Negotiation and Conflict Management Research Using Emotions to Frame Issues and Identities in Conflict: Farmer Movements on Social Media Tim M. Stevens ,1 Noelle Aarts2 and Art Dewulf3 1 Strategic Communication, Wageningen University and Research Centre, Wageningen, The Netherlands 2 ISIS, Radboud University Nijmegen, Nijmegen, The Netherlands 3 Public Administration and Policy, Wageningen University and Research Centre, Wageningen, The Netherlands Keywords Abstract framing, conflict, identity, emotion, social media, animal Polarization and group formation processes on social media networks have welfare, animal husbandry. received ample academic attention, but few studies have looked into the discursive interactions on social media through which intergroup conflicts Correspondence develop. In this comparative case study, we analyzed two social media con- Tim M. Stevens, Strategic flicts between farmers and animal right advocates to understand how con- Communication, Wageningen flicts establish, escalate, and return dormant through issue and identity University and Research Centre, framing and the discursive use of emotions. The results show that the two P.O. Box 8130, 6700 EW Wageningen, The Netherlands; groups used the same set of frames throughout the three phases. We iden- e-mail:
[email protected]. tify this as a symmetric conflict framing repertoire. The groups both use a dominant moral frame (animal welfare is of absolute value), but express doi: 10.34891/9mmd-q341 distinct views on policy solutions. This triggers a contestation of credibility (who knows best and who cares most for animals) in which the two groups use the same set of issue and identity frames to directly oppose each other. The binary opposition is initially established through issue framing but escalates into an identity conflict that involves group labeling and blaming.