BANK VOLUME LXVIII, NO. 50. SEDJBANK, N. J., THURSDAY, JUNE 6,1946. SECTION ONE-^-PAGES 1>TO-J,f George A Gray Property Sales, Driscoll Carries Mozar Dancing Jewish Appeal 448 Republicans Vote Rumson Borough. At Little Silver Several Realty Deals To Resume Law Rentals In Seven Driscoll, Bray and Mrs. Thomp- School Recital Starts Monday Driscoll received 264 votes in son carried Rumson borough in the Tuesday's primary in Little Silver primary Tuesday, the vote being Friday Night to, 176 for'Hoffman. Bray received Closed During Week Practice Here Municipalities Driscoll 406, Hoffman 138; Bray In Red Bank an almost t to 1 majority over Dur- 106, Durand 108, and Mrs. Thomp- and, the vote being 307 to 111, and On Terminal Leave Transaction* In Real son. 434, Mrs. Vanlrrwegen 86. To Present Ballet, Col. JudaK"Nadich 'Mrs. Thompson carried the bor- Qulon received 52 votes for Dem- ough over Mrs. Vanlnwegon, a' res- Walker And Tindt&l Report Sales • —Was On Ceylon Estate Reported By ocratic state commltteeman to 40 "U Source," At To Be Dinner Speaker ident of Little Silver, 270 to 158. -A for Sutphln. total of 448 votes was cast^by Re- Of Business And Residence Propertiea With Mountbatten Wiltshire Agency For local offices, Charles B. Hard. Evening's Feature As Campaign Starts publicans. Ing and Francis J. Nary, unopposed, Trie complimentary vote for local Capt. George A. Gray Is now on The last properties owned by the were nominated for councllmen on The annual recital of the Ethel The 1946 United Jewish Appeal of Republican candidate*? who were Walker £ Tindall, realtors, of t terminal leave after more than 19 Sea Bright, Rumson Building and the Republican ticket, with 488 and Mount Mozar School of Dancing Red Bank will be launched Monday unopposed, was as follows. John Mechanic street. Red Bank, an« months' service, and will. In the. Loan association have been sold" to 488 votes, respectively, while James wlll be held in the Red Bank Catho- J evening at 7 o'clock at a dinner in Hawkins and Frank Dean, for coun- LtM.H.KeUy nounce the sale of the M. V. B, aear future, resume hie practice of an Investor. The sale included Tanner and George Ebert were lie High school auditorium tomor-,the Jewish Community Center in cil, 410 and 408, and Fred L. Ayers Smock buUdlng located at 62 White) , lav In Red, Bank. three, stores with apartments above nominated for councllmen on the rpw night. The,feature of the re- • . and Miss Annie Laurie, for mem- Out Of The Navy street, Red Bank,. occupied for ,' and two bungalows.-^ All of the Democratic ticket via the, write-in cital will 6e the ballet. "La Source," •—-—•—=»•—— • " •—< bers of the county executive com- many years by the Red Bank »' properties are located on Bay ave- routeVtfie former receiving 46 votes music by Mlnkous and L. Delibes. mittee, 412 and 400. Steam Laundry. This brick struc- ' nue, Highlands. The purchaser was and the latter, 45. No Democrats The leads1 are- carried by Judy By-; In the Democratic primary Sut- To'Resume Position ;ure was purchased by a North represented by Daniel S. Welgand. had filed for the offices. erson and Marilyn Moore and a phln received 17 votes to 13 for Jersey party as an investment. At- A double houae on Linden place, large number of the pupils of thej Quinn, and Mrs. Helen Wlchmann, With The Register torney John V. Crowell represented Red BanlCowned by Anna Walsh, school will take part. who wae elected county committee- both the purchaser and seller in has beerf sold to Mr. and Mrs. A. Council Asks The ttory of, the ballet concerns woman, received 28 votes. Lieut. Martin H. Kelly of Lln: this transaction. ^ Pa lion as an Investment. The house a mountain spring—4he source of croft, USNR., was released to in- The same brokers have sold the "i has fix rooms on each side with all life , and beauty of nature—a active duty Tuesday at New York, •former M. M. Davidson's home-'' modern Improvements. A four-car Army To Make prince, peasants, fairies, nymphs, and will return next week to the stead located at 40 Leroy place, M garage was Included in the sale. ladies-ln-waiting and all the enter- "Bas Mitzvah" Red Bank Register, with which he Red Bank, for Thomas. Stable. Mr. i Bgt B. P. Rled of Georgia has tainers at the court is associated as a member. Stoble has been residing at this purchased from the G-illeon Realty River Survey The program in Its entirety is as Service Sunday address for the past two years. He' company of Orange, an eight-room followBi has moved to an apartment that he has. remodelled over bis tavi home on Pemberton avenue, Ocean- Wants Shrewsbury £"»— —- '"d7 jon port Sgt. and Mrs. Reid have taken Th. Princ, — Marilyn Moor. At Bnai Israel .on Monmouth streel^jj possession of their new home and Fairies, PeuanU, Nrmph*. Ladlu-ln- iswisTFTBuckman, has uwu JJOH- are making extensive alterations to Widened, Deepened; tValtiBs, EoKrtalneri at tii Palace seaslon of his new home. Mr. Buch- IN THE FOREST Nine Students And anan was formerly from Buffalo, * the property. I Liquor Fees Raised Th. Fairlei - _ Jean Balrd, Marllm J. B. Gaiella of Catherine street, Chapman, Marj Virginia Muon. Pa, New York, and is an executive, *i trlcla Schackor. Tbeir Teachers jo the General Cable company of Perth Red Bank, has purchased from A. The, Red Bank mayor and coun- SoJoUt, Muilro Chapman Amboy. Parson, Labrecque, Can-; Mazza, a modern slxjjoom home on Ev« Barbara Brook., Eae-Irwin Be Honored ' Pearl street Features, of the house cil Monday night adopted a resolu- Hawlwood. Iran. Kellr. Juanita Llbo». zona and Combs represented both'' are oil burner, tile kitchen and tion to be forwarded to the War '«/, Uarsaret Mnlhern, Joan Tucker the purchaser and seller ln the: Department In which that agency Th. Peasants— Great preparations have been closing! 5 bath. In the Old Farm village sec- Group 1—Willow Anderson, Betty Far- tion of Rumson, Fred Dunnell.rras was asked to "Make a survey of rjli, A«nej Harmyk. Suaan Kindle. Jean made for the Bas Mltzvah service The Stewart Cook property lo> Isold a bungalow to J. McMann of the navigable channels" of the Kelly, Ellen Kienzle, Donna Komar, of Congregation B'Nai Israel which cated at 212 East Bergen placed North. Shrewsbury river with a Ksthcrlne UBrecqii.. Barbara Mc- will be held at the synagogue on East Orange. 1 Clellaii, Ann I'olak. Joan Polak, An- LT. COL. JUDAH. NADICH. Red Bank, has been ?old through Vj CAPT. GEORGE A. GRAY Chester WUhelm has rented for view to widening the channel to 200 drea Van Mottrand Riverside avenue Sunday, June 9, the same agency to Robert H. A member of Lord Louis Mount- i the summer his home located In feet and deepening it to nine feet. Croup 2—Grace ^Fletcbcr, Carol* Koi- Red Bank, at which Lieut. Col. Ju- with Rabbi Arthur H. Hershon in Shelley of 266 Columbia avenue, vell; Bosemarie Caalndriello. Marjorle dah Nadich, former adviser to Gen. I charge. Jersey City. Mr. Shelley is em- batten'i Atari during the 29 months, the Country Club Estates to Col. W. Councilman Thomas M. GopsiU, Goff, Gail Lanron. Joan Laraon, Lola he aeryed overseas, Mr. Gray had ; D. Joslin, Port Signal officer of the who introduced the resolution, ex- fiountree, Ann Stanneld Elsenhower on Jewish activities in The members of the class are ployed by the Treasury Depart-' wide and interesting experiences: Army Service Forces, Brooklyn, plained that it came as a result of Group 8—Barbara Jlannine, Arlyn Sy- the European theater, will be the Marcia Hoffman, Edith Hoffman, ment of the United States govern* kora; Mary Barker, Suiy Bnhorn, Ruth Halpern, Joan Yanko Kaplan, ment. Both Mi". Shelley and Mr. while stationed on Ceylon. Assigned ; Mrs. Henry Frani of Lincoln ave- the May 9 bearing at the Mechanic Elliabeth Foalei, Patricia Kelly, Joyce principal speaker. to the operations division of the' nue, Fair Haven, has rented her street school sponsored by the McKiernan, EUla KuMn, M«ry Ella- Sondra Joyce Klarln, Roberta Mar- Cook were represented by Attorney 'I headquarters, his primary duty was house to Lars J. Sanberg of West- army's corps—of engineers. In it, beth Seariei, Marola Speer, Wane sha Nelson, Judith Lola Portner, Allaire Corn well of- Applegate, _^ in presenting the world situation Held, an executive with the Merck ie stressed the fax^ that the bor- Trenery, Gall Turner Gall Patricia Rasaas and Gweu Stevens, Foster & Reussille. "" Ladles-ln-Waitlng Betsy AMon. Phyllis Stalberg. to the commander In war room con- company, Rahway. ough had valuable holdings on the Mirmret BlmntafrBlVUff , DtDorothyh An.A . The same firm has announced the "i Goff, Judy Ueberman, Mimi Kelly, Bev- Their teachers, who will receive sale of one of the finest built ,, farences. He also gave lectures to William Aiubro of Little Silver riverfront and added that the sec- •rly Overton. Nancy Tepper ' honorary diplomas, were Misses home in Atlantlo Highlands. This l§ the British troops on the American has rented his home in Colonial tion of the river In which Red Entrance of the Prlnc. Marilyn Moor. LIEUT. MARTIN H. KELLY system of government and served terrace to F. Horton of Rumson. Frances Blederman, Rose Wlffdoftz, house has been owned and occu- '; Bank was particularly interested Th. Nymph. Beverly King, P.. Joyce Portner, Thelma Goldin and pied by Ira. Letts and is located ^ as judge advocate or defense coun- had been "a rendezvous for boat- llela Haxzaeco, "Barbar a ' nn Smith, Helen Trimble Jane Stalberg. Lieut. Kelly saw 27 months of ac- at 41 East Lincoln avenue. The 4 sel on numerous General and Spec- • ers from all of New Jersey and tive duty, 19 of which were spent lai Court Martlaia. Entrant, of Null. Judy Ry.rao_, n The order of service is as follows. house is of fleldstone construction''?: Certificates For New York" and not Red Bank res- Beverly King, Feltda Muiacco, Barbara Organ Prelude -...Miss ROM Wolfson on tankers in the Atlantic and on and has a horse shoe glazed tile •; Betides his main duty, he was idents alone. Ann Smith, Helm Trlmbl. PROCESSIONAL transport duty ln the Pacific. He 1 also legal assistance officer for the Judy Ryerson roof. The purchaser is the formei;' ^ The ordinance amending liquor Judy Rysrlran. Marilyn Moor. Mai Tovn ..Rabbi Arthur H. Herehon came to the Naval Ammunition de- MaJ. Charles B. Whittenberg 6t"% American contingent and was tha 24 Graduates In license fees was adopted. The fees, Barbara Ann Smith Ofllcen—Teachers—Bas Mltsvah Class pot at Earle, ln November of last staff judge advocate to the Com- Departure of Nalla and th. Prlnc* "Bmchot Habo'ot" — Prayer Washington, D. C. At present Mr, 'j which are effective July 1 subject Rabbi Hershon year, and has been assistant to the Whittenberg Is connected with the % mander of the American detachment IN THE PALACE Floral Offering Judith Lol. Portner Eatontown School to approval of the Alcoholic Bev- Entrance of th. Entertainer.: Commanding Officer, Capt. Qifbert Slgyial Corps laboratory at Fort 1 at Mountbatten's headquarters. An- erage Control commission, are "The Message of the Flower" C. Hoover, USN, since that time, other. additional duty was his ap- Jean Balrd Bexponalve Beading » Monmouth. Attorney Sorenson ot f $750 for taverns and $375 for pack- Patricia Schueker (interpolated musk Gwcn Phyllis Stalbenr with collateral duties as publio re- the flrm of Roberts, Plllsbury, Car- f; pointment as United States Foreign To Be Presented age stores. by C. Chaminad.) ASCEiNDING THE ARK lations officer. Claims Commissioner tor the Island Mary Vlnrinia Maion Edith Hoffman — Gal! Patricia Ranaa ton & Sorenson represented ths ; of Ceylon. Councilman Harry Malchow re- Betty Farnll, Jean Kellj, Blen (Cong egatlon Standing) At the time of his entrance Into seller, while Attorney Gilbert M^ At Exercises In ported that the new well on South Elensle, Joan Polak, Andr»a Van 1Xt%\ Broeho. . _.._._Marel« Hoffman service, Lieut. Kelly was chairman son represented the purchaser. When Mountbatten moved his Nostrand Tha Ten Commandments..Rabbt and das. Pearlttreet promises to be the bor- Beverly Kins, FeUda Uauacco. Bar- of War Price and Ration board of The bungalow owned by T headquarters from Ceyjon to Slnga- j Methodist Church Second Brochos __.Jloberta Nelson Chaffln, located on Rose court,. pore, Mr. Gray remained behind ough's most productive one. He bara Ann Smith, Helen Trlmbl. ••Ythally" — BxaltaUon Rabbbl Her- Middletown township, which post expressed his pleasure with the re- Judy By«r>nn shon Rath Halpern and he held as a volunteer for two (Continued on page 2) and became custodial officer of gov- OnuJuaUon ^ercee, of u^ Eat- Js» Balrd, Marilyn Oha«mw, Mary - UESCENDINO THB ABE, - ernment property on the Island. „.,„„,, sults thus far and-stated that the '*•—'-U ituon. Patrfela'tknackeT Joan Yanko Kaplan—Sondra Joyce Klarln yeara. * mitmn pubUc wlll be heW work is netting completion, Moor. BliMlns The Bnot Mltivot — R«lbl which Involved responsibility tot]tbyt eyenjB? ta Flr8t Methodist A resident of Sandy New, Lin- A request from the Consolidated Judy Syenon Organ Pfelud. Mis. RM. Wolf.on croft, all his life, he attended Mid- the various wares, together wittt church at lhllt borough. The com. Fellrl. Husacco Symposium— Angus Ass'n Holds bousing and cataloguing In prep- mencement addre