The Quaker Peace Testimony and Masculinity
The early Quaker peace testimony and masculinity in England, 1660-1720 Shortly after his Restoration in 1660, Charles II received ‘A Declaration from the harmless and innocent people of God, called Quakers’ announcing their principles of seeking peace and the denial of ‘[a]ll bloody principles and practices’, as well as ‘outward wars and strife, and fightings with outward weapons, for any end, or under any pretense whatsoever’.1 The early Quaker peace testimony, represented by the 1660 ‘Declaration’, was closely related to refashioned Quaker masculinity after the Restoration. As Fox wrote in the ‘Declaration’, contrasting the dishonourable, unmanly nature of worldly men with the manly bravery of Quakers, ‘It is not an honour, to manhood or nobility, to run upon harmless people, who lift not up a hand against them, with arms and weapons.’2 Such bold assertions were commented upon almost immediately; as the prophet and visionary defender of the Church of England Arise Evans responded, ‘The Quakers give out forsooth, that they will not rebel nor fight, when indeed the last year, and all along the War, the Army was full of them.’3 Although this was not entirely the case, the public declaration of Friends’ rejection of war was a cornerstone of refashioned Quaker masculinity from the Restoration. Karen Harvey and Alexandra Shepard assert that most research into the history of masculinity has concentrated on dominant groups of men, whilst more work is needed on the range of different codes available to others, and as Shepard goes on to suggest,
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