GO TO MASTER INDEX OF WARFARE THE WAR RESISTERS LEAGUE “I’d rather use the nuclear bomb.... The nuclear bomb. Does that bother you? I just want you to think big, Henry, for Christ’s sake.... You’re so goddamned concerned about the civilians, and I don’t give a damn.” — President Richard Milhous Nixon, on tape, 1972 VIETNAM ATOM BOMB “Fiddle-dee-dee, war, war, war, I get so bored I could scream!” —Scarlet O’Hara Believing war to be a crime against humanity, the War Resisters League advocates Gandhian nonviolence as the method for creating a democratic society free of war, racism, sexism, and human exploitation. War Resisters League, 339 Lafayette Street, New York, NY 10012, <
[email protected]> HDT WHAT? INDEX WAR RESISTERS LEAGUE WAR RESISTERS LEAGUE GO TO MASTER INDEX OF WARFARE 1829 1 Friend Jonathan Dymond’s ESSAYS ON THE PRINCIPLES OF MORALITY was printed posthumously in London. READ THIS BOOK WAR RESISTERS LEAGUE THE QUAKER PEACE TESTIMONY “NARRATIVE HISTORY” AMOUNTS TO FABULATION, THE REAL STUFF BEING MERE CHRONOLOGY 1. The ESSAYS ON THE PRINCIPLES OF MORALITY including an essay on War. A very large number of editions would follow. A New-York edition would appear in 1834, and another in 1844. The “Essay on War” has many times been reprinted by itself, and John Bright has prepared an introduction. In 1896 the Book Committee of the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of Friends put out the edition ESSAYS ON THE PRINCIPLES OF MORALITY: AND ON THE PRIVATE AND POLITICAL RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF MANKIND / BY JONATHAN DYMOND which is here reproduced in its entirety.