364 Journal of the : July 1974 he wrote of the mistrust which certain pathologists had of the accuracy and fidelity of the microscope. Yet he was not free from fallibility and human error. He left the mechanism of growth in cancer without a strong theoretical state- ment, a sad neglect to this day. No matter. Ober's book fulfills numerous educational needs for any student of disease. He is to be congratulated and encouraged to further his efforts. Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/jhmas/article/XXIX/3/364/797140 by guest on 01 October 2021

WOLFGANG-HAGEN HEIN. iUustrierter Apotheker-Kalauler 1974. Stuttgart, Deutscher Apodieker, 1974. 36 pp., illus. DM11,50.

Reviewed by ALBERT W. FRENKEL, Professor, Department of , University of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota 55101. This calendar in its thirty-third year represents a most valuable and informa- tive collection of selected events in the history of during the past five centuries. Thirty-six black and white Central European artistic expressions are represented, ranging as far back as 1497 with die wood-cut of Apotheker- Laboratorium from the 'Chirurgiebuch' of Hieronymus Brunschwig (plate 30) to modern art forms. The latter are represented by a reproduction of the doors of the new addition to die 'Markt-Apotheke' in Neunkirchen am Brand, de- signed by the sculptor Felix Miiller, and plates produced by Karl DSrfuss (1972): depicting the healing power of plant substances; the offering of natural and synthetic curative substances to the sick by Pharmacy; and die power of plants to utilize sunlight and minerals in the synthesis of food and of healing substances. The portrait of the Apotheker Hanns Schellenberg (1480-1512/13), painted in 1505 by Hans Burkmair of , forms die colored frontispiece. Hanns Schellenberg is further memorialized by a reproduction of his Medallion (plate 6) and his burial plate (plate 32). This calendar should be of great interest and provide enjoyment to all diose interested in die and Medicine.