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Con Kolivas Releases Linux 5.9-ck1 (MuQSS)

By Roy Schestowitz Created 19/10/2020 - 12:44pm Submitted by Roy Schestowitz on Monday 19th of October 2020 12:44:03 PM Filed under Linux [1]

-ck hacking: linux-5.9-ck1, MuQSS version 0.204 for linux-5.9 [2]

Unfortunately these past few months have been marred by lockdown and family issues, culminating in the ultimate death of my father just over a month ago (unrelated to covid19 but made that much worse because of its effects on everything in our city) so was the furthest thing from my mind and a 5.8 resync never happened. He'll be sorely missed, and if this were something more substantial I'd dedicate it towards him but it doesn't do him justice.

Announcing a new -ck release, 5.9-ck1 with the latest version of the Multiple Queue Skiplist Scheduler, version 0.204 These are patches designed to improve system responsiveness and interactivity with specific emphasis on the desktop, but configurable for any workload. Linux 5.9-ck1 Released With Updated MuQSS - Phoronix [3]

Independent Linux kernel developer Con Kolivas (and retired anaesthetist) is back on track with a new update to his "CK" patch-set and the MuQSS scheduler.

The retired doctor had taken some time off from his kernel development hobby earlier this year to help design equipment for the COVID-19 battle. He did manage to release his updated patches for Linux 5.7 but has been becoming increasingly concerned over the size of the Linux kernel and his ability in the future to continue maintaining these independent patches as a result. Making the matters worse, his father passed away (non-COVID) and that further complicated his development work.


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