CONCATENATIVE SOUND SYNTHESIS: THE EARLY YEARS Diemo Schwarz Ircam – Centre Pompidou 1, place Igor-Stravinsky, 75003 Paris, France
[email protected] ABSTRACT Concatenative sound synthesis (CSS) methods use a large database of source sounds, segmented into units, Concatenative sound synthesis is a promising method and a unit selection algorithm that finds the sequence of of musical sound synthesis with a steady stream of work units that match best the sound or phrase to be synthe- and publications for over five years now. This article of- sised, called the target. The selection is performed ac- fers a comparative survey and taxonomy of the many dif- cording to the descriptors of the units, which are charac- ferent approaches to concatenative synthesis throughout teristics extracted from the source sounds, or higher level the history of electronic music, starting in the 1950s, even descriptors attributed to them. The selected units can then if they weren't known as such at their time, up to the recent be transformed to fully match the target specification, and surge of contemporary methods. Concatenative sound are concatenated. However, if the database is sufficiently synthesis methods use a large database of source sounds, large, the probability is high that a matching unit will be segmented into units, and a unit selection algorithm that found, so the need to apply transformations, which always finds the units that match best the sound or musical phrase degrade sound quality, is reduced. The units can be non- to be synthesised, called the target. The selection is per- uniform (heterogeneous), i.e.