INVITATION Award Ceremony for Maneka Gandhi: Award Ceremony for Richard Ryder: in Part 2 Only Starting at 9:00 A.M
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Peter-Singer-Preis 2021 The award ceremony is carried out as a closed event and is open to altogether 120 guests only Förderverein des Association for the Peter-Singer-Preises Promotion of the Peter für Strategien zur Singer Prize for AWARD CEREMONY MEMBERSHIP Tierleidminderung e.V. Strategies to Reduce the Suffering of Animals Award Ceremony for Maneka Gandhi as the Winner of the 6th and Richard Ryder as the I would like to become a member of the Association for the Promo- tion of the Peter Singer Prize for Strategies to Reduce the Suffe- th ring of Animals. Winner of the 7 Peter Singer Prize for Strategies to Reduce the Suffering of Animals. Registered non-profit association • E-Mail: [email protected] th My membership fee is Euro every year DATE: Saturday, May 29 , 2021 (minimal fee is 50 Euro every year for one person) VENUE: Hollywood Media Hotel (Cinema Hall) • Kurfürstendamm 202 • 10719 Berlin PARTICIPATION I would like to participate in the whole evemt. PROGRAMME: FIRST PART PROGRAMME: SECOND PART in part 1 only INVITATION Award Ceremony for Maneka Gandhi: Award Ceremony for Richard Ryder: in part 2 only Starting at 9:00 A.M. Starting at 4:00 P.M. Name: • Welcome: Dr. Walter Neussel • Moderation: Prof. Edna Hillmann Street, house number: • Moderation: Prof. Dr. Peter Singer (Professor for Animal Husbandry, Humboldt University, Berlin) • Prof. Dr. Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker Postcode, city: (Honorary President of the Club of Rome): • Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Dieter Birnbacher Telephone, fax: Avoiding Collapse of the “Full World” (Institute of Philosophy, Heinrich Heine University, Düsseldorf): • Renate Künast Email adress: (Former German Minister of Consumer Protection, „Speciesism“– a Re-Evaluation Place, date, signature: Food and Agriculture from 2001 to 2005): • Prof. Dr. Bernd Ladwig A System of Institutionalized Crime against Animals (Otto Suhr Institute of Political Science, Berlin): By signing this mandate form, you authorise the Association for the Why the Critique of Speciesism should not be based Promotion of the Peter Singer Prize for Strategies to Reduce the Suf- • Dr. Davina Bruhn on the Argument from Human Marginal Cases fering of Animals revocable to send instructions to your bank to debit (Board Member of the German Legal Society for your account with the annual membership-fee. Animal Welfare Law): • Dr. Colette Vogeler (Chair of Comparative Politics and Public Policy, Gestation Crates (Kastenstände für Sauen) – Animal Name of the account holder: Welfare Issues and International Legal Situation Technical University at Braunschweig): The Role of Farm Animal Welfare in Agricultural • Dr. Antoine F. Goetschel: IBAN: The sixth Peter Singer Prize for Strategies Policies in International Comparative Perspective Strategies to Reduce Animal Suffering through Law – BIC: to Reduce the Suffering of Animals will the Legal Approach of Global Animal Law (GAL) • Marianne Thieme (Founder of the Dutch Party for the Animals): Place, date: signature: • Philip Wollen: be awarded to Ms. Maneka Sanjay Gandhi, Laudation for Maneka Gandhi Why the World needs a Political Party for the Animals and the seventh Peter Singer Prize will be (Presentation of a Video) • Prof. Dr. Peter Singer: Reply to E-Mail: Förderverein des PSP Laudation for Prof. Richard Ryder awarded to Prof. Richard Ryder • Award Ceremony E-Mail: [email protected] • Award Ceremony th • Speech of Maneka Gandhi on Saturday May 29 2021. Please feel free to support the Association for the Promotion of the Peter Singer Prize END OF THE EVENT about 7:00 P.M. END OF THE FIRST PART about 12:00 o` clock. for Strategies to Reduce the Suffering of Animals and make a donation: Förderverein des PSP Sparkasse Mittelmosel EMH IBAN: DE54 5875 1230 0032 5097 70 BIC: MALADE51BKS WHO IS PETER SINGER? WHAT ARE THE GOALS WHY IS MANEKA GANDHI WHY IS RICHARD RYDER ASSOCIATED WITH THIS AWARD? BEING HONOURED? BEING HONOURED? After World War II, factory farming, with all of its animal abusi- Maneka Gandhi was and is doing for animals what Mahatma Prof. Dr. Richard Ryder is an English animal rights advocate, ve side effects and increasing brutality, managed to establish Gandhi did for the people of India. psychologist and writer. He has a special place in the history globally. Due to the lack of a global government with interna- of the Animal Rights Movement. With the term “speciesism” he tionally binding laws, companies operating on a global level do She is the widow of Sanjay Gandhi, who was an Indian politician described the exclusion of nonhuman animals from the protec- not underly adequate regulation to prevent most severe human and the son of Indira Gandhi. Sanjay Gandhi died in an airplane tions available of human beings and created with this word a and animal exploitation. The result is the freedom to undercut crash in 1980. At the time Maneka was only 23 years old and mo- central idea in the movement. every moral standard on the global market. ther of a 3-month-old baby boy, Varun. Richard Ryder first became involved with animal rights in 1969. The demands for stronger growth in the gross national product After this stroke of fate she singlehandedly paved the way for As an animal researcher he criticized experiments on animals are best accomplished by a rapidly expanding population. Ho- animal welfare in India with unprecedented energy. based on his own experiences in universities. Together with wever, in a few decades this disastrous growth of population other postgraduate students at Oxford he reconsidered our will lead to a collapse of civilized living conditions on earth if we She is the founder and chairperson of People for Animals (PFA), attitudes and practices regarding animals. An important part don’t put an end to this. which is India’s largest welfare organization with about 250.000 of this new way of thinking about animals of the members of members. The PFA runs a nationwide network of 165 units, 26 hos- the so-called “Oxford Vegetarians” or the “Oxford Group” was The population is increasing by around 230.000 people daily. pitals and 60 mobile units throughout India. Maneka Gandhi also that there is a parallel between the attitudes most of us have Peter Singer is a professor of bioethics and one of the most With them the number of animals kept under horrific conditions revived and headed the Committee on the Control and Supervision towards animals and the racist and sexist attitudes being re- highly regarded philosophers in the animal rights movement. in industrial farming is going up, too. Around 65 billion farm an- of Experiments on Animals (CPCSEA). jected nowadays by almost everyone. Jeremy Bentham’s (the imals are slaughtered and about 85 billion fishes and other sea founder of utilitarianism) famous footnote “But the question is His book Animal Liberation, first published in 1975, is consi- animals are caught annually worldwide. The climate change is She was responsible for the ban of cruel animal testing methods not, Can they (the animals) reason? Nor, Can they talk? But, Can dered a classic in the modern animal rights movement. It has closely related to the increasing emission of gases, that impair for cosmetic products in India and successfully initiated public in- they suffer?” was not famous at all at that time. The question, been translated into more than 20 languages all over the world our environmental conditions and our quality of life continually terest ligations to protect animals in the Supreme Court of India. how suffering of animals could be less significant than suffe- and has a total circulation of more than one million copies. In to a foreseeable point of no return. The excessive consumption ring of members of our own species affected also the young his work Singer primarily criticizes anthropocentricism (specie- of meat and the associated animal factory farming create more Maneka Gandhi was Union Minister in Indian Cabinets four times: Peter Singer, who approached Richard Ryder and asked him to sism), which is the root of animal-abusive factory farming and harmful gases than all forms of transportation in the world com- 1989 - 1991 Minister for Environment and Forests, co-author with him. Ryder turned down this offer, but his term unethical animal testing. bined, including air, water and land. 1998 - 1999 Minister for Social Justice and Empowerment “speciesism” was popularized by Peter Singer’s most important 2001 - 2002 Minister of State, Culture and for Programme book “Animal Liberation”, published in 1975. In coining the word In his book The Most Good You Can Do, published in 2015, Sin- Having in mind that one person alone can only do very little to Implantation and Statistics with additional charge speciesism, Richard Ryder achieved a very important contribu- ger promotes the targeted use of time and money to hit three help the animals, the „Peter Singer Association for Strategies of animal care (the first Animal Welfare Ministry tion and refocused an entire debate about the relationship of essential goals: to Reduce the Suffering of Animals“ honours those, who have in the world) humans to their fellow animals, with greatly beneficial conse- contributed by innovative strategies in philosophical, political, 2014 - 2019 Minister of Women and Child Development quences both to the debate and to the animals everywhere. 1. The fight against poverty in developing countries. medical or legal publications or other activities to reduce these 2. The reduction of animal suffering, primarily in sufferings in a qualitative and quantitive manner. The award In addition to her political work Maneka Gandhi is a journalist, Ryder’s accomplishments in the field of animal rights are ex- factory farming. has an honorable and financial value. initiator of films and TV programs, as well as author of more than tensive.