A Record of Events, Prepared in the Office of the Adjutant General, the Artillery Center, Fort Sill, Oklahoma
A record of events, prepared in the Office of the Adjutant General, The Artillery Center, Fort Sill, Oklahoma. LIBRARY The Art:llery Schooi Fort S'II. Oklahonlil Twenty-cnv :ort Sill l~jors received orders promoting them to Lieutel1£'.ntColonel with rank from December 28 this week. And conGratulations are in order for 28 officers who exchan/3:eo,their railroad tracks for the gold oak leaves of majority. The Officer Candidate School for Artillery will be reactivated at Fort Sill next month, lLaj Gen Aurthur M. Harper, CG, TAC, announced this week. The duration of the course is 22 weeks. The OCS, expected for some time, has finally been officially approved for Fort Sill. As was done in ~orld War II, this Officer Candidate School will train selected young enlisted and inducted men for corx~ission as second lieutenants of field artillery. OCS will move into buildings no'/{occupied bJT the Reception Center, in the 3000 Area. Chaplain (Capt) Leon Henr~l, formerly pastor of the First Bapt:1st Church in Leedy, Okla, is a recent addition to the ?ost Chaplain Staff. Recalled to active duty in November, Chaplain Henry attended a four-weeks refresher course at Carlisle Barracks, Pa, before coming here. The Army Education Center plans to becin the mw year vdth some 12 off-duty classes, Lt Col C'.eorgeJ. Helms, 'I'rocp I & E Officer said tode.y. These courses, intended to l:l",ot the nOGclG of ndli tar~' pcrsonnoJ, ":,ill sot ",:ador wa:; as 800Ii t'l.3 a min:imuc(of 10 students are enrolled in the courses concerned.
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