Monday, September 22, 2008 10:00 a.m.

A meeting of the Town of Committee of the Whole Council was held on Monday, September 22, 2008, at 10:00 a.m. in the Civic Centre Council Chambers, 19000 Leslie Street, Sharon,

PRESENT: Mayor James R. Young

Councillors Cathy Morton Virginia Hackson Marlene Johnston Jack Hauseman

STAFF: Chief Administrative Officer Thomas Webster General Manager, Development and Legal Services Don Sinclair General Manager, Community Programs and Wayne Hunt Infrastructure Director of Corporate Services/Municipal Clerk Lucille King Director of Finance/Treasurer Rebecca Mathewson Deputy Clerk Anna Knowles Technical Clerk Hajnalka Hartwick

Corporate Strategy and Communications Co-ordinator Licinio Miguelo Manager, Policy Planning Dan Stone Environmental Planner Robin Skinner Team Leader, Revenue & Property Manager, Technical Support Randy Bell [left following item C.1.] By-law and Licensing Co-ordinator Deb McCulloch [left after Item C.1.] Training Officer, Emergency Services Terry Foster [arr. 12:45 p.m.] Director of Building Approvals and Inspections/ Tim Gibson [arr. 10:24 Chief Building Official a.m.] Manager, Community Planning and Development Carolyn Kellington arr. 12:55 p.m.] Manager, Business Plans, Budgets and Reports Loren May arr. 12:55 p.m.] Team Leader, Revenue & Property Taxation Cheryl Weddell arr. 12:55]

Committee of the Whole Council Meeting September 22, 2008 Town of East Gwillimbury Page 2 of 20

ABSENT WITH NOTICE: K. Beckett, Fire Chief


OTHERS: J. Wellsbury, Post, and K. O’Brien, Canada Post E. Newmann, Bogdan and Associates Inc. (+ 1 staff) M. Pestaluky, Delta Urban Inc. (8) members of the public were present [5 members of the public arrived at approx. 12:50 p.m.]


Mayor Young called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. A quorum was present.

B. DECLARATION OF INTEREST: There were no declarations of interest.

C. COUNCIL WORKSHOP(S): 1. Post Office Issues: Mayor James R. Young, Chair John Wellsbury and Kevin O’Brien, Canada Post [Refer to Appendix 1 attached]

L. King, Director of Corporate Services/Municipal Clerk, introduced J. Wellsbury, and K. O’Brien, Canada Post.

J. Wellsbury, Manager of Delivery Planning for the G.T.A. (Greater Area), advised that there are four post offices in East Gwillimbury. Holland Landing introduced an urban postal code a number of years ago. The remaining areas of East Gwillimbury have a rural postal code. He advised that one of the benefits of an urban postal code is that mail can be processed by address only, while rural post offices rely on a great deal of historical knowledge for the sorting of mail.

J. Wellsbury further advised that a number of areas in East Gwillimbury receive mail delivery from Newmarket, Cedar Valley or Zephyr post offices. In order to have an urban postal code for the entire municipality, it would be necessary to have all of the sorting for East Gwillimbury located in one facility. This would entail significant costs related to amalgamation of the facilities and increase of the delivery network, as well as re-direction fees. In addition, there is possible negative impact to Canada Post of loss of employees who have the historical knowledge of names and addresses due to relocation.

J. Wellsbury advised that past experience has shown that there may be business objections, due to the costs involved in changing their letterhead, business cards, advertising, vehicle signage, etc. In addition, large businesses may be unwilling to Committee of the Whole Council Meeting September 22, 2008 Town of East Gwillimbury Page 3 of 20

change their address from a readily recognized municipality name to a new, perhaps less well-known name.

- Councillor Hauseman advised that concerns have arisen as the municipality faces growth, such as the development currently taking place behind Costco. J. Wellsbury advised that the postal address for the Harvest Hills area will be East Gwillimbury, with sorting to be done in Newmarket.

- Councillor Hauseman advised that Canada Post employees in East Gwillimbury have expressed that they are not receiving the co-operation of the Newmarket sorting station and are not able to pass along their historical knowledge. As well, concerns have been expressed that the Holland Landing Post Office is scheduled to be eliminated in the near future, as are those in other areas of East Gwillimbury. J. Wellsbury advised that there are no plans to close the Holland Landing Post Office or any of the other area facilities in the near future. Some routes have been moved to the Newmarket facility because there is no room to expand the Holland Landing Post Office to accommodate additional routes.

Councillor Hauseman enquired why the approximately 42 addresses located in East Gwillimbury and handled by Zephyr Post Office cannot be incorporated into the Mount Albert postal area, and why the Holland Landing facility cannot be expanded to handle the Harvest Hills development and other growth anticipated to take place in the Holland Landing area. J. Wellsbury advised that if the rural route addresses currently sorted at the Zephyr Post Office are given a Mount Albert rural route address at this time, they will have to undergo another address change when the Mount Albert area moves to urban coding, impacting the customers twice. There will be pushback from customers who do not want to go through an address change. He advised that this could be done, but it may not desirable to do so.

- In response to a further question from Councillor Hauseman, J. Wellsbury advised that the location that undelivered parcel or registered mail is directed to for pickup depends upon where the delivery route is. An attempt is made to ensure that the items are delivered for pickup as close as possible to the delivery address, sometimes a franchise location.

Councillor Hauseman requested that Mr. Wellsbury take the concerns expressed by Council today back to Canada Post.

Councillor Hackson advised that she appreciated the presentation, but did not see the answers that she had hoped would come and enquired what the future steps will be. She enquired whether Canada Post is looking to buy some property in East Gwillimbury, as there is not a large enough facility to handle mail for East Gwillimbury. J. Wellsbury advised that Canada Post has no plans to embark on civic addressing for East Gwillimbury at this time, noting that this is a large decision to be made on the part of Canada Post. He recommended that if this is the desire of the Town’s Committee of the Whole Council Meeting September 22, 2008 Town of East Gwillimbury Page 4 of 20

leadership, East Gwillimbury Council adopt a resolution and forward it to Canada Post. The matter will then be taken up by the Senior Executive level for real estate issues.

- Councillor Hackson stated that the R.R. 1 Newmarket postal address area from the southern boundary of East Gwillimbury to Queensville Sideroad, does not make sense and urged that this area be cleaned up. She advised that civic addresses are necessary for Emergency Services and everyone in the municipality has been provided with a civic address. J. Wellsbury advised that the rural route addresses predated the civic addresses and these are large decisions involving truly significant costs. He recommended that East Gwillimbury Council adopt a resolution stating what they wish to have the community known as, and advised that this will be brought forward to the Senior Executive level at Canada Post.

- Councillor Hackson enquired as to the anticipated timeframe from when the request is presented to “the powers that be” to receipt of an answer. J. Wellsbury advised that it would take possibly 12 – 18 months to gather individual addressing, then go through the address change process, following which there would be a re-direction period. He indicated that Canada Post may also request East Gwillimbury share the costs of initiating the proposed change. J. Wellsbury added that if the proposal involves a new facility, he does not feel that Canada Post will be willing to accommodate the request.

In response to a further enquiry from Councillor Hackson, J. Wellsbury advised that some municipal Councils are interested in moving to urban coding, while others are adverse to it. He advised that the Town of Caledon recently went through the process involving approximately 11,000 addresses, and it is a challenging process, with many people in favour of it and many others having objections.

Councillor Morton stated that the concern is that there are people with Newmarket addresses who are located kilometres away from Newmarket.

- Councillor Hauseman expressed concern that no sorting is now being done at the Holland Landing Post Office, and stated that with significant growth anticipated, Canada Post should be developing a plan to accommodate that growth for East Gwillimbury. He noted that Peter Van Loan, Member of Parliament for this area and Canada Post had indicated that they would reconsider.

- Mayor Young directed that a resolution be prepared outlining the Town’s request(s) and brought forward to this evening’s Council meeting for adoption, in order that it may be forwarded to Canada Post.

- Councillor Hauseman advised that snow clearing problems have been experienced on some of the main regional roads, i.e., 2nd Concession Road/Main Street – green boxes by the Hydro right-of-way area, where snow banks of up to six feet accumulate making it dangerous to park a vehicle and to climb the embankment to get to the mail Committee of the Whole Council Meeting September 22, 2008 Town of East Gwillimbury Page 5 of 20

boxes. He added that number of the residents affected in this area are seniors. No contracted service was provided to clear the snow during the past winter. J. Wellsbury advised that snow clearing at rural mailboxes is under his area of jurisdiction, and that all community mail boxes and green boxes are on the contractors’ lists and snow is cleared when snowfall exceeds five centimetres.

Mr. Wellsbury also advised that he and Canada Post share the Town’s concerns for safety and are doing their ‘level best’ to keep mail boxes clear of snow He advised that there are action plans in place, including temporary green boxes. J. Wellsbury admitted that the snowfall last winter was a real challenge.

- Councillor Hackson suggested that Canada Post review the contractors and possibly make some changes.

- In response to an enquiry from Councillor regarding temporary green boxes, J. Wellsbury advised that Canada Post had challenged the Labour Canada decision regarding rural mail boxes, and this matter is currently under appeal. Until legal proceedings are completed the safety regulations will remain in place.

- Councillor Hackson noted that some sites for the temporary mail boxes appear to have been selected in haste and added that she hopes that appropriate locations will be selected for the long term. J. Wellsbury stated that he looks forward to when the locations can be made permanent, adding that there are no issues in terms of working with the Town of East Gwillimbury to select the sites. [K. O’Brien is the Delivery Planning Officer for East Gwillimbury.]

Mayor Young thanked Mr. Wellsbury and Mr. O’Brien for coming to East Gwillimbury to receive the Town’s concerns and added that hopefully some of the issues can be resolved.

Moved by: Councillor Morton

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the presentation by J. Wellsbury and K. O’Brien, Canada Post, be received. Carried. CWC 2008-313CFS

Committee of the Whole Council and the Council Workshop recessed for a 10-minute break.

Committee of the Whole Council and the Council Workshop reconvened at 11:27 a.m. Mayor Young passed the Chair to Councillor Marlene Johnston.

2. Consolidated Official Plan Review: Councillor M. Johnston, Chair Urban Design, presentation by Ellie Newmann, Bogden and Associates with Development and Legal Services Staff [Refer to Appendix 2 attached] Committee of the Whole Council Meeting September 22, 2008 Town of East Gwillimbury Page 6 of 20

Councillor Johnston, Chair of Development and Legal Services Committee, introduced E. Newmann of Bogdan and Associates Inc. and D. Stone, Manager of Policy Planning and outlined the purpose of the Workshop.

D. Stone, Manager of Policy Planning, advised that the urban design component of the Official Plan is very important. Under Bill 51, there are some opportunities to enhance and build on urban design, and it is hoped that some of the feedback received at today’s workshop can be taken back to be incorporated as part of the Town’s Official Plan Review process.

Density and Building Type / Denisity and Built Form: - Councillor Hauseman advised that during the recent Council tour of communities in the G.T.A., he had noticed some street level townhouses where the boulevard was generally completely unkempt. The municipality had the ultimate responsibility for looking after the boulevard areas. A discussion of street level townhouses versus condominiums ensued.

- Councillor Hauseman advised that he was impressed with the Angus Glen development but did not like the commercial – retail mix, and expressed concern that generally these types of little shops are not successful.

- Councillor Hackson enquired how a variety building types and densities could be incorporated and blended into the community to provide a range of housing and other uses for a variety of incomes and lifestyles, from young families and extended families to an aging population. E. Newmann advised that he supports diversity in housing, but this is always an issue. He advised that it is important to ensure that people care about their environment and neighbourhood.

- Councillor Johnston advised that there was a desire to provide a range of housing in Mount Albert, however, at that time, the developer(s) had advised that the municipality did not have a market.

- Councillor Morton advised that her preference would be to ensure that a boulevard is provided next to the roadway for safety, particularly of young children.

- Councillor Morton advised that she liked the ‘granny flats’ that had been seen during the Council tour, but hoped that they would appear as an extension of the front development, rather than as an add-on.

- Councillor Morton further advised that her preference would be to include low to medium rise apartment buildings as a part of the community.

- Mayor Young advised that during the recent Council tour, he had not seen a particular community or development that really stood out as something that might be appropriate within East Gwillimbury. He noted that they were “looking at pods” Committee of the Whole Council Meeting September 22, 2008 Town of East Gwillimbury Page 7 of 20

without a real linkage to an existing community. He advised that there are models, whether located outside of the G.T.A. within Ontario, in other areas of Canada, or elsewhere, and that it will be necessary to take an opportunity to see some of them in order to understand how they look and function on a human scale.

- Councillor Johnston advised that there were some excellent elements in what was seen during the tour, and added that some of the developments are located within nodes where densities are higher. She further added that developers say that they are prepared to build a mix but that does not happen, and what was seen during the tour was more building of a repetitive nature. She advised that she does not wish to see more single family residential areas. E. Newmann advised that many developers specialize in a particular type of development, rather than having a greater diversity of experience.

- Councillor Johnston noted that while many boulevards are grass, there are other options, whether the boulevard is to be part of a condominium development or to be maintained by the municipality.

- Councillor Hauseman advised that he has lived in a high-rise development and felt a part of the community. He agreed with Mayor Young’s statement that good elements do exist and suggested that Council should continue to look at different examples of development, and not necessarily blended into one another.

- Councillor Johnston noted the upper photograph on slide #4, “a bit of high-rise with an opportunity for two or three-storey singles to be located at the end”. E. Newmann advised that this is a photograph of quite a large high-rise development with shops located on the ground floor, and added that “they are not talking about just density”.

- Mayor Young noted that there are a number of historical areas that have been successful. All cities had an urbanized form that was modified as needed over time.

- Councillor Morton agreed with Mayor Young that it is important that development in East Gwillimbury is unique to East Gwillimbury.

- Councillor Johnston noted that in older areas, each property is unique, while in more modern developments, everything appears to be repetitive street after street.

- Councillor Hauseman suggested looking at a mature area where redevelopment has occurred, i.e., Yonge and St. Clair area of Toronto. He advised that this area is a hub with high-density uses gradually moving into lower density neighbourhoods. He noted that the higher density development requires services, public transit, etc., and in turn provides services - shopping, restaurants, medical, etc.

- Councillor Hackson enquired what information is available with regard to the East Gwillimbury market and demographics. E. Newmann advised that today the demand in East Gwillimbury is for lower density and is somewhat limited, but the Official Plan review process is looking at a long Committee of the Whole Council Meeting September 22, 2008 Town of East Gwillimbury Page 8 of 20

term future. Mr. Newmann further noted that a conscious decision was made in North York in the 1980’s to create high density and commercial areas, and today 20 years or more later, they are taking shape.

- Councillor Hauseman added that East Gwillimbury will see redevelopment in 20 or 30 years and if the municipality becomes more urbanized, it may take on the attributes of an area like Yonge and Sheppard today.

Architectural Style: - E. Newmann drew Council’s attention to the upper right photograph in slide # 11, an upscale development located in Bath, England, which displays a great deal of repetition and regular rhythm but is anything by boring.

- Mayor Young noted that some older buildings are timeless.

- E. Newmann drew attention to the rhythm of shadows and depth created by the modern glass architecture of the building in slide #11, lower right.

Committee of the Whole Council and the Council Workshop recessed for a half-hour lunch break.

Committee of the Whole Council reconvened at 1:20 p.m. with the Council Workshop to be continued at the end of the main Committee of the Whole Council Meeting Agenda. Mayor Young was in the Chair.

D. DEPTUATION(S): 1. M. Pestaluky, Delta Urban Inc., on behalf of the Sharon West Landowner Group Inc. (Sharon Village), to address Town of East Gwillimbury Council regarding Sharon Village Phase 1 - A Complete Community

M. Pestaluky, Delta Urban Inc., provided an overview of the proposed Sharon Village Community Plan concept on behalf of the Sharon West Landowner Group. [Refer to Appendix 3 attached]

M. Pestaluky requested that Town of East Gwillimbury Council: • Support and commitment to the Sharon Village Landowners to receive a Phase I allocation of 1,324 units; • Support of this position at the Region in its discussions and negotiations; and • Commitment to pursue with the East Gwillimbury communities of Sharon, Holland Landing, and Queensville all opportunities with the Region to realize additional servicing capacity in the short term.

Mayor Young advised that there are significant issues with regard to servicing, etc. He recommended that the Sharon Village Phase 1 proposal be brought forward to the next Committee of the Whole Council meeting Committee of the Whole Council Meeting September 22, 2008 Town of East Gwillimbury Page 9 of 20

Council Workshop as one of the highlighted topics for review and discussion. Mayor Young directed that staff prepare materials as necessary for discussion.

Councillor Hauseman enquired what the current allocation is for each of the communities of Sharon, Holland Landing and Queensville.

Councillor Hackson directed that staff focus on Leslie Street improvements, the proposed north-south collector road and future park and school sites that are to be included, in their review and preparation of materials for discussion.

Councillor Johnston noted the importance of reviewing the plan with some of the concepts that have been previously articulated.

Councillor Hauseman stressed the importance of availability of proper servicing for areas of higher density, i.e., transit, social services, where needed.

Mayor Young noted that the Town will be dealing with a number of the Sharon Community Group members in a public meeting scheduled to be held on Monday, September 29th.

Mayor Young further noted that there is also a residents’ group(s) and directed that Mr. Pestaluky and the Sharon Village Landowners be put in touch with these individuals to see whether some perceived concerns may be addressed prior to the meeting.

Moved by: Councillor Morton

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the deputation by M. Pestaluky, Delta Urban Inc., on behalf of the Sharon West Landowner Group Inc. (Sharon Village), with regard to Sharon Village Phase 1: A Complete Community, be received and referred to a workshop to discuss further.

Carried. CWC 2008-314DLS

E. DEVELOPMENT & LEGAL SERVICES: Marlene Johnston, Chair 1. Development and Legal Services, Planning Branch Report P2008-78, dated September 22, 2008, re Site Plan Agreement Release of Letter of Credit, 1504257 Ontario Inc. (Cam Hiltz/Miller Waste), 112 Bales Drive East, Lot 14, Plan M-33 [File: SPA.04.04]

In response to an enquiry from Councillor Morton, D. Sinclair, General Manager, Development and Legal Services, advised that, if adopted, this will clear all outstanding Letters of Credit pertaining to this development.

Moved by: Councillor Morton Committee of the Whole Council Meeting September 22, 2008 Town of East Gwillimbury Page 10 of 20

BE IT RESOLVED THAT Development and Legal Services, Planning Branch Report P2008-78, dated September 22, 2008, regarding the Site Plan Agreement Release of Letter of Credit, 1504257 Ontario Inc. (Cam Hiltz/Miller Waste), 112 Bales Drive East, Lot 14, Plan M-33 (File: SPA.04.04) be received;

THAT Committee authorize the release of the Letter of Credit/Deposit in the amount of $5,000.00 pertaining to Site Plan File No. SPA.04.04. Carried. CWC 2008-315 DLS


1. Internal Memorandum from R. Leclair, Manager, Community Facilities and Special Projects, dated September 22, 2008 re Music at Civic Square

Councillor Morton noted that point #4 of the Internal Memorandum from W. Hunt, General Manager, Community Programs and Infrastructure, presented at the September 8, 2008 Committee of the Whole meeting stated “Council may wish to consider establishing a Civic Square Community Events Advisory Committee to assist with events such as the Car Show which could take place in future at this location…”. Councillor Morton further noted that, according to the Internal Memorandum dated September 22, 2008, staff have discussed with Mr. Zaiser an appointment to sit on this Committee. In addition, R. Broad and B. Jones, as well as a Council Liaison have been appointed to the proposed Committee.

Councillor Morton expressed concern that appointments to this new, proposed Committee were not discussed by all Members of Council. She noted that there is a protocol of providing notice, an interview process for potential committee members, and appointment to Council-appointed advisory committees.

Councillor Hauseman advised that it was his understanding that R. Broad and B. Jones were to be part of a small committee to discuss the car show(s), not a broader Civic Square Community Events Advisory Committee.

W. Hunt, General Manager, Community Programs and Infrastructure, advised that the Civic Square Community Events Advisory Committee was created as a result of the proposed car show, to include the two individuals wishing to start up the car shows and to embrace other possible events, to include Mr. Zaiser and other people involved.

Mayor Young advised that creation of the Committee was undertaken to ensure coverage of the event(s) for insurance purposes. He directed that the Committee of the Whole Council Meeting September 22, 2008 Town of East Gwillimbury Page 11 of 20

process be undertaken, i.e., to advertise, etc., and that staff bring back a report for discussion, in order to determine committee membership and the appointment of the Council liaison.

Councillor Johnston advised that in the haste of facilitating the car show event and obtaining insurance coverage, the group did not want other things scheduled to take place on the Saturday afternoon/evening. In order to permit for other events to take place, such as possibly Music at Civic Square or others, Mr. Zaiser was to be included on the Committee.

Councillor Hauseman noted that an appropriate committee will be established by resolution and by-law. Councillor Hauseman further advised that Mr. Zaiser has made a request to rent the Civic Centre for an event on Saturday, October 18th.

L. King, Director of Corporate Services/Municipal Clerk, advised that Council adopted a by-law to establish a Civic Square Community Events Advisory Committee in order to address the car show. With an overall events co-ordinating committee, consideration should be given to a number of people.

Councillor Hackson directed that staff meet with Mr. Zaiser. Councillor Hackson further enquired whether the Town will be assisting with the sale of tickets or promoting the event.

Councillor Hauseman advised that this is a performance by Mr. Zaiser, and is not to be confused with the Tuesday evening concerts. It is Mr. Zaiser’s intent to advertise the concert and sell tickets. Based on the Town’s Facility Rental Policy, full rental fees will apply for the event. This is stated in the Memorandum from R. Leclair. If anyone wishes to become involved as an individual, that is their option.

Moved by: Councillor Hackson

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Internal Memorandum from R. Leclair, Manager, Community Facilities and Special Projects, dated September 22, 2008, regarding Music at Civic Square, be received and the recommendations adopted. Carried. CWC 2008-316CPI

- W. Hunt, General Manager, Community Programs and Infrastructure, provided updates regarding a number of projects: - Sidewalk construction - Repair work on the retaining walls in Mount Albert, which should be finished later this week - Bus stop pads are being poured in Mount Albert and River Drive Park Committee of the Whole Council Meeting September 22, 2008 Town of East Gwillimbury Page 12 of 20

- Nokiidaa Trail bridge has been put into place over the and all work should be completed by the end of September - Additional water connection work is currently underway on Colonel Wayling Boulevard. It is anticipated that the work will be completed in 2008. - Repairs pertaining to drainage problems and sidewalk construction at Toll Road and Centennial Avenue will be taking place shortly.

- Councillor Hauseman advised that some of the contractor stakes have been taken down in the area of Toll Road and Centennial Avenue and election signs may be hiding others. He requested that staff advise the contractor of this in anticipation of the sidewalk being poured in the near future.

- W Hunt advised that notice of sidewalk construction work commencing will be provided on the Town’s website in the standard area.

- Councillor Morton advised that the retaining wall in Mount Albert looks very nice and the bus pads have been poured, with the remainder to be completed today in Mount Albert.

G. CORPORATE & FINANCIAL SERVICES: Mayor James R. Young, Chair 1. Corporate Services Department Report CFS2008-39, dated September 22, 2008 re Electronic Agenda and Electronic Council Chambers Procedures

Councillor Hackson thanked staff and advised that the electronic agenda had worked well for her on the weekend and so far during today’s meeting.

Councillor Morton enquired why senior staff who have laptops computers had not been included in the pilot project.

L. King, Director of Corporate Services/Municipal Clerk, drew Council’s attention to the staff report which advised that the intent is for inclusion of senior management in the pilot project for the first meeting in October. She noted that Corporate Services looked forward to everyone’s participation at the October meeting.

Mayor Young expressed his support of the pilot exercise and his desire to continue as a participant.

Moved by: Councillor Hackson

BE IT RESOLVED THAT BE IT RESOLVED THAT Corporate Services Report CFS2008-39 dated September 22, 2008 regarding Electronic Agenda and Electronic Council Chambers Processes be received; and FURTHER THAT Members of Council participate in a pilot exercise of the Electronic Agenda and Electronic Council Chambers Processes, along with participating Senior Management Staff, at the September 22, 2008 and Committee of the Whole Council Meeting September 22, 2008 Town of East Gwillimbury Page 13 of 20

October 6, 2008 Committee of the Whole and Council meetings and provide feedback to Corporate Services following the pilot exercise. FURTHER THAT Corporate Services staff report back to Council following analysis of the feedback on the pilot exercise.

Carried. CWC 2008-317CFS

2. Finance Department Report CFS2008-43, dated September 22, 2008 re Municipal Performance Measurement Program

Councillor Morton noted, Section 4.4. Adequacy of Paved Roads, on page 4 of the Municipal Performance Measurement Program Report, stating that many of our hard surface roads need repairs, in particular, Victory Drive and some of the roads located behind the Grist Mill Plaza. She enquired whether full reconstruction of certain roads is ever undertaken in East Gwillimbury.

W. Hunt, General Manager, Community Programs and Infrastructure, advised that there will be some thrust in the Grist Mill area in 2009. He advised that some funding has been received recently and applied in areas where it was felt to be most appropriate.

Moved by: Councillor Hackson

BE IT RESOLVED THAT Finance Department Report CFS2008-43, dated September 22, 2008, regarding the Municipal Performance Measurement Program (MPMP) for the 2007 Report Year, be received for information. Carried. CWC 2008-318CFS

3. Finance Department Report CFS2008-44, dated September 22, 2008 re New Mandatory Phase-in of Assessment Increases

Councillor Morton noted that real estate values have dropped during the latter part of 2007 and during 2008 and enquired how property owners will be required to deal with this and whether the municipality will be doing something to assist them.

R. Mathewson, Director of Finance/Treasurer, advised that market values have increased 19.3% in East Gwillimbury during the period from 2005 through 2008. She advised that the figures estimated by MPAC (Municipal Property Assessment Corporation) are generally somewhat conservative, and if a resident has found that their property assessment value has decreased significantly, they may apply to MPAC to request a re-evaluation. Property taxes are applied to all properties in a fair and equitable manner.

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Councillor Hackson enquired whether staff are prepared for the enquiries that will be encountered as property owners receive the notices of updated assessments over the next couple of weeks.

R. Mathewson, Director of Finance/Treasurer, advised that staff have attended seminars and met with MPAC staff last week in order to be able to reassure residents and explain what the impacts will be.

The Director of Finance/Treasurer further advised that the increase in property tax on farmland is 42% and noted that there is some concern with the impact on farmers in East Gwillimbury. The valuation process on farmland has been based on bona fide farmland on sales of farmland.

Mayor Young advised that a letter package arrived in the office today and Members of Council have been copied with the information to update them on the issue in the event of enquiries.

In response to an enquiry from Councillor Hauseman, R. Mathewson, Director of Finance/Treasurer, advised that calls from residents are expected to increase from 20 to 80 calls per day when the assessment notices are received by residents.

Moved by: Councillor Hackson

BE IT RESOLVED THAT Finance Department Report CFS2008-44, dated September 22, 2008, regarding the New Mandatory Phase-in of Assessment Increases, be received for information.

Carried. CWC 2008-319CFS

4. Finance Department Report CFS2008-46, dated September 22, 2008 re Funding of Property Tax “Capping” for Businesses in 2008

Moved by: Councillor Johnston

BE IT RESOLVED THAT Finance Department Report CFS2008-46, dated September 22, 2008, regarding the Funding of Property Tax “Capping” for Businesses in 2008, be received for information.

Carried. CWC 2008-320CFS

H. EMERGENCY SERVICES: Virginia Hackson, Chair

1. Emergency Services Department Report ESD2008-04, dated September 22, 2008

At the request of Councillor Hackson, Chair of Emergency Services, T. Foster, Training Officer, Emergency Services, advised that posters are being picked up from Committee of the Whole Council Meeting September 22, 2008 Town of East Gwillimbury Page 15 of 20

East Gwillimbury schools to be displayed in the three East Gwillimbury Fire Halls during the Open House on Saturday, October 4th, where children will come to pick them up. T. Foster encouraged Mayor Young and Members of Council to attend the Open House event at any of the East Gwillimbury Fire Stations. He advised that there will be fire safety and equipment displays and demonstrations from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., as well as refreshments. All donations collected will go towards the Cancer Centre.

T. Foster advised that the Junior Firefighter announcement will be made later this week and the information will be brought to the next meeting of Council.

Moved by: Councillor Johnston

BE IT RESOLVED THAT Emergency Services Report ESD2008-04, dated September 22, 2008 designate Fire Prevention Week to commence the week of October 5 – 11, 2008, be received. Carried. CWC 2008-321ESD

I. ADMINISTRATION: Cathy Morton, Chair 1. Joint Report of the Chief Administrative Officer, the Treasurer, and the Senior Management Team, dated September 22, 2008 re 2008 Mid-Year Business Plan and Budget Status

T. Webster, Chief Administrative Officer, introduced the mid-year Business Plan and Budget Status report and thanked L. May, Manager, Business Plans, Budgets and Reports, for his work.

The Chief Administrative Officer advised that the Operating budget is experiencing considerable pressures as a result of : - Fuel and energy cost increases and - Delays in a number of anticipated development projects due to a delay in the delivery of the Regional water supply infrastructure, and this has affected Planning and Engineering fees in Mount Albert.

To offset the diminished development revenues, staff have identified a number of expenditure savings and recommend not making a budgeted transfer to the Planning Fee Stabilization Reserve.

The Chief Administrative Officer further advised that staff have been requested to prepare a five-year projection for development fees, in order to ensure funding in a more sustainable manner.

Councillor Hackson thanked staff and expressed her appreciation for the mid- year update.

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- In response to an enquiry from Councillor Morton, T. Foster, Training Officer, Emergency Services, advised that, while he has not seen an actual report, from a practical perspective, response times in Queensville have been quite good since the two new full-time firefighters have been working.

Councillor Hackson, Chair of Emergency Services, advised that she has spoken with Chief Beckett and response times have decreased.

Moved by: Councillor Johnston

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Joint Report of the Chief Administrative Officer, the Treasurer, and the Senior Management Team, dated September 22, 2008 re 2008 Mid-Year Business Plan and Budget Status, be received for information and review.

Carried. CWC 2008-322CAO

J. OTHER BUSINESS: There were no items for discussion under Other Business.

K. PENDING LIST: - Councillor Hackson advised that Item #7. Post Office Issues has been dealt with today and may be removed from the Pending List.

- Councillor Morton noted that a number of items that Council has asked for during recent meetings have not yet come back, and recommended that Members of Council review recent minutes and retain their own lists of outstanding items to ensure that they are not overlooked.

- Councillor Hauseman requested an update with regard to Item # 11., Proposed Civic Square Pavilion.

T. Webster, Chief Administrative Officer, advised that Council had been looking at a number of possible options. There are some issues with regard to the proposed portable option, such as wiring, and others. At the previous Committee of the Whole Council meeting, information was provided with regard to two funding programs, one in the amount of approximately $750,000 in Provincial funding. The Director of Finance/Treasurer is currently compiling a list of projects and one of these will be the event pavilion, whether as an interim or permanent solution. The Chief Administrative Officer further advised that it is hoped that a report will be brought forward to the first meeting in October.

Mayor Young passed the Chair to Councillor Marlene Johnston

C.2. Consolidated Official Plan Review cont… Committee of the Whole Council Meeting September 22, 2008 Town of East Gwillimbury Page 17 of 20

Urban Design, presentation by Ellie Newmann, Bogden and Associates with Development and Legal Services Staff

Pedestrian Supportive Communities / Transit and Cycling: - Councillor Hackson advised Sudbury has different designated trails and pathways for non-motorized and motorized use, as well as some that permit both. There are a number of types of vehicles permitted including golf carts.

- Councillor Hauseman stated that it is necessary to look at reduced car dependency, and added that we may be on the cusp of looking at a new vehicle that will not be dependent on gas in the future and it will be necessary to consider the impact that may have.

- Councillor Hackson noted that in addition to reduced car dependency, consideration needs to be given to car pooling, ties to employment areas – Highway 404 and 400, parking closer to the building or underground, especially in employment areas.

- Councillor Johnston noted that as society moves from individual families having their own green space, all areas outside the home will become public space.

- E. Newman advised that the proportion of building height and setback is within the jurisdiction and control of the municipalities, and in response to an enquiry from Councillor Johnston, advised that there are ratios with respect to proportions and setback.

- Councillor Morton noted slide #13 and stated that for CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design) purposes, it may be preferable to have a little more setback for porches.

- Councillor Morton advised that she likes the idea of pedestrian boulevard space along the busier roads and noted the two lower photographs on slide #15. Councillor Morton advised that she would prefer not to see street parking on busy main roadways, as in the lower right photograph, adding that ‘taming the streets’ to make them safe for people will require traffic calming initiatives.

- Councillor Hauseman stated that the focus appears to be on public and commercial areas and noted that main streets do not necessarily have to be a commercial area. Only one of the historical East Gwillimbury communities has a downtown business area. The other communities have more of a heritage focus.

- Councillor Hackson added that it will be a fine line to distinguish people areas, residential or commercial.

- Councillor Hauseman noted that the Costco Plaza will be the local neighbourhood plaza for residents of Harvest Hills, requiring access for walking, bicycling, as well as other pedestrian amenities, i.e., places to sit.

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- Councillor Hauseman noted that safe bicycle paths and amenities are proposed to be incorporated in new developments, but there is nothing proposed to link up with in the older sections of the municipality.

Outdoor Rooms: - E. Newmann advised that outdoor rooms, urban squares and pedestrian spaces primarily contain passive functions, such as seating, attractive plantings or a focal point such as a water feature or art feature.

- E. Newmann further noted that streets can also be designed to permit people to sell things on the street.

- Councillor Hackson remarked on the upper left photograph contained in the Urban Design Workshop material, noting the sloping terrace and open stage structure design.

Stormwater: - E. Newmann advised that various options using stormwater ponds, infiltration trenches and bio-swales as a naturalized feature can be used to create or enhance urban areas, i.e., a lookout, a gazebo, or pedestrian bridge, neighbourhood mailbox location, and others.

- Councillor Hackson agreed that the Town should take advantage of storm water management features.

Commercial Areas and Mixed Use: - Ellie Newman advised that provision of parking is key for successful commercial and mixed use areas, but cautioned that the municipality cannot rely solely on street parking to provide sufficient parking spaces.

- E. Newmann noted that dimensions are important to ensure a people-friendly environment. He also discussed ‘lifestyle centres’, which are basically a shopping centre turned inside out to face onto the street.

- E. Newman advised that there is a need for big box stores, but enhancements are possible with better architecture and entranceways, improved signage, awnings, lighting, seating and landscaping to create a pedestrian-friendly atmosphere, or by partially addressing the street. He noted that these can be mandated by the municipality, but this should start now in areas such as Green Lane and Yonge, for example.

Places to Work: - Councillor Hauseman noted that the office space vacancy rate is high at this time, however, there are opportunities for retail and industrial development.

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Core Areas and Nodes:

- E. Newmann suggested that 2nd Concession Road across from the Go Station would make sense for the creation of a core area or node.

- Councillor Johnston stated that regard for the river will need to be encouraged and any new development locating along the river should face the river, i.e., in the Green Lane area. She added that the Queensville Sideroad and River Drive Park area provides an opportunity to elaborate on the benefits and beauty of the East Holland River.

- Councillor Morton noted that the East Holland River at Queensville Sideroad will receive a historical plaque from the Province in 2009, and added that this would be a great opportunity to undertake construction of some enhancements, i.e., benches, a boardwalk, perhaps in conjunction with York Region.

- Councillor Hauseman noted that the core area focus should be on Sharon as the centre of the municipality and on Mount Albert as the only established downtown business core. He stated that while Holland Landing is located in close proximity to , historically it has never had a downtown business core, however, Holland Landing contains a significant number of heritage structures and these should be celebrated, rather than trying to focus on development of a retail core.

Moved by: Councillor Morton

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the presentation by E. Newmann, Bogden and Associates and Town of East Gwillimbury Staff, regarding Urban Design, be received. Carried. CWC 2008-323DLS

Councillor Johnston returned the Chair to Mayor Young.

L. IN-CAMERA: - Personal matters about an identifiable individual(s) - A proposed or pending acquisition or sale of land for municipal purposes - Receiving advice subject to solicitor/client privilege

Moved by: Councillor Hauseman

BE IT RESOLVED THAT we proceed In Camera at 3:35 p.m. in order to address matters pertaining to:

Security of municipal property;

Personal matters about an identifiable individual(s); Committee of the Whole Council Meeting September 22, 2008 Town of East Gwillimbury Page 20 of 20

A proposed or pending acquisition or sale of land for municipal purposes;

Labour relations or employee negotiations;

Litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals;

Receiving advice subject to solicitor/client privilege;

Education and training;

A matter in respect of which Council has authorized a meeting to be closed under another Act. Carried. CWC 2008-324CFS

Moved by: Councillor Hauseman

BE IT RESOLVED THAT we Rise and Report from In-Camera at 4:50 p.m.

Carried. CWC 2008-325CFS

M. ADJOURNMENT: Moved by: Councillor Hauseman

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Committee of the Whole Council Meeting adjourn at 4:51 p.m. Carried. CWC 2008-326CFS

James R. Young, Mayor

Lucille King, Municipal Clerk Meeting Minutes adopted on October 6, 2008.