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Copyrighted Material INDEX See also Accommodations and Restaurant indexes, below. GENERAL INDEX Shiodome, 106–108 Antique Jamboree, 38 Shuzenji, 304 Antique Mall Ginza, 226 surfing online for, 89–90 Antiques and curios, Bathing Ape, 238 A taxes and service charges, 226–227 Accommodations, 81–121. 87 Aoyama, 72 See also Accommodations tips on, 88 accommodations, 110–111 Index Ueno, 116–118 restaurants, 147–153 Akasaka, 96–97, 101–104, very expensive, 90–98 shopping, 237 111–112, 119 Welcome Inn Reservation walking tour, 209–213 Aoyama, 110–111 Center, 88–89 Apple Store, 61 arcades in hotels, 227 Western-style, 86 Aqua City, 228 Asakusa, 108–110, Acupuncture, 181 Aquarium 114–116 Addresses, finding, 68 Sunshine International, Atami, 301–302 Advocates, 265 201 best, 3–4, 81–82 Agave, 261 Tokyo Sea Life Park (Kasai capsule hotels, 115 Airport Limousine Bus Rinkai Suizokuen), 202 with double beds or twin from Haneda Airport, 45 Yokohama Hakkeijima Sea beds, 107 from Narita Airport, 44 Paradise, 287–288 Ebisu, 95–96 Air travel, 42–43 Arcades and shopping malls, eco-friendly, 57 Aka Renga (Red Brick Ware- 227–228 expensive, 98–106 house; Yokohama), 286 Area codes, 306 family-friendly, 96 Akasaka Art galleries, 228–229 Ginza and environs, 83–86, accommodations, 96–97, Artisans of Leisure, 58 90, 98, 106–108 101–104, 111–112, 119 Art museums, 187–192 Hakone, 295–296 nightlife, 252–253, 263– Bridgestone Museum of Hibiya, 98 264 Art (Bridgestone Bijutsu- Ikebukuro, Toyoko Inn Ike- restaurants, 165–169 kan), 187 bukuro Kita-guchi No. 1, Akihabara (Akiba), 70, 225, Crafts Gallery, 189 120 234–235 Ghibli Museum, 194 inexpensive, 113–121 restaurants, 169–170 Hakone Museum of Art, Japanese-style, 83–86 AKKY International, 236 293 love hotels, 84 Albatross, 258 Hara Museum of Contem- moderate, 106–113 AMDA International Medical porary Art (Hara Bijutsu- money-saving tips, 89 Information Center, 308 kan), 188 Nihombashi and around American Pharmacy, 307 Japan Ukiyo-e Museum Tokyo Station, 90–91, Ameya Yokocho, 217, 239 (Matsumoto), 229 98–100 Amida, statue of (Kamakura), Mashiko Reference Collec- Nikko, 279–280COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL 272 tion Museum (Mashiko Odaiba, 104–106 Ando, 240 Sankokan), 282–283 price categories, 86–88 Anime MOA Art Museum (Atami), Roppongi, 96–97, 101–104, Ghibli Museum, 194 300–301 111–112, 119 shopping, 225–226 Mori Art Museum (Mori selecting, 86–90 Suginami Animation Bijutsukan), 188 Shibuya, 111 Museum, 194 MOT (Museum of Contem- Shinagawa, 104, 112–113, Tokyo International Anime porary Art, Tokyo; Tokyo- 119–120 Fair, 36 to Gendai Bijutsukan), Shinjuku, 91, 94–95, Anime Center, 226 189 100–101, 110, 118–119 A971, 261 118_537640-bindex.indd8_537640-bindex.indd 327327 44/16/10/16/10 33:43:43 PMPM 328 Art museums (cont.) Cherry-Blossom Season Narukawa Art Museum Babysitters, 306 (Sakura Matsuri), 36 (Moto-Hakone), 294 Bamboo Forest Path Cherry-blossom viewing, in The National Art Center, (Shuzenji), 303 Ueno Park, 184 Tokyo, 189 Bar Bourbon Street, 261 Chiba Lotte Marines, 203 The National Museum of Bar Del Sole, 261 Chicago, 210, 237, 244 Modern Art, Tokyo Bars, 246, 257–264 Children, families with, (Tokyo Kokuritsu Kindai geisha, 246 55–56 Bijutsukan), 189–190 hostess, 246 accommodations, 96 The National Museum of Baseball, 202–203 restaurants, 141 Western Art (Kokuritsu Baths, Japanese (sento), sights and attractions, Seiyo Bijutsukan), 29–30, 181–182 199–202 190–191, 214 Battledore Fair (Hagoita- toys, 245 Suginami Animation Ichi), 40 Yokohama, 287–288 Museum, 194 Bauhaus, 253 Children’s Day, 37 Suntory Museum of Art Bean-Throwing Festival (Set- Children’s Shrine-Visiting (Suntory Bijutsukan), 191 subun), 35 Day (Shichi-go-san), 40 Tokyo Metropolitan Beer, 26 China Museum (Yokohama Museum of Photography Beer Museum Yebisu, 192 Daisekai), 288 (Tokyo-to Shashin Bijut- Bengara, 240–241 Chingodo Shrine, 207 sukan), 198 Benten-kutsu Cave (Kamak- Choanji Temple, 220 Tokyo National Museum ura), 272 Chokokuno-Mori Bijutsukan (Tokyo Kokuritsu Benzaiten Temple, 217 (Hakone Open-Air Hakubutsukan), 177–178 Beverages, 26 Museum), 292–293 Ukiyo-e Ota Memorial Bic Camera, 236 Chopsticks, 26–27 Museum of Art (Ota Birdland, 253 Chosho-an, 181 Kinen Bijutsukan), Blind travelers, 55 Christon Cafe, 259 191–192, 210 Blue & White, 241 Chukagai (Chinatown; Yoko- Yokohama Museum of Art, Blue Note, 253 hama), 287 286 Boat travel and cruises, 50, restaurants, 288 The arts, books about, 19 172–173 Chuo Line, 49 Arty Farty, 265 Hama Rikyu Garden, 206 Classical music, western, Asahi Shoten, 245 Lake Ashi, 293 249–250 Asakura Choso Museum, 221 Body & Soul, 254 Climate, 33–34 Asakusa, 71 Books, recommended, 18–20 Club and music scene, accommodations, Bookstores, 229–230 251–256 108–110, 114–116 Bowing, 28 Coming-of-Age Day, 35 nightlife, 257–258 Brastel Smart Phone-card, 60 Comme des Garçons, 212, restaurants, 138–141 Bridgestone Museum of Art 237–238 walking tour, 204–209 (Bridgestone Bijutsukan), Condomania, 210 Asakusa Information Center, 187 Constitution Memorial Day, 37 206 Buddha’s Birthday (Hana Cotton Club, 254 Asakusa Jinja Shrine, 208 Matsuri), 36 Crafts and traditional prod- Asakusa Yabusama (Horse- Buddhism, 18 ucts, 240–244 back Archery), 36 Bunraku, 249 Crafts Gallery, 189 Ashi, Lake, 293–294 Business hours, 306 Credit cards, 52 Asian Gallery (Toyokan), Bus tours, 171–172 lost or stolen, 309 177–178 Bus travel, 49–50 Crocodile, 254 Atami, 300–302 from Narita Airport, 44 Cuisine, 20–27 Atami Geisha, 301 prepared foods, 125–126 ATMs (automated-teller street vendors, 126 machines), 51–52 Calendar of events, 35–40 Cultural experiences, 58 Autumn, 34 Cameras, 236 Culture Day, 38 Autumnal Equinox Day, 38 Capsule hotels, 115 Currency and currency Autumn Festival of Toshogu Caretta Shiodome, 228 exchange, 51–52 Shrine, 38 Cavern Club, 254 Customs and etiquette, 27 Cellphones, 60–61 dining, 26–27 Ceramic Art Messe Mashiko guest, 29 (Togei Messe Mashiko), 283 Customs regulations, 41 118_537640-bindex.indd8_537640-bindex.indd 328328 44/16/10/16/10 33:43:43 PMPM Disabilities, travelers with, Fashion (clothing), 237–238 329 Daienji, 222 54–55 kimonos, 244 Daimasu, 257 Disneyland, 201 Ferries, 45 Daimyo Clock Museum DisneySea, 201 Festivals and special events, (Daimyo Tokei Hakubutsu- Doll Festival (Hinamatsuri), 36 35–40 kan), 222–223 Don Quijote, 226, 239 Feudal period, 12 Daimyo Gyoretsu, 38–39 Drinking laws, 306 Fiesta International Karaoke Daiso, 239 Drinks, 26 Bar, 261–262 Dance clubs and discos, 256 Drugstores, 306–307 Films, 20 Daruma Ichi Doll Festival, 36 Drum Museum (Taikokan), Fireworks Display (Hanabi Deep-vein thrombosis (econ- 192 Taikai), 38 omy-class syndrome), 43 Dubliners’ Irish Pub, 259, 260 Flea markets, 238–239 Demboin Garden, 207 Food and cuisine, 20–26 Dental Clinic, 308 The Former Kusuo Yasuda Department stores, 230–234 arthquakes, 307 Residence, 193 prepared foods at, 126 E East Garden (Higashi Gyoen), Foundation of Tennoji Tem- Design Festa, 37 176, 182–184 ple’s Five-Story Pagoda, Design Festa Gallery, Eating and drinking, 20–27 218 228–229 prepared foods, 125–126 Free or almost free activities, Dezomeshiki (New Year’s street vendors, 126 5–6, 190–191 Parade of Firemen), 35 Ebisu Fugu, 21 Dining, 122–170. See also accommodations, 95–96 Fuji, Mount, 297–299 Restaurant Index nightlife, 260 Fuji-Hakone-Izu National Akasaka, 165–169 restaurants, 156–157 Park, 289, 298 Akihabara/Kanda, 169–170 Economy-class syndrome Fuji-Torii, 227 Aoyama, 147–153 (deep-vein thrombosis), 43 Fujiya, 241 Asakusa, 138–141 Ecotourism, 56–57 Fukagawa Edo Museum Atami, 302 Edo Period, 13–14 (Fukagawa Edo Shiryokan), best, 4–5, 122–123 Edo-Tokyo Museum (Edo- 193–194 coffee and breakfast, 125 Tokyo Hakubutsukan), 173, Fune-no-Kagakukan by cuisine, 126–129 176 (Museum of Maritime Sci- dining procedure and eti- Edo-Tokyo Open Air Architec- ence), 196 quette, 26–27 tural Museum (Edo-Tokyo Futarasan Shrine (Nikko), Ebisu, 156–157 Tatemono-en), 192 278–279 eco-friendly, 57 El Café Latino, 256 family-friendly, 141 Electricity, 307 Ginza, Hibiya and Shim- Electronics, 234–236 allery Kawano, 244 bashi, 129–136 G Embassies and consulates, Gallery of Horyuji Treasures Hakone, 296–297 307–308 (Horyuji Homotsukan), 178 Harajuku, 147–153 Emergencies, 308 Garden Lounge, 263–264 hours, 124 Emperor’s Birthday, 40 Gardens and parks, 182–186 inexpensive, 125 English language, 32 Gaspanic Bar, 262 Kamakura, 273 English-language earphones, Gaspanic Shibuya, 260 money-saving tips, 248 Gays and lesbians, 54 124–125 Enjoy House, 260 bars, 264–265 Nikko, 280–281 Escorted tours, 58–59 G-Call, 61 ordering at, 123–124 Esprit Travel & Tours, 58 Geisha bars, 246 Roppongi and Nishi Azabu, Etiquette, 27 General Tours, 58 158–165 dining, 26–27 Geronimo Shot Bar, 262 set lunches, 124 guest, 29 Ghibli Museum, 194 Shibuya, 153–156 Ginza, 70 Shinjuku, 143–147 accommodations, 90, Shuzenji, 305 amilies with children, 106–108 taxes and service charges, F 55–56 department stores, 123 accommodations, 96 231–233 Tokyo Station, Marunouchi restaurants, 141 nightlife, 251, 257 and Nihombashi, sights and attractions, restaurants, 129–136 136–137 199–202 Ginza Antiques, 227 Tsukiji, 137–138 toys, 245 Ginza Sapporo Lion, 257 Ueno, 141–143 Yokohama, 287–288 Gishi-sai, 40 118_537640-bindex.indd8_537640-bindex.indd 329329 44/16/10/16/10 33:43:43 PMPM 330 Golden Week, 36–37 Health Sports Day, 38 family-friendly, 96 Go Mobile, 61 Heartland, 262 Ginza and environs, 83–86, Goruden Gai, 251 Heiseikan Gallery, 178 90, 98, 106–108 Gran Cyber Café Bagus, 61 Hibiya, 69 Hakone, 295–296 Grand Spring Festival of accommodations, 98 Hibiya, 98 Toshogu Shrine, 37 restaurants, 129–136 Ikebukuro, Toyoko Inn Ike- Great Buddha (Kamakura), Higashi Gyoen (East Garden), bukuro Kita-guchi No. 1, 272 176, 182–184 120 Greenery Day, 37 Hiking inexpensive, 113–121 Green tea, 26 Kamakura, 272 Japanese-style, 83–86 Ground Cherry Pod Fair Mount Takao, 183 love hotels, 84 (Hozuki Ichi), 38 Shuzenji, 303 moderate, 106–113 Grutt Pass, 188 Hinamatsuri (Doll Festival), money-saving tips, 89 Guest etiquette, 29 36 Nihombashi and around Hiragana, 31 Tokyo Station, 90–91, H.I.S.
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