MRA - Initiatives of Change MARCH 2005 No
AUSTRALIAN MRA - Initiatives of Change MARCH 2005 No. 211 Surprised in Melbourne Rob Wood writes about the recentLife Matters course in Melbourne rainbow of people have just attended Here are extracts from the speeches of Aa nine-dayLife Matters course at two Asian participants: Armagh, the MRA-IC centre in Melbourne. The 13 people from 10 Pinky Hidayati countries included several who took part in last year’s Asia-Pacific Youth used to think that Easterners were Conference (APYC) in Cambodia. Imore polite than Westerners, and more Among the Australian participants was religious. I was proud of this. So I have Kaylea Fearn, who works with the been surprised by this visit to Melbourne. National Council of Churches in Victoria. During the course my room-mates Before leaving, she spoke of “the great were from Australia and Poland. We sense of global community” she had felt shared stories about our families and life at Armagh. style, experiences, values and beliefs. I The course aims to develop skills and found that their way of life was not very character strengths for those who want to different to mine. In fact, I found that bring change around them. This they were dealing with certain issues development was evident on the final better than we were. So I began to think, evening of the course, when Melbourne “What’s the difference between East and residents came to hear from the West?” Easterners are polite, but participants. Phlong Pisith Westerners are also polite. Easterners are A participant from China showed an friendly, but Westerners are also friendly.