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The Arup Journal THE ARUP JOURNAL 1/1994 Front cover: Heat recovery boilers at Corby Power Station. (Photo: Peter Mackinven) THEARUP Back cover: Glass wall at Liverpool John Moores University Learning JOURNAL Resources Centre. (Photo: Peter Mackinven) Vol .29 No.1 Editor: 1/1994 David J. Brown Published by Art Editor: Ove Arup Partnership Desmond Wyeth FCSD 13 Fitzroy Street, London Deputy Editor: W1P6BQ Helene Murphy 3 Professionalism... ? This article looks at some past definitions of 'professions' and John Martin 'professionalism'. and discusses what the latter means for an independent engineering consultant today, in the contexts of duty to the public, relationships with clients. and the intrinsic quality of the firm 's work. 4 Planning high speed · Arup Economics and Planning were commissioned to provide an railways in France independent evaluation of alternative options for the development of Mark Bostock high speed train services from Valence to Marseilles and Montpellier Hugh Collis in the South of France. including options proposed by objectors to the proposals. 6 Liverpool John This new university library. as well as housing nearly 200 OOO Moores University volumes, provides state-of-the-art accommodation for its Leaming Resources technology-based learning systems. and a physical focal point for Centre the LJMU campus. Ove Arup & Partners undertook the structural Steve Burrows and building services design. Paul Kay 10 Corby and Ove Arup & Partners led the 'civils' design team for these two new, Peterborough privately-owned, combined cycle gas turbine power stations - Power Stations among the first of th is energy-efficient type in Britain. Arups' Paul Geeson responsibilities embraced structural, civil, geotechnical, Gary Marshall environmental , and building services engineering. 16 Kaiser Permanente Health maintenance organizations are at the forefront of the rapidly Medical Campus, changing US healthcare industry. This new medical campus required Fresno, Callfomla a flexible design for fast-track completion and future expansion to Alisdair McGregor meet the Fresno community's growing needs. Ove Arup & Partners Peter Lassetter California are building engineers for the multi-phased project which has been under construction on a greenfield site since 1991 . 20 Evolution of the Powered lifts have been evolving for a century, but some fundamental panorama lift features of their design and operation have remained the same for Roger Howkins decades. This article looks at these, and predicts profound changes as lift design continues to develop during the next 25 years. 22 Studying spider webs: Current research into the properties of spider silk and web structure A new approach indicates that both may lead to advances in computer-based to structures structural design of 'intelligent' buildings. Structural 'hierarchies' akin Lorraine Lin to web structure are discussed, as well as lightweight biomaterials. 2 Definitions laity'. and I have a feeling that Shaw Professionalism is a dreadful word, Professionalism .. .? himself meant it. but I cannot find a better. The trouble So the word is unhelpful; the image is that not only is it clumsy but it John Martin* was spoiled some time ago. But the conveys no clear meaning ; perhaps it values it stands for matter never did. Yet it represents something enormously. Sir Robert Kilpatrick, that I believe to be important; the recommended to their clients, or from The essence of the one is that its only President of the General Medical principles it stands for were part of receiving commissions. The fees criterion is the financial return which it Council, wrote this recently: 'It is the reason I, and doubtless many which the more eminent among them otters to its shareholders. The largely a matter of trust - when the others, chose the job I did as a charge for their professional services essence of the other, is that, though public go and see a professional, professional civil engineer. may often be excessive. But they men enter it for the sake of livelihood, they go on the basis that they trust may charge for professional services the measures of their success is the Some argue that 'professionalism' is that individual to give them a high­ not the thing that matters; com­ and for nothing else.' ·service which they perform, not the gains which they amass. They may, quality opinion about what should be petence is the issue, they say. But 'The conception implied in the words done.' competence generally means having "unprofessional conduct• is. there­ as in the case of a successful doctor, the ability to do something well, and fore, the exact opposite of the theory grow rich; but the meaning of their Trust makes no allusion to the nature of and practice which assume that the profession, both for themselves and Consider first this matter of the per­ what is done - its value, or its service of the public is best secured for the public, is not that they make formance of duties or the giving of purpose or the motive for doing it. by the unrestricted pursuit on the part money but that they make health, or advice which can be relied upon, of rival traders of their pecuniary self­ safety, or knowledge, or good govern­ because it is not influenced by See what the lexico~raphers make of ment or good law. They depend on it the word! Longman starts off well interest, within such limits as the law pecuniary gain. Compare the con­ allows. It is significant that at the time for their income, but they do not tractor and the consulting engineer. enough: 'professionalism; (1) the consider that any conduct which especially high and consistent con­ when the professional classes had They both have a worthy calling but deified free competition as the arbiter increases their income is on that there is a fundamental difference. In a duct, aims or qualities that charac­ account right. And while a boot­ terise a profession or professional of commerce and industry, they did contract you define what you want not dream of applying it to the manufacturer who retires with half a fully and you simply buy it. You may person', but look at the example they million is counted to have achieved give - 'The professionalism of most occupations in which they themselves even bargain for it. If afterwards you were primarily interested, but main­ success, whether the boots which he think you have been cheated, you can school orchestras'! I know school made were of leather or brown paper, orchestras have come on a bit since tained, and indeed, elaborated, sue someone for not providing exactly machinery through which a profes­ a civil servant who did the same what you specified. The relationship is my day, but it seems to me that Long­ would, very properly, be prosecuted.' man is scoffing. Then go on to look at sional conscience might find ex­ at least potentially adversarial from the meaning of 'profession': '(1) The pression. The rules themselves may There are two essential ingredients beginning to end, even if you manage act of taking the vows of religious sometimes appear to the layman here, in addition to competence. One to remain good friends throughout. community' and so on until eventually arbitrary and ill-conceived. But their is the notion that professional advice Trust is not a necessary ingredient. object is clear. It is to impose on the should not be influenced by '(4a) a calling requiring specialist Once the need is a bit more complex, profession itself the obligation of pecuniary gain, and the other is the knowledge after long and intensive however. some skilled advice is maintaining the quality of the service, preparation {4b) a principal calling, notion of duty to the 'public'. I believe needed. The 'buyer' may have the and to prevent its common purpose both are vital and both are at risk. vocation or employment'. They follow advisor available 'in-house' or he may that by this example: 'men who make being frustrated through the undue It's curious. To 'do a job professionally' not. Whoever he is, the advisor is in a it their profession to hunt the influence of the motive of pecuniary sounds fine , but to speak of 'the position of trust, for his client or gain upon the necessities or cupidity hippopotamus'! No wonder the word professions' and 'professionalism' employer depends upon him and of the individual.' has practically lost any meaning, provokes a bad reaction. Recently the depends on his having a sense of something brought home to me when Rights or duties? Assistant Secretary General to the responsibility and commitment to the I was advised not to refer to it in a 'The difference between industry as it Law Society wrote: 'There is a lot of interests of his client as well as to radio interview because 'the public' exists today and a profession is, then, mystique attached to the notion of a certain objective standards. By would not understand it. simple and unmistakable. The former professional and one can strip away a definition the client cannot check up Richard Tawney does rather better. is organized for the protection of lot to reveal some of it to be over­ on his advisor except by finding other He was a well-known professor of rights, mainly rights to pecuniary gain. blown pomposity'. In 1906 Bernard advisers, and so on. Some indeed try economics at London University in the The latter is organized, imperfectly Shaw had someone say in his play and do just that. Such an advisor is 1930s and a great writer on social indeed, but none the less genuinely, The Doctor's Dilemma: 'All pro­ the consulting engineer, but it is a history, and he had this to say in The for the performance of duties. fessions are conspiracies against the fragile position.
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