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~'fe'r" -;:P .':1'1- t ...- 'IZf)T f'1~<:"nn~ ". I' ..... ,33 y III

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," "THE IfA'R'-TYR O'F"PR~O'D"iG>A'L lflAm -I' ~t?.lweflii!n:ot,)'tli~&lO~eJ:s_i>.ld'i>f~~lI': (]Mf.9od, 'a§ I'g6fiig ii'razyi"~GraduallY! ~ng bacK.'to"'~ day he-became. ~!l-t'-/-S~PERt:.!CI""L-~URVEY. - ~ • .11 LUi. diiY.afternoon, as he sto<>d.""-1'efuHs:p!opped l~rom the c~ao~,c m~ of,lns thoug~ts ~:and Paner oo'ttles it is claiDl~d, ara bette .... -., • -'--- " UP al:ainat a bo,~lder. contelllplatllu~ mth: nopes came a fuilreahzatlon of the probleUl placed his fillger -onhis .'ps. A.-smlle lit ull • _. I..doJiJt wish ter _be unaej"stood a.s- tar EX~....J,V1d~-open, dr~rniijg eyes a pool of tobacco, beibre ~m. \\'itJ.La.lovin~, almostcatessing I_tIle _sutfeI'er'smoLlth. '~\\ e are rlC~ th.en; than g~~ .. pressmg any opm'Cn fer pnbhcatlon as tor IU'ce a few fe"t In frout of h,Ol. "\\ hat's a I glance, he ~azed about hUll-on the ragged. I tha;nk G<> to~iTY.thlS.figh~ on t..I!.tll Dabrlel blO\VS work ".,..""" - - s~bt the !anullar~ spot., but"foolnd no-I c·Good-b..h-boye;youhav~beenkmd to me I \V. S HuntlDgdo~ sa.~s iat::.0~d.s will. -" ~hrs !lorn." ... -~ Tbe Prodifr'al MIne was tlbout..p13..:red out. bo,,:wlder~ He looked farther uj). - It w~sl Don)tr forget thrkefr. Theywouldh"ve abanwJned th~ I tmgmsbavastmass.ofaebns .. H~real.lzed I of hIe-then the struggle was ov:~'" _!115 i allow.onebosstol'mploy over forty hands. n:, affirmed, expected no 'i"!1?attad~~011. mUla long befo1'"0but sacllfi.clng tbelr prlde. "".hat had hapvened. The bowlder 5tO~ ,..gentle spu'Jt had spanned the m~unta.:ns, I A man nar.ned Cool hits 3 <:otdied at Glens ~one was IH"ofI~red The Cnpple pre- 'N:.elr last cl.a..lm" two tulles down the run. but a few rods back,. and above the canyon desser ts~d vaJlev~ and v:as baC4 amOD::;'" I Fall" N Y: at the a"e ofu 94 years. The ceeded tudro\\'sJ~ pla~~ the greasyeuehrd'Z.

... .;§!$WW~ 8M' Co to the Gity to lo~~kover 1ai [-0 r. . F~ne. Tailoring a specia!~y. A'02lZ.HYIL£h IptTRNITU E 3fJC.u ifyOiI desire to, the~l r~turn I



";'0 is a pract;cal "O]~m«11 a"1Uv,

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)l"1y I I. -~.... , = \enla..lt::.-"re:::'" ...... '- -

G Is t''.h1e ]ln~o I 1 \ 1. ~ " 'j J' -,81 eJ ...... t ::, In \J ... ..1 ....d.''' d " . , '-' 1 }i'" l1n1 ll1E"..lpll - L) , ~ .... , • ~ L ~ 7" _~! :,,~~tlr- ... J r 1.....TJ ' 't.-",

p'" -; ". or .- - - 1- \ :, 1 ~ re,\>2· _d LL!. ....

")~lt I'::' 1),"Ill.·1fol' l~t"'11 ~:i~~j 112 ~~ !~'\.:?J i~ l -1, - - j } " ....' ~:oS 11 c1nnk-sdle.... .~ t,} ...Lel " rIr:: -r ,.-)'-, J.02 pnl1p~, 1UU ...11h."":l .. nd <.' .. _1':: ...1.,) ... _~<::"'~~J.l\.\.') rp' ~~ r .ltymal...e 00\\ 111.J-~\ of thO ..l '.Oll i.. lO_tl~'--t-::'·r~. , or e :::.ble #-0 -J._eer- ODot ()f b ~l Id L'Pte~ ? --_._-_.~_._-~-- , 9.. Is tile be-.JJth of t leSE' dl.LLk ...fS C- I '1 c·~). '" {).p L r:-f 1 t._,:::) -..J 1..J.. _~l. .... i . been 1tOXh....1Ut::-bettel -L 1.....1 i:.l .....- of r 0} Ie I "'0 {...... ---iO.Y ....~~ SOTJ(i~. 'bo don't drnlk" ~ In ; '> 1..1 • of +' '"' .:;...t.:·e (.I. 10. _-ll"Pthe nCIgl:.to:-llOcd~ Jllost 0r- ;l)2.S~c(1o\~eT tv 13~ 4\ ~II~il)~5~ of Pl:yIr.outh, erly :'1nd pr()"'ller,,)u~ \\ hC1C tLe ....tt~ " ~ ...( . -..("-r~ ~~d(~...gl ~,1, 1...\ ...... :: :' __ 1 '.J~ 'utCt' the ::-~rC'b.~(.> CGt y 1..1")1-',~·r~ olf tOns f'lIe the !llO::: .. nU11lel U:::") 1 \'yhO \\,J'" '1 (J, pr~ tJ IllCI ,':l.. (, '\.. n,- I ;)Inl}HO\ld If t~ey \, ~l~ ll.t Ilul PJ' H;,-.~lltl,l", ~ .. 1:C.11:-1S.11: ."t;~, ~ ]l~'" lcct10ns i~ tillS '''':l:nit\" .. :hmd , .loon lnr,? l) 1. I t),.:- .... Ill" ..!)ln~t ....ud (1('L~.1-C t l) • U lJi.. I __I \~ !.:"!.'"c notH.A:.' • h t \\¥C \YIa n'(-{'t 12 Don 't ~..llol)u-l~ct:PC13 LElil~:r[lll,:. .It tl ( :::>t'11e of ~ ....'l ':'-1 l:~n.t1()lrh J l ...be .:'1 1 c>..l'1tLd..ltPS i.\ 110 P1QlU.~o..: )~e t'~oo::.e \ 1 .:<" ot X ,~-i '1\ J:l(--, in ~ ,-01 ,t"\. , r1...LC'.....t, t~l('jr tl~tde, reb~lr.Jle::., ci (l t 1 1...., yl) ~_ .... 01 0<."; (. --\n 1.... ,... ~""..l-t';")" de..' t -el,) £Jther tj'~ld(? • : (. _... :) 18-( " .~ r' 1 , (~l" l I, l:{, If Due la',\ n:nhOll.llS h~hol' T" \ "r(.~t(:lt ... tdj:'"\ ...... f..,lt~e~ ~ \7;1L'\;;:: '::Ji-1(:X~::);_>:'-la:;~l ....-_:'GrGr.:;~_t:"1..;stG~eof~df'~. .1.;, H~('l('i'g':" to prl ..lcb lhe s,ln<.tlty v: ; (J .....; (f l.\....J I. ". ...1.1. 1 ~'tl \ ::. ..::. ...wi 1(1 ::::,l,hflth, ]~ It light t ~&t 1~tel~ :1.'l(~ _':1 ) ... d '), '-. ,I c lr~ for t..-U' )1..... d! 'inl,-< ~1!~j'...to \ lObtC' the --..11' .nL") ~ p ~<., ""''>11''(1\ fer C .. t >It ' :( I l .. Hlh to l:~ for c\.o 'H~l .w I ~-Iodgc. 1-4-. It ..t x..hllrch \\ er(' I onlp )'-.td of i~ Ik."O- -"-- J... () L <. .. l 1.'11 I), "-'lr:.? L,~ d'. ~(·i 111n:,Cl\ l<).}:Sb~. PI \.:'{D3 ....fjc1 OI~(l~';:\Sapply to :~,,~;,~;~.,:;:';::~;,"~;';~:;;';~;~P:ilr.&.'r';: "i;. L -t \'~HCXCL \t. cI:IJ ,\;O",\Sl _'-5A:r. nA~~OP'1, I hut 111l1UlllCC \ 01' a It {.),.CI t ou I ~ :-:'o'd h\- Cnl!o(>!.:>L" or ~\ \- }Irs. :\IOROBEI{TS B A HOBGE or THE FAC'10RY .f"', \\ CommlCSlOllel~. : ' te druukenness of tll~ ~(untry~-Ex.1 >Dc E T ll.-zd·'I"~ \;".. "n ,- .""'\J~rf~,1~:~~~~~~;i1;~*:'~¥~~::tt~~~~5~f'~-:-;-~t~;_ I,) .,-~

'c t> I e¥cl$~~-liiilithIl'm1iVi~·Zl

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....'"!l it is won der1111 we 1.00


~=--,==,",-~-=~=~-===,.",,:=,"::::::.-=~~~-"(r-===::....._"""~~ - Pf-\J-JAC E OAI( STOVE

1 ~ -) TIed [l1! " . '..1, ) .,.-1 d ~ I of ....1', I l) , 1 ell 1...-' - .... (( ~ -..."'-

'(~Ull '. L ... I ~ ~ .. lot inTI In Lu:'-', 1;::, Sal0 to ll~t\- .... '1.."">.... I ld<-;~ _ gr .r ..!....l I~~ ;~~~ ~~~~,7t~~~~:)-;..~_u\n u:: dt III tl [t..- l,"l ... 01 U !H"ovel' lg r ... \\"":)-..I.'>" ...... d """1;'- 4!J .. <'<- .... \ "\ __ "' __ - r",,~ 0. .<;'-1.>4-:". f ...... ~-'" 110m£. It v .<.:::- ~ ¥' J1..1 l:'lL...lh... f)T Go.:l r:J 1.-_ :"I) ~ ,s';: ..~~~ the tble' es 111 \' ..' .3, ..'ll",)l,te -1V ...... ·ldvt'w ~: o~""..J/ ~=-G He.rald.

The rF'\\~ P0,",l"'l~ (""l .. l~:;,...... C'n to be is-

:::oued VitI '. lrY ..1 <... <- ?L"1C '\''1.:11 .. .J.)",... three ::-1,0:::. \\1 ULD the ["Hlt- !c'ts :t e f:---> W:J Hally t..1.',-en 1.p-'f'.C, .1 :f.~lf' delH::1""'9' , <.'ard for t1Chc~' t:-....e, '1!.1l.....!1~n1uh:::.tl'u!J'tl fdr tl'e old lu::: blothu~.papei ....\r. ltltl·-nh .....l~~ltccard I MACKINACw ~ of the ~"..1e ~l""{' :..=.: t11e one HO\\ In u...e I ~,~ "Ill be rct.uIH..d •• tnJ:-, 11t.W llrge (..n.Hl l Sumrner Tour~. L. 'will be l'lt!(lthF d' ha~ L~n I e p::-red .:'('J hUSl'less pl.rnrJ'~:(\""1 and '\III ne ltn;l..· P.::.laoe Stea'':...:>,s. Low Rat.ss. Fc.u:, I":.'lpa ~ '\7ce--t Dct.-vecn ('.L\.UPET enough ~~\rlI ..)';\- ~_w.1l 'J.·...hl to be PrIl t- DETROIT, MACK!~,.l',C.:SLAl'm -.:'d thoeotl bE'~H~~'"tl....e o~he'r n1.11Uf. It Bt.I~::~e~l~~~~~~E~~~· ,r':.U~\.1()'~ \ r '" \\elll no'\u .d ...o r1."t .:\rr '.YU1...tPl\- 8t CIat:', 05k~ua. :::i:=r..so.z....r..no ~tr. l,cr is In f~t\01 of <.11(1 '}1 POh tge. I-!"eI - .Rvnxy Woek 1Jc.y:B....·w~:;:). S'IOCK IS LO'.lPLE.TE A:\D WE 1>~YlTE\'00" 1ake:.;; a :,l"l{ti" ..l.l 'Ie,\ of Lh 1 i1wti:(.~; I OET?CfT h~D CL~ELA~D 8pet"l.aJ. e ~d37 Tnp« ,:!:::';"'Il';: J ~ aad .l,:a".1Jot.. \ hO"C"'eI , :,uHl 1)10pO c...th,.lt the Jedl1('------OUR !~LUSTRATED i"!mnb->f.l~d (cl-eonhl be (arf1Cd for Olle f'ent, ~tIlI by yc.U1'"Tl~l;",t. AZL::l.:'. C" :o..:lc....-cs. ("\ C. O. W'I-lITCOMS, Ge,,'l p~$lI, ACl'l'lt. ll'tflinin~ the 1.1l~~entr~\tc ()~two c/?'nts J Dctrcit &. C:"vel~1 d Steem N:n. C~ '';aLlly suffielo:,t. fOl' :n~ Tho Great Preacher's OpinIon of _------I Bow 1='0:Ra:sa su,?erlor Str~wber.rtes. There 15 n!) hope o!. rell'~f from. th~ most humId atmosphel·e. whlle a mu~b the Work Done by the Ath~lst.. o • E r~ It",,,,, ~'u[,'Jsher. I Persons who desire vel'S large undeNlt.ood fact that the present pool less .p",~centage of the st...... ,...oh is SUfuv Mr. Beecher J1"hs '''on", to his rest. _ i strawberries of fine color and flavor was to con~ue onlY until K{)~ember, !len,t for Ol'dinaq' use. . The v.~ay WdS l'Qolr t~l' him and pften '~Wf:TII\'lI.LE, illCR. '1 should not expect to l'abe them from 188.9. There have b'3en combm ,tLOns OILYER NICST~a, flower ;;t1.llds. made very roug-h, but he ':rod hi~ path with = = plants that gl'O\V in m",tled ,'Ow;; Or by pork ~acke,'s ;"nQ bcef ~laughtel'et"S of t",istea.. silver Wire to ~mit.oo a.bM-d's Ia buoynn t sCep and ,fa",loolnng eyes.. . _ Iamuii;;. ~I',eds. and grass. Neither ~o.: fifteen. or tweets-. ,''''''1'8. at .first ! nest, and moun!l>d OU s.l,el' tw.'gs, -so G"eat, natur.tl, Id.ult:r, b010:\"ed. he has • "'. ~ should tlrey expect to raise them. on ,,,,,mpor:n'y a:nd modest].n assumptLOllil.! as to set the flo....ers u[> 6uffic.e~ly. [·gone now; onthis Will'ds !:cm"'tn. Per· . , , 'to".. ' I poor land, indifferently prepare-'lr and. At each re~e"al o! the pool ,the sc,""'"s ,tppe.tr to be the latest nO"elty the, haps Coronel 1n;rersoll- a,,'l tbose w~o_ ,.~, .;~: Ion which little or no labor kexpended. have ed.ch t"me 1;>eengl\'en a n'i!W turn, sll,ersmltbs n',Ye to shoW. They are I \H!re'\Vlf;J. him will Ion:; remembe,' the ;: r, ,It 15 generJ.Uy belicv ....a that weslern and}t is probable at the cOllmg filled \nth "'hit,, or~hi.:1; and fu.l'nLSh a follo,vin« selected illcideut: ' ,. I farmers-woUld ra'se mOre bushels of. Ko,emper, instead of relief to 1'1'1). p.etty choice 'fo,' weddwg presents, I- Colon;l Ingel'soll w,tS thrown one .. !jlotatoes, corn a,~d small grain 1I they ducers and consumers. the.combi!,ation among which' novel:)' an':! odg-lnallty I day inw the soeicty of H''!Ury~\Varq I elo.pended tne.:' 'me' :r;'1:.borthey nO\v do WIll be strvnger;- t,·uly.at a premIUm. IB"-ooher. The"e were four 0" fiVG gen- ,0I>-_abmaller amount of l'md. lVuati a ~he r!ghts of p.rodueel's less. AD;d,,~at BuILl:D FOWLS. "WtTU-OSIOX 8Al;C;". I tle]llon ·pr<>sent" all of w!:lom were : truo of field craps 16 also true of straw-- 1$ ge!.ng done ll1 the ho:::r tr ~de 15 a.ISO j-Place a. couple of fowls trussed for prominent in the wm ld. of h1..·a1..n~ A Ib.erries. In raLsing a supply fo=a controlli~g tbO, pr,ce.of cattlc, as weU Iboillllg,~ w,'.th an-onio~ and.a piece of I variety of t<:>pics we.",. d,scuSS~d "ith _'f~lllily anly a few small plat of gronnd as boomwg t,.e prico of becf. And outter J.Jbide e""eh, ,nto a 6",~cepan, IdeeidedcrilUancy, 15nt no aUusiO'l \\35 :. iis l'e'lmred. One hundl'ed plant3, these-a,:" the :n.?trumenwllhes wl:lC2. with sufficient water and. 3 ~unces of'l made to rehgion. The d.isl.uguishe-i ) r>ro;lerly r,used. ot"" selectel, and cult.- are _ruhng th,s couutrr·-Dcs :.fellles , buttel~ a couple of e'lrrots, ';.t oundle of I infidel wa$"of con,.se to0LJoht:) to mtro- _, ,.ated in file b""t 'll",uner pOSSible, w,ll Register. 1s.'ooc-.ner.bs (pd.rs:ey. ~hY:ne • nd cel- duce the subject him a t,lt IVlll consumc. The graund on which In bmidmg: gr.uu,-,;r;".eo<:s1t ':lll be 11et them bOl~' slowly tIll "cher, n:!-v1e; a- I thoy>tre to ,be ?set out $h,nild b3-he:wily ecoDo?,cal to placo ~OlUO r,uls, old lone 1l0ur. 8,:r,e Wlt"_ the .J.uce o,er I pla.yful .emark about Colon~l 1nJe.!:'- , mau~r~ and. \:\"or>:ed.over with,: spad_a boards, hay ~r straw ~n;:he gt'ou"d be- the:"" :. . -.15011'5 idrosyncmsy-: '.1< he term~d it. =.. _= Lto tne d~pths 01 at le~ist eighteeu fOl"commenclng the SIl:1C&_ In case_'\'e 1 BEJ:...FRISSOLEs.-::~lincc and seasOn 'lhe Co1onel a.t oncedcfenaedhis VieWS , . _".,'. _' ._... , ... '" ,:,,~ -r&Che3- The spading shoull be well ~ll.t,e-ll.-,,\'Ct fall~~ .. , out' jhreshing is f com beef: au~ .navol· it wit!J "111ushro~m Iill his usnal lLpt rhetoric. :n_ fact, he :::' _. ' , '-. ' . ' done so that all the SOi~sh ...11 be thor- I.dela:\"ed' there, wllL not be muc1d~ or I0: w&lnuo C<1 chup. ~lake .?r?eef drtp. waxed eloque!!t. !Ic \vas replied toh3!, _ Hon. J"1llllPS- E•.CampbelL . Ioughly pul,erJZ€::1.. h'Ottell buts to go t1u-ough th" ma~e, plng- a.yerf t~n ,IXls:e, NU.!t out ln I 5e~'al .gentlemen in. ,ery effeetlVe_ d~mocratl-c uomlnee ~or governor~m I Elants that grow on l"unner~ cne :rear 1or--mu3ty graln to go through the blB. thIn 1'Iece5~ about. -4 In('~~ square; lU- I repartee. Contrary to the expectationS" Ob.io, was born m ),hddletm'. n, OHo, *'should be select.~d for set,ting the fo1.- Ha,e } ou ev"r coun~ed up tU!l eos! of ~los" in -r, to produGe but·a single plan!;. It wlll b~ I :J.l.P.ountof money milll:,"b'lr n~cess",ry I e,,:,L. .ue-atly all ro~nd;- fry them iu Th~ gentleman whomt,'od'1Ce Was IT.ed to It. nothinj;t<> say on this sub!ect"" . -: , filled. ,nth rIe!>. eo.l:'th, the roots \'nU e,- que,tlOll as·t.o w~"ther or not lt 18 not .. . . . The old m,m slowlv lifted hunself thr!'e t"ftes elected to eo,:gress. 0 1tend throu;;:h the SOlI aud the .~ork of cheaper to ience in stock than to fenLe 1 ~e ways m whic1~ the eceentrieltie' u'om his attit!lde anl'reulie1:, "Soth. _ ' 1 = '1' b- a. " ~the - 't of Yllnkee ehnracter will sho\:\" them· . . .' _ .. . t.rnllsp aut:ng- Wl 1. • e ren e~re\..l~asy" m DU ". _ r.; " • _ sel,"es are inn.uuler-J.b:e. sa 5 the Bos- lng; n:- tact .if~:rou wIll eXClbe ~e for Tlte polstor 0, one of DetroJ.t's most Old berr." Oo'(es "r tm C"!!S, if ,,;-hole _ ,,<\fter=,!he gram 15 harve,tea lt I;t..... - , Y _ the !cuee" and h"'ie a =maklIlg of mar:yrs has so g--eneraUy I Colonel IIlO"(,rsoU. who not\nthstand- spoke ~from tl.e te,,-t ..\\ hen .the soms .,re; cut from-them the fir,t season, ~ood ready for sta"k-makm;> by tho- gone ou~ of f'iS11.i.?n. I inO" his pe~i1liar V"'lW~ of the he.'e- . rlghteous rule t~-e _people re>l0lcel 'they "'Ill become }"e!.f In..rge ;ld strong. trme the gr~\.ul is -dt·S· eno..Igh to dHL'V In the ('ot~ntr~. one_~ay recentl~~ the I uftel~ is noted f(w hJ.b klndr:ess of when the ,,'cked rule the people The flower std.l'" d.nd ,",,)lile s cau be in. ~ edltol" was stoinap'g WIth some Inen~s I hed.rt. . '" . tl]; - Of 9°" d f fl 'h hi 0"1 a tennrs lawn ,.hen the-hor$:~o~ ~ - - , _ mourn. ..J J.~.;f re\erenQ gen el}'1an nJ.achedooff \eJY c1511v n·ben they are l the 4-_v'J ktn S 0 owcr::>~" 1C '_ - u\Vhy 11 saId ~Ir Beecher, i...J'.;;.p-pr.;:;P="~e--~-=~~A-::.~!!~"1:t--p~~.t.!...t.. ~are Ga~~~rO.l3. Th.e com- , ~unnlng _:tway \\lth th~l.t lndt\ldu ..tl. bhnd ;<.ln~ J....ith trutche; SlO\~ly and - ~ . I --ft ---~ tn:-- _~--~.!....ro-~n.~~t-="t"-D~~C'l-t thr...c-.w..I!1..2:...b.!.roJJut" L ..- 1 good one=::, and In the same connection i wou!Q. i:ith~rWlse go to form ;i larg3 .mODest o~,er~_ <.lr~ e ':ulte ones~ cf I OJ ... _~- .... -0 -_ - ~f.~ '-=---11-.c1lcfrrff; J;icl,.-:1n--g~s _~~:LJ.h~~ __ ~~~_ t} 1\'1 i'h tn""" . re 1 1~l k1 Js Le'- ~and perfol'lmng like eccen:tr,c .les, 1 f - b d l ., he u~ged the dut~ of relegating to ob- s:oo. L t;::; '"'( a : _ U ~:) I came dasluDJ7" m~l.lIv 0' e ~ J, terrace ce-ssp0(l .? ;nun In t e Of' ea\'"or ;() I seurit}' officers "ho 'llre ol'-aniLcd fr. I The folloWUlg" year the plants \nU thd.ll one fLth of the,c.neJca:;rmt Of J' h " 11' Y f \ crOss tbe'street. He h'ldJust r~ached • 1 ". h 11J1"Oduce an enormou-,< m'op of very I the 9jl lC!ud" of seHow- fto"e,." seven-] fcom t P strcet, mging the un or.tu- the mlddl" of the filth \:\"hen a big, evll• ,v h 0 care no t fDr a.w, w 0 pros- ] -...... 1 nate lhltche~'" lllto tne tennIS net <- . t th . . . f h I f huge bcrtles They 'nIl m,.ke mo 'it of ty-seyen me oclollfelOus, of the ,<2" 1ed I '. Wltb.1, burlY- ruffian, hrmseli aU b"spd.ttered, litu €lei" pOSitions or t e Spi4 SOl d Iff h '9 1>1 I " shoulder of beef on top of him anu d. • - , _ their lrl 0\\ th from lne substd.nces (hdt I nn s, elg It,· our, 0 t e .~.. ue! . - .' rushed up to hnn, Jeiked the m·t1tohes I t offi.?e,-allG. who set at defIance~ theIr were stoled up in the CrO\'-ll of the klutts. tlllT:t}-Dne1 of the 30b vlOV:.. bIg block or lee thump~(':(l t'~lt::-..a. good from under the- un {O!..l,u~ate mUll and obhgatiOns :0 thos~ \\ ho ha,e "JiO",,': 1pl,\nt ducing the, pt'c' IOU3 l'ea~. By blue kl.fol5, tnLrt3en Of th" 240 k,uJ~ ~ deal, of force ll1to h,S SId: . ] he 0" fiel:' left hIm Sp,.tW]lllg .md helpless in the them. He o.rlngs loe cause of the eVi __~re\enttng the gro\\th of .::runnel 3 and WIt\]. l;ombluedcolors. twcntj.-cl;;ht drvi steeu complete..! hl~(\\Orl,. bJ dlll1(.ut con- 1ing st.r""wb6r:.·~eb fot the 100000.. oa th4l.t It hed th~tt It IS the lJett~r \\d,y to SOt.\J.IC ::,t-:ppel by c1 uee _ et.11oed ~ . -" 1 1 1 . ., 1 ., h - 'I'h The butchet w ~ 1'-lkf'n up lusenSl1.)lt r ~ , ~ - trollIng the Xlohtv:...alma(.1nner.y. Gf thC' reqUIres much \\'"Oll{ ~In pawt 01 fd,ct~ led. t 1 "",nu t 1l ut In t e pIgs e-cost ~... '" ,. ~ ~·y~s~" Stud the olu m"'n. USing from nlesent da,· J'he ~olutlon of the 11 It 10qUl ....65 comp li"d,tl\'::('ly ltttle - Th~rc oJ such b11Cd~. bm.lt fOl the g~d.test ao(l.t sub~equp~t111'e...hgntlon s110\\ cd Lis cbau~ a1ld bru~h1ng back:- ills longt ...... ('v b t fIt 1 tl 1 'I 0 f tIll b h g' te· '1 th"L he hd.d 1\\ 0 r,h, bloken As soon hI' h'l 1'"' lies ~n..the 1Jette:. cla~::> of cltu.eub as- c.l.l'e U en- P c.ln ;:,ant! lCy occupy )In, -{' m Q... ." e muc lea I ..1,-\.11 ~ J I { 1 .. pJ ..,. _ '\\ Ite Ul.lr~W 1. e hIS eyes g lLtcI'eo..l. h a Snl~) 11 ..LlllO..lut of {rj O~ll1il The. re-l ,\ hen one 1 u ge hou'5c IS bUl~t; but HI c.t~ 1e COll ( de t",~tor to L-Ons....lon., W"lth hlfJ- old-tIme fil f' as he bent them seclJD,£; t e1r power and gOIng to .the nm'\d-tof the ilonct s;..tlk.:o \vtll not rc- lOUl e ....petLenl..C the ~n( r.J~L')OIn he,tlth ~ness one of the b~-st tnae-l~ propoundel on IllfTcr.-;:,oll-··Yes, ColOlifstho hro-h- them. .r~rlty .tnd -rc[o~m are the i!.on..eIn a few Inluu[e:, The tnne qpent th.3.t h~t\ c glO\ln rapIdl,) and .\tt uned I f)Lmd !t Impo~ible. g..lye 3. sl~kly _and ,vay- of life It 1S j. our t~'1.clHng that cr-yhlg needs o[ tho hour. :.rod c.an In k.eepLD~ the p~.)..nt~ In a pr0pt"'r con- large Size but the te1.lU ~Lppl1e3 to I apologebc ~Il2U('"..t.tltl a.'1.swcr.-eu WIth a knocl'l..s these crutcho;::, flore. under it - only :come -through... th.o:33 wbo no\'. dltlon \nU be: sd.yed when the --se..'tSC'l C.hICks th~tt C In not st.Lna on. then' legs. J (eehle as:::.umpLwn of J.luntln"3:;'~ m03-t and lea.ves It u. helple:::s, ruddc!less neR'Ject a. plaIn duty bv qUletl,y ,\.c- fo-r--pl.<."klng l·enles COlnes Fonr-qu,lrts due to lapld gtowth The dlfIJcultj I me"tt.l1cho~lyto see _wreck In the slouo-hh o[ desPOLld. If

qUIasClncr In the flJ.gl a"nt (''\115 thct of bel ries c..tn be Dlckell flam these OCl;urs wlth ~o("k:erel:3: more than pul- J 'Ob, It 5 u0t:un,; I do.). t lnind It. robblnl'Y" the hurna;' soul of Its only _ exist.. 0 ~ \ ld.fbu plants quu"h.ertban on("qua.~t C..l.!l : lets. l.n-d rndll..d.te::, lug-a fe.eJ.l0g 'lh(" I rm u~ed to It l SUP1)01; 011_ thts eru,th- rehgio::J..-be ____ \ be golthered from m \Hel \ lnes I"hlCks ha,e g~ appe~ te" .tnd ,nc I· , In tho Orchard. Iyour profesSiOn, why ply it to ) our Xotwit!1standlng the a(lverse crlti .. Pl~:~:r~) I ~::~~t~~lt:o~~tl~~n;~::~~h:~~~::~ t~~~ 'I Th'I:haut:~n l~l'\CStared\\hldCd ~,.~ay~ e ~:t~:t~t~~~~:~~e;L~~~n~ sou"":'J:'S ne ... 001i: own ~~:rt;;..." ~~:~::~hu~~~:;U1~~S1~~P:~~::J~'~ o· ..... ~isms :or the Amedcan press 114regal d plO.lUCes ben Ie:;.. _0\.. pIece o[ very rIch I run around O~"'ltheIr ltl1ee~ They U-ll- t On faded uelds .lnd woodlands gray, I may re::duce It ~') c.LShes' _ - "' ....-t-u .. .Brown-SB)uard's ~O"ldctful d':':S-1 I gl..ound 1::1 s..elected fo['...the p~.)pa.~J..tln;; 1 all.\ get Oloe· the 186 \~elknc~::i and L~-"'l Ani! the dun colored to\\ n The old lU3n sat dO>;"!l and sllep.ce

cover\-. and 'the fact tha.t even the oed. and plants are !:letIn It l.LGut thl ee come the l.a.rgest .JJ1dllnpst bll~ils of the I Through the brown orcharJ s gust,): a-Ule, brooded 0' er tue scene Colonel 1u- tomp~r,,">'.l' benellts derHcd ha\e'm a I Iee~ ap,cr!;. Tl>e blossoms areremo\ei rllOck The rcr:l',dj 18 to "'Old O\el', In s"d buetlgo"u al"l hood I gersoll found tLat he h,td a m:1,ter in nUU1-ber of cases been orr=sct bS the \1\l hen they appear, so that the S~n of I fee~lng them. ~ _ Slow PasSC::>l\\ lth a reacc..£al <;:lule, I hIS O,~..n power of l11ustr-at"J::l and saHl peri,s ot blood pOlbonwg, thc V0n('ra. the plan:s Will go to for;n runne~5 The The s'um lQilk and wney may nOt be A. malden pure and goo:! nothing The comnany took theu' hats ~le SCIer1.tlft h~ pot .....!\'cn u hl~ yeung pL,lnts th..lt at~6 formed on the I 53-lauIe. but C.o.tD be use.! tor producln~ Rei."' deep. sercllff, ana dovel1ke ~es and pa.rt.f-d,-Catld.dt..1'l Ad'ance. / ...... ~ p ~ runnern are 3l1owed to tJ.ke root 10 pot::. I pork Pl~ WIll al W~tJ s n..ty On farms Are down"",arl1bent ...her face, ,( .\Search 101 the secr~t of plolongillg Ior ~n the loose sol! about tae parent \\ here skIm mllk 6 rle.ltiful, ~!ld. ~the \\ hereon the da\ s )nle shadcw ll6S, J'U3ta Fit. hu~an l1.fe.. He. IS nOw lualnng .e~- plants -C:w.c~o Herald. Icost of pork: WIll be but _hute If other Is sWeet w ..th n3.:mel(';;g gr~ce h a boy sees a CQd.t that fit:, hIm he pe"r'lments trylng to d~:sco\ er au elr .....l[" Cause of DepressIon.. Wa.st-<::matczl41 be used ih feedrn~ theYQ The frolIc wmi be31de her blows, sometimes puts it 00. before ne knows ~hlCh wl11 prolong the \"itality of I Farmers and cattle ralsers haxe sur- 1 A gro\ung pl2' wu! neell no t;r . 4 ~ I T d .As In a '\\--:?~n:;s.eep lIe declares that the dlSCO\Crr which ed supply and demand and ha,e been Plaut turnlp seel. he groun IS In needs nO..l.eeuse.r." . has e,cited ~o much rldwule Oll th>8 Iconstantly defeatod In'the.r e"timd.feo le ....cellent (ondllLOn~ being damp ... na IITo bel' the ""heu Sl,~esare br.ght, Two"s~hool·boys had qnarre]ed anl 'a f h '1 . ~ I tha ~eed should eYel ruinate oUl(",{h :\.5 Therusser. earLoh1.:; f~l,lr-" s...! eo t e _"1..t antlc IS no~ "'}.fal}ure~ J of the probable prIces for hoJ's and I ~ e <:7' l' .. :<- .... - 'And n6\ cr shone a c1care:rlIght, finally had engaged in roo.real ste;:roet' J. q ~ ~ - U\\"'err~ you meant me," replied. the spire confidence. 'heer.. punctud.lly ob3erv~d. b~ the I to w.st~:O su;t::o untll the\~ are n:c~ly ,Eo a gooad deal lUte IllS tr()useJ~S poc~:ets. other. . - , , I -a reeept.cele for al! sorts af odds and .,.. ro pa.'t.es. The contract prOVIde. that I mal'bled; then serve "hllc hot. Anoth- d h' h 'd t' 1 ttl "h hy, ~harlie." said thc teacher, en S, W Ie :u·e revalue \'.-1~1no Ie· W· . h d Id b . I l - The ~aritime exhibition which is each est..'i.oltsh~ent shall do only' aCBr- er W~LYIS to sc~·~~mble t le.IU l~n n.bOl...t 1 pertlnaclty~ but In mOl€" or Ie.;;;::;piC ... s~~:,~en1,aiSirtonif~,mi'te,~oautldsonmotebh~~5e'1~~ J n:'~rrl tam per cent of all of tte bus,nes5 of two .poonfuls 0' dtlppla:J' lelt.n f,'y- d' _ Th au ~Q u - V " _. to open m Boston November .5 and, th ' If 1 0. I' b 'turesque ISO"QCI lOgS pop up m'~e me an"r" I -]'0 '1' not h , . d. I e poc.. any e3!...lO1-, [!)ent pac (S lUg a.CDO. 1noW" au(l then in an odd w&\. Tne tl.U b Jl' ~ '"I U ;J.ve last fO! a periO of )]1n;; wceks, will, more than Its per cent, ;t pays weeKI y API·U. PRlOSl:RYfS do not keep so . , . thought th,,-t he lile,Lut ffi,'-" b • fi t t t' d' th' I . I ., oLher hl"ht thls [Jthe bo\' un1e.took to W - d'" e tne rs 0 1 S }(lO 1n 1<0;Or a.llY I to the pOOl 4:-,-, fa:- e:l~h ho~ In e .....('~::Js I well as some othar ktnds of frmts. but ~~.....~~ "'T\To~".~"''' before" rro:nO" to bed~ .~ ell. out you on,t stcalo ' w~ the other country. The dlspld.) Will 11l- of lts re~ cent. l( an, packcr fatls tIus I, a aclteLOlto prapolratw,l. ::I11.ke iii' r I" h ~ ~ I ready an Sho Wonld Go<:Even. boilers, hois1.ing apparatus, purn~~, amount pei" hOb· Soce of the iorn1ef -\~ugJ.r to e3ch poun 0 p lrc an C(Jl- I I ray the LOlll rr;.; SQ..lI to lC.e-=p I ... steering gear, and in fact e\ erything packing houses ha~e not p&Ck,:d Ii ho:r I ed apple5. aJ.d :J. sl~ced lemon, put 1'1 I ItI shou1d- ' "Tnct!.. my dear: you bd.'e reaUy cor.nected w.th vess0ls and' steam_I for t"o year5, and hayc recel\'ed the thc apples, bOll unul transpalcnt, and, II"re nl' 'got st 1ck' for a moment, li.ild made np your mllld to marry D ships. The good to result from thIS bonu~ fol' edch hog they were e'ltltled place '~ ~ jal', Bo.l to." syrup unLil I seemed to be bTopmg ,,-ro,m.! for the wi~ower~" ., y exhibition it lS supposed '\Ill he the I to pack. The hou;;es wh,ch ha\e ove\'- 'Cl:I thlc,: and pour o\,er them Ijremainder 0: thc line, And thcn, all ,,?ertaml . . . . ,. _ racked ha,e pald to the pool O\er S\LT CELLAI1S AT TlIC "SHORE."- at once, he ste'uued ahead. I . iVld doe, he nevel"talkto yonaboat enthuslasm It Will ~"ak~n amo:g "hl~ I $30:;.000 for the privilege. This C:J." The quai:ty of tabla s:tlt and its tendo' "I! I should chanec to faU be'ow I hiS fi:rst w.fe?' . owners as ~o ~he ,ast lmpr~\emcU.b, c.,unly be done, as the pl>rties control 0nc, to pack tugether may be over- Demosthenes or Cicero, "I shontd ilke hun to try. If he did ,,-nd StlpCFior1(y of Amerlean.bmlt I the price of hogs ~ W0Jl as the sel11ng ('orne by drymg tho salt and nllnglin~ \ I pray the Lord my soul to uke:" II should at once begin to tell him about ships o,er those of ather counkws. price of packed and cured pork. So I "itb It a small p",'.:ent 'ge of ar,y corn -Boat'" 'l'r.1nscz-ipt my third husoa,nd."-:\ladl'id Cllmico. • MAKES HIS OWN COOS. I D18a4Tutage.or";EIi%lr&fLLf.. 1--" r..tthec.'l10.t.·· HIbbard's Rhenmattc and LIT"Cr' 't Xl P,US. If Y H • ---. - .' Dr. Brown-Sequa"d, the eminent 'I It qapp

• P) 1 - h Phi" d 1 h" ~. r 1 . Ki· S· n" ~Y~nQe~'Udo 1n ... ecureo 1(" en.:.\c el SCROFULA ~r Ing ~ a. .~tte,· l;Q t e. " Ill. 0 P Ia Iinto the veins of the most decrepIt oc- j \Vl~, 1= or ~!,!lvan, _ ;, as- COll5tlpdhon, DvspepSla. BIl'ou,uess, and. , , , " Pres~ lIe IS a UlOrougli 1do!ater and too-eml"l'n will make him a youno- man, t .~h~t IS thtt. Hy,cla~~ t "bo It I "" an appetIZer, they "xcel any other pI'''' COUCH or COLiJ, _ ' f u dml:; bows' down to gods' of hIS own 'I a ~ai • Po will s!)ort an~1ay~:md 0,:," e h1?are~; '''"'ba° Il. n~ <1 \ I pnratlon 1 THROAT AFFECTION, .,.-;t f t th· d f th g n~ A _p%"lze-bg tmg. H t compan.y baye _ I " manllaeu.re, \V'1 In soun Q elg-ambolin:.l1thohIlarityof,·ejuven.t- you been in? MalOV(to the mothE'r).1 CoachesftrstranlnEn;:1andllll~. '_ W·ASTI C fFLESH . __ ,3 h b b U tl d c urc -gOlllg e s, as reveren y an Ied ~ollth. Dr, Brown-Sequ.,rJ. hiJn5elf ••l do you hear thlS boy? Do you hea.t: h,m J I' ------.,--- - I 0 , ~'.,~; ~.'i~ d tl th t p' s II" do" 0- L .! - b th· fi h-P" ..A. F"l ..~ ~"'e,, I Or <=11 :lJiMJ __ -1 ,.;;; - - -.. l}lledlclne. In a few hout.:S ..., "..QllU his playm:ltes talkl:!l,5 .:\.boJ..t It. lioys ed. he-earned WIth hIm a slender thr~ad, I, "300 Or more; gods. ~ho d\~ell 1~. and; to feel young and mlschl~VOUs.. ~lle J '\oil! be boy$, ~rot:fknow u ~ I WhICh ~hould serve &. a gwde for the r8- I ~cn'TT'~ rUULS10U ;.~* speak througn the-same::.number Ot ldob 'soon w" ent to skipnina- rope !i'm 'j "lie has no husine-s to w with su~h turn trlp~ Rea~blUg t~:'le~d bOJ-nlSlOdnrnev.:,,~U- oi) I&m I I'C •. . ~ f· I C 0 ..-' <;"to /": J he la\:"«Olvn to rest. H He 8 reste CciDl.... 5~ of ch.ty .. WhiCh f.orm tae c1;J-er 1.1!·nlt~tc L$<..hoolgirl, ana wO!lld ha\""8 '"kept thb J playmates. ~ He never bear3 :rpe spedk- 'I tbe ,iemu5 of m-uusfrJ' "l1JJ. breathed upon. , OF ~ of hI:; house. lIe l~ coustantl~ makmg f exercise up indefinItelY, 1f tho skLp~llng I lng o.f ~,\' such low "nd.:- b}s ~read,a,nd cb..tu~~o ,t .;nto :"0 '~lUm~, PUR E COD LiVER oel!:." the acquaJ-tance 01 new sUller-' - hrbltlons, such brc.t-3.117..l.u.:rspect.acles. ~rwb6us 0..._steel ..r. \,es a ral ..road . o. _ i lOp" haa not kept tang1Jng--!:n hlB lon~ I r would have-' 1:1ns prlze-fio-htlUo- i TbNDg"S"tpeop e ,vb,. led p 5t 111mIn 1,,:;:· WIth Hypophosphttes. natul·at beings .. a'ld as soan as be does! av bear:d lb' d b th t e ~ I unous Qnt ..e ttalD. tb-i3 PAt.ATAS\.E",S MILIt. h d to k~· . 0'''''v I f!.r ... • _ ! USlness :pu~ own y e :5 ro~g a.rm 0_",I m,Ysuc lege~d ....J;.' 1~ "'l<:tlnCentral'1J _ so e. procee s :;; IDd.~..... UP lma ... , L -Pro. Brown-Sequa:rd, who Inl.g...n.-t hav~ I the law, ~w§Pt -off the face-of the earfu.j - L .All1....f()t" seotetl-Xmulslon., ~nd let rn wlu.ch IS supposed to represe::lt the out- I be("o~e a biilio!1:t.u:'e bv keeping tbe tMy lad, if-I e\"'er hear you w.lking about ...... There .Ire :;':076,anlmals In the Zoo!O£1.c-a e::iplana!fO"2L or SQllatatWn induce 1/0t' f( ward and. phySICal hab1.lIments of the I . t th h-mseIf and se'IUna- his med- anytblng of. the kind a"cram l'll"-I'll- !",ardens, Re~nt s P..rk acc I "II ..., th +'.. n' -- b lZ D ists ROW dlVlmty. All of hLS g.):I:.,nr. r Sold y a M.&!Jg-. holl wau.darefromtlUl~t~trme.1l11ed lctnea a 0 ara-_ 0 .' '3) - ~extmorning~hen 1l6went dO\vD- - _~ICTOI',X Y" .. .Feb-:l, 1SS7. SCOTT !\onOWli& C.. ,. V 11 () < ~ -..' . j "3'ampled,..gen~ros'ty_gwen tha SE'cret I stairs his wife !landed him the pJ.per, <1 Mr 0, F_~Woodw..,.i1. De..r :';'1' _ ::>elldj l;(. jJ Dll , jj,1l1I1I:I'o.S, 11._.1, 'WIth. such. food a~ h,,~ thlUk~ tneH to the world ""hM a maguanL'D.ous' saymg' • • , me % gro .. .li.emp',: B..l:"",- ~{Jc Sll:& -~CA-'R~n=-='--R~'=-S l't"it1V8~'i"WI'b sc~i tion;:, and wheneve ... he "'"feels 'Un- lema b m' e. y. u ~~ . L ~l>iIiDp3dI:' excl:umeil tbe deU{).!luc·11 I)est-of..n. Respectfully J'oo',s, f' E. !l> t~,e ~r~o .... . ' p :l. !D.vrh". 'e'lc-t,:,,:c~ln~T",,_of pt~/e-figlihng, -then hy Jlngs r,e 9"""'-. Sold by aU E:rUl;gIsts at 50c and $1. 1 L '\ tn,...,gmDyope;'.,In --"- 'Well h ....pr~Js to ~1}lS IVlm~y~ _all ~ .. J the jUi.ce of the mQture. and. storIng :tt llost $10:1'_ __ I S:unple bottle !t:ee - t _ _ ~ dJgeahon-andToo _ • ways. ~esays, WIth ~ue.fiClal ,res"lts. ! away lot: future..tlse. There soems" 1;9.. • _ --". J '2PtlgrIU1'5l?r()l:(re,,' h~s been !;anslalo', ITTf:.~ ~:~~= He has_ a gad of seWlllg--m2.ehHle3'j b r~ason J,lOW whr;;::e'Very mau I Vr"hs:t Everybo(ly Sa'-~:;J...... Led Into the Cblllese dIalect of .c\mo.\ I B"" ~ n DroWsriieai.:&4 .J.8.S · h' fil' d . bl nk t t" e no .J or I - I I. V i:Z'JIf\ 1n ...... he ~lonth. Co ';hlC lS te \nth a. - Con ra~ ~ '.or shoo Id noi' be his o'vn MeJ:huselab, 'md- IIllU5tbe-. true, ana rue uDlversal verdict;>Zj j?De pouni!-of ~rk wIll'Support a man of I ffla &..!I.$. _ TD,,£u";Po1n1n tho Sul - the pUl'ch~ of machInes 0:.1 tile In-j1- ~ l' deft itel In s-p~te of the tb..os""whu have"used H1bb'l.rJ's Rhe.ltt1atIe Ol.f:.malS \'t'elgbt.1u the watc1. _ I '1'OlI:(:m..r..;J:VER.. ,The~ • II . -- h h Ive on - n • n y ~ ... ~:;O ~ _.... - - ~ 1 I reguhte 'Clo. .Bow~ -stallment pl~n. e clmms tat t eJj.eartreltremonst~auces of his heirs [Syrup 'llcd ~trengtnenlDgplasters""thatl I P'...... ljV_t3bfe. - WOJ:!lhip_Of this lLoi w±U help <1ny, on~ -:;R.ght here a practical difficulty 00-1 there tS no dliiLbt of t~.lr curative qnalI-l, .l'::-lce:::/> G::ents, :0 g"t a sewing-machine, tho.og,,- no ~trndes itself. The earth lS now pretty nes E. Lal?,el~re, agen;, hL C E. ~: 1 ~ _- , GAIlTZP.,lo"3mlenu, CO., NEWYOiUr. .;J.Dst..a.nce.... of- Its successful u<:ze 0.1':'3- - l.AlbIOn ~rlcE...1 saV$ be \'1 as...-c..lreJ O.Lr - - 11P , :l'en._}~e. . ~'-, has o~e- 1.m."&e~ "'h-LCh_- ~eLIiving." I wey parceUed!f theyoutoonhnueamong theto menlive nOWIn''Rheumll.ticSJ.rUpBug-lIt:s 'hse""e';bY the'use of Bibbolr..1's)• ·,\'l>.ertB.Uhenshewas3C!i1Id,shecrtedforCasto=,_..1Jy mCfSIC!r,""!:t'''e her-Castona, 1!~s~m~a~lI~p~·~i1~I.~s~m~a~I1~~se;~;i~s~m~a~~r~lc~'e~.~ ~lls t.£"_,::-Od::f ~reach:I.",.<1~<_s~y; ~Idefio-:;teLywhat WIll their future de-_I Mr •. M. E Jones, Pra!.=ie CL~Y, Towa, I Whenshebe"':"'.~lss.shect.mg"'Castor.a, 1 lias a eOn~Te_.lt\On of n}()-l:'- I" -:stOl':: scenCIants, who wal want tht" earth jLlS. Isa's 'Tor tbree Jears I b,v,. beea.affuet··, WhensbaludC!uldren."""l;.,sethem.Ca;;Ud:I", I ach. -He h3S O:le god \\~hlC.:.:l.he says l~ is much ...s their ancest.ors thJ. do? led v.""!tbluf!.£i.Dlmat..or,j rlleumntLsm and kld-l _ ';: ~ I 1 inhabited by illS own celesU'!c bPll'lt, 1'11e ""rth O per bOUle or SIXfor $, 00 T~~Cm:.;;;:mS L l:a>cr Je 1~5- y- - r .. - I d ~ J- u,_ea y C' '" _ .. nllI:L.~.Ll.TlC.::'1RCPCO ~P:~t 0li- i.hI,;:gOQ1':t:h.lf?'_ '''Ita g.:lD :oO...... l.U It.:: ;ye.ar-oldmen who refuse to glv9 1t'!.lP- I - J.lchsou,1L ...h I • I ]Jl11 t.cul"r mI~Sl(\n b to k~ep e3WS a.I Of Gon.1."5e;th" la ...y~rs' professJ."u L -{ m. I the track arrd p.l<3'Vcnt aCCIdent.., gcncl- I ·w1lllangulsb :the e w1ll he n.o 1'1" Hs Got Th-en' }fO"lCY. r ~ ~ J1h. There IS ,t god of horses. ~heJ I to fight oter, and, cons8'1uently. lIttle <;Gvanhah lCa ) "\""S, August ~O I SU g E :~ CllfiE~ I 'tt~ ---- ~- wlt~~5 and ~~ ..t.__..,g-odof._frJ.I.t, lltb.l -U:I1Onev lu_tlB bUHne3.~ __ ~ L 'r~~~Cl~r.: t~:>~~~f tbo t.\~--l- __ 0 ~ r ~ Li, ~ wI~h .lp1'1es. " god of tlle w<>unlet., -Thee" ,vlU-l)e :t'bsoluteli no snow! d th t Ii h 0 0 "n 0 I DIM[tl:lSH::r-'1'MOTHER _ I' 5 1 c.r" no"ll'=~ ,~t e" "-Q lU.' ••C!lle".~ - 'iJ',ang-e.' f\ TIANTA t'iEN~~YROVA WI! Ik., Im~l.gllJ ttlOn -\. gleat- ID..,i.n).of !l.9 1n the regn..Ud' )&t')!'"d ..Ly 3elY th~t::'l.lCh dol StltU.10P, tbe fumll.\ ...nd lhe hOllic, "~lld"1 BRADF,EL.I1J1~~~I2~~J:£ GA ...r-(-"-" h~-re~!:;;~tI.~1~~!)~ZJ-~~D~ go.d~ aru suppo.,,'!).} t-o c.ont....l.lO the,... 'il;!bt 1!::3'€:l \ I ..~l e In thellfeof.t m-:u~ncr _ ~~~Sl:~~~~S r~hs~s', e:~d f~ll~~A~~nb~~lir,~~~ 1 ~ - - ---~ ~_ .. -- oJ ~<~...:\: a~~ Dpv;;.;illt fer Dia:l'l'l(loilla];ram! in f h f .--J?PUlt::. 0 .b ·,!"1.euu:3,.u\lng,. a"ldd" eau. "-rhe\ 1,l,yed ahout the eraft for fl~llv-- stlen~th 01 the \\lle an4 mother, depend::, I THE A.PI.OiIF'l1~~tl.B~~ I ~~ lrl! n tt~_."_n ...~~cu'~~\.:~=c.ili~~-~~:,~~ 1 ~ .. ,,J. p~bo:I.I·.J. ~Xe.t p.n!!: ~f'p.ert>. "\R: but he b,lS gods ~tlz.o wlHl.;h 1epteSont I·lI~If <:.~Sq ..p~?:. + 1 d h ('T d f:>. L.t; .. b ~ J cons~ruLl:1L.C of perfJIC~In~ Hf(.m~10 ~~OI'-! .- ~ Jqp~ (l ...;> .:md .heJ -II) l.1"ea." 'Ht .. Ieat e "L ~ome of th~m hold ~IlI'J thE''' t 1110,I de" m ,olallgool

PJa:.ca.tethernanrl"J.~ch.1S If 11 d 1 t th \. ~-::. _lcuret.orthemo5tCUIDpl.(atcdandc..i.JsLmute stn"lmL"'of'2:'.)~ '" "-t\J~~ (f.l.lS1>dl'>t~f'- U ya}dl HI e lg ~S man.,l. a..~ Base5jJ! le..lCVl'rhc..t.lllOl.lpsu'5,t\elhb ...c"" &.e5? C llI.::-.!..:l" <11Iy halm tlIey m.lj< mtoad I tweuty of these hLdco lS 10()ln"gn:~r.n:J "felC ;;;'.".1.ness, dDLe\erSlOn ,Nro er COLD in H~L ~el:>.~l.it one tJU1C anti I~~~;c~~a:~ft~~i;;\l~lo:~~l~~~~~~~~1:~~1\.;1~ SN U FFlES ~;;~nY~~D~~doi~~ ClF.::mmer S illo:i.D.la does not seenF to lone was l)hot ~y One Of the c"re" of the dred.a lments Gua"htut-eBd to p e Sdl. "\ l.aCtl~ 1lltl'nfe>.il <1tan WIth hI> '·"'.;ul,u' OCCU- X,,~a, a~d afto. 1,1ohipl; tne wutar 01 I tactIOD, 0' OlOUCjrefuDded All druggh" 011: 1>.""'-Drcg.f~,;;?ili. p&t ...on. though the pUlch~e of food t"1e scund. Into a fO'lfr-..1't S~1.-UK,Jut C~ 1 D}" PIerCeS Pe'lets-L.l~:.!...ns.e anll reS;11 ~ k S1~OO. Sc>]dhylJru-;;!:18tL foe tnem C'Its do'l n somewh.J.t the SUP-I'Wht -S' <1nna'1.Ee" s I uhlle 111e~t<,mach, "".\.e's ..nd system ge~· GAT A R R H '" F&.VER DA~ re l1ll ~lii Chad=_.el.. ••• n~,,,,~,. p'ry of iIis ftillIly. "'He Is allowed to ' ~ ~. - • ~ul!.; ODe.>o",,,, pu,e.y ,egel- Ule 'pa.<>c1eJs.pplledln',,,,,huoOldln the west. ' " 0 I KlDm:~S PAST!Lt~S.):!f\),~'tbk~ slderable e~pre::.£non In the fJ..Cf"sof dozen of tl1esB crca-L1lres: he ----::;:l} S, ..l.nd The \\ alers win pos1.tlvely lure .111klunev ! ~ ~??~?..d@-i2§..;MaZ51 U1..u:lt..o;t", ....-r...~ some of them 3.1lO.In all C~es tbe out- deliberatel} put the questL)U tJ tho te3t. and hverdlseases. d3.,pepsIl, d1.J.l:'etes,l~ I 100 C}-l6;ce Fa.rms in I ward lIneaments are supposed tv he a I Alran,rin=,," on theJloor a circle of e-low- male cmnplamts, s"Ln and blocd d»eas':S'1 £S"'EX COUNTY ONTARIO I nrll~p@,"s "rite J L. ,""""""""",,,, ...... etc .,;:.) - , "' - .... it..i\l~st!Jr~ R-ohleo '''tell rOr~Ile:1.Hej~2:ed ~: with,n He nas __been three yeaN in 12cc>r!)10n w...~ placeclm the ce~ter. AI. pamphlet. applr to F Chandler. G. P . .;..T lie uaroen eun 0 ll.. l" • I ~s""ch'ty ;sr"""", U=papeT .A... ·~\Vabash Line,'l St. J....OU1.S) ~.iJ - --+ ,_ ¥"""U..tr't"vl,..t()o["'enplo.rnellt ""TJto{O to u" "e malting the collect"!.on f.c..nd.!.t is hl~ d.m- t.hough the circle was large 8'1ough tu f Full tlesr-riptlOn of 1mproved and UIHC,- I i 11\3...tL;"" t~ Ib~t ~nln.""re<1011 1,,-ru.~t.. 1n blUO':l to bluld a temple on MountP~ni) prevent the SC'o:"plon beluci lUJurod Qr Nearly ull "he Cheap""" Claret 15 !rl:l.!lU I pro\""edt"d.rmss~nt free to any ad· f ~;.~~n~" '1r;:;~~~;i:?:,m~~th~~n:~~d t..l, l.~ ~ h h il' 'L h Lf faCtu.l"ed!t'oma.rs.·c~rr~tSl. I d.r('s$ ForClrCUtarCCncerulu..z l _ ~ _ as a ]Ji""rm..-tllent orne for 1~ eltleS,. en an incommode.:! by UN:' eat It r.....~ I the ::.county and It.c; re- LO~1l UII..It ~~b~Y~~r~nl~~1~iL whe"e VIeS can be 'vorsbipeil aud eon- malned.in t~emllImal. tin<1- Grand Har.est ExcnrSlOns sources, apply to \ iT'" il lF~lI~'.rh.n3. L.b,no,. QU,.. sult"J by everybody. lIe pretends rag itself '1Ul'l'Ounded bJ' nre, beg"u to \Vii! run vIa the "',,~ash !ino to poin~ in i !..B:lGHTOI'J &. OUELLETTE. • __ d Kansas Nebraska., Ok ..:aboma, D_kota., I Props Essex Co Land Office U ~ am E STtJDY nnok:..lOOPtr.g'.I'"enmnn~!llj) .. that lIe h~ revelatlons every ay from ilook abo~:;:~"

but when:!le IS there he i.eglad to snow I oer, it l"etlred 10 theet:>.nte:." of-the rIng 1frn.I! ::rlIll<...ted with sore eyoes U'3e ~. 1~ $11::,,'.00,.oft d~~'o-T..:n~,"'o,n,~..e I ~ _ a l .":;0.°& ' ~,d e'·pla. In them to an"pone OlGa. eil- I o:>nd.delIberate ., plunZlIl.Z i:t5 stln~ In- . "':"lJompson'~El: ,v~tp,. :9ru2:tpsts Eft It ~ \u .u£'" ~ ..... 'D .. I

n ... .J ;;.0. ~ - I - ...... ~nt& pT"e-Cerrcd ,.,bQ C'Q.ll rl.rnu~lJ a. boor".. a.nd I: \e W i\ U D _ TII-:19 dea\'ol"':3 to iUl'ores:; everS"One WIth hlS I to lts ba.C"k. put.Ul end. to its hfc in 3. It IS e"tlmriied tha.t 400)000,000 l:1cteot's thclr..-hoQtlrne'totbe'lo'a"lnt.'C.S SflfUentomem~uul.) •• ...... ). -: . • ) f:lll to the earth annudlly be- JlT"ol'"t....b'7 unrlQ.'\t'd "%«0 .. fe'\\ "rn(,a.t\; ...l~...ln h>t\"n-. ~ _ peCUllar beliers, havJng no doubt that I !e\v convuhlV'c lUO\Cmen.3 The l:'e-, ;~~~t~~~~~jP;~~'.t~~!;;~:~'b;;its~:/~~~:,Yhcn wrIting t.o AtIv-crthaen plc~~e sa.y an the world will sooner or later see mlu:ung 11\'"("WCi e trIed stlcce::;sl",;ely In Any artIcle that bas Quthved 24 years c! pt:nd..",,-. !.cr~r- mind ,z,b;u: ~auimq ~&a1l1pfor ,"OUSQ."W'tho ndvc::,~emf,l:n.ln this .Pa~ .. 1 a- h" d. 1 d ""h 1 competitIOn, and iDlll..oJ.tlOO.and sells",more ·~111, 11 r J d:: Co the neceSSIty of consu tln.:;> 15 go s. the same W,l..)'.an Mcn WlI" a. 11.:Lere- .and lDC..'e each ~e:12squnre yard ~f s~me Persian: ~ ~i a,erprco .oa Wt t: aI • • I' k 0 " ,,,,rpCts there a"e 3OO,OO~"tItahes ...... ,,'\) E lJf a \\hieh.:l strmg lB attached. so be C'ln ~lJc.,t e'er nown. n all averaoe I , .-ISH SR.'" vur lllanfl. '\ droop the plank whlle hldiQfT bcbind ..l. "~""lC were c):)'ld to be a.bout. seven I AmeTk:o.::I~n~t.- Ttm;oUJ'sPim ..."h" CIl\C'~~' I Nv":!e ~12lDQ 'Dtll~ Don.twn~1eYl)nrmOneVOlltl.1rUmo1'rntobel"(,"~t. Th(:nsur-7...A''''D~Lt~K1:• ..0 A" t .. n ~enlifnrrl~olCrl'Ptl'\"e{,!lt.:l.l(>(nlt'_ to A. 1 TO\\Flt •.n ~lIll"nonq St. Ho<:ton 'l~ t· 100 Eun-hsh spurco',' at one fen I :lmated, oDuld have C03t I.,ss th:m ",",300 I Rev. H. P. Cai"'oon,Scotland, Dnk., says 1_ _ _ Utes.... ~ ,.... ~ t,.. "" , '\t ~-Two bottles of H'lll'g Catarrh Cute com-l------" , swoop. 1~Ii..;hlgan pays 3. bounty on uplCCO - ma.n). e I,;our::ie co lug plct61y cured my lILtIe pr) ..H f::Jold b~' DruS'. J 0 S E P H H LJotUNT E R ,..~O~7Er~oli:~PES~&'" dead sparrows. seve,....l t'mes th.:lt. !rists, 75c. • n° _ ...... !.hout<01'1•

.Zj-~'''--e TdICHNER &; co. are Showing 'a Large Line of Ladies an..d :1vI.Cisses CLO.A.XS "'- .- -; 'r- ::r? -; -- Comprising all the latest- _styles, I &lAny ladywishirig !opurcnase aith.. .-,; <'- , '0 ..I,. ~ __ in. make-and material-and at I er a Plush or CIOffi Cloak can • "r - . l " ;~ ~ fr- -- Lmake >' ~I her - selection now and by- ~:r_ f I - t~- 'I ~ lh~! cannot be bettered any~,hera fBaving if -small deqosit the gar- - -= - """-... in this state. t ment will be ~uLasi~eand kilpt till ! such tirna as \vantaG:- I ,- - - I Take advantage of t}1is ar .. as we - 1 - rangament and select IYO?T '.winter wrap from a .' guarantee our priGes~ I tUl1 ~~cofnplete aSsoItment

~~ l;q=C\:~- >o<-;J (-. ~~ '''~~~'' II!

:: =~~ a -"I ~ ~ !- i ! I -! , I i~ t ~ I ! I i ,1 , .. I ,r I .. I / I I' I ! ! ,f g j II i I I i I I -I f- J i , I I I I t i i I ( f ! -\ I I I ! , [ ~

j ITha~ ~-~7~E_ ""('! L Lm 1 ?ur Photogr2.pilic \' 0;-1: IS "\,0 J- I Ih,pt inot 011) pp to Ci.!rold sC_'JJcarcl ie-....(I : of e'.cellt:nc\. bL~ ,;unc,· or 1G on.;''- - ] <..c IJ:'llsh to 2.ll ;,)~r:1cr\'.o"rl.;:.- 1,Vc Iare 110\:' prepared ta ;:'1,"~ I 1 • 1 .r ~YOllr ,vorK In one 1.~ee..... J.fOiil I time of sItting. W 1t1: e:>..c~1Iellt I r'" , ' I"o;-k, ,aIr Cte~;:~6 a:l::1 ~romp~- = !nes{.", ocr trace lS grO\\T!fl ..; ea..::~ I\\eel.., "\\"e extc'1d yOU .111 a f cOTchal1n\ i~2.tio:1 ~o ~\-i:;i: Ol:l· 1 -. -._ IstLC 0 2.nc. ,rsrcc~ C,,:-52.:;o;,'C';

1 ~-:~~~"'f>C:-~.J~ ...- ::::;;;;.t"::l I S".!. ~;:;j.,-..,(_~.~4"""4::::'"_ ..... _ ~~ ... I ""...- ~ I ~ l}-'icr;ed~~::::~~~~~;~d:''t~i :~-':":::)\N~:::-)~ & CC-. 11...... ~ ~ ,~ ....r .,F"rost(..:!.Bohe:Il1ll.n., G¢nnan ?O mg b _"l~e'"t ....c:-l~. P'''-:r.cctccmfo~ e.e;::-wt f":.- 1 1 1:\ Glass P1:l.te.. French '\h ..-ro· P1at~ ~. ~ ...1

....Hlh.flJ. ... 'j"'-"~ 1.1.41 r ' , ..... t"or "llo!ln(j~.1 • I i ...,)' .. ·-:.J"i.n:-,o_l p..llT' l , • /J~~:ER""<.SONrJ DVERTISI Net ~ ~ T' ;:"1'.-' ....aloo 'SOit"tq" '-l rt'1 .i')~JrlJ ce~..!OS.{}" ~ IlJ GENTS , ... -l.·n: ...,: 1~a:LSI,),,>(n ::; ! , : ~ .;'Jtn :u a.AI"H:lS~4Qq~ ill!~~ gtlf~~ PHflADElPHlA. I i , /:;'(!:1r2b-- '~':E~16iJ}( i ~ ,,, tb- (; ...... ,. ~ ...1"lfl I'r;CI"'U'J CtLl'''':Q.... "'r> l' .....Cl'l~...L .... url'l"l l'ClotoVlt- {h._tah 11)(;(; 1 B~t1 I (>r (".

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