FEBRUARY 4, 1966 15C PER COPY 16 PAGES It Was Charged Last Week by State Element Within the State

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FEBRUARY 4, 1966 15C PER COPY 16 PAGES It Was Charged Last Week by State Element Within the State Young Republicans Convention Charged With Racist Singf esl TRENTON, N.J. -- New Jersey so the state convention was Young Republicans sang anti-Sem­ scattered among a number of mo­ itic and racist songs at a state tels. On a Friday evening Mrs. THE ONLY ENGLISH-JEWISH WEEKLY IN R. I. AND SOUTHEAST MASS . convention in this state and at Kading went to a motel that was J a national convention in Florida, the headquarters of the "Rat Fink'' VOL, XLIX, NO, 49 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1966 15c PER COPY 16 PAGES It was charged last week by State element within the state. organiza­ Senator Nelson F, Stamler. He tion. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII said they have been "infiltrated Mrs. Kading reported that a by a tiny group of exrreme right­ large gr oup of Young Republicans Israeli Scholar Al Harvard GJC Women's Meeting wi ng bigots who would destroy were enthusiastically singing anti­ the party for the sake of their Semitic and racist songs and that own selfish interest." song sheets were being passed Postponed Until March The songs were reported to about to newcome rs. After return­ To Teach 'f ailh, Perplexity' the Anti-Defamation League of Ing to Boise, Mrs. Kading re­ B1 nai s•rtth by a prominent, na­ ported the songs to a lawyer, tional Young Republican. Their who got in touch with the Seattle existence al so was confirmed by office of the Anti-Defamation several New Jersey Youn!J Repub­ League. licans . After an investigation the According ro league sources league, working wlh the Amer­ and Mr. Stam Ier, Mrs. Robert ican Jewish Committee and B. Kading of Boise, Idaho, was the American Jewi sh Congress, Instrumental In bringing the songs quietly approached Republican to light. She attended the Wild­ state leaders several weeks ago wood, N.J. convention as a can­ and asked for an Investigation. didate for national co-chairman A copy of the song sheet wa s of the national Young Republican given to the oarrv's state com­ organization. mittee, but i[ refused to release Wildwood has no large hotels, It I ast week. At a Republican parry lead­ ership meeting earlier this Few Attend month, Senator Stamler asked how the party could win If it con­ tinued to exclude labor, Negroes Legion Post's and other minority groups from Its council s. Award Dinner He pointedly asked the lead­ ers to look about them and see if there was a Negro or even another Jew ln the room other than himself. There apparently wasn't. (Continued on Page 12) Theologian Says Christians Guilty In Nazi Crimes LONDON - "Christians (;;nd not only Catholics) have more to make up for In regard to the Jews than do any other group." This ls stated by Professor Hans Kueng, of Tublngen Univer­ sity, Germany, in a review of the achievements of the Second Vatican Council In "London Sun­ day Times." Professor Kueng, who has been described as "the most brilliant of the younger liberal theologians of the Catholic Church," added: "The monstrous crimes of Nazi anti-Semitism would have been imposslbl e with out the hidden and often 'Christian' anti-Semitism of more than 1,500 years, an anti­ Semitism which was manlfesteven in the council debates. "The council, here again fol­ lowing the personal Initiative of John XXIII, ls attempting to place the relationship to Judaism on a new and positive basis. The church proclaims her Indissoluble unity with Israel, where Jesus and the early church have their origins: ,I, she also apeals to Israel's ' _) parrlarchs and Holy Scriptures. I" , "Even though most of the Jews rejected Jesus as Messiah they are in no sense accursed, but re­ main the chosen people. The re­ -sponslblllty for Jesus's death can­ not be I aid upon all the Jews of NEW YORK - The Inter­ agogue and Rabbi Israel Mow­ magazines and books In many In Mexico gave a sliver coin struck his own day, still less on those ',I national Synagogue at Kennedy Air­ showltz of the Hlllcrest Jewish languages. when It established "I ts religious of our own day. port wlll be opened to the public Center In Flushing, Is board chair- Among the museum's exhibits school. "Sermons and instruction In early March. It ls adjacent to man. are a torah that was hidden In a Mr. Stiver and Rabbi Mowshow- should aid mutual understanding the Roman Catholic and Protestant German cemetery while the Nazis ltz declared that the synagogue and e~teem: the church condemns chapels, on the Tri-Faith Plaza The facade of the synagogue were In power, two sliver breast- wtll "stand as a symbol of Amerl- all manifestations of anti-Semi­ opposite the International Arrivals cons!Sts of two tablets of the Ten plates from the collection of the cs's heritage of freedom of re- tism, Indeed all discrimination Building. Commandments, each 40 fee t high, Central synagogue of Moscow and llglon and conscience. based upon race, color, class or flanked by stained glass windows. a 200-year-old shofar used by "It wtll be a spiritual beacon religion. The few phrases which A "dedication dinner" for the Bloch & Hesse of New York were the so-called "black Jews" of JI h Id t I d h the architects. g t to every wor rave er, e- were not Included In the text are synagogue wtll be held In t e Cochin, India. daring that In this country religion not decisive for the future. Waldorf-Astoria Hotel for about The building wlll contain an In addition to the three-foot- ls considered a powerful and ' 'This unambiguous rejection of 2,000 guests on Sunday, at which Information center for travelers long shofar, the Cochin Jews do- salutary Influence for the main- anti-Semitism and call for co­ Governor ·Rockefeller and Mayor and a museum for the display of nated a set of weathered copper tenance of the dignity of every operation with the Jews Introduces Lindsay wtll speak. religious objects gathered from plates, listing their rights as cltl- human being, regardless of a new period of Judaeo-Chrlstlan It Is a project of the New over the world. The main sanctuary zens and Inscribed by a fourth- the faith he professes, the color relations after 2,000 years of York Board of Rabbis, which rep- was modeled after New York City's century maharajah. of his skin or his national origin." church history. To appreciate the resents the Orthodox, Reform and old Mtll Street Synagogue, one of The objects were collected on Each religious group wlll con- change which has taken pl ace one Conservative branches of Judaism. the first to be built In this country. a two-month world tour by Rabbi duct Its own services In Its own need only compare the declaration Charles H -SUWr, former pres!- A small chapel w111 be open Mowshowltz. cliapel, but there will al so be of Vatican II with the anti-Semitic dent of !ht Nl!w' York Board of da11y, and a reading room will Jews In Hawaii donated a sliver events In which the three houses measures of the best of medieval Educalton, Is president of the syn- be stacked with newspapers, torah pointer and the community of worship will cooperate. counclls, the Fourth Council of the llllllllllllllllllllNINIIIIIINIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIHIIIIIIIHIINIIUINIIINIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHNIIINIHhlllNIINIHIHllllllllllfflllNNftlllllllHIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Lateran, 750 years ago." Z THE RHODE ISL~D HERALD, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1966 Chicago Rabbis Deny Cantors Can Ma,ry CHICAGO- The Chica- ritual." . Orthodox Leader Asks .End go Board of Rabbis has revived It held that a couple "emhark­ ORGANiZtJION a controver sy over cantors of- Ing upon the s acred responslblll­ ftclatlng at weddings, with a state-· ties of marriage,'' should have NEWS ment that "the proper officiant the "spiritual guidance, counsel To Conversions By Reformed at all Jewish wedding ceremonies and Inspiration of a rabbi," LAKEWOOD, N.J. - - An Or­ of the Orthodox Rabbinical Council Beryl Segal To Teach should be only a duly ordained The cantor could properly par­ thodox leader called Reform ef­ of America , pointed out that Ju­ rabbi.'' The board Issued the state- tlclpate In the ceremony by for ts to conve r t Christi ans a threat dais m maintains the rights of all Yiddish At Beth El ment because of "recent discus- chanting appropriate portions of to the good r el ations generally faiths to share In the he r eafter. A course In Yiddish , open to slons In the community concern- the service only with the rabbi, prevailing today between Jews and that It " never claim s the exclusive Ing the officiants at the wedding - the board said. the whole communi ty , will be taught member s of other faiths. Rabbi monopoly on salvation." He spoke at Temple Beth El by Beryl Segal , Bernard A. Poupko. chai rman of at the Brunswick Hotel where the Herald columnist. Everyone In ter­ ,he annual midwinter confer ence conference wa s held. es ted In lear ning Yiddish ls asked "In our long his tory, we Jews to come to the temple library at TUTORING were the victims of such soul­ 8:15 P.M. on Wednesday. Feb. 9 . II-WEEK REVIEW COURSE - 90-MINUTE SESSIONS Rockefeller Grant capturing by various means of Dr. Marvin P!tterman. chairman of inducement and ruthless force," CERTIFIED TEACHERS - REASONABLE RATES the Adult Education Committee of he added. "We do not take kind­ the temple , said In announcing the To Benefit Trinity ly to being the objects of prose­ course that Isaac Bashevls FRENCH - MATHEMATICS lytlzatlon and we must defend our­ T r inity Square Playhouse, Singer's vlslt caused new inte rest LATIN - CHEMISTRY selves against It.
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