Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 104 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION

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Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 104 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 104 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 142 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, APRIL 30, 1996 No. 57 House of Representatives The House met at 12:30 p.m. and was SAM is most treasured as a hero of SAM has been our leader, SAM has called to order by the Speaker pro tem- World War II. He earned the Bronze been our mentor, SAM has been our pore [Mr. WELLER]. Star after parachuting into Normandy friend. SAM, thank you for all that you f on the night before D-day. have done for Florida, and for our Na- SAM served for 10 years in the Florida tion. DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO House of Representatives. One of his In the Bible, there is a passage ``For TEMPORE proudest accomplishments was passing I am now ready to be offered, and the The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- legislation that created the University time of my departure is at hand. I have fore the House the following commu- of South Florida. Today, SAM is proud fought a good fight. I have finished my nication from the Speaker: to be recognized as the ``Father of the course. I have kept the faith.'' SAM WASHINGTON, DC, University of South Florida.'' GIBBONS has been fighting the good April 30, 1996. In the Florida Senate, where he fight, and he has kept the faith. We are I hereby designate the Honorable JERRY served for 4 years, SAM GIBBONS helped so proud of you, SAM. You have been WELLER to act as Speaker pro tempore on establish Florida's regional water man- our leader and you have been our this day. agement districts. These districts are NEWT GINGRICH, friend. Speaker of the House of Representatives. important because they have enabled I have a token that I want to give us to repair, maintain, and preserve f SAM and his wife. SAM, would you come our precious water resources, not just down, please? MORNING BUSINESS for our current enjoyment, but for A tiny token of our appreciation to The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Florida's future as well. you and from me personally as being ant to the order of the House of May 12, So, when SAM GIBBONS marched into my mentor when I arrived here. 1995, the Chair will now recognize Congress in 1962, he was quite accom- Mr. GIBBONS. Thank you so much. Members from lists submitted by the plished in many areas of policy. And he Ms. BROWN of Florida. God bless majority and minority leaders for went on to tackle Congress in grand you, SAM, and God bless America. morning hour debates. The Chair will style. As a junior Member of Congress Mr. RAHALL. Mr. Speaker, it is with great alternate recognition between the par- in 1965, SAM GIBBONS was chosen by honor today that I rise today to pay tribute to ties, with each party limited to not to President Johnson to shepherd impor- our colleague, SAM GIBBONS of Florida. For 33 exceed 30 minutes, and each Member tant legislation such as Job Corps and years, SAM has stood proudly as a Member of except the majority and minority lead- Head Start through Congress. SAM se- the House of Representatives representing the er limited to not to exceed 5 minutes. cured a seat on the coveted Ways and 11th district of Florida and he will be missed The Chair recognizes the gentle- Means Committee and became chair- by all for his integrity and dedication to the woman from Florida [Ms. BROWN] for 5 man of its Trade Subcommittee in 1981. people of Tampa and to this institution, the minutes. One of SAM's finest hours was shep- U.S. House of Representatives. f herding NAFTA and GATT through Mr. Speaker, although every American has Ways and Means to final passage. a different definition of an hero, I think that IN HONOR OF SAM GIBBONS In early 1994, when he became the most Members of the House would agree with Ms. BROWN of Florida. Mr. Speaker, acting chairman of the Ways and me that SAM GIBBONS has qualities that would we are here today to honor Congress- Means Committee, SAM GIBBONS was qualify him as a great American hero to each man SAM GIBBONS on the occasion of instrumental in passing a health care and every American. his retirement at the end of this year. reform bill through his committee. To some, a hero is defined as a military Even before SAM was elected to Con- Later that year, SAM worked tirelessly man who distinguishes himself in battle. As a gress in 1962, he already had a long and to protect Medicare, Medicaid, and wel- young captain in 1944, SAM was with 12,000 distinguished career. Serving 17 terms fare from the chopping block. members of the 101st Airborne who in Congress was a fine way for SAM to SAM is also a family man. SAM and parachuted into German-occupied France, finish off his remarkable career in pub- his darling wife Martha celebrate their providing key support for the invasion at Nor- lic life. Although, I am sure he is not 50th wedding anniversary this year. His mandy on D-day which earned him the Bronze going to disappear. I hear that SAM is three sons Clifford, Tim, and Mark, his Star. gearing up to teach, among other three daughters-in-law, and his five To some, a hero is someone who has es- thingsÐnot surprising for a man who grandchildren will benefit from our tablished himself as a leader of men. And if has spent his whole life serving his loss when SAM returns home to Florida his military service is not enough to prove this, country in one way or another. at the end of this year. his career in the House of Representatives b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H4121 H4122 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE April 30, 1996 and Florida Legislature has. As a young mem- health care reform plan. In the course of this Looking over his record, of 17 terms, you ber of the then Education and Labor Commit- struggle, SAM demonstrated his ability to run have to be impressed with not only his suc- tee, SAM GIBBONS was chosen to floor man- the committee in a collegial and competent cesses but also with his battles. A listing of age the Great Society legislation, including the manner. During the 104th Congress, as the Representative GIBBONS experience and ac- Head Start Program, for President Johnson. ranking Democrat on the House Ways and complishments is long and impressive, but I Almost 30 years later, as chairman of the Means Committee, SAM GIBBONS was an influ- will not try to list them all, we'd be here too House Ways and Means Committee, he was ential leader of the House Democrats in de- long. able to muster enough support for a health bill fending Medicare and other important pro- It is well known that he parachuted into Ger- that no one thought was ever possible. grams. man-occupied Normandy in World War II on To others, being a hero means standing up I urge my colleagues to join with me in hon- the night before D-day. He won the Bronze for what you believe in, no matter what the oring SAM GIBBONS as a true public servant. Star for his service in that major military cam- odds are against you. In my years of Con- This institution will be diminished by his depar- paign. Representative GIBBONS has long cred- gress, I have not witnessed SAM compromise ture. However, we are enriched by the legacy ited his experiences as a captain in the 501st his views or do something in which he did not he will leave. His career is truly a model of Parachute Infantry/101st Airborne Division with believe. His powerful voice resonating in sup- public service to be emulated by Members of shaping his fundamental beliefs that have port of the elderly, the children, and veterans Congress for years to come. We wish him the guided him in his public service first in the will always be heard in the hallways of the best in his future endeavors. Florida State Legislature and then in the Unit- U.S. Capitol. Mrs. KENNELLY. Mr. Speaker, I am ed States Congress. And to others, being a hero, means being a pleased to join with my colleagues tonight to Representative GIBBONS' service in Con- good husband and father. For almost 50 pay tribute to a great Congressman and a gress has not been quite as hazardous as years, SAM has been married to Martha Han- good friend, SAM GIBBONS. Many of us have parachuting into Normandy, even though he ley and they have three sons who have mar- heard SAM tell about the night he parachuted would probably agree that there have been ried and have blessed SAM and Martha with into Normandy with the 101st Airborne. That several equally long nights preparing for and five grandchildren. story typifies SAM and the quality has col- fighting battles here in the House of Rep- Mr. Speaker, I close by wishing the best for leagues have come to value most in him: his resentatives. a great American hero, SAM GIBBONS, as he courage.
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