Conservation Fund Sandscript Number 2 November 2007

Walking the walk

Welcome to Sandscript 2! Our they decided to challenge their guest editorial is by Dr. Steven own community of zoos to Monfort, Associate Director for “walk the walk” by spearhead- Conservation & Science at the ing effective antelope conser- Smithsonian Institution. Steve is vation programs in North one of SCF’s founders and chairs Africa. Inside this issue: its Board of Directors. He was The response from the zoo intimately involved in early wildlife community was gratifying and surveys of and and will led to the formation of the Cybertracker 2 soon be joining the team in Niger to Sahelo-Saharan Interest help with an aerial survey of the Group (SSIG), which by 2005 Dr. Steven Monfort is a Ostrich 3 world’s last viable population of had evolved into the Sahara seasoned hand. . Conservation Fund. SCF from landscape-level ecology Desert all stars 4 For decades, modern zoos largely owes its genesis to the have professed their dedica- zoo community and its foun- to finding novel ways for no- tion to connecting animals in dation remains firmly an- madic people and wildlife to Saharan crocs 4 their collections to the conser- chored by the continued core co-exist in the vast Sahara. vation of their counterparts in and project support provided SCF is a modern success story and the zoo community can Friends of Sahara 5 nature. Until recently, how- by a growing cadre of North ever, zoos too often failed to American and European zoos. take tremendous pride in the translate this philosophy into SCF‟s evolution is also a tre- major role it has played in Pause for thought 5 conservation action. In 1998 a mendous example of the ca- ensuring this success and in small group of zoo managers pacity that modern zoos and the fact that it stands shoulder -to-shoulder with SCF in its Fennec Fox 6 and biologists who were pas- their partners have for work- sionate about Sahelo-Saharan ing across the conservation battle to save Sahelo-Saharan antelope reached a simple spectrum – from single spe- wildlife. conclusion: they had had cies propagation to meta- enough of empty rhetoric and population management, and

The miracle of life

We came, we saw...but we are isn‟t. At ten times that num- is a blessing to the addax. To still far from conquering the ber they are still incredibly reduce heat stress and water concerns we have for the sur- vulnerable and by far one of loss, addax actively seek out vival of the addax. During the most critically endangered shade during the hot season, fieldtrips in April and June on earth. often visiting favourable spots Beautiful desert like this year over 50 were spotted year after year where the odd Tribulus (top) and At this time of the year, when in Niger. It sounds a lot but tree still stands far enough out (above) bloom in large numbers daily temperatures soar well spread over the Sahara‟s 3 in the desert to provide shel- after rare desert rainfall. Both above 120°F, the slightest million square miles really ter and security (cont. on p.2). are vital for wildlife's survival. shade cast by twig or tussock S a n d s c r i p t Number 2 November 2007 Page 2

Some of the world’s last wild addax spotted by SCF’s project team in Niger, May, 2007 (Photo: Thomas Rabeil/SCF)

The miracle of life (cont.)

The above picture, taken in avoiding any activity likely to plane from Aviation Sans Fron- Niger this May, shows a waste energy and cause in- tières, ground support from group of unbelievably fit ad- creased water loss. When Spazi d‟Avventura and fund- dax considering the condi- chased by hunters or even ing from SCF, Addax Petro- tions under which they live. It zealous photographers keen leum Corporation, CMS, the also underlines the miracle of on that shot of a lifetime, EU and new partner Gilman their continued existence. death through heat exhaustion International Conservation Unlike the agile and more invariably occurs. When it the survey will cover the nu- cosmopolitan gazelles, or the comes to balance with one‟s cleus of the known addax SCF team in Termit: Thomas fennec and gerbils that can environment and correspond- range in Niger. In 2004, the Rabeil, Ahmed Oumarou and hide away underground in ing vulnerability there can be last survey carried out by local Abdoulaye Harouna. cool burrows, the addax has no finer example. NGO SOS Faune du Niger nowhere to hide from the In November, the team in recorded 128 addax. Fingers heat and the sun. It is also a Niger will carry out an aerial crossed that we find at least as clumsy runner, desperately census for addax. With a many.

Cybertracking desert wildlife

Cybertracker is the brainchild but not computers. In Niger, manner of data as they travel of South African, Louis Lie- SCF uses Cybertracker exten- around. SCF scientists Tho- benberg. It comprises a sively to collect data. mas Rabeil and Abdoulaye pocket-PC, an integrated GPS In the coming weeks we will Harouna will train the guards unit and software that pro- be recruiting the first teams of and then remain in close con- vides a pictorial interface for community game guards to tact with them to download recording data. Its use patrol the Termit area on data from the hand-held de- amongst scientists, park rang- camelback. Apart from keep- vices. The combination of ers and community game ing an eye on things and community game guard, cam- guards has revolutionized data spreading the word about elback patrol and Cyber- collection. The secret not only conservation, the guards will tracker is expected to revolu- lies in the technology but in also be equipped with Cyber- tionize data collection on the Thomas Rabeil makes a Cyber- its growing use by people with trackers and will record all region‟s endangered species. tracker data entry in Termit. intimate knowledge of wildlife S a n d s c r i p t Number 2 November 2007 Page 3

Alhousseini Alghaler of Niger NGO GAGE-Azihar looks after some of the Sahara’s last ostriches (Photo: Kelley Bishop/SCF) Ostriches are well endowed

SCF‟s ostrich project in Niger in Niamey, a site near the look after the remaining six has been awarded significant Sahelian village of Gadabeji desert ostriches in their care. grants from the AZA Conser- has been identified. Gadabeji With assistance from SCF and vation Endowment Fund lies on the boundary of a ga- a local GEF natural resources ($27,700) and St Louis Zoo‟s zetted game reserve and pro- management project, food is Field Conservation program vides excellent access to po- being purchased and infra- ($9,950). The funds will go tential reintroduction sites structure maintained. The fact towards the purchase of os- throughout Niger‟s Sahelo- that the local town of trich breeders, incubators, Saharan region. Iférouane is currently under genetic analysis and training. Next January, a team com- siege and has suffered some With extra support from San prised of Sara Hallager of the worst flooding in living Diego Zoo, the incubators (Smithsonian National Zoo), memory only goes to under- will be shipped to Niger in Scott Tidmus (Disney‟s Ani- line the commitment of early 2008. mal Kingdom) and vet Pete GAGE and its supporters. As SCF consultant, Kelley Black (St Louis Zoo) will visit soon as conditions permit, Bishop, has been working Niger to take blood samples SCF will be providing hu- with our partners from Ni- from captive ostrich for ge- manitarian aid to address the ger‟s wildlife service to iden- netic analysis at the National flooding and destruction of tify suitable sites for an os- Zoo. The samples will be used local wells and gardens. Do- trich captive-breeding centre. to select birds best matched nations to our relief fund are With support from the Inter- for inclusion in the breeding desperately needed. national Foundation for Wild- programme. If you would like make a do- life Conservation (IGF) and In the north, SCF partner, nation please contact us at the local UNDP/GEF office GAGE-Azihar, continues to [email protected]

Burying our heads in the sand

Although the ostrich is not are virtually extinct. Loss of significant and extremely considered endangered on a this gene pool and associated short-sighted in light of continental scale, uniquely adaptations to life in a water- climate change and desertifi- SCF’s Kelley Bishop has adapted Saharan populations less environment would be cation. carried out a major inventory of captive ostrich in Niger. S a n d s c r i p t Number 2 November 2007 Page 4

Desert all stars: Cornulaca monacantha

The Arabs call it hadd, the many drought resistant plants, smaller desert species, includ- Tubbou zri and the Twareg it is prickly but in spite of its ing lizards, beetles and gerbils. tazera. To the addax, it‟s the waterless home, the Addax will often shelter from staff of life and what makes contains precious moisture; a fierce sandstorms and shade survival possible in one of the source of water that makes it themselves from the burning harshest environments on a preferred species for wildlife sun behind especially large Cornulaca monacantha: good earth. Cornulaca monacantha and alike. As it grows specimens. All in all, it‟s a true for addax, good for camels and good (we have no common name larger and collects windblown keystone species and desert all for controlling desertification. for it in English) is a shrubby sand at its base, sizeable tus- star. perennial that thrives on the socks are formed that also sandsheets of the Sahara. Like serve as shelter for a wealth of “It is important to listen to people who have been in the desert for some time. To ask for too much water is to in- vite disaster. Only in a place It never rains but it pours like this would you bow your head and humbly request just the water you need and When it comes to rainfall in away camps, livestock and much-needed water. Thanks no more.” the desert, „unpredictability‟ is anyone unfortunate enough to to a donation from St. Louis Craig Childs a key word. When? Where? be caught unawares. This year Zoo, SCF is helping rehabili- How much? Thankfully, rain- the tiny desert-edge village of tate the damaged wells. The fall has been good this year Tesker in Niger received an needs of the people are still over much of the Sahara and unprecedented 130 mm (5 great and SCF welcomes do- areas that were parched ex- inches) of rainfall in just two nations to help with humani- panses of sand just two hours; the entire annual aver- tarian aid and urgent develop- months ago now look like age rainfall in one downpour! ment issues. If it is to succeed, well-watered golf courses. It is Two nomads and hundreds of conservation must go hand in said that more people die each domestic animals were hand with sustainable devel- year of drowning in the desert drowned. Many wells were opment and the satisfaction than of thirst. Flash floods wrecked as mud and sand of basic human needs. provoked by rainfall often poured into them, depriving Loss of wells like this one at Tes- many miles away can wash locals and their livestock of ker in Niger can deal a crippling blow to people and their livestock.

Saharan crocs past and present

It‟s hard to believe that 8-ton, Tassili were until a century was brought in for scientific dinosaur-eating “Super ago their home. Food mostly research after the animal itself Crocs” roamed the Sahara 110 consists of the numerous had been eaten by local million years ago. More in- barbel and catfish that inhabit inhabitants (photo). It was a credibly, perhaps, latter day the same waters. big surprise when in 2007 versions are still living there. Today the best known Ursula Steiner photographed Historically, the Nile crocodile remaining relict populations at least three crocs. Unless used to be found all around can be found in the Ennedi there is permanent water, the Sahara and even on the mountains of Chad (photo) desert crocs aestivate in deep Mediterrenean coast. In the and the Tagant in Mauritania. burrows during the hot desert, permanent water in big The Tagant population was season. This is probably why rivers and pools in the thought to have disappeared the Tagant group had been Ennedi, Tibesti, Hoggar and in 1996 when the “last” head overlooked for so long. S a n d s c r i p t Number 2 November 2007 Page 5

Friends of the Sahara

The San Diego Zoo and the protocols. Their willingness to Animal Park, lends his consid- San Diego Wild Animal Park share both animals and exper- erable expertise to advise have been strong advocates tise within the AZA has been SCF‟s desert ostrich recovery for Sahelo-Saharan wildlife a cornerstone of the success program in Niger. At the San for decades. Throughout the of Sahelo-Saharan wildlife Diego Zoo, Curator of Mam- years these unique institutions breeding programmes in zoos mals Carmi Penny and Animal have made significant contri- today. Care Manager Curby Simer- Cuvier’s Gazelle at San Diego Zoo. butions of both resources and At the same time, CEO and son have played a pivotal role expertise to help establish Executive Director Doug in SCF‟s addax and scimitar- many of the captive breeding Myers has encouraged both horned oryx reintroduction programmes for critically en- Zoo and Wild Animal Park programme in , han- dangered Saharan species. staff to look beyond their dling all of the pre-shipment Indeed, some of these species perimeter fence for ways to housing and testing necessary would not even be found promote and support conser- before animals can be trans- within the North American vation in the Sahara itself. San ported to Tunisia for release. zoo community today were it Diego Zoo Director Richard For all that they do to ensure not for the leadership of the Farrar has generously sup- a future for wildlife in the Zoological Society of San ported SCF‟s core activities Sahara, SCF salutes the Zoo- Diego animal staff. They have with much-needed funds logical Society of San Diego, shown great foresight and from the Zoological Society the San Diego Zoo, and the stewardship in bringing these of San Diego. Mike Mace, San Diego Wild Animal Park animals in and investing the Curator of Birds at the Wild as true Friends of the Sahara. effort to develop husbandry

AAZK — keeping it safe

The American Association of includes individuals at all lev- 250 animal-related facilities. Zoo Keepers (AAZK) is a els of zoo staff from directors, SCF warmly thanks the non-profit volunteer organiza- curators and veterinarians to AAZK chapters at the Kansas tion made up of professional zoo keepers, animal health City Zoo and the Denver zoo keepers and other inter- technicians, volunteers and Zoological Park for their gen- ested persons dedicated to students. Members are from erous contributions to our professional animal care and 48 of the 50 States, 5 Cana- projects in Africa to save en- conservation. Membership is dian Provinces and 24 foreign dangered species. currently about 2,800 and countries and represent nearly

Pause for thought

American author, Craig “Especially among biologists creatures, including ourselves, Childs, writes extensively on there is a respect for life and the same way we observe stars the of the US south- in its uniqueness that goes of the night sky – with unspo- west. The following quote is almost unspoken, a reverence ken questions hanging from from his excellent book The for the incomprehensible our mouths. To be privy to Secret Knowledge of Water (Back diversity of organisms that has the eradication of a species Bay Books. Little, Brown & woven itself into patterns and to know damn well what Company). across the earth. We, biolo- is going on is a shame beyond gists or not, look at these repair.” Addax in Tunisia © Oliver Born Sahara Conservation Fund

Sandscript is the periodic newsletter of SCF, the SCF’s mission is to conserve the wildlife of Sahara Conservation Fund. It is edited by SCF the Sahara and bordering grasslands. CEO John Newby. Our vision is of a Sahara that is well conserved We gratefully thank the following for their great and managed, in which ecological processes contributions to this issue: Dr. Steve Monfort, Bill function naturally, with plants and animals exist- Houston, Dr. Thomas Rabeil, Kelley Bishop, Dr ing in healthy numbers across their historical Koen de Smet, Klaas de Smet and Arnaud Greth. range; a Sahara that benefits all its inhabitants and where support for its conservation comes To subscribe to Sandscript contact SCF by from stakeholders across all sectors of society. email at [email protected] To implement our mission, we forge partnerships SCF is specially thankful to Sheri Hanna and her between people, governments, the world zoo and company Exotic Endeavors for generously scientific communities, international conventions, supporting this issue of Sandscript. NGOs and donor agencies. A powerful network with a common goal – the conservation of deserts and their unique natural and cultural heritage.

If you would like to know more about our work and how to contribute to our projects, If you would also like to become a sponsor, please contact us at [email protected] We don’t hesitate to contact us. would love to hear from you!

Last but not least: the wily fennec fox

Weighing in at only 1.5 kg (3 pell‟s fox has a white tip to its While the ecology of all three lbs), the fennec (Vulpes zerda) tail and a more slender, elon- foxes is still poorly known, it is the smallest of the Saharan gated build. To separate the is suspected they suffer from foxes (top photo). Fantastic- fennec from the pale fox the indiscriminate and illegal ally large ears and tiny, hairy (Vulpes pallida), which also has use of strychnine by nomads feet make it a stealthy and a dark tip to its tail, look for to poison stock-raiding jack- highly mobile radar station, the pale fox‟s slightly larger als. SCF is keen to address capable of tracking down size and proportionally this problem and is develop- rodents, lizards and beetles at smaller ears. ing a research project in asso- night from their slightest If the fennec prefers open, ciation with the IUCN Canid sounds. sandy desert, Rüppell‟s fox is Specialist Group and the Uni- The fennec shares its desert more at home in rockier areas. versities of Niamey, Oxford habitat with two other species As for the pale fox, it is more and Missouri. It is hoped to of small fox – Rüppell‟s of a sub-desert species, living learn more about the inter- (middle) and the pale fox in small colonies with invaria- relationships between the (bottom). To distinguish the bly several burrow openings. Sahara‟s small carnivores and fennec from the marginally Both the fennec and Rüppell‟s at the same time find ways of bigger Rüppell‟s fox (Vulpes fox live in simple burrows reducing stock-raiding by rueppellii) look for the dark tip with only one or two en- jackals without the use of to the fennec‟s tail and its trances. poison or other lethal means. more compact shape. Rüp-