Coins: Corinth Excavations, 1977, Forum Southwest
COINS: CORINTH EXCAVATIONS, 1977, FORUM SOUTHWEST (PLATE48) D URING THE 1977 SEASON, excavation took place in the southwest corner of the Forum of Ancient Corinth. Results of that work have been describedas a whole by Charles K. Williams, II, Director of Corinth Excavations, in Hesperia, Volume 47.1 The C. K. Williams, II, "Corinth 1977, Forum Southwest,"Hesperia 47, 1978, pp. 1-39. For previous reports, see idem, "Corinth 1976: Forum Southwest,"Hesperia 46, 1977, pp. 40-81; J. E. Fisher, "Coins:Corinth Excavations, 1976, Forum Southwest,"Hesperia 49, 1980, pp. 1-29; Williams and Fisher, "Corinth,1975: Forum Southwest,"Hesperia 45, 1976, pp. 99-162. The following abbreviationsare used here in addition to those listed in AJA 82, 1978, pp. 3-8: Agora II = M. Thompson, The Athenian Agora, II, Coins from the Roman through the Venetian Period, Princeton 1954 Antioch IV = G. C. Miles, "IslamicCoins," Antioch-on-the-Orontes IV, i, Princeton 1948 Asyut Hoard = M. Price and N. Waggoner, Archaic Greek Coinage, The Asyut Hoard, London 1975 Babelon, Tr. II = E. Babelon, Traite des monnaiesgrecques et romainesII, Bologna 1910 Bibl. Nat. I = C. Morrisson, Cataloguedes monnaies byzantinesde la BibliothequeNationale, I, d'Ana- (Byz.) stase Ier a Justinien II (A.D. 491-71 1), Paris 1970 BMC = A Catalogueof Greek Coins in the British Museum, London 1873- BMCRE = H. Mattingly, Coins of the Roman Empire in the British Museum, London 1923- BMC, Wroth = W. Wroth, Catalogue of the Coins of the Vandals, Ostrogothsand Lombards,and the Empires of Thessalonica,Nicaea and Trebizond,in the British Museum, London 1911 Cohen = H.
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