
Achievements and Limitations of the OSCE’s Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine — Andreas Umland

UI Reports on Human Rights and Security in Eastern Europe No. 3


This report is published by the Stockholm Centre for Eastern European Studies at The Swedish Institute of International Affairs

The Stockholm Centre for Eastern European Studies at the Swedish Institute of International Affairs is an independent Centre, funded by the Swedish Government, established in 2021. The Centre conducts policy relevant analysis on Russia and Eastern Europe and serves as a platform and meeting place for national and international discussions and exchanges on Russia and Eastern Europe.

Andreas Umland Research Fellow at the Stockholm Centre for Eastern European Studies (SCEEUS) at UI.

This is the third publication in a series of UI Reports focusing on human rights and security in Eastern Europe.

© 2021 The Swedish Institute of International Affairs Language editing: Andrew Mash Photo: AP/TT Nyhetsbyrån

Executive Summary

Since the end of the Cold War, international organizations have struggled to fulfil the high hopes placed in them as backbones of a new rules-based world order, in particular the vision of an inclusive and peaceful European security order based on the Helsinki Final Act and the Paris Charter. The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) to Ukraine has become a critical instrument of multilateral attempts to observe, manage and eventually resolve the Russian-Ukrainian conflict in the eastern Donbas since 2014. This report briefly illustrates how this conflict has posed an especially complicated challenge to consensus-based intergovernmental institutions such as the OSCE, which have become increasingly characterized by internal normative divergences. Russian obstruction and the inability of the OSCE to properly define and label the confrontation an armed interstate conflict between two of its participating states have resulted in serious limitations on what a mission such as the SMM can achieve. Despite the limits placed on it by Moscow’s constraints and the lack of sufficient resources, the SMM has contributed significantly to de-escalation in the Donbas. Among other things, the SMM has preserved a notable presence on the spot, improved its reporting on the situation in the conflict zone and employed increasingly sophisticated monitoring methodologies and technologies. Nonetheless, the report recommends a number of further improvements to increase the SMM’s effectiveness, and thereby facilitate an eventual solution to the conflict.

© 2020 The Swedish Institute of International Affairs

Introduction The Mandate and Role of the SMM in the Minsk Negotiations Since 2014, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) has been Established even before the outbreak of the playing a central role in attempts to resolve first armed confrontations in the Donbas in of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict in the mid-April 2014, the OSCE SMM is the only Donets’ Basin (Donbas), above all by virtue international monitoring group permanently of its especially large and sophisticated deployed not only to the conflict area, but Special Monitoring Mission (SMM). The throughout Ukraine. The Mission has had OSCE is also the crucial mediator at the only limited ground access to critical areas negotiation table of the Trilateral Contact of the de facto occupied, non-government- Group (TCG), which until recently had been controlled territories (see below) and has meeting in Minsk. The OSCE Chairperson-in- occasionally also been constrained in its Office sends, and provides the mandate for, access to certain installations in the a Special Representative to the TCG, which government-controlled areas.2 Nonetheless, comprises Russia, Ukraine and the OSCE. it is by far the most important international

actor on the ground, and acquired this In collaboration with the Normandy Four position early on. The first monitors were Format (which is not dealt with in detail deployed less than 24 hours after a here), the OSCE sets the dominant consensual decision by all the OSCE institutional context, among other things participating states to establish the SMM on through its Permanent Council, for 21 March 2014.3 multilateral attempts to resolve the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. Certain According to the Mission’s original and, as of relatively new technologies in the context of May 2021, still valid mandate, its aim is “to such a mission, such as unmanned aerial contribute ... to reducing tensions and vehicles (UAVs), satellites and long-range fostering peace, stability and security; and cameras, have been used on an unusually to monitoring and supporting the large scale in Ukraine, making the SMM the implementation of all OSCE principles and world’s leading operation of its type. Against commitments”.4 The SMM has an annual this backdrop, inferences drawn from the budget of over €100 million, which in OSCE Ukrainian case have wider implications for terms is a significant amount. The entire civilian missions by international OSCE Unified Budget, which excludes the organizations elsewhere.1 SMM, in 2019, for instance, was €138,204,100. Nonetheless, the SMM is still

1 Hylke Dijkstra, Petar Petrov and Ewa Mahr, “Learning https://dt.ua/SOCIUM/osin-pikuzi-inshiy-svit- to Deploy Civilian Capabilities: How the United 259076_.html (accessed 1 October 2019). Nations, Organization for Security and Co-operation in 3 Johan Engvall, “OSCE and Military-Confidence Europe and European Union Have Changed Their Crisis Building in Conflicts: Lessons from Georgia and Management Institutions,” Cooperation and Conflict, Ukraine,” FOI Report, no. 4750 (2019), p. 40. vol. 54, no. 4 (2019), pp. 524-543. 4 “Permanent Council Decision No. 1117,” OSCE, 21 2 Alexander Hug, "Pikuzy: koly zblyzhennia tilky March 2014, https://www.osce.org/pc/116747 viddaliaie," Dzerkalo Tyzhnia, 3 November 2017, (accessed 4 April 2020).

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a comparatively cheap operation in patrolling along the contact line to comparison with many United Nations asphalted streets. Since the start of armed peacekeeping operations. The SMM has in hostilities, the dilemma for the SMM’s recent years had approximately 1,300 staff management team has been to try to strike members, among whom more than 700 are a balance between maximum access and monitors who not only observe forward-leaning operations, on the one developments on the spot, but also work to hand, and full security for its monitors on reduce tensions within the ongoing conflict.5 the ground, on the other. Russia obviously wants a constrained and tame Mission that The nature and shape of the SMM differs operates and reports in a way that fits – or from previous and other currently operating at least does not undermine – its “civil war” OSCE missions. A former member of the narrative on the Donbas conflict.8 SMM, Hilde Haug has, among other things, highlighted that “it was the first time that The SMM is thus only partly comparable to the OSCE deployed a civilian field mission of some former operations in the Western this scope that would come to work in a Balkans, such as the OSCE Kosovo high-risk environment in an active conflict Verification Mission or the OSCE Task Force stage”.6 By early 2020, for instance, more for Kosovo. Together with the OSCE Project than 260 civilians had been killed by Coordinator in Ukraine and the OSCE landmines along the so-called contact line. Observer Mission at the Russian Federation In 2017, the SMM medic Joseph Stone was checkpoints Gukovo and Donetsk,9 the SMM killed while on patrol “when an SMM in Ukraine constitutes an especially heavy armored vehicle was struck by an explosion, presence of the OSCE in an active conflict most likely caused by an anti-tank mine in a location. It is, moreover, monitoring a non-government-controlled area near currently low-intensity and delegated, but Pryshyb in the Luhansk region”.7 still frightening, interstate war between Europe’s territorially two largest states.10 After this incident, the SMM began to further limit its already constrained

5 “Factsheet: What is the OSCE?” OSCE, 19 September 7 “OSCE SMM Chief Monitor Çevik pays tribute to 2019, https://www.osce.org/whatistheosce/factsheet SMM medic who died in the cause of peace,” OSCE, 23 (accessed 4 April 2020). April 2020, https://www.osce.org/special-monitoring- 6 Hilde Katrine Haug, “The Minsk Agreements and the mission-to-ukraine/450589 (accessed 2 May 2021). OSCE Special Monitoring Mission: Providing Effective 8 Jakob Hauter, ed., Civil War? Interstate War? Hybrid Monitoring for the Ceasefire Regime,” Security and War? Dimensions and Interpretations of the Donbas Human Rights, vol. 27, nos. 3-4 (2016), pp. 342-357, Conflict in 2014-2020 (: ibidem-Verlag, 2021). here p. 343. Also quoted in: André Härtel, Anton 9 Donetsk is a Russian town on the border with Pisarenko and Andreas Umland, “The OSCE’s Special Ukraine and should not be confused with the Monitoring Mission to Ukraine: The SMM’s Work in Ukrainian Donbas city of the same name, which is the the Donbas and Its Ukrainian Critique in 2014–2019,” capital of Donets’ka oblast’. The OSCE monitors are, in Security and Human Rights, vol. 32 (2021), Russia’s Donetsk, observing Russian-Ukrainian border forthcoming. This article is partly reproduced here and traffic at one checkpoint (and in Gukovo at another lists most of the previously published analytical as well one). as some first academic papers on the SMM, in its 10 Jakob Hauter, “Delegated Interstate War: footnotes. Introducing an Addition to Armed Conflict

© 2021 The Swedish Institute of International Affairs 5

Russia, moreover, has the world’s largest moderator/coordinator of the TCG Working arsenal of nuclear warheads while Ukraine Group on Security Issues. no longer has any nuclear weapons. Ukraine had for a short period in the early 1990s The TCG meetings are conducted in the been the world’s third largest nuclear- semi-official presence of representatives of weapon state. Under pressure from both what are termed “certain areas of the Washington and Moscow, gave up its Donets’k Oblast’” (CADO) and “certain areas entire atomic arsenal in exchange for of the Luhans’k Oblast” (CALO), or, as the explicit security assurances provided at a Moscow-controlled pseudo-states label Conference on Security and Cooperation in themselves and are known in Russia, the Europe summit in in December “Donetsk People’s Republic” and the 1994 (when the CSCE was renamed into “Lugansk People’s Republic” (DNR/LNR). OSCE). These assurances were provided by the three depositary states of the 1968 The negotiations are based on Minsk-1 (the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Minsk Protocol) and Minsk-2 (the “Package Weapons (Non-Proliferation Treaty, NPT) – of Measures”), two agreements signed by the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom Ukraine’s representative, former President and United States – as well as, in separate Leonid Kuchma; Russia’s representative, statements, by the two other official then Ambassador to Ukraine Mikhail nuclear-weapon states under the NPT, China Zurabov; and Ambassador Heidi Tagliavini of and France.11 Finally, it is sometimes Switzerland on 5 September 2014 and 12 forgotten that Ukraine is home to Europe’s February 2015, respectively. However, the largest nuclear power plant, in the south- Minsk-2 Package of Measures was de facto eastern Zaporishshs’ka oblast’, negotiated by the presidents of Ukraine, approximately 250 km from the current Russia and France, as well as by Germany’s combat zone. Federal Chancellor within what became known as the Normandy Format. The Mission is part and parcel of the OSCE’s role as an intermediary between Kyiv and Although the Normandy Four meetings were Moscow in what in Ukraine is often called independent and had no formal mandate to the Minsk process—a phrase that is actually task the OSCE, the documents emanating reserved in internal OSCE parlance for from them – somewhat paradoxically – another negotiation format concerning mention the OSCE prominently. The second Nagorno-Karabakh. The Donbas-related and fourth points of the Minsk Protocol Minsk format began in the early autumn of assign the OSCE the task of monitoring the 2014 and brings together Ukraine, Russia ceasefire and the Russian-Ukrainian and the OSCE in the above-mentioned TCG. border.12 Minsk-2 mentions the OSCE in its The SMM Chief Monitor is also the second, third and tenth points, in

Typologies,” Journal of Strategic Security, vol. 12, no. 4 Schmies, ed., NATO’s Enlargement and Russia: A (2019), pp. 90-103. Strategic Challenge in the Past and Future (Stuttgart: 11 Mariana Budjeryn and Andreas Umland, “Damage ibidem-Verlag, 2021), pp. 177-189. Control: The Breach of the Budapest Memorandum 12 “Protokol po itogam Trekhstoronnei kontaktnoi and the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Regime,” in: Oxana gruppy otnositel’no sovmestnykh shagov,

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connection with the issues of monitoring the SMM was accompanied by an withdrawal of heavy weapons from, a “Interpretative Statement” by Moscow that ceasefire in and the demilitarization of the violated some of the basic principles of the conflict zone.13 The arcane terminology that Organization—the territorial integrity and has evolved for diplomatic communications the political sovereignty of participating on the conflict, as well as the legally states: ambivalent status of the Minsk accords and In joining the consensus regarding the Normandy Four in relation to the OSCE, can draft decision of the Permanent Council be seen as illustrations that for the Kremlin, on the deployment of an OSCE Special these negotiations, their peculiar format Monitoring Mission to Ukraine, the and documents – including their definitions Russian Federation proceeds from the of the parties to the Donbas conflict – are assumption that the geographical area part and parcel of Russia’s hybrid aggression of deployment and activities of the against Ukraine.14 mission in question is strictly limited by the parameters of the mandate as

adopted today, which reflects the

political and legal realities existing since Challenges to and Discussions of 21 March 2014 as a result of the fact the SMM’s Mandate that the Republic of and Sevastopol have become an integral part of the Russian Federation.15 The nature, competencies and reach of the In response, Ukraine, the United States and OSCE SMM to Ukraine have been at the Canada published their own official centre of a seven-year long contestation. Interpretive Statements, remarking that The monitoring mandate – unchanged since Crimea is Ukrainian territory and that the 2014 – formally covers the entire territory of SMM should therefore have access to the Ukraine. However, since Russia no longer peninsula.16 The European Union (EU) issued considers the Crimea peninsula to be no such additional note, a notable European Ukrainian territory, Moscow made it clear failure that was apparently due to a lack of from the start of the Mission that the SMM agreement on the issue among the EU will not be given access to Crimea. The member states. OSCE’s original decision to establish the

napravlennykh na implementatsiiu Mirnogo plana _Agreements (accessed 21 May 2021); Mark Galeotti, Prezidenta Ukrainy P. Poroshenko i initsiativ “The Minsk Accords: Should Britain Declare Them Prezidenta Rossii V. Putina,” OSCE, 5 September 2014, Dead?” Britain’s World, 24 May 2021, https://www.osce.org/files/f/documents/a/a/123258. www.geostrategy.org.uk/britains-world/the-minsk- pdf (accessed 5 October 2020). accords-should-britain-declare-them-dead/ (accessed 13 “Kompleks mer po vypolneniiu Minskikh 21 May 2021). soglashenii,” OSCE, 12 February 2015, 15 Organization for Security and Co-operation in https://www.osce.org/ru/cio/140221 (accessed 5 Europe Permanent Council, “Decision No. 1117: October 2019). Deployment of an OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to 14 Andreas Umland, “Why the EU Should Decouple Ukraine,” OSCE, 21 March 2014, Sanctions Against Russia from the Minsk Agreements,” https://www.osce.org/files/f/documents/d/6/116747. Harvard International Review, 15 July 2016, pdf (accessed 15 May 2021). www.academia.edu/27014352/Why_the_EU_Should_ 16 Ibid. Decouple_Sanctions_Against_Russia_from_the_Minsk

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The Mission therefore has a significant restrictions were recorded at presence, with hubs and forward patrol checkpoints of the armed formations bases, only on Ukraine’s mainland (in the along official crossing routes on the Donbas there were 578 monitors in the contact line, preventing the SMM from crossing it during patrolling. The spring of 2021) and to a lesser extent in Kyiv, Mission was also prevented from where it has a head office, and the cities of moving between non-government- Chernivtsi, Dnipro, Ivano-Frankivs’k, Kharkiv, controlled areas of Donets’k and Kherson, L’viv, and Odesa (187 monitors as Luhans’k regions almost entirely. The of the spring of 2021). In this connection, SMM's monitoring of border areas the SMM has been occasionally also asked beyond government control continued to observe situations unrelated to the to be systematically limited due to Russian-Ukrainian conflict. In late 2020, for restrictions to the Mission's access both instance, Hungary publicly demanded the in the areas and on the routes leading involvement of the SMM in the monitoring towards them. As a consequence, the Mission's observations in such border of a tense situation in some settlements of areas could again not be fully the Hungarian minority in western Ukraine’s categorized as comprehensive and 17 Transcarpathian region. With its strident independent monitoring. […] SMM rhetoric and largely unfounded accusations unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) against Kyiv, Budapest has been implicitly continued to be subjected to GPS signal supporting the official Russian narrative that interference and gunfire, which limited ethnic tensions within Ukraine and the the SMM's monitoring and put Mission nationalist policies of Kyiv have led to an members and technological assets at allegedly “civil” war in the Donbas. risk. Despite repeated requests by the Mission and the raising of the issue by the OSCE Chairperson-in-Office and the The major problem of the SMM, however, is SMM Chief Monitor at the OSCE that, in spite of its mandate and clear task to Permanent Council (PC), these monitor the entire Donbas conflict zone, the restrictions were not eased and SMM still has incomplete access to large problems remained throughout the parts of the CADO/CALO. In an April 2021 entire reporting period. Failure to report, the OSCE complained about the remove mines, unexploded ordnance limitations on the movement of the SMM: (UXO) and other explosive objects, and the laying of new ones, also continued Almost all restrictions (93 per cent) to restrict the Mission's freedom of occurred in non-government-controlled movement. Furthermore, the SMM also areas [i.e. the occupied and de facto continued to face impediments in Moscow-ruled territories of Ukraine’s establishing and reporting facts eastern Donets’ Basin]. Half of the following specific incidents and reports

17 Stephanie Liechtenstein, “‘Outrageous and meeting/ (accessed 27 May 2021); “Statement by the Unacceptable’: Hungarian Foreign Minister on the Delegation of Ukraine in Response to the Current Situation in the Transcarpathian Region,” Security and Issue Raised by the Delegation of Hungary,” OSCE, 29 Human Rights Monitor, 4 December 2020, December 2020, www.shrmonitor.org/outrageous-and-unacceptable- www.osce.org/files/f/documents/6/f/476461.pdf hungarian-foreign-minister-complains-about- (accessed 27 May 2021). situation-in-ukrainian-region-at-osce-ministerial-

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of incidents in non-government- armed missions to a participating state, let controlled areas.18 alone one still facing an active conflict.21 A The SMM remains a purely civilian mission 2016 suggestion by then President of that monitors the conflict but cannot Ukraine that the SMM intervene, at least, not on the spot, as this should be armed was resolutely rejected by would require a peacekeeping or -enforcing all the other relevant actors, among other mandate. The SMM plays a dialogue things because that would expose the, thus facilitation role on the ground, while far, unarmed civilian monitors to new 22 initiating and supporting, for instance, threats. localized ceasefires to allow the repair of critical civilian infrastructure, humanitarian In addition, further continuing limitations on operations and demining.19 This modus the Mission’s current and future mandate operandi has been preserved even though are linked to funding issues. The SMM’s Western analysts were already arguing in budget is not part of the OSCE Unified 23 2016 that – particularly during periods of Budget, but linked to and defined by its 24 conflict escalation – the SMM’s purely “civil specific mandate in the Donbas. mandate is not adequate for such a tense and violent situation”.20 At various stages of the conflict, alongside discussions of a fundamental transformation Such ideas, however, not only encounter of the SMM’s mandate, peace operations by resistance from Russia and its allies among other organizations – notably the UN – have 25 the OSCE states, but also come up against also been discussed (see below). An EU the fundamental challenge that the OSCE police force for Ukraine was also suggested, has no experience of the deployment of even though neither of the parties to the Donbas conflict is a member of the EU.26 The

18 Thematic Report: Restrictions to the SMM’s 23 “Permanent Council Decision No. 1326,” OSCE, 11 Freedom of Movement and Other Impediments to the April 2019, https://www.osce.org/permanent- Fulfilment of Its Mandate, July-December 2020 (Kyiv: council/417164 (accessed 5 October 2019). OSCE SMM, 2021), pp. i-ii. 24 “Permanent Council Decision No. 1323,” OSCE, 29 19 Serhiy Tolstov, “Diial’nist’ mizhnarodnyh March 2019, https://www.osce.org/permanent- organizatsiy v Ukraini: zahal’ni tendentsii ta orientyry,” council/415988 (accessed 5 October 2019). Viche, no. 4 (2015), pp. 11-15. 25 The earliest such suggestions were: Andrej Novak, 20 Kostanyan Hrant and Stefan Meister, “Ukraine, “What’s Peace in the Donbas Worth to Us? Why the Russia and the EU: Breaking the Deadlock in the Minsk International Community Should Propose a UN Process”, CEPS Working Document, no. 423 (2016), p. Protectorate,” Osteuropa-Plattform der Grünen, 4 3, https://biblio.ugent.be/publication/8514008 December 2014, (accessed 1 October 2019). grueneosteuropaplattform.wordpress.com/2014/12/0 21 The only case where the OSCE has mandated an 4/whats-peace-in-the-donbas-worth-to-us-by-andrej- armed mission regards Nagorno-Karabakh in a future novak/ (accessed 1 October 2019); Volodymyr situation to oversee a peace deal. Yet, this operation Kravchenko, “‘Blakytni kasky’ u donets’komu stepu,” has never happened and may never happen as the Dzerkalo tyzhnia, 20 February 2015, OSCE Minsk Group was sidelined by Russia and Turkey https://dt.ua/internal/blakitni-kaski-u-doneckomu- in autumn 2020. stepu-_.html (accessed 1 October 2019). 22 Kateryna Bosko, “Die Debatte um eine bewaffnete 26 On the first such proposal: Steven Blockmans and OSZE-Mission in der Ostukraine,” Ukraine-Analysen, Daniel Gros, “The Case for EU Police Mission Ukraine,” no. 171 (2016), pp. 19-20. CEPS, 14 May 2014, https://www.ceps.eu/ceps- publications/case-eu-police-mission-ukraine/ (accessed 1 October 2019). See also later: Oleksiy

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supposition behind most of these proposals the SMM in place. The SMM functions as a was, and still is, that a supplementary kind of thermometer of the conflict. If it mission (or several combined missions) were forced out of the CADO/CALO or would complement the current purely became more restricted in its operation, this civilian efforts of the SMM through would constitute early warning of coming additional – above all military – means. violence. However, these debates, so far, remain hypothetical. Western countries have not The SMM daily reports provide a yet been ready to send troops to Ukraine considerable amount of data that, with each while Russia opposes this within the UN passing year, becomes more conclusive. The Security Council. At one point a proposal constantly growing number of observations was circulated, by Russia, for a very small allows for synchronic and diachronic UN operation in Ukraine, but this was not a comparison, statistical analysis and historic sufficiently robust armed mission that could interpretation. For example, the SMM have changed the status quo in the occupied recorded 312,554 ceasefire violations in territories, and was thus rejected by Ukraine 2018, a number that was almost 25% lower as well as the West.27 than it was in 2017 but largely similar to the number of such violations recorded in 2016.28 Successes and Hindrances of the Despite the relatively impressive scale of the SMM’s Activities SMM, it is too small and, as indicated above, too restricted in its mobility to adequately Perhaps the most important cover the more than 17,000 square accomplishment of the SMM so far is its kilometres of the conflict zone.29 The SMM longevity on the spot. The mere physical monitoring and reporting methodology also presence – “to see and be seen” – of has limitations. For instance, the international observers since the very early observations follow certain patrolling days of the conflict has raised the threshold algorithms that are perhaps partly known to for further armed conflict. It has most the combatants rather than the dynamics of probably prevented escalations and the ceasefire violations. One shot – even if atrocities that might have happened without fired during an exercise rather than a

Melnyk and Andreas Umland, “Beyond the Minsk 28 “Trends and observations from the Special Agreements: Why and How a Combined UN/EU Monitoring Mission to Ukraine,” OSCE, Peacekeeping Mission Could Disentangle the Donbas https://www.osce.org/special-monitoring-mission-to- Conundrum,” European Council on Foreign Relations, ukraine/417620 (accessed 2 October 2019) as quoted 30 March 2016, in: Härtel, Pisarenko and Umland, “The OSCE’s Special www.ecfr.eu/article/commentary_beyond_the_minsk Monitoring Mission to Ukraine.” _agreements (accessed 5 October 2019). 29 Azad Safarov, "Novyi plan shchodo Donbasu: OON 27 Andreas Umland, “UN Peacekeeping in Donbas? The ta OBSE vidpovidaiut' za bezpeku, ES – za vidbudovu," Stakes of the Russia-Ukraine Conflict,” European Deutsche Welle, 29 January 2019, Council on Foreign Relations, 8 June 2018. https://www.dw.com/uk/новий-план-щодо- ecfr.eu/article/commentary_un_peacekeeping_in_do донбасу-оон-та-обсє-відповідають-за-безпеку-єс- nbas_the_stakes_of_the_russia_ukraine_confl/ за-відбудову/a-47276080 (accessed 1 October 2019). (accessed 5 October 2019).

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skirmish – may be counted as a violation in to be affected by the ongoing failure of the same way as far more serious hostile those in control in non-government- artillery fire would be. If several monitors controlled areas to offer the necessary and/or sensors hear or see the same bullet security assurances to open forward patrol bases (FPBs) in settlements in the or warhead, each observation could be vicinity of border areas outside of counted as a separate incident and thus government control.30 reported as allegedly constituting several ceasefire violations. In short, to rely solely Another fundamental oddity of the Mission on the SMM’s reporting for a depiction of is that Russian citizens, as citizens of an reality can be misleading. OSCE participating state, are part of the staff on a permanent basis, in spite of the fact That said, the effectiveness of the SMM’s that the Kremlin was the original instigator observation activity over the years has of and continues to drive the conflict.31 greatly improved as a result of increasingly Some of the Russian monitors are suspected sophisticated monitoring methodology and of espionage.32 technology. A 2021 report by the SMM on developments in the second half of 2020 The OSCE Observer Mission at the Russian notes that: Checkpoints Gukovo and Donetsk (but not Donets’k) is separate from the main OSCE The SMM continued to operate 27 mission and represents yet another peculiar cameras – deployed to 23 locations – 19 in government-controlled areas, four in facet of the overall monitoring efforts by the 33 non-government-controlled areas and OSCE in the Donbas. In contrast to these four between government- and non- two small border locations, the Russia-led government-controlled areas. The lower separatists deny permanent direct access to number of SMM cameras in non- other parts of the Russian-Ukrainian border, government-controlled areas is a where their irregular forces control the consequence of the refusal of those in Ukrainian side. The area of the OSCE Mission control of these areas to offer the at the two Russian checkpoints covers just necessary support and assistance for 40 metres, of a 409-km border that is the installation of cameras. […] The currently not under the control of Ukraine SMM’s ability to monitor the areas near the international border continued also (i.e. the section between the separatist so- called people’s republics and Russia).34 The

30 Thematic Report, pp. 12 & 9. 33 Olena Snihyr, “Rosiys’kyy ekspansionizm u Moldovi, 31 “More Russians among OSCE observers in Donbas. Hruzii ta Ukraini: paraleli ta vidminnosti,” Dzerkalo Manipulations detected in reports,” InformNapalm, 9 Tyzhnia, 19 May 2018, January 2020, informnapalm.org/en/more-russians- https://dt.ua/international/rosiyskiy-ekspansionizm-u- among-osce-observers-in-donbas/ (accessed 9 January moldovi-gruziyi-ta-ukrayini-paraleli-y-vidminnosti- 2020). 278236_.html (accessed 1 October 2019). 32 Allison Quinn, “Russian OSCE monitor in Ukraine 34 Yevheniia Filipenko, “Statement in response to fired after drunkenly saying he was a Moscow spy,” Ambassador Gyorgy Varga, Chief Observer of the OSCE The Telegraph, 30 October 2015, Observer Mission at two Russian checkpoints on the https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europ Russian-Ukrainian border,” Ministry of Foreign Affairs e/russia/11965191/Russian-OSCE-monitor-in-Ukraine- of Ukraine, 15 February 2018, fired-after-drunkenly-saying-he-was-a-Moscow- mfa.gov.ua/en/news/62982-statement-in-response- spy.html (accessed 1 October 2019). to-ambassador-gyorgy-vargachief-observer-of-the-

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SMM ’s official mandate “task[s] observers, increase in SMM staff and resources to operating under the principles of enable the SMM to provide continuous on- impartiality and transparency, with the-ground monitoring of this 409-km monitoring and reporting on the situation at section of border.36 the checkpoints of Donetsk and Gukovo, as well as on the movements across the One recurring problem of the SMM’s border”.35 The monitors on the spot, movements in the non-government- however, are not even allowed to move controlled area in earlier periods was that around freely on the territory of the very the monitors were threatened or attacked checkpoints they are supposed to observe. while conducting their patrols.37 In some The partly irrelevant reports from this cases, OSCE monitors were arrested and separate and circumscribed second OSCE held by pro-Russian warlords. Sometimes, mission in the war zone are used by the their cars were fired at.38 Parked vehicles Kremlin to support Russia’s claims of non- and monitoring equipment were involvement in the conflict. deliberately destroyed.39 In recent years, OSCE SMM long-range cameras have The main function of this separate border frequently been destroyed, turned off or mission is to provide Moscow with a fig leaf prevented from being installed by Russia-led argument that the Russian-Ukrainian state separatists.40 UAVs have been jammed and border is being monitored. The OSCE shot at. Mission at Gukovo and Donetsk is designed to distract rather than to inform the public, All this in spite of the fact all the signatories and to conceal rather than to document to the Minsk Protocol agreed to “ensure what is going on between the CADO/CALO, permanent monitoring on the Ukrainian- on one side, and Russia, on the other. What Russian state border and verification by the is really needed is comprehensive OSCE, together with the creation of a safety monitoring of the entire perimeter currently zone in the border regions of Ukraine and not controlled by Ukraine’s government. This would, however, demand a significant

osce-observer-missionat-two-russian-checkpoints-on- _monitoring_mission_patrol_comes_under_fire_in_d the-russian-ukrainian-border (accessed 25 May 2021). onbas (accessed 1 October 2019). 35 “Permanent Council Decision No. 1130,” OSCE, 25 39 Viktor Kotyhorenko, “Chy mozhlyve zhyttia poza July 2014, www.osce.org/pc/121826 (accessed 1 Mins’kom?” Dzerkalo tyzhnia, 24 June 2016, October 2019). https://dt.ua/internal/chi-mozhlive-zhittya-poza- 36 Tetiana Sylina, “Mins’ka khalabuda,” Dzerkalo minskom-_.html (accessed 1 October 2019). tyzhnia, 28 August 2015, 40 “Neshchodavno vstanovlenu na skhodi Ukrainy https://dt.ua/internal/minska-halabuda-_.html kameru SMM OBSE znyshcheno vohnem zi strilets’koi (accessed 1 October 2019). zbroi,” OSCE, 10 August 2017, 37 Ihor Ievtushenko, “The role and place of https://www.osce.org/uk/special-monitoring-mission- international organizations in the settlement of armed to-ukraine/335281 (accessed 5 October 2019); conflicts in the southeast of Ukraine (legal aspects),” “Boiovyky ‘DNR’ vidkliuchyly kamery OBSE v raiyoni Problems of Legality, no. 131 (2015), pp. 124-132. Donets’koho aeroportu,” Ukrinform, 23 May 2016, 38 “OSCE Special Monitoring Mission patrol comes https://www.ukrinform.ua/rubric-ato/2021679- under fire in Donbas,” Censor.net, 10 June 2019, bojoviki-dnr-vidklucili-kameri-obse-v-rajoni- https://censor.net.ua/en/news/3131451/osce_special doneckogo-aeroportu.html (accessed 1 October 2019).

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the Russian Federation”.41 In April 2021, As the Ukraine expert, Olena Snyhir, among OSCE Secretary General Helga Schmid others, has pointed out: “[t]he OSCE has the declared: “I am deeply concerned by recent legal instrument to remove the aggressor incidents affecting the SMM, notably heavy state from its conflict resolution activities – interference with its technical assets and a ‘consensus minus one’ principle that was persistent freedom of movement adopted at the Prague OSCE Council of restrictions. The SMM’s safe and secure Ministers in 1992 and employed only once access throughout Ukraine is more in relation to former Yugoslavia”.44 Thus far, important than ever in the current however, the OSCE has not been willing or circumstances of heightened tensions in the able to use this mechanism with regard to region”.42 Russia’s deliberate circumscription of the SMM’s overall role, concrete mandate, size The OSCE is an intergovernmental and operation. organization that makes its decisions by consensus, which means that the Sword of Damocles of a veto by Russia and its allies Policy Recommendations on the always looms large. This constrains and even shapes the political agenda, daily behaviour SMM and Conflict Management and external communications of the Organization and its sub-units. Such defects In spite of Russian resistance, Western become especially dysfunctional when it is policymakers and diplomats should attempt necessary, as in the case of Russia’s role in to improve the scope and efficiency of the Transnistria, South Ossetia or the Donbas, to SMM’s framework and operation in the clearly and officially identify a party to a following ways: “hybrid” conflict that is a member of the OSCE.43 Not only Moscow-controlled and 1. Organizational set-up: The SMM equipped paramilitary units, but also should be given as much autonomy, Russia’s regular army have been active in freedom and leeway as possible the CADO/CALO and large amounts of within the OSCE with regard to its weapons have crossed the Russian- internal conduct, operation on the Ukrainian border, but none of this has ever spot, public performance and official been explicitly pointed out in the SMM’s reporting. At the same time, the reporting. SMM’s separate budget should be integrated into the OSCE’s general budget to secure its connection to

41 “Protokol,” point 4. Donbass-Konflikts,” Politische Vierteljahresschrift, vol. 42 As quoted in: “OSCE Chairperson-in-Office Linde and 57, no. 4 (2016), pp. 586-613. Secretary General Schmid discussed recent 44 Olena Snihyr, “OBSE v Ukraini: rol’ Rosii, SMM ta developments in and around Ukraine,” OSCE, 18 April pytannia myrotvorchoho kontyngentu,” Ukrains’ka 2021, www.osce.org/chairmanship/483818 (accessed pryzma, 4 October 2016, http://prismua.org/osce- on 5 May 2021). ukraine-role-russia-smm-peacekeepers/ (accessed 1 43 Ulrich Schneckener, “Hybrider Krieg in Zeiten der October 2019), as quoted in: Härtel, Pisarenko and Geopolitik? Zur Deutung und Charakterisierung des Umland, “The OSCE’s Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine.”

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the Organization and continued inventory (i.e. Russian-supplied operation for as long as necessary. weapons). In view of the recent The SMM should cooperate more build-up of the Russian military closely and ideally be unified with presence in the Black Sea, the SMM the OSCE’s separate mission at may want to increase its presence in Gukovo and Donetsk. Because of the mainland southern Ukraine, especially high demands of the especially by the Azov Sea and SMM, staff recruited to it should be Isthmus of Perekop. At the same required to have previous time, the SMM should be shielded operational experience in other from engaging in non-core activities, missions. Some SMM staff should such as monitoring the situation of have relevant civilian and not only the Hungarian minority in western military or police experience in Ukraine. The OSCE member states order to improve social patrolling and the EU should continue to and comprehensive reporting by the provide sufficient funding for the entire Mission. Inept staff members SMM to operate. The Mission’s should be swiftly replaced without budget should be further increased politicization by the sending in order to: (a) enlarge the number participating state. The gender of monitors and other staff; (b) balance could be improved among improve the SMM’s current senior managers and in certain technical equipment, including UAVs other personnel categories. This and cameras; and (c) obtain new would, among other things, enhance equipment such as artillery sensors diversity and facilitate more and radar systems. The SMM’s effective social patrolling. monitors should, to the extent possible, investigate and report 2. Modalities of observation: Western military fatalities in addition to politicians and diplomats should put civilian casualties. At the same time, pressure on Russia to allow the the Mission’s monitors should more SMM full, permanent, unhindered fully engage in observation and and round-the-clock freedom of description of important movement and access to all parts of humanitarian issues, especially in the conflict zone, especially on the the non-government controlled Russian-Ukrainian border and ideally areas, linked not least to the grave to Crimea. More emphasis should human rights violations in the two be put on reporting and highlighting pseudo-republics’ notorious the presence of military equipment detention systems and torture on Ukraine’s territory that is not in prisons.45 the Ukrainian armed forces’

45 Stanislav Aseyev and Andreas Umland, “‘Isolation’: isolation-torture-prison/ (accessed 2 May 2021); Halya Donetsk’s Torture Prison,” Harvard International Coynash, “Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Review, 4 December 2020, hir.harvard.edu/donetsks- Parts of Ukraine’s Donbas since 2014,” UI Reports on

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3. Content and style of reporting: internal weekly reports should be Reporting from the SMM should be: made public immediately while a (a) more reflective of the monitors’ biweekly or monthly working paper recorded observations on the spot series could publish scholarly and (for example, the absence of narrowly focused analyses of certain unequivocal evidence for certain SMM-recorded events and violations is often not evidence of developments by qualified internal an absence of such violations); (b) or external experts. A future special clearer and more transparent in reporting system for mainland terms of the political meaning of southern Ukraine, in case of an reported facts; and (c) more escalation there, should perhaps analytical and interpretative in its already be being contemplated. The presentation. The filtering, redacting Mission’s direct interaction with and coding of the information that governmental institutions, flows from the monitors into the interested media outlets, specialized published reports should be think tanks, relevant NGOs and reduced to a technical minimum. other international bodies, and The political censorship and self- individual academic researchers censorship linked to the consensus- should be intensified in order to based nature of organizations such improve the verification, circulation as the OSCE need as far as possible and interpretation of the vast to be avoided. As much as possible amount of information collected by (in the light of various security and the SMM. privacy considerations) of the large amount of raw oral, verbal, 4. Accompanying measures: numerical, visual and audial data Discussion of a fundamental collected by the SMM – especially reformatting of the current Mission, the imagery from UAVs and such as an arming or a substantive satellites – should be made openly extension, should be conducted accessible to the public sooner cautiously so as not to endanger the rather than later. The current daily continuing existence of the SMM as reporting format may not be an OSCE operation for as long as the necessary during times of low- conflict exists. A qualitative intensity conflict, when upgrading of the current approximately three – analytical international engagement in the rather than merely factual – reports Donbas could be sought through per week from the SMM may be other organizations and sufficient. The SMM’s current

Human Rights and Security in Eastern Europe, no. 1 Areas of the Donbas,” UI Reports on Human Rights (2021), https://www.ui.se/globalassets/butiken/ui- and Security in Eastern Europe, no. 2 (2021), report/ui-report-no.-1-2021.pdf (accessed 2 May www.ui.se/globalassets/ui.se-eng/publications/ui- 2021); Stanislav Aseyev and Andreas Umland, publications/2021/ui-report-no-2-2021.pdf (accessed “Prisoners as Political Commodities in the Occupied 2 May 2021).

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institutions.46 This would concern, publication projects based on SMM above all, additional autonomous reports. OSCE institutions explicitly mandated to cooperate with the 5. Towards a conflict solution: Ukraine SMM, such as the Office for and its Western partners should Democratic Institutions and Human continue to raise the issue of a large Rights (ODIHR) Representative on classical UN-mandated, combined Freedom of the Media (RFoM) and armed and civilian peacekeeping High Commissioner on National mission to the Donbas. The task of Minorities (HCNM). These structures such an operation, in close could become more involved in the cooperation with the Ukrainian monitoring and reporting of state, the SMM, the ODIHR, ReoM, violations of OSCE commitments in the HCNM and the CoE, would be to the non-government-controlled ensure Russian troop withdrawal areas while also cooperating more and Ukraine’s full control over its closely with the SMM, the United international border, as well as the Nations, the Council of Europe (CoE) necessary conditions for the and other actors in the international eventual holding of legitimate community. The EU could, within its parliamentary elections (within now fully functioning Association single-mandate districts), and Agreement with Ukraine, return to regional as well as local elections in the spring of 2014 idea of an EU the currently non-government- police mission to eastern Ukraine, controlled areas.47 Western although such an operation would governments should already today probably only get access to be developing contingency plans for government-controlled areas. the deployment and funding of a Within the EU’s Eastern Partnership full-scale and sufficiently armed UN programme, or other Ukraine- mission as well as a temporary related multilateral initiatives, a international civilian administration range of conflict-related initiatives in eastern Ukraine, in the highly might be possible to support the unlikely event that Russia agrees in activities of the OSCE in Ukraine the Security Council to such a through, for instance, research and solution to the Donbas conflict.48

46 Whether an attempt to fully re-establish the Joint 47 Michael Georg Link, “Die Wahlbeobachter müssen Control and Coordination Commission, which auf die Krim,” Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 19 May 2015, consisted of Russian and Ukrainian military officers www.nzz.ch/meinung/debatte/standards-nicht-zum- and existed between 2015 and 2017, would make halben-preis-1.18544519?reduced=true (accessed 20 sense is, in view of of its ambiguous record as a May 2021). bilateral organ and defunct initiative, contested. 48 Carl Bildt, “Is Peace in Donbass Possible?” European Walter Kemp, “Moving from War to Peace in Ukraine: Council on Foreign Relations, 12 October 2017, The Role of a Joint Military Commission,” Security and www.ecfr.eu/article/commentary_is_peace_in_donba Human Rights Monitor, 29 April 2020, s_possible (accessed 1 October 2019); Andreas www.shrmonitor.org/moving-from-war-to-peace-the- Umland, “Re-Imagining and Solving the Donbas role-of-a-joint-military-commission/ (accessed 2 May Conflict: A Four-Stage Plan for Western and Ukrainian 2021). Actors,” Foreign Policy Association, 29 August 2018,

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foreignpolicyblogs.com/2018/08/29/re-imagining- western-and-ukrainian-actors/ (accessed 1 October and-solving-the-donbas-conflict-a-four-stage-plan-for- 2019).

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This report relies on, among other things, a number of informal conversations with previous or current SMM and other OSCE officers whose kind but anonymous assistance is gratefully acknowledged. It also heavily draws on a 2020 research paper focused on the Ukrainian critique of the SMM, co-written by Umland with Dr. André Härtel (Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy, Hamburg) as well as Anton Pisarenko (Institute for Euro-Atlantic Cooperation, Kyiv). That longer article “The OSCE’s Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine” is forthcoming in the journal Security and Human Rights (Brill/Nijhoff) in 2021, and was produced, in 2019-2021, within the project “Collective Action of Non-State Armed Groups in the Ukrainian Conflict: A Comparison of Pro-Russian and Ukrainian Non-state Armed Groups”49 funded by the Volkswagen Foundation in Germany.

49 Dimensions: Collective Action of Non-state Armed groups in the Ukrainian Conflict (a Comparison of Pro- Russian and Ukrainian Non-state Armed Groups). Available at: app.dimensions.ai/details/grant/grant.4974241 (accessed 8 June 2021).

© 2020 The Swedish Institute of International Affairs

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