50 FINE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS 2017 Shapero RARE BOOKS 2 Shapero Rare Books Shapero Rare Books 3 50 FINE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS 2017 32 Saint George Street London W1S 2EA Tel: +44 207 493 0876
[email protected] shapero.com INTRODUCTION This catalogue of fine illustrated books was a great pleasure for me to put together for two reasons: the number of books in fine contemporary bindings, and the broad range of subject matter. At a time when many believe that you can’t find great copies as you could in the “good old days”, the number of exceptional examples in the present catalogue shows that if you have the experience and know where to look, there are still great treasures to be found. Some of the fine contemporary bindings are showcased at the beginning of the catalogue. The breadth of subject matter is equally impressive, ranging from fine topographical works such as Nattes Views of Bath (item 35), and a complete deluxe issue of Roberts’ Holy Land & Egypt (item 34), through to great natural history books including Merian’s Insects of Surinam (item 32) and Redoute’s Choix des plus belles Fleurs (item 41) – so much more accessible than his Roses or Lillies, by way of anatomy in the form of Gautier-d’Agoty (item 22); Windmill architecture (item 1), and the incomparable complete set of Cochin’s engravings depicting the victories of the Chinese emperor K’ien Lung (item 14). Aside from their historical importance, these represent the pinnacle of eighteenth century copper engraving with remarkable detail and tonal range.