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VOLUME XLVIII.—NO. 50. SMYRNA, DEL., WEDNESDAY AKTEIÎNOON, MAY (i. loo:;. WHOLE NO. •_*.!«!. BISHOP RANDOLPH S. FOSTER DEAD. TWENTIETH CENTURY CLUB ADJOINS SUPERIOR COURT TRIES TOWNSEND >1. E. CHURCH DEDICATED Noted Divine Who Spent a Winter Two Years FOLKS PUN A«o in Smyrna Died at His Home Newton Held Last Meeting Friday Afternoon Install New Officers and After Hearing Some Re. AH Day Sen ices Held Sunday With Larfct SEVERAL SMÏRHA CASES Center, Mass., Alter Lingering Illness. Congregations S7000 Raised of Which EOCAl OPTION CAMPAIGN ports, Had a Little Farewell Social. Bishop Randolph S. Foster of the THREE NEAR UNE COMO S4000 Was Subscribed For Sunday Methodist Episcopal Church, died Fri­ The last regular meeting of the JAMES POWELL AND THOMAS SMITH OF The new Methodist Church was de­ day at the age of eighty-three, ORGANIZED A“SMYRNA TEMPERANCE AL­ Twentieth Century Club of Smyrna KENTON CONVICTED OF LARCENY. Death HORSE DRIVEN BV MRS. W. F. DUNN TAKES dicated Sunday with all-day services. was due to a breakdown following a LIANCE” AT ASBU8V M. E. CHURCH. was held Friday afternoon to hear the FRIGHT AT METZ’S AUTOMOBILE. The dedicatory^sermou wan preached stroke of apoplexy sustained last De­ reports of the stauding committees for by Dr. Samuel MacBuruey, of Phila­ Ex-Sheriff Robinson Fined for Failing to Ap. cember. He had been in feeble health the year just closed and to install the pear at Court When Subpoena Was Duly Over Twenty-one Join (be Organization nod delphia. Other ministen for several years. Two years ago he Many More Will Fallow—Voters' League new officers. The meeting was very Mrs. Dunn, Mrs. Carrie Farrell and Miss Mar­ participat- Served—Other Court Cases of Interest. interesting and the passing from one „iug were George P. Jones, Thomas spent the winter in Smyrna, His In Connection With tbe Alliance. garet Dunn, Thrown from ihe Team and Beauchamp, R. Irving Watkins,!). I). Two well known farmers and tillers daughter, Mrs. H. P. Foster, who has administration to another was done Severely Hurt-Had a Narrow Escape. C. T. Wyatt, D. D., W. !.. been staying at the Smyrna House At a meeting of the temperance folks with a mingled sorrow and joy, es­ Koous, C. or ditch contractors were put on trial K. Morris of Smyrna at Asbury M. E. Church pecially While Mrs. William F. Dunn, daugh­ stui the pastor, the Rev. in the Court of General Sessions with her mother Mrs. Pittman, receiv- so when Mrs. Lewis M. John B. Beauchamp The morning. last Thursday evening Price, ter Miss Margaret Dunn and Mrs. Car­ Thursday, charged with stealing ed the sad intelligence Saturday morn- "Stnyrna retiring president, presented afternoon Temperance Alliance” was formed to the gavel to Mrs. J. W. Clifton, the rie Farrell were returning from the and evening services »ere chickens from the farm of Jeremiah iug and left Monday to attend the all largely attended, ami the services funeral which took place at Green- i co °',erate witb the District Alliance president. The reports of the retiring latter’s farm last evening, their horse Teat in Kenton hundred, on or before of dedication wood, N. Y., yesterday afternoon. The l and,the State Alliance in the campaign chairmen showed some good work took fright at Metz’s automobile and w ere must impressive. March 10. The defendants were The church complete Bisnop while in Smyrna made a uum- i f°r local optlou‘ The Rev- Vaughan ran away, throwing the occupants of with furnish. James Powell and Thomas Smith, both accomplished during the year and the iug cost $10,000. her of warm friends. He is survived Colllus was ma,le temporary chair- club to be iu a most healthy condition. the team out and injuring them quite About $7,000 has sr large middle-aged men, with physiques far been raised, which sum will be de by the following children: T W Fos- man and Mr’ Gllbert s- Faries After tbe program, refreshments severely. The team belonged to W. that showed they were equal to tdeir was were voted to pay tbe indebtedness, the ter,Esq.,Mr. Fred Foster,East Orange 1 “ad® temP°rary secretary. served and the club adjourned until H. Collins Livery, The automobile laborious occupations of tillers. Attor­ There sum of $4,000 being raised on Sunday N. J., William Foster, Esq., of Boston,’ Were twenty 0De members wbo joined October. Tbe program rendered and team were coming iu opposite dir­ ney General Ward appeared for the was while the Mass., Mrs. William Foster, Boston !b® organization at the start and the as follows:—Report of Library Com­ ections and when near tbe lane at remainder of the total state, while Frank H. Davis and Arley amount bad beeu previously collected. Mass., Miss Eva Foster, Newton Cen’- , wl11 ^row continually. Much of "Belmont Hall,” tbe horse began to B. Magee represented the defendants. mittee, Mrs. James Anthony; duet, The church is u brick building of mod­ ter. Mass. Mrs. H. P. Foster who has tb® tlm® WaS takeu up iu reaRandolph Sinks Foster, D. D., ture, Mrs. W. H. Jauney; History, the church since 1878; Rev. John E one gated to find a place for the next ter passing the machine, the horse consignment of chickens was shipped of the Board of Bishops of the Metho­ Miss Anna D. Hough; Philanthropy, Willey, 1878-1881; Rev. T. E. Hell 1881- meeting. An effort will be made to took a fresh spurt and ran down the to Philadelphia, except one fowl dist Episcopal Church, was born in Mrs. Clarence Prettymau; Music, 188:*.; Rev. C. K. I induce others to join the local al­ road. Going over the causway at Lake Morris, 1883-1885; which escaped. It was afterward cap­ Williamsburg, Clermont county, , Miss Edith Beck; Civics and Home Kev. I)avid II. liance movement and those who will Como, the horse became uncontroll­ Corkrau, 1885-18%; tured and put back in a coop. Mr. Feb. 22, 1820. Science, Mrs. F. F. Evans; Social, Rev. E. P. Roberts, 1886-1H8V; Rev. S He was educated at make tbe canvass are A. E. Fowler, able and after a narrow escape from Teat, discovering his loss, went to Augusta College, and at tbe early age Mrs. J. W. Clifton; vocal solo, “A M. Morgan, 1*87-1890; Rev. R. ]. Wat •lames H. Morris and Miss Elizabeth plunging headlong into the pond, the various stores to find his chickens, but of seventeen entered the itinerant min­ May Morning,” Mrs. Frank Reynolds; kins, March, 1900 to September, Smithers. team dashed over the bridge and made 1890: found none at the Nickerson store un­ istry of the Methodist Episcopal The temperance alliance address by retiring president, Mrs. L. Rev. Herman Roe, September, j movement in this town and vicinity M. Price; Installation of officers and straight for the eubaukmeut at the 1899 to til be came to the one which had es­ Church of the Keutucky Conference March, 1891 ; Rev. F. • j promises to be an active force in tbe chairmen; instrumental duet, “I. Gashouse at the tui% of the road lead­ Fletcher, 1891- caped from the Philadelphia consign­ He was soon afterward transferred to 1892; Rev. F. F. Carpenter. Montecchi ’e Capnleti,” ing to the Electric Light Plant. 1893-1895; ment, purchased from the two defen­ the Ohio Conference, and after a few j coming campaign. by Jtellini, Rev. Albert Chandler, 1895-1899; Rev. Mrs. Coverdale and Miss Elizabeth J. Mrs. Dunn was the worse injured dants. This he positively identified as years of circuit riding in the days of Voters' League and the Pledge to Be Signed. G. P. Jones, 1899-1902; Rev. Collins. and was rendered unconscious. While J. H, his chicken, because he had raised it saddlebags he became pastor in Cin­ Beauchamp, present pastor. Local Alliances will be formed in no boues were broken, she sustained and because it had a hog ring around cinnati. NEW COLLECTOR FOR KENTON HUNDRED. an injury to Uer hip that is causing its leg as a marking. her much pain. Mrs. Farrell and Miss ASBURY CHURCH USHERS AND COLLECTORS Defendant counsel tried to show by pr«ct.J (ot ,i.t ‘ Mr. Andrew Moore Resigos and the Kent Levy Margaret Dunn were badly bruised David S. Clark and a number of wit­ City and . He was elected i0* , i . These. Leagues. , . will. ^ *. iT • circulate pledges to be signed asking Court Appoints Frank A. Moore instead. and shaken up generally. Timely Fiesidem William C. McÜoweli Makes His Ap. nesses that it was customary for chick­ president of , M , - n pointmenls For tbe Month of May. fit Framifnn in iq*p i • voters to pledge themselves as follows : assistance was soon at baud and they ens to be marked with hog-rings in at Evanston, 111., m 18)6, and remain- m, . .• , , _ Kent County Levy Court met in reg­ ed there three years, then returning to ’ * W® W,1Î D°*T°te1 for any were takeu to the residence of Mr. President William C. McDowell, of that community. That Powell and his man ular session yesterday with all the John B. Webb and a physician the Ushers’ Union of Asbury Church wife raised chickens and marked them pastorates iu and at ? repr.e8Aent « |û e‘tber bJaBcb otOie members present and Chairman Baggs sum- Sing Sing, N. Y. In 1808 he was elec- * ^ A88embly of ,the S ate of Deb moned. The carriage was almost last week made his thus, Mrs. Powell, seeking to get presiding. A. H. Moore, collector of com- appointments for ted professor of systematic theology the campaign of 1904 who pletelv demolished and the horse May as follows; Harry Collins, J. F. some money unbeknown to her hus­ taxes for Kenton hundred, tendered was 1 somewhat bruised. There was much Webb, W. L. Porter, W. G. Rue. H. band, had Smith help her catch eight Ti t • u „ fr W1*l not publicly pledge himself to his resignation and it was accepted. son, N. J., and the follow ing year he «°, '[electfed’to to tbequali- excitement about town over the accid­ P. Shapley, A. 1). Cole, E. T. Porter. chickens, which she stowed under a Mr. Moore set forth as his reason for a ent and there was much relief when it Paul Truitt; collectors, Charles Tu» ' blanket in Powell’s carriage without was made president of that institution, T V ^ ,btatTe’by »«s, resigning the fact of ill health. Frank his knowledge, and which Smith sold to succeed Dr. Johu McClintock. He « A^‘c>e X!I o t eCon. A. Moore was elected to fill the vaeau- was learned that the occupants were ner, S. A. Collins, W. E. Fanes, F. C. to the Nickersons for $5.10, returning reunified there until 1872, when he Ti h t*®“ , . ^ cy and gave the required bond, with not seriously hurt. No blame was at­ Armstrong, Frank Boyer, 1. E. Brown, her the money. Much time was spent was elected bishop by the General and sale o intoxicating John Moore, A. T. Hoflecker and Ga­ tached to Mr. Metz as he did every­ Robert Thomas, H. K. Lewis; Ep- Conference, which met in the Aeade- j ^"ora sha» b® Sensed °r prohibit- in proving and disproving that the maliel Garrison as sureties. thing h« could to avert the accident. worth League, Ralph Jefferson, J. O, my of Music in Brooklyn. From that I * ' (2), ^ W® "‘V?* VOte for Later in the evening the injured folks chicken which Teat identified had a Motion made and carried that John Winford; Prayer Meeting, f Episcopal Methodism.” Ohio Mr. Allen has held the position for fail there will be a heavy crop. justice, "you certainly knew that you I Wesleyan University gave him the “Evils of Ignorance,” Harry Garrison ; j i"be boule their pastor Rev. Albert Reading, "The Station Agents Story,” j Chandler situated on west commerce several years having been appointed to | ------must regard the order of this court, | degrees of A. M. and D. D., and succeed his father who died while iu TWENTY-FIVE BODIES TO BE HE INTERRED Miss Julia Weldon; Declamation, ; streeL Smyrna. The parsonage for unless relieved by the court or the at- Northwestern University that of LL. "Doing his Best,” Norman Taylor; ! aeveral years has been owned by the 1 the office. Mr. Chandler is a well- torney-general. And as for you, Mr. B. Bishop Foster was converted at known Republican and was one of tbe Judge Nbrris Barrait of Philadelphia Makes a Robinson, you a former officer of this the age of twelve, and licensed to ex­ Reading, "Story of Two Little Shoes,” j Lwo churches and since Bethel has been Family Lot at Old Barrati’g Chapel, Miss Eva Foxwell; Declamation, “Be- Placed on the Cheswold Circuit the seven men in the legislature of 1901 | court, undoubtedly knew that you I bort at tbe age of fourteen, who stood out against tbe election of ■ yond,” Miss Lulu Robinson; Essay, I trustees of Serverson’s have been want- Judge Norris 8. Barrett of Pbila. were doing wrong.” J. Edward Addicks to the United j delphia is a descendant of the ill uo Sheriff Robinson nodded his head DEATH OF BISHOP JOHN F. HURST. "Independence Hall,” Miss May j to control of their pastors i re- i York; Declamation, “How Father j bome- Friendship which is also on ! States Senate. trious Delaware family for whom spectfully to the court, even after a I He Presided Over the wÏÏmiogtoii Conference ■ Carves the Duck,” Denckson Cum- I Smyrna circuit has no interest on the : “Barratt's Chapel,” the cradle of u one of $10 and costs of the attachment | at Its Annual Session Held In Smyrna. WEDDING OF POPULAR BLACKS IRD GIRL. Methodism, between Frederica and taken out against him, amounting to ; mins; Paper, editor, Ayres Stockley; J Parsonage but pay rent. At a recent Bishop John F. Hurst who will be | Debate, resolved that all persons sen- meeting of Serverson’s Board of Trus­ ------! Dover, was named, takes a keen inter- $13.94 were imposed upon him by the remembered as the presiding bishop j tenced to imprisonment should be tees it was decided to make the Bethel Miss Clara Staats, Daughter of David Staats j in the historic Delaware spot, chief justice. com- and Mr. Slsnley Matthews Married. Mr. Faulkner, who had of the Wilmington Conference daring polled to labor on the public works, j f°lks an offer and Messrs. James Trnax which boasts of one of the prettiest acted under the aavice of the former Itja I Thomas Kirby and John P. Jones were Miss Clara W. Staats, daughter of restiug places for the dead in the coun- aherifl, was compelled to pay the costs its session in Smyrna, under the pas­ Affirmative, Baynard Fowler, torate of the Rev. Adam Stengle, died Riggs, appointed a committee to effect a deal, Mr. David W. Staats of near Black- I Lr.Y- Judge Barratt has just had c* the attachment and service of same, Reed, Negative, Caroline in Washington, Monday of paralysis. j This was done for a consideration of bird, wras married last Tuesday to Mr. twenty-five bodies interred. Four of heriff Robinson said later that the Ayres Stockley. He was born in Dorchester county, The judges. Miss Beulah C. Rey- j $300.00. The trustees of Serverson’s Stanley W. Matthews of near Ches- these were brought from Philadelphia case upon which they were summoned Md., August 17th, 1843. He was gradu­ nolds, Harry Garrison and Derricksou '"tend to improve the parsonage by tertown. The ceremony took place iu aud twenty-oue will be removed from was that of the state against Robert ated from Dickinson College, Carlisle, Cummins, decided the debate mani- | building a front porch extending across the M. E. Church of Wortou, Md., tbe R"sseH burying ground, not far •ckson, for the larceny of grape poles Pa., in 1854, and after teaching for two mously in fayor of the affirmative. ! Lb® whole front, painting and papering under a bower of apple blossoms and from Barratt s Chapel, that it was a pity to push it further, years pursued theological studies in and repairing the fences &c. before a large assemblage of relatives ~m*~'~ the man had already suffered for the the Universities of Halle and Hoidel- and friends. Miss Anna S. Matthews, MAGISTRATE COOPER TRIES 7 W0 CASES. triflmg offense. burg, Germany. Ho returned home in SUFFERING WOMAN TRIED SUICIDE. BISHOP WILL VISIT ST. PETER’S CHURCH. cousin to the groom, was maid of ( Luther WaUon Gets a Severe Sentence. 1858, and entered the Newark, (N. J.) honor and the ushers were Mr. Her­ Wilton Darnall and William H. sdams Fined Found Saturday Afternoon at Her Home Near i Sunday Morning Next He Will Preach at This 'Uther Watson, a young mulatto, Conference the same year. lie has bert Matthews, brother of the groom, j For Disorderly Conduct at Odd Fellows Hall. Masten's Corner With Her Throat Cut. Parish and Confirm a Class of Candidates, j aud Mr Harry j Wel,8 of Lynch-S. Tas '“dieted for attempting a felon- traveled extensively in Europe, Syria, For beating Wilton Darnall with a l0“s assault upon Mrs. Mary E. Em- and Egypt. In 1871 he returned to the With her throat cut all the way i Rt. Rev. Leighton Coleman, Bishop The Rev. George R. Ellis of Ridgeley, loaded cane Friday evening at a festi- °ry, near Smyrna Landing. The United States having been elected pro across with a razor, Mrs. William M. 1 of the Diocese of Delaware, wilt visit Md., performed tbe ceremony. The val held at Odd Fellows Itall on East I ®onrt made quick work of this case. All lessor of historical theology in Drew Minner, wife of a merchant at Mas- ! St. Peter’s Parish, this town, next bride was gowned in a jacket suit of Street, William H. Adams was ar- We evidence was heard in less than Theological Seminary, aud in 1873 he ten’s Corner, is in a critical condition j Sunday and besides preaching a ser- mode broad cloth trimmed iu silk aud raigned before Magistrate Cooper liait an hour and the case was turned was elected president of that institu­ Dr. West, of Harrington, who was j mon will confirm a class. The ser- j white ornaments, white silk waist and Saturday and fined with cost* of $7.83, to the jury without any argument tion. He was elected bishop in 1880. sent for on Saturday evening, thinks I vices for the day will be Holy Eu char- bat and gloves to match and carried a i Adams brought a cross suit against ^ '‘targe from the judges. In less He was extensively occupied with she will recover, Mrs. Minner had ist at 7.30 o’clock in the morning, foi- bouquet of white roses. Immediately Darßall for using profane, abusive verH 10 the jury returned a literary labors, especially in the re­ been an invalid for over two years, lowed by morning prayer, sermon and after tbe ceremony they boarded the 1 and threatening language, aud for dis­ g " * «nilty and the prisoner was production of the works of the best and of late her inability to share the confirmation by the Bishop at 10.30 2.45 train amid showers of rice for i orderly conduct, and the Magistrate o’clock. Sunday School in the after- Baltimore aud Washington. On their I finpd him with costs $5.47. Both were ^®need to « years imprisonment, German authors in English trans­ cares of the household has preyed up­ noon at half past two. At this time return they will reside at Still Pond, I helii"ftbond- of $50.00 to keep the |, 116,1 hour in the pillory and 30 lations. He was the founder and chan­ on her mind. It is thought that sh® Kff \/e,Was floRged Saturday by cellor of the American University, had become temporarily insane from the new Sunday School Library will where the groom is the genial oper- peaJe. The arrests were made by Melvm before a crowd. Washington. long suffering. b® ready for the children. ator. constable Charles H. Jones. < J i Æ ' M