University of Wollongong Research Online Faculty of Social Sciences - Papers Faculty of Social Sciences 2019 Optimal experiences in exercise: A qualitative investigation of flow and clutch states Christian F. Swann Southern Cross University,
[email protected] Patricia C. Jackman University of Lincoln,
[email protected] Matthew chS weickle University of Wollongong,
[email protected] Stewart A. Vella University of Wollongong,
[email protected] Publication Details Swann, C., Jackman, P. C., Schweickle, M. J. & Vella, S. A. (2019). Optimal experiences in exercise: A qualitative investigation of flow and clutch states. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 40 87-98. Research Online is the open access institutional repository for the University of Wollongong. For further information contact the UOW Library:
[email protected] Optimal experiences in exercise: A qualitative investigation of flow and clutch states Abstract Objectives: Understanding how to promote rewarding exercise experiences is important for attempts to help individuals be physically active. This qualitative study aimed to investigate the optimal psychological states experienced during rewarding exercise activities. Specifically, participants were interviewed as soon as possible after recent, rewarding exercise experiences in order to maximise detail and accuracy of recall. Design: Event-focused qualitative study. Method: A sample of 18 individuals (Mage= 32.94 years) participated in event-focused, semi-structured interviews soon after a rewarding exercise experience (M = 2 days later). Data were analysed thematically, while strategies were employed to enhance trustworthiness. Results: Participants reported two distinct optimal experiences during rewarding exercise activities, matching descriptions of flow and clutch states. Flow occurred in contexts involving exploration, novelty/variation, and flexible outcomes, while the experience was described as enjoyable at the time, and involved lower perceived effort.