Autori Români În Limba Engleză
Autori români în limba englez ă Aceast ă bibliografie nu este înc ă exhaustiv ă, fiind extins ă în permanen ţă. Iat ă de ce orice semnal ări, care pot s ă o completeze, sunt mai mult decât binevenite şi le a ştept ăm cu interes. Scrie ţi-ne la . A Adame şteanu, Gabriela , Wasted Morning , translated by Patrick Camiller, Northwestern University Press, 2011 Alecsandri, Vasile , V. Alecsandri , 13 Poems and Study about V. Alecsandri’s Life , translated by G.C. Nicolescu, Bucharest: Meridiane Publishing House, 1967 Andriescu, Radu ; Pan ţa, Iustin ; Popescu, Cristian , Memory Glyphs: 3 prose poets from Romania , translated by Adam J. Sorkin with Radu Andriescu, Mircea Iv ănescu and Bogdan Ştef ănescu, Prague: Twisted Spoon (distributed by London: Central Books), 2009 Arghezi, Tudor , Animals, both big and small , translated by Dan Du ţescu, Bucharest: Editura Tineretului, 1968 Arghezi, Tudor , Five Last Minute Poems , Rogart, Sutherland: Rhemusaj Press, 1974 Arghezi, Tudor , Selected Poems of Tudor Arghezi , bilingual edition, translated by Michael Impey and Brian Swann, Princeton UP, 1976 Arghezi, Tudor , Selected Poems , translated by Michael Impey and Brian Swann, Princeton, Guildford: Princeton University Press, 1976 Arghezi, Tudor , Selected Poems 1880-1967 , translated by C. Michael-Titus & N.M. Goodchild, London/Upminster: Panopticum, 1979 Arghezi, Tudor , Tudor Arghezi Centenary 1880-1980 , Bucharest: Cartea Româneasc ă Publishing House, 1980 Arghezi, Tudor , Poems , Andrei Banta ş (ed.), translated by Andrei Banta ş, preface by Nicolae Manolescu, Bucharest: Minerva Publishing House, 1983 Astalos, Georges , Contestatory Visions: five plays , translated by Ronald Bogue, Lewisburg: Bucknell University Press; London: Associated University Presses, 1991 Astalo ş, George , Magma.
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