Distribution Study of Some Species of Spontaneous Flora in Two Saharan Regions of the North-East of Algeria (Ouargla and Ghardaïa)

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Distribution Study of Some Species of Spontaneous Flora in Two Saharan Regions of the North-East of Algeria (Ouargla and Ghardaïa) Vol. 7(1), pp. 41-49, January, 2015 DOI: 10.5897/IJBC2014.0725 Article Number : 2093AD549861 International Journal of Biodiversity ISSN 2141-243X Copyright © 2015 and Conservation Author(s) retain the copyright of this article http://www.academicjournals.org/IJBC Full Length Research Paper Distribution study of some species of spontaneous Flora in two Saharan Regions of the North-East of Algeria (Ouargla and Ghardaïa) BAAMEUR Malika1*, ABDELGUERFI2, DADDI BOUHOUN Mostafa1, SAADI Hacina3 and OULD EL HADJ Mohamed1 1Kasdi Merbah University, Faculty of Nature Sciences and Life Laboratory of Protection of the Ecosystems in Arid and Semi-arid Zones BP 511, Ouargla 30000, Algeria. 2Inst. National Agronomique El-Harrach, El-Harrach Algérie 16200, Algeria 3University of Biskra BP RP 145, 07000 Biskra, Algeria. Received 27 April, 2014; Accepted 13 November, 2014 The botanical and edaphic inventory investigations of the spontaneous flora distribution in the regions of Ouargla and Ghardaïa revealed the presence of 56 taxa of which 32 were ephemeral and 24 vivacious. The sweeping operation of 6 stations over these two regions showed an abundant richness estimated to 39 species localized mainly in the beds of Wadis and distributed as follows: Reg (19), Sebkha (7), Erg (6) and Hamada (5). The average richness of species was about 4, 83 in the beds of Wadis and 0, 83 in Hamadas. The abundance and dominance of plants varied within the same species from one station to another. In fact, severe climato-edaphic conditions gave rise to isolated life. For example, Chamephytes dominate in dry and moderately humid environments as in the Reg of Hassi Ben Abdellah and Wadi N’sa. However, in humid zones such as the Wadi M’zab, it was therophytes that dominated. In these dry zones, the spontaneous plants were distributed according to their ecological affinities. The position of each species depended on different ecological factors such as dryness, soil and humidity. Key words: Distribution, spontaneous flora, richness, soil, Sahara. INTRODUCTION Knowledge, classification, characterization and conser- traits of plants and their biogeographical distribution vation of different taxa is a global scientific priority for the (Lavergne et al., 2005). However, biological, taxonomic assessment and management of biodiversity and conser- and ecological aspects of a considerable number of plant vation (Cotterill, 1995). Efforts to study the flora are very species remain unknown (Grubb, 1977; Pyšek et al., 2008). important in the understanding of the great biological For those who have not had the opportunity to explore *Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]. Tel: 0033633694631. Author(s) agree that this article remain permanently open access under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 International License 42 Int. J. Biodivers. Conserv. the desert bar by hearsay, the idea of the existence of and the film thickness decreases in high altitudes and especially in spontaneous flora in the Sahara nevertheless would be dunes. Despite its relative septentrional latitude, the climate is strange. A short sojourn is sufficient to catch sight of the typically hot arid. Average temperatures are high, with absolute arid soil, which nourishes many plants decorated by flowers, maxima in July–August exceeding 50°C, and minima in January ranging from 2 to 9°C (Le Houerou, 1990). However, the tem- sometimes curious sometimes with real beauty (Gubb, perature rapidly deceases with depth. Because of low cloudiness, 1913). This testimony of such an eminent naturalist is a the sunlight in the Sahara Desert is relatively strong and has a powerful motivation towards more discoveries of the drying effect by raising the temperature (Ozenda, 2004). Practically, Saharan flora secrets. The Sahara is the largest desert precipitation always occurs as rain characterized by its slight covering nearly eight million km2, but also the most importance; torrential rains are rare. Rains are related to Sudano- expressive and typical regarding its extreme aridity. Saharan and Saharan meteorological disturbances (Dubief, 1963). Otherwise, the desert conditions reach their greatest Such insufficient Saharan rains are associated with a significant irregularity of rainfall patterns and a considerable interannual harshness. The ground sheet vegetation is discontinuous variability, which induce more or less lengthy severe droughts and remarkably irregular. Plants mainly use places where (Ozenda, 2004). water supply is slightly less unfavorable than elsewhere (Ozenda, 1983). Vegetation in arid areas, particularly that Selected stations of the Sahara is very sparse, in appearance generally naked and bleak. The trees are rare as they are scattered According to the Gounot method (1969), six representative area and herbs are evident for a very short period of the year studies were selected. The selection criteria were based on the when conditions become favourable. This Saharan flora most distinguishing ecological factors of vegetation, especially the geomorphology and soil. Since that is the case, for salty soils, we is adapted to dry climate and salty soil (Trabut and chose the Sebkha of Bemendil (05°17’E.; 31°56’N) and the Reg of Mares, 1906). It appears poor if we compare the small Hassi Ben Abdellah (05° 27′ E.; 31° 59′ N). The stony soils were number of species that live in this desert to the enormity represented by Hamada El Atchanne (32° 08' N.; 004°33'E) and of the surface that is covers. It includes only 1200 finaly sandy soils were represented by Erg Sidi Khouiled (31° 58′ N, species. 5° 24′ E), Oued M’Zab (32° 23′ N, 4° 12′E) and Oued N’Sa (32° 27′ Representing more than two thirds of the Algerian N, 5° 20′ E) (Figure 1). territory, arid and semi-arid regions are natural resources deserving great attention. The preservation of these Floristic data ecosystems depends on increased knowledge and on the Phyto-ecological surveys were conducted on the entire range of the conservation of the biological diversity, especially of wild spontaneous flora in the regions of Ouargla and Ghardaia. The plants, which have developed specific qualities and sampling procedure took into account the vegetation structure and adaptations in harmony with the extreme environmental the floristico-ecological homogeneity criterion was privileged. The conditions over thousands of years. Taking into account samples were collected using the subjective sampling method using the fact that little information on the biodiversity of native and minimum area field technique (Gounot, 1969). This is a method of establishing a list of new species appearing in successive flora in these arid regions of the northern Sahara is doubling of the surface. It is assumed to reach a surface (n) on available, special attention is paid to the study of the distri- which no new species appear. Some authors such as Gounot bution of its natural vegetation. The aim of the present (1969) and Djebaili (1984) agree that the minimum area of 60 to survey was to establish the correlation between vegetation 100 m2 is sufficiently representative in Mediterranean formations. and arid soil and the delimitation of the wild plant distri- For arid regions as is the case in the region of Ouargla, largely to bution. In this region, vegetation has been seriously offset the absence of certain plant species, we can sample over very large areas, for example from 50 to 1000 m square (Voisin, degraded as a consequence of a long history of deserti- 1980). The determination of the observed species richness was fication, resulting from a combination of factors such as calculated according to the Ramade method (1984). The total drought, overgrazing and overcutting, such information is richness (S) is equal to N were n is the total number of species in crucial for developing strategies, programs or technical biota. It is expressed as follows: S = sp1 +sp2+ sp3 + sp4 ........ guidelines for the conservation and sustainable utilization spn, S: is the total number of species observed, and sp1 +sp2+ of natural resources. sp3+ sp4 ........ + spn: are the species observed. The Average richness (Sm) is the average number of species recorded at each survey. It is obtained by the following formula: Sm = Σ S / N or S Σ = s1, s2, s3, sn .........: Sm is the sum of the number MATERIALS AND METHODS of species found for the N reported. N is the total number identified. Furthermore life forms of the recorded species were determined Area presentation following the Raunkiær classification (Ellenberg and Mueller- Dombois, 1967). The spring season corresponds to the maximum development of floristic diversity especially for annual species; we 2 The investigated surface area covers 163.230 km . It is located at chose this period to ensure a significant sampling. Also, by an average altitude of 157 m, at latitude 32° 45’ / 31° 45’ choosing a time when perennial species flower, we facilitated their North/South and at longitude 5 ° 20 '/ 5 ° 45' East /West. It is a low identification (Ozenda, 1983). altitude area lying from 30 to 200 m (Rouvillois – Brigol, 1975; Dubost, 1991). Ouargla and Ghardaia soils are derived from non- gypsum miopliocene clay- quartz sandstone. They consist of quartz Soil data sands. The sandy skeleton of the soils studied is very abundant, consisting almost entirely of quartz. The colour becomes less red The floristic survey was systematically accompanied by soil Malika et al. 43 Figure 1. Localization of study in the region of Ouargla and Ghardaia stations. (INCT 1956, modify BAAMEUR, 2012). profiling. The characterization of soils in biological and physico- We also prepared a saturation extract from each sample at 25°C chemical terms allowed us to aspects of soil to elucidate the to determine its soluble ions (meq/l). Calcium and magnesium were distribution of spontaneous flora in arid environments. determined by atomic-absorption spectroscopy, and potassium and Morphological and analytical studies of profiles at each station can sodium by flame photometry. The anions were determined by liquid give a general idea about the edaphic soil requirements of chromatography using DR 2000 equipements.
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    PN-MJ203 EDa-000-C 212 'Draft enviromnental report on Niger Speece, Mark Ariz. Univ. Office of Arid Lands Studies 6. IXOCUMVT DATE (110) )7.NJMDER OF1 P. (125) II. R NIR,(175) 19801 166p. NG330.96626. S742 9. EFERENZE ORGANIZATIUN (150) Ariz. 10. SUPLMENTAiY Na1M (500) (Sponsored by AID through the U. S. National Committee for Man and the Biosphere) 11. ABSTRACT (950) 12. D SCKWrOR5 (o20) ,. ?mj3Cr N (iS5 ' Niger Enviironmental factors Soil erosion 931015900 Desertification Deforestation 14. WRiA .414.) IL Natural resources Water resources Water supply Droughts AID/ta-G-11t1 wnmiwommmr 4, NG6 sq~DRAFT ErWIROHIITAL REPORT ON NIGER prepared by the Arid Lands Information Center Office of Arid Lands Studies University of Arizona Tucson, Arizona 85721 ,National Park Service Contract No. CX-0001-0-0003 with U.S. Man and the Biosphere Secretariat Department of Stati Washington, D.C. Septmber 1980 2.0 Hmtu a ReOe$4 , 9 2.1 OU6era Iesources and Energy 9 2. 1.1",Mineral Policy 11 2.1.2 Ainergy 12 2.2 Water 13 2.2.1 Surface Water 13 2.2.2 Groundwater I: 2.2.3 Water Use 16 2.2.4 Water Law 17 2.3 Soils and Agricultural Land Use 18 2.3.1 Soils 18 2.3.2 Agriculture 23 2.4 Vegetation 27 2.4.1 Forestry 32 2.4.2 Pastoralism 33 2.5 Fau, and Protected Areas 36 2.5.1 Endangered Species 38 2.5.2 Fishing 38 3.0 Major Environmental Problems 39 3.1 Drouqht 39 3.2 Desertification 40 3.3 Deforestation and Devegetation 42 3.4 Soil Erosion and Degradation 42 3.5 Water 43 4.0 Development 45 Literature Cited 47 Appendix I Geography 53 Appendix II Demographic Characteristics 61 Appendix III Economic Characteristics 77 Appendi" IV List of U.S.
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