=-_. VOL. XXi. NORTH~ILLE~ M~~H~, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBEFC)27, 1889. E i ,j, ~'fe'r" -;:P .':1'1- t ...- 'IZf)T f'1~<:"nn~ ". I' ..... ,33 y III '\ , i c ," "THE IfA'R'-TYR O'F"PR~O'D"iG>A'L lflAm -I' ~t?.lweflii!n:ot,)'tli~&lO~eJ:s_i>.ld'i>f~~lI': (]Mf.9od, 'a§ I'g6fiig ii'razyi"~GraduallY! ~ng bacK.'to"'~ day he-became. ~!l-t'-/-S~PERt:.!CI""L-~URVEY. - ~ • .11 LUi. diiY.afternoon, as he sto<>d.""-1'efuHs:p!opped l~rom the c~ao~,c m~ of,lns thoug~ts ~<l. ,SOl0us. .The~Cripple. ~odded agam>:and Paner oo'ttles it is claiDl~d, ara bette .... -., • -'--- " UP al:ainat a bo,~lder. contelllplatllu~ mth: nopes came a fuilreahzatlon of the probleUl placed his fillger -onhis .'ps. A.-smlle lit ull • _. I..doJiJt wish ter _be unaej"stood a.s- tar EX~....J,V1d~-open, dr~rniijg eyes a pool of tobacco, beibre ~m. \\'itJ.La.lovin~, almostcatessing I_tIle _sutfeI'er'smoLlth. '~\\ e are rlC~ th.en; than g~~ .. pressmg any opm'Cn fer pnbhcatlon as tor IU'ce a few fe"t In frout of h,Ol. "\\ hat's a I glance, he ~azed about hUll-on the ragged. I tha;nk G<><l. Cripple g,ye IDa YQur hand I Boston 15 worth $3O,lJOJ,O();) mo,e than sh.,. who is right and Who 15 wrong 111, th,s _er few thousand more nor less" he went on seams ()fthe /l1llch oeneath, 1llJed w,th its again. ,"hen I d,e. bury me here 011 top of was last yea!:. _.". ":~! aut I kln- affirm Wltz.out faarQf_c.ontra- WIth a ill."\.gllificent wave of his badly SOIled I vaId -sonOroU3-mUSIC-eD, lhe freshlY bom IT...lttle Mountain where I can look down in· The exllfren~ of a diamond trust IS de- dictlOn~ that It dln'~no sl.Xtv-da~,nor noone·_ hand. ·'when. th.it 'ere placer IS reekln~ jl foliage, dr09pln~ uuder l_tsburdens of mOIst- f to the valley of tne Sacrdmento and talk. riea In Kew York.. year Job, Salle!", '£he speaker paWloo for w,th austl" Viheyeupon, wltn.a SIgh aud ure-·ol1 theliUle caVIn far below.lus~ vis,· 1-\mh~A.n-n l-e.'; He pau.se<ifrom '-heer I Brookiyn bas a womanblacksmlth lUld a- the nfole-mentlorH~d ",,-ontradIC1l0n" ~I I a parting 5al~O of JUIce sqUi.l:ted.Wtth math-l b1ein the last smmerIug rays of the nun- I exhaustlon. The dootor- gave him a female undertaker _ _ ... mrght add 'WIthout fe..u- ot .contn1.flictton/: I ematie"11aCcUl~Y Into t.he plaCId depths of up at sno,v-crowD.e-d se:c:ated !-alds of the' strengtbeIllng cordl2.L ~·\Vnte A-n n-l.e Of New Yor~'s 1 300OO~IlJ.b'lblta::lts 1- he,-continued; thll~}f. Alie .Lmcoln trus~ Ithe pool, he pkked up his pkk, """'t a Nevada's, and tb.eli ,he lOOKed.abov.....mm : Cripple, aU.d.tell}ler Idled Wlth her n~m e 100,000 !lve in tenlfIn':.n~. ' sI....h men as Grant, Sherman and Butler, b~nevolent-glance on theirnconsciolls object fa:::-the great moss covere2- bowlder, under -on my l..1'5 ~l\ihere are-the-boys't"_ The _ M h~e:r has not .et entered the manu- and _oV'erlooks F~emont~ and ~ old con:- cf~ h18 remarks and resumed the motlon~ whose shade he bad spent so~any hours I Colonel, JUIl \Vh!.'te, the Couut, and a tmm- _:J.c f Y b. 1 11 I ..S'. raues of tbe-i\f.ellLan '''nr, he kin prepar'3 w.h1ch oU"'-of pollt:eness were deno!lli:na:ted comJ;nuaurg wi'th his loved Ones. lils e:lJ! ber (If the neW"mIners stood by ins Side. ta<.:t'ure 0 Fren.c cay P P2 ..,):> to~iTY.thlS.figh~ on t..I!.tll Dabrlel blO\VS work ".,..""" - - s~bt the !anullar~ spot., but"foolnd no-I c·Good-b..h-boye;youhav~beenkmd to me I \V. S HuntlDgdo~ sa.~s iat::.0~d.s will. -" ~hrs !lorn." ... -~ Tbe Prodifr'al MIne was tlbout..p13..:red out. bo,,:wlder~ He looked farther uj). - It w~sl Don)tr forget th<t P-r O-d-i-g'"-a,;;tn A ~mu.e soon make 10,)mtles per hour _ After ~e <lehvery _ of tlJig _we~hty .not work'l'! _~ut,tor lt Was st~ll nch In pos- gone. lht wher~1. He took a .stiip. He p'M~ Overllis lace; the first rays of tbe! H:lmiltoll (Oil';.) bakers we.rfrnned $5 ~Olt' ~rophes,s·.,the ColonaI reached:COr ~ match, slblhties Th.e pre'<l..entpropr ..etor ha.d.faken nause:l. A gaplDK chasm "'\?as a~ hIs feet. I mornmg sun shown asIan; ov"e.!the barlen selling bredd under legal welgh~ 1lghtqd It aDd h.te...wcllc..olorea.me_orschaum. It up two veat'S before~ They '<bad ne.ver He aropped -on. his knees, regardless ot· tIle tops: o..f L:ttle 3'lol.lotain, and bathed tae face I ChIcagO !idS been hcenc;ed to hOid a... a'OO.sc,nt f~rth a- <.-loudof smok.e "tnat wrap- II'MC:- out of It 1\Qytbtug but Chinamen's 1 p"lols of water that had t'OUecte..J.In the -ns- ~of the-dymg man 111a rich waElll eolo~ For I world 'S fair~ The capiWl is $.\000,000 ped..the H'\""eo~upa.nts of t~ rou~h .!:.oard t 'Wages,'" BS the Colonel oft-en slleerlngly""r~- Bures of the rocks Far be:ow he cotlJd dis l,an Ill5tant, ~t see~oo to- br.LUga new ie;l5e I-Syracuse :&"lss Tador's - uriion does not 'shalltv ln semJ"'b~curlty _h,s!5.akes, ns m:>rkefr. Theywouldh"ve abanwJned th~ I tmgmsbavastmass.ofaebns .. H~real.lzed I of hIe-then the struggle was ov:~'" _!115 i allow.onebosstol'mploy over forty hands. n:, affirmed, expected no 'i"!1?attad~~011. mUla long befo1'"0but sacllfi.clng tbelr prlde. "".hat had hapvened. The bowlder 5tO~ ,..gentle spu'Jt had spanned the m~unta.:ns, I A man nar.ned Cool hits 3 <:otdied at Glens ~one was IH"ofI~red The Cnpple pre- 'N:.elr last cl.a..lm" two tulles down the run. but a few rods back,. and above the canyon desser ts~d vaJlev~ and v:as baC4 amOD::;'" I Fall" N Y: at the a"e ofu 94 years. The ceeded tudro\\'sJ~ pla~~ the greasyeuehr<l !had been sold fQI'a &on~ to a c",npany of in whose bed they had been vamly washm" I the ",,,en nills of h1s home..."bacll: WIt" I " I" k CO I I _ doc..k~!l t!H) L~ttotU of. .an empe.y-- ~["a'CKer '"teliderreet,"an1.greatistot~elrastonish- lorgold.. The savpiag actwn of ..."Vnte~·~ Ann.€ .. _ _: I WO~ldrarey _ ee~s 00 goO'0:1:- , bJ.l"l-eLfor a ·:;:,ohtalre' Sam \VhIt3~ the I mp.:nthadpauned ontoI" So the proprI- nuus.and'ts own gfuatwelO"htha'dloosened t A month latera. letter was leCB1\""edma I St. Paul 18 p ...rsecutln ... th_ Sllvat ..on only m"n -m (.mJp WM went by h:s true , et~rs of the Plodi;;al had stuck, Oltt of the <7=eJ1y slopa. C~uslllg;; Iandshde, com" I Ilt!le verMont hamlet, <bearJu!"ftn.e :rost- . Army. 081. P"ul usad:to ao t~.s tegularly na!l1e, -contln..red to_wInd Wlt~ ti;re mrer I--v'shcer:cussedness. v Iutwo.) ears they had. Iple.tely obhteratmg aU-traces of their.. -fee-I mar~ of an outla=td154 Callforula IDlDJ.n~ d.. few.centurles ago, but .:: '"\\:~ suppo~ed I talmn from anuvldbr~-,m., :- ...str"~~ned s..h(}v~~ gOlle through all: the -et:'ochs gf a. mlD~:r's ble efforts ill the nver ~low Unbld~Bn., a I town.. '\..~th treIllbltng -fingers 15 l\a'S""I that nlS ameooment:vas l~tIno" han.He 1Oh? Cottnt llnCi.he Pr.:>d'Z.<l, We :j'Iy days tbey h~d beonmllhonalres~ grQlll\-Callleto hisl!J!s, llndthe.word "bus:t- opened-b'\'a'grayll",red old man. It ran I A MInnesota Inukman was gored to, iO:L"\\-~clY cls~ImI.1n.:;reasoU3, ....vera l!.tr.e'tcn- hcpe.fUl.,.;.had..scen the bottom of theJ.rpoclL cd.n He felLfiat upon",his -bod-v, ins head as follows-. ~~ deata by a. bull on ~unday last :No ~an =oedat fu1l1ength on OPj:0Slte?unks, llrO$um;- ets.aud. i~bottom of -the po-rk-barrel; na:1 nanglng o\er tbe preci'p'~' All hour passe,l.!_ ~ROD1GAL" C-'L., A{Jrll12. lSQ3 unaccus.~med ~ deailllg w.th catt.e ~as ~blx-hst.enlng:"tO the -,"olonel 5 men.dc:..c'o1lS~lost:he~t ~aDd had put 10 a farwell blast Thc rro.n beat-down on hIm unnotrced.. It 1wht.......JolIS Pt:ARCE.- ~ - any busmeS!;trymg to Iila:nagethopl. r't ism f the "'a' th", WaT was" I - ' - - _ n".u< Em",,"]) '---¥our son dfedApr.l the I .." 'I -c I Ie ~ 0 _ j: el.Dg I mOl.~han a dOLentLDes~ FOt:':"t.helast two helped "to stIlt the- heIghtened. beatlng q"f '*-tenth. \ye; buriea.-tiuu-bere a'3 he w~hed 1 LadV G~lness IS to Ila\""e a eCi! -ace con- ~o'lductcd.
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