Vilnius, Issue 2(12), March 2010


Let’s admit it, little is said about good things that Considering the topics of the articles mentioned take place in Belarus. So rarely we hear anything above, cultural life in Belarus is the sphere experi- positive about this country that one might even encing an upturn: new ideas are appreciated, art wonder – is there a bright side of Belarus? After experiments are feasible and international coopera- receiving a good few of articles, I have no doubts tion is productive. that yes, there is. Here we publish the articles that looked at the positive aspects of life in Belarus from As Olga Tomashevskaya puts it in her contribu- original, seldom discussed point of view. Aliaksei tion, economic and political life in Belarus does Shota’s contribution overviews cultural develop- not flounder either. We see the bright side here ments in 2009 presenting new trends in Belarusian in changing mentality, the coming of a positive cinematography and , uprise of new art spaces estimation of private entrepreneurship. and media platforms created to talk about as well All three authors end their pieces by expressing as promote Belarusian art. their wish that good aspects of life in Belarus would Ekaterina Glod in turn goes deeper in analysing new endure, develop and push their way into other tendencies in Belarusian cinema. The festival spheres. I join the contributors of the current issue Listapad could be a touchstone when assessing the by encouraging to find and to contribute to good quality of Belarusian cinematography and when things in Belarus. discussing choices that make in terms of international film industry. Julija Narkeviciute, Editor

Cultural Developments in Belarus: There Are a Lot Contents of Things to Discuss

Cultural Developments in Aliaksei Shota, journalist lecture room in one building – quite an unexpected variety on culture map. Thus a former glass Belarus: There Are The year 2009 was remarkable for culture events in bottle return centre turned into a meeting point a Lot of Things Belarus. In contrast to political or social spheres, where exhibitions, presentations and debates take to Discuss culture was booming with life. Aliaksei Shota, journalist place. Cultural events offered by “Ў” are as unique Certainly, Belarus still cannot beat the neighbouring 1 for Belarus, as the letter of the Belarusian alpha- countries in musical culture development. We lack bet that became its . It may well be that the publishers, art galleries, clubs, as well as ordinary famous conceptual artist Artur Klinau will change Creating a coffee houses and bear pubs. Furthermore, the his opinion and Minsk will quit being the ‘capital Positive Image of music on FM radio creates an image that there is without galleries’ for him? only one music . However, in the year 2009 Belarus: Listapad In August – September 2009, the biggest modern there were some positive developments that cannot Film Festival art festival in the history of independent Belarus stay unnoticed. Ekaterina Glod, analyst Dakh-9 took place in the Palace of Arts in Minsk. 3 Let’s start with art centres and galleries. The be- The festival had a status of the international event, ginning of the year seemed to be sad. The popular thanks to the artists of the German art centre Tache- Forced Minsk gallery Podzemka (Underground) was quietly les and other partners (artists from 11 countries shut down when its owner decided it format was Transformation participated in the festival). It’s been the ninth year ‘not interesting’. Luckily, the loss was more than of cooperation with Tacheles, which was reflected Olga Tomashevskaya, compensated by an opening of a new cultural centre in the name of the festival. Art lovers could take a journalist under the name ‘Ў’. The gallery ‘Ў’ is a book store, look at pieces of fine arts, sculptures, photo exhi- 5 a coffee place, a concert and cinema hall, and a bitions, as well as enjoy performances, literature, 1 2 (12), March 2010

music, and video-art. On the whole the N.R.M., Krama, and Ulis – remembered their youth The return to festival generated considerable public excitement. by playing songs from the first albums. There was no single day when the Palace of Arts Basovishcha’s main competitor Belarusian – Ukrain- Belarusfilm of was not crowded. Most importantly, the festival ian festival Be Free is very likely to finally stop the previously was talked about. The opinions differed greatly. In travelling and get settled in Chernihiv this year. the Belarusian vacuum of debates, every discussion The main advantage of this music event is no visa ‘problematic’ is worth its weight in gold. requirements on the Ukrainian border. It is the need directors as Dakh-9 was preceded by an extremely interesting to get entry visas to that makes great impact exposition of Belarusian modern art provocatively on the number of Basovishcha visitors. Mr. Kolbyshau, named Belarusian pavilion at the 53rd Venice Bien- Belarus can’t boast of music festivals of such a Mr. Kananovich and nale. It was provocative as in 2009 Belarus again did scale. However, the festivals BelaMusic 2009, not become a participant of this major exhibition. Graffitti Picnic, or Navalnitsa (Thunderstorm) Mr. Kudzinenka In line with the wisdom ‘if Belarusian artists do cannot stay unremarked. Regrettably, all festivals has become a real not come to Venice, bring Venice to them’, BelExpo were held around Minsk, leaving out the forgotten exhibition centre for a few days turned into the city provinces again. sensation. of gondolas, bridges and pigeons. One can presume We should also pay special attention to the concerts it was the first such a large-scale presentation of of Lacrimosa and Prodigy in Minsk. Hopefully, Belarusian modern art. Along with enjoying the thanks to them Minsk will finally become a regular exhibition, the public could receive comments from stop in the world stars’ tours and their fans will not critics, culture experts and authors. have to go to Warsaw or Moscow anymore. For Now let’s continue with discussing main develop- instance, Rammstein will make a stop in Minsk ments on the country’s ‘music front’. FM stations during its upcoming tour. with their cheap pop-music format did not change Let’s now move on to cinematography. In his recent much. However, television did pay attention to an interview, movie critic Andrei Rasinski has fairly alternative stage. The new seasons ofStar Ring and called the Belarusian cinema the most dreadful in Attention, Live Sound programmes presented to the world, and criticized some of its latest movies, the general public previously marginal Belarusian namely Dnepr Frontier (Днепровский рубеж) and rock groups. Assignment for You (Вам задание) for bad script Talking of music bands, a few of them properly and poor acting. During the last years Belarusfilm represented Belarus abroad. Rock revival band The got used to making ideologically correct military Toobes from Minsk could be named the debut of the with zero artistic and commercial value, since keeping a job there does not mean making a year. It played as a warm-up for Franz Ferdinand successful movie. Belarusfilm survives on income in St. Petersburg and awoken the interest of the injections from the Russian movies which are often British producer Tricky. Minsk band Port Mone shot in Minsk due to lower prices. recorded the best album of the year, according to the Croatian website, and interested Therefore, the return to Belarusfilm of the previ- a number of Muscovites during the Belarusian ously ‘problematic’ directors as Mr. Kolbyshau, Mr. music festival Mozhno! (You Can!). The festival Kananovich and Mr. Kudzinenka, the author of the also presented other bands popular among certain cult movie Occupation. Mysteries (Оккупация. groups of the public, such as freak-cabaret The Silver Мистерии), has become a real sensation. The Wedding (Серебряная Свадьба) or Cassiopeia movies shot by these former ‘partisans’ are even (Кассиопея). more interesting, for instance, Mr. Kolbyshau’s The Wolves (Волки), a psychological anti-totalitarian The Toobes’ main achievement is that their style drama. Mr. Kananovich with his graduate work differs from the mainstream Belarusian alterna- The Colour of Love (Цвет любви), has become tive music. They sound like a Western band. The super-popular among students. Currently he’s same is true for the participants of Mozhno! festi- working on a new comedy Money Tree (Денежное val – they incomparably differ from the ‘heroes of дерево) whereas Mr. Kudzinenka is working on a the underground’ – the formerly banned groups. bulba1-horror, the first Belarusian gothic horror Other interesting young bands were presented by movie with comedy elements. the website which filled in the empty However, that might not be enough for serious, niche with music reviews after the natural ‘death’ systemic changes in the Belarusian cinematography. of the newspaper Muzykalnaya Gazeta. Among Belarusfilm structure has not changed since the the ‘good old guys’ the traditionally strong position Soviet times. This is a bureaucratic organization was kept by Liapis Trubetskoy (Ляпис Трубецкой) not used to advertising, promoting and selling with his new leftish anarchistic album Kultprosvet its products, not to speak about efforts to make a (Culture education), as well as Liavon Volski (Лявон movie a success. Вольский) and Zmitser Vatsiushkevich (Змитер Вайтюшкевич), who gathered interesting musicians Finally, I’d like to say a few words about media for their new joint projects. platforms informing the wide public about cultural The good old music festivalBasovishcha celebrated th its 20 anniversary in Poland, 20 km from the 1 bulba - potatoes in Belarusian, is a sym- Belarusian border. The old timers of the festival – bol plant of Belarus – translator’s remark. 2 2 (12), March 2010

events and assessing their cultural value. Besides the ably settled in the city centre, while some of them If earlier success traditional media, during the last year we learned even got on the TV screens. Their existence as well of cultural news thanks to the Budzma campaign. as the high value of their work has been declared of Belarusian Based on a simple blog at Wordpress, the group publicly. Furthermore, they got united and self- of journalists and culture figures has significantly organized, which is so different from the popular music bands was contributed to promotion of Belarusian culture. saying ‘where we have 2 Belarusians, we have 3 often explained by is not only a news portal, presenting political parties’. event announcements and culture analysis. Cam- their presence on Moreover, the Belarusian culture demonstrated paign Budzma includes concerts, presentations, that it can be interesting abroad. If earlier success the ‘ban list’, now contests and projects united by a common promo- of Belarusian music bands was often explained by tion campaign. Its slogan is: ‘Let’s be Belarusians their presence on the ‘ban list’ (i.e. the public would people are primarily – this unites us and makes us unique!’ come to see ‘banned’ artists despite the quality), interested in music, To conclude, the above mentioned trends and now people are primarily interested in music, texts, facts firstly represent an implicit penetration of the performance techniques, and not the ideological texts, performance modern Western-like thinking into the Belarusian part of it. The Belarusian independent culture techniques, and not context. At last, a writer does not have to be a has finally broke loose from the pro-government/ fighter for the national revival, he can simply write pro-opposition framework, and has really become the ideological part and tell his stories. A writer stops being ‘saint’, he independent. of it. becomes an ordinary man, no better and no worse Finally, the Belarusian culture provokes discussions than the others. and disputes. It means it is diverse and attractive. Secondly, even though former ‘marginals’ have not No one would talk about weak, uninteresting art. become ‘part of the ’ yet, they are conceived Let’s hope, we will have things to talk about in as being less suspicious now. They have comfort- 2010 as well.

Creating a Positive Image of Belarus: Listapad Film Festival

Ekaterina Glod, analyst During the sixteen festivals since 1993 Belarusians While negative prevail when talking about were able to enjoy Andrei Konchalovsky’s Ship of Belarus, every now and then I feel a strong desire to Fools (Корабль дураков), Florian Henckel von talk about something positive – about the ‘bright Donnersmarck’s The Lives of Others, Dardenne side of life’ in Belarus. In particular, I’d like to refer brothers’ The Silence of Lorna, Jacques Audiard’s to the international Minsk film festival Listapad A Prophet, and many others. which is one of the official cultural events worth Listapad offers a unique opportunity to watch appreciation for its contribution in creating a posi- post-Soviet directors’ works and feel the flavour tive image of modern Belarus abroad. of national cinema schools. However, one should The initial concept of Listapad was a film forum note that ‘geographical boundaries’ of Minsk cinema for the CIS countries and the Baltic States. As forum does not limit itself to CIS countries. The last years went by, the festival grew and won its audi- year’s 16th Minsk International Film Festival involved ence. Eventually, in 2003, after a decade since its a record number of movies: about 300 films from launch, it officially became an international event. 52 states were presented to the selection commit- The main founder of the festival is the Ministry of tee. For the first time Minsk film festival presented . Since 2000 it is held under the movies from Albania, Macedonia, Croatia, the sponsorship of the President. Listapad today is one Philippines, and Chile. of the biggest festivals organized in the post-Soviet area, giving way only to Konotavr and Moscow Beside the geographical criterion, another significant International Film Festival. touchstone in Listapad’s film selection is spirituality. In the opinion of the organizers, cinema must appeal Listapad is the ‘festival of festivals’, as it offers view- to the best human feelings and educate viewers. ers the movies that have already become nominees or prize winners of various national and interna- Certainly, in the era of prevailing postmodernism, tional film contests. Although this concept leaves when art unambiguously denied all pretensions to no place for novelty or discovering new authority and monopoly of the truth and viewers (and this is the main purpose of film festivals!), are expected to become co-authors of text as well it gives Belarusian viewers a chance to watch the as draw the meaning of a piece of art themselves, a best pieces of the modern film industry and learn purpose to teach viewers evokes many smiles. Not about new trends. This is especially relevant hav- to mention the fact that an attempt to educate by ing in mind that the festival takes place not only determining what movies to watch smells totalitari- in the capital, but in provinces of Belarus as well. anism. However, it might well happen that due to 3 2 (12), March 2010

the so-called ‘spirituality’ Listapad always succeeds and New Year Adventures in July (Новогодними We have a right to in avoiding ‘glamourification’ in the movies. приключениями в июле) by Elena Turova and Listapad is also a cinema forum, an opportunity Ivan Pavlov in the program of Listapadzik. In the hope that under the for the Belarusian public to communicate with lo- out-of-competition programme the public enjoyed cal and foreign masters. During the 16 years of its Cadet (Кадет), a psychological drama by Vitaly direction of the new Dudin, while Belarusian was represented life the festival was honoured by directors Nikita by a series of new Belarusfilm productions: series minister of culture Mikhalkov, Stanislav Govorukhin, Krzysztof Za- of The Story of Last Years (Повесть минвуших nussi, Kira Muratova, actors Vasily Lonovoy, Oleg Pavel Latushka, лет), Nestserka (Нестерка), Once Upon A Time Yankovsky, Alena Babenko and many others. They There Was The Last Fly (Жила-была последняя expert of both moderated discussions and debates, held press- Мушка), and others. Belarusian fairy-tale for conferences, presented their works and interacted national culture children New Year Adventures in July received a with Belarusian viewers in cinema cafes. Again, special prize of Listapadzik, whereas the ‘bronze’ and world culture these cultural events take place not only in Minsk of the festival went to the military thriller Sniper but in the regions of the country as well. Tatyana by A. Yefremov. heritage, Minsk Doronina, Oleg Tabakov, Alexander Mindadze and international festival other stars of Russian and world movie industry The film that particularly needs to be mentioned shared their experience with young Belarusian is R. Gritskova’s Insight starring Bogdan Stupka. Listapad will only cinematographers. This particular part of the fes- A very bright camera work was done by Tatiana improve and get rid tival becomes ever more important since Belarus Loginova while the film script written by Alena has staked on investing in its own cinema makers. Kaliunova can be called a high quality cinema of its past drawbacks. Organizers hope to see Peter Greenaway and Emir literature. It is practically the only recent script Kusturica among festival guests in the future. materializing existentialism - an absolutely new line for the Belarusian cinematography. The film Special projects within the framework of Listapad keeps the spectators electrified until the very last are a distinctive feature and advantage of the cultural seconds. The effect is achieved due to the clear event. During the last festival, for instance, Lidia rhythmical structure, as well as the compositional Fedoseyeva-Shukshina, national artist of , and dramaturgic alignment, which is typical for presented a retrospective show of the films by Va- th Gritskova’s works, but quite rare in the Belarusian siliy Shukshin, dedicated to the 80 birthday of this cinematography. The movie is so remote from what famous writer, actor and film director. Another sea- was produced by Belarusfilm earlier. It demonstrates sonal novelty was the programme called Parallels, that the Belarusian film industry is going in the right organized in cooperation with the embassies of the direction – creation of high quality movies along countries which took part in the festival (Argentina, with European traditions. Chile, India, Kazakhstan, , and ). The program is aimed at increasing the interest to the Strange as it may seem, many of the new trends national cultures and promoting achievements of in the film studio are the result of the work of different cinematographic schools. Vladimir Zametalin, who took over the studio a few years ago. Although while occupying the Listapad’s main programme includes three contests position of a deputy head of the President’s of- presenting to the audience fiction and non-fiction fice Mr. Zametalin seemed to be the opponent of movies as well as films for children and teenagers. everything that is Belarusian, Belarusfilm revived The contest of documentary films is a part that namely under his management. The film studio was Listapad can be proud of. As documentaries are technically re-equipped, its building went through rarely shown, Minsk cinema forum makes a great major repairs. Its general manager puts serious contribution to acquainting the audience with the efforts into returning the Belarusian heritage. It genre and to ‘cultivating’ the society in general. More was Mr. Zametalin who initiated legal procedures than 30 documentary makers from 26 countries for returning Belarusian heritage back home and of the world were assessed by the jury in 2009. who invites interesting Belarusian movie-makers For the first time the contest presented the films to work at the studio. by directors from Australia, Macedonia, Croatia, We have a right to hope that under the direction Thailand, and the Philippines. of the new minister of culture Pavel Latushka, ex- As regards the Belarusian cinema, certainly the pert and connoisseur of both national culture and promotion of the national cinematography is world culture heritage, Minsk international festival one of the main objectives of Listapad. Listapad Listapad will only improve and get rid of its past 2009 celebrated the 85th anniversary of the na- drawbacks. No doubt, Belarusian spectators deserve tional cinematography. Belarusfim products were an interesting and modern cinema forum. They presented in all festival programs: The Sniper: seem to be ready to articulate their civilizational The Punishment Weapon (Снайпер. Оружие choice a lot more clearly. It’s no coincidence that возмездия) by Alexander Yefremov and Insight for the first time in 10 years the Belarusian audi- (Инсайт) by Renata Gritskova in the fiction film ence gave ‘gold’ and ‘silver’ prizes to European, and contest, Eternal Return (Вечное возвращение) by not Russian, films, while the ‘bronze’ went to the Mikhail Zhdanovski in the documentary contest, national cinematograph.

4 2 (12), March 2010

Public opinion is favourable for the Forced Transformation development of business in the Olga Tomashevskaya, journalist rouble and 22.8% - deepening of the economic crisis in the country. country. The impact of the world economic crisis and the shrunken support from Russia make official Minsk At the same time, Belarusian authorities are so carry out economic reforms. Today the Belarusian far able to solve their financial problems, at least Government is simply coerced to carry them out partially, by means of the increase of foreign loans. that is why it does this slowly and unwillingly. What- Last year for the first time in many years Minsk was ever that may be, the given situation will hardly help granted a loan from the IMF within the framework Minsk to escape from the market transformations, of the stand-by program. It amounted to USD 3.63 which in due time will lead to the springing up of billion. It is quite possible that the parties will discuss the politically active middle class in Belarus. the possibility of granting a new loan after the work in the said program is finished in April 2010. The gravest problem of Belarusian economy, which was called forth by the world financial crisis, was the Belarusian authorities as well as international radical contraction of export. Foreign consumers financial organizations are well aware of the fact started to purchase fewer Belarusian goods due to that loans are nothing more than temporary solu- their financial problems. As a result, the scope of tion of the problems. One of the major conditions foreign trade according to the statistics of 2009 was imposed by the IMF for its loans is the execution reduced by 30.7 % compared to 2008 whereas the of privatization in the country. In the opinion of deficit of the trade balance went up and exceeded the international experts it would allow not only USD 7.28 billion. The situation in the foreign trade to attract necessary finances into the Belarusian gave rise to a number of problems in the Belarusian economy but also to modernize enterprises. The economy including the shortage of foreign currency development of private ownership in Belarus would in the country. The issue of the currency inflow may be instrumental in increasing budgetary income be aggravated in the near foreseeable future due and decreasing the threat of mass unemployment. to the contracted economic support from Russia. Apparently, official Minsk also starts perceiving the Moscow revoked all preferential terms to Minsk necessity of the development of private initiative. for the supplied oil and at the same time increased It may not be by chance that for more than a year threefold the customs duty for it. This will inevitably the officials continue talking about the liberaliza- lead to the decrease of income from the Belarusian tion of economy. oil refinement and the export of oil products. It was Last year the procedure of the registration of en- namely that export that used to be one of the most terprises was simplified considerably. According important sources of foreign currency. to Alexander Kalinin, the head of the Belarusian Union of Entrepreneurs, it was that measure alone The economic problems in question became a that increased the business activity by one fourth strong headache for the official Minsk since they in the country. Minsk has also taken a number may give rise to serious social consequences. In of other steps that were conducive to business particular, they may result in the contraction of development. budget programs and wage decrease in the public sector. Besides, problems related to the selling of World Bank and the International Financial Cor- products may call forth a sudden rise of overt or poration in their report Doing Business published disguised unemployment. Rumours about a number in 2009 went so far as to Belarus as one of the of enterprises cutting the time of the working week leaders in the sphere of reforms. At the same time and even common talk of mass sackings in major experts are of the opinion that Belarus will have to enterprises come up periodically. For instance, at make a considerable effort to form a really favour- the end of February the Belarusian Service of the able climate for the attraction of investments and Radio Freedom (Radio Svoboda) announced about development of business activities. the possibility of staff reduction in Minsk automo- “For a long time Belarusian government was bile plant (MAZ) – one of the major enterprises cautious about the introduction of market trans- of the country. formations since the prevalence of state property Belarusians are anxious about the economic prob- forms the basis of an authoritarian power whereas lems more than anybody else. As the public survey the development of business may form a middle carried out last December by the Independent class, which forms the basis of a civic society. The Institute of Social-Economic and Political Research ruling elite still makes effort to restrain the process registered in Lithuania shows, four of the five most of reforms although in the end it will have to carry important events in 2009 for Belarusians are associ- out full-fledged transformations” – said Alexander ated with the situation in economics. Thus, rise in Klaskovskij, an independent Belarusian political prices was the main event in the opinion of 59.7% scientist in his interview to Bell. of citizens, 38% of people pointed to the salary and According to experts, public opinion is favourable pension cuts, 31% - devaluation of the Belarusian for the development of business in the country. 5 2 (12), March 2010

Although in the wake of the disintegration of the professor of sociology Oleg Manaev “the number The more USSR in early 1990 Belarusians distrusted private of the supporters of market reforms makes up no entrepreneurship the situation today is radically less than two thirds of the country’s population”. representatives different. Olga Abramova, a political scientist and Alexander Klaskovskij is persuaded that irrespective of small and an ex-MP is of the opinion that “Belarusians had a of the unwillingness of the ruling elite the processes chance to appreciate the merits of the competitive of market transformations in Belarus will persist and medium business economy, which exercised a favourable influence in due time they will cause the transformation of are established in on their money bags and the quality of life – prices the political system as well. “The more representa- went down and the amount of goods as well as the tives of small and medium business are established Belarus, the more number of services increased. One more reason for in Belarus, the more intensive their search for the intensive their search the alteration of the attitude towards entrepreneur- ways to unite and defend their interests will be”. The ship was the fact that in Belarus there are more political scientist thinks that present authorities will for the ways to unite and more people who have become better versed try to obstruct those processes but they have small and defend their in making their private business”. According to chances to delay them for a long time. interests will be.

Opinion expressed by the authors of “Bell” does not necessarily correspond with that of the Eastern Studies Centre.


Julija Narkeviciute Phone: +37067805634 Nordic Council of Ministers Fax: +37052736953 E-mail: [email protected] EASTERN EUROPE STUDIES CENTRE