Carter, William T., Foundation of Child Helping, 50 Chaplain, Catholic, 194 Chaplain, University, Isg Chaplain's Religious Counc
INDEX Accounting. 53 Carter, William T., Foundation of Administrative offices, 4, 199 Child Helping, 50 Admissions, Office of, 37 Chaplain, Catholic, 194 Advertising, 47 Chaplain, University, ISg Agnew. D. Hayes, Memorial Pavilion, Chaplain's Religious Council, 190 1I8, 134 Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Alumni, 196 63, 109 Alumni Records Office. 202 Child Helping, William T. Carter American Academy of Political and Foundation of, 50 Social Science, 41 Children's Hospital, 141 American Law Institute, 97 Christian Association, 190 Anatomy, 107 Civil Engineering, 58 Anesthesia, Division of, 133 College, 5 Animal Pathology, School of (Dolton College Collateral Courses, 5 Farm), 163 College of Liberal Arts for Women, 72 Anthropology, 21 College Hall, 3; bell, 3 Archaeology, 21, 91 Commerce, Transportation, and Public Architecture, 69 Utilities, 44 Associated Pennsylvania Clubs Cox, George S., Medical Research In (alumni), 196 stitute (Diabetic Clinic), 124 Astronomy, 27 Crawley. Howard, Memorial Lectures, 39 Dacteriology, 115, 148 Cultural Olympics. 78 Dennett Club, 174 Dennett Hall, 71 Debate Council, 181 Diddle Law Library, 97, 100 Dental School, 157 Biology, 33 Departmental organizations and clubs Blanchard Hall, 199 (undergraduate). 182 Boathouse, 187 Departmental societies (alumni), 196 Dolton Farm (School of Animal Pa- Dermatological Research, Laboratory thology), 163 of, 146 Botanical Gardens, 30 Dermatology and Syphilology, 144 \ Botany, 29, 33, 34 Directress of Women, 165 I Bronchoscopic Clinic, 144 Dormitories, men's, IGg " t BUildings and Grounds, 200 Dormitory Annex, 174 'J Business Administration, Graduate Dormitory Houses, men's: J Course in, 38 Ashhurst, 173 Dusiness Law, 54 Baird, 172 " \ 2°5 \ 206 INDEX Dormitory Houses, men's:-(Continued) Electrical Engineering, Moore School Baldwin, '7" 01, 65 Birthday, '73 Engineering, 57, 65 Bodine, '72 Engineering Building, 56 Brooks, '7' English, 6 Carruth, '72 Evans Ins1itute and School of Den Chesnut, '73 tistry.
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