Joni R. Roberts and Internet Reviews Carol A. Drost, editors Center for Watershed Protection. A c The CWP site is newly designed. Simple to cess: navigate, it is well organized and attractive. The Founded in 1992, the Center for Watershed primary navigation tool is a banner of wildlife Protection (CWP) provides information and photos at the top of the page; the borders of technical tools for small watershed protection. the banner contain clearly worded links to the Watersheds are regions of land that channel Web site’s components. Links on the homepage rainwater into streams, river systems, and lakes. lead to information about CWP products and Urban sprawl and publications, the CWP newsletter, and a calen poor community dar of current workshops. development plan- Unfortunately, the site does not provide ning threaten links to other useful sites, such as the U.S. En these fragile land vironmental Protection Agency’s Wetlands, scape features. Be Oceans, and Watersheds site (http:// cause damage to, the American Water Re small watersheds sources Association (, adversely affects the quality o f our drinking wa and Purdue University’s “Know your Water ter, impairs recreational and commercial fish shed” ( ing, contributes to severe flooding, and threat Links to maps and sources for information ens fragile ecosystems, responsible watershed about local, state, and national watershed laws management is a crucial component of com and regulations would also be useful. Despite munity development planning. the limitations inherent in self-contained sites, A nonprofit corporation, CWP disseminates the CWP site is Quite useful and is a highly rec multidisciplinary technical tools and informa ommended resource.—Susan Case, University o f tion designed to help protect small watersheds Kansas,
[email protected] “from the detrimental effects of sprawling de velopment.” Through workshops, articles on Jewish Virtual Library.