01/2011 Activity: Scenic cruising only

Site Name: Latitude: 62°57´S Longitude: 60°38´W Date Landing: 30/01/2011 Activity: Scenic cruising only

Site Name: Errera Channel Latitude: 64°42´S Longitude: 62°36´W Date Landing: 30/01/2011 Activity: Scenic cruising only

Site Name: Lemaire Channel Latitude: 65°04´S Longitude: 63°57´W Date Landing: 30/01/2011 Activity: Scenic cruising only

Site Name: Hope Bay Latitude: 63°23´S Longitude: 57°00´W Date Landing: 31/01/2011 Activity: Scenic cruising only

Site Name: Elephant Island Latitude: 61°10´S Longitude: 55°14´W Date Landing: 31/01/2011 Activity: Scenic cruising only

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Name: Explorers´ Corner LLC Contact Address: 1865 Solano Ave./PMB 926, Berkeley, CA 94707 Operator: Email Address: [email protected] Web Site Address:

Name of Vessel: S/V Northanger

Country of Registry: New Zealand

Number of Voyages: 1

Maximum Crew: 2

Maximum Passengers: 10 Estimated number of passengers on this voyage is six. The objective of the voyage is to sail to the Antarctic Peninsula and depending on the ice and weather conditions, arrive at Melchior Island and continue southwards by boat as far as the . With a small group of highly experienced sailors and sea kayakers the organizers plan to visit a number of the relatively safe small boat anchorages. From there, day kayaking trips will be made in attempts to sea kayak some of the most spectacular, and safe shorelines in the Peninsula Area. Some exploratory excursions will be made in search of safe, kayaking areas in the Peninsula area. The Remarks: expedition organizers have no intentions of visiting any of the bases or entering any ASPA’s or SMA’s or HSM’s apart from Port Lockroy. Deception Island is the closest they may come to any of these areas on this voyage apart from Port Lockroy. Copies of all print outs available regarding the areas to avoid plus codes of conduct will be kept on hand. Other activities that the expedition will be pursuing are: • observing wildlife • camping in a few select areas • photographing and filming surroundings • charting and logging areas visited to aid in making small boat navigation less dangerous for those that follow. Voyages:

Depart. Date Depart. Port Arrival Date Arrival Port

11 Feb 2011 Ushuaia 21 Mar 2011 Ushuaia Landing Sites:

Site Name: Melchio r Islands Latitude: 64°19´S Longitude: 62°57´W Date Landing: 16/02/2011 Activity: sea kayaking

Site Name: Enterprise Island Latitude: 64°32´S Longitude: 62°00´W Date Landing: 17/02/2011 Activity: sea kayaking

Site Name: Paradise Harbour Latitude: 64°51´S Longitude: 62°54´W Date Landing: 20/02/2011 Activity: Sea kayaking

Site Name: Hovgaard Island Latitude: 65°08´S Longitude: 64°08´W Date Landing: 23/02/2011 Activity: Sea kayaking

Site Name: Argentine Islands Latitude: 65°15´S Longitude: 64°16´W Date Landing: 26/02/2011 Activity: Sea kayaking

Site Name: Port Lockroy Latitude: 64º 49´ 00´´ S Longitude: 63º 30´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 28/02/2011 Activity: Sea kayaking & passenger exchange

Site Name: Hovgaard Island Latitude: 65°08´S Longitude: 64°08´W Date Landing: 02/03/2011 Activity: Sea kayaking

Site Name: Paradise Harbor Latitude: 64°51´S Longitude: 62°54´W Date Landing: 04/03/2011 Activity: Sea kayaking

Site Name: Enterprise Island Latitude: 64°32´S Longitude: 62°00´W Date Landing: 07/03/2011 Activity: Sea kayaking

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Site Name: Deception Island Latitude: 62°57´S Longitude: 60°38´W Date Landing: 11/03/2011 Activity: Sea kayaking

Site Name: Greenwich Island Latitude: 62°31´S Longitude: 59°47´W Date Landing: 14/03/2011 Activity: Sea kayaking

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Name: Haro ld & Jamie Williams Contact Address: Box 9034, Jackson, WY USA 83002 Operator: Email Address: [email protected] Web Site Address: none

Name of Vessel: S/V Santa Magdalena

Country of Registry: USA

Number of Voyages: 1

Maximum Crew: 3

Maximum Passengers: 0 Private yacht undertaking a sailing expedition to include sightseeing, hiking, and photography. Husband, wife Remarks: and possibly a friend will crew the vessel. Sites visited may vary depending on weather and ice conditions as well as length of cruise. Voyages:

Depart. Date Depart. Port Arrival Date Arrival Port

02 Jan 2011 Puerto Williams 15 Feb 2011 Puerto Williams Landing Sites:

Site Name: Deception Island Latitude: 62°57´S Longitude: 60°38´W Date Landing: 07/01/2011 Activity:

Site Name: Cuverville Island Latitude: 64°41´S Longitude: 62°38´W Date Landing: 10/01/2011 Activity:

Site Name: Almirante Brown Latitude: 64º 54´ 00´´ S Longitude: 62º 52´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 15/01/2011 Activity:

Site Name: Port Lockroy Latitude: 64º 49´ 00´´ S Longitude: 63º 30´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 18/01/2011 Activity:

Site Name: Hovgaard Island Latitude: 65°08´S Longitude: 64°08´W Date Landing: 22/01/2011 Activity:

Site Name: Vernadsky station Latitude: 65º 15´ 00´´ S Longitude: 64º 15´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 26/01/2011 Activity:

Site Name: Lippmann Islands Latitude: 65°30´S Longitude: 64°26´W Date Landing: 30/01/2011 Activity:

Site Name: Deception Island Latitude: 62°57´S Longitude: 60°38´W Date Landing: 10/02/2011 Activity:

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Name: Holland America Line Inc. Contact Address: 300 Elliott Avenue West, Seattle, WA USA 98119 Operator: Email Address: [email protected] Web Site Address:

Name of Vessel: MS Prinsendam

Country of Registry: Netherlands

Number of Voyages: 1

Maximum Crew: 450

Maximum Passengers: 830 Estimated number of passengers for this voyage is 830. The MS Prinsendam will visit as part of its 66-day Grand South America & Antarctica Voyage, commencing and ending in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, with Remarks: the vessel spending three days in the Antarctic region just after departing the (Islas Malvinas). Sites visited may vary depending on weather and ice conditions as well as length of cruise. Voyages:

Depart. Date Depart. Port Arrival Date Arrival Port

10 Feb 2011 Stanley 16 Feb 2011 Ushuaia Landing Sites:

Site Name: Paulet Island Latitude: 63°35´S Longitude: 55°47´W Date Landing: 12/02/2011 Activity: Scenic cruising

Site Name: Endurance Glacier Latitude: 61°10´S Longitude: 55°08´W Date Landing: 12/02/2011 Activity: Scenic cruising

Site Name: Antarctic Sound Latitude: 63°20´S Longitude: 56°45´W Date Landing: 12/02/2011 Activity: Scenic cruising

Site Name: Esperanza Station Latitude: 63º 24´ 00´´ S Longitude: 57º 00´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 12/02/2011 Activity: Scenic cruising

Site Name: Half Moon Island Latitude: 62°36´S Longitude: 59°55´W Date Landing: 13/02/2011 Activity: Scenic cruising

Site Name: Latitude: 62°00´S Longitude: 58°00´W Date Landing: 13/02/2011 Activity: Scenic cruising

Site Name: Yankee Harbor Latitude: 62°32´S Longitude: 59°47´W Date Landing: 13/02/2011 Activity: Scenic cruising

Site Name: Hannah Point Latitude: 62°39´S Longitude: 60°37´W Date Landing: 13/02/2011 Activity: Scenic cruising

Site Name: Deception Island Latitude: 62°57´S Longitude: 60°38´W Date Landing: 13/02/2011 Activity: Scenic cruising

Site Name: Palmer Station Latitude: 64°46´S Longitude: 64°05´W Date Landing: 14/02/2011 Activity: Scenic cruising

Site Name: Cuverville Island Latitude: 64°41´S Longitude: 62°38´W

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Date Landing: 14/02/2011 Activity: Scenic cruising

Site Name: Paradise Bay Latitude: 64º 52´ 00´´ S Longitude: 62º 52´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 14/02/2011 Activity: Scenic cruising

Site Name: Peterman Island Latitude: 65º 10´ 00´´ S Longitude: 64º 10´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 14/02/2011 Activity: Scenic cruising

Site Name: Neko Harbor Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 62°33´W Date Landing: 14/02/2011 Activity: Scenic cruising

Site Name: Port Lockroy Latitude: 64º 49´ 00´´ S Longitude: 63º 30´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 14/02/2011 Activity: Scenic cruising

Site Name: Lemaire Channel Latitude: 65°04´S Longitude: 63°57´W Date Landing: 14/02/2011 Activity: Scenic cruising

Site Name: Wilhelm Archipelago Latitude: 65°08´S Longitude: 64°20´W Date Landing: 14/02/2011 Activity: Scenic cruising

Site Name: Neumayer Channel Latitude: 64°47´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 14/02/2011 Activity: scenic cruising

Site Name: Anvers Island Latitude: 64°33´S Longitude: 63°35´W Date Landing: 14/02/2011 Activity: Scenic cruising

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Name: Holland America Line Inc. Contact Address: 300 Elliott Avenue West, Seattle, WA USA 98119 Operator: Email Address: [email protected] Web Site Address:

Name of Vessel: MS Veendam

Country of Registry: Netherlands

Number of Voyages: 2

Maximum Crew: 585

Maximum Passengers: 1498 Estimated number of passengers for each voyage is 1498. The MS Veendam will conduct two voyages to the Antarctic Treaty area. The first itinerary will commence from Valparaiso, Chile and end in Buenos Aires, Argentina, with the vessel spending three days in the Antarctic region during the 17-day voyage just after Remarks: departing Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina. The second itinerary will commence in Buenos Aires, Argentina and end in Valparaiso, Chile, with the vessel spending three days in the Antarctic region during the 17-day voyage just after departing Stanley, Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas). Sites visited may vary depending on weather and ice co nditio ns as well as length o f cruise. Voyages:

Depart. Date Depart. Port Arrival Date Arrival Port

27 Dec 2010 Ushuaia 02 Jan 2011 Stanley Landing Sites:

Site Name: Peterman Island Latitude: 65º 10´ 00´´ S Longitude: 64º 10´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 29/12/2010 Activity: Scenic cruising

Site Name: Neko Harbor Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 62°33´W Date Landing: 29/12/2010 Activity: Scenic cruising

Site Name: Port Lockroy Latitude: 64º 49´ 00´´ S Longitude: 63º 30´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 29/12/2010 Activity: Scenic cruising

Site Name: Anvers Island Latitude: 64°33´S Longitude: 63°35´W Date Landing: 29/12/2010 Activity: Scenic cruising

Site Name: Paradise Bay Latitude: 64º 52´ 00´´ S Longitude: 62º 52´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 29/12/2010 Activity: Scenic cruising

Site Name: Wilhelm Archipelago Latitude: 65°08´S Longitude: 64°20´W Date Landing: 29/12/2010 Activity: Scenic cruising

Site Name: Cuverville Island Latitude: 64°41´S Longitude: 62°38´W Date Landing: 29/12/2010 Activity: Scenic cruising

Site Name: Palmer Station Latitude: 64°46´S Longitude: 64°05´W Date Landing: 29/12/2010 Activity: Scenic cruising

Site Name: Neumayer Channel Latitude: 64°47´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 29/12/2010 Activity: Scenic cruising

Site Name: Lemaire Channel Latitude: 65°04´S Longitude: 63°57´W Date Landing: 29/12/2010 Activity: Scenic cruising

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Site Name: Deception Island Latitude: 62°57´S Longitude: 60°38´W Date Landing: 30/12/2010 Activity: Scenic cruising

Site Name: Yankee Harbor Latitude: 62°32´S Longitude: 59°47´W Date Landing: 30/12/2010 Activity: Scenic cruising

Site Name: Half Moon Island Latitude: 62°36´S Longitude: 59°55´W Date Landing: 30/12/2010 Activity: Scenic cruising

Site Name: South Shetland Islands Latitude: 62°00´S Longitude: 58°00´W Date Landing: 30/12/2010 Activity: Scenic cruising

Site Name: Hannah Point Latitude: 62°39´S Longitude: 60°37´W Date Landing: 30/12/2010 Activity: Scenic cruising

Site Name: Endurance Glacier Latitude: 61°10´S Longitude: 55°08´W Date Landing: 31/12/2010 Activity: Scenic cruising

Site Name: Antarctic Sound Latitude: 63°20´S Longitude: 56°45´W Date Landing: 31/12/2010 Activity: Scenic cruising

Site Name: Esperanza Station Latitude: 63º 24´ 00´´ S Longitude: 57º 00´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 31/12/2010 Activity: Scenic cruising

Site Name: Paulet Island Latitude: 63°35´S Longitude: 55°47´W Date Landing: 31/12/2010 Activity: Scenic cruising

11 Jan 2011 Stanley 17 Jan 2011 Ushuaia Landing Sites:

Site Name: Esperanza Station Latitude: 63º 24´ 00´´ S Longitude: 57º 00´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 13/01/2011 Activity: Scenic cruising

Site Name: Antarctic Sound Latitude: 63°20´S Longitude: 56°45´W Date Landing: 13/01/2011 Activity: Scenic cruising

Site Name: Endurance Glacier Latitude: 61°10´S Longitude: 55°08´W Date Landing: 13/01/2011 Activity: Scenic cruising

Site Name: Paulet Island Latitude: 63°35´S Longitude: 55°47´W Date Landing: 13/01/2011 Activity: Scenic cruising

Site Name: South Shetland Islands Latitude: 62°00´S Longitude: 58°00´W Date Landing: 14/01/2011 Activity: Scenic cruising

Site Name: Half Moon Island Latitude: 62°36´S Longitude: 59°55´W Date Landing: 14/01/2011 Activity: Scenic cruising

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Site Name: Hannah Point Latitude: 62°39´S Longitude: 60°37´W Date Landing: 14/01/2011 Activity: Scenic cruising

Site Name: Deception Island Latitude: 62°57´S Longitude: 60°38´W Date Landing: 14/01/2011 Activity: Scenic cruising

Site Name: Anvers Island Latitude: 64°33´S Longitude: 63°35´W Date Landing: 14/01/2011 Activity: Scenic cruising

Site Name: Yankee Harbor Latitude: 62°32´S Longitude: 59°47´W Date Landing: 14/01/2011 Activity: Scenic cruising

Site Name: Cuverville Island Latitude: 64°41´S Longitude: 62°38´W Date Landing: 15/01/2011 Activity: Scenic cruising

Site Name: Neko Harbor Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 62°33´W Date Landing: 15/01/2011 Activity: Scenic cruising

Site Name: Neumayer Channel Latitude: 64°47´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 15/01/2011 Activity: Scenic cruising

Site Name: Port Lockroy Latitude: 64º 49´ 00´´ S Longitude: 63º 30´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 15/01/2011 Activity: Scenic cruising

Site Name: Paradise Bay Latitude: 64º 52´ 00´´ S Longitude: 62º 52´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 15/01/2011 Activity: Scenic cruising

Site Name: Lemaire Channel Latitude: 65°04´S Longitude: 63°57´W Date Landing: 15/01/2011 Activity: Scenic cruising

Site Name: Peterman Island Latitude: 65º 10´ 00´´ S Longitude: 64º 10´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 15/01/2011 Activity: Scenic cruising

Site Name: Palmer Station Latitude: 64°46´S Longitude: 64°05´W Date Landing: 15/01/2011 Activity: Scenic cruising

Site Name: Wilhelm Archipelago Latitude: 65°08´S Longitude: 64°20´W Date Landing: 15/01/2011 Activity: Scenic cruising

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Name: Lindblad Expeditions, Inc. Contact Address: 96 Morton Street, 9th Floor, New York, NY USA 10014 Operator: Email Address: [email protected] Web Site Address:

Name of Vessel: MS National Geographic Explorer

Country of Registry: Bahamas

Number of Voyages: 10

Maximum Crew: 90

Maximum Passengers: 148 Estimated number of passengers per voyage is 30. Voyage itineraries will include visits to a variety of places in the Antarctic Peninsula area, including coastal areas and nearby offshore islands. With the exception of pre-arranged visits to scientific stations, final itineraries will be determined on board by the Captain and Expedition Leader, taking into account weather, ice conditions and scheduling coordination with other tour Remarks: vessels. Coo rdinatio n o f itinerary with Expedtion Leaders o n other tour vessels is a priority, as it is for other IAATO member companies conducting expedition voyages. Itineraries have been posted to the IAATO Ship Scheduler on the IAATO website. Planned activities include scenic cruising, excursions in Zodiac landing craft, and landings at wildlife sites, scientific research stations, and historic sites and huts. Permission will be obtained in advance whenever required for visits to scientific research stations and historic huts. Voyages:

Depart. Date Depart. Port Arrival Date Arrival Port

09 Nov 2010 Ushuaia 29 Nov 2010 Ushuaia Landing Sites:

Site Name: Cape Valentine Latitude: 61º 06´ 00´´ S Longitude: 54º 39´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 21/11/2010 Activity: (05:31)

Site Name: Brown Bluff Latitude: 63°32´S Longitude: 56°55´W Date Landing: 22/11/2010 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Devil Island Latitude: 63°48´S Longitude: 57°17´W Date Landing: 22/11/2010 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Neko Harbor Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 62°33´W Date Landing: 23/11/2010 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Cuverville Island Latitude: 64°41´S Longitude: 62°38´W Date Landing: 23/11/2010 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Lemaire Channel Latitude: 65°04´S Longitude: 63°57´W Date Landing: 23/11/2010 Activity: (00:00)

Site Name: Petermann Island Latitude: 65°10´S Longitude: 64°10´W Date Landing: 24/11/2010 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Latitude: 65°05´S Longitude: 64°00´W Date Landing: 24/11/2010 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Lemaire Channel Latitude: 65°04´S Longitude: 63°57´W Date Landing: 24/11/2010 Activity: (00:00)

Site Name: Damoy Point Latitude: 64°49´S Longitude: 63°32´W

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Date Landing: 25/11/2010 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Paradise Bay Latitude: 64º 52´ 00´´ S Longitude: 62º 52´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 25/11/2010 Activity: (05:31)

Site Name: Dorian Bay Latitude: 64°49´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 25/11/2010 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Skontorp Cove Latitude: 64°54´S Longitude: 62°52´W Date Landing: 25/11/2010 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Melchio r Islands Latitude: 64°19´S Longitude: 62°57´W Date Landing: 26/11/2010 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Jo ugla Po int Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 26/11/2010 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Go udier Island Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 26/11/2010 Activity: (09:01)

29 Nov 2010 Ushuaia 09 Dec 2010 Ushuaia Landing Sites:

Site Name: Baily Head Latitude: 62°58´S Longitude: 60°30´W Date Landing: 01/12/2010 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Whalers Bay Latitude: 62°59´S Longitude: 60°34´W Date Landing: 01/12/2010 Activity: (19:31)

Site Name: aitcho - barrientos island Latitude: 62º 24´ 00´´ S Longitude: 59º 47´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 01/12/2010 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Brown Bluff Latitude: 63°32´S Longitude: 56°55´W Date Landing: 02/12/2010 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Devil Island Latitude: 63°48´S Longitude: 57°17´W Date Landing: 02/12/2010 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Sno w Hill Island Latitude: 64°28´S Longitude: 57°12´W Date Landing: 03/12/2010 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Paulet Island Latitude: 63°35´S Longitude: 55°47´W Date Landing: 03/12/2010 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Cuverville Island Latitude: 64°41´S Longitude: 62°38´W Date Landing: 04/12/2010 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Neko Harbor Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 62°33´W Date Landing: 04/12/2010

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Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Booth Island Latitude: 65°05´S Longitude: 64°00´W Date Landing: 05/12/2010 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Petermann Island Latitude: 65°10´S Longitude: 64°10´W Date Landing: 05/12/2010 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Melchio r Islands Latitude: 64°19´S Longitude: 62°57´W Date Landing: 06/12/2010 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Go udier Island Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 06/12/2010 Activity: (09:01)

09 Dec 2010 Ushuaia 19 Dec 2010 Ushuaia Landing Sites:

Site Name: Whalers Bay Latitude: 62°59´S Longitude: 60°34´W Date Landing: 11/12/2010 Activity: (19:31)

Site Name: Baily Head Latitude: 62°58´S Longitude: 60°30´W Date Landing: 11/12/2010 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: aitcho - barrientos island Latitude: 62º 24´ 00´´ S Longitude: 59º 47´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 11/12/2010 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Devil Island Latitude: 63°48´S Longitude: 57°17´W Date Landing: 12/12/2010 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Brown Bluff Latitude: 63°32´S Longitude: 56°55´W Date Landing: 12/12/2010 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Neko Harbor Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 62°33´W Date Landing: 13/12/2010 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Cuverville Island Latitude: 64°41´S Longitude: 62°38´W Date Landing: 13/12/2010 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Lemaire Channel Latitude: 65°04´S Longitude: 63°57´W Date Landing: 13/12/2010 Activity: (00:00)

Site Name: Booth Island Latitude: 65°05´S Longitude: 64°00´W Date Landing: 14/12/2010 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Petermann Island Latitude: 65°10´S Longitude: 64°10´W Date Landing: 14/12/2010 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Lemaire Channel Latitude: 65°04´S Longitude: 63°57´W Date Landing: 14/12/2010 Activity: (00:00)

15 of 89 11/15/2010 5:25 PM Ship Based Report

Site Name: Pleneau Island Latitude: 65º 06´ 00´´ S Longitude: 64º 04´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 15/12/2010 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Lemaire Channel Latitude: 65°04´S Longitude: 63°57´W Date Landing: 15/12/2010 Activity: (00:00)

Site Name: Paradise Bay Latitude: 64º 52´ 00´´ S Longitude: 62º 52´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 15/12/2010 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Melchio r Islands Latitude: 64°19´S Longitude: 62°57´W Date Landing: 16/12/2010 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Jo ugla Po int Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 16/12/2010 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Go udier Island Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 16/12/2010 Activity: (09:01)

19 Dec 2010 Ushuaia 29 Dec 2010 Ushuaia Landing Sites:

Site Name: aitcho - barrientos island Latitude: 62º 24´ 00´´ S Longitude: 59º 47´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 21/12/2010 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Whalers Bay Latitude: 62°59´S Longitude: 60°34´W Date Landing: 21/12/2010 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Brown Bluff Latitude: 63°32´S Longitude: 56°55´W Date Landing: 22/12/2010 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Devil Island Latitude: 63°48´S Longitude: 57°17´W Date Landing: 22/12/2010 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Paulet Island Latitude: 63°35´S Longitude: 55°47´W Date Landing: 23/12/2010 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Sno w Hill Island Latitude: 64°28´S Longitude: 57°12´W Date Landing: 23/12/2010 Activity: 09:01)

Site Name: Useful Island Latitude: 64°43´S Longitude: 62°52´W Date Landing: 24/12/2010 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Cuverville Island Latitude: 64°41´S Longitude: 62°38´W Date Landing: 24/12/2010 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Lemaire Channel Latitude: 65°04´S Longitude: 63°57´W Date Landing: 24/12/2010 Activity: (00:00)

16 of 89 11/15/2010 5:25 PM Ship Based Report

Site Name: Petermann Island Latitude: 65°10´S Longitude: 64°10´W Date Landing: 25/12/2010 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Lemaire Channel Latitude: 65°04´S Longitude: 63°57´W Date Landing: 25/12/2010 Activity: (00:00)

Site Name: Booth Island Latitude: 65°05´S Longitude: 64°00´W Date Landing: 25/12/2010 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Go udier Island Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 26/12/2010 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Melchio r Islands Latitude: 64°19´S Longitude: 62°57´W Date Landing: 26/12/2010 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Lemaire Channel Latitude: 65°04´S Longitude: 63°57´W Date Landing: 26/12/2010 Activity: (00:00)

29 Dec 2010 Ushuaia 08 Jan 2011 Ushuaia Landing Sites:

Site Name: Brown Bluff Latitude: 63°32´S Longitude: 56°55´W Date Landing: 31/12/2010 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Devil Island Latitude: 63°48´S Longitude: 57°17´W Date Landing: 01/01/2011 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Lemaire Channel Latitude: 65°04´S Longitude: 63°57´W Date Landing: 01/01/2011 Activity: (00:00)

Site Name: Sno w Hill Island Latitude: 64°28´S Longitude: 57°12´W Date Landing: 01/01/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Baily Head Latitude: 62°58´S Longitude: 60°30´W Date Landing: 02/01/2011 Activity: (05:31)

Site Name: Telefon Bay Latitude: 62°56´S Longitude: 60°40´W Date Landing: 02/01/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Neko Harbor Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 62°33´W Date Landing: 03/01/2011 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Cuverville Island Latitude: 64°41´S Longitude: 62°38´W Date Landing: 03/01/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Lemaire Channel Latitude: 65°04´S Longitude: 63°57´W Date Landing: 03/01/2011 Activity: (00:00)

Site Name: Booth Island Latitude: 65°05´S Longitude: 64°00´W

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Date Landing: 04/01/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Petermann Island Latitude: 65°10´S Longitude: 64°10´W Date Landing: 04/01/2011 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Lemaire Channel Latitude: 65°04´S Longitude: 63°57´W Date Landing: 04/01/2011 Activity: (00:00)

Site Name: Go udier Island Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 05/01/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Melchio r Islands Latitude: 64°19´S Longitude: 62°57´W Date Landing: 05/01/2011 Activity: (14:01)

08 Jan 2011 Ushuaia 18 Jan 2011 Ushuaia Landing Sites:

Site Name: Brown Bluff Latitude: 63°32´S Longitude: 56°55´W Date Landing: 10/01/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Devil Island Latitude: 63°48´S Longitude: 57°17´W Date Landing: 11/01/2011 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Sno w Hill Island Latitude: 64°28´S Longitude: 57°12´W Date Landing: 11/01/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Baily Head Latitude: 62°58´S Longitude: 60°30´W Date Landing: 12/01/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Whalers Bay Latitude: 62°59´S Longitude: 60°34´W Date Landing: 12/01/2011 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Neko Harbor Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 62°33´W Date Landing: 13/01/2011 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Cuverville Island Latitude: 64°41´S Longitude: 62°38´W Date Landing: 13/01/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Lemaire Channel Latitude: 65°04´S Longitude: 63°57´W Date Landing: 13/01/2011 Activity: (00:00)

Site Name: Booth Island Latitude: 65°05´S Longitude: 64°00´W Date Landing: 14/01/2011 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Petermann Island Latitude: 65°10´S Longitude: 64°10´W Date Landing: 14/01/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Lemaire Channel Latitude: 65°04´S Longitude: 63°57´W Date Landing: 14/01/2011

18 of 89 11/15/2010 5:25 PM Ship Based Report

Activity: (00:00)

Site Name: Go udier Island Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 15/01/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Melchio r Islands Latitude: 64°19´S Longitude: 62°57´W Date Landing: 15/01/2011 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Jo ugla Po int Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 15/01/2011 Activity: (09:01)

18 Jan 2011 Ushuaia 28 Jan 2011 Ushuaia Landing Sites:

Site Name: Detaille Island Latitude: 66°52´S Longitude: 66°48´W Date Landing: 21/01/2011 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Booth Island Latitude: 65°05´S Longitude: 64°00´W Date Landing: 22/01/2011 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Lemaire Channel Latitude: 65°04´S Longitude: 63°57´W Date Landing: 22/01/2011 Activity: (00:00)

Site Name: Petermann Island Latitude: 65°10´S Longitude: 64°10´W Date Landing: 22/01/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Jo ugla Po int Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 23/01/2011 Activity: Jo ugla Po int

Site Name: Danco Island Latitude: 64°44´S Longitude: 62°37´W Date Landing: 23/01/2011 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Lemaire Channel Latitude: 65°04´S Longitude: 63°57´W Date Landing: 23/01/2011 Activity: (00:0)

Site Name: Go udier Island Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 23/01/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Cuverville Island Latitude: 64°41´S Longitude: 62°38´W Date Landing: 24/01/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Enterprise Island Latitude: 64°32´S Longitude: 62°00´W Date Landing: 24/01/2011 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Whalers Bay Latitude: 62°59´S Longitude: 60°34´W Date Landing: 25/01/2011 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Baily Head Latitude: 62°58´S Longitude: 60°30´W Date Landing: 25/01/2011 Activity: (09:01)

19 of 89 11/15/2010 5:25 PM Ship Based Report

Site Name: Brown Bluff Latitude: 63°32´S Longitude: 56°55´W Date Landing: 26/01/2011 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Paulet Island Latitude: 63°35´S Longitude: 55°47´W Date Landing: 26/01/2011 Activity: (09:01)

28 Jan 2011 Ushuaia 07 Feb 2011 Ushuaia Landing Sites:

Site Name: Whalers Bay Latitude: 62°59´S Longitude: 60°34´W Date Landing: 30/01/2011 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Baily Head Latitude: 62°58´S Longitude: 60°30´W Date Landing: 30/01/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Paulet Island Latitude: 63°35´S Longitude: 55°47´W Date Landing: 31/01/2011 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Brown Bluff Latitude: 63°32´S Longitude: 56°55´W Date Landing: 31/01/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Cuverville Island Latitude: 64°41´S Longitude: 62°38´W Date Landing: 01/02/2011 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Neko Harbor Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 62°33´W Date Landing: 01/02/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Lemaire Channel Latitude: 65°04´S Longitude: 63°57´W Date Landing: 01/02/2011 Activity: (00:00)

Site Name: Detaille Island Latitude: 66°52´S Longitude: 66°48´W Date Landing: 02/02/2011 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Lemaire Channel Latitude: 65°04´S Longitude: 63°57´W Date Landing: 02/02/2011 Activity: (00:00)

Site Name: Booth Island Latitude: 65°05´S Longitude: 64°00´W Date Landing: 03/02/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Lemaire Channel Latitude: 65°04´S Longitude: 63°57´W Date Landing: 03/02/2011 Activity: (00:00)

Site Name: Petermann Island Latitude: 65°10´S Longitude: 64°10´W Date Landing: 03/02/2011 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Jo ugla Po int Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 04/02/2011 Activity: (09:01)

20 of 89 11/15/2010 5:25 PM Ship Based Report

Site Name: Melchio r Islands Latitude: 64°19´S Longitude: 62°57´W Date Landing: 04/02/2011 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Go udier Island Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 04/02/2011 Activity: (09:01)

07 Feb 2011 Ushuaia 17 Feb 2011 Ushuaia Landing Sites:

Site Name: Detaille Island Latitude: 66°52´S Longitude: 66°48´W Date Landing: 10/02/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Booth Island Latitude: 65°05´S Longitude: 64°00´W Date Landing: 11/02/2011 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Lemaire Channel Latitude: 65°04´S Longitude: 63°57´W Date Landing: 11/02/2011 Activity: (00:00)

Site Name: Petermann Island Latitude: 65°10´S Longitude: 64°10´W Date Landing: 11/02/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Lemaire Channel Latitude: 65°04´S Longitude: 63°57´W Date Landing: 12/02/2011 Activity: (00:00)

Site Name: Go udier Island Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 12/02/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Useful Island Latitude: 64°43´S Longitude: 62°52´W Date Landing: 12/02/2011 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Cuverville Island Latitude: 64°41´S Longitude: 62°38´W Date Landing: 13/02/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Enterprise Island Latitude: 64°32´S Longitude: 62°00´W Date Landing: 13/02/2011 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Whalers Bay Latitude: 62°59´S Longitude: 60°34´W Date Landing: 14/02/2011 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Baily Head Latitude: 62°58´S Longitude: 60°30´W Date Landing: 14/02/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Paulet Island Latitude: 63°35´S Longitude: 55°47´W Date Landing: 15/02/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Brown Bluff Latitude: 63°32´S Longitude: 56°55´W Date Landing: 15/02/2011 Activity: (14:01)

17 Feb 2011 Ushuaia 09 Mar 2011 Ushuaia

21 of 89 11/15/2010 5:25 PM Ship Based Report

Landing Sites:

Site Name: Paulet Island Latitude: 63°35´S Longitude: 55°47´W Date Landing: 25/02/2010 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Detaille Island Latitude: 66°52´S Longitude: 66°48´W Date Landing: 20/02/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Lemaire Channel Latitude: 65°04´S Longitude: 63°57´W Date Landing: 21/02/2011 Activity: (00:00)

Site Name: Booth Island Latitude: 65°05´S Longitude: 64°00´W Date Landing: 21/02/2011 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Petermann Island Latitude: 65°10´S Longitude: 64°10´W Date Landing: 21/02/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Lemaire Channel Latitude: 65°04´S Longitude: 63°57´W Date Landing: 22/02/2011 Activity: (00:00)

Site Name: Neko Harbor Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 62°33´W Date Landing: 22/02/2011 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Paradise Bay Latitude: 64º 52´ 00´´ S Longitude: 62º 52´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 22/02/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Jo ugla Po int Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 23/02/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Go udier Island Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 23/02/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Cuverville Island Latitude: 64°41´S Longitude: 62°38´W Date Landing: 23/02/2011 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Baily Head Latitude: 62°58´S Longitude: 60°30´W Date Landing: 24/02/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Whalers Bay Latitude: 62°59´S Longitude: 60°34´W Date Landing: 24/02/2011 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Brown Bluff Latitude: 63°32´S Longitude: 56°55´W Date Landing: 25/02/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Point Wild Latitude: 61º 06´ 00´´ S Longitude: 54º 52´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 26/02/2011 Activity: (09:01)

22 of 89 11/15/2010 5:25 PM Ship Based Report

Name: Prestige Cruise Services, LLC Contact Address: 8300 NW 33rd St., Suite 308, Miami, FL USA 33122 Operator: Email Address: [email protected] Web Site Address:

Name of Vessel: MV Insignia

Country of Registry: Marshall Islands

Number of Voyages: 1

Maximum Crew: 373

Maximum Passengers: 777 ( Estimated number of passengers is 754 with a total crew of 396. The purpose of the Proposed Expedition is to present the Antarctic continent to a limited number of tourists. Shipboard tourism provides a means, within the provisions of the and the Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty, to meet tourism demand without the need for permanent land-based infrastructure. The benefits derived from tourism, such as better knowledge and appreciation of the region is substantial; many passengers acquire a life-long interest in the region after making perhaps one Remarks: visit by ship. The wildlife-rich coastline, snow-covered mountains, glaciated landscapes, and extreme weather of this physically remote and magical part of the world are experiences that few will forget. Visiting Antarctica by ship is also a privilege that will be supplemented by an educational program in keeping with relevant ATCM resolutions, so that visitors will acquire an understanding and respect for the protection of the Antarctic continent and its flora and fauna. Sites visited may vary depending on weather and ice conditions as well as length of cruise. Voyages:

Depart. Date Depart. Port Arrival Date Arrival Port

23 Jan 2011 Port Stanley 29 Jan 2011 Ushuaia Landing Sites:

Site Name: Deception Island Latitude: 62°57´S Longitude: 60°38´W Date Landing: 25/01/2011 Activity: scenic cruising (morning)

Site Name: Paradise Bay Latitude: 64º 52´ 00´´ S Longitude: 62º 52´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 26/01/2011 Activity: scenic cruising (morning)

Site Name: Half Moon Island Latitude: 62°36´S Longitude: 59°55´W Date Landing: 27/01/2011 Activity: scenic cruising (morning)

23 of 89 11/15/2010 5:25 PM Ship Based Report

Name: Prestige Cruise Services, LLC Contact Address: 8300 NW 33rd St., Suite 308, Miami, FL USA 33122 Operator: Email Address: [email protected] Web Site Address:

Name of Vessel: MV Seven Seas Mariner

Country of Registry: Bahamas

Number of Voyages: 1

Maximum Crew: 446

Maximum Passengers: 754 Estimated number of passengers is 754. The purpose of the Proposed Expedition is to present the Antarctic co ntinent to a limited number o f to urists. Shipbo ard to urism pro vides a means, within the pro visio ns o f the Antarctic Treaty System and the Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty, to meet tourism demand without the need for permanent land-based infrastructure. The benefits derived from tourism, such as better knowledge and appreciation of the region is substantial; many passengers acquire a Remarks: life-long interest in the region after making perhaps one visit by ship. The wildlife-rich coastline, snow-covered mountains, glaciated landscapes, and extreme weather of this physically remote and magical part of the world are experiences that few will forget. Visiting Antarctica by ship is also a privilege that will be supplemented by an educational program in keeping with relevant ATCM resolutions, so that visitors will acquire an understanding and respect for the protection of the Antarctic continent and its flora and fauna. Sites visited may vary depending on weather and ice conditions as well as cruise length. Voyages:

Depart. Date Depart. Port Arrival Date Arrival Port

08 Feb 2011 Ushuaia 13 Feb 2011 Port Stanley Landing Sites:

Site Name: Half Moon Island Latitude: 62°36´S Longitude: 59°55´W Date Landing: 11/02/2010 Activity: scenic cruising (morning)

Site Name: Deception Island Latitude: 62°57´S Longitude: 60°38´W Date Landing: 09/02/2011 Activity: scenic cruising (morning)

Site Name: Paradise Bay Latitude: 64º 52´ 00´´ S Longitude: 62º 52´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 10/02/2011 Activity: scenic cruising (morning)

24 of 89 11/15/2010 5:25 PM Ship Based Report

Name: Princess Cruises Contact Address: 24305 Town Center Drive, Santa Clarita, CA USA 91355 Operator: Email Address: [email protected] Web Site Address:

Name of Vessel: MV Star Princess

Country of Registry: Bermuda

Number of Voyages: 2

Maximum Crew: 1120

Maximum Passengers: 3100 The estimated number of passengers to be carried per excursion is 2600. Vessel will be conducting scenic Remarks: cruising only in the Antarctic Treaty area. No docking. No anchoring. Sites visited may vary depending on weather and ice conditions as well as length of cruise. Voyages:

Depart. Date Depart. Port Arrival Date Arrival Port

19 Dec 2010 Rio de Janeiro 09 Jan 2011 Buenos Aires Landing Sites:

Site Name: Elephant Island Latitude: 61°10´S Longitude: 55°14´W Date Landing: 28/12/2010 Activity: scenic cruising (morning)

Site Name: Hope Bay Latitude: 63°23´S Longitude: 57°00´W Date Landing: 29/12/2010 Activity: scenic cruising (afternoon)

Site Name: South Shetland Islands Latitude: 62°00´S Longitude: 58°00´W Date Landing: 29/12/2010 Activity: scenic crusing (morning)

Site Name: Antarctic Sound Latitude: 63°20´S Longitude: 56°45´W Date Landing: 29/12/2010 Activity: scenic cruising (mid-morning)

Site Name: Gerlache Strait Latitude: 64°30´S Longitude: 62°20´W Date Landing: 30/12/2010 Activity: scenic cruising (morning)

Site Name: Paradise Harbor Latitude: 64°51´S Longitude: 62°54´W Date Landing: 30/12/2010 Activity: scenic cruising (afternoon)

Site Name: Neumayer Channel Latitude: 64°47´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 30/12/2010 Activity: scenic cruising (mid-morning)

Site Name: Deception Island Latitude: 62°57´S Longitude: 60°38´W Date Landing: 31/12/2010 Activity: scenic cruising (morning)

09 Jan 2011 Buenos Aires 26 Jan 2011 Valparaiso Landing Sites:

Site Name: Elephant Island Latitude: 61°10´S Longitude: 55°14´W Date Landing: 14/01/2011 Activity: scenic cruising (morning)

Site Name: Hope Bay Latitude: 63°23´S Longitude: 57°00´W Date Landing: 15/01/2011 Activity: scenic cruising (afternoon)

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Site Name: South Shetland Islands Latitude: 62°00´S Longitude: 58°00´W Date Landing: 15/01/2011 Activity: scenic cruising (morning)

Site Name: Antarctic Sound Latitude: 63°20´S Longitude: 56°45´W Date Landing: 15/01/2011 Activity: scenic cruising (mid-morning)

Site Name: Neumayer Channel Latitude: 64°47´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 16/01/2011 Activity: scenic cruising (mid-morning)

Site Name: Gerlache Strait Latitude: 64°30´S Longitude: 62°20´W Date Landing: 16/01/2011 Activity: scenic cruising (morning)

Site Name: Paradise Harbor Latitude: 64°51´S Longitude: 62°54´W Date Landing: 16/01/2011 Activity: scenic crusing (afternoon)

Site Name: Deception Island Latitude: 62°57´S Longitude: 60°38´W Date Landing: 17/01/2011 Activity: scenic cruising (morning)

26 of 89 11/15/2010 5:25 PM Ship Based Report

Name: Quark Expeditions Contact Address: 93 Pilgrim Park, Waterbury, VT USA 05676 Operator: Email Address: [email protected] Web Site Address:

Name of Vessel: M/V Akademik Sergey Vavilov

Country of Registry: Russian Federation

Number of Voyages: 8

Maximum Crew: 41

Maximum Passengers: 104 Estimated number of passengers per voyage is 95. Activities include excursions ashore by Zodiac. Camping Remarks: and kayaking are offered, as are skiing and climbing on selected voyages. Sites visited may vary depending on weather and ice conditions as well as length of cruise. Voyages:

Depart. Date Depart. Port Arrival Date Arrival Port

17 Nov 2010 Ushuaia 05 Dec 2010 Ushuaia Landing Sites:

Site Name: Orcadas Latitude: 60º 45´ 00´´ S Longitude: 44º 44´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 28/11/2010 Activity: (14:01) Kayaking

Site Name: Paulet Island Latitude: 63°35´S Longitude: 55°47´W Date Landing: 30/11/2010 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking

Site Name: Devil Island Latitude: 63°48´S Longitude: 57°17´W Date Landing: 30/11/2010 Activity: (14:01) Kayaking

Site Name: Hope Bay Latitude: 63°23´S Longitude: 57°00´W Date Landing: 01/12/2010 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking

Site Name: Brown Bluff Latitude: 63°32´S Longitude: 56°55´W Date Landing: 01/12/2010 Activity: (14:01) Kayaking

Site Name: aitcho - barrientos island Latitude: 62º 24´ 00´´ S Longitude: 59º 47´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 02/12/2010 Activity: (14:01) Kayaking

Site Name: Half Moon Island Latitude: 62°36´S Longitude: 59°55´W Date Landing: 02/12/2010 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking

05 Dec 2010 Ushuaia 15 Dec 2010 Ushuaia Landing Sites:

Site Name: Lemaire Channel Latitude: 65°04´S Longitude: 63°57´W Date Landing: 07/12/2010 Activity: (00:00) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Petermann Island Latitude: 65°10´S Longitude: 64°10´W Date Landing: 08/12/2010 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Latitude: 65º 04´ 00´´ S Longitude: 64º 00´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 08/12/2010 Activity: (14:01) Kayaking - Camping

27 of 89 11/15/2010 5:25 PM Ship Based Report

Site Name: Pleneau Island Latitude: 65º 06´ 00´´ S Longitude: 64º 04´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 08/12/2010 Activity: (14:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Lemaire Channel Latitude: 65°04´S Longitude: 63°57´W Date Landing: 08/12/2010 Activity: (00:00) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Vernadsky station Latitude: 65º 15´ 00´´ S Longitude: 64º 15´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 09/12/2010 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Jo ugla Po int Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 09/12/2010 Activity: (14:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Go udier Island Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 09/12/2010 Activity: (14:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Skontorp Cove Latitude: 64°54´S Longitude: 62°52´W Date Landing: 10/12/2010 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Almirante Brown Latitude: 64º 54´ 00´´ S Longitude: 62º 52´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 10/12/2010 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Neko Harbor Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 62°33´W Date Landing: 10/12/2010 Activity: (14:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Cuverville Island Latitude: 64°41´S Longitude: 62°38´W Date Landing: 11/12/2010 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Wilhelmina Bay Latitude: 64°38´S Longitude: 62°10´W Date Landing: 11/12/2010 Activity: (14:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: aitcho - barrientos island Latitude: 62º 24´ 00´´ S Longitude: 59º 47´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 12/12/2010 Activity: (14:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Whalers Bay Latitude: 62°59´S Longitude: 60°34´W Date Landing: 12/12/2010 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking - Camping

15 Dec 2010 Ushuaia 02 Jan 2011 Ushuaia Landing Sites:

Site Name: Orcadas Latitude: 60º 45´ 00´´ S Longitude: 44º 44´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 26/12/2010 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking

Site Name: Paulet Island Latitude: 63°35´S Longitude: 55°47´W Date Landing: 28/12/2010 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking

Site Name: Devil Island Latitude: 63°48´S Longitude: 57°17´W Date Landing: 28/12/2010 Activity: (14:01) Kayaking

28 of 89 11/15/2010 5:25 PM Ship Based Report

Site Name: Hope Bay Latitude: 63°23´S Longitude: 57°00´W Date Landing: 29/12/2010 Activity: (9:01) Kayaking

Site Name: Brown Bluff Latitude: 63°32´S Longitude: 56°55´W Date Landing: 29/12/2010 Activity: (14:01) Kayaking

Site Name: Penguin Island Latitude: 62°06´S Longitude: 57°54´W Date Landing: 30/12/2010 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking

Site Name: Turret Point Latitude: 62°05´S Longitude: 57°55´W Date Landing: 30/12/2010 Activity: (14:01) Kayaking

02 Jan 2011 Ushuaia 12 Jan 2011 Ushuaia Landing Sites:

Site Name: Half Moon Island Latitude: 62°36´S Longitude: 59°55´W Date Landing: 05/01/2011 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Whalers Bay Latitude: 62°59´S Longitude: 60°34´W Date Landing: 05/01/2011 Activity: (14:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Danco Island Latitude: 64°44´S Longitude: 62°37´W Date Landing: 06/01/2011 Activity: (14:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Wilhelmina Bay Latitude: 64°38´S Longitude: 62°10´W Date Landing: 06/01/2011 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Almirante Brown Latitude: 64º 54´ 00´´ S Longitude: 62º 52´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 07/01/2011 Activity: (14:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Skontorp Cove Latitude: 64°54´S Longitude: 62°52´W Date Landing: 07/01/2011 Activity: (14:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Neko Harbor Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 62°33´W Date Landing: 07/01/2011 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Lemaire Channel Latitude: 65°04´S Longitude: 63°57´W Date Landing: 08/01/2011 Activity: (00:00) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Pleneau Island Latitude: 65º 06´ 00´´ S Longitude: 64º 04´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 08/01/2011 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Port Charcot Latitude: 65º 04´ 00´´ S Longitude: 64º 00´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 08/01/2011 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Petermann Island Latitude: 65°10´S Longitude: 64°10´W Date Landing: 09/01/2011 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Vernadsky station Latitude: 65º 15´ 00´´ S Longitude: 64º 15´ 00´´ W

29 of 89 11/15/2010 5:25 PM Ship Based Report

Date Landing: 09/01/2011 Activity: (14:01) Kayaking - Camping

12 Jan 2011 Ushuaia 22 Jan 2011 Ushuaia Landing Sites:

Site Name: Lemaire Channel Latitude: 65°04´S Longitude: 63°57´W Date Landing: 15/01/2011 Activity: (00:00) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Port Charcot Latitude: 65º 04´ 00´´ S Longitude: 64º 00´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 15/01/2011 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Yalo ur Islands Latitude: 65°14´S Longitude: 64°10´W Date Landing: 15/01/2011 Activity: (14:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Pleneau Island Latitude: 65º 06´ 00´´ S Longitude: 64º 04´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 15/01/2011 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Vernadsky station Latitude: 65º 15´ 00´´ S Longitude: 64º 15´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 16/01/2011 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Petermann Island Latitude: 65°10´S Longitude: 64°10´W Date Landing: 16/01/2011 Activity: (14:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Almirante Brown Latitude: 64º 54´ 00´´ S Longitude: 62º 52´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 17/01/2011 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Cuverville Island Latitude: 64°41´S Longitude: 62°38´W Date Landing: 17/01/2011 Activity: (14:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Skontorp Cove Latitude: 64°54´S Longitude: 62°52´W Date Landing: 17/01/2011 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Foyn Harbor Latitude: 64°33´S Longitude: 62°01´W Date Landing: 18/01/2011 Activity: (14:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Orne Harbor Latitude: 64°37´S Longitude: 62°32´W Date Landing: 18/01/2011 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Whalers Bay Latitude: 62°59´S Longitude: 60°34´W Date Landing: 19/01/2011 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Half Moon Island Latitude: 62°36´S Longitude: 59°55´W Date Landing: 19/01/2011 Activity: (14:01) Kayaking - Camping

22 Jan 2011 Ushuaia 04 Feb 2011 Ushuaia Landing Sites:

Site Name: Horseshoe Island Latitude: 67°51´S Longitude: 67°12´W Date Landing: 26/01/2011 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking - Camping

30 of 89 11/15/2010 5:25 PM Ship Based Report

Site Name: Sto ningto n Island Latitude: 68°11´S Longitude: 67°00´W Date Landing: 26/01/2011 Activity: (14:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Detaille Island Latitude: 66°52´S Longitude: 66°48´W Date Landing: 27/01/2011 Activity: (14:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Rothera Station Latitude: Longitude: Date Landing: 27/01/2011 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Vernadsky station Latitude: 65º 15´ 00´´ S Longitude: 64º 15´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 28/01/2011 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Yalo ur Islands Latitude: 65°14´S Longitude: 64°10´W Date Landing: 28/01/2011 Activity: (14:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Lemaire Channel Latitude: 65°04´S Longitude: 63°57´W Date Landing: 29/01/2011 Activity: (00:00) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Port Charcot Latitude: 65º 04´ 00´´ S Longitude: 64º 00´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 29/01/2011 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Petermann Island Latitude: 65°10´S Longitude: 64°10´W Date Landing: 29/01/2011 Activity: (14:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Pleneau Island Latitude: 65º 06´ 00´´ S Longitude: 64º 04´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 29/01/2011 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Almirante Brown Latitude: 64º 54´ 00´´ S Longitude: 62º 52´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 30/01/2011 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Skontorp Cove Latitude: 64°54´S Longitude: 62°52´W Date Landing: 30/01/2011 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Cuverville Island Latitude: 64°41´S Longitude: 62°38´W Date Landing: 31/01/2011 Activity: (14:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Neko Harbor Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 62°33´W Date Landing: 31/01/2011 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Whalers Bay Latitude: 62°59´S Longitude: 60°34´W Date Landing: 01/02/2011 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Hannah Point Latitude: 62°39´S Longitude: 60°37´W Date Landing: 01/02/2011 Activity: (14:01) Kayaking - Camping

04 Feb 2011 Ushuaia 14 Feb 2011 Ushuaia

31 of 89 11/15/2010 5:25 PM Ship Based Report

Landing Sites:

Site Name: Half Moon Island Latitude: 62°36´S Longitude: 59°55´W Date Landing: 07/02/2011 Activity: (14:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: aitcho - barrientos island Latitude: 62º 24´ 00´´ S Longitude: 59º 47´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 07/02/2011 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Foyn Harbor Latitude: 64°33´S Longitude: 62°01´W Date Landing: 08/02/2011 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Cuverville Island Latitude: 64°41´S Longitude: 62°38´W Date Landing: 08/02/2011 Activity: (14:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Skontorp Cove Latitude: 64°54´S Longitude: 62°52´W Date Landing: 09/02/2011 Activity: (14:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Neko Harbor Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 62°33´W Date Landing: 09/02/2011 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Almirante Brown Latitude: 64º 54´ 00´´ S Longitude: 62º 52´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 09/02/2011 Activity: (14:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Jo ugla Po int Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 10/02/2011 Activity: (14:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Yalo ur Islands Latitude: 65°14´S Longitude: 64°10´W Date Landing: 10/02/2011 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Lemaire Channel Latitude: 65°04´S Longitude: 63°57´W Date Landing: 10/02/2011 Activity: (00:00) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Go udier Island Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 10/02/2011 Activity: (14:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Melchio r Islands Latitude: 64°19´S Longitude: 62°57´W Date Landing: 11/02/2011 Activity: (14:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Useful Island Latitude: 64°43´S Longitude: 62°52´W Date Landing: 11/02/2011 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking - Camping

14 Feb 2011 Ushuaia 27 Feb 2011 Ushuaia Landing Sites:

Site Name: Detaille Island Latitude: 66°52´S Longitude: 66°48´W Date Landing: 18/02/2011 Activity: (14:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Crystal Sound Latitude: 66°23´S Longitude: 66°30´W Date Landing: 18/02/2011 Activity: (00:00) Kayaking - Camping

32 of 89 11/15/2010 5:25 PM Ship Based Report

Site Name: Sto ningto n Island Latitude: 68°11´S Longitude: 67°00´W Date Landing: 19/02/2011 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Horseshoe Island Latitude: 67°51´S Longitude: 67°12´W Date Landing: 19/02/2011 Activity: (14:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Crystal Sound Latitude: 66°23´S Longitude: 66°30´W Date Landing: 19/02/2011 Activity: (00:00) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Vernadsky station Latitude: 65º 15´ 00´´ S Longitude: 64º 15´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 20/02/2011 Activity: (14:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Yalo ur Islands Latitude: 65°14´S Longitude: 64°10´W Date Landing: 20/02/2011 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Lemaire Channel Latitude: 65°04´S Longitude: 63°57´W Date Landing: 21/02/2011 Activity: (00:00) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Pleneau Island Latitude: 65º 06´ 00´´ S Longitude: 64º 04´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 21/02/2011 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Port Charcot Latitude: 65º 04´ 00´´ S Longitude: 64º 00´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 21/02/2011 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Go udier Island Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 21/02/2011 Activity: (14:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Jo ugla Po int Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 21/02/2011 Activity: (14:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Cuverville Island Latitude: 64°41´S Longitude: 62°38´W Date Landing: 22/02/2011 Activity: (14:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Almirante Brown Latitude: 64º 54´ 00´´ S Longitude: 62º 52´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 22/02/2011 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Skontorp Cove Latitude: 64°54´S Longitude: 62°52´W Date Landing: 22/02/2011 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Neko Harbor Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 62°33´W Date Landing: 23/02/2011 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Wilhelmina Bay Latitude: 64°38´S Longitude: 62°10´W Date Landing: 23/02/2011 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Half Moon Island Latitude: 62°36´S Longitude: 59°55´W Date Landing: 24/02/2011 Activity: (14:01) Kayaking - Camping

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Site Name: Whalers Bay Latitude: 62°59´S Longitude: 60°34´W Date Landing: 24/02/2011 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking - Camping

34 of 89 11/15/2010 5:25 PM Ship Based Report

Name: Quark Expeditions Contact Address: 93 Pilgrim Park, Waterbury, VT USA 05676 Operator: Email Address: [email protected] Web Site Address:

Name of Vessel: M/V Akademik Ioffe

Country of Registry: Russian Federation

Number of Voyages: 9

Maximum Crew: 41

Maximum Passengers: 110 Estimated number of passengers per voyage is 95. Activities include excursions ashore by Zodiac. Camping Remarks: and kayaking are offered, as are skiing and climbing on selected voyages. Sites visited may vary depending on weather and ice conditions as well as length of cruise. Voyages:

Depart. Date Depart. Port Arrival Date Arrival Port

20 Nov 2010 Ushuaia 30 Nov 2010 Ushuaia Landing Sites:

Site Name: Half Moon Island Latitude: 62°36´S Longitude: 59°55´W Date Landing: 23/11/2010 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking - Camping - Skiing - Climbing

Site Name: Whalers Bay Latitude: 62°59´S Longitude: 60°34´W Date Landing: 23/11/2010 Activity: (14:01) Kayaking - Camping - Skiing - Climbing

Site Name: Cuverville Island Latitude: 64°41´S Longitude: 62°38´W Date Landing: 24/11/2010 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking - Camping - Skiing - Climbing

Site Name: Orne Harbor Latitude: 64°37´S Longitude: 62°32´W Date Landing: 24/11/2010 Activity: (05:31) Kayaking - Camping - Skiing - Climbing

Site Name: Neko Harbor Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 62°33´W Date Landing: 24/11/2010 Activity: (14:01) Kayaking - Camping - Skiing - Climbing

Site Name: Argentine Islands Latitude: 65°15´S Longitude: 64°16´W Date Landing: 25/11/2010 Activity: (19:31) Wordie Hut - Kayaking - Camping - Skiing - Climbing

Site Name: Petermann Island Latitude: 65°10´S Longitude: 64°10´W Date Landing: 25/11/2010 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking - Camping - Skiing - Climbing

Site Name: Vernadsky station Latitude: 65º 15´ 00´´ S Longitude: 64º 15´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 25/11/2010 Activity: (14:01) Kayaking - Camping - Skiing - Climbing

Site Name: Go udier Island Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 26/11/2010 Activity: (14:01) Kayaking - Camping - Skiing - Climbing

Site Name: Pleneau Island Latitude: 65º 06´ 00´´ S Longitude: 64º 04´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 26/11/2010 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking - Camping - Skiing - Climbing

Site Name: Port Charcot Latitude: 65º 04´ 00´´ S Longitude: 64º 00´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 26/11/2010

35 of 89 11/15/2010 5:25 PM Ship Based Report

Activity: (09:01) Kayaking - Camping - Skiing - Climbing

Site Name: Jo ugla Po int Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 26/11/2010 Activity: (14:01) Kayaking - Camping - Skiing - Climbing

Site Name: Dallmann Bay Latitude: 64°20´S Longitude: 62°55´W Date Landing: 27/11/2010 Activity: (00:00) Kayaking - Camping - Skiing - Climbing

Site Name: Useful Island Latitude: 64°43´S Longitude: 62°52´W Date Landing: 27/11/2010 Activity: (14:01) Kayaking - Camping - Skiing - Climbing

30 Nov 2010 Ushuaia 10 Dec 2010 Ushuaia Landing Sites:

Site Name: Yankee Harbor Latitude: 62°32´S Longitude: 59°47´W Date Landing: 03/12/2010 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking - Camping - Skiing - Climbing

Site Name: Telefon Bay Latitude: 62°56´S Longitude: 60°40´W Date Landing: 03/12/2010 Activity: (14:01) Kayaking - Camping - Skiing - Climbing

Site Name: Mikkelsen Harbor Latitude: 63°54´S Longitude: 60°47´W Date Landing: 04/12/2010 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking - Camping - Skiing - Climbing

Site Name: Cierva Cove Latitude: 64°09´S Longitude: 60°53´W Date Landing: 04/12/2010 Activity: (14:01) Kayaking - Camping - Skiing - Climbing

Site Name: Neko Harbor Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 62°33´W Date Landing: 05/12/2010 Activity: (14:01) Kayaking - Camping - Skiing - Climbing

Site Name: Danco Island Latitude: 64°44´S Longitude: 62°37´W Date Landing: 05/12/2010 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking - Camping - Skiing - Climbing

Site Name: Orne Harbor Latitude: 64°37´S Longitude: 62°32´W Date Landing: 05/12/2010 Activity: (05:31) Kayaking - Camping - Skiing - Climbing

Site Name: Damoy Point Latitude: 64°49´S Longitude: 63°32´W Date Landing: 06/12/2010 Activity: (19:31) Kayaking - Camping - Skiing - Climbing

Site Name: Jo ugla Po int Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 06/12/2010 Activity: (14:01) Kayaking - Camping - Skiing - Climbing

Site Name: Go udier Island Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 06/12/2010 Activity: (14:01) Kayaking - Camping - Skiing - Climbing

Site Name: Almirante Brown Latitude: 64º 54´ 00´´ S Longitude: 62º 52´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 06/12/2010 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking - Camping - Skiing - Climbing

Site Name: Dorian Bay Latitude: 64°49´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 06/12/2010 Activity: (19:31) Kayaking - Camping - Skiing - Climbing

36 of 89 11/15/2010 5:25 PM Ship Based Report

Site Name: Skontorp Cove Latitude: 64°54´S Longitude: 62°52´W Date Landing: 06/12/2010 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking - Camping - Skiing - Climbing

Site Name: Useful Island Latitude: 64°43´S Longitude: 62°52´W Date Landing: 07/12/2010 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking - Camping - Skiing - Climbing

Site Name: Melchio r Islands Latitude: 64°19´S Longitude: 62°57´W Date Landing: 07/12/2010 Activity: (14:01) Kayaking - Camping - Skiing - Climbing

10 Dec 2010 Ushuaia 20 Dec 2010 Ushuaia Landing Sites:

Site Name: Whalers Bay Latitude: 62°59´S Longitude: 60°34´W Date Landing: 13/12/2010 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking - Camping - Skiing - Climbing

Site Name: Half Moon Island Latitude: 62°36´S Longitude: 59°55´W Date Landing: 13/12/2010 Activity: (14:01) Kayaking - Camping - Skiing - Climbing

Site Name: Cuverville Island Latitude: 64°41´S Longitude: 62°38´W Date Landing: 14/12/2010 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking - Camping - Skiing - Climbing

Site Name: Orne Harbor Latitude: 64°37´S Longitude: 62°32´W Date Landing: 14/12/2010 Activity: (05:31) Kayaking - Camping - Skiing - Climbing

Site Name: Neko Harbor Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 62°33´W Date Landing: 14/12/2010 Activity: (14:01) Kayaking - Camping - Skiing - Climbing

Site Name: Vernadsky station Latitude: 65º 15´ 00´´ S Longitude: 64º 15´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 15/12/2010 Activity: (14:01) Kayaking - Camping - Skiing - Climbing

Site Name: Argentine Islands Latitude: 65°15´S Longitude: 64°16´W Date Landing: 15/12/2010 Activity: (19:31) Wordie Hut - Kayaking - Camping - Skiing - Climbing

Site Name: Petermann Island Latitude: 65°10´S Longitude: 64°10´W Date Landing: 15/12/2010 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking - Camping - Skiing - Climbing

Site Name: Jo ugla Po int Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 16/12/2010 Activity: (14:01) Kayaking - Camping - Skiing - Climbing

Site Name: Go udier Island Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 16/12/2010 Activity: (14:01) Kayaking - Camping - Skiing - Climbing

Site Name: Port Charcot Latitude: 65º 04´ 00´´ S Longitude: 64º 00´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 16/12/2010 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking - Camping - Skiing - Climbing

Site Name: Melchio r Islands Latitude: 64°19´S Longitude: 62°57´W Date Landing: 17/12/2010 Activity: (14:01) Kayaking - Camping - Skiing - Climbing

37 of 89 11/15/2010 5:25 PM Ship Based Report

Site Name: Useful Island Latitude: 64°43´S Longitude: 62°52´W Date Landing: 17/12/2010 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking - Camping - Skiing - Climbing

20 Dec 2010 Ushuaia 30 Dec 2010 Ushuaia Landing Sites:

Site Name: Whalers Bay Latitude: 62°59´S Longitude: 60°34´W Date Landing: 23/12/2010 Activity: (14:01) Kayaking - Camping - Skiing - Climbing

Site Name: Half Moon Island Latitude: 62°36´S Longitude: 59°55´W Date Landing: 23/12/2010 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking - Camping - Skiing - Climbing

Site Name: Cierva Cove Latitude: 64°09´S Longitude: 60°53´W Date Landing: 24/12/2010 Activity: (14:01) Kayaking - Camping - Skiing - Climbing

Site Name: Mikkelsen Harbor Latitude: 63°54´S Longitude: 60°47´W Date Landing: 24/12/2010 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking - Camping - Skiing - Climbing

Site Name: Danco Island Latitude: 64°44´S Longitude: 62°37´W Date Landing: 25/12/2010 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking - Camping - Skiing - Climbing

Site Name: Neko Harbor Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 62°33´W Date Landing: 25/12/2010 Activity: (14:01) Kayaking - Camping - Skiing - Climbing

Site Name: Orne Harbor Latitude: 64°37´S Longitude: 62°32´W Date Landing: 25/12/2010 Activity: (05:31) Kayaking - Camping - Skiing - Climbing

Site Name: Dorian Bay Latitude: 64°49´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 26/12/2010 Activity: (14:01) Kayaking - Camping - Skiing - Climbing

Site Name: Damoy Point Latitude: 64°49´S Longitude: 63°32´W Date Landing: 26/12/2010 Activity: (14:01) Kayaking - Camping - Skiing - Climbing

Site Name: Skontorp Cove Latitude: 64°54´S Longitude: 62°52´W Date Landing: 26/12/2010 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking - Camping - Skiing - Climbing

Site Name: Almirante Brown Latitude: 64º 54´ 00´´ S Longitude: 62º 52´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 26/12/2010 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking - Camping - Skiing - Climbing

Site Name: Melchio r Islands Latitude: 64°19´S Longitude: 62°57´W Date Landing: 27/12/2010 Activity: (14:01) Kayaking - Camping - Skiing - Climbing

Site Name: Useful Island Latitude: 64°43´S Longitude: 62°52´W Date Landing: 27/12/2010 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking - Camping - Skiing - Climbing

30 Dec 2010 Ushuaia 17 Jan 2011 Ushuaia Landing Sites:

Site Name: Signy Island Latitude: 60°43´S Longitude: 45°38´W

38 of 89 11/15/2010 5:25 PM Ship Based Report

Date Landing: 10/01/2011 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking

Site Name: Paulet Island Latitude: 63°35´S Longitude: 55°47´W Date Landing: 12/01/2011 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking

Site Name: Devil Island Latitude: 63°48´S Longitude: 57°17´W Date Landing: 12/01/2011 Activity: (14:01) Kayaking

Site Name: Brown Bluff Latitude: 63°32´S Longitude: 56°55´W Date Landing: 13/01/2011 Activity: (14:01) Kayaking

Site Name: Hope Bay Latitude: 63°23´S Longitude: 57°00´W Date Landing: 13/01/2011 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking

Site Name: aitcho - barrientos island Latitude: 62º 24´ 00´´ S Longitude: 59º 47´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 14/01/2011 Activity: (14:01) Kayaking

Site Name: Half Moon Island Latitude: 62°36´S Longitude: 59°55´W Date Landing: 14/01/2011 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking

17 Jan 2011 Ushuaia 27 Jan 2011 Ushuaia Landing Sites:

Site Name: Waddington Bay Latitude: 65°16´S Longitude: 64°05´W Date Landing: 20/01/2011 Activity: (14:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Argentine Islands Latitude: 65°15´S Longitude: 64°16´W Date Landing: 20/01/2011 Activity: (09:01) Wordie House- Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Vernadsky station Latitude: 65º 15´ 00´´ S Longitude: 64º 15´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 20/01/2011 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Lemaire Channel Latitude: 65°04´S Longitude: 63°57´W Date Landing: 21/01/2011 Activity: (00:00) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Yalo ur Islands Latitude: 65°14´S Longitude: 64°10´W Date Landing: 21/01/2011 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Danco Island Latitude: 64°44´S Longitude: 62°37´W Date Landing: 22/01/2011 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Orne Islands Latitude: 64°40´S Longitude: 62°40´W Date Landing: 22/01/2011 Activity: (14:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Georges Point Latitude: 64°40´S Longitude: 62°40´W Date Landing: 22/01/2011 Activity: (14:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Foyn Harbor Latitude: 64°33´S Longitude: 62°01´W Date Landing: 23/01/2011

39 of 89 11/15/2010 5:25 PM Ship Based Report

Activity: (14:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Wilhelmina Bay Latitude: 64°38´S Longitude: 62°10´W Date Landing: 23/01/2011 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Yankee Harbor Latitude: 62°32´S Longitude: 59°47´W Date Landing: 24/01/2011 Activity: (14:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Whalers Bay Latitude: 62°59´S Longitude: 60°34´W Date Landing: 24/01/2011 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking - Camping

27 Jan 2011 Ushuaia 09 Feb 2011 Ushuaia Landing Sites:

Site Name: Horseshoe Island Latitude: 67°51´S Longitude: 67°12´W Date Landing: 31/01/2011 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Sto ningto n Island Latitude: 68°11´S Longitude: 67°00´W Date Landing: 31/01/2011 Activity: (14:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Crystal Sound Latitude: 66°23´S Longitude: 66°30´W Date Landing: 01/02/2011 Activity: (00:00) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Detaille Island Latitude: 66°52´S Longitude: 66°48´W Date Landing: 01/02/2011 Activity: (14:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Vernadsky station Latitude: 65º 15´ 00´´ S Longitude: 64º 15´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 02/02/2011 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Argentine Islands Latitude: 65°15´S Longitude: 64°16´W Date Landing: 02/02/2011 Activity: (09:01) Wordie Hut - Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Yalo ur Islands Latitude: 65°14´S Longitude: 64°10´W Date Landing: 02/02/2011 Activity: (14:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Pleneau Island Latitude: 65º 06´ 00´´ S Longitude: 64º 04´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 03/02/2011 Activity: (14:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Port Charcot Latitude: 65º 04´ 00´´ S Longitude: 64º 00´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 03/02/2011 Activity: (14:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Petermann Island Latitude: 65°10´S Longitude: 64°10´W Date Landing: 03/02/2011 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Neko Harbor Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 62°33´W Date Landing: 04/02/2011 Activity: (14:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Almirante Brown Latitude: 64º 54´ 00´´ S Longitude: 62º 52´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 04/02/2011 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking - Camping

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Site Name: Skontorp Cove Latitude: 64°54´S Longitude: 62°52´W Date Landing: 04/02/2011 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Cuverville Island Latitude: 64°41´S Longitude: 62°38´W Date Landing: 05/02/2011 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Wilhelmina Bay Latitude: 64°38´S Longitude: 62°10´W Date Landing: 05/02/2011 Activity: (14:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Robert Point Latitude: 62°28´S Longitude: 59°23´W Date Landing: 06/02/2011 Activity: (14:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Half Moon Island Latitude: 62°36´S Longitude: 59°55´W Date Landing: 06/02/2011 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking - Camping

09 Feb 2011 Ushuaia 27 Feb 2011 Ushuaia Landing Sites:

Site Name: Orcadas Latitude: 60º 45´ 00´´ S Longitude: 44º 44´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 20/02/2011 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking

Site Name: Danger Islands Latitude: 63°25´S Longitude: 54°40´W Date Landing: 22/02/2011 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking

Site Name: Devil Island Latitude: 63°48´S Longitude: 57°17´W Date Landing: 22/02/2011 Activity: (14:01) Kayaking

Site Name: Hope Bay Latitude: 63°23´S Longitude: 57°00´W Date Landing: 23/02/2011 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking

Site Name: Brown Bluff Latitude: 63°32´S Longitude: 56°55´W Date Landing: 23/02/2011 Activity: (14:01) Kayaking

Site Name: aitcho - barrientos island Latitude: 62º 24´ 00´´ S Longitude: 59º 47´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 24/02/2011 Activity: (14:01) Kayaking

Site Name: Half Moon Island Latitude: 62°36´S Longitude: 59°55´W Date Landing: 24/02/2011 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking

27 Feb 2011 Ushuaia 12 Mar 2011 Ushuaia Landing Sites:

Site Name: Sto ningto n Island Latitude: 68°11´S Longitude: 67°00´W Date Landing: 03/03/2011 Activity: (14:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Horseshoe Island Latitude: 67°51´S Longitude: 67°12´W Date Landing: 03/03/2011 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking - Camping

41 of 89 11/15/2010 5:25 PM Ship Based Report

Site Name: Detaille Island Latitude: 66°52´S Longitude: 66°48´W Date Landing: 04/03/2011 Activity: (14:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Crystal Sound Latitude: 66°23´S Longitude: 66°30´W Date Landing: 04/03/2011 Activity: (00:00) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Vernadsky station Latitude: 65º 15´ 00´´ S Longitude: 64º 15´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 05/03/2011 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Petermann Island Latitude: 65°10´S Longitude: 64°10´W Date Landing: 05/03/2011 Activity: (14:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Neko Harbor Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 62°33´W Date Landing: 06/03/2011 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Skontorp Cove Latitude: 64°54´S Longitude: 62°52´W Date Landing: 06/03/2011 Activity: (14:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Cuverville Island Latitude: 64°41´S Longitude: 62°38´W Date Landing: 07/03/2011 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Danco Island Latitude: 64°44´S Longitude: 62°37´W Date Landing: 07/03/2011 Activity: (14:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Graham Passage Latitude: 64°24´S Longitude: 61°31´W Date Landing: 08/03/2011 Activity: (14:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Portal Point Latitude: 64°30´S Longitude: 61°46´W Date Landing: 08/03/2011 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Telefon Bay Latitude: 62°56´S Longitude: 60°40´W Date Landing: 09/03/2011 Activity: (09:01) Kayaking - Camping

Site Name: Hannah Point Latitude: 62°39´S Longitude: 60°37´W Date Landing: 09/03/2011 Activity: (14:01) Kayaking - Camping

42 of 89 11/15/2010 5:25 PM Ship Based Report

Name: Quark Expeditions Contact Address: 93 Pilgrim Park, Waterbury, VT USA 05676 Operator: Email Address: [email protected] Web Site Address:

Name of Vessel: M/V Sea Spirit

Country of Registry: Bahamas

Number of Voyages: 5

Maximum Crew: 85

Maximum Passengers: 120 Estimated number of passengers per voyage is 105. Activities include excursions ashore by Zodiac. Sites Remarks: visited may vary depending on weather and ice conditions as well as length of cruise. Voyages:

Depart. Date Depart. Port Arrival Date Arrival Port

15 Feb 2010 Ushuaia 24 Feb 2010 Ushuaia Landing Sites:

Site Name: Mikkelsen Harbor Latitude: 63°54´S Longitude: 60°47´W Date Landing: 18/02/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Cierva Cove Latitude: 64°09´S Longitude: 60°53´W Date Landing: 18/02/2011 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Almirante Brown Latitude: 64º 54´ 00´´ S Longitude: 62º 52´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 19/02/2011 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Skontorp Cove Latitude: 64°54´S Longitude: 62°52´W Date Landing: 19/02/2011 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Neko Harbor Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 62°33´W Date Landing: 19/02/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Pleneau Island Latitude: 65º 06´ 00´´ S Longitude: 64º 04´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 20/02/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Jo ugla Po int Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 20/02/2011 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Go udier Island Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 20/02/2011 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Port Charcot Latitude: 65º 04´ 00´´ S Longitude: 64º 00´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 20/02/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Lemaire Channel Latitude: 65°04´S Longitude: 63°57´W Date Landing: 20/02/2011 Activity: (00:00)

Site Name: Cuverville Island Latitude: 64°41´S Longitude: 62°38´W Date Landing: 21/02/2011 Activity: (09:01)

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Site Name: Melchio r Islands Latitude: 64°19´S Longitude: 62°57´W Date Landing: 21/02/2011 Activity: (14:01)

23 Dec 2010 Ushuaia 10 Jan 2011 Ushuaia Landing Sites:

Site Name: Devil Island Latitude: 63°48´S Longitude: 57°17´W Date Landing: 05/01/2010 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Brown Bluff Latitude: 63°32´S Longitude: 56°55´W Date Landing: 06/01/2010 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Haddon Bay Latitude: 63°18´S Longitude: 55°44´W Date Landing: 06/01/2010 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Signy Island Latitude: 60°43´S Longitude: 45°38´W Date Landing: 03/01/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Danger Islands Latitude: 63°25´S Longitude: 54°40´W Date Landing: 05/01/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Half Moon Island Latitude: 62°36´S Longitude: 59°55´W Date Landing: 07/01/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Yankee Harbor Latitude: 62°32´S Longitude: 59°47´W Date Landing: 07/01/2011 Activity: (14:01)

10 Jan 2011 Ushuaia 19 Jan 2011 Ushuaia Landing Sites:

Site Name: Cierva Cove Latitude: 64°09´S Longitude: 60°53´W Date Landing: 13/01/2011 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Mikkelsen Harbor Latitude: 63°54´S Longitude: 60°47´W Date Landing: 13/01/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Lemaire Channel Latitude: 65°04´S Longitude: 63°57´W Date Landing: 14/01/2011 Activity: (00:00)

Site Name: Petermann Island Latitude: 65°10´S Longitude: 64°10´W Date Landing: 14/01/2011 Activity:

Site Name: Port Charcot Latitude: 65º 04´ 00´´ S Longitude: 64º 00´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 14/01/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Pleneau Island Latitude: 65º 06´ 00´´ S Longitude: 64º 04´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 14/01/2011 Activity: (09:01)

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Site Name: Almirante Brown Latitude: 64º 54´ 00´´ S Longitude: 62º 52´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 15/01/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Neko Harbor Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 62°33´W Date Landing: 15/01/2011 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Skontorp Cove Latitude: 64°54´S Longitude: 62°52´W Date Landing: 15/01/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Whalers Bay Latitude: 62°59´S Longitude: 60°34´W Date Landing: 16/01/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Hannah Point Latitude: 62°39´S Longitude: 60°37´W Date Landing: 16/01/2011 Activity: (14:01)

19 Jan 2011 Ushuaia 28 Jan 2011 Ushuaia Landing Sites:

Site Name: Mikkelsen Harbor Latitude: 63°54´S Longitude: 60°47´W Date Landing: 22/01/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Cierva Cove Latitude: 64°09´S Longitude: 60°53´W Date Landing: 22/01/2011 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Lemaire Channel Latitude: 65°04´S Longitude: 63°57´W Date Landing: 23/01/2011 Activity: (00:00)

Site Name: Petermann Island Latitude: 65°10´S Longitude: 64°10´W Date Landing: 23/01/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Vernadsky station Latitude: 65º 15´ 00´´ S Longitude: 64º 15´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 23/01/2011 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Cuverville Island Latitude: 64°41´S Longitude: 62°38´W Date Landing: 24/01/2011 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Almirante Brown Latitude: 64º 54´ 00´´ S Longitude: 62º 52´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 24/01/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Skontorp Cove Latitude: 64°54´S Longitude: 62°52´W Date Landing: 24/01/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Whalers Bay Latitude: 62°59´S Longitude: 60°34´W Date Landing: 25/01/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Hannah Point Latitude: 62°39´S Longitude: 60°37´W Date Landing: 25/01/2011 Activity: (14:01)

24 Feb 2011 Ushuaia 06 Mar 2011 Ushuaia

45 of 89 11/15/2010 5:25 PM Ship Based Report

Landing Sites:

Site Name: Whalers Bay Latitude: 62°59´S Longitude: 60°34´W Date Landing: 27/02/2011 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Hannah Point Latitude: 62°39´S Longitude: 60°37´W Date Landing: 27/02/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Neko Harbor Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 62°33´W Date Landing: 28/02/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Skontorp Cove Latitude: 64°54´S Longitude: 62°52´W Date Landing: 28/02/2011 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Almirante Brown Latitude: 64º 54´ 00´´ S Longitude: 62º 52´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 28/02/2011 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Port Charcot Latitude: 65º 04´ 00´´ S Longitude: 64º 00´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 01/03/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Lemaire Channel Latitude: 65°04´S Longitude: 63°57´W Date Landing: 01/03/2011 Activity: (00:00)

Site Name: Pleneau Island Latitude: 65º 06´ 00´´ S Longitude: 64º 04´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 01/03/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Vernadsky station Latitude: 65º 15´ 00´´ S Longitude: 64º 15´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 01/03/2011 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Go udier Island Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 02/03/2011 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Jo ugla Po int Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 02/03/2011 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Dorian Bay Latitude: 64°49´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 02/03/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Damoy Point Latitude: 64°49´S Longitude: 63°32´W Date Landing: 02/03/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Useful Island Latitude: 64°43´S Longitude: 62°52´W Date Landing: 03/03/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Melchio r Islands Latitude: 64°19´S Longitude: 62°57´W Date Landing: 03/03/2011 Activity: (14:01)

46 of 89 11/15/2010 5:25 PM Ship Based Report

Name: Quark Expeditions Contact Address: 93 Pilgrim Park, Waterbury, VT USA 05676 Operator: Email Address: [email protected] Web Site Address:

Name of Vessel: I/B Kapitan Khlebnikov

Country of Registry: Russian Federation

Number of Voyages: 4

Maximum Crew: 60

Maximum Passengers: 112 Estimated number of passengers per voyage is 95-100. Activities include visits to shore by Zodiac, as well as Remarks: flightseeing and excursions to shore by helicopter. Includes trips to Snow Hill and the Antarctic continent. Sites visited may vary depending on weather and ice conditions as well as length of cruise. Voyages:

Depart. Date Depart. Port Arrival Date Arrival Port

14 Oct 2010 Ushuaia 26 Oct 2010 Ushuaia Landing Sites:

Site Name: Sno w Hill Island Latitude: 64°28´S Longitude: 57°12´W Date Landing: 17/10/2010 Activity: Snow Hill Emporer Rookery (09:01/14:01)

Site Name: Sno w Hill Island Latitude: 64°28´S Longitude: 57°12´W Date Landing: 18/10/2010 Activity: Snow Hill Emperor Rookery (09:01/14:01)

Site Name: Sno w Hill Island Latitude: 64°28´S Longitude: 57°12´W Date Landing: 19/10/2010 Activity: Snow Hill Emperor Rookery (09:01/14:01)

Site Name: Sno w Hill Island Latitude: 64°28´S Longitude: 57°12´W Date Landing: 20/10/2010 Activity: Snow Hill Emperor Rookery (09:01/14:01)

Site Name: Paulet Island Latitude: 63°35´S Longitude: 55°47´W Date Landing: 21/10/2010 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Devil Island Latitude: 63°48´S Longitude: 57°17´W Date Landing: 21/10/2010 Activity: (05:31/09:01)

Site Name: Esperanza Station Latitude: 63º 24´ 00´´ S Longitude: 57º 00´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 22/10/2010 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Brown Bluff Latitude: 63°32´S Longitude: 56°55´W Date Landing: 22/10/2010 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Half Moon Island Latitude: 62°36´S Longitude: 59°55´W Date Landing: 23/10/2010 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Whalers Bay Latitude: 62°59´S Longitude: 60°34´W Date Landing: 23/10/2010 Activity: (05:31/09:01)

26 Oct 2010 Ushuaia 07 Nov 2010 Ushuaia

47 of 89 11/15/2010 5:25 PM Ship Based Report

Landing Sites:

Site Name: Sno w Hill Island Latitude: 64°28´S Longitude: 57°12´W Date Landing: 29/10/2010 Activity: Snow Hill Emperor Rookery (05:31/14:01)

Site Name: Sno w Hill Island Latitude: 64°28´S Longitude: 57°12´W Date Landing: 30/10/2010 Activity: Snow Hill Emperor Rookery (05:31/09:01/14:01)

Site Name: Sno w Hill Island Latitude: 64°28´S Longitude: 57°12´W Date Landing: 31/10/2010 Activity: Snow Hill Emperor Rookery (05:31/09:01/14:01)

Site Name: Sno w Hill Island Latitude: 64°28´S Longitude: 57°12´W Date Landing: 01/11/2010 Activity: Snow Hill Emperor Rookery (05:31/09:01/14:01)

Site Name: Paulet Island Latitude: 63°35´S Longitude: 55°47´W Date Landing: 02/11/2010 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Devil Island Latitude: 63°48´S Longitude: 57°17´W Date Landing: 02/11/2010 Activity: (05:31/09:01)

Site Name: Brown Bluff Latitude: 63°32´S Longitude: 56°55´W Date Landing: 03/11/2010 Activity: (05:31/09:01)

Site Name: Esperanza Station Latitude: 63º 24´ 00´´ S Longitude: 57º 00´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 03/11/2010 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Half Moon Island Latitude: 62°36´S Longitude: 59°55´W Date Landing: 04/11/2010 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Whalers Bay Latitude: 62°59´S Longitude: 60°34´W Date Landing: 04/11/2010 Activity: (05:31/09:01)

Site Name: Half Moon Island Latitude: 62°36´S Longitude: 59°55´W Date Landing: 06/11/2010 Activity: (14:01)

07 Nov 2010 Ushuaia 04 Dec 2010 Port Stanley Landing Sites:

Site Name: Elephant Island Latitude: 61°10´S Longitude: 55°14´W Date Landing: 10/11/2010 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Hope Bay Latitude: 63°23´S Longitude: 57°00´W Date Landing: 11/11/2010 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Brown Bluff Latitude: 63°32´S Longitude: 56°55´W Date Landing: 11/11/2010 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Devil Island Latitude: 63°48´S Longitude: 57°17´W Date Landing: 12/11/2010 Activity: (14:01)

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Site Name: Paulet Island Latitude: 63°35´S Longitude: 55°47´W Date Landing: 12/11/2010 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Larsen Ice Shelf Latitude: 67°30´S Longitude: 62°30´W Date Landing: 17/11/2010 Activity: Riiser Larsen (09:01/14:01)

Site Name: Latitude: 72°00´S Longitude: 45°00´W Date Landing: 18/11/2010 Activity: (00:00)

Site Name: Atka Bay, Neumayer Station II Latitude: 70º 39´ 00´´ S Longitude: 08º 15´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 19/11/2010 Activity: Atka Bay Rookery (09:01/14:01)

Site Name: Neumayer Station Latitude: 70°36´S Longitude: 8°22´W Date Landing: 20/11/2010 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Weddell Sea Latitude: 72°00´S Longitude: 45°00´W Date Landing: 21/11/2010 Activity: (00:00)

Site Name: Weddell Sea Latitude: 72°00´S Longitude: 45°00´W Date Landing: 22/11/2010 Activity: (00:00)

Site Name: Weddell Sea Latitude: 72°00´S Longitude: 45°00´W Date Landing: 27/11/2010 Activity: (00:00)

04 Dec 2010 Port Stanley 03 Jan 2011 Hobart Landing Sites:

Site Name: Half Moon Island Latitude: 62°36´S Longitude: 59°55´W Date Landing: 06/12/2010 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Paradise Bay Latitude: 64º 52´ 00´´ S Longitude: 62º 52´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 07/12/2010 Activity: (14:01/19:31)

Site Name: Neko Harbor Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 62°33´W Date Landing: 07/12/2010 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Pleneau Island Latitude: 65º 06´ 00´´ S Longitude: 64º 04´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 08/12/2010 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Lemaire Channel Latitude: 65°04´S Longitude: 63°57´W Date Landing: 08/12/2010 Activity: (00:00)

Site Name: Petermann Island Latitude: 65°10´S Longitude: 64°10´W Date Landing: 08/12/2010 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Detaille Island Latitude: 66°52´S Longitude: 66°48´W Date Landing: 09/12/2010 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Rothera Station Latitude: Longitude:

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Date Landing: 10/12/2010 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Horseshoe Island Latitude: 67°51´S Longitude: 67°12´W Date Landing: 10/12/2010 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Peter I Island Latitude: 68°47´S Longitude: 90°35´W Date Landing: 12/12/2010 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Siple Island Latitude: 73°39´S Longitude: 125°00´W Date Landing: 16/12/2010 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Ross Ice Shelf Latitude: 81°30´S Longitude: 175°00´W Date Landing: 19/12/2010 Activity: (00:00)

Site Name: Cape Royds Latitude: 72º 19´ 13´´ S Longitude: 170º 13´ 34´´ E Date Landing: 21/12/2010 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Cape Evans Latitude: 77º 38´ 18´´ S Longitude: 166º 24´ 25´´ E Date Landing: 21/12/2010 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Scott Base Latitude: 77°50´S Longitude: 166°45´E Date Landing: 22/12/2010 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: McMurdo Station Latitude: 77°55´S Longitude: 166°39´E Date Landing: 22/12/2010 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Washington, Cape Latitude: 74°39´S Longitude: 165°25´E Date Landing: 23/12/2010 Activity: (09:01/14:01)

Site Name: Terra Nova Bay Latitude: 74°50´S Longitude: 164°30´E Date Landing: 24/12/2010 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Cape Hallett Latitude: 72º 25´ 00´´ S Longitude: 169º 58´ 00´´ E Date Landing: 25/12/2010 Activity: (09:01/14:01)

Site Name: Adare, Cape Latitude: 71°17´S Longitude: 170°14´E Date Landing: 26/12/2010 Activity: (09:01)

50 of 89 11/15/2010 5:25 PM Ship Based Report

Name: Quark Expeditions Contact Address: 93 Pilgrim Park, Waterbury, VT USA 05676 Operator: Email Address: [email protected] Web Site Address:

Name of Vessel: M/V Ocean Nova

Country of Registry: Bahamas

Number of Voyages: 14

Maximum Crew: 31

Maximum Passengers: 73 Estimated number of passengers per voyage is 65-68. Activities include excursions ashore by Zodiac. Remarks: Kayaking and camping activities are also offered on some voyages. Sites visted may vary depending on weather and ice conditions as well as length of cruise. Voyages:

Depart. Date Depart. Port Arrival Date Arrival Port

12 Nov 2010 Ushuaia 22 Nov 2010 Ushuaia Landing Sites:

Site Name: Half Moon Island Latitude: 62°36´S Longitude: 59°55´W Date Landing: 15/11/2010 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Whalers Bay Latitude: 62°59´S Longitude: 60°34´W Date Landing: 15/11/2010 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Cuverville Island Latitude: 64°41´S Longitude: 62°38´W Date Landing: 16/11/2010 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Orne Harbor Latitude: 64°37´S Longitude: 62°32´W Date Landing: 16/11/2010 Activity: (05:31)

Site Name: Neko Harbor Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 62°33´W Date Landing: 16/11/2010 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Argentine Islands Latitude: 65°15´S Longitude: 64°16´W Date Landing: 17/11/2010 Activity: (14:01) Wordie Hut

Site Name: Petermann Island Latitude: 65°10´S Longitude: 64°10´W Date Landing: 17/11/2010 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Vernadsky station Latitude: 65º 15´ 00´´ S Longitude: 64º 15´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 17/11/2010 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Port Charcot Latitude: 65º 04´ 00´´ S Longitude: 64º 00´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 18/11/2010 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Pleneau Island Latitude: 65º 06´ 00´´ S Longitude: 64º 04´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 18/11/2010 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Go udier Island Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 18/11/2010

51 of 89 11/15/2010 5:25 PM Ship Based Report

Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Jo ugla Po int Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 18/11/2010 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Dallmann Bay Latitude: 64°20´S Longitude: 62°55´W Date Landing: 19/11/2010 Activity: (00:00)

Site Name: Useful Island Latitude: 64°43´S Longitude: 62°52´W Date Landing: 19/11/2010 Activity: (09:01)

22 Nov 2010 Ushuaia 10 Dec 2010 Ushuaia Landing Sites:

Site Name: Shingle Cove Latitude: 60°39´S Longitude: 45°34´W Date Landing: 03/12/2010 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Devil Island Latitude: 63°48´S Longitude: 57°17´W Date Landing: 05/12/2010 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Paulet Island Latitude: 63°35´S Longitude: 55°47´W Date Landing: 05/12/2010 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Gourdin Island Latitude: 63°12´S Longitude: 57°18´W Date Landing: 06/12/2010 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Brown Bluff Latitude: 63°32´S Longitude: 56°55´W Date Landing: 06/12/2010 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Astrolabe Island Latitude: 63°17´S Longitude: 58°40´W Date Landing: 07/12/2010 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Mikkelsen Harbor Latitude: 63°54´S Longitude: 60°47´W Date Landing: 07/12/2010 Activity: (14:01)

10 Dec 2010 Ushuaia 14 Dec 2010 Frei Station Landing Sites:

Site Name: Half Moon Island Latitude: 62°36´S Longitude: 59°55´W Date Landing: 13/12/2010 Activity: (19:31)

Site Name: aitcho - barrientos island Latitude: 62º 24´ 00´´ S Longitude: 59º 47´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 13/12/2010 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Yankee Harbor Latitude: 62°32´S Longitude: 59°47´W Date Landing: 13/12/2010 Activity: (09:01)

14 Dec 2010 Frei Station 19 Dec 2010 Frei Station

52 of 89 11/15/2010 5:25 PM Ship Based Report

Landing Sites:

Site Name: Bellingshausen Latitude: 62º 11´ 46´´ S Longitude: 58º 57´ 38´´ W Date Landing: 14/12/2010 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Ardley Island Latitude: 62°13´S Longitude: 58°56´W Date Landing: 14/12/2010 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Foyn Harbor Latitude: 64°33´S Longitude: 62°01´W Date Landing: 15/12/2010 Activity: (19:31)

Site Name: Cierva Cove Latitude: 64°09´S Longitude: 60°53´W Date Landing: 15/12/2010 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Mikkelsen Harbor Latitude: 63°54´S Longitude: 60°47´W Date Landing: 15/12/2010 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Damoy Point Latitude: 64°49´S Longitude: 63°32´W Date Landing: 16/12/2010 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Dorian Bay Latitude: 64°49´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 16/12/2010 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Port Charcot Latitude: 65º 04´ 00´´ S Longitude: 64º 00´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 16/12/2010 Activity: (19:31)

Site Name: Petermann Island Latitude: 65°10´S Longitude: 64°10´W Date Landing: 16/12/2010 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Pleneau Island Latitude: 65º 06´ 00´´ S Longitude: 64º 04´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 16/12/2010 Activity: (19:31)

Site Name: Cuverville Island Latitude: 64°41´S Longitude: 62°38´W Date Landing: 17/12/2010 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Skontorp Cove Latitude: 64°54´S Longitude: 62°52´W Date Landing: 17/12/2010 Activity: (05:31)

Site Name: Almirante Brown Latitude: 64º 54´ 00´´ S Longitude: 62º 52´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 17/12/2010 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Danco Island Latitude: 64°44´S Longitude: 62°37´W Date Landing: 17/12/2010 Activity: (19:31)

Site Name: Whalers Bay Latitude: 62°59´S Longitude: 60°34´W Date Landing: 18/12/2010 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Walker Bay Latitude: 62°38´S Longitude: 60°42´W Date Landing: 18/12/2010 Activity: (14:01) by Hannah Point

53 of 89 11/15/2010 5:25 PM Ship Based Report

19 Dec 2010 Frei Station 24 Dec 2010 Frei Station Landing Sites:

Site Name: Ardley Island Latitude: 62°13´S Longitude: 58°56´W Date Landing: 19/12/2010 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Bellingshausen Latitude: 62º 11´ 46´´ S Longitude: 58º 57´ 38´´ W Date Landing: 19/12/2010 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Foyn Harbor Latitude: 64°33´S Longitude: 62°01´W Date Landing: 20/12/2010 Activity: (19:31)

Site Name: Mikkelsen Harbor Latitude: 63°54´S Longitude: 60°47´W Date Landing: 20/12/2010 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Cierva Cove Latitude: 64°09´S Longitude: 60°53´W Date Landing: 20/12/2010 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Petermann Island Latitude: 65°10´S Longitude: 64°10´W Date Landing: 21/12/2010 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Damoy Point Latitude: 64°49´S Longitude: 63°32´W Date Landing: 21/12/2010 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Dorian Bay Latitude: 64°49´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 21/12/2010 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Vernadsky station Latitude: 65º 15´ 00´´ S Longitude: 64º 15´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 21/12/2010 Activity: (19:31)

Site Name: Neko Harbor Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 62°33´W Date Landing: 22/12/2010 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Skontorp Cove Latitude: 64°54´S Longitude: 62°52´W Date Landing: 22/12/2010 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Almirante Brown Latitude: 64º 54´ 00´´ S Longitude: 62º 52´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 22/12/2010 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Cuverville Island Latitude: 64°41´S Longitude: 62°38´W Date Landing: 22/12/2010 Activity: (19:31)

Site Name: Walker Bay Latitude: 62°38´S Longitude: 60°42´W Date Landing: 23/12/2010 Activity: (14:01) by Hannnah Point

Site Name: Whalers Bay Latitude: 62°59´S Longitude: 60°34´W Date Landing: 23/12/2010 Activity: (09:01)

54 of 89 11/15/2010 5:25 PM Ship Based Report

24 Dec 2010 Frei Station 29 Dec 2010 Frei Station Landing Sites:

Site Name: Ardley Island Latitude: 62°13´S Longitude: 58°56´W Date Landing: 24/12/2010 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Bellingshausen Latitude: 62º 11´ 46´´ S Longitude: 58º 57´ 38´´ W Date Landing: 24/12/2010 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Mikkelsen Harbor Latitude: 63°54´S Longitude: 60°47´W Date Landing: 25/12/2010 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Cierva Cove Latitude: 64°09´S Longitude: 60°53´W Date Landing: 25/12/2010 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Foyn Harbor Latitude: 64°33´S Longitude: 62°01´W Date Landing: 25/12/2010 Activity: (19:31)

Site Name: Port Charcot Latitude: 65º 04´ 00´´ S Longitude: 64º 00´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 26/12/2010 Activity: (19:31)

Site Name: Damoy Point Latitude: 64°49´S Longitude: 63°32´W Date Landing: 26/12/2010 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Dorian Bay Latitude: 64°49´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 26/12/2010 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Pleneau Island Latitude: 65º 06´ 00´´ S Longitude: 64º 04´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 26/12/2010 Activity: (19:31)

Site Name: Petermann Island Latitude: 65°10´S Longitude: 64°10´W Date Landing: 26/12/2010 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Almirante Brown Latitude: 64º 54´ 00´´ S Longitude: 62º 52´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 27/12/2010 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Neko Harbor Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 62°33´W Date Landing: 27/12/2010 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Skontorp Cove Latitude: 64°54´S Longitude: 62°52´W Date Landing: 27/12/2010 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Half Moon Island Latitude: 62°36´S Longitude: 59°55´W Date Landing: 28/12/2010 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Whalers Bay Latitude: 62°59´S Longitude: 60°34´W Date Landing: 28/12/2010 Activity: (09:01)

29 Dec 2010 Frei Station 03 Jan 2011 Frei Station

55 of 89 11/15/2010 5:25 PM Ship Based Report

Landing Sites:

Site Name: Bellingshausen Latitude: 62º 11´ 46´´ S Longitude: 58º 57´ 38´´ W Date Landing: 29/12/2010 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Ardley Island Latitude: 62°13´S Longitude: 58°56´W Date Landing: 29/12/2010 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Mikkelsen Harbor Latitude: 63°54´S Longitude: 60°47´W Date Landing: 30/12/2010 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Cierva Cove Latitude: 64°09´S Longitude: 60°53´W Date Landing: 30/12/2010 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Foyn Harbor Latitude: 64°33´S Longitude: 62°01´W Date Landing: 30/12/2010 Activity: (19:31)

Site Name: Go udier Island Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 31/12/2010 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Jo ugla Po int Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 31/12/2010 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Petermann Island Latitude: 65°10´S Longitude: 64°10´W Date Landing: 31/12/2010 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Vernadsky station Latitude: 65º 15´ 00´´ S Longitude: 64º 15´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 31/12/2010 Activity: (19:31)

Site Name: Almirante Brown Latitude: 64º 54´ 00´´ S Longitude: 62º 52´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 01/01/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Skontorp Cove Latitude: 64°54´S Longitude: 62°52´W Date Landing: 01/01/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Neko Harbor Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 62°33´W Date Landing: 01/01/2011 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Whalers Bay Latitude: 62°59´S Longitude: 60°34´W Date Landing: 02/01/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Walker Bay Latitude: 62°38´S Longitude: 60°42´W Date Landing: 02/01/2011 Activity: (14:01) by Hannah Point

03 Jan 2011 Frei Station 08 Jan 2011 Frei Station Landing Sites:

Site Name: Ardley Island Latitude: 62°13´S Longitude: 58°56´W Date Landing: 03/01/2011 Activity: (14:01)

56 of 89 11/15/2010 5:25 PM Ship Based Report

Site Name: Bellingshausen Latitude: 62º 11´ 46´´ S Longitude: 58º 57´ 38´´ W Date Landing: 03/01/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Cierva Cove Latitude: 64°09´S Longitude: 60°53´W Date Landing: 04/01/2011 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Mikkelsen Harbor Latitude: 63°54´S Longitude: 60°47´W Date Landing: 04/01/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Foyn Harbor Latitude: 64°33´S Longitude: 62°01´W Date Landing: 04/01/2011 Activity: (19:31)

Site Name: Danco Island Latitude: 64°44´S Longitude: 62°37´W Date Landing: 05/01/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Petermann Island Latitude: 65°10´S Longitude: 64°10´W Date Landing: 05/01/2011 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Port Charcot Latitude: 65º 04´ 00´´ S Longitude: 64º 00´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 05/01/2011 Activity: (19:31)

Site Name: Pleneau Island Latitude: 65º 06´ 00´´ S Longitude: 64º 04´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 05/01/2011 Activity: (19:31)

Site Name: Almirante Brown Latitude: 64º 54´ 00´´ S Longitude: 62º 52´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 06/01/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Skontorp Cove Latitude: 64°54´S Longitude: 62°52´W Date Landing: 06/01/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Neko Harbor Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 62°33´W Date Landing: 06/01/2011 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Walker Bay Latitude: 62°38´S Longitude: 60°42´W Date Landing: 07/01/2011 Activity: (14:01) by Hannah Point

Site Name: Whalers Bay Latitude: 62°59´S Longitude: 60°34´W Date Landing: 07/01/2011 Activity: (09:01)

08 Jan 2011 Frei Station 13 Jan 2011 Frei Station Landing Sites:

Site Name: Bellingshausen Latitude: 62º 11´ 46´´ S Longitude: 58º 57´ 38´´ W Date Landing: 08/01/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Ardley Island Latitude: 62°13´S Longitude: 58°56´W Date Landing: 08/01/2011 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Cierva Cove Latitude: 64°09´S Longitude: 60°53´W

57 of 89 11/15/2010 5:25 PM Ship Based Report

Date Landing: 09/01/2011 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Foyn Harbor Latitude: 64°33´S Longitude: 62°01´W Date Landing: 09/01/2011 Activity: (19:31)

Site Name: Mikkelsen Harbor Latitude: 63°54´S Longitude: 60°47´W Date Landing: 09/01/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Vernadsky station Latitude: 65º 15´ 00´´ S Longitude: 64º 15´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 10/01/2011 Activity: (19:31)

Site Name: Petermann Island Latitude: 65°10´S Longitude: 64°10´W Date Landing: 10/01/2011 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Go udier Island Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 10/01/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Jo ugla Po int Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 10/01/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Almirante Brown Latitude: 64º 54´ 00´´ S Longitude: 62º 52´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 11/01/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Skontorp Cove Latitude: 64°54´S Longitude: 62°52´W Date Landing: 11/01/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Neko Harbor Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 62°33´W Date Landing: 11/01/2011 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Whalers Bay Latitude: 62°59´S Longitude: 60°34´W Date Landing: 12/01/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Walker Bay Latitude: 62°38´S Longitude: 60°42´W Date Landing: 12/01/2011 Activity: (14:01) by Hannah Point

13 Jan 2011 Frei Station 18 Jan 2011 Frei Station Landing Sites:

Site Name: Ardley Island Latitude: 62°13´S Longitude: 58°56´W Date Landing: 13/01/2011 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Bellingshausen Latitude: 62º 11´ 46´´ S Longitude: 58º 57´ 38´´ W Date Landing: 13/01/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Mikkelsen Harbor Latitude: 63°54´S Longitude: 60°47´W Date Landing: 14/01/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Cierva Cove Latitude: 64°09´S Longitude: 60°53´W Date Landing: 14/01/2011

58 of 89 11/15/2010 5:25 PM Ship Based Report

Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Foyn Harbor Latitude: 64°33´S Longitude: 62°01´W Date Landing: 14/01/2011 Activity: (19:31)

Site Name: Damoy Point Latitude: 64°49´S Longitude: 63°32´W Date Landing: 15/01/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Petermann Island Latitude: 65°10´S Longitude: 64°10´W Date Landing: 15/01/2011 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Dorian Bay Latitude: 64°49´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 15/01/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Pleneau Island Latitude: 65º 06´ 00´´ S Longitude: 64º 04´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 15/01/2011 Activity: (19:31)

Site Name: Port Charcot Latitude: 65º 04´ 00´´ S Longitude: 64º 00´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 15/01/2011 Activity: (19:31)

Site Name: Skontorp Cove Latitude: 64°54´S Longitude: 62°52´W Date Landing: 16/01/2011 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Cuverville Island Latitude: 64°41´S Longitude: 62°38´W Date Landing: 16/01/2011 Activity: (19:31)

Site Name: Almirante Brown Latitude: 64º 54´ 00´´ S Longitude: 62º 52´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 16/01/2011 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Neko Harbor Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 62°33´W Date Landing: 16/01/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Whalers Bay Latitude: 62°59´S Longitude: 60°34´W Date Landing: 17/01/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Hannah Point Latitude: 62°39´S Longitude: 60°37´W Date Landing: 17/01/2011 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Walker Bay Latitude: 62°38´S Longitude: 60°42´W Date Landing: 17/01/2011 Activity: (14:01) by Hannah Point

18 Jan 2011 Frei Station 24 Jan 2011 Ushuaia Landing Sites:

Site Name: Ardley Island Latitude: 62°13´S Longitude: 58°56´W Date Landing: 18/01/2011 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Bellingshausen Latitude: 62º 11´ 46´´ S Longitude: 58º 57´ 38´´ W Date Landing: 18/01/2011 Activity: (09:01)

59 of 89 11/15/2010 5:25 PM Ship Based Report

Site Name: Mikkelsen Harbor Latitude: 63°54´S Longitude: 60°47´W Date Landing: 19/01/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Cierva Cove Latitude: 64°09´S Longitude: 60°53´W Date Landing: 19/01/2011 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Foyn Harbor Latitude: 64°33´S Longitude: 62°01´W Date Landing: 19/01/2011 Activity: (19:31)

Site Name: Cuverville Island Latitude: 64°41´S Longitude: 62°38´W Date Landing: 20/01/2011 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Neko Harbor Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 62°33´W Date Landing: 20/01/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Almirante Brown Latitude: 64º 54´ 00´´ S Longitude: 62º 52´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 20/01/2011 Activity: (19:31)

Site Name: Whalers Bay Latitude: 62°59´S Longitude: 60°34´W Date Landing: 21/01/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Pendulum Cove Latitude: 62°56´S Longitude: 60°36´W Date Landing: 21/01/2011 Activity: (05:31)

25 Jan 2011 Ushuaia 12 Feb 2011 Ushuaia Landing Sites:

Site Name: Signy Island Latitude: 60°43´S Longitude: 45°38´W Date Landing: 05/02/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Devil Island Latitude: 63°48´S Longitude: 57°17´W Date Landing: 07/02/2011 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Paulet Island Latitude: 63°35´S Longitude: 55°47´W Date Landing: 07/02/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Sno w Hill Island Latitude: 64°28´S Longitude: 57°12´W Date Landing: 08/02/2011 Activity: (09:01) Nordenskjolds Hut

Site Name: Seymour Island Latitude: 64°17´S Longitude: 56°45´W Date Landing: 08/02/2011 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Hope Bay Latitude: 63°23´S Longitude: 57°00´W Date Landing: 09/02/2011 Activity: (09:01)

12 Feb 2011 Ushuaia 25 Feb 2011 Ushuaia

60 of 89 11/15/2010 5:25 PM Ship Based Report

Landing Sites:

Site Name: Half Moon Island Latitude: 62°36´S Longitude: 59°55´W Date Landing: 15/02/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Yankee Harbor Latitude: 62°32´S Longitude: 59°47´W Date Landing: 15/02/2011 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Cuverville Island Latitude: 64°41´S Longitude: 62°38´W Date Landing: 16/02/2011 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Danco Island Latitude: 64°44´S Longitude: 62°37´W Date Landing: 16/02/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Argentine Islands Latitude: 65°15´S Longitude: 64°16´W Date Landing: 17/02/2011 Activity: (14:01) Wordie Hut

Site Name: Vernadsky station Latitude: 65º 15´ 00´´ S Longitude: 64º 15´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 17/02/2011 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Port Charcot Latitude: 65º 04´ 00´´ S Longitude: 64º 00´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 17/02/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Pleneau Island Latitude: 65º 06´ 00´´ S Longitude: 64º 04´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 17/02/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Horseshoe Island Latitude: 67°51´S Longitude: 67°12´W Date Landing: 19/02/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Rothera Station Latitude: Longitude: Date Landing: 19/02/2011 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Sto ningto n Island Latitude: 68°11´S Longitude: 67°00´W Date Landing: 19/02/2011 Activity: (05:31)

Site Name: Detaille Island Latitude: 66°52´S Longitude: 66°48´W Date Landing: 20/02/2011 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Waddington Bay Latitude: 65°16´S Longitude: 64°05´W Date Landing: 21/02/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Yalo ur Islands Latitude: 65°14´S Longitude: 64°10´W Date Landing: 21/02/2011 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Melchio r Islands Latitude: 64°19´S Longitude: 62°57´W Date Landing: 22/02/2011 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Dorian Bay Latitude: 64°49´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 22/02/2011 Activity: (09:01)

61 of 89 11/15/2010 5:25 PM Ship Based Report

Site Name: Damoy Point Latitude: 64°49´S Longitude: 63°32´W Date Landing: 22/02/2011 Activity: (09:01)

25 Feb 2011 Ushuaia 07 Mar 2011 Ushuaia Landing Sites:

Site Name: Yankee Harbor Latitude: 62°32´S Longitude: 59°47´W Date Landing: 28/02/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Whalers Bay Latitude: 62°59´S Longitude: 60°34´W Date Landing: 28/02/2011 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Danco Island Latitude: 64°44´S Longitude: 62°37´W Date Landing: 01/03/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Cuverville Island Latitude: 64°41´S Longitude: 62°38´W Date Landing: 01/03/2011 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Pleneau Island Latitude: 65º 06´ 00´´ S Longitude: 64º 04´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 02/03/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Petermann Island Latitude: 65°10´S Longitude: 64°10´W Date Landing: 02/03/2011 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Port Charcot Latitude: 65º 04´ 00´´ S Longitude: 64º 00´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 02/03/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Damoy Point Latitude: 64°49´S Longitude: 63°32´W Date Landing: 03/03/2011 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Dorian Bay Latitude: 64°49´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 03/03/2011 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Jo ugla Po int Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 03/03/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Go udier Island Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 03/03/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Useful Island Latitude: 64°43´S Longitude: 62°52´W Date Landing: 04/03/2011 Activity: (09:01)

62 of 89 11/15/2010 5:25 PM Ship Based Report

Name: Ralph E. Fedor Contact Address: 2337 Granite View Rd., Waite Park, MN USA 56387 Operator: Email Address: [email protected] Web Site Address:

Name of Vessel: M/V Braveheart

Country of Registry: New Zealand

Number of Voyages: 1

Maximum Crew: 5

Maximum Passengers: 13 Amateur radio expediton to the South Orkney Islands. Establish camp on Waterpipe Beach in Borge Bay of Remarks: Signy Island. Remain ashore up to 18 days (weather could force a delay in landing or an early departure). Voyages:

Depart. Date Depart. Port Arrival Date Arrival Port

20 Jan 2011 Ushuaia 13 Feb 2011 Ushuaia Landing Sites:

Site Name: Waterpipe Beach Latitude: 60°43´S Longitude: 45°37´W Date Landing: 24/01/2011 Activity: Amateur radio operations

63 of 89 11/15/2010 5:25 PM Ship Based Report

Name: Silversea Cruises, Ltd. Contact Address: 110 Broward Blvd., Fort Lauderdale, FL USA 33301 Operator: Email Address: [email protected] Web Site Address:

Name of Vessel: MV Prince Albert II

Country of Registry: Bahamas

Number of Voyages: 9

Maximum Crew: 122

Maximum Passengers: 132 Estimated number of passengers per voyage is 132. Activities will include visits to a variety of places in the Antarctic Peninsula region including coastal areas and nearby offshore islands. With the exception of pre-arranged visits to scientific stations, our final itineraries will be determined on board by the Captain and Expedition Leader, taking into account weather, ice conditions and scheduling coordination with other tour vessels. Coordination of our itinerary with Expedition Leaders on other vessels is a priority, as it is for other IAATO member companies who are conducting expedition voyages. Landing and Zodiac cruising will occur at Remarks: a variety of wildlife sites, scientific research stations, and historic sites and huts. Permission will be obtained in advance whenever required for visits to scientific research stations and historic huts. Additionally, we adhere to the 72-hours prior notification of our visit to station commanders and reconfirm again 24 hours prior to a planned visit. We are aware of Protected Areas and Management Plans as noted on the Antarctic Conservation Act and subsequent agreements set forth by the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meetings. A comprehensive Resource Notebook and or Computer Disc will be compiled prior to the season for use on board which will include all such management plans and documents. Voyages:

Depart. Date Depart. Port Arrival Date Arrival Port

10 Nov 2010 Ushuaia 27 Nov 2010 Ushuaia Landing Sites:

Site Name: Point Wild Latitude: 61º 06´ 00´´ S Longitude: 54º 52´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 21/11/2010 Activity: (05:31/09:31)

Site Name: Paulet Island Latitude: 63°35´S Longitude: 55°47´W Date Landing: 22/11/2010 Activity: (14:01/19:31)

Site Name: Brown Bluff Latitude: 63°32´S Longitude: 56°55´W Date Landing: 22/11/2010 Activity: (05:31/09:31)

Site Name: Cuverville Island Latitude: 64°41´S Longitude: 62°38´W Date Landing: 23/11/2010 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Almirante Brown Latitude: 64º 54´ 00´´ S Longitude: 62º 52´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 23/11/2010 Activity: (14:01/19:31)

Site Name: Skontorp Cove Latitude: 64°54´S Longitude: 62°52´W Date Landing: 23/11/2010 Activity: (14:01/19:31)

Site Name: aitcho - barrientos island Latitude: 62º 24´ 00´´ S Longitude: 59º 47´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 24/11/2010 Activity: (14:01/19:31)

Site Name: Whalers Bay Latitude: 62°59´S Longitude: 60°34´W Date Landing: 24/11/2010 Activity: (05:31/09:01)

27 Nov 2010 Ushuaia 08 Dec 2010 Ushuaia

64 of 89 11/15/2010 5:25 PM Ship Based Report

Landing Sites:

Site Name: aitcho - barrientos island Latitude: 62º 24´ 00´´ S Longitude: 59º 47´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 29/11/2010 Activity: (14:01/19:31)

Site Name: Paulet Island Latitude: 63°35´S Longitude: 55°47´W Date Landing: 30/11/2010 Activity: (14:01/19:31)

Site Name: Brown Bluff Latitude: 63°32´S Longitude: 56°55´W Date Landing: 30/11/2010 Activity: (05:31/09:01)

Site Name: Go udier Island Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 01/12/2010 Activity: (14:01/19:31)

Site Name: Neko Harbor Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 62°33´W Date Landing: 01/12/2010 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Jo ugla Po int Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 01/12/2010 Activity: (14:01/19:31)

Site Name: Petermann Island Latitude: 65°10´S Longitude: 64°10´W Date Landing: 02/12/2010 Activity: (14:01/1931)

Site Name: Pleneau Island Latitude: 65º 06´ 00´´ S Longitude: 64º 04´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 02/12/2010 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Port Charcot Latitude: 65º 04´ 00´´ S Longitude: 64º 00´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 02/12/2010 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Almirante Brown Latitude: 64º 54´ 00´´ S Longitude: 62º 52´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 03/12/2010 Activity: (05:31/09:01)

Site Name: Skontorp Cove Latitude: 64°54´S Longitude: 62°52´W Date Landing: 03/12/2010 Activity: (05:31/09:01)

Site Name: Baily Head Latitude: 62°58´S Longitude: 60°30´W Date Landing: 04/12/2010 Activity: (05:31)

Site Name: Whalers Bay Latitude: 62°59´S Longitude: 60°34´W Date Landing: 04/12/2010 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Telefon Bay Latitude: 62°56´S Longitude: 60°40´W Date Landing: 04/12/2010 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Half Moon Island Latitude: 62°36´S Longitude: 59°55´W Date Landing: 05/12/2010 Activity: (05:31)

08 Dec 2010 Ushuaia 19 Dec 2010 Ushuaia

65 of 89 11/15/2010 5:25 PM Ship Based Report

Landing Sites:

Site Name: Point Wild Latitude: 61º 06´ 00´´ S Longitude: 54º 52´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 30/12/2010 Activity: (05:31/09:01)

Site Name: Paulet Island Latitude: 63°35´S Longitude: 55°47´W Date Landing: 31/12/2010 Activity: (14:01/19:31)

Site Name: Brown Bluff Latitude: 63°32´S Longitude: 56°55´W Date Landing: 31/12/2010 Activity: (05:31/09:01)

Site Name: Waterboat Point/Gonzalez Videla Station Latitude: 64º 49´ 00´´ S Longitude: 62º 52´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 01/01/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Cuverville Island Latitude: 64°41´S Longitude: 62°38´W Date Landing: 01/01/2011 Activity: (14:01/19:31)

Site Name: Telefon Bay Latitude: 62°56´S Longitude: 60°40´W Date Landing: 02/01/2011 Activity: (05:31)

Site Name: Yankee Harbor Latitude: 62°32´S Longitude: 59°47´W Date Landing: 02/01/2011 Activity: (14:01)

19 Dec 2010 Ushuaia 05 Jan 2011 Ushuaia Landing Sites:

Site Name: Point Wild Latitude: 61º 06´ 00´´ S Longitude: 54º 52´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 30/12/2010 Activity: (05:31/09:01)

Site Name: Paulet Island Latitude: 63°35´S Longitude: 55°47´W Date Landing: 31/12/2010 Activity: (14:01/19:31)

Site Name: Brown Bluff Latitude: 63°32´S Longitude: 56°55´W Date Landing: 31/12/2010 Activity: (05:31/09:01)

Site Name: Cuverville Island Latitude: 64°41´S Longitude: 62°38´W Date Landing: 01/01/2011 Activity: (14:01/19:31)

Site Name: Waterboat Point/Gonzalez Videla Station Latitude: 64º 49´ 00´´ S Longitude: 62º 52´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 01/01/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Telefon Bay Latitude: 62°56´S Longitude: 60°40´W Date Landing: 02/01/2011 Activity: (05:31)

Site Name: Yankee Harbor Latitude: 62°32´S Longitude: 59°47´W Date Landing: 02/01/2011 Activity: (14:01)

05 Jan 2011 Ushuaia 15 Jan 2011 Ushuaia

66 of 89 11/15/2010 5:25 PM Ship Based Report

Landing Sites:

Site Name: Penguin Island Latitude: 62°06´S Longitude: 57°54´W Date Landing: 07/01/2011 Activity: (14:01/19:31)

Site Name: Paulet Island Latitude: 63°35´S Longitude: 55°47´W Date Landing: 08/01/2011 Activity: (14:01/19:31)

Site Name: Brown Bluff Latitude: 63°32´S Longitude: 56°55´W Date Landing: 08/01/2011 Activity: (05:31)

Site Name: Neko Harbor Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 62°33´W Date Landing: 09/01/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Jo ugla Po int Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 09/01/2011 Activity: (14:01/19:31)

Site Name: Go udier Island Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 09/01/2011 Activity: (14:01/19:31)

Site Name: Pleneau Island Latitude: 65º 06´ 00´´ S Longitude: 64º 04´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 10/01/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Vernadsky station Latitude: 65º 15´ 00´´ S Longitude: 64º 15´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 10/01/2011 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Port Charcot Latitude: 65º 04´ 00´´ S Longitude: 64º 00´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 10/01/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Almirante Brown Latitude: 64º 54´ 00´´ S Longitude: 62º 52´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 11/01/2011 Activity: (05:31)

Site Name: Skontorp Cove Latitude: 64°54´S Longitude: 62°52´W Date Landing: 11/01/2011 Activity: (05:31)

Site Name: Telefon Bay Latitude: 62°56´S Longitude: 60°40´W Date Landing: 12/01/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Baily Head Latitude: 62°58´S Longitude: 60°30´W Date Landing: 12/01/2011 Activity: (05:31)

Site Name: Pendulum Cove Latitude: 62°56´S Longitude: 60°36´W Date Landing: 12/01/2011 Activity: (14:01)

15 Jan 2011 Ushuaia 25 Jan 2011 Ushuaia Landing Sites:

Site Name: aitcho - barrientos island Latitude: 62º 24´ 00´´ S Longitude: 59º 47´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 17/01/2011 Activity: (14:01/19:31)

67 of 89 11/15/2010 5:25 PM Ship Based Report

Site Name: Paulet Island Latitude: 63°35´S Longitude: 55°47´W Date Landing: 18/01/2011 Activity: (14:01/19:31)

Site Name: Brown Bluff Latitude: 63°32´S Longitude: 56°55´W Date Landing: 18/01/2011 Activity: (05:31/09:01)

Site Name: Neko Harbor Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 62°33´W Date Landing: 19/01/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Go udier Island Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 19/01/2011 Activity: (14:01/19:31)

Site Name: Jo ugla Po int Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 19/01/2011 Activity: (14:01/19:31)

Site Name: Petermann Island Latitude: 65°10´S Longitude: 64°10´W Date Landing: 20/01/2011 Activity: (14:01/19:31)

Site Name: Port Charcot Latitude: 65º 04´ 00´´ S Longitude: 64º 00´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 20/01/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Pleneau Island Latitude: 65º 06´ 00´´ S Longitude: 64º 04´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 20/01/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Danco Island Latitude: 64°44´S Longitude: 62°37´W Date Landing: 21/01/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Pendulum Cove Latitude: 62°56´S Longitude: 60°36´W Date Landing: 22/01/2011 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Baily Head Latitude: 62°58´S Longitude: 60°30´W Date Landing: 22/01/2011 Activity: (05:31)

Site Name: Telefon Bay Latitude: 62°56´S Longitude: 60°40´W Date Landing: 22/01/2011 Activity: (09:01)

25 Jan 2011 Ushuaia 11 Feb 2011 Ushuaia Landing Sites:

Site Name: Point Wild Latitude: 61º 06´ 00´´ S Longitude: 54º 52´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 05/02/2011 Activity: (05:31/09:01)

Site Name: Paulet Island Latitude: 63°35´S Longitude: 55°47´W Date Landing: 06/02/2011 Activity: (14:01/19:31)

Site Name: Brown Bluff Latitude: 63°32´S Longitude: 56°55´W Date Landing: 06/02/2011 Activity: (05:31/09:01)

Site Name: Skontorp Cove Latitude: 64°54´S Longitude: 62°52´W

68 of 89 11/15/2010 5:25 PM Ship Based Report

Date Landing: 07/02/2011 Activity: (14:01/19:31)

Site Name: Danco Island Latitude: 64°44´S Longitude: 62°37´W Date Landing: 07/02/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Almirante Brown Latitude: 64º 54´ 00´´ S Longitude: 62º 52´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 07/02/2011 Activity: (14:01/19:31)

Site Name: Walker Bay Latitude: 62°38´S Longitude: 60°42´W Date Landing: 08/02/2011 Activity: (14:01/19:31)

Site Name: Hannah Point Latitude: 62°39´S Longitude: 60°37´W Date Landing: 08/02/2011 Activity: (14:01/19:31)

Site Name: Whalers Bay Latitude: 62°59´S Longitude: 60°34´W Date Landing: 08/02/2011 Activity: (05:31/09:01)

11 Feb 2011 Ushuaia 21 Feb 2011 Ushuaia Landing Sites:

Site Name: aitcho - barrientos island Latitude: 62º 24´ 00´´ S Longitude: 59º 47´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 13/02/2011 Activity: (14:01/19:31)

Site Name: Brown Bluff Latitude: 63°32´S Longitude: 56°55´W Date Landing: 14/02/2011 Activity: (05:31/09:01)

Site Name: Devil Island Latitude: 63°48´S Longitude: 57°17´W Date Landing: 14/02/2011 Activity: (14:01/19:31)

Site Name: Cuverville Island Latitude: 64°41´S Longitude: 62°38´W Date Landing: 15/02/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Go udier Island Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 15/02/2011 Activity: (14:01/19:31)

Site Name: Jo ugla Po int Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 15/02/2011 Activity: (14:01/19:31)

Site Name: Detaille Island Latitude: 66°52´S Longitude: 66°48´W Date Landing: 16/02/2011 Activity: (09:01/14:01)

Site Name: Almirante Brown Latitude: 64º 54´ 00´´ S Longitude: 62º 52´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 17/02/2011 Activity: (05:31/09:01)

Site Name: Skontorp Cove Latitude: 64°54´S Longitude: 62°52´W Date Landing: 17/02/2011 Activity: (05:31/09:01)

Site Name: Telefon Bay Latitude: 62°56´S Longitude: 60°40´W Date Landing: 18/02/2011

69 of 89 11/15/2010 5:25 PM Ship Based Report

Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Baily Head Latitude: 62°58´S Longitude: 60°30´W Date Landing: 18/02/2011 Activity: (05:31)

Site Name: Whalers Bay Latitude: 62°59´S Longitude: 60°34´W Date Landing: 18/02/2011 Activity: (09:01)

21 Feb 2011 Ushuaia 03 Mar 2011 Ushuaia Landing Sites:

Site Name: aitcho - barrientos island Latitude: 62º 24´ 00´´ S Longitude: 59º 47´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 23/02/2011 Activity: (14:01/19:31)

Site Name: Brown Bluff Latitude: 63°32´S Longitude: 56°55´W Date Landing: 24/02/2011 Activity: (05:31/09:01)

Site Name: Paulet Island Latitude: 63°35´S Longitude: 55°47´W Date Landing: 24/02/2011 Activity: (14:01/19:31)

Site Name: Jo ugla Po int Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 25/02/2011 Activity: (14:01/19:31)

Site Name: Go udier Island Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 25/02/2011 Activity: (14:01/19:31)

Site Name: Cuverville Island Latitude: 64°41´S Longitude: 62°38´W Date Landing: 25/02/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Detaille Island Latitude: 66°52´S Longitude: 66°48´W Date Landing: 26/02/2011 Activity: (09:01/14:01)

Site Name: Almirante Brown Latitude: 64º 54´ 00´´ S Longitude: 62º 52´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 27/02/2011 Activity: (05:31/09:01)

Site Name: Skontorp Cove Latitude: 64°54´S Longitude: 62°52´W Date Landing: 27/02/2011 Activity: (05:31/09:01)

Site Name: Walker Bay Latitude: 62°38´S Longitude: 60°42´W Date Landing: 28/02/2011 Activity: (14:01)

Site Name: Whalers Bay Latitude: 62°59´S Longitude: 60°34´W Date Landing: 28/02/2011 Activity: (09:01)

Site Name: Baily Head Latitude: 62°58´S Longitude: 60°30´W Date Landing: 28/02/2011 Activity: (05:31)

Site Name: Hannah Point Latitude: 62°39´S Longitude: 60°37´W Date Landing: 28/02/2011 Activity: (14:01)

70 of 89 11/15/2010 5:25 PM Ship Based Report

71 of 89 11/15/2010 5:25 PM Ship Based Report

Name: Sterna Corporation Contact Address: 433 Bay Road, Durham, NH USA 03824 Operator: Email Address: [email protected] Web Site Address:

Name of Vessel: SV Seal

Country of Registry: USA

Number of Voyages: 1

Maximum Crew: 3

Maximum Passengers: 6 Estimated number of passengers for this voyage is 4-5. Sites visited may vary depending on weather and ice Remarks: co nditio ns as well as length o f cruise. Voyages:

Depart. Date Depart. Port Arrival Date Arrival Port

15 Dec 2010 Ushuaia 14 Jan 2011 Ushuaia Landing Sites:

Site Name: Deception Island Latitude: 62°57´S Longitude: 60°38´W Date Landing: 20/12/2010 Activity:

Site Name: Enterprise Island Latitude: 64°32´S Longitude: 62°00´W Date Landing: 22/12/2010 Activity:

Site Name: Cuverville Island Latitude: 64°41´S Longitude: 62°38´W Date Landing: 24/12/2010 Activity:

Site Name: Almirante Brown Latitude: 64º 54´ 00´´ S Longitude: 62º 52´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 26/12/2010 Activity:

Site Name: Port Lockroy Latitude: 64º 49´ 00´´ S Longitude: 63º 30´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 28/12/2010 Activity:

Site Name: Palmer Station Latitude: 64°46´S Longitude: 64°05´W Date Landing: 01/01/2011 Activity: pending NSF permission

Site Name: Pleneau Island Latitude: 65º 06´ 00´´ S Longitude: 64º 04´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 02/01/2011 Activity:

Site Name: Hovgaard Island Latitude: 65°08´S Longitude: 64°08´W Date Landing: 02/01/2011 Activity:

Site Name: Argentine Islands Latitude: 65°15´S Longitude: 64°16´W Date Landing: 04/01/2011 Activity:

Site Name: Dorian Cove Latitude: Longitude: Date Landing: 06/01/2011 Activity:

Site Name: Melchio r Islands Latitude: 64°19´S Longitude: 62°57´W Date Landing: 08/01/2011 Activity:

72 of 89 11/15/2010 5:25 PM Ship Based Report

73 of 89 11/15/2010 5:25 PM Ship Based Report

Name: The World of ResidenSea, Ltd. Contact Address: 14471 Miramar Parkway, Suite 401, Miramar, FL USA 33027 Operator: Email Address: [email protected] Web Site Address:

Name of Vessel: The World

Country of Registry: Bahamas

Number of Voyages: 2

Maximum Crew: 270

Maximum Passengers: 660 Expect to carry 300-350 pax per excursion. Due to the unique home-owner status of our Residents, the majority of our passengers have great flexibility to embark and disembark with as little as 24 hour's notice, which may alter final passenger count. The voyages are for tourism, educational and expedition travel. The Remarks: World's itineraries will include visits to a variety of places in the Antarctic Peninsula, including coastal areas and nearby offshore islands. With the exception of pre-arranged visits to scientific stations, final itineraries will be determined on board by the Captain and Expedition Leader, taking into account weather, ice conditions and scheduling coordination with other tour vessels. Voyages:

Depart. Date Depart. Port Arrival Date Arrival Port

23 Dec 2010 Ushuaia 03 Jan 2011 Ushuaia Landing Sites:

Site Name: Half Moon Island Latitude: 62°36´S Longitude: 59°55´W Date Landing: 25/12/2010 Activity: all day

Site Name: Hope Bay Latitude: 63°23´S Longitude: 57°00´W Date Landing: 26/12/2010 Activity: morning

Site Name: Brown Bluff Latitude: 63°32´S Longitude: 56°55´W Date Landing: 26/12/2010 Activity: afternoon

Site Name: Telefon Bay Latitude: 62°56´S Longitude: 60°40´W Date Landing: 27/12/2010 Activity: afternoon

Site Name: Whalers Bay Latitude: 62°59´S Longitude: 60°34´W Date Landing: 27/12/2010 Activity: morning

Site Name: Almirante Brown Latitude: 64º 54´ 00´´ S Longitude: 62º 52´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 28/12/2010 Activity: mid-day

Site Name: Cuverville Island Latitude: 64°41´S Longitude: 62°38´W Date Landing: 28/12/2010 Activity: morning

Site Name: Skontorp Cove Latitude: 64°54´S Longitude: 62°52´W Date Landing: 28/12/2010 Activity: afternoon

Site Name: Port Charcot Latitude: 65º 04´ 00´´ S Longitude: 64º 00´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 29/12/2010 Activity: morning

Site Name: Petermann Island Latitude: 65°10´S Longitude: 64°10´W Date Landing: 29/12/2010 Activity: afternoon

74 of 89 11/15/2010 5:25 PM Ship Based Report

Site Name: Damoy Point Latitude: 64°49´S Longitude: 63°32´W Date Landing: 30/12/2010 Activity: afternoon

Site Name: Jo ugla Po int Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 30/12/2010 Activity: mid-day

Site Name: Go udier Island Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 30/12/2010 Activity: morning

Site Name: Dorian Bay Latitude: 64°49´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 30/12/2010 Activity: afternoon

03 Jan 2011 Ushuaia 22 Jan 2011 Ushuaia Landing Sites:

Site Name: Orcadas Latitude: 60º 45´ 00´´ S Longitude: 44º 44´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 12/01/2011 Activity: morning

Site Name: Cape Valentine Latitude: 61º 06´ 00´´ S Longitude: 54º 39´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 13/01/2011 Activity: morning

Site Name: Hope Bay Latitude: 63°23´S Longitude: 57°00´W Date Landing: 14/01/2011 Activity: morning

Site Name: Brown Bluff Latitude: 63°32´S Longitude: 56°55´W Date Landing: 14/01/2011 Activity: afternoon

Site Name: Whalers Bay Latitude: 62°59´S Longitude: 60°34´W Date Landing: 15/01/2011 Activity: morning

Site Name: Telefon Bay Latitude: 62°56´S Longitude: 60°40´W Date Landing: 15/01/2011 Activity: afternoon

Site Name: Cuverville Island Latitude: 64°41´S Longitude: 62°38´W Date Landing: 16/01/2011 Activity: morning

Site Name: Neko Harbor Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 62°33´W Date Landing: 16/01/2011 Activity: afternoon

Site Name: Petermann Island Latitude: 65°10´S Longitude: 64°10´W Date Landing: 17/01/2011 Activity: morning

Site Name: Vernadsky station Latitude: 65º 14´ 00´´ S Longitude: 64º 15´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 17/01/2011 Activity: afternoon

Site Name: Skontorp Cove Latitude: 64°54´S Longitude: 62°52´W Date Landing: 18/01/2011 Activity: afternoon

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Site Name: Almirante Brown Latitude: 64º 54´ 00´´ S Longitude: 62º 52´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 18/01/2011 Activity: mid-day

Site Name: Jo ugla Po int Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 18/01/2011 Activity: mid-morning

Site Name: Go udier Island Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 18/01/2011 Activity: morning

76 of 89 11/15/2010 5:25 PM Ship Based Report

Name: Travel Dynamics International Contact Address: 132 East 70th Street, New York, NY USA 10021 Operator: Email Address: [email protected] Web Site Address:

Name of Vessel: M/V Clelia II

Country of Registry: Malta

Number of Voyages: 11

Maximum Crew: 67

Maximum Passengers: 110 Estimated number of passengers per voyage is 100 (or fewer). The expedition cruises will visit the Antarctic Peninsula. Passengers will land at a number of coastal sites and offshore islands and will participate in Zodiac cruises. The Captain and Expedition Leader will determine the final itinerary for each voyage, except for pre-arranged visits to research stations. For these visits, 72- and 24-hour prior notification will be coordinated with the station manager. The Expedition Leader and staff will organize all landings, Zodiac Remarks: cruising and operations ashore. Landings will involve no more than 100 tourists ashore exclusive of expedition staff at any one time and a mininum ratio ashore of 1:20 staff to passengers will be maintained. The Expedition Leader or appointed staff member will coordinate schedules with other tour operators so that no two vessels are in the same locality at the same time. Sites visited may vary depending on weather and ice conditions as well as length of cruise. Voyages:

Depart. Date Depart. Port Arrival Date Arrival Port

29 Nov 2010 Ushuaia 08 Dec 2010 Ushuaia Landing Sites:

Site Name: aitcho - barrientos island Latitude: 62º 24´ 00´´ S Longitude: 59º 47´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 01/12/2010 Activity:

Site Name: Cuverville Island Latitude: 64°41´S Longitude: 62°38´W Date Landing: 02/12/2010 Activity:

Site Name: Neko Harbor Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 62°33´W Date Landing: 02/12/2010 Activity:

Site Name: Petermann Island Latitude: 65°10´S Longitude: 64°10´W Date Landing: 03/12/2010 Activity:

Site Name: Pleneau Island Latitude: 65º 06´ 00´´ S Longitude: 64º 04´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 03/12/2010 Activity:

Site Name: Dorian Bay Latitude: 64°49´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 04/12/2010 Activity:

Site Name: Go udier Island Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 04/12/2010 Activity:

Site Name: Jo ugla Po int Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 04/12/2010 Activity:

Site Name: Whalers Bay Latitude: 62°59´S Longitude: 60°34´W Date Landing: 05/12/2010 Activity:

77 of 89 11/15/2010 5:25 PM Ship Based Report

Site Name: Half Moon Island Latitude: 62°36´S Longitude: 59°55´W Date Landing: 05/12/2010 Activity:

08 Dec 2010 Ushuaia 17 Dec 2010 Ushuaia Landing Sites:

Site Name: aitcho - barrientos island Latitude: 62º 24´ 00´´ S Longitude: 59º 47´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 10/12/2010 Activity:

Site Name: Neko Harbor Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 62°33´W Date Landing: 11/12/2010 Activity:

Site Name: Almirante Brown Latitude: 64º 54´ 00´´ S Longitude: 62º 52´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 11/12/2010 Activity:

Site Name: Skontorp Cove Latitude: 64°54´S Longitude: 62°52´W Date Landing: 11/12/2010 Activity:

Site Name: Vernadsky station Latitude: 65º 15´ 00´´ S Longitude: 64º 15´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 12/12/2010 Activity:

Site Name: Petermann Island Latitude: 65°10´S Longitude: 64°10´W Date Landing: 12/12/2010 Activity:

Site Name: Cuverville Island Latitude: 64°41´S Longitude: 62°38´W Date Landing: 13/12/2010 Activity:

Site Name: Go udier Island Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 13/12/2010 Activity:

Site Name: Jo ugla Po int Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 13/12/2010 Activity:

Site Name: Half Moon Island Latitude: 62°36´S Longitude: 59°55´W Date Landing: 14/12/2010 Activity:

Site Name: Whalers Bay Latitude: 62°59´S Longitude: 60°34´W Date Landing: 14/12/2010 Activity:

17 Dec 2010 Ushuaia 26 Dec 2010 Ushuaia Landing Sites:

Site Name: aitcho - barrientos island Latitude: 62º 24´ 00´´ S Longitude: 59º 47´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 19/12/2010 Activity:

Site Name: Neko Harbor Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 62°33´W Date Landing: 20/12/2010 Activity:

Site Name: Almirante Brown Latitude: 64º 54´ 00´´ S Longitude: 62º 52´ 00´´ W

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Date Landing: 20/12/2010 Activity:

Site Name: Skontorp Cove Latitude: 64°54´S Longitude: 62°52´W Date Landing: 20/12/2010 Activity:

Site Name: Vernadsky station Latitude: 65º 15´ 00´´ S Longitude: 64º 15´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 21/12/2010 Activity:

Site Name: Petermann Island Latitude: 65°10´S Longitude: 64°10´W Date Landing: 21/12/2010 Activity:

Site Name: Cuverville Island Latitude: 64°41´S Longitude: 62°38´W Date Landing: 22/12/2010 Activity:

Site Name: Go udier Island Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 22/12/2010 Activity:

Site Name: Jo ugla Po int Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 22/12/2010 Activity:

Site Name: Half Moon Island Latitude: 62°36´S Longitude: 59°55´W Date Landing: 23/12/2010 Activity:

Site Name: Whalers Bay Latitude: 62°59´S Longitude: 60°34´W Date Landing: 23/12/2010 Activity:

26 Dec 2010 Ushuaia 04 Jan 2011 Ushuaia Landing Sites:

Site Name: aitcho - barrientos island Latitude: 62º 24´ 00´´ S Longitude: 59º 47´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 28/12/2010 Activity:

Site Name: Almirante Brown Latitude: 64º 54´ 00´´ S Longitude: 62º 52´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 29/12/2010 Activity:

Site Name: Skontorp Cove Latitude: 64°54´S Longitude: 62°52´W Date Landing: 29/12/2010 Activity:

Site Name: Neko Harbor Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 62°33´W Date Landing: 29/12/2010 Activity:

Site Name: Petermann Island Latitude: 65°10´S Longitude: 64°10´W Date Landing: 30/12/2010 Activity:

Site Name: Pleneau Island Latitude: 65º 06´ 00´´ S Longitude: 64º 04´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 30/12/2010 Activity:

Site Name: Go udier Island Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 31/12/2010

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Site Name: Almirante Brown Latitude: 64º 54´ 00´´ S Longitude: 62º 52´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 31/12/2010 Activity:

Site Name: Skontorp Cove Latitude: 64°54´S Longitude: 62°52´W Date Landing: 31/12/2010 Activity:

Site Name: Jo ugla Po int Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 31/12/2010 Activity:

Site Name: Whalers Bay Latitude: 62°59´S Longitude: 60°34´W Date Landing: 01/01/2011 Activity:

Site Name: Half Moon Island Latitude: 62°36´S Longitude: 59°55´W Date Landing: 01/01/2011 Activity:

04 Jan 2011 Ushuaia 15 Jan 2011 Ushuaia Landing Sites:

Site Name: aitcho - barrientos island Latitude: 62º 24´ 00´´ S Longitude: 59º 47´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 07/01/2011 Activity:

Site Name: Brown Bluff Latitude: 63°32´S Longitude: 56°55´W Date Landing: 08/01/2011 Activity:

Site Name: Paulet Island Latitude: 63°35´S Longitude: 55°47´W Date Landing: 08/01/2011 Activity:

Site Name: Half Moon Island Latitude: 62°36´S Longitude: 59°55´W Date Landing: 09/01/2011 Activity:

Site Name: Whalers Bay Latitude: 62°59´S Longitude: 60°34´W Date Landing: 09/01/2011 Activity:

Site Name: Petermann Island Latitude: 65°10´S Longitude: 64°10´W Date Landing: 10/01/2011 Activity:

Site Name: Pleneau Island Latitude: 65º 06´ 00´´ S Longitude: 64º 04´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 10/01/2011 Activity:

Site Name: Go udier Island Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 11/01/2011 Activity:

Site Name: Palmer Station Latitude: 64°46´S Longitude: 64°05´W Date Landing: 11/01/2011 Activity:

Site Name: Jo ugla Po int Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 11/01/2011 Activity:

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Site Name: Neko Harbor Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 62°33´W Date Landing: 12/01/2011 Activity:

Site Name: Cuverville Island Latitude: 64°41´S Longitude: 62°38´W Date Landing: 12/01/2011 Activity:

15 Jan 2011 Ushuaia 25 Jan 2011 Ushuaia Landing Sites:

Site Name: Penguin Island Latitude: 62°06´S Longitude: 57°54´W Date Landing: 17/01/2011 Activity:

Site Name: Brown Bluff Latitude: 63°32´S Longitude: 56°55´W Date Landing: 18/01/2011 Activity:

Site Name: Paulet Island Latitude: 63°35´S Longitude: 55°47´W Date Landing: 18/01/2011 Activity:

Site Name: Mikkelsen Harbor Latitude: 63°54´S Longitude: 60°47´W Date Landing: 19/01/2011 Activity:

Site Name: Cierva Cove Latitude: 64°09´S Longitude: 60°53´W Date Landing: 19/01/2011 Activity:

Site Name: Petermann Island Latitude: 65°10´S Longitude: 64°10´W Date Landing: 20/01/2011 Activity:

Site Name: Vernadsky station Latitude: 65º 15´ 00´´ S Longitude: 64º 15´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 20/01/2011 Activity:

Site Name: Cuverville Island Latitude: 64°41´S Longitude: 62°38´W Date Landing: 21/01/2011 Activity:

Site Name: Go udier Island Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 21/01/2011 Activity:

Site Name: Jo ugla Po int Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 21/01/2011 Activity:

Site Name: Whalers Bay Latitude: 62°59´S Longitude: 60°34´W Date Landing: 22/01/2011 Activity:

25 Jan 2011 Ushuaia 03 Feb 2011 Ushuaia Landing Sites:

Site Name: aitcho - barrientos island Latitude: 62º 24´ 00´´ S Longitude: 59º 47´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 27/01/2011 Activity:

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Site Name: Neko Harbor Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 62°33´W Date Landing: 28/01/2011 Activity:

Site Name: Cuverville Island Latitude: 64°41´S Longitude: 62°38´W Date Landing: 28/01/2011 Activity:

Site Name: Petermann Island Latitude: 65°10´S Longitude: 64°10´W Date Landing: 29/01/2011 Activity:

Site Name: Pleneau Island Latitude: 65º 06´ 00´´ S Longitude: 64º 04´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 29/01/2011 Activity:

Site Name: Dorian Bay Latitude: 64°49´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 30/01/2011 Activity:

Site Name: Damoy Point Latitude: 64°49´S Longitude: 63°32´W Date Landing: 30/01/2011 Activity:

Site Name: Jo ugla Po int Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 30/01/2011 Activity:

Site Name: Go udier Island Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 30/01/2011 Activity:

Site Name: Whalers Bay Latitude: 62°59´S Longitude: 60°34´W Date Landing: 31/01/2011 Activity:

Site Name: Half Moon Island Latitude: 62°36´S Longitude: 59°55´W Date Landing: 31/01/2011 Activity:

03 Feb 2011 Ushuaia 13 Feb 2011 Ushuaia Landing Sites:

Site Name: Half Moon Island Latitude: 62°36´S Longitude: 59°55´W Date Landing: 10/02/2010 Activity:

Site Name: Penguin Island Latitude: 62°06´S Longitude: 57°54´W Date Landing: 05/02/2011 Activity:

Site Name: Mikkelsen Harbor Latitude: 63°54´S Longitude: 60°47´W Date Landing: 06/02/2011 Activity:

Site Name: Cierva Cove Latitude: 64°09´S Longitude: 60°53´W Date Landing: 06/02/2011 Activity:

Site Name: Neko Harbor Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 62°33´W Date Landing: 07/02/2011 Activity:

Site Name: Cuverville Island Latitude: 64°41´S Longitude: 62°38´W

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Date Landing: 07/02/2011 Activity:

Site Name: Pleneau Island Latitude: 65º 06´ 00´´ S Longitude: 64º 04´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 08/02/2011 Activity:

Site Name: Petermann Island Latitude: 65°10´S Longitude: 64°10´W Date Landing: 08/02/2011 Activity:

Site Name: Jo ugla Po int Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 09/02/2011 Activity:

Site Name: Go udier Island Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 09/02/2011 Activity:

Site Name: Palmer Station Latitude: 64°46´S Longitude: 64°05´W Date Landing: 09/02/2011 Activity:

Site Name: Whalers Bay Latitude: 62°59´S Longitude: 60°34´W Date Landing: 10/02/2011 Activity:

13 Feb 2011 Ushuaia 22 Feb 2011 Ushuaia Landing Sites:

Site Name: aitcho - barrientos island Latitude: 62º 24´ 00´´ S Longitude: 59º 47´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 15/02/2011 Activity:

Site Name: Skontorp Cove Latitude: 64°54´S Longitude: 62°52´W Date Landing: 16/02/2011 Activity:

Site Name: Neko Harbor Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 62°33´W Date Landing: 16/02/2011 Activity:

Site Name: Almirante Brown Latitude: 64º 54´ 00´´ S Longitude: 62º 52´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 16/02/2011 Activity:

Site Name: Petermann Island Latitude: 65°10´S Longitude: 64°10´W Date Landing: 17/02/2011 Activity:

Site Name: Vernadsky station Latitude: 65º 15´ 00´´ S Longitude: 64º 15´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 17/02/2011 Activity:

Site Name: Go udier Island Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 18/02/2011 Activity:

Site Name: Cuverville Island Latitude: 64°41´S Longitude: 62°38´W Date Landing: 18/02/2011 Activity:

Site Name: Jo ugla Po int Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 18/02/2011

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Site Name: Half Moon Island Latitude: 62°36´S Longitude: 59°55´W Date Landing: 19/02/2011 Activity:

Site Name: Whalers Bay Latitude: 62°59´S Longitude: 60°34´W Date Landing: 19/02/2011 Activity:

22 Feb 2011 Ushuaia 03 Mar 2011 Ushuaia Landing Sites:

Site Name: aitcho - barrientos island Latitude: 62º 24´ 00´´ S Longitude: 59º 47´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 24/02/2011 Activity:

Site Name: Almirante Brown Latitude: 64º 54´ 00´´ S Longitude: 62º 52´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 25/02/2011 Activity:

Site Name: Neko Harbor Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 62°33´W Date Landing: 25/02/2011 Activity:

Site Name: Skontorp Cove Latitude: 64°54´S Longitude: 62°52´W Date Landing: 25/02/2011 Activity:

Site Name: Petermann Island Latitude: 65°10´S Longitude: 64°10´W Date Landing: 26/02/2011 Activity:

Site Name: Vernadsky station Latitude: 65º 15´ 00´´ S Longitude: 64º 15´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 26/02/2011 Activity:

Site Name: Go udier Island Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 27/02/2011 Activity:

Site Name: Cuverville Island Latitude: 64°41´S Longitude: 62°38´W Date Landing: 27/02/2011 Activity:

Site Name: Jo ugla Po int Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 27/02/2011 Activity:

Site Name: Whalers Bay Latitude: 62°59´S Longitude: 60°34´W Date Landing: 28/02/2011 Activity:

Site Name: Half Moon Island Latitude: 62°36´S Longitude: 59°55´W Date Landing: 28/02/2011 Activity:

03 Mar 2011 Ushuaia 12 Mar 2011 Ushuaia Landing Sites:

Site Name: aitcho - barrientos island Latitude: 62º 24´ 00´´ S Longitude: 59º 47´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 05/03/2011 Activity:

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Site Name: Neko Harbor Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 62°33´W Date Landing: 06/03/2011 Activity:

Site Name: Skontorp Cove Latitude: 64°54´S Longitude: 62°52´W Date Landing: 06/03/2011 Activity:

Site Name: Almirante Brown Latitude: 64º 54´ 00´´ S Longitude: 62º 52´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 06/03/2011 Activity:

Site Name: Petermann Island Latitude: 65°10´S Longitude: 64°10´W Date Landing: 07/03/2011 Activity:

Site Name: Pleneau Island Latitude: 65º 06´ 00´´ S Longitude: 64º 04´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 07/03/2011 Activity:

Site Name: Almirante Brown Latitude: 64º 54´ 00´´ S Longitude: 62º 52´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 08/03/2011 Activity:

Site Name: Go udier Island Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 08/03/2011 Activity:

Site Name: Jo ugla Po int Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 08/03/2011 Activity:

Site Name: Go udier Island Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 08/03/2011 Activity:

Site Name: Skontorp Cove Latitude: 64°54´S Longitude: 62°52´W Date Landing: 08/03/2011 Activity:

Site Name: Whalers Bay Latitude: 62°59´S Longitude: 60°34´W Date Landing: 09/03/2011 Activity:

Site Name: Half Moon Island Latitude: 62°36´S Longitude: 59°55´W Date Landing: 09/03/2011 Activity:

85 of 89 11/15/2010 5:25 PM Ship Based Report

Name: Vulcan, Inc. Contact Address: 505 Fifth Avenue South, Suite 900, Seattle, WA USA 98104 Operator: Email Address: Web Site Address:

Name of Vessel: M/Y Octopus

Country of Registry: Cayman Islands

Number of Voyages: 1

Maximum Crew: 65

Maximum Passengers: 35 Vulcan Inc. proposes to undertake a private expedition to the Antarctic Peninsula aboard the yacht M/Y Octopus during December 2010-January 2011. The cruise will start and finish at Ushuaia, Argentina, and will be solely for the owner, owners’ family and invited guests. Some guests may disembark at King George Island for a flight to . Any that remain onboard will disembark in Ushuaia. There will be no commercial retailing of passenger places on the vessel. The vessel made a voyage to the Antarctic Peninsula in January–February 2007 and visited a number of locations in the northern part of the Peninsula. The purpose of this cruise is to visit new locations in the eastern Antarctic Peninsula, including research stations and historic sites, to transit Prince Gustav Channel, and to attempt to cross the Antarctic Circle in the Weddell Sea. The yacht caries one McDonnell Douglas MD900 Explorer and one Eurocopter EC-145 helicopter that will be used during the cruise for sightseeing activity, where this can be managed within the requirements of ATCM XXVII Resolution 2 (2004). The vessel also carries an number of tenders and Zodiac craft (listed in §B.2) that will be used for shore landings and sightseeing cruises. The Zodiacs will also support recreational SCUBA diving, overseen and managed by an experienced Dive Master. There is a full dive suite Remarks: with recompression chamber on the yacht. An underwater Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) may be deployed in Antarctic waters if there are suitable conditions. The ROV is connected by an umbilical, and has a depth rating of 3000 m (9842 ft). It will be used to view underwater features, such as searching for hot vents around Deception Island, viewing the underside of floating sea ice or icebergs, and to search for the wreck of MV Explorer. The ROV will be operated by an experienced crew that have worked with this vehicle in a range of locations. The yacht also caries a 10 person manned autonomous submersible, rated to 365 m (1200 ft). A 8.70m RIB Zodiac will support launch and recovery of the submersible, and underwater communications and acoustic tracking during operations. Further support can be provided by the ROV. The submersible will be deployed, if there are suitable weather and sea conditions, for manned underwater observations. The proposed outline itinerary is subject to weather and sea ice conditions, and with ongoing discussions with IAATO to ensure that it fits with pre-existing itineraries entered into the IAATO Ship Scheduler by members. Where possible, the itinerary will be coordinated with non-IAATO ship and yacht activities. A detailed itinerary will be included in the IEE that is in preparatio n. Voyages:

Depart. Date Depart. Port Arrival Date Arrival Port

24 Dec 2010 Ushuaia 09 Jan 2011 Ushuaia Landing Sites:

Site Name: Elephant Island Latitude: 61°10´S Longitude: 55°14´W Date Landing: 26/12/2010 Activity: Visit Point Wild

Site Name: Active Sound Latitude: 63°25´S Longitude: 56°10´W Date Landing: 27/12/2010 Activity: Cruising, flight sightseeing

Site Name: Antarctic Sound Latitude: 63°20´S Longitude: 56°45´W Date Landing: 27/12/2010 Activity: Visit Esperanza Station (Argentina)

Site Name: Larsen Channel Latitude: 63°10´S Longitude: 56°12´W Date Landing: 27/12/2010 Activity: Cruising, flight sightseeing

Site Name: Devil Island Latitude: 63°48´S Longitude: 57°17´W Date Landing: 28/12/2010 Activity: Landing fo llo wing ATCM Site Guidelines

Site Name: Prince Gustav Channel Latitude: 63°50´S Longitude: 58°15´W Date Landing: 29/12/2010 Activity: Cruising, flight sightseeing

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Site Name: Admiralty Sound Latitude: 64°20´S Longitude: 57°10´W Date Landing: 30/12/2010 Activity: Cruising, flight sightseeing

Site Name: Sno w Hill Island Latitude: 64°28´S Longitude: 57°12´W Date Landing: 31/12/2010 Activity: Visit histo ric hut fo llo wing ATCM Site Guidelines

Site Name: Seymour Island Latitude: 64°17´S Longitude: 56°45´W Date Landing: 31/12/2010 Activity: Visit Marambio Station (Argentina)

Site Name: Weddell Sea Latitude: 72°00´S Longitude: 45°00´W Date Landing: 01/01/2011 Activity: Cruising to Robertson Island if ice conditions allow. Attempt to cross Antarctic Circle

Site Name: Antarctic Sound Latitude: 63°20´S Longitude: 56°45´W Date Landing: 04/01/2011 Activity: Cruising

Site Name: Latitude: 63°00´S Longitude: 59°00´W Date Landing: 05/01/2011 Activity: Deploy ROV on MV Explorer

Site Name: Deception Island Latitude: 62°57´S Longitude: 60°38´W Date Landing: 06/01/2011 Activity: Submersible dive or deploy ROV in Port Foster

Site Name: Gerlache Strait Latitude: 64°30´S Longitude: 62°20´W Date Landing: 06/01/2011 Activity: Submersible dive or deploy ROV in Port Foster

Site Name: Bransfield Strait Latitude: 63°00´S Longitude: 59°00´W Date Landing: 07/01/2011 Activity: Possible stop at Maxwell Bay fo r guests to disembark and fly to Punta Arenas. Possible call at Point Wild, Elephant Island if missed on passage south.

87 of 89 11/15/2010 5:25 PM Ship Based Report

Name: Zegrahm Expeditions Contact Address: 192 Nickerson Street, #200, Seattle, WA USA 98109 Operator: Email Address: [email protected] Web Site Address:

Name of Vessel: M/V Sea Spirit

Country of Registry: Bahamas

Number of Voyages: 1

Maximum Crew: 85

Maximum Passengers: 120 Estimated number of passengers for this voyage is 110. Itinerary will include visits to a variety of places in the Antarctic Peninsula area, including coastal areas and nearby offshore islands. With the exception of pre-arranged visits to scientific stations, final itineraries will be determined on board by the Captain and Expedition Leader, taking into account weather, ice conditions and scheduling coordination with other tour vessels. Expedition Leaders will coordinate intineraries with other tour vessels daily during the voyage. Remarks: Landings and Zodiac cruisings willl occur at a variety of wildlife sites, scientific research stations, and historic sites and huts. Permission will be obtained in advance whenever required for visits to scientific research stations and historic huts. We adhere to the 72-hour prior notification of our visit to station commanders and reconfirm 24 hours prior to a planned visit. We are aware of site guidelines, protected areas and management plans as note in the Antarctic Conservation Act and subsequent agreements set forth by the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meetings. This voyage will be undertaken for the purpose of tourism. Voyages:

Depart. Date Depart. Port Arrival Date Arrival Port

28 Jan 2011 Ushuaia 07 Feb 2011 Ushuaia Landing Sites:

Site Name: South Orkney Islands Latitude: 60°35´S Longitude: 45°30´W Date Landing: 06/02/2010 Activity:

Site Name: Elephant Island Latitude: 61°10´S Longitude: 55°14´W Date Landing: 07/02/2011 Activity:

Site Name: Point Wild Latitude: 61º 06´ 00´´ S Longitude: 54º 52´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 07/02/2011 Activity:

Site Name: Paulet Island Latitude: 63°35´S Longitude: 55°47´W Date Landing: 08/02/2011 Activity: (morning)

Site Name: Devil Island Latitude: 63°48´S Longitude: 57°17´W Date Landing: 08/02/2011 Activity: (afternoon)

Site Name: Brown Bluff Latitude: 63°32´S Longitude: 56°55´W Date Landing: 09/02/2011 Activity: (morning)

Site Name: Gourdin Island Latitude: 63°12´S Longitude: 57°18´W Date Landing: 09/02/2011 Activity: (afternoon)

Site Name: Half Moon Island Latitude: 62°36´S Longitude: 59°55´W Date Landing: 10/02/2011 Activity: (afternoon)

Site Name: Baily Head Latitude: 62°58´S Longitude: 60°30´W Date Landing: 10/02/2011 Activity: (early morning)

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Site Name: Whalers Bay Latitude: 62°59´S Longitude: 60°34´W Date Landing: 10/02/2011 Activity: (morning)

Site Name: Neko Harbor Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 62°33´W Date Landing: 11/02/2011 Activity: (morning)

Site Name: Skontorp Cove Latitude: 64°54´S Longitude: 62°52´W Date Landing: 11/02/2011 Activity: (morning)

Site Name: Almirante Brown Latitude: 64º 54´ 00´´ S Longitude: 62º 52´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 11/02/2011 Activity: (morning)

Site Name: Pleneau Island Latitude: 65º 06´ 00´´ S Longitude: 64º 04´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 11/02/2011 Activity: (afternoon)

Site Name: Port Charcot Latitude: 65º 04´ 00´´ S Longitude: 64º 00´ 00´´ W Date Landing: 11/02/2011 Activity: (afternoon)

Site Name: Charlotte Bay Latitude: 64°33´S Longitude: 61°39´W Date Landing: 12/02/2011 Activity: afternoon

Site Name: Neumayer Channel Latitude: 64°47´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 12/02/2011 Activity: (morning)

Site Name: Jo ugla Po int Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 12/02/2011 Activity: (morning)

Site Name: Go udier Island Latitude: 64°50´S Longitude: 63°30´W Date Landing: 12/02/2011 Activity: (morning)

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