23 August 1989
Gwen Lister intervi~w~ ~peciai Representative Ahtisaari '. Inside A SWAPO team tbat bas just returned from an extensive tour ortbe will then have been further reduced. " nortb bas strongly recommended tbat tbe period for voters to The Swapo group cited the routes register sbould be extended to tbe end of September rather tban to followed by mobile registration teams close on September 15. as one of the major organisational flaws in the registration process. These The delegation from the party's Untag's Flectoral Section, Mr Hisham mobile teams often stopped at small, Election Directorate condemned the Omayad, on Monday. unknown places whose names people whole registration process in the The team led by the head of Swapo's did not know. Ovambo-speaking area as totally registration unit, Mr Nahas Angula, To further complicate things, there unsatil;factory. visited all the important centres in were many places in Ovamboland They said a number of factors the various parts of the Ovambo that had exactly the same name, and appeared to have acted against the speaking area. They spoke to chiefs, people could not be sure which of success of the registration process in headmen, church leaders, ordinary fhe,w places the re,gistralion the north, even though the process citizens and Swapo activists during would be visiting. THE person resJ)on-sible for tbe borror attack on tbis young girl, had been in progress for eight weeks. their visit. When people eventually fmd out Albertina Kornelius, 10, has yet not been apprebended. Albertina They said that extending registra The report concluded that the South that the mobile unit was in their area, was part of a dancing and singing group of young Swapo supporters tion to the end of September would African government and its allies the queues were long and the regis make it possible for the large number' , were trying to reduce the number of in an Osbakati townsbip wben an arrow, blindly sbot among tbe tration officers often moved on be kids, struck ber in tbe face, narrowly missing ber brain.
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