Strategic Environmental Assessment of Estonian Marine Strategy`S Programme of Measures to Achieve and Maintain Good Environmental Status of Estonian Marine Area

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Strategic Environmental Assessment of Estonian Marine Strategy`S Programme of Measures to Achieve and Maintain Good Environmental Status of Estonian Marine Area Strategic Environmental Assessment of Estonian Marine Strategy`s Programme of Measures to achieve and maintain Good Environmental Status of Estonian marine area Draft report (12.10.2015) Client: OÜ Eesti Keskkonnauuringute Keskus Prepared by: Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli Meresüsteemide Instituut (Marine Systems Institute at Tallinn University of Technology) OÜ Alkranel Head of SEA working group: Alar Noorvee Tartu-Tallinn 2015 CONTENTS INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................... 5 1. PROGRAMME OF MEASURES AND ITS LIST OF NEW MEASURES ............................................ 7 2. OVERVIEW OF THE CURRENT SITUATION, PROBLEMS AND PRESSURES ............................. 9 2.1 Overview of the natural environment .............................................................................................. 9 2.1.1 Bathymetry, characteristics of seafloor and coast ...................................................................... 9 2.1.2 Temperature, salinity, stratification, ice cover ......................................................................... 11 2.1.3 Currents, wave regime and sea level ........................................................................................ 12 2.1.4 Nutrients and oxygen .............................................................................................................. 14 Plankton .......................................................................................................................................... 16 2.1.6 Benthos ................................................................................................................................... 18 2.1.7 Fish fauna ............................................................................................................................... 21 2.1.8 Wild birds ............................................................................................................................... 23 2.1.9 Protected natural objects and Natura 2000 .............................................................................. 24 2.1.10 Marine mammals .................................................................................................................. 28 2.2 Pressures on and status of the natural environment ....................................................................... 30 2.2.1 Physical damage: siltation, smothering, elimination, sealing, changing the coastline ................ 31 2.2.2 Underwater noise .................................................................................................................... 34 2.2.3 Nutrient enrichment ................................................................................................................ 37 2.2.4 Inputs of organic matter .......................................................................................................... 40 2.2.5 Introduction of microbial pathogens to waterbodies ................................................................ 42 2.2.6 Contamination by hazardous substances ................................................................................. 44 2.2.7 Marine litter ........................................................................................................................... 45 2.2.8 Oil pollution from ships and its impact .................................................................................... 46 2.2.9 Selective extraction of species .................................................................................................. 48 2.2.10 Introduction of non-indigenous species .................................................................................. 49 2.2.11 Intentional or systematic release of solid substances into the marine environment ................. 50 2.2.12 Status of the natural environment ......................................................................................... 51 2.3 Overview of socio-economic environment and problems ................................................................ 55 2.3.1 Maritime industry related business environment ..................................................................... 55 2.3.3 Marine transport and ports (including maritime rescue) ......................................................... 64 2.3.3 Natural resources (mineral resources, wind) and using thereof ............................................... 67 2.3.4 Marine cultural heritage and traditional coastal lifestyle ......................................................... 71 2.3.5 Maritime education and research and development activity .................................................... 72 2.3.6 Air quality, including traffic noise in the air environment ....................................................... 74 3. OBJECTIVE, METHOD AND SCOPE OF STRATEGIC ENVIROMENTAL ASSESSMENT .......... 77 2 Strategic Environmental Assessment of National Development Plan “Estonian Marine Policy 2012 −2020” Draft Report, 2015 4. COMPLIANCE ANALYSIS OR RELATIONS OF THE MEASURES OF THE PROGRAMME OF MEASURES WITH OTHER STRATEGIC DOCUMENTS ................................................................... 79 4.1 Regional and European Union documents ..................................................................................... 79 4.2 National documents of Estonia ...................................................................................................... 85 Priority 1: Improving knowledge transfer and innovation in the agricultural and forestry sector and rural areas ........................................................................................................................................... 95 Priority 2: Improving the viability of agricultural holdings and the competitiveness of all agricultural forms in all areas and promoting innovative agricultural technologies and sustainable forest management ......... 95 Priority 3: Promoting the organisation of food chain in agriculture, including the processing and marketing of agricultural products, animal welfare, and risk management ............................................................. 95 Priority 4: Restoring, preserving and improving agricultural and forestry ecosystems ............................. 95 Priority 5: Promoting resource efficiency and supporting the transition to low-CO2 emission and climate resilient economy in agriculture and food and forestry sectors .............................................................. 95 Priority 6: Promoting social inclusion, poverty reduction and the rural economic development ................ 95 5. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS EXPECTED TO OCCUR DURING IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROGRAMME OF MEASURES AND THEIR MITIGATION MEASURES ...................................... 104 5.1 Analysis of the impact of implementation of the Estonian Marine Strategy`s programme of measures ......................................................................................................................................................... 104 5.2 Area-specific summaries of the impact analysis and proposals ..................................................... 133 5.2.1 Impact on marine biota and habitats (including impact on protected natural objects) ........... 133 5.2.2 Impact on the quality and physical indicators of seawater ..................................................... 133 5.2.3 Impact of measures in the contexts of GES effort .................................................................. 135 5.2.4 Impact on air quality (including outdoor noise) and climate changes ..................................... 142 5.2.5 Impact on sustainable use of natural resources and resources ............................................... 143 5.2.6 Impact on the well-being and health of humans (including outdoor noise) ............................. 144 5.2.7 Impact on the marine business environment (including fisheries, aquaculture, tourism etc.) . 144 5.2.8 Impact on marine transport and ports (including navigational safety and security and marine rescue) ......................................................................................................................................... 146 5.2.9 Impact on marine cultural heritage ....................................................................................... 146 5.2.10 Cumulative impacts and cross-border influence .................................................................. 147 6. DESCRIPTION OF MONITORING REQUIREMENTS AND FOLLOW-UP ASSESSMENT ......... 150 6.1 Natural environment ................................................................................................................... 150 6.2 Socio-economic monitoring of implementation of measures of the programme of measures ......... 151 7. OVERVIEW OF THE SEA PROCESS AND ENCOUNTERED DIFFICULTIES ............................ 153 8. SUMMARY OF SEA RESULTS ....................................................................................................... 154 8.1 OVERVIEW OF THE CURRENT SITUATION, PROBLEMS AND PRESSURES .................... 154 8.1.1 Overview of the natural environment .................................................................................... 154 8.1.2 Pressures on and status of the natural environment .............................................................. 161 8.1.3 Overview of socio-economic environment and problems ........................................................ 163

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